French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vol I  1763-1969: the Fear of a Parallel Army

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French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vol I  1763-1969: the Fear of a Parallel Army DIRECTORATE OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE SOCIO-MILITARY SERIES * * * N° 1 Jean-Pierre Gagnon, The 22nd (French-Canadian) Battalion, 1914- 1919: Socio-military history. N° 2 Jean Pariseau and Serge Bernier, French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vol I 1763-1969: The Fear of a Parallel Army. N° 3 Armand Letellier, DND Language Reform: Staffing the Bilingu- alism Programs, 1967-1977. To be published N° 4 Jean Pariseau and Serge Bernier, French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces, Vol II 1969- 1983: Official Languages: DND’s Response to the Federal Policy. Additional Reading The Memoirs of General Jean V. Allard (written in cooperation with Serge Bernier), Vancouver, UBC Press, 1988. René Morin, DND Dependants’ Schools, 1921-1983, Ottawa, NDHQ, Directorate of History, 1986. Department of Supply and Services Canada 1986 Available in Canada through Authorized Bookstore Agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, (Canada) KIA0S9 Catalogue No. D63-2/2E Canada: $ 24.95 ISBN 0-660-12491-2 Other Countries: $ 24.95 Price subject to change without notice Pariseau, Jean (Joseph Jean-Baptiste) 1924 Bernier, Serge (Gérald Joseph André Serge) 1924 1. French Canadians 2. Bilinguism 3. Canadian Armed Forces 1763-1969 4. Canada socio-military history NB: In preparing this publication, the authors had free access to the official documents preserved at the Department of National Defense . However, they are responsible for the conclusion they have drawn and the opinions they express; the Department has no responsibility for the interpretation or presentation of facts. Également disponible en français sous le titre LES CANADIENS FRANÇAIS ET LE BILINGUISME DANS LES FORCES ARMÉES CANADIENNES TOME I 1763-1969: LE SPECTRE D’UNE ARMÉE BICÉPHALE French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces Volume I 1763-1969: the Fear of a Parallel Army JEAN PARISEAU AND SERGE BERNIER French Canadians and Bilingualism in the Canadian Armed Forces Volume I 1763-1969: the Fear of a Parallel Army Socio-Military Series N° 2 OTTAWA Directorate of History Department of National Defence 1988 vii Contents List of maps and photographs................................................................ xi Glossary ................................................................................................ xv Abbreviations ....................................................................................... xvii Foreworld ............................................................................................. xxi Preface (by General G.C.E. Thériault, CMM, CD) .............................. xxiii INTRODUCTION 1 Part One: A chronicle of Anglicization (1763- 1914) .................................................................... 23 Chapter 1 British rule: dismanting the French- Canadian militia ................................................... 29 Chapter 2 The Canadian Militia from 1855 to 1914: consolidation of an English- language institution.............................................. 41 Part Two: The infantry: a refuge for Franco- phones (1914-39) ................................................. 67 Chapter 3 The First World War: fresh insight into the contribution of French Canadians............................................................. 71 Chapter 4 Between the wars: failure to learn........................ 91 Part Three: French: a painful political necessity (1939-62).............................................................. 105 Chapter 5 The Second World War: diversity of service rests on one-way bilingualism.................. 109 Chapter 6 Post-war policy: Chiefs of Staff resist; Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean is founded............................................................. 143 ix Part Four: Attitudes must change (1963-69).......................... 175 Chapter 7 The quiet revolution and the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism ........................................................ 179 Chapter 8 General Allard is appointed Chief of the Defence Staff .................................................. 205 APPENDICES 239 NOTES 383 INDEX 437 x List of Maps and Photographs 1 General J.V. Allard, CC, CBE, DSO, ED, CD ............. vii 2 Map: The breaking up of New France........................... 32 3 Map: The three governments of the military regime, 1760.................................................................. 33 4 Map: Military districts, 1885-63 ................................... 44 5 Map: Military districts, 1868-85 ................................... 