Weathere r ______^ * Final * | Partly Cloudy,u d y , 3 Q Little Warmermer EdiEdition "

Th«T h « Magic Ma' VaUey Newspaperspaper Dedl VOL- ^5- TWINTWI FALLS, lUAHoTFRiu^^ H O rF R fu A Y . J U N E 14, 19G3m iSIAN Bl ______T E N C E N T S ■'■■■' ■- M ST f SRTHOHDRBIT B n t ' p . r IIIOT O Iff Race Strife S< ^ Womanm May i ; ' ^ A ^ j ( Flaring f e I Join Col"olonel Around nd U.S. i I B D '- ' ' >-^aM NW Bfc.x«ii^Pii I In Spac(ace (From APP and UPIU PI ReporU) 3 -‘ MOSMOSCOW. Jnne l-l (UFD-Thc;31)—The £Soviet Unlmr.s fifth j ■ co.snioi co.smonaut liurtled into orbit;'bit around Kurth today for a T to mnintain peace in the racially i 2 racially troubled city of 12,600,6 0 0 r ? ^ 3 trip thnt may last einht; daysd a y s aanc n d include 11 co.smic while a crowd of Negroes estimi oes estimated to number about}Q ut ifl rendezvous with the first.st space woriiiin.\ Tass news / 1 2,000 marched and picketed at ffceted at the White House in ■ agency identified the mnnin shot ininto space nt 3 p.m. Washington, D. C., against racial ' A R ency inst racial discrimination in t the h e '* ■ . (8 n.ma.m. EDT) today aa Lieut,:eut. Col. VValery F. Bykovsky, _jiation and its capital. Elswhere, racial trouble flaredtred -f-'. 28, a Russian air force pilot. He iis married and the at Danville, Va., where police car police cars were struck' by bul- tXtx '.v's**58tBS*rj|S'QQ ^ fatherfa th e r of a 3-month-old son. WithiWithin minute.s he was * * * * lets; lets; Columbus, 0., wherele re ' ' H re reported p o rt< safely in orbitlit ------^ ' state highway patrolmenmen |M with ali systems, \vorkiiig Reds DeclineC clean cleared demonstrators fromrom ^ B j B anda n d ""feeling f fine.” Hearing llC d on the Ohio house of repre-p r e - mM Rcllat Reliable sources reported thc v v r* l I sentatlvea; Jacluon, Mias., wrhere here \ SB "coamonctte"—believed"<^o‘>mon to be an iV ] |i To Tell Fate' I Negroes s mourned the deathh of ■ ■ attracUve,a tu a c th personable pilot ■” In Wilderness murdered.civil rlg h ta leader^ader H herber early 20's—was standing by o . Medgar Evers, and dozena of jH ready for fc launching, probably tO' J J C l ofU.s.PUotsiff'^ 9 other spots. 2 # morrow, for a “Romanov nnd Set Sept. 4 PANMUNJOM. South Korea.orea, CanCambridge Mayor CalvinI w.W. HH Juliet" meellng with the cosmo-10- OODEN.OODEt June 14 C^-A public June H WV-A N orth K orean gen- MowbiMowbray a n d all four coutifcllutifcii ■ naut in space. hearing con thc Sawtooth wilder- m l refused again today to dls- memberstncmb telegrapher Oov. J. ■ l iS ii lS i ii I M RussilRussia performed a tandem 5'^“ness area proposal will be held close the (ate of two U. S. pllotj.Hots. MillarMillard Tawea asking for enoughough Sept. 4 In Boise. Regional For" space f:flight with two men last *};. Ivlng national guard troops to main- NATI ester Floyd Iverson said today, Aiked to "act like m en living nation laln- NATIVES STAND unid wreckage of thalohedtb huts in a vIllBgevlIlBge UieIbe aar rea was struck.by a cyclone, followed follov by a lldnl wave. Sev- S ev August with launchings on sue- ^P- In the 20th century.” th e com:om- - tatain in ipeace and order. The' ac- some 2j2g miles north of ChUUgong,ttagong. East Pakistan,1 last weekI afler enl UiouiandU persons were-e killed in tbe disaster. (AP wlrephoto) ccsslve days. ' Tlio hearing will begin at 8 Bunlst whipped o u t a photo-joto- tlon ccame at the end of a one------ajii. In the Elks lodge ballroom. p»ph ol k poHce dog lunginglg at hour special meeUng called ^>y T>T> ~ TT-, -Byko^ -Bykovfcky-waa whlrling-eround™ —Tvferson~rvSfson snld Uie purpose o f th a I Kegro lo Birm ingham , Ala. Mow^ay._There__wftS-no-lm- Mow^ - K r ^ Earth once every 80.4 minutes,•cs. hearing Is1 to allow all interested -I'Such-coMblooded-atrocities:lties mediatemedlfl reaction irom the “'”:-BPA-s-Move gov- ‘ ^1 Parade ' Bimost'exacUy the orbital timesies persons and groups to present I ue the true picture of what. you ernor’iernor’s office In Annapolis. n p 2 Bi Boys’ Statetate Leader of S Maj. Andrian Nlkolayev andnd their viiviews. Oral or written .. ctU civilization and respect for „ A parade to promote the , ____ Col. Pavel Pa' Popovuch in their dualaal statements' statcmcn moy be submitted. ciJn Strained racial relations In X O human righta." said MaJ. Oen. s in To SouthernQ h i MagicMagi Valley Western A , ^ fUghts last August, Those unable to attend may ' Cambridge took * new twist with _ , ______t^ HHorse ors show, Ju n e 21-33 a t L, I \ i Cbing Chun-hw an, k If Bykovsky aUya' aloft forfor submit wwritten comments tor In- The U. N. m em ber of th e mmill. ill- 800 white peraona demonstrating T PI cwmtyiiA '! sk s forr Sa]Sales Tax elusion In the record ot the heor> Moj to front ol the counly Jail, I ila . ./U ^ lalrgropnds, FUer,1 b e will ' be ' eig h t V y a hla llSghV w ould be elusion Ir Urr armlatlce commlMlon, MaJ. “ J ” ’ Idaho Flayed | ru,in “ ‘on* « Nlkolayevsiv's Ing ing to ththe regional forester. For* Oen, Oeorge H. Cloud, repliedpliwi There were nearly as manym any . •' r’ r.' held hold at 2 pjn. Saturdayy in t; t' BO!BOISE, June 14 (UPI)JPI) — Gov,Goa Curtis Eaton. Twin A4 est Service building', Ogden, alted apectfttors. newsmen »nd policejollce ChargingChargl that movementit of ~ Twlr ’Twin Falls. palla night in which he completed W « t Ber thit racial tensions In the United K Falla, urged his Boys’’ state mockmod legislature todayly to orbits dand more than five tbnes„es (Jtah,^1^ , uun n til S ept. 30. with watching the proteat operaUonaUon Bonneville Bonnevll Power administration■atlon TheTh parade will begin at v; „nnr)-’ SUtM had nothing to do with ” enact a three per cent sales tax pjpartially earmarkedd forfo r as long as Uie 32i orbit night hyby Publlo notice of Intention to the bu-^iness of th e coinml.ulon.on. mobilizedmoblll by Washington's three Jnto southernsou Idaho Is "another■other the th e Tw in F alls Commls- \ / classify the Sawtooth wilderness since Jcadlng Negro organizations.; . step of “Senator Church and RRep- ep-L >„ slon slon company and go downown >•'>; education.etluca Eaton alsoI asked the Boys’ staters to) en- America'sAmcrici shcth astronaut, L. ° 7 The meeting waa th e fifth since Icadln 0 Ky Gordon Coopey. Russians hailed,-j| was given Fcb. 1,4, Iverson said. the army helicopter of Capt. Ben The Negroes assembled InI the rasentatlve Harding to socialize;lallie i:!: Main Main avenue to Sears cor- '■' couragecourai out-of-slate industry to come into Idaho by rania ^^e private enterprise," th e pJ ner; ^“Bht u demonstrating 80- Tho proposal would place tho W. suxtta, 30, Florence, Ala., aand n d ppark a rk and along Pennsylvania , P’’* th e pJ ner; up Fourth street west ^ z lettlH'letting them operate the first ffi' i v e boundary Unes on well-defined t h e f i r s t y w s here without vlet superiority Hv space. C^*. C harleton W . Voltz., 26. aavenue re n u outside th e rtee l WVhlte hlt« chapter, SnakeJnake gR to S.Second avenue; up sec- ^ nnvir> River Valley Electrical assocla- S ond cto B P^y‘^8^ corporation taxes.ixes. He altalso called for a consti- ^ J topogrophio features which ara fruilcfort, Mich., was forcedJTced House fence. f fi!: h .. socla- 8 ond avenue and back to u j '. As usual, apeciflc detalla of By-3y* eaailye J ^ ld IdenUfled. « a n d would mtn* , tlon. has passed a resolutionn op- a the the commission companylan y N a tutiortutional convehtion to reorganis down Id communist territoryItory A ppotential trouble source was ^0 re o rg a n iz e s ta te g o v e rn m e n t; kovsky'jkovsky’s launching were spare in imlza imija exexisting and future con- pwlng the BPA In thla area.sa. M^ yards. y a rd ' jS recod: IUr n . Qulckl:Quickly and officially sealed off ■ S recodification of the Idaho ------, comparcomparison to the informationlon tucts tiicta withwi the mabitenance of 1718 two officers vere last seen by poipolice. Seven uniformed mem-n em - 'W illiam Lott, R upert, chalapter p te r g ^ Included In. Uie parade'^p y s. ij code, code, and said he.lelt Bon- TIJ^ _ pUoUng ayalema of a space ahlp," , BlaaUng the BPA as being. '’too -ths “ Twln.Falls; junior Rid- ^ should bo earmarked for educa- Negro H- M eredith, w ho P^^oUnf GirPs S py^eport ^ Ism " club, which is sponsor-isor- i j Mon Hon. enrollienrolled at Uie Universityty of It aald a* he waa boosted aloftj;; Two ^ Convicts niuch on the trend to socialism,” F* ‘ LONDON, June 14 (yp)—V -Prim Prim e Minister Harold Mac-(fac- the chapterohaj membera wrotee thoUi’a horse show. I onOn astrictly Boys’ stale matters,lattera Mississippi with the help of the by a rocketr< of 20 million horse- -rx* th e te< uaaest- ®' ®™y. called today for3r na- power and said tho space ahip |J jtfk nillan called in his topp security aides today after>r a following reaoluUon; . m m ib teen-aged governor auggest- , [/I « "The Magic Valley chapter« of ___ ^^ ed OlOiat future encampmenUpments Uonwlde passive resistance move- weighedwelghei more than three UmesS Die; Five Are awyer told him party girl Christine Chris Keeler claimed ®a th e Snake g R iver ValleV EiecUlcal U „ . provide for tuilform Boys'1' ataU:ataU! N«ro« starting wlUivlth a Uiat that o: of the American capsules. r \ Soviet naval attache trieded to use her. tg..wnnglc_nuclear.lear. assoolotlonassooiatii strongly opposes the Rupert l \ l l Fiestafelcl KSelectlona and thot the atory•ory ofOf "scneral 8«ier strike.’' This vwould put it somewhereSBackinCeUs T lflf secretB from former War MiniateMinister John Profumo. Miss4 iss BonnevilleBonnevll Power administration•ation _ JT the IntInte Marvin Brown, pocotel-ocatel- Meredith told a news confer-onfer- around Uie five-ton range of ence ahortly after arriving for prtvlou Keeler’s new law Iirm , W. FF, . LyiLyons and company, .saidsaid coming Into ‘ aouthern Idaho. Thla C —m. lo. iMt year'a governor, be put IE for previous Soviet space ships. ruORiyLOKBNCE, Arte,, June 14 tlffB chapter believes this la another 3 y into the manual aa an examplexample funeral of slain civil rlghta .,gp^ .,.1N —D ea th w rote th e end o f a bid . on her behalf that she> never had h; been asked bv the loS Set Saturday tSto^’5 ‘'8P«o PUot Bykovsky feels -D eath sWrnW" IW reporUd-threoT S TtomW o n re e a! o m By tw o c6HTreta,‘U ia ' naval attache, Capl.api. EugeEugene Ivanov, to get mili-illli- resentatlve.resentati Harding to socialize _ put himself through high TchSrschool, abould atart with the .•U five others were bock In prison funeral aervice. houra a fte r Uie launching. "AU |J«> 0“ ^' ^------tta a r ry : information outt ofo f the privateprivi enterprlae, The iirmem- For1. O J Mexicansm s Swas ikilled in a car accident last ihfluW “ystoms of thft,shlp nre workingI n , today, . _ th e bp."-e*-aKffiA_wlalUO-stalii-thati-th a t — - ____ - - __ ycar.-He y c ar.-I had-achleved-conslder-nsldor- v-WCr —M credU haald Uie aU-lke ahould OM - O f - tlw - a e v e n w h o -b o lte d -a ------„ __ Profumo while he_and_lha 'A in KUPERT, June 14—The Rupert able al orts to ^ followed by a Negro boycott sM®6tniy,-Tnn5M^t-c6irditi0M there Is no need for BPA m Rupert able attention for his efforts to 4 u e ‘‘re maintained In the cabin.’’ work gang Tuesday afternoon, Deadline foi^I S Ruflflian were sharing her aouthem„®[^ern Idaho and we urgego alloil ChambeChamber of Commerce mer- improvimprove himself. of "the ^ perpetrators of white . only two wera taken wltbmit affections. citisenscltlsena to write these men1 anda n d com m ittee wHl hoost st theth e Andi Andrew McCluSkey, Caldwell,aldwell »«I>Tcmncy* wherever th e yf area re AtA t lhatt Ume Vostok v hod gunfiregunfire. But a short time earlier, MIm M lu tell themthen that BPA lajioLwant-want- second , annual Mcxlcan_.fleato_.fleate was_«l«ted-Ui-a.-aenator-andwaa_«J Xoundi-North-or 8mith,--Bast-orast-or completed—twcomple o' Orbits durmgwg RiberiRobert j:Knlser; 35."and‘J a ^ ^ Property Tax Keeler's—forme]— legal—advtscr;viscr,- ed here wherei we an *und-bund^ Soturday'hi the cKy squarere with Mike JMllodragoVlch, Orangeville,igevllle, West,,W est,- which Bykovaky radioed mea-es- rell Collins.Col 30, wero shot to sages of greetlnga to countries he death al T r fT i 1 MlchlMichael H, D. Eddowes, charged»rged ance of low coat power." loatlvltlileatlvltlea beginning et 2 p. mm, , as U. S.f representative. l - l •— •------"V ® ho death at tha mouth of a cava ^ that Ivanov hnd naked herer to Lott addeda Pridny thn group MexicanMexlc Inborcra who1 havehavc Ento Eaton won by a wide margin 1^ v , flew over, ' near Bu Superior ’Thursday after- is Ihursday x,wheedle from Prefumo the datednte believes therei la "too much power been In th e Mlnl-Cns-fla areairca Xor over Silver8 party candidaterSS Don E ngineer Is5 " ’1 After , 2 the fourth hour he sentenl "<»"• noon. * Aurello Ballesteros Na* Thuriday Ln th e deadlineJ forfo r of dcdelivery-of nuclear warheodalends in the federalfi government." Uie loat monUi for field work,Drfcwlll will Burnett;Burnet Pocat«llo. He succeedsjcceeds *. , , , back 11 llve. television picturesires varro, 31,3 Tucson, nurrenderod, ar of lo West Oermany, The uassociation la cpmprlsedted ot particlpparticipate. Oene ( Stubbs, Moscow, aa gover- A ^ hu Earlier, John Burrell, 24, and «Uectlon o( th a aecond h a lf of lo W' gover- M wShich S i v w ere trftusm ltUd Uve by Earlier IW property taxes, accordingng to . He released Uie text of: the JourneymenJourneyn elecUlciana. con- WaynWayne Anderson, president of nor, Acquitted in Moscow television. Viewers saw Bobby FFavors, 22. w ero 'b ro u g h t U a Rose J. W ilson, Tw in ip-ll4 Palls letter to the preaa today. tractors,tractors, power distributors,i. ap- thothe RuRupert Chamber of Com- Bill Bill Hull, Caldwell, wna named mnn • t\ .1I ____ the the brood-facedbr( cosmonnia wltli,i.», to boy in n o rth w est Phftenix a f-____ ua and lieutenant- gov^mor-and-nerves -l-fi l_„ ter Ihey'wrecked'Uiolr st^len-cor winty tte u u re r. , WhWhen told thnt Miss Keeler,eeter, ptiancQpllanco idealers and suppllera-of$ra-of merce.