File no. 37566 SUPREME COURT OF CANADA (On appeal from a judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec) BETWEEN: YVES BRUNETTE, es qualites trustee of Fiducie Maynard 2004 APPLICANT (appellant /appellant in continuance of suit) - and - JEAN M. MAYNARD, es qualites trustee of Fiducie Maynard 2004 APPLICANT (appellant in continuance of suit) - and - LEGAULT JOLY THIFFAULT, s.e.n.c.r.1., LYE FISCALITE INC., LH CORPORATIF INC., LH CONSEIL INC., LH LITIGE INC., LH IMMOBILIER INC., LEHOUX BOIVIN COMPTABLES AGREES, s.e.n.c., MARCEL CHAPUT FISCALISTE M.C. INC. RESPONDENTS (respondents) RESPONSE of LEGAULT JOLY THIFFAULT, S.E.N.C.R.L. AND LH ET AL. (Rule 27 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada) Me Nick Krnjevic Me Guy Regimbald W Katherine Delage GOWLING WLG (CANADA) LLP MC Jean-Pierre Sheppard 160 Elgin Street, Suite 2600 ROBINSON SHEPPARD SHAPIRO LLP Ottawa, ON KIP 1C3 Tour de la Bourse Tel : 613 786-0197 800 Square-Victoria Street, Suite 4600 Fax : 613 563-9869 Montreal, QC H4Z 1H6 Email:
[email protected] Tel : 514 393-4027 (MC Krnjevic) Fax : 514 878-1865 Email :
[email protected] Counsel for Respondents, Legault Joly Ottawa Agents for Respondents, Legault Thiffault, s.e.n.c.r.1., LH Fiscalite Inc., Joly Thiffault, s.e.n.c.r.1., LJT Fiscalite Inc., LJT Corporatif Inc., LH Conseil Inc., LH Corporatif Inc., LH Conseil Inc., LYE LH Litige Inc., LH Immobilier Inc. Litige Inc., LH Immobilier Inc. Me Doug Mitchell Mc Frederick Langlois W Jean-Michel Boudreau DEVEAU, GAGNE, LEFEBVRE, TREMBLAY & Mc Francois Goyer ASSOCIES IRVING