52 6 The Hon Sir George-Etienne Cartier, Minister of Militia and Defence, 1867-73 The Hon Sir J.P.R.A. Caron, KCMG, Minister of Militia and Defence, 1880-92 ................................... 60 7 Major-General I.J.C. Hebert, CB, General Commanding the Canadian Militia, 1890-95 Major-General E.T.H. Hutton, CB, ADC, General Commanding the Canadian Militia, 1898-1900 ..................................................................... 61 8 Militia Orders, 1899, No12 ........................................... 62 9-12 Recruiting posters, 1914................................................ 73 13 Major-General J.L. Lessard, CB Major-General J.P. Landry, CMG, VD......................... 77 14 The Hon Lieutenant-General Sir Sam Hugues, KCB, Minister of Militia and Defence, 1911-16 Henri Bourassa, French Canadian leader during the First World War ...................................................... 78 15 Map: Commands and Military Districts, 1916- 46................................................................................... 94 xi 16 Rear Admiral L.P. Brodeur, VG, CB, CBE Air Vice-Marshal J.L.E.A. De Niverville, CB............... 102 17 Call to arms, 1939.......................................................... 111 18 Advertisement................................................................ 112 19-20 Second World War newspaper headlines ...................... 123 21 Army Language Bureau staff in 1944............................ 128 22 Map: East Coast Naval Control Service districts............ 132 23 The Rt Hon Ernest Lapointe, PC, French Canadian leader at the start of the Second World War The Hon C.G. Power, PC, MC, Minister of National Defence for Air, 1940-44................................ 134 24 No425 (Alouette) Squadron badge................................. 136 25 Map: Canadian Army Commands and Areas, 1946-59.......................................................................... 146 26 Map: Canadian Army Commands and Areas, 1960-66.......................................................................... 147 27 The Hon Brooke Claxton, PC, Minister of National Defence, 1946-54 The Hon L.J.L. Balcer, PC, Conservative MP for Trois-Rivières, 1949-65 ........................................... 154 28 Major-General J.P.E. Bernatchez, CMM, CBE, DSO, CD Roger Laverge, Director General of Depend- ants Education Programs ............................................... 167 29 Brigadier C.M. Drury, DSO, MBE, Deputy Minister of National Defence, 1949-55 The Hon J.P.A. Sévigny, PC, Associate Minister of National Defence, 1959-63........................................ 168 30 His Excellency General G.P. Vanier, PC, DSO, MC, CD, Governor General of Canada, 1959-67 .......... 187 xii 31 The Rt Hon L.B. Pearson, PC, Prime Minister of Canada, 1963-68 ....................................................... 188 32 The Hon Lucien Cardin, PC, Associate Minister of National Defence, 1963-65 The Hon Léo Cadieux, OC, Associate Minister and later Minister of National Defence, 1965-70.......... 193 33 Brigadier-General M.J.M Richard, CD Brigadier-General J.A. Ross, DSO, CD ........................ 213 34 Map: Military Commands and area, 1967..................... 214 xiii Glossary Anglophone A person whose mother tongue is English. bilingual person A person who has been tested in his/her second language and who has achieved one of the degrees of bilingualism defined in CFAO 9-21. contact level Secondary language skill requiring a minimum score of A2 (CFAO 9-21). English language unit A unit or other element of the CF that uses English as its working language. Francophone A person whose mother tongue is French. Francotrain Training programs whereby Francophones can learn technical and managerial skills in French during their military formative years. French language unit A unit or other element of the CF that uses French as its working language. functional level Secondary language skill requiring minimum scores of A3 and B3 with a total profile of 10 or more (CFAO 9-21). individual bilingualism The ability of an individual to communicate in both official languages. institutional bilingualism The capability of an institution to provide services to the public and its own personnel in the two official languages (CFAO 9-21). integral level Secondary language skill requiring minimum scores of A4 and B4 and total profile of 14 or more (CFAO 9-21). xv language of instruction Language used in schools for dependants which is consistent with the official language normally used in the home of the member (CFAO 54-5). mother tongue The language first learned in childhood and still understood. national representational groups (NRG) Desired proportion of military Francophones and Anglophones which should, under ideal conditions, make up the CF (currently set at 27%F/73%A). national unit A unit or other element of the CF in which
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