-merce.. wlU glve aa addrcsa and lleuUn serves iTaiH Death“h somber eyes smiling and tnlking Tttea liave tieen cominglg In through another firm of lawyera,O'era, electronlelectronic and w iring m nterlala—•laU— a tolenita le n t ahow will be presented,5sented. aa pre« aa president of the aennte. . into hla microphone. He flooted during a high-speed chase. Bur- nrr wiUfftclorily." she said[■pyi FtU denied she had told anyone such both wholesalewh and retail. AtAl i 4 p. m., 'Mexican hlldren children Stephen Stepl Beer,' Twin Palla, wasW“® Mjn MISSOULA, Mont.. June U t^ a» pencilpenc In the cabin lo demon- rell's head wna covered with blood from a sliotgun blast fired tnomlng, "b u t wa do antlo-_U Uiing, Eddowes declined to com------_ wlU paparticipate in gnmeaea and elected secretary of state; lUndy. —Pormer—porr train engineer Eldon ■Irate ' Eldon »trate weightlessness, by offici officers as Uio two amaahed lp»U quite a rush next week."J ., m ent. _ _ races w!which will Include thehe tra- Dcera, Meridian, atate auditor; »„„„ Innocent yes- UiTmigh a roadblock, rsday Taking olllclnl noOce for the 1 { a 1 dUlonnl phmla. The vlnatata la & AArt rt \ VanflenUftvk, 'Twin n Ptilla,,? 1 terday of mnnalaiighter chargea that la atate treasurer; Bart Drawer, f..,,, { XVT Tlie violence and death ,nH flrat time Of the Involvement'of'j"‘, Release for Sii“gaily decoroted container that la atate [• Oft filed In connection with a North- y y ( Ifl-Se Im n o v - ln -t n r 'a c a T ia s l wlITcIiifliTcli . , ------1— ------bb«MMn-l)y-Uie-dilldrm_Hliila w U n - -HllUa PKftte P0C6Mi9.MtPrney.gBnernl; Oary 1,., I S Workman’s brought S to on end the greatest ‘l»eTlei:n(jii«nv-ttxpa«nvni"Se wearing blindfolds. Whenan tho Vest, vest, superintendent of public — miinmint-m“TmM mis=»mr'ra ‘h*n(4 * two per c e n t penal-«nal- Macmillan’s con- A lo which one person waa killed and T T aervsitlve gOTernmeiit, Sovietcs Alabama s plnat* la broken the childrenren get instrucinstruction, and Oary Babbitt,labbltt. ^m e ' 280 others Injured. X X f l hours in which hundreds of «id elBht per cen t Interest searchers kept relenUessly on ,.w of Amboasador Alexander Soldatovdatov r n -».t thUie e gowgoodlea inside. CaldweCaldwell, state mlnea inspector.lector. 3JJ hours of rdelib­ H a n d Caught E S “ tlni back to the first week of Uie heels of Uie five desperata Anutry. RAln;aald: "Ke had noUilng to do with I v f i >• Maas will be celebrnted[i aat t 65 ' Arfltlfijeration nn® ’ a caae of Troops ^ Near evidence, the Jury returned the Hi ijy g j 'm uch ado about nothing.’ "•• wA8H ^ church. AljAbsentee sdunnnlmoiis acciulttnl verdict""SinMacIiinc at 0 - ’1 onnol be reciirded until-Ju ly 33, WASHINOTON, July U Iffl- a sir. A street dnnce will cllmnx the p, m. DemiD em ard Mulder. 44, 380 W nah- ^ I ’K , delinquent paym ents, will TJiTJie report to Mncmlllan" by About^bout 19,0001 Alabama nationaltional fjeato.fi..ta. \T le de- Ington street north, was listed.In .1.I1J «jKeUed at the ireasurer’a of-of. *WdoBddowes blew aecurlty aspects of .i national guards- ^lie n rk ll Obvloualy happy with ihe de- Ington it Three Judges lards- Tlie merdiant committee mak- V 0 y i l clalon. Lynn said he would do the th e BMll.cl BMU. condition F rldny nUa rnoonMil . ^ ■ . ------. ' ■ - P th e acandal bacic 1nt« the hetfd- men will«]] be released Irom fad- fed- inn_Ing ararr>ng<«menls *"•* j Wrfttit t t d —Voting------O ------Set on j ------Tfltr •WtfTe-ant r ~«~mldnlght i beal lie could to find onothernother nt MnRlcMnf Valley Memorial hoa- ^ 1 '^ rttwBd ------T n tn r c i Inlglit Pricke, Emil Deck nnd Dob Jonea, Job, He hna not worked since he pllnl w: Sunday, the army announced to- chatrrn* ice he pitnl where he was taken Tliurs- To 1- U Study Gem ' « lorr Sbal- ■ Sunday. '1 c h .ln n « n ., 3 C 1 nimer. dny nfter hla hand became „ ' ,q day. School Levy tS.lt Tho Id two cnuHht in the fan ot a diesel en- T wna fired by the Nl* laat aummer. day n •'‘I'* P^ymenU 89th Yank Dieso AnotherAi otli< 3,800 A labam a guards- T l , _ _ a I v Applications for abnentee bnl- men i noon glne. I j U i w W Inlo thr ntfice m uat be mrn called Inlo federal servicer.t IvUS Russian’s Replyi l j ,„ff Intlng In th e T w in Fulls arluMil wT edni h e Jury ol 10 women a n d tw o cnughl. Loyalty Oath 36 bul- men received the cnse at ir noon de- glne. A physician reported Friday •' by 'M „i„day. IIn l l Viet Nam LInntn * ^^lc«^ll^y to compel nrtmls- m « Trtoi« mill levy July * ni« jii.erat ing to moat of Mulder’s left hnnd waawna QOQOISl ISi;, Ju n e 14 (A - Judges It g dlim of NfKro stu d en ts of/ " 't th S e ; JL 0 I I v t i r Ix-'tXKlU m nccepted n t Uie action]arlitMil dla- rehearw ed n rad ay iijn d Imike Ihelr de- A pi SAIOON, June U OiPP-A U. 8. J'"» To Kennedy Near f • ai« jiberatlona 'ffiuratlay morningft SOS- to ninputatedmost o in aurgery Thuradaydny fromfr«m CuCalifornia and Idnlio wore ^ univeraity of Ainbiiina will“ re-” ■ MOSCOW. June U (Di'D-ITe- ti'lct office/ in O'Leniy y Junior bIoh h It and nflcmoou. | nnnoiincannounced today ns prospective >0] dla- rehear evldnnce. Tho extra aoa- ninputa m d “ * n'ftl'' 0" Aid to- Uie pi Mulder, a pump rnpalriban niultiul membnriiiiembnra of a Uiree-JudKo court Cubans Land '>™* mlcr NIkltft Kliruslichcv snld to- Junior bIoii wna cloaed t«) newameii and nflcmo I by communist* l« ni' miibiish 75 T he 3,800, a re a l Tuscoloosa, flay he iy soon Appllcntlona for absenlce bal- Tho irler which will decide w hether Idn- day h e la plnnnln« to reply aoon Appli Uie publln. was Inainller Muld for Lrtyne andX^lowler which v Hopl o p ?'»« »oulh of HnlnflIw mnde nini uvnllnble Until June 'il. A nn 1 lernll- ix teat pump nbout n mile weat of Chief re to- fiRlitlng m nn tn ilie In flmilli unlv»r«ll »lll not alnughUtr In lhe deuUi of T ereaa rond, r I of Chief Judge Hlrhnnl Clinm- anil Ft. McClellan, Aln., nnd 'i.n i i,e o |preniirr imule Ihn Hlale- alale- vnlcr'aVnlcr'a cnn begin m ating biiltota m v n t: t Jnne 'I'wln Fnlli, Just norlh of high- bera nt :uban Viet Nnm. n'll H. une 'il. Ann Dooina, 2'i, In the dernll- ix teat | gh- bera nt Uio ninth circuit court of from A U. B. nillllury hiMikwnmi•wiiiiii CmnpCninp flhnlby,fl MIm . nientment Ilo nrllii-h Ij iIx'v pnrty jmity Jm'oJuno ^37. w hrn ench iibKrntcc 10. 1D( "•“ y 30. nppcnls nppenU snld In Sun Itanclaco 'l'» ''■'"’‘'‘IIH from A in met voter wlil l« aent a ballotbiiltota luid m — vnt '— norUiweat o t Missoula Jn n e 'I'wln 1 1(1 llie said th e cuplniii wiin Klllfd wln'ii wlini Itit hns codt Ihe ai'iny cloae)H to lender :Hnrold W11m>u whn met voter a DHnitcP 10. 10(13. on ICvaro hill, ------way 30, ------— thntH int ho will tleaigiialn Jutigo Fi'cd «i'llrin '“'<1 l'»e »«*d :i the Khruahdiev In the krcinlliiUll to-lo- o“tli oath wwith InKtruulluna. r|-i| lllll...! ' ''''iKiiftymiI em - two compuniea uf VlRiiuiini'hniiini'hR 1330,000|330,000 a day to ninlntnln th e Khruahi ot iukI — ------M. Tnylor. nolao, nnd. Judge Wil­ in hart civil Bunrrts w llh wlmm hr 'nw'nv-f- AlabamaMabam* guwd l»\ tedcrnl, Rer- day,day. ------A Aliftei lM nlee buUtA ftp))Unnnln nlnn J . | liam O. MnVhla, lA i Angtlea, n* le of Wilson Indicated Kliriwlichov'a may v( inager Raps High « u two traveling walked Into nn niiibUBiiiibunli vice, basedba on a a average of Wllso: livhev'a mny vote In iwraon before Mrn. I lyn nf Um threo Jurists who will reply m ight coma In « f'lw diiya. cirenta T hiokol M anager nine mljea north of Cantlio lowu ti3Atl il^(l_a_ g man. reply m iv daya. cirentn BmlUi, aoliooi lionrd nmko.uu-Uia poiml------.!------''’"rlrt.Airwaysliwaya ~ ------' ' ' ■" ------rlfli'k,rlAi'k, a a t tho school districl office' on nr a fte r Ju n e 37, ingiirPocatello jv•nift third member, Chambera 111 L for 1 S C ost of^L ivingiir said, will bo a Judge of the cir- Anyonn who expocta lo l>e ab- lini — a reas w here It U cheaper to llve."ve." cultc u lt’cini c ourl in S nn I'Yunclsco. I t Row Crashed bybyHarvard_ Hi aent from Uio district on elcctlnn1^ nb- *'‘® POOA'ITCI.LO, ' Ju n e 14 fllHlP oca- - areas lie » said workers hnve com-Din- wna believedbe Judgn M. Oliver Celebrity Row C ^ reel- plained Uiat food Is higher h in KoeUcIi dny or who win be unable lo go L 'X n .m C J ”" - T l Icctliin coat of living In Poca- lie i in KoeUcIi, a former third dlatrlet p p tody. Harvard '42 Ituiedftuied t’ H arvard stu d e nlit t ea- ..atay..gtay riglil with mr," Peiiliody W i | j , veralty umlergraooa(«llo plainedline—In general nome 10 centsgnts fore Ui'Uie f lr it o f Ju ly and a Kt Um t^'rt," friends quoted R obertsrts Mm w ai nuotedqui nji lolllnR hla eacort, Nuclear Test in a nmv higher Uian baok home, BUmm hearing h a laa CTMlwl celebrity row M ll>" f^'i’ ■ IloborU did. llo wnlKed with V a , I I I Klwanls club. line—li mm hearing In Uia auK likely will b« »dWooV» wmual ooiwi'eMciucttt'oiucut tuyliig.»uyli«. Itober •** He sAld a number of hla corn- nmv aald,higher aetu t f« f « 1about -luly 18. WHIi no reason to doubt. hliu l i u / / UieUio governor gO' dowji Uio VZ ccnter Nevada Reported “SS rice of ’I'o oompele with rocket build-lUd- ’' >r■ ■ - ' ■ ' '9 6 3 ...,> sliap« aUle. posl rows of ahiiilnlnl and WASHINOTON,WAB June i«(•tlM trv-A oiil-of-state food, eiuployea liava coin, aald, ” 'nvl^u(fen?S n, nokrtjitotiertn i’cnlxHlyrcni'wiy allowed llobarts to sliep« alale. p L IC U plained flbont Uie hlgli pricehe ofIn era ’I'o in o other itatea,'Btamm aald,aid, IIBARINO11 DKNIBD terl to lliiril l>'i» Harvard siiuareKluare oUieroU itr vlvlailors, nnd onto the10 plat- p lat- low-yieldlow-yl< nuolear teat wna uon- Poontc "PooAtello must hnve more to WASHW ASHINOTON, Juno U (Dn— .... M II, a Junior, merely waiilerl to Iwr.l n line form w here iinlvernlty (itriRlalaifflclala dunted dunted underground In I Nevada Ifr-A food, "I'm housing and gaaullna In era in It hl» vi'liprp Iho trudltiouul im rade line form w a oon- Poonlello, ice lo offer"Poont In a lower coat of livingg If llie supremesiip court today denied 86,. attend .Pie gercnioiiy, but ‘' H ar- nnd o th rra were oaftembled,ll. today, today, the otoinlo energy c»iii- llve, t " sa id 'llilokol attd Uie Uiwn are to a Ik^atI' M iaic v.!’" bnltliieas won him a nuKiiiii forii'ci'firi in •'ff"'"* moving Inlo U nr- nnd oth Nevada "I'ocnlollo la a nice place lo offer li to a henrliig lo Clarence Bjdward m l n m m iPiico- I.iiter (111! liimrd of (ivniarpm/niarrrn inlaaloi mlaalon announoed. Stiiiiiii succesalully compete wllh Uie Asliley, 1 III llin vni.l Jiii'i I'"' the iMiiiimriico- I.uler > com- llve, Uia people ara tine." said 'lliloko Uie Asliley, under d e a th aenlenaa In tlin dlatlngiilnhoil «umW m' >*' w ent (,<» luiich - and I’cnbixly,rnbixly. IIIt ususes Uie term low yield for "Ilul tve to rest of Uie country." OallfornI Stilllllll, succou Oallfornia for the alaylng of 0« i' "^‘^2..,,...^ .... Ik pi«tfplntfonil, He Inter liiiiclied wIiH ccoin- atlll holdlim «i\ to Ivls cauuvt, CMWVt, au «KpexpluraUon up tn U\e «t}MWa- bn doi s l>eD- He aald rnnployment a l Uia yeai-olt} iioBrli' "'ViMltle, am i th e deed accom - atHl hr eld for "Ih lt aom ething wll] h av e to real ol Uia yeai-old An«la May Btawart la ..A, the Harvard Iward ot oveinen-. ' iw'< e maka brougtil RobtrU aloi)g. lont lent ofof 30,000 to n s of TNT. pla U oU iar p la n t will raaoft 100 July 1. AUfUit. ^ To i t a r t Uiiiige olt, lloberl.!l ^ e r u st}MWa- bn done in order to entloe i>od- He . AUfUit. IMO. ■... . '. pla to ouina her* Irom oUier plaut i . . I '■ I . ______Friday, June 14, 1963 •es RaciaTStFife•ife Twin 1 FallsIs NewsNe in Brieflef A Al rea Pastors g( ' 2 Tw'n * lms e».N s -N «v«e w i *, Temperatures Ri Seen Today Weather, Tem ______Admitted to Twin FaUsUs CUnlc DiDeadltoe for Magic Valley ^ Glen Schroeder and rtly eloody Sstnrdsz. afttr neatly elMdy |7 ] Wllham Western Horse show entries..r i Is T i t o T ake P art HAOIC VALLSr—Partly elfiod/ S» f O S S bojpJtal are Mrs. James Wllham Wea Lydawamng across sW ^ nd partly cloudy night. A Uttla '.is; warmer Flares Across and Mrs. J. A. Cederqulst,1st, both SatiSaturday-nigbU-Enlrlos-thouIcti-*houW ^ ^ ■ nnue u e nnorth i .. . Mrs. Stni^^'w lthhl^«^..15, K lows ? 48*»9. except Camas pratrle blghs * , be-taken to Vickers Saddlery, a engaged In conversation Ex-Residentnt 359 Shoshone street smith,ISS!"; or In JJJ C o n clav e rIn m id 7»f, lowa In npperr Ma.4«a. OatiookOnllook ifor Bunday fab aMl H^U'.S.warmer. I Regionso n s ------359 County Clerk Harold L w t^ Tcmpentores at 8 aja.:I.: M at'Jerenat' Jerene, <1 at T. F. expertaaent David C. Fix, 103 E ighth h th ave- givegiven to Mrs. Dean Vickers, 810 CALDWKIi. June 14-MaglcMagic f■ ■ . .■ U W n . Dorothy Boone 1 ^ ' humidity, 69 at I. F. entcaology Uboratory 3ahl, jr., Heybum ftvenae west. I Of Burley sUtloa It wlth-n per homldlty, B9 at boratory (Continued From Fagete One)One) nue nue east, and Arthur Dahl, jr„ Hey VaUey ministers have beenn as- throughtnrou( fUes In courihom T^' ally. 6Z at Rupert, "SS at Fairfield, 68 at ,„jy, w ith 10 per cen t hnm ldlty. 62 a t Ra arrived In front of thehe White ien Maple avenue, were gradu- ■rtle* at signed parts to the programon of Three youngsters waiu^ • n H Buhl. 64 at Caatleford. 69S» at Wendell; at noon. 7# at T. F.. exi^-esperi- „ bearing signs proclaiming•oclalming at*d ated Thursday from 'nam Harvard rd TlThere win be work parties at *|fne er cent hnmWlly. 71 at T. F. entomology Tees. Fix the Camp Fire Girls' Camp.mrf Tft.Ta- thetne JJehovah's Witnesses conven-nven- vously to talk with Juv«mi.^' I Dies in Utahd l i mS en t statio n w llh 56 per cen t hnmMl tomology MlxInB Stinks” a n d and ’'S ep- "Sep- unlv university with AB degrees. Fix the rough fleer Ernest Marlow « n t tumidity. BaAHiMler; 99.19. A>H K m - jm cum wnksnl Saturday and Sjinday.Sunday t'on to be held June 31 through fleer T 0.1I. laboratory wHh 42 p er een t bamldUr. J, amt'on or Death." was was graduated magna cum vak WMkera 23. It wu announced today by Qeorg BURLEV, June 1 4 -M rs. L ydia^ I*perat«re.:-At T.