APEC ENERGY OVERVIEW 2019 APEC ENERGY OVERVIEW 2019 Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this publication belong solely to the authors. For consistency and veracity of the policies and other information contain here, the EGEDA focal points and EWG members of the respective economies were consulted. APEC ENERGY OVERVIEW 2019 Prepared by Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) Inui Bldg.-Kachidoki 11F, 1-13-1 Kachidoki, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0054, JAPAN Tel: +81 (3) 5144-8551 Fax: +81 (3) 5144-8555 E-mail:
[email protected] APERC Website: http://www.aperc.or.jp For the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat 35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119616 Tel: (65) 6775 6012 Fax: (65) 6775 6013 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: http://www.apecsec.org.sg 2019 APEC Secretariat APEC#220-RE-01.11 APEC ENERGY OVERVIEW 2019 FOREWORD FOREWORD The APEC Energy Overview (the Overview) is an annual publication that highlights the current energy situation in each of the 21 APEC economies. It has been the pioneer publication of APERC in showcasing the latest energy data in APEC compiled by the Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA). The Overview traditionally serves as a point of reference for those wishing to become more informed about recent energy trends in the APEC region. It contains information on energy supply and consumption, energy related policies and notable energy developments in the region, among others. In view of the increasing request from APEC expert groups, the Overview has also become the platform to monitor APEC goals―energy intensity reduction by 45% by 2035 (against the 2005 level) and doubling renewable energy share by 2030 with 2010 as base year.