-F. eiperlmentlerlmsnt sUtlon.sUtlo four-lneh 64. elgbt-lnchgbl-lwb swastika - wesrlng march- laud Help is urgently needed. Workers *' ly by G eorge D avis taking rifab'lnifj^' Ig m arch- laude. Hel] . nirnir District Supervisor RandaUlU V. friend during luncheon P . Tt>ner, 16. died T h uj* n ad ay iy in In K ifl.liieh 59 (M-hoor evaporaUonevaporation .21);J at Buhl. Ihrtt-lnebuieh esj 68; swiftly turned aroundd around , - - - are requested to brtog a picnic Dl»« , wl Ite Brooklyn. N. Y. chairman cafe . S alt Lake Clly. .J b 64; al Wendell. Ihree-lncb 64. :e to the M argaret K . Feaaenden.sn. roroute u te lun . cates high pre«ure bulldin*ulldlng and Ibeoomlng the .predominant ‘o m police of- WAC center,’ Ft. McCleUan, Ala. \ j 38. 1957. Ilie y came to B urley “ Ihe western sUIm , extending northwardInward rouncrounded by a dozen police of- WA( G. O’Bryan program, Uitroductog v a rioloin u s lounUln founti . . . A„J S weather feature over the western st prior to further army schooUng. _ in IfllT where ahe resided untJJill, along^ the wett eoast of Canada. A lowtw prcasore iroogh aloftloft will fleers- Prloi n , ■’rv mtolsters SS! who wUl teU of differ-JUfer- Clerkclerk to store noting B durlnr In Danville. Va., animergency emergency ------D 1961, when she moved “ to S a lt" be In tbe eastern Paelfle.e. Storm8tenn sysUmstysUi from Ihe Fsclfio during In I A O e n t experienced, a nI^ d y O. . people D . Doty. to peoplcke and aimed otit curUll- centcenter. The building ha* been T_ 1 part of an hour-long'symposium( o s l u m ______Lynwood, Calif.; Ethel Toner, “ normal, ing racial demonstraUons.ions. The cclosedIom for the week. 'J.J **y espeeted lo average from livefive t«to elgbt. degrees above normal. Ing i In Oregon> basedES, on "Olfts In Men." » San Leandro, CaUf.; Mrs. Eu- J a re Ooodlng 80-49, Twin F slls 80-48,-48. aand n d coun( council acted a few aurshours after after ------a Leo Holcomb, presldtog mto- r A NormaU for thb period are Ooodlng 8 gens ya by (he first of next week. PreclplUttoniplUtion with a new get-tough ^llcy. Mllg ^ business al the time of hislls death. HlghllghUng th e assembly, a t- vTE _ Mr. 03ryan was bom to Lew- ^ WINDELI. JmiB H_M,. ’ m a; and MUo Jackson, K en n e th fromf these showers Into> (be week-eaJ week-end k ezpeeled lo («UIlal from Coi Councilman John W. Carter “J ‘ tended by about 800 delegates, ^uare. Pa.; three tUtert, Mrt. *' th Utile shower activity Indleated for thelha said the ordinance, effectivefctlve Im- q ] Clen Jenklni Chevroletlet com- com- In 1911 and was “an engl- * will be a dedication - baptUm ■moonStSj?”' Oermany, .have amved rgr ^ Handel Ingham, Tacoma; Anna «Va“ln‘2r"of‘u.l"SVi^“lhrM ;* i (hroogb rt^^^ Wednesday. medlimediately, was needed because j^n. ^#8 med applicationlon for afor ne«rtok a graduat«-of tho'iMs Unlver- H* ceremony . , Saturday aftemoon Anderson, Retell, Wash., and Eva around 75 to 88 per cent of potribleble with w ith thisth is < clly of 47,000 "h aslbX*."! ee n In-il' i,uu; buUdtag permit toM construct ^ c t a a of Idaho, claa* of 1935. He “.n drf' > B lb l. UUli by D ..1 , Bun- Jackson. O akland, Calif.; 16^, aging ne^r three* t« four-tenthsI of the vsoe>yby (he of nest week. Prevailingt wwinds inds wUf beb< from a westerly dlreetlooJlrectJon Jnourmoumlng d e ath of sla in civil employed at the Hunt war relo- I ,i m any a t A m erican dcpenflnl inal rites thU period with speeds averaging fromfree sU to 10 mUes per«r hour, rights leader Medgar Evers b^an K 1 caWon admlhlstraUon site and schooto. ‘ eaealnf »p ln. am«n yroiip.~ In Richfield GrangeP a to IM6 he begMi work for the l|i III yiiv. -BJt& re d show eri ^ e -tOBtlHBlnODOBDlBf i Ull«i bbe 1 lim dranee a u d eansinf tu m l fc f Pim ntH ffm" cemetery. Priends may call ant t ^ acUvlUess aa* . already i damp conditions fallH to|4» re- downdowntown secUona carrying smaU P IPI< bureau of rechmaUon at Bur- the Payns inortuary Sundaynday ar-af- ce benefit from-liDprovedflnproved dry drying conditions dnrlngm psrtsparU AmeiAmerican flags. Policeff'Sl! began * Summer ley, where he worked untU the Ci CAREY, June 14—Mrs. Jessie In^^Wendell^hf'Vas'^t'u'eeTb June,jun^ a potluck dinner In hon» ■ temoon and evening andnd until weather oondKIonsidKIons begloc beginning a ro iu d Sundayr sbonld plcklJpicking up the demonstrators as D i >t time of his death. 8. Q Quincy, 79, died a t h e r home ofo f the th Ritters has been planned tim e of service Monday. I,,have the snpport ot a blgh pressurepressve ridge Iq tbe Northwealemiweitem aoon as they appeared.r “” " XPicnic 1 July 21 “iKe was a member of ithethe Ma- in CareyC Wednesday. for J Ju n e 30 following the »or. sUtes and Increasing amounUnounU ot farmfan work ean be expectedected to MoMost of the first demonstratorsonstrators R!RICHFIELD, June 14—Mem-14—Mem- sonicson lodge and the Scottish rite, S*'*ri- waa a retired telephone■phone shship ip services a t th e Melhodut arrested were teen-ages Negroes, bersbershlp projwsals were accepted HeH to survived by his widow, nuer of«* the «»• week. arres operator. Her husband, EverettSverett churcchurch. Magic Valleyi c y ^ Rlalng soil tcmperatarcses wUl benefit germliuiUon of beansans and A ispokesman for thee NegroMNegroo) and the annual summerer pkJilcpknlc two daugbtew, Anne Kane,me, Foj-t ^tncy, died four years ago.0. She ------poUtoe* wllb crop growthrth expected toI retnrn mote to normal, said a lO-Uock area had been set for July 31 when thehe Rich- RUey,RU< K au.. and Jean O'Bryan, va< ------selected select for the demonstrationsinstratlons field Orange met Wednesday'ednesday Burley,bui and-one *on, CharlesSS; “■ Bu by amall eventog. O'S Bu?y Doers 4-H FuneralsS BYNOPSIB ANDD AGRICULTURALAORICULTl SUMMARY whlclwhich were conducted by amall ever O'Bryan. Burley. i. Sher i cam e to C arey In 1900 a n d - - .. Tho closed low presturor« center aloft that has been overe r Call-C all- groupe,group O:Olen Ross, Burl Akin*Kin* endand FuneralF services wUl be held ii„./ ynyj ghe was llr SHOSHONE-Puneral services m lornl* ®nd was a previousIS rain producerproduce over the valleys off south- NesNegro leaders warned1 city uM - - JohiJohn Base aro member*rs of the at :11 ajn. Monday at St. Luke's» m arried Feb. 33, 1919, to"s^ Sho- Unit ' v Reorganizes for Archie Thomas Jones willL. .K be . has again renewedewed llsIts InfluenceInflue over our weather.ler. This thorltthorltles that bloodsheded might menmembership reviewing commit- EpiscopalEpl church. Coeur d’Alene, ,w _ T h e B usy-D oers 4-H club tt- held at 3 pjn. Saturday^ In the low, pr«8ure center U Inn the process of fUllng, but In so(0 doing result following the demonstra-emonstra- tee who wlU report at the June underund the direction of>f Yates gjirvlvlng are a son. RichardJch ard organisedorgar and elected olllcen Gooding LDS church by Bishop brought tlons yesterday when nightstick 36 meeting. Summer meettog MorseMoi futieral home. ** Jua drifted northeastwardd Uilo'southemInto souther Nevada and has brought tlons Qutocy, concord, Calif.; a daugh-laugh- WedtWednesday aftemoon, Aldon Johnson. Concludinging rite* ^ . unstable air to our vaUeys.val Showers and thunder-hunder- swingingswing policemen broke'oke up a houihour Is 6:30 p jn . “ - . ter, Mrs. Phyllto Dawher,r. LasL as OOfl fllcera are Jan e Andenoo, WlU be held at Elmwood“ ceme- Vshowers produced by thist flow of unsUbleunsU air were generallylly Ught crowdcrowc! of Negro and whitehlte specrspecT MMn. Odell Chatfleld, master, Tk . tery. Ooodlng. Friends may call . dhl amounts mostly leas than .100 of an UtorsUtor* cheering the marchers.iTchers. reportedrepc on the county Centen- }J n n 4 Vegas. Nev,; th ree slaters,1, Mrs.M rs. presl^9 Florence Haun, Kenosha, WIs,: Ident at the Bergin funeral chapel. the largest fall from these showersrs as .13 In Washington, the supreme nlal meettog of organlatlon y-. WIs,: Ident; Kathy Helfrecht. secrt< w»pe*. inch. CasUeford reported the largest fa Mrs. Katherine Relnke, Wauke- tary; ' Shoshone. 1 from their rain gauge. court refused to ^ park, hhear e a rt operation and Is convala- for Mrs. ElUa Lurtnda Rasmus- * ------. iHe reports persons are Ig-,i- Hagerman HoldslU lC la and a daughter, Mrs.I. Robert wherewhe she wiU be employedred fofor r clng a t th e hom e of her*tnottier, sen WlU be held at 3 pjn.^ fjfcSaU HMPERATUW5■URR ANDa n d PPPRECIPITATION noinorlng the law which may f^ , ^ Rhlnehart, both Rupert;lupert; a tho aummer. Mra. Mra. NelUe Kidd, Declo. urday In the SpringdaleS LDS Highest temperature Thursday,'hunday, loweslowest temperature last 1313 hours, lealead to loss of IhelrIw" dogs. ^Confirmation n brother,^ WUlard McMllUn,UUn, JJe- e ------: — chapel by Bishop Noel•L Bow- „ 7 ^ precJplUUon for 34 hoursrs ending at «6 ajn. CST. iAU dogs should be! Uedtied or HAOntMAN,h June 14—C 14—Con- o n - ®nd two sisters, Mrs. Law - • cut. Concluding rites wUl bo ^ »» . ' on leash 34 hours a day. , flm B held at "nco Sage, Torrance, Call/., and f ' day. . flrmatlon services were held at Y ear-L ong C ourl beld In Qem Memorial Oardens. aii !!Si •*" They wUl be held only two the Catholic church WednesdayWednesday Bemlce Wllbum, Colorado Courtesy Contest Friends may call'at UcCuUoch Sah i ’—T "r»{ "’la .0* MiSfi b h T T T Z Z Z m : so80 .m.M da;days before destroyed.d. ____ momlngmoi by • Bishop Sylvester ^ s funeral home until time of ser- ^ SI 41 Utdlsnd, T ti. ------S8 10 s S S ^ S Trelnen. Boise. } . . . [•.■"ruS S tarts fo r R uper ' . At , -' ' Co^Irmed were WalterIter Bon- at lO ajri. Tuesday to the Rupert ^ lupert Employes ' !! j! ■ ' iBsi^ ■.nt M.thoJIit chutcli^lg ULe^y. tt. H.T. _RnPimTr J..n« lA ^nlove^innlOTfci^l 'Mi.mhor*w. n f th n merfhiints VALLB-T^eral aerv* li' - Bookiise Listed ^ and Mrs. RaRaymond Thompson. Ftoai ntes of Idi for Dr. J. alB lU len wiU ^ 2“™ ^ “ of Rupert atores ate sUrtlngrtlng a cominlttwcomi who are working ce wHl be held to the Rupertwrt ceme- year-long^ea: contest to ftod the bTheld at 8 pjn. :8aturdayjrday to SSwrnfmrZZIZZ-n8? u gkuh !lv Fc an a n d a n n u al event are Frtd ■ WiMermortuary by the-Rer; J'' jj V For Hagerman13H IViJneiiIn en were w era ' most mo! courteous saleswonian and . - |8 ------FblladtlphU ______7S 66« -- Tr. HHAOERMAN, i June U — Mrs. the Rev. Jerome O’Conner,ner. Buhl;B u h l; ^ ^ - -■ sale s IiYed F ricke,' Jo h n Trevino, Qeorp X w l Riddle, w ith concludlnK ch — - ■ talesman to Rupert, says Fred rite i a t Twin FaU,s cem*m etery.etery, ch>ri«toB,ch w . v». _ « soto riitib ------*i ST .01n NNettle e tt Moyes, librarian,in, reports the Bev. Bernard McBride, Je- p r.nATQ “en>*»r of theI mer- MadMacDonald and Dean Judd. II .17 Fonltn/. U*. ______I d S4*4 314 books have been Used used from rome; ron: the Rev. Father Ordway, Filer *• Chief ChefsL/1ICI9 chant'sSS committee. Th Friend* may call at White mor- cb 10 .01 PortUnd. Or*. _____ 78 IS (he They stress success of the pro)* until 3:90 p in . fiaturdajr.SS'1S?=|! ^ii i; the library during the past Ooodlng;Oo( the Rt. Rev; Msgr. Ed- Q Each month the moat courte- ect ,wUl depend a great deal upoo C«1umbiu. O. — . ___ 11 ' *T\l lUpId .it(0 month. muimund R, Cody. Twin Falls, and Select IO OfficersC£9 ous saleswunan and talesmanf ^ a n Individual bustoess owners aod BA1LB7>-Puneral aervlce*vices fofor r ^ ------»* ” 5” .® ' 4* She also report* 400 new adult the Rev. Father Platt, Shoshone. f: i l ER, June 14-Qaryry Dough- will bo chosen and awardedrded a managersmam who are asked to le* *1 Tr. and children books have been St.s Cathertoe's AlUrer society erty erl was elected prealdentent of the certificatecerl at the first regular that u r t . Rota Ja n e DeckardI wUl be Drtroll*R! !m______« *7i? .0* .oJFw=H 8 t I ii regular th a t th e ir em ployes wear their Jiald « ( i pJa. Monday' In tbthe e D«)uib ______7* 4S4S fl«u fl«U i U k . City _ ; . 77 «5; '•** received from the sUtete library, servedscr' dinner to the priestsirlests andnnd pt chief Chels 4-H club atal a meeUngme« of the Chamber of‘ Com- courtesycourt name badges and tn Bellerue community church,churoh, Bb __ so 'o70 B*n » Antonto ______»7 71 MlMrs. Candida saorrlagaTlaga and tho those confirmed and liieieIhelr fam- tarn- meeting mi held Tueadayy at the mercem« luncheon each month.nth. In Informedjnfor as to the points a T ta ty AUen Nellie W ollery, ^ » r M rs. Moyes wlU orderer 88 new lllesllle: at the home of Mr.•.and and Mrs. Dd ougherty. home. Dariene Darlene May,Ma; 1064, one saleswom an a n d ^ h lc KM ll children and youth books.ooks. SUnleySU Hoskoveo following ser- d < wufta ^ Judged. • > mUiiourlai. irm offlcUte,le, PlnaiPinal jtttns-n. ------si- si!! ...at Smiu ii il -" S jwlng ser- Dougherty Is club leader.ler. one salesman for the year wUl be _ _ rltea wUl be held in th e HaUey lndlM*pOlUi»< ______is H*l .** Us Shrrr 8h r» r.p o rt------*» 7178 ' ' T T l h e library board WlU wlU m eet vlwvlcea. - ...... Russell Denton wasis electedelectcd “ aeleoted I* .and aw ards wUI-be m ade fttll jMkMH, HiM. ______100 TS?* SDokJS*______SISiwkJ IS“ JuJuly ly » at the homee of MMrs. rs. ------vj< oemeunr. Friend* may caU at 77 T.mp«.Bl. Ptbs. ____ l l 16 wnv, ------vice president: Mike Graves,raves, sec- aat t Ithe annual Chamber of Com- ^ tU t Bird funeral hom e u n.uT til noon noS k* tvir'i^;!!' v,I t ' ' W» M hlntlon ______10 esl l Moyes. i-icfa reury, and Brooks Oraves,raves, re- niei nierce employer-employs ban- § l» W. Yillowilan* " I t M . J-___Wendell ArtistsiloLS S porter. quequet. - • I SiST iai'«StT ==sS-«—'7S " ‘VVIrtlltl’ __'.TsrW — -----— —- • ------'Projeots'for-ihe-year-w-were-dls ere-dls------—^Judgtog—» Ul he d o n e . fftch _ | Doon until 1:90 pin. Monday. ^ Iremes from wlUiln the United sutes ex- “ : Some temperattire extremes from w InfantTKesies GetG InstfflclionIIO II cu cusaed. DejaUs and datesles otof 4-H monthmoi by a group from various I -Ij -. cept Alaska and Hawaii.1. Thursday highsht 103 at Russell and 103 ACBQUU — Funeral eerrteea “ ..,2 HAZELTON. June 14—Frankie,4-Frankle WENDELL,v June 14 —- Mra. “ mp wero announced, The June civic,clvi commercial and farmi p or- R ^ M T J Friday morning tows 85 at Ely, Nev., .*"5- and .Lfie_L»WJo^Jniant »n_of Mr, lid a t Uie ganlzatlons. T hey wUl visitIt e a c h ' ------ferahanm ehugg wUl-be-held a t - a n a -O lym p\a,-w ash;------« » - » n _ o f M'’- MRdLBt.Ml?fotd^TMn_ Falls,Foils, WM 20 meeUng will be held at Uie san a pin. Uondior In the • Acequia 3 k m ; and Mra. Frankie Wayneayno QLaw* w - fuest Instructor for theirw WendeU endell Doughedy-home.------r reUretoll “ business—In-Rupert-imj-jnd- d- — .-w rarSslK tliin— IDS ward chapel by BUhop El- son, Hnzelton, died al birth art class this week. ------1_____—_ - Judga Jud each employe according to' —~4oo-St«pbon. .COQfiludtng^rttea Alaska.ka, Hawaii and Canada :t Judging sheets whloh include ] rhursday, lowest wmperature last 13 hours, Memorial gj,e began her Instructionictlon wllh w llh DEADLINE SET Jud. wUl b» held ta the Rupertrt oeme- 'HUhest temperatura.'niurBday, lowei »' szrThosplul. " cor ' 14— First greeting, appearance, attitude preclplUUon for 34 hours ending 4 a constructive criticism on paint- RICHFIELD, June 14 —First gre tery. nrlend* may call Sunday ^ irs endfng‘4 a.m:P8T.------— • r ) S St*tl«n *Ui. Hin. Pop. flull.1flun.>n »U«. Mln.mu’ I’tp. V,,. ' ’Survivors are his parents,irents, twin mggmn ot olub-mcmbers.mademade dur- yeyear sewing memberst ofot Ihethe durduring sale, mercliandlse knowl- afternoon and evening a and n d aat t c ^ i Imc» ______« »a»0 wim, Wltinll.**______«< 6»s i ' «'*te sisters Judy Oay Lawsonawson and in^inn the pnst tour months.[iths. KorkettesKi 4-H club havelave untU «<1« edge,-method of Klllnir. desire the ward chapel from I Pin.P in . Mmontoatc ------i------TS s« r r V.nc. V.ncoKMi' ______70 Si*• TTU(TYudy R ay Law son; unnamunnamed ed ^ Drallsford deliveredjllvcred a Ju n e 33 to complete MJignmentsislgnments ^ «rvo the customer, axJpen-'xjpera- aC t~ V - . J* -1! In ta n t tw in b ro th er; m aternal jhc untU time ef mttIco Monday. g ? i r ‘_ = 7 * T 1! t ; f .T ,w f f !! !! ;?! |: S “ ; maternal jhorl lecture on pictureture tech- of apron, tea towels and place a n d to le rest In Uiee Cus- to Juniau ______IS 40 40 .04M grailgrandparenU, Mr. andd Mrs. Er- nlqnique. Individual asslsUncelUnce was matsnn If they desire toI enroU inm bonier.^n: ______^1 RUPZRT—Funeral •ervlce*•vice* fofor r ToreoWtc ~ 1* isIS .07 ItowlKomIuIu ______11 70 70 nie nie Tucker, Paul, andId paternal givgiven ench art student.t- sewing se II classes this summer., .H M lrl W hitaker will b e oon- ' ' Bratgran d p a re n ts, M r. and • Mra, ------—- ^Luann i Drown will be hostess for in IDAHOJ I O TEMPERATURESTEMPER^ ' Qeo; ------d»eted *t.a pm-Wednesrtay In _ Oeorge Lawion, Lamar, Mo. the June 35 meeting. ^ B E R G 'S flBa R B H H R the Rvpert LDS ward chapel by » UliJTTep: Rutvw------‘------Ml*. Htn.-frpr —Q,—Omvesldemrvlcn-wlll-be-held — h»p«» by ■ ' 11 Tr. ?“il! UoiiUiB - ______S7 i l , ------Valley------— TWIN WllS-MORTUARYARY III Bishop Clark Cameron.V FFinal inal ^ ------: : 10 “«t Toi .01 M iiiit______7« uht “tnt a3 p.m. Saturday at the Paul rit«a wlU be In the Sunnyny CCedar edar BukiBi ______no isII .o» .01 M.mn MounUln Horn*_____*S SI SI Tr. Tr. cemetery cem by Qlshop Jay Maxwell. Ambulonct Servica B Rest In Almo. Frlenda may call >>> II .0* rim * ______M *' «l J*’'Tr, T hhe e service Is u n d e r the dlrec- Traffic Courts . K im berly. P U R N rrU R B COMPANT Monday aftemoon and evening M Ifls t'on of Uie Payne mortuary.lOrtuarv Wayne' McCllmans, Kimberly, I e vw lng Kmm.U ------M 6S« -'Vte!'* : Pm t — ------ll T u itio n ____ WAS fined 110 and.coststs by by Twin Tw in I 733-1300 and until tim e of servicece Tues-T ues- rairtitid r'l ______^___ 7» siSI .OI.ItuiHrt .M.iiui>« - - in 4H .08 _____ I Elki BIdg. Twin FalliJ day at the Payne mortuary,nortuaryn o n u a ry , cioojins(>< ___ ^ »* ^ mM Tr.'a.lmoii Tr.'a*inn ______IS 6S6» SIGNS CONTRACTlACT r’o'l* Justice of tho PeacePenco Al I _ 14 — Mary Robinson and as.ilgned three I ---- ttaln. ______aMkhn FtlU »l SSM Tr.Tf (w*}r./**‘* W»lii ~ ~ 14 «l“ ’**•” WWSNDBLU June 14 - Mary 1^ _-»«-----■-» fi____ uU __ IxIx. . l^UI^u- . TftvlQr._who receivedBl^ed a ^B8 8 violation'"O polnU fo r a atop algn BURLBY-Funeral servlceenrloea for —------degree In education from the MM — M rs. Lydia P. T oner wUtt be held NORTH IDAHO-Oenerallylerally fair wit wltli little Umperature» change UniversityUnl' ot Idaho this year, 1Lynn A, Nelson, Twin'win Falls,Falls. a t 10 a, m. Monday In th)0 e Joseph tlithrough Saturday. H ighss 76-68, lowslow t 45-SO.i h asa s signed a co n tra ct tn Wnclilencli In w*' lined |38 and costs by Judge ^irs-N O -rrc■TTOO-tATS Payne Memorial chapelI by theth e ”------...... — ■■ ' ththe e Boise tcliool syaiem.stem. MIm ^blnton and assigned four vlo- Rev. Warren Sechler. Final rites « T aylor wUl spend theiie sum m er Gallon^atl poInU (or violation o t the M M o v e will be In the Pleasant View U S mother, Mrs. Reed Tny>Tny- bas baslo rule. HARD WATER5er t o enrol4R0LL FOR ^ cmeUry.ft^^ m^ at^e Magic VaUey^alley Hospitals r Z ______noon and evening and untilmurumc Ume RM agic VallcyTffcmorlalmorlal GoodlnK( M cSformT"Qfin| i^nopp, aii^uperi; uoone Pyle, “ 7 of service Monday. Heyburn, Mrt. Narvel itodrlquei ------J U N=-etASSES— t ^ Admitted AdnUtecl and Barbara Archer, Minidoka. 1. iIa ^ I. Withdrawal of residents from the ' RUPERT—Puijersl cervlccsrvi(v* for , Steven Cameron, Mrs. Kon.U Ronald , M"- Mi ,ann.»l».«, Oooil- Oood- ,„a and Aiphanla Manclas,w, I Poul aui la. la- pf Minidoka.;r county s ESirrES’iE S DAY AND EY(EVENING 'ork, Ber- Dehrens, Hagerman,ragennan, ix>p ix,r camp. Kaylene Nelson will be held a t 3 V from the Minidoka countyouniTnro Ilro , 'bowa'*.If., HU. KU, p. m. Tuciday in the lUipertinert LDS !* Mulder, Mr*. Burdetteette Deb- *nd Karla Miller, TulUa.«• niim U K d aln will ‘— r r j ------irinn Hi<. JoM Ph ClemlenU enU and and Dlsmlaaed NiNorma Wallace, Dolma>lm. P.1111FaUlt. rtistrlctS? to become partr'/t'tK of the . , ...... h UbemaeU by nW»op Eldon Sle- “ a t Pnul, phenson. Final tlUs willil h«be h.irt held SItandolph McQraw. allIII Twin RalphR< Dehrens and Mrs.Ira. Char- VanVaiiota noiiiier and Mrs.K OOeorge eoS e ' “ '•‘'•'Cl at the Ruwrt cemetery., pri.nH.Friends ‘Falls; Richard Lewis, Jerome; les llurcti snd son, Hagormnn;agormnn; OraOrant, all Ruiicrt; CarroH a am- m . CAREER COURSES:COUR m ay caU Monday aftemnoon oon andm Z ® V. W ilkson and Uoas3SS Koyle, MichaelMIcI Rerdy, Uelnnala IWedylleedy son, Mliililoka, and Mra.Urs, llaslllo ^ ^ ^ mam of service, Durley; Osle Jones,I, Rupert; anil Dana lleedy, aU Falrllclcl,Fairlleld, OnrOiircla and son, Wllsdii labor •venlng and until time of services “ IA Secretarial — Accoi Tuesday. ^ Amanda and Doylo church, Ooodlng,}dlng, cam p. I — Accounting — Nelson, Bu))l.- Ethsy) Wood.iwd. X lm - ' ■ n irth a l m ______Business AdmlnlstfolVdmlnlstfolton General _ HAZEUrON-Qravesldeaids aer-ser- *' Olennls Connor, Rich* xinl ®*>nB were born lo Mr. and Cassia-Memorinl ^55 |||^ Business —- Stenogrc StenogropRlc vloes lor Frankie Uo» UUwwn, w son, * Mfs. James aittlna, iji's. and to Mr, T sI^w lV r \ Infant son of Mr. sndand Mrs DUmlsMd Admi((«d and Mrn. Narvel Htxlrliiupi, nil NPSPGM Frankie W ayne Lawson,n . will babe . Tommy K. LaneI and son, OOsry Hanks, Mri, Rnylay Frey- RurR uixirt, nncl n ilnuRhler wna born held at 3 p.m, Saturdaylay In Ihethe ‘ Mrs, NIcodemualUa Fiscli-Flsch- mill miller. Victor Karls, Mra,ra, JaiuraJaiiirs tnto Mr.T and Mrs. Dnllna Cnrotla,' Paul cmeury by Dlihoplinop Jay • son. Annabelle Reeves«eves and FurlFnrtner, and Michael Warner, Mln Minidoka. Is under Ames, Howardnward C. all Hurley; Mrs, June McLain, ----- ^ TURTLESLES .. 25cSc SHORT courZOURSES:: wrvlce is under I 1 M c L a in ,------dlrecUon or the Payne mortuarymortuary, l^o^nion^snd, Olen C. Davla, all litclo;l>ee; Mrs. John Blmpson. Itu- W n W H ; aiJMHfl ecJitii'lcr a n d pert 1 , Typewriting—g— DictaphoneDict< — f itiylcr and pert; Mrs, >v*»«r eclitilu, «(ch- D C j large GOlDFISHJol OAROT—Funeral scsrvlce* n lce i for ! W launar. both Filer,nior, aand n d field, field and Patricia Grant, U y n DFISH^fot-ouldaor. pondsn __------_ ------F1 - d jn g 4 . BBootdceeplng o o k k e ep ir — Office I J e u la 8 . qulnoy willvlll be held Matt * tt Joens ton, Utali, « SURE Saturday tn the Carey ' Dismissed , WATER HYACINTIHYACINTHS and HUES• M a c h i n e . , LD6 wartl chapel by DWiwDWiop _ ------OOary Hanks, Qora Tellerla, O arth Cook, Final rites will be Icrom e '^°hn ClirUietuon. Mrs. E, ll. held Tuesday In Concord. Calif, S’ S BE SAFEIAFE COMPIETE'LETE SEllSELECTION OF Johnson and Ronald Ramsoy,anuey, all RUPERT—Funeral services for woncien; jjuriev; Linda Nelson. I/irl Nel- Phone orr comt c o m t IIn for full j D r, H. E. MCMllian will" r be r held c ■««. ««d Min and Mrs. I*Vell Ferrin, all ODDS . . . SUPPLIES at 10 ajn. Tuesday atI the Uup. liup. • Jerome, Huruupert,. WITH1TH '' «rk Methodist church by the ^ ^ n irth s Informalliiiformatlon \ Her, Raymon4 Thonpton.pion.^Ftila* Final K e n n ^ n *"'* daughUr, A son waa bon. to Mr. and See our Birds and Mr. and ■».*_ ilrds and Tropical Fish1 (^ - l i ------n tM « m be hlM In th*tbe RUDcrtRupert S ? *'• M il lasellon. : ^ S s ro S J Ih ie S ^ •»ali ✓ ' T ‘ OALUOD TO UTAl}ITAli -— . Blrtht IM inidoka M emlorlal orial Ci ( S A P I 0 TWININ FiF A O S fPfUNODALB, June U-M rs fh to Mr, AdmKUd ' , I 'Per, W«n- Julle Jakumsen andi d CarolCsrnl ' 3 ) ' SEtURITV fn to Bee- Jikuiiiion. Paul; Mrs. UaUas IRITY ^ ' BUSINESSS S C O L L E ^ •M fv Wbo 1a u i ■ Cmiu. Mr., J.m., oml,,..omS H£CDKDWiaKfte SQa >nl Ctor»l — A c rc n a from Young'i Dairy d Cheryl PHONI 733-80328 0 3 2 ^ 260 2nd St, I.

u . . _ loser on ththe mound. Brent Vie-ic- ning pitcherpitch and J. K^y. loser.oser.,Penn>-wlse Pennj-wlse Owls 7-S. Paul Hens- U 1. sought plnns and speclVlcntlon.f Friday, F riday, June U, 1 9 6 3 ^ j^H. Grange tor singled twice for the win-n- John AUen ttripled for uie win-wln-lley ley was winningw. and ,Jess f j l l l . for the Ingoon scwnse treniment ners and Butters once for thehe ners. The ITU Devil# blankednked[Wntson. WnUon. 1(loser. Buhl Pool to srsroject o je c t anand only ono bidder for Tv^in Falls Times-News 3 V RvirriA/i.T' I jte losers. The Mony Macs took a thetlio Countr>-Count Cobblers 10-0. Joe•Joe Vnlley Sportingi Goods Braves "D ^ | tlie sewer project in the McCul------Eyes-Repair Jw ^ forfeit win from the Elks Orbit-iit- Adams waswa; winning pltchcr “udnnd blanked blnnkcd Snyders! Fighters 18-0.K Be U t? 'Opened lum nddltlon. . Bnhl to IheIhc city reservoir. United llj ^ eers. Mike W alalker was loser. MikeM'ke wonderlickWonderlic was winning hurler‘rler ^_ _ In othe other buslne.^s, council SSlates tales PipePip* nnd Foundr>'< S a n . ■ Jr' McClains ran away fr(}m thehe Mulder tripledtr for the Devils,svlls. and ShnwShn\< nnd S cott tossed for I. . m em bers accepted the bid (rom l-'rancisco.naucisco. submitted a bid of Of Hall Roof ^ Elks*^Orb"l Elks O rblteers 33-2, On the FidelityPldelliy BankBi won l-O over ‘n the c jiiie u,e i(v;er.vlaw: K erry Q ualls homoS: - On V / J l Saturday S.',C,n,th e pnciflc S tates Cn.'>( Iron coin- jii.sGSii.SG per fo' HiiddlesionHiiddlesio wns winning pitcherCher SntiirdaySntiirday, we.itlier penulttlng. I t ------two singles and a triple. Danlan one .hll. and Tlm Sorrnn. loser. wns rope singles clal «ere appointed to getjet RonersonRoRerj Coffee Shop Olanta Danlnls Yankees beat FairbanksJks Arctic CircleC TScos won 4-2<•2 HackneyUncknc H itters sliut out Firstfnlyi ^ Albertson's edRcd Dan Daniels p. building H being bulU at a t the losers. lose Onry Btlmpson dou- v.nvL . n lel* ree Wee League '• Federal ; SnvhiRs and Loan 3-0 oilierOlher bl'bidder wns th e Kim berly'■rly I »(»7^5S ^ SifiirgTOunds at Olenna Terrym r bled and anj slnRled. Yankees i:11-10. .Ron Denny was Shelbv's shelb% ^ Sluggers smotheredlered asns Floyd Ex’niw nnd Doug Bornh'ornh'coiutructlon coiutruc company, w hlcu' .„ ,^ w ln M r and Sieve N5cho\, loser. Mmhcu.V ^SSyear's county fair. Mrs.Irs. Brow 3 n Bom bers sh u t out M athew s L ittle Butchers 30-11.JO-ll, InirliMImrl.-d n one-hlller. Evans wa-S'submltted wa.'5|si,i,mlttr two s.’ijnraie bids onl Ron Denney singled and hom- ^ , A a r , i^irln Helwich. home economicslies Idaho Maho Power F 3-o w ith Steve So- ^ J? "" , ’n>* -YMCA Crusaders walked awn> wlnnliii; pltchcr| nnd P a u l B u^'kcr.lthe k e r.ith e project, proji ' | In. ran winning nnd Roy Ferguson ered for ! the winners and Doug from ,„m Br>’sonnr^. B lR lte Sportsm en lo.sor. Hoobler singled twice for the jj-s Ken »">™ , I BBids id. .will bc received on con-; Ion iMlnc on the mound. Bolyard hit ®' 32-8. K en Stew ard nnd Bill out-1 Sut-] Di'pofDi.pni'- Grill Ynnkecs , were eonsmieieonsmiel.lnn of sewers tn locat! »*>,. n double for the winners. The!Tie *“ *” • cflff'cliff hhit it f. 7. In' fje Bomber* defeated the Sports 1-0l-O . P®ny1 League wlnner.i.winners. overOlniover Olnistecid^s H ustlers by R'ck Rick McColluiMcCollum addition, nnd the sale «f the Father's day program. Ac- with Wlnson « on the m oundnd .Bowlndrome.Bowlndrc S trik es toppedped Brj'son'aB rj'son’s G I Joes oul.MiiguediRUed siccciiSkccii whow belted two homers,ners. of $68,000$68,00' w ater bonds nnd $174,-j ^ o n selecUoni were played pitching PUchinR a no-hltter, Cullp wasvas Dutch's TlTigers 7-5 with E. El- Prudentlnl Dodgers to win* 22- jinjim i A.» •>' Htatlns „ S 1S", 5-4. W ally Wickhamam also edged First Security Beetlesties led twice for the losers. Tommy)mmy , 'et'V- Tartcd ported i only lo u r bidders Vihvc' jop. wLse Owls, Tcrr>’ W llcock. w in- ...... - B. Spence and Mra.Irt. was »{'winning pitcher and Pi^dred 2-0 with Block Wells pitching.ing. Wnlker Teetotalersl got n lop- w«e ow. ctcU Bolt presented rosebuds to Snow >'loser. Jeff Toler doubledlied Ron OOarc nrdner wn.s loser. Pete’ete sided 38-138. win over Serpn'scrpn's nlng huihurler. nlso was top bnt- I 2% e men for Pathefa day. £for the'he winners. Stanger’s Tigers:ers Turner homeredhoi to win the gimeime StandnrdStandard O ilers. Krellknmplterknmpjpr for Ihls-team. as was Dave »u»ltv ANO J nI jI N sjv «u>ci>T ’ Refreshmenu were w rved Ijy by beat Idaho.Power Llvewlrc.i 9-1.5-1. after three batters in a row were•ere doubled th ree tim es, homered”“ ‘'‘*|Dny; lony- losing pitcher. PARMA ^ S ,r t Or.h.m, Mn. PlMk JJ"Dan Mi Murt was winning pitcherher PJ^PUt out for1 four straight in- nnd got twoV singles for the win-1...... 1 . _ .nd Mra. Timbers.______Sand ° ' Bob Larsen, loser.______nlngs. ^ ners. Eric Hovey singled twice. S ; L■ in ■ B ■ i■ . i - T - —Bb I VIw a te r lifter ^ ------7 7 7 ~ ~ Wells Brothers defeated Mo-.10- count on Coca( Cola 4-2. DennLs'nt^ jMidget League Th# Besf Pump for n tor-Vu Sluggers 6-1. Dave Wll-iri|. Spears waswa winning pitcher nndand Home Plumbing Tigers ran • Report Given sonr/;. wns winning pitcher andu)d Paul Clark.Clarl Joser. K Irt Bledsoewoe flti-ayflway iro rrom (he Petroland Gn.s PATIO ^ Wsita Wtier, Moss *nd Oarey. loser. Jensen got two sVn-iVn- doubled forf the winners and House GaGang 23-3 with M. NtKcllitK cll th th' a t's really n e a t Tr*»h. No Priming or foot I Bles for th e w inners and B ra uuer er WaltW alt SinclairSine doubled for ,tne the on the nmound. D. Taysom was On Ketchum‘ Sdoubled s for the losers. Wellsells losers. The Bears also heat Won-on- winBlosing nHpitcher. Extra baaeI hitsh iu • v slv e . beat Volco 4-2 with Von Wellsells derllch's Welsh\ Ponies 3-1 with'''th Lfor the w winner# Included D. oil- f pitching. D risco ll was losing;lng Dennis SpearsS) on the mound, hert hot i KILLINGER ELECTRIC ^ ind. bert, homer; O. Scheele.:Zo two COLORED^ ; Killl r • ^ c. of C. Meet hurler, Oary VanBuren was top Mike SwopeSwt was loser. MikeI'l'e homerunhomers nnd a triple; R. Pieman. I i r-, hitter for the losers. Falls Brandind Hledeman homered for the win- ,rjDi- nn [0 11036 Blu* Lake#, Ph 733-57267 2 6 k e t c h u m . June 14 - Mr«. ^ n- triple, and Bud Holladay. S doub- :| ColonialVOlfl Concrete Grace Munster. Tice president oi of beat Motor-Vu” 4-2. Mike Flor-lor- ners and Robert 1 Warner singled^'ed ].le, The Tiger# also beat the Uie Ketchum-Sun VaUey Cham-Jn. ence wns winning pitcher andnnd for the losers.lot ber of Commerce, conducted thetjjj Ricky Gorey. loser. Brauer was The ID Olants defeated HomeQme S^lar m eeting Wednesdayijy top hitter. Wills Motor Maver-rer- Dairies 2-12- behind Kent Wlch-Ich- [X at lhe Sawtooth club .»In Icks ^«cbeat FalU Brand Bulla 10-3.0-a am, Ricky Wentworth waa loeer. the absence of President Edward behind Randy Call. Lyle Won-on- Larry HarveyHa: got a double for derllck was losing pitcher. Har-[ar- the winnerswlnn. and Ricky Went-- Hurry!'! TThe here's Still|l TimeT ir To Takefake .A dvantagej e of Ensign acted as secre- vey Plummer got two singles fcr for worth doubleddo for the losers, of . . . Ury for John A, Davies. Both-■h i"®the winners and Scott Cryderder Dutch’s TigersT won 2-1 over ID Mr. Strieker and Mr. Davlea are singled , for the losers. OlantsOlanU wwhen Klelnkopf scored ittending national guard summer Jerry's sfl'ers beat Wills Motorjtor from secondseco an an error. Larry ,„ ln tw f a t Boise. 14-5 behind Walberg. Call was BlackwoodBlackwoot drove home the win-I WALKALKER S BIG ANNUAIUAL SPRINCING I Mr. and Mrs. O lenn Brewer.... losing pitcher and Rogers got nlng run. eunley. were visitors. Brewer re- two singles for the winners. Jer-ler- Ed's FrontierFi Rough Riders ported he believed a notional ry's J’ « also beat Volco Splinters 3.13-1 were pitchedpitch nnd batted to a 6-2 In thal area wouW become behind Walberg. Scott WUllamsims win over Stuart Bros. Tigers by p u t Pleta who hit a double and a » reality. He also advised thU-, a t was losing pitcher. Pleta whc "a Punk Uague triple. Ch Charles Smith was losing Blanley-lS.buldlng_a n ^ e o arena _ iped PlteheFiflnd_Tlm W lltlnnM « in . ___ Und plans to present lU firsti"r —Self’s-Manufaoturing-walloped pltchen_a) Security Feed 17 to 0. Mike Lee Sledsled for tlthe losers. Home Dairies l ^ e o m August. ners Half Pints defeated the Tigers Arrangementa were m ade •- to hit^15.^ three j singles for the winners Half Plnl ^ and J. Slkcs hnd two doublesbles 7-2. RandyRand Chaplin won on the bring salm on River Sllm'a horsea here from Salmon. Salmon River and a *single for the losers. mound an and Ron Phillips lost. [da- Wonderllchs Ponies blanked Slim will use the horses to pull . Olson's Trophies smashed Ida- Wonder: ho C hlppcrs 24^ to 10. R. H ookerjker FFirst irst SecuSecurity Beetles 1-0 behind rehicle* owned by K etthum -Sun tiind H H wns winner on the mound and Robert 'VWarner. Ron Gardner Valley residents for various Cen- the was losing pitcher. Fritz Won- tennlal celebr^OM thla autnmer. R. Pollard w as lo se r.-P o r th e was losln s r u Jou- derllch slnRled for the winners, Bohrt P. Olenn and Kotert"Vt winners. G. Irish had threfrldou- derllch si i M ) ] bles and n single and Mlkeaelleaell Wolfe Realtors Rc beat Coca Cola ’ B. Qlenn reported on th e h o n e P ' * " i i Q had a triple, double and single.igle. 9-7. On the mound, Howard i » % tale planned Ju n e 33. . „ „ , wardI I i I------b ;■ rt R. Hazen singled three timesI for Morris nwns winner and Paul S Mrs. _ Nellie Solhelm advised Uie loaers. Clark, lo* loAer. | that she wUl sponsor a folk fes- “ ’1Farm . ' ^ and City Slickers edgediged Peannt1 Leagne \ Ut.1 Aug. 13 to 18. including ',“ ™ O ur B iggest Sales ‘“1? Safew ay Sluggers 22 to 21. M4ike ike Valley ,Sporting Goods topped tales Events ofifTheY The eariD on'tHin't Miss Itl workshops a n d entertainm ent. I t pped~ OneolOurB ' Anderson had two doubles and Pepsi ColiCola 5-1. Keo Nelson, wln- U planned to hold workshops' ^In " a. " single “r™ for the winners and nlng pltclpitcher, was also top hittor.wln- T me of tha Ketohim chm-chw. tro -i1 ^ ii*‘lTB"fm d M Ike-Vel Itter. ™ two singles for the losers. Unionnlon Pepsi ColCola^outlasted C o u n try Cwek lodge and th e oper» hm^ ae MotorM o i^ ” Thunderblrds eclipseds e d Cobble C o b b l e r 11-10 w hen C harles ta sun Valley. a0*en , J r Jenkins Corvettes 35-11.j - 11. Archer stolest .home fo r th e w ln- 11[; -Hhotpxri PlIANCES I DINE')INETTE I ~ Mrs. W illiam M ahoney and v ipxrijit APPLI Al Brad Wills had four singles for ning run In the first extra In- Mr*. Ted Brannen alao were the tj,. winners_J and Rocky Ham-am- nlng. BulButch Brown was winner monds had a double and a singlengle 'on on the mmound and Mike W alker,' » K M odel for the loeers, loser. i SETS Co- Sterling Jewelry won 8-3 overi “ “ ’138 Sinclair Dlnoa outlasted Co- Sterllne ^[A utom aticnatic Range ^tth trade .. Iv U SET Meet Scheduled lonlal S ' Motel 20-19, Jerry Ulrichrich Phillips 666. Warburton was wln- had two doubles and a singlengle nlng pitcherpltcl and Al Conner was 5-PIECE On Trail Cycles f‘rV;for th e w inners a n d BUI Carlocklock loser. PhiPhillips 66. lam basted O en- \ . - 1 0 eu. ft. 1 All persona owning and ridingilng tripled.tripled, doubled and singled for eral BuildingBull Supply Lumber­ irsU cycles and other types ot the th o lo»loaers. jacks 33- 33-6. A, Conner was wln- tArnlAir Irall machines are urged to at* Doughnut League ^ Refrigerate|d U lv l With trade ...... •158 « 4 i Und a meeUng sponsored by SinclairB ind Pcp-Ups blanked Sav*3av- 4 ^8 8 I Rvesentatlvea of the Sawtooth«th Mor DrugsD 20-0. Al Howa was m a nallonal forest service office,tice. winning wlnnln; pitcher and John Blunt. DAIIY Uf* SERVICE Model FM-60 ■ Family (ige T*ln Falls. The m eeting will loeer. JJohn Light had two singles J l * ___ 4 2 1 Ib. • ■• «niii p g g l»LteH -»H Pjn, ,W»dn«.il»ir: and a triple for the winners.S \ E reezetiii' St cUy hall. RiclcyRicky .Butters waa top baiter for K nU i 'There Is a n increasing numIber ber ththe e loilosers. nvwiKODAKTINISHlNir p er these m achines being rlddepdep . SIncl Sinclair Pep-U ps defeatedated QQuid uicic • T v l w o n to lo r __ • .• Refrlgerator-Freezer-F™.«r s q q a Reg.R e g . 239.95Z In-the-natlonai-foresta-and-we-we Idaho-Idaho-SRYlngir-Bnd-Lonn-Spnr- ...... — J ____HotpointJVasher «tiMW like lo have a iTltndly^dly lanaiRTVs 6. 6-1, Vlc WeHs w as •winning I 1 y'riss C om binatiomotion Kt-tojether with Uie ownersI of pitcher and TrestoirTond, loser.I L l E E D O M i Fully AufomoHc S fO Q theu machines so that they may LendinLending hitters were Vlc Wells With Trade .... I O O ° zz™ SOISOFA UPderstand some of our policiesIcles and JlJim P ackard for th e w in- P U | ind to Hint they may relay someome ners a:and Steve Harding for*.t the PHOTO SHOP 1; — cdhtlr Ideas to us." Jack Lavln.ivln, losera..loaisra._Mimy-_ Mnalca—wallQpedoped _m-lJiMhMa.N«.-r*nJh»jJ|»y tk. ?\ _ — : AND C tKteatlon officer for SawtoothDoth Sav-MSnv-M or D rug O lan ts lO-l be- . (Dewmtsin) ^ ND. C H A I L ____ mUonal forest, said. hljidhl/id 1Tlm ahlndle. Reynolds waa Cars Crash in 199.95 Jerome District MOSGflllONEYEY DOWNWN! 19^ JEEIOME. June 14 - A IMS l»OS IRST PAYMENT;NT IItii AUGUST!UST! , Chevrolet statlonwaBon drivenIven /FIRST by LU* WelRle. SO. Jerom e, and a U5I Plymouth driven by u U r r- - , ■" ALL W' W O O L iul» Nutscli, 44. Jerom e, collidedIded at the center of the Intersectiontlon i XMINSTER ot t«o cm iity roads one milemlle

Jfroma a'liemlay evening. Deputy 8l\««{ FTRiik MoWey »aW both I CARPIT------driver* claimed they did no t aee lh« nlher. N O W O N LY The IDAl Plymouth driven by Blilrley B. Hmllh, J8. Jeromome, e, iHOTQTOROtft COlllrttd Kill! Ihn Hlftp M««h tlrlvm.iriy« . »n br Mr», Hnrah E. U m b . #3, * 9 . 8 8 Wen. lIuirBdny sfternoon. Ml*aMIm 19-INCH “ Bmith (lr.)vi. beiween th e Tasty'aity S q . Y .I. ‘ hiiiUllnK nn W est Main ‘Wmi and Hia parked carr of PORTABLE l*iuU, Passion Plays TELEVISION. 1 4 8 Regular $189.95I89.9S , SMW.t. NYLON Set at Rupert nupEllT. Junn 1 4 -T h e locatlocat ^UUW*-oj .C'(.liimbus councilIII !•il 'nffl-MinriiiwwiwFi MOTOROLX-Rog. 99,95 ------*Wiii««iii|[ ,tir,.n pBMion play#•lays 4' f H I 1 ^ 1 r O R O L A CARPET ^ Minidoka countyLinty ^ £ 9 MOTORO " H S ? CAR "V ' ‘'I'O"' »ii(lltfirlum, 111# ^ ^ , 0- Portable Stereoireo 79 N O W O N LY TV CONSOIIMSOLEnE ------i j r ^ End I f i&l a n d ' ' Ro0 . 399,95 Motorola Modald el S SK-71 K -7 1 * 6 . 9 5 iL n? “lA aarui a n d ■ 23-Inch 5 * ^ «i»i5" "TI’* Sq. Y d. w nilnaiiJS ------lUo. $219.95- ..T^1 I J 8 8 “ s fi thfwiiii* II '* avallabl* Model 23T28 * ^ STEREO ’299 ’ CoiumL ‘ K nlghU of , T 95 Reg. 84.95 H EASY ^IJSNTIGN!I! MEN'S W■ S W TERMS ■J'igS. I Reclinere r fB t % >n to a to n t why ta pBc(«ot on »wi|«S>nV On P" boUl« »!• *Igh\Mn toatont why FREE I jh» raotiv; Madala that Relekasl#l(a liltliii won ini Inlofnallonal compo- '■‘"SR'S.I -1 lillon, r. Sampio Rolilia on4ho10 rocks anil (llicoverdli tlis qualilioa that 95 K m j M s I won Ihoeo award#. Qol Reli|<#-lnle li|(# -ln lit#Hi# I b o tils wllh tlie m odals.i IIIi b MB D Dc e l i v e r y iORo».»iiiuuiiNitiuiNrrLmtn«ciL,Miiihb ^ J Jn-U»-itreeU of NewAork.New.York. ______cen I H clear fusion and high ^ nuclear physics. Each Chicago and Detroit u well u ch*change, vbIt to ^ P ^ ^ ^ H nuc toe Soviet Union be_^be for noi more toan a ' " ’ ■ MBED now j» c « I toe “ “ ______w T h b will provide A, WESTKfiUH^li tOWKLLDlCE WILBY DODDS}DDs I £vcr}-thins ha.i chansedIged since ^vNl ^ N X l / V K li.L tlie poltcc dog savaged ththe e 2eeleg of K roU color for Joint projccb.In • '=Lu-if..."-' I Birmingham. ■ S H tries' laboratories, Re..Ll"“ * ™ ‘o?erTn K ^ ( i - find eletnent 102 b an ^ S . ^ y.m ^ r "1 AbiIU ol ClnuUUom. A»«eliUd P r « I a pr«* NeRro'ii b a t t l e for equal * t < ^ ‘sttcb*a c ^ - 7 W ^ l K Joii Joint constnictlon or a rS,® ^ 911. «t ^BriRhtA nnd pushed theic lawyers . rft4 u £ accelerator was discus**d^^ i . - ■ set ^ ■ .-A ^■into the background. SomeBome of ' '/Iff i / . > a p p r o w aAi!(Ws i k W s P o*- notoing waa decided ■£ I R ussians a re already wav .> S t . mt " ‘“y •»« deplored, ■- y \ 1 \J'/ inspect BusS(anl6bU ¥BK “W ’ Pw nri! In tob field, toough not laS j^ “ li* b. and /tfrcliy iirc. but deplorJny fc.brickck in full luU M / . scientific Instal- ■«'7’"5;;;:J " r • 75*,, development. u.#i wjiiiKlit will nnt-slop 11- y latioot and to o^’V o tX h " in th. H,ur.diy biu* af Ihlt P»»«r P>l w i J] fSry sign the U. 8. — USSR two- 11 ■ g;.. «0-»l Id.bo Ccdt R tw o- If se aborg and th« . . Otlkim Cltr »"* Cwmty •EVERVBOnV TO BLAVIE—Roy V/iUUnaiiiiD . „and d V ) year agreement on co-operaUonperaUon scle aclenUsts who accompanUri >,1 in the fleltt of uuilzatlon of U» ] ------— " ' ■ ■■— :------7—------hLih Nntlonnl As-w(ftt(on for the Advancementrancement r I Ltlon of U) RussU broughl back antihu of Colorrd People (NCAAP) are all dooe.one. They >,*//, atomic energy for peacefulful pur- moremoi toan appreclaUon of S ? tried to KPt Into Uie a ct laW. w lth ’masa plcket- poses. slatSian com petence in devekiooS^ Wipe Your Feet }«ff•• jn Philadelphia and Wllklna’ arrest In Jack- Every place he went —- shoot- of jpeaceful uses of atomic e a ^ oular wn MW-. for Joining the demonstralors,slors. bulbut > Ing picture# JJke a to u ristriat anda n d they’rethe, keeping mum about S’i JaywnlkerB hnven’t been very popular‘1 , «limy ml.'.M'd llie boat. I-Vom here inn a new, W > _ ■ pulling off finished colorr printa 8Seaborg doe? nol think u I In Twin Falla atorcs the last few clayH, tniiLili.T brci-d will ru n th c Negroes’ show,pw. a phU- 1 ------In M seconds—he was surround-irround- vbl v b ll will advance a nuclear im : p artic u in rly i f th e y jayw a)kw l Hcro.s.scro.s.s o,. poJrelot bwd ranging from l)>etoe "uon- I • ed 6y amared Russians — par- ban agreement. There m Main avenue nnd then tracked oil orr as- vivlolciif Mnrtiii Luther King through Uietoe Negro , tlculw ly to e sclentlsla, discdiscussion of nuclear ezniu^' b c o n Int'^llcctiials down to th e fanaUc Black: MusUms.MuaUma. tThese sclentbt«-had-devrtopedeveloped uncunderground or their d e ^ w Tjhnlt intSL tha, store. There have been I t I5 not poliiK to be any tu n Ior anybody,ody. blnck /3=-''VSi H \\>/ atomic energy on a scalee which VWhUe toe Russians w ere^ RO many^omplaints that City Commw- or 'J ’Ahlic, pxccpt th c extrcmtslJi on bothh sldej*.slda*. Seaborg describes as "compar-compar- opeopen In showing their neaau sion Chairman Max Brown and CityC ity And U s everybody’s fault. It Is Harry Truman’aT rum an’s JD a , ^ able" through n o t necessarilyccssarily alp;appllcaUons of nuclear Manager H. L. Derrick felt an explana-lana- fafault, bcuausc despite .his slnccre humanitynanny he CTfeP •'superior'’ to U. 8 . science.ice. ButB u t thethey did not show olf any ofS ■ CK- »>ev»T rrjilh- did a thing for the Negro.gro. It ISIs A r-rtJ- they had nothing lo matchtch toatto a t plaplants or th e chemical pcoceua I tion was in order. The Rist of the ex- i ♦v,fl DwlRht D. KL«nhowcr\-i fault because despitelesplie his i ^ g r , camera. thethey use to produce pIuioDlum. planation is. ‘‘It’a a state projcct and* the sincere „ humnnlty lie thought tlw problemlem could At toe end of his Il-dayay visit. Seaborg8 didn't ask about re. - cliy lsii‘1 LonnaeterUvith i f ami "TILow o^y)^r |K^ bv law s'lliii. It la John Kennedy-gidy-s fault , Dr, Seaborg presented tiiene cam- c am - porports th n t to e Russians haved*. can you oil a street without u«ing oil?lil’ ” bfCftUMi>f despite his sJnecre liumaiiiiy ne irieu w ~ ■' Appralt> nllmh^^^nh^^^ A. ^f»l< r n m . htitidlc ll lu the courts, too. — ' Petrosyants. chairman of • the pla It’s easy to see there'.s no u.se com- of • the plane, because he ha.in‘t giTM 1 It fa your fault. Moc. whether you livet In Dixie Russian stale committee: on the anjany credence to reports itw pbininff to the city about a state project. or in Orosse Point. Mich., and It Is my fault, utilisation of atomic energy,rgy. 'rhe haihave one, ^ And why complain, anyw ay, bccause(beaUSCil is oprORTUNITIES, CONE—This Is tomorrow, "B u t What will de do forir film?" film ?" the possibility of nuclear develop­ beinff tracked. In thc meantime, storeitore Ywierdny and today have gone forever. Now Seaborg was asked. me;ments In space, cufitomer.-} sh o u ld be n little m ore care-eful fu l tliptij demonstrators havc taken over, and they “I’ve got him there." saidaid Sea- InI: summary. It wasn't a ten inm o will bc met. n.i always, by (hc cxtrcmlstaU on th e _ about where they walk and M rhapa some «{ bor;.ba "He has to get hblb filmfilms s revrevealing intelUgcnce report. Iila side. Thc moderates Uke Boy Wllklns,Iklns and , a»3M8Mfill! I’lTTiTwaaaaBMg—n r n m eat m toroughtoi me." lThe Seaborg mission «u In emergency measures could be used, »iKe like y,, educated, economically conscloua BouUiemer This little cultural exchangeexchange RuRussia at toe height of the fectu wipinjr the feet or even re m o v in g shhoes o es hnvehn had their dOy, and they have failedW l e d be- ' ^ _ 3 probably did as much to promoteprom ote Mo Moscow spy trial. There waa coa- /hUe toey T ) / ^ r r A I r M k before entering a store. |cau.^e everybody waited too long. And whUe they ^ Washingthington News3 friendly relations betweensn lead- aid* slderable to-do in the Rusjlsa n nf dragfied their leet. the extremlsta recruitedIted their T L / 1 ers of the two major nuclear presspre against communbb hsilni But there is ono other little phase ot lU lem ate. . forces and. Inevitably, Jumped Into the aUlemata. aH ana powers as toelr formalI agree- an;anytolng to do w ith foreigners tt the oily street problem. It’s not conncct- Till.? . h tomorrow, when the extremUUI will slu*slug , ______, mcnt or all toe typicalI wining coccocktail parties. ed with the Main avenue project a and n d uIt out'wUh eodi other and the only loser will be ' R R ■ By PHIL NEWSOMSOM A SIno-Sovlet compromisepromise ata t anoy» o l a naUonal problem. It Is possible to DurPolShob: paid » for I tthe slower approach1 torough a„ yjjjt to the United States, in In force, understand the Southerner—without iiecesaarlly ^ popular political fronts aa here- 77' ^ They probably will comee In the i Kohler commented (hat tbi first warm daythis spring, thoae streets•„ epouslng hla vicwpolnt-when he says he Uvea ” : '^ ''t ‘o‘ s Itofore advocated by Khrushchev,•hrushchev. (an_(ni ^t that time they witlwill be- RuR u u la n sc len tb U 'b eh a v io r didn't biewme a mnny, oily mess. Almoat '*”im- ■ nextne door to the problem and therefore b per- “to kno« «hat happtia to pcU Counter measures may be con- gii lhat are draped off or KMlost on s '“S’ gin to talk about how the new refreflect the new policy. That *u ~Tncdialely-city-truckijvj2re o u t.s p rc a dding tn g mimilled (0 be more /earful o t It. Inal sldercd from two angles.les, One *ais peaceful^ nuclear Information ex- tak ______(he_roads or highways near farms t« Itlon ex- taken as a hopeful slgo f«j m ore’gravel over thc runny oil. Thatniat ■ - . « • ------the, > nw farm tween the S o -H ^ B m ttoe probable effectivenessness of the ^change .agreement will be lm-lm - futfuture deyelcjpmenla, 8EOREOATION IN NORTU-MeanwhUe.rhlle, toe and raiiche# io cur fair lan^lana of VletVI TTnlm a n d lHB ||^ B H COiTanlz^Uon of American-StatesIcan-States -r--..,...... — ------treatment resu lted in clouds of dustJi Northj,* has llred In Its own hypocrisy. Northemenirtoemen plenty? pia R'Red China. aand group action to quaranUne tiuaranUne ^ '* along those streets before the gravel dis-“ *** are.ari fond of aaylng Negroes have more wrights f?to Uy so, lake * cameraa and go to Nor ean ilH H ^n H H CCub* and cut off the flow of appeared Into the oil. NeNew Yorlc fcnd D etro it th a n they do In th e s ^ t o« . tl» liat^ery nearar Gannett,Gannett. J* be foretold^K ^H H I nmen, weapons and subversive Now it looks like the whole cycle has but there Is noUilng relaUve about equality. It You wUt find a samplemle ol bow how h< farK hrush-^"^*** propaganda.p — Poor ManMan’s Plato ^ t ’’*;- m e«r« poeaeuing AU, the rights of American n N«wuW T he o th e r is to aittem tte m pt pt' ■ to 1 to be repeated—more gravel and dust, he Negro man takes care of his Lbest r t frieod. ^ ** WlUlng « ,n Srwum dUiens. not just the crumbs allotted the Negro mai rS n s comprombe toatthat ,uar- quar- g gauge the strength of individual giving way to the oily stuff again. AndA nd ^In the Norto. A Negro cannot buy*tt homeome In a 1I sawst this dog at a ranch I was f, Latin American nations“ to ’Sresist b , h «. b o v i e even aee some advantage In ba the stuff tracks, as a glance down at this fashlonnbloiu Northern suburb any more'' than he visivisiting. Thinking lhat the rawhwrancher gut unless Khrushchevuhchev Is suchsi attacks by themselves,selves KANSAS CITY. Mo.. JuJune n e 14 rh«rheumatism. It has made hu ttem o ts •'When you're young,. nothing sor something of a weatoer oracled light floor shows. The tracks were leftle ft canca' In Blrmlnghnni; He cannot get a room}m at a t the th e was caring for if, I phoned theJhe wi willing to break totallyly with with his his DespUe earnest attempts, chic hotel of hts choice, or send his klda3s to any (Jny nsk how the Uie dog wasw as onetimeor Chinese friends,ends, then g group action under theHe OAS sdso troubles you." said toe old“I'l •■‘'y?lady, f Any In toe nelghborliood »ho by a representative of the Canadian gov- P '': private school he chooses. The Negro In PhlU-Hvii 8® ^* “^“ 8- I was ihocked shocked to a compromise muat be>e made. fifar has been ineffectiveve primar-prlmar- cheerfuUy. '‘And when you’reoure old go *head with a picnic, on a dij eroment who parked his car in frontLt 01of deJphU^ or Boston who Is permitted % few civil ^ . i f ! , f h i them teU m e j{ wwas as jujust st a ^ And (hat comprombe.4e. plus his IIUy because of the rtlm reluctance ta n c t “ b 'H ” ” ______wh w hen h er leg cripples up. do m into rights is as much of a second claw citlien as the ‘ the Times-News building, alighted into rip stray and had been dropped ofl off *J™ »l"> certain '" ‘n'” ,<« to of” such states a« Mexico,nco, BBracll r a i i i . ^ ‘><‘1 at their perlL It b pretty tun ------fha. nilv mfraq and tracked it into theth e ^ Negro In Mississippi who hna none. have an effect on communbt aand Chile to Interfere: inIn Cnb.11Cuban “ uto rain before nightfall. at the fish hatchery. and she Is given, , aA tactics In l^tln America,lea, a prime prim e aaffairs. ^ Mama, who b ' short and M biiUding. Employes of the Time.s»iMews ^ b. llilf. ms y IcailJ scgTTtt -—i i - ' phei>ed- t h» hatchary In a slf „ — ■ .Sm nrf^’ thm InrtlirMiuil waHrm. to ftxtem po.»g^^M ^j .c^fully refrained from any commentsents thithat «e will 4o something about 1^ President whcwhether they nJght feed or put feed or put Hence, all the moreore Impor- V Veneiuela b a No, 1 comi^lst communist ^ew™ rfm Ei$rEsf*|e^™ around^ her to give her a hut, tb it mit^ht have blown the m«tter Intointo Kennedyk i should demand laws that will gl»eKlve every•very tM doe out ol its misery.misery. TlicHie Unceu should be attachedAed to the ti target. But there, determinedrmlned ac- that. ------cittzen Ills Jusl rlghU. Congress should stop iU bo# gets a placid satbfacUon out<( an IfitemfltlonaJ^Incfdfint:------— ------1 stop ita boss p^itcly’lnTonneaI me that he findingsfl of a specialclal inter-Inter- t:tlon by President RomulomloBetan- Betan- ^ ^reading tb e o b ltu u les «f tkion; politicking nnd pnss those laws. And menw of good would do neither. Thisits dog is a AmericanAi committee whloli in- & court's govemment has forced Let’s get It down to a local problem>lem ^ Jn i„th thc North and the South should get ■ B H pet.retreat >P and settle it. Undoubtedly the city treat-•eat- 101 together and see to It that Uielr country Is not main cap- pnuosophep “I Uled to ' get to e doctor ti « oi toe K ean hardly get up> and Roinffgoing I- A m erica. eeven though'lhey remain cap- Pf ment given city streets last summer and tu.furrendcred cither to Uie rloUJW Negro or too « < ^*n The commltlee reportedMTted sub-Bub- aable o t acta of terrorismnorton In “>««> 1>“ B B M Kput me on a diet," she remarM blind. I have never (0 my life seen happily. "But he just u!d at, fall is an economical process. And theth e whitB man with his police dog. Terslve acUvlUes toSllngsuing Irom CCaracas. NcNo matter vhat^^w n^^H hn. a more pitiful sight. I havenave beenbw (. ••Increased conslder- M I H ‘No. you're too old now to chaati city fathers deserve to be coftimendedid e d tC'-.'-r:.:. ,<-x;:;-;;:LTtrr:r:xn=cr2ii^ ^ „n d consider- - In Peru. Argentina and Brazil,Brarll, “■ happened to H M IH I a conflncd to thc house wilh the »r. military forces either• tn actual “ner—or to any- n.i B*ri< your f ’‘•aya. a n d besides you>i n ^ ^ ^ y * " - *’ for safeguarding public funds. Yet that flu. la (here an SPCACA toio Twin FYom (ho communiqueilque Issuedissued ccontrol or on the sidelinesMines block " a ro u n d h e r—M am a bh *a i a l- ‘Calearned how to live with yoa surely doesn’t mean city residents nre k 1 * Q Fails? - • atal the close of Castro’sro’s visit to a communbt take-over.er *ays been able to come up wlto w lto ve weight. J u s t go on being jour- going to have to endure the re.sulting Views of Others ™ Annetteitte CastleCattle MoscowW It haa beeni concluded In such cases, the'he United »* wgc comment lhat pointsInta up a «>telf."' I the horns lesson to be learned Iromri the cx- \ Widowed more Uian 25 yesn mess Indefinitely. Certainly tho city erh- 'i —...... iK ctchuro)ketchum) tl that Moscow's aid to Cuba, cur- S States finds Itself on thc horns rentIy~runnlnrTibout-800-inllllorr-JOO-mllllorr cof-a-«jnemma7-The-Ur-8 Ur-8 .-spon- J>eflence._ehciX can_»ee_a_a silver MnMnma_haa_a lo^ofJM nfjo to* ploys men vith enough ability and ex- Progress b lining In a cloudbur.st. 6ai6ack u;^n, ~ihe struggling yi^ ...... ST1.ADDLi’n O ™'l SNAKE U KITTENS , FOR KIDS3S DEP^.DEP^ **'dollars a year, not onlyinly will be 1sored Alliance lor progreas b ll» perience to eliminate or properly covcrover It wasn't BO serious, it would be funny. _ * . continued b u t will be stepped up.up, cdedicated to the aid of govern- govem- She haa slowed up a little whwhen she cooked and va.ihed aul IhT ^ljrw esB on fftrontff-Htar-KKHjlock-rlock- •WererthelCB8.-4how-who-qiicstlom.,tha.caDdlg68.«i ^ .. . Tills is the kind off nidaid which z menta elected by democratic alnce*1' 1 saw her a year ago/and dujdusted and scrubbed for Dsd tii4 Inbtratloo '^^AVg-havg- twp - kUtens-to-giveens-to-gtw m onm nncir-ciatro—to—makr -j of Sccond street we.st. <:>'claims of (he Bonneville power adminlstraUon • ^ i-~to-"maltr -procnser— —— — -— ------—-- lu haa_pecil-herMltcr plUiy live children. of her She pitoy doesnt liv dnH Invoslon M Southern Idaho, can bo excuscd(cuscd for nwaway. They nre nlxiut 6 \vccksw eeks old, Cuba c a headquartersrs for the But in more toan one Latin of optimism, An attack ofrheuma-rheuma- 'mu'm ucirfirtntrpasi.' Imaeiei, sa< If something isn’t done in thc noar cftortU *'2 r? lUla week over Uie surpiU tng skln-klck- hoihou.<>cbrokcn ami w eaned.incd. Onc is training(t of hundredsi of subver* Americanj nation, quickck military tlsmtb has made her dependentndent on Is quIeUy proud toat all ^ef f a tu r e 7it*jrgoinjrto'be-«-temptnfcion-ton -to m inrthp-inpvc teceLveit-from om-prwlpJiLlaed.teJtftla e ( U a J » hla black nnd white wlUiJl lonelong lairla ir sl»e sl agenu who (hen:n are sent 1action might prove democracy's[lemocracy's a cane for support whilee in In stow slow chlchildren a re stHJ alive and etU use those blnck smears on this light floorr io o r showeredsti w ith BPA blc.-ulngs. amand a tom. One Is whilelie wimwlln gray liSok b1 to ihBlr—own—cmmtrtw i i-~take>over and—palitful—transit—(rnm^rnm^ the Ing Ing.iegtilarlit— .and.lhe-yDunttH to provoke an international incident.lent I'hat ’'f'la the asserUou by an exeeutlToIve of the jnimarkings. Can be picked■ked up aat l *<}u!pped *' w lto m oney,if. wweapons eapons Iby InfUtratlon, subversionerslon and kitchenkl to the living roomom aofa, b pow 4&. ,, J. 11. Slmploi company thot the BPAL program jjt Jackson Sf. jf. ■ forged docummia.la. 1terro r, .. ^ which generally serves as the IMama, who educated hendf Maybe tho Canadian government can do ■ throne from whleh she delivers tot torough dally newspapers, itffl woulci lose th e com pany m illions of dollars. vln KalTsT ir'iv»i so m e th in g . The BPA adherents had taken greatrSin. pains ..to “ *■*” her philosophic JudgmlenU ents olot reareads toem tooroughly and kttn mankind. up ______Pfpohil oul ns they sftlloped the programgram Into „ . . u p -w lth national and worW tl------Souihcm . IdaiiQ.. . thftt U>e cheap DPAPA power l^ot ' <>' Shots:,, < "1 atwayt knew l ’<^ endtd up on lat.lain. WAT~IS-SUITABLB7^ ------, ^ wQulit bo th e salvation of Idaho's phosphatesphate inin.^ - - »Have three klltens would like to ...... The DociDoctor_Says___Ta cane some day," she remarked.emarked- -niere b loo much unnew- Tho nation is involved tn a runningf >ls-dc* a iu lr j. Blvgive away. They aree black nnd ...... "My 'beit-frtm di-irow—are-the-»ro-the sarsary-tenslon-ln-llfe teday,-it« .. ...;.^:;.zsBBLSHsarr«oi3nsCTcrinrr=‘.ra jy bate about the various phases of punlKli*i IhIi- Tlio manager of Stmpiot’f mines and) clienilcalchemical white wh aad real ctile. iiiSfiT.ra heaUng pad and Uie aspirin sal said the other nlghl as w> ul ment ranging all the wny from cori)iirnl)(irnl division polnle«l out thU week in a leiter*r to sen.Sen. $17 J«ff«rs«niffarsw 51. By WAYNE O. 1b especially suscepUble)le to com- ^bottle. They're th e onlyy things coccooling olf on -a bench In (*i nodes that that give any real relief.lief. Oh. bacback yard, “People worry tlttm- punishment In tho schooln to executionittnn J;’' Church nnd Cong. Ralph Harding, thethe (TwinIn Fnlls) BRANDBTADT,•, M.D.M.n. rresaion by lymph nodes that tb I V lusllKntorn ot the scheme, that the BPA'moveBPA^move _____ Q—Whal are lhe usual symp-syinp- have bccomo enlargedCtt *netlmes“ I th in k they ought to sclselves sick trying Ui get thlnp of murderers. The argument agnlnHtlinat "(iijiiistrdua threat" to th« company. It . T. 1 ninnth. pregnancy.ancy. What (uberculotb. hlstoplumosliismo^i Ofof lake all UJ old people outou t and thetoey rforjt r e a lir weed, ----- capital,punishment has been buildingg up t.eNi-i'iiis (he Hlniplot company doea not use»^*ciec- an elec- ,. ,re *a nmnths ^ tom e otoer .infectktn. ahshoot u s—for alt tt>e goo^4 we ar? a rf "When’■ youf Dad and I in recent years and mny rcaeh tho pointloint trietr iiroi-m which Its comixtltors udllie.Illie It Is t'cndy fnr new liomes. A — Pulse pregnancyney occurs The compression leadsIds lo bron-bran- to anyone, including ourwivea."rulvea." )-oungj-oi we Bad nothing — ■ tlon'which are toms. You cun get llwm a smile there w u nothing for us to wonj eventually whcro executions will ho nout- il! JiHC iiiitiCftfr exnnjplfl tho <}Jjcrt7)Jn«Uon which wn get llwm chletly in women who>0 itare n Jiear-near- chleclaab (described In in a prevl- Then she added wlto a smile the ■ tho 1U*A brings lo SouUicrn Idahc>-not>t Just tho by pljonins 7.13-0004, Twin 1-nlls.l-'nlls. n ,, „,eno- —___- - ous column), and the damming-damming- of of victory: "But. do you know. I about,abe lawed. Somo nations already havo bannednnetl ,tucrlmmailon belween prefened customerstomers In in • . « o r I n infected sputumitum below haven'thi had to pay outl (IB tn *• “"Butbadaaltb.thbold*«M capital punishment. ^Uia public power orbit and private ,uUlityJlity users LIIVLE CHURCH SO WEBWEE youngy women toe otMUucUon. Thb b referred «loctors^ In (he laat tworo yean,years, b 1 still pretty good, and 1 iu « In WaHhington, D.C^ Ihcl-e lias boonIjcon but»>i dUcrlmlnatlori‘IgttTm t a' tnulltluiuit-way» M ra r* e of # tnfn- -o ir-sm aH (own —------w------w lv«— lill...... lil| T,rimm0 ■■ That'a pretty good. Isn’t U7’’U7" ihsibal'.» th e way It always will « much delmte about the proposal to, ufw doingf buslnesa In Southern Idi^o. Bome Borne day j,j , d,urch so wee. didesire a baby. Surglcar removal ofr toe mmid- id- Mama," who“ cVn niSaT0WWrBCRT rB 6Rri“ ^ ry B irp w rh ivc sense eiwm* IdAho U going to lament such en easy slmigging ^ | die lobe b no longerr the (or- In practically any situation,tlon. can (0 : realize It.** corporal puniKhment In tho schools ns a Slmigging ^ little churchrch “ o lt o l Idaho's future watfr developmentIt program .1 maje.^ficallyIly iwna« llui abdo- midable operation It once was. means of contrnllInK unruly atlidents.I- AsAn ^„ „ii. Thb operation gives. T the h e only " ^ ■^w«' g»»T'j«r::.»iaMfcTr--g>■xnrz:a can be Imagiucd, the suggOHtlon bringsrings The IlPA straddles the Bnake river now, And Eiirih's lap of green. chance of a real cure, response wUh- aome—parenbi-fnw rlnjr-*.«hUe..Uie.Buaift river nnw inlo toi Columbia. , cUher el (o^ rap- JI ^ W h at b the salicylate that lyi (de An/I, fliwj.ys nl nlgJU. ((, An.>aiii(tUUoB paddlings where neceaBary nnd other.sl,nr« 1,the Columbia's purpose will not always 6c (tic An some people ssy b better than Oswald JacolJacoby, Bridge Idaho purpbee In (lie years ahead. TheThe wuier fVonir any pliico around.ound. 0;of rat nr to dls- n V K J anything eUe for arthdlls?Alls? WWhat hat J ■ -J. I .i ,u . u s a u i InBlftting no tcacher has a riKlit tn layIhy a cngUieers» call It downstream non-comsumptlvetnsum ptlve lieIter )l|{lits shine soothinglyhingly tentlon ti i>f thaBa#Xt>1H Is tha difference belweenween plain I— ...... “ '■* hand on any yoimgMer lor ji»y nuwiMj.a.son. UMifc siinliiat up-stream consumptive use.!. 11It Is the And/ so gently downn hIhtr&llnes wlUi i>,.. Brfwd^iKM BrMd-U|i- On lilcmi and foe, niike.like. •■ «K'*"' I'‘ '‘'■’e tliele roiidlllon Po«idlllon the effect one only of> pi^i„pain kill- new convention and it Iss nullMII tnm e;rrM p « ( « l (/> m ake lh a t contr** y expert nnd iviis willing lo play a »!»“ “ er dlHclpllnary measures were used inIh nilall atreain f«rm-orten(ed economy, becauseuse nfof lIts u 1)nnty lio dun In nn accuiniilatloncciiinulatlon mg? a stale of change. Every exprrt nni prior ami growing downstream cohmrHnujil*, the nt fluid In (be abdominalnlnal cavlly.cuvlly. A-Asplrli^ which UI acetyl aa-sa- ‘t '» some Inahlc.n.len. bill Noi N orlh wanted lo ciiiUiiu*. ; homes, Ihoro woidil bu »» npi'd to jwypojic j, lloi- I,lire shnids «U.ft " jpO«c 1,,.^ Ronieday ha* ta m ake a power^X^aii of , , y l^flnslly there ti not; a covnpJetecovnplete “"tl »®«llumum sallcy* sallcy-.. th they disagree on the rxBcic in nieili- if ili- AAt th b imliit WC.-4 csm» W, naddllngH al whool. The hroukiloWuni al Htiiilhrrnh Idaho. Thai’s why Idaho sluiuldi K mil d i imi im i , ^ I'iKhway,,,l„ supprpahlon of nteiistriiftllon,riifttlon, but «'ated.1. TheyT hey are arc ^ «*• • All agree on one! ihliig,thing, withwit a perfectly mdWf® B llifl. all of its eggs In one HPA Uaket.-ldaliiidalii) rrails a ils ''"'''' d W k n n s llie peoplo 1 shnw a dniililc. W est was looklM « JJ, homo makcH somo niciiHnre of Kuvoro dis- " .ml to Iin.v ‘‘'® pffl'XIs may becomene iriftKutaririnKuUr "**“ **' «?I>cmiC011______inovemfiitn Q(_Ki'§_'*Mhlnllin ththe e In-In- dbeases, who musl re- » was not looking at many q »l“«- Mb-’a»-oI.sp«ttt.l(Jftl5trt|*w r by Judge W;»Jtor (). T«iitier in Sljjittic-,im ’ic’, r> PlHliinl Ul «n JDilliiii tliiu )!/' ■•Illlll IIO> llirtc" iiirtc" for Of( <}"Miade a woninn who bellovrsbelieves niie •’ellevlng pain, have awne some spe- abl;nbly had IU hsack. Tn tos dlaiw ^ » ) Americans mlglii pr«k'«t th«t'K a tmr- Is pregnant that (hisI b^iolb4i(H tlietoe *f»eci on rheu­ im i- I Imvrt nil (im lliiu« llipip la. iiiil. Ilka Oliver‘iv ^ l^ '(“wist, C w S llioso wlm behi-vr, m atic Itrer and rheumajoldr h e im « ^ d «T th ere was no opportunity ticQlarly barbaric trcalnicnl in n miiiixis-lilKifi- t:tliry a re always n.iklng for more, ,, M toriils. ' B 5 move Umn one trick and a ^ , Q Wliv <|() I gel a severe uiiih'il virwri'n im|iri‘»Mim■Mim when Coiillnuo tlir *iiy'...v;-M,iuI hplne Q-Would taking two “a- tea- VAQ78 chn guilty of cruelty to after hi'i< u'lKwas ' •‘"'" i l l ' JTi'Hraii's Iwniiiii' »u overwroughttought and I Ullle chun-li so wee, J Ineiar and '0 4 Klnally. I* the q w en of ■ uvi-jriiiwdcil.wlth Illlvcillaliig tluti lliBB commBr-coi'imor'- A A Kul.Uni; lielil niteiipvrr ” 1 Ju re a yliili'iil f|iiar- - - a r m t e d f o r i)‘Mirinfc <)ii a uviuny r le l Ul Audden ciiiutloiiul UlHiit? honey lour **7a rep iJUUpy d a b ffpujl itic toiiUnuily <>r the slory. concert or ‘ 1 For *vt'iyoiur (11 we 00 great a ROimi (O) ion and iffnWna It. It'aui ralhcv ImrliaiiMtci'UMiCl "< fo r A fUppOMdly civlllzwl human. IVr- 'Ifiiecruptmiw }»rni/lv irl(» over « c h <«h*r In 'ilia h? 5 to* Wood,blood, • V Nnn* , nation naU I'yiewl'ere. .^ ^ ' tiK'ir I•u^||•l•n.•^-l I., irnntdi thn last avallalilrIn."?'..!" ute- J.hni,.»lion T.o»,Young 0 Dflrn uaaina'squeetiiig piiln lu BtUl. w e st dmiMed s n J M ^ - haps the Judge wna doluK noUiiiiK iiioie ' llllj) UiB adi'cuul gland slnillar; h»i tn I (lie II e • ‘‘»*ntages of tothbrauier b raUie^ ♦Asa] e S m - Z . . 'KI'W.11111' J th»n following tho age-old kuWo of>f -ici“Id \ t^ternliy in which lo Imprcas Ihelr ‘'mea- • rriurcMiiK pnlii ihe pnroildmri.Mil V mill- i ! procedure havehavo iKen 4AQJ94 respect res| he was lucW* *J5J|| n e tlm r. , « KreaUy o ^ r r a l ^ , , imiiels hold a.dlain^g ftm thft punishment fit tho crltiie,” T liri.(rikri.l i:uiiiiiiuiilcaUoiis v(miml»»Ion*011 Is'wur- Is wur- , I BOARD BOARD '■"'■y '' »ninetlinrs get Both vulnrrabl* 1>*>' The judge'* reaaohlng miicht bo of in- 'f''*! by 1I1I.1 cuntiimal pressure lor more (Ime.lime, ' a»/fUy — YourYour subkctsubject ^ f'"’ w ..t ‘IW »“* * • •** "!T bSt ..iiiu. finI nouir., yiiu put Minirllilng K | did ^ toreat. “I bellovo in luniHllnUnK iliciiiUkuii. >•'' "II niiirn (0 he hml In Biiv nny glvmigivmi mi m nlier properly r)uallllra your ^ ■*“ s -r E H” I t 'a a g o ^ d e te r r e n t. A irrffion termprm Inl« | mnitile, I'hU may lesdI to (Irm er lei teller for use In Iiio iHum Piiblli-■S..-0,™ loriun Koriun ^ (iimii|»i, 1" ''I'hifceniMii ol k c(Kte of lime lliuli« 011 lulver- wt • m ! ' . « ri'Mu t u OAMO I no good bee»u*!B they learn from cx]vr\n. Oil lulver- where 11 would iimicara r ovi'i- ovor ywir ywir -I'hc suddru iiuiiiw i Uik of mt- ■ I. ?; ‘’" ’I*'"’" '’" enlertalnm rni,11, ndopledndoplcd Jn jrufl name. Keel liro In c*puml 1 ^ Opening lead-# ft I belief* In keeping them t.ui of jnil if ‘0 In c*puml rnm l M'cini«.li-Into Ihe blmia In- ju ll if tiy 111" Niillonul A uu'Intloi) of linmilcaAleracafllpra Ubtil il nn your topic up lo 300 words and r rntlrely v«lun(«ry In l(« imc H)« wnrds and rrcaiM yotir ptilso rate nnd gives T Can.” Ih. n .,.rb I. “ “d lhe letter In llinn I’ulilk I’ulilk For- For- y<’"y • fl'i'cli release of piirmy to Jr / I TUb parUcHlar two no,/njmp *• 'Twenty laahaa w ith a lealhcr belll l may. in u v .. »h'"‘liig of (hs Bnark,” “ J Jj overcall of the diamond:■= open* .■fja'i?'"”*! ...... f e . iiiiywiiy. ; rnnhlr ynu to fight nr run. 11 vrm lu l IL'h " v i ! 'V. tImM la 'to ■ M ingS allowed a h«irt-ctub (wo- not be partteularly humll aiing, Imir i II'h I h l i ih c ,ry luuy be HUldlng tlu ihluk|ii« • dll ju'litirr, your hliXKloil I)ii'(i.iiire])icii.iiire nu a elnch to ntake a moro vlvjd improHnionroHHlon soin* advertlacri, or Ihelr aaenls" w who h o 'l'.'ill talk l-M W U l W IT 1.INC « io /< > k *’^»b*')ly N orth did nt)t II I.K) n«.rt. ,m.l The ol lln« hav avar bll. hiulMiiid liiiii a llllilillr havn miKe riwugh lo force his < ‘ than something, ilko a fhic. 11 nil : Um* may , ' ’• • • ■•>’< nay thay aver aver bit. bit. ,, »Midioliir. |, ( l .n r «ny I'arlneJ i,. iiin three Invel, bul ' I ootaea down to devjalng aultablo punish- Uiat a«.me- lo |l" ivel, but K . „ . T»“ I ,»uni8h- K uw win LU IU -p.m ll" 'i‘tiuriii iilhei- tlian niim riy / r uiiuKUsl n ii.iu iin p uddlcts go mil ‘ ^ "'•y be moremore effec- CBNTLIMAN JN TM i I M im n y / 'h ie Ilf III! pUunurr* or mill, nl Uve Uian loo H iuch.-T |j» uullflun (Phltadslphlai, .....-I (hr),- W»y U, iMfl Ihfi UUI.Uln. Aaatrael.Z illadslplilal, FOURTH ROW u lint Inulfl lo rile age li Innklng h irkrk on (III(In least’s1 (hiro illninond uall was i ROW I Uie iiiUKIIs lobi of th aI rlgrlghl h l luiig failures inu dldn’l w.rr».•rr» . .1, ...... — ' ~ ~ ...... lofof Idaho at MMcCall. Tie »tn Htura !b 1 T » f tlm* tor Ibe adult teacblov pcugram ati H — Frida:Friday, June 14, 1963 Twin Falls Times-Newt % I8 p. m. on Thunday. June 20. theI ExploreFg H / X U I g g T h e C h u topic Jor which wni be "Tbe Ap«u.llc, X C h u r c h e s ^ I SAVE . SAVE . ., . SAVE . . . SAVE 5" ''11 I■ R RUPERT, u p i June H - The ui TT — ------lirh.ir-h •• The !■' A tten d M eet Succetaion, Oidlnallon and lhe Doctrine 1 a _ ' Liike M 1 ^ ------—^SAPTIST JuniorJ ..l .r .nJ.» ) ,d .i, n iu . 1. ■I*'"- ■ Liike Walcott Boat elub will > ------S'-;;'..'",'. Attei ■ .-sponsor .sponsor a boat crvil.>.c Sun- < f> s„.“T ,'SundayiLX- ■ ff"!! aiihl. June ;!], al 8 p. m. III Portland mg W ■ dAydi\y be(beginning at Uike Wnl-: - WCOMPIETE QUAIITYIITY FUFURNITURE f l i | *2T« ■>’' «• H colt andan going a.i fnr up th e ’ CaTT _t** 4*30 p- (B. Btrrnon: Sc^uij at 7 ch r ; W L - B • SM ior.- Sund», &rV'v“" ; "■ :;i ■ m.' I HAILEY, ll P« Ju n e M — Robert ^r ' BBBH f l j l k H rlvrr ASns poMlble, ^ays Chnrles • _ A'l Sunday acho.,1 m: Church"'.W rlghl and Ted McCoy, mcm-cm- '• ■ l^Alry,Dairy, chairman. ■ >» aervlce. II a. m. Sunday and 8 p, mTli .' bers HAILEY, of Explorer post No,'6. left rt'Ui - m ' i ^ HH s Iniere.ited pcre \ W W bboats oals.a are Invited to join the > ■ *; Jin 1 l-Ul» 1 P- «"■ Ev^'home■L' hlm, uf , M ^ reeponelve na ai'cu.7 " m >'>,aented -The U rdat .h. lhi> Sunday’a lervlrca I'- In Ihey Ofwill EX| attend the second an-(tn- ^Ldi ' I crui.'^ 1 rcganllc.';.? of w hether1 1 U^ p h o l s t i t ► ■• iUl!% " • S«maci; "L»l Ui 'cu.l, : Flnl Church uf Chrlit SclentUl. The'me WcdncsdftV nuftl rcRlon eleven E^xplorcr del-^cl- '• lliev tliev D are membeis ot the ./ Istery i \ ■Ir m ^.-ii'aZ- 'niii::; a t'c v rp VVf: ?,?;;h''’: n , n ” rii';;, “Sr.,'';':,.’.'”:;i‘»- ccaic coiiferei'cc • at Lewis nnd club. • »- meellni al I', m. >- Ch.l.tlanand thy '8.1cominit In fn.m thi. lime HUftlClark rCRlOII college Thursday through The group plnns to leaveg ' . J*' We offer a complete sofvicesofvice onon all types of . ■n *1i:' ' r . ' ‘••"’r " >a>. '^CalCSaturdnv. COIlJi ^ ,[ ■ fu rn itu re . ' REOnCANIZED LDS me! ‘a'?d'"»Vw. the Mlnldokrv dnm dock.s a t ' '^ 1 ■ ^ ,r T « t ll I"«t •» ‘k* kom* of : Chii.tlan 'ScrfVe" u ii'w n ''will >;'• be E.xplorers will be present fromrom ^ 1 p.m. and travel up river as lU . fli Win*. 'fu«d»r, Jun. 18, .t J16'J i,i EllralKih boulevanl man need'- i" ay TV r P*»l»t thla Key aenlence: lo the S "DiUne I>ive aUaya ha.„r , ^onieaaturdnv. 30 councils of r^loii ll, far a-s pwslble, hoping to getI- ^ | RECOVERING...REBUIll.REBUILDING... < m ill J'"-’'* «rvlfM at thie E.ldy. p. «a'■ aOmC Washington. 30 C Idaho and Montana, ‘ H may swim S’ or ,>.coul nrountl ______Satuclay S.tur,I,r and. Sunday. Wednceday. 7:30>1* Eildy. p. 49un- H ’ Members Mom of the party are —------30 and John FIRST N, MCTHODI.IT ' W right Hll ■ requli'c requli'od lo have at Icnst 15• ; ...REDESIGNINCESIGNING „ I I . . . finsT e.; "Viewpoint ot voulh" willI be {■i^»■ Knlloivi gnnom ot gns ami a liie pro- JM «“tp f o7 ZnhiJ, n '.: > tho theme of the conference. jicrvor (VI ' j’.'L!''(-hVndltlr’pu'J7r *“ * mcmbermblpand John N. c (Urrabrandl. mCnUten ' fervor for each individual In ^ :e of Fabrics ^ I I CblMren'* "ofk dlrKlor, IU- mll> ,a. m, ' Siin.lay .fh...l Inaon "An »;«» a. m. chutch .clw.d a ie .; "Vlc«P0llDelegates will be eleclcd' *0to KDWINi;dv H. TURPIN the 'I’C boat.^ Dairy stated. » i< Your Choice of F ouraery care pruvl.led. l:ts a. ra_ adultery representtho thvmn th e region on the Na- „ Evil U,r.| I King. ii;i2.2o." Claaart membermblp ‘ * .Ll', cla.— Itev. Illddle'. aludy. ... who nlll wrre a lico ■ ^ 11 a. m„ wonhip: .twial muaic; aer-■'»' tlonal DcleRnte: Conference eommlttee.■ andanrf'o'nr onr-halt-year mission In ^ - mom "A I.ad and III* Dad"; nuneryZ r represent -Each.Explorer t will be allowed V J • FINE WOOLEIWOOLENS ? ....II ^'i.icrvlcr,. BiBhily e.«i>i Mondayt andifj^O P. m.. fi V , Chile, wltl be honored with a T AWl an Kvanjell., Mi„ F. ‘^e O. W. L «h two electives from a list.of 14 for {"rciveil JJ Forho frnm Kanla Cru« Calif. ForJ; IV Avenue ri'SiK Weel S i t . com • farciveil tesllmonial at 7:30',3; Legion'Auxiliary •‘-'vgl % r..h .r i . i .,„ .,i,.. ,.ii ’up" Hailey Rotary club. headquarUrs hea'douai in Chile wlU tie -trrtei Hy S02 Thlr-I airnue eail d»,nigh*MYF.*" ju „ , i{ p. m..'^nlo?'lI?*h M Yr ■ Robert POSt NO. Wright is the «on" O'of In Sanll.i*o. s.nil Turpin Is the son,0* , SHOSHONE, SHOSl June U-Ofticcrs ! A •!>«'»* .chiol a. roi. ay. Mr. a n d M rs. O lenn W right and gf j^ir , pj„ have been installed tor the P- '” ' Wfdn«d««. I ^ IS! ;sr.",v= . -= “nd of Mr. and Mr?. U. II. Turpin, “'"e » -T •NAUGAHYDE^HYDE s I J i:Ts:.nZ. I^^yef^r^up '•y- T ed McCoy is th e son of Alvin'Ivln lie n e will « i i i,„t “ ------^------BETHEL "w iP L B ra..mln» •.,.r,hl;. aervke. 7 p. m. ChrU- lUn Sander., McCoy. Ketchum, and Mrs.• W.w. in S.1IIs.ill l.aheI City Monday »ndMtd Tliey Tliey.t are Mrs. Herb Love, pres- 1 < , , . j'-„"'S .'-cs...... ,S:t:;'" th. D, Martlndale, Hailey. . lakeuue an 12-urek eoune Inin Irient; Idont; Mrs. N: E. I. Shaw, first vice jI w FOR FREE ESTIMATES,MES, AND ANDS SAMPLES I" H I rlT t 10 ». ni- Sund.r tchool. lliSOiSO beb* th«the •!apcakef. 8 p. m. WedneadayrU. li.n^andcn%e,!(jod and Coui ArS^a. 7() ^ m" McCoy.------K Spanish Spanixh al Drigham Youngung president; prislden Mrs. E. D. Senrs, see-see-1 . • IN YOUR HOME. AT■YOU|i YOUli CONVENIENCE. CON . ^aioniln* worthlp. Sermon br th«^h^ priycrprayer *n.and pral.e lervic . Wedneaday. V , university, ond ond vice vlc president; Mrs. Hal » P »• Toun* pw plti tBf»i. m 'nl’,: Tein'jld'a';! t ------Ro.«, sns th e club's T uesday nOon patps j from Boj-s' nnd Girls'iilrls' ^ workmanthip. wi IMMANUB^L L^HERAN 10 ID a...**m m. momini worihlp. 10 a. m. Momlng day. ladle*’ wonWn ,n,l chlldren'a churchue*. cording to^ Doyle Cain, contesttiiLst hincliconiimdicon In the Rogerson hotelhotel st,ito.st.tto. ^ church tchool. Nunery fur InfanU andtb 11 Horton a. m. Hat Chrlal-a Araba»adon> (:30 S: p. 1963clmlrm.n. Stiaki ncunUupR oundup room are G randon A r- Relre*! c'*A. B*lW*Ti. pm or - eli'Ii7«ielaue* fo for iradra 1 throuih «. Older Wedneaday. ■yer Miss Goldsmith was a cont«s- ),„„ nre' Ar- He/reshmenlA were served[ by $ ““ m d.'r'^'ii;di«'‘*n ™ « r» L ^ i’; ?■ wording t( bon. presidenl; Donald Grand- M,.g r<, ■ . SAVE . . . SAVE "* : ' Cltlat »«rvie« »t *!J0 Mil H •■ m. "•• children children are invliej to attend the meelinf 8 p. tant for queen of the Twin Falls , '; a n d - Mi-s. Robort H addock, M rs. BBei- ei- 2^^ SAVES A V . . . SAVE . . . SAVE t.rm>o thfD>«: The ObUutty of Two]•ol momlntf momlntf < *c-U- Neighboring “™.ry.'Denafd Heffnan and Bryan WllhK*. Ic« at IIEogene a. 1 Tlarka. paal.r foal rodeO. Frontier In Riding club queen,■ j'"'' and oi,..:cinlr. Richard ni, Berg and Weldon mlnlalan tenaon.Sunday 4(iS wonhlp: ^ 6 a. m, Ililile ichoolue.- .jwi. iW Jlsh e was th e F ro n tier Riding r \ J k 8 a. ra.. Drlvo-In churth. Forreat•e*t program. day. Deboral lUguIar Sunday womhlp «erv- ^0°®“ "“ " t ClwK. ^ I Hibbard, mlnltlcr of Vallry Chrlatlan.I*. Ic* Adama. at n at a. 8 ra. Rebekah Circle at Toa- PrOntlCrclub queen. I . . Ri^cll Rtisscll Hall is outgoing prcsi- Churches U».Vvrill preach. 9:4S a. m. Bible achool. tenaon. commlitee 4«S at W. Heyburn at 8 on Tue.- IWSlie Jlfihe is V> being sponsored at the jpnt ______ThiThe f»ib«faibcrt will be honore.1. Ther. willf**‘ / / • Cl"'* TuTOer. S8T (.jubStampede ouee by the Frontier EMRid- - ' ______ival C rusai BURLEY PIBBT METHODIST be fifu 'for the oldest falher preaent: FA ing club of Twin Falls.______y K ev iY a l sa d e s I younfeit father; and the falher wllh f E. E. Dlion. pulor mi«t fhllJrcn • preacnt (nol frmnd-"l'l Geori —■ stampede . chlldrtnl. 10:60 ai m. morning worahlp.nt: Sunday: FAITH i ASSEMBLY , — Joseph Ryan Is Mr. lli.ffmin will prcacb a Falher*fllh Momin* wo Forraer N Club m. IHg Claudlna ClUt) ( Clark, wonhlp chairman: , f Your Mirri»»t Chrtitliin." (Not* j , nd- George Dgncan. paatar )l"« » lh e r Hatcher. *ervlce chairman; A W Q t tlun<« of bour from 11 «. tn. “J* to rki day i.u- mea'OScpn piufrara. Com. and *e* what our kid.in. evangcllitlc.8 P. m. Itrvival every niiht Annao f lha Biiwj rongrcK«llon~wiil l>e inalallc-1.laiici blue blUC i>encll )>Cr for his speech on l„lu iflWl In lh« Mnctu.rr. The *"• In- 5 die. ^ * ?.,e hare don. In Bible ichuol. If youBl. at 8 p. FIRST m. with the Rev. Everett Olr d.v Jima nitliiiiitl Sundir *chooI leuont *'* ar* coma early, *1 yuu will b . able to il^^n aee of North B e n d ,_ 0 ^ ef^te-lduring "r (he r morning wonhlp aervlcevervicev “AnBUl,sh.'’ “AncUlsh a t a m eeting of th e ..udW. Th. F.llhful CiM. i» *h.t o*r j^for th»^p»r*BU *' ,hj, what |„p,, our children have made. Attend Sixth avenu Kb ;'« • S r . f ' Vgah for a awim wUh a wiener UilsUli-S WeekWCel a t K ny's S upper club. 18. 9 a. in. mrn'a aoftball. Twin Falla nt Sunday Fa■ ^*2;*"E.V'E 5 a. Alao. riiait Sundi and worahlp t.i follow. Newly Oilier »r"l'n ih. tow.V room. Senior-Ill Firet f;hj Chriallan church »*. Flier Na»-end m. Sixth Sunday avenua 1 al Fourlh atreet north meet at the Nfwiy O lh w spenkers were Dr. Boy ____ T (:>0 .. m. Cibln*t DiMtini In ‘ v J une RabeK O, JackMn, paator Mai Rm 1>« I ...... 'Oiir Sunday evening. Jun* 2. by ilev. Hil>- ®nnil , . _ m u , firn>Uc. room. Juntor-HI MYr JSv. I» all. Sunday Father’, d.y ,;Mce. «:4S a. mait and 111 Bot m nt untU furlb.r notkc. K',sh'".,ssrs’s > ,,,„. t laa- m. Sunday acWl. I0:4S a. m. mom-low. bard. nVFThoaa inaUlled were: ’'Kellh Kellh Cover,Covcr, »«• heanal. 7:30 p. m. hlfh achool recrea- a h lphourv Ice*. HaUher, prealdent: Barbara Edwarrla, Toasin ,«rvUr. Jun. SO. 7:J0 p. m. Kolnonl. tional and devotional time. Comin»: 7:tS p. m. 1 warria, ToBsima.stcr WAS John Ricks; m t. rirtplMt m m . 7;90 p. n . to“Oil d Juneju n r jM JHO, North American ChriitUn'*■ ^V-The ’'k Deaert ! '’ Evc"r»bilyi'Fellow!!" £ “ S , ? ; Pred Harder, chief evnluator. II .t .ItT pUyiround. *onvenllo.convention in Lons Deaeb, Calif. rta- .hSi*oul phourw troop ith a , age group .ervlce..m., HaUher.chairman; pi Debbla Thvmpaon. aervlca atida n d StcvoSlCI B ancroft, tabic topics I I ”*• 7-il' *’• ™' Sermon Viplc.lome vir« chairman; pm id Danny. Carr. *ludy chair- chairinai BUHL FIRST WARD LDS IEA.1TSIDE BAPTIST tun -Th* of Deaerter." Hi Monday. 7 ;30 p. m.. ireLureT- chair- chairm an. Printbood Rinilni «:ao k. ra. W«1.'e1> SO' :06l F.ltiabeth boulevard Seoul day. » troop p. m. M3. Tucday. 8 p. m., chairman; rtniMlinf 10:S9 a. m, Sundir ichoollool Rob« Roberl Schreckenberf. paalsr Chapman Wedneaday. chapler m»et« at the home!ibl* chairman; t. m. 5.ermm.nt xrvlcn u follow.)wa 1» a... m.i Sunday achool. l l a . ‘Pi. of atudy. M^ra. Cara\ nuaaell ^Sheridan. Jr. Tuea- man. 1:10 p. m,: Inroe.tlon, Jtm « Chap-ap- momlnsmomlne wnrahlp. 7 p. m. traininf choir reheai •n. Scrlptur* reading Doc and Cor:or union. $» p. m. evening worahlp. A de- Wedneaday. Knox cbapta * P m„ prayer and Bible ~ | | THE SAFEST i-t. Ko»t« M«Ut. Aaronle Pi1«»Srodrod llihtl'ollyllihllulli cool place lo -wonhlp. ‘m. atudy. Caravan>, i«om. Wedneaday. 9 p. * m.. ^ .TH rtkcr, Enrln Bartlett. GIrU prograin‘am . ling choir reheanil. Thunday. 8 p. m„ nkfr, Judr Slcphent. Uain ipeaker*.er*. TVLERTVLEB STREET CONBERVATIV*de- Knot chapter VALI meela in th* Fellow*hlp \ TIRE YOU ll W.ller, Cln» E«b»rt flenrdktlun.Ion. BAPTIST i«om. (Dl ID. UorrUon. MtA WeJnw/l.r • p. 288 Tyler atreet 1708 *AIHCV*U[v'aS4w j Prltrarr Tbuitday t ; 8> a. m. ^ Joe R. Wood, paator k’K Ferreal VALLEY CHRISTIAN M A A l I C CAN i OWN! . t:S( a. m, Sunday achool. tl a. m. SundayIDIaclple* t< of Chrlat) ..hip . mominf woniWp.^Special mu*lc. Solo: 1708 11 Heyburn arenue eaal ^WENDELL^MCTHOpjST^ Mn^Jam Farreat J. Hlkhard. mlnlaKr II bi ptiu cETa m iJ J M lf m. Sunday achool 9:4S a. m. Wonhlp ^ ^ olo: 11 a. m. CYF S:30 p. ra. Thei^ wlNahipl ^ P f U • “ ^ 2 Cha'rT«*W.' EJierT‘jr^*cln" nibl. achool eloalnit program. 8 p. m. wll meet ■ [ENIIT * >f>lloi.al meelinf lmm«JLaUlr Jol. foi- Bibl* atudy 'W' and prayer meeting. Jvenlnir at f .jn ' ■' iPm flceia 17. The far (Jliriallan t> Women'* FellowahipI'S I BASEBAU IS .. . *15 rtat lb.^eivl». Sunday achool lOUO . m. Wll meet al the church Wedneaday. n. Cluini for all att*. 7:10 p. m,„ BIGHLAND ^ CHAPEL . •Ulfed. Mr*. rr. Monday. 7:10 p. m.. Boy 8nl' F lfot*nru-lli«W r7Taiirnd^rt.1—I aummer iumnier monlh*. ■ 4iti a. m, Speaker Sunilayi Rn. rt»t Hlhhard .if Valler rhrl«tUnlUtI CHURCn CHUr OP TUB A8CRKS10N I iVIVIIfAl , mb. Themet ”Th« Fathtrhood of ZIO ZIO lllu* II l.ake* boulevard north d e r n iiz z iin g ^ j d." Come drm ^t for work plckplck.ick- IN Warren L. It*»*II, m la r ifl AP MEETING S STY T Y L E ♦ I I- or moralnt fhurch. WnnWti in Flrat Flnl flunday f after Trinity—th . ^ h.ily Ht ~ ~ M o d e • G A M P /S/ W ' oWh 'Var, Cnfnmunlon ~n~mr^ KiMfniffil.Tn'il'lTBlliramrnf-a—mrTfie eonifniiSI' — ------'k tunder In >11 whn «ant It. Fre.?re. rector rerlor tiretrhlnf all Ihre. aervicea. Pill------_ )fN. punrh, donuU after (he oervlce.>ice. a. a. m.m. family far aervlc. and church arhool.------holy f.u I ------11 11 a. a, Rl. in. adult chnlr. Nunery at ^Tfij « ilt------U — ----- l------^ ^ ~ ~ nANRDN MRTHOniflT------and-11-i.--irr-8-p.—nrmnd-jr i - i r t n l n » i r h t n r ------U Mmrn C. Shay. lalHleter pri’fram. pn>(ram. Topic the aame aa Thundar. H ■aulir •fhi.fil » a. m, Womhlp a»r.a ff June June IV IS. ''lUlltlon and Health Both M • a. ra. netrrtom “A MindI to riiyalol I'lirilol and Mental /mm lha Stand. M g - - P r o biMem l < ? j oik." MYF meeie 7iSM p. m. TuM>I.M- r>ilnt rnilnt <. nlnltler ■ townlown ftffTim- M.mday morning u n t i l _____ ^ ! Starts DUAN ^aodir •c W lO-a.-m.-WonhliT-nrT' -Thnrmtn ' lliu a. 111. Bermoni "A MindI to nual tft ronference elergy of the ' S l l n ' JUNE «'k. MYF raeeta 8-«iS0 p. m. Thut».uia- alonaryilonary dlilrict nf Iitaho al the aum- s ' “ ^VolcTBuiHeiI Builiiers Supply DECLARES r, Kura rlrnin at Iliipert. mer tancamp of Ihe mlaalonary dlalrlct SAT. *n«N TRINITY LliTnEHAN (Three mllea aciuthl I _ , .llikiid A. Tarhlrler. paXar I H f l yo\LCiHLol)taiiiaill e.\perienccd.advice-in-_e.\perie: "MY GODI 15th '' *lkl. rl..iH » a. m., Hut.ilar erWhnni I I f'ttdiator ■ ..tr^ta.r.W '.M h hnlrrnmniunlnn I - ^ II all plmses of repairing, remodeling or NIGHT '"!« p. m.; Wf*n hiiii.t.r trh.x.l learhen mei-t I I" your problem. >’• Thiirmdarl AiluU I ______• PANELINGi • CAICABINETS ""ii»n rItM at Ihe parionaire at I i S H O P ^ r - I • FIRE PLACES • R0( Ilk k I’nihahl. meetincding I I :ES • ROOFING By Evangeli!/a n g e list D uane D.K WilliWilliams ri'^LVuntrlhaV..a*i .llusI I t4S \WMhlnfton 1S9-N80 • KITCHENS incere PresentatloI t a t lo n o f Last CallII for Quality < K NOMCMONEY ! "A Sinceri BIBLE TRUTHITH BEDDINGIG PLANTSP m DOWNi/VN ‘“SV* BIBl > o w e r " y - : ^ { Wc offer a complote□mplote sorvisorvlco from start to j In PentncostalPenti Powei ' finish. Our homoimo pplanning lan n in g d o p p rtm o n t will FLOWIIWERS m m ^ a m »h. preportf plans and wowc wilf assist in obtain* ' AND III give ^^0 bulloblo financingnonclng arrniorrongomenls on any low look! hom e or rom odollng•doling project.projec A little paint will give your home thot now look! Inspiringng SongsSo of Delivi)e!iverance VEGETAETABLES - . I FOR: All P PEOPLE E i OF All CHURCHCHURCHES AlsoA lso I ^ I 7:45 NightI'lightly . . . 2:300 SundaysSu B POTTEDID PIPLANTS I itioy'rBy're grownOrown ... Trosh, hnrdy, HIGHLAhHLAND and LOCUST LOCI m m tlock,c, ready to igrow and bloom. T W IN FALLS IO Power warohouia. Next door lo Voice luIMl( tra Supphr* GE i^i Turn Ufr ■! Idaho Power wai GARAGE ll )LLUM'S Cenflmhig HIS w i Z n BUILDERS>ERS SSUPPLY "The lordf WoiklnWorking With Them, Coutlm and GARDEN Your c o r is a lorSe invest­ ment, protect llT with on ______Twin FallsII "- JeroJerome n - Burley \ riTH SIGNS miOmHG"-Hatl,"-Mark 16:20 '^ily Si/0*'' Road I___adequate garago, I WORD WITH Siei I — ______M T 1 ______^______4

I ^ dudtog left-over BTolecta. projects, leavleav. day should taka oa aomathtagomathtag ofof| a s far fhmi the uroii _ Friday, June 14,1943 Ing you free to enjoynlov tbethe rest oof a brilliant sheen by Ute lat* mom- TAURUS-(AprU Sl-uT^?**. njoy the rest a^^ discouraged.coiiraged,- , Olva to to your eari7^-i*'- g Twin Falls TlmevN' Newsrs AroundArc Idaho « w,h 10^ ARIES (M i^ ai-Aprtl-April 30)- mood and-the result£i^?»l- IDAHO FALLS.I. June 14 WOB—'T -' he atomic power reactor progrn YOUR BIRTI AQOARIUS (Jan . 31*Peb. 19 • evttUag en- flareups wUl certalnlt BIRTHDAY U _ Advttse tendencies^*ffM*^ndicate tadlcat ”^'y trides, as evidenced by the best evidencevldence of all-all— Joyrn.^.. B..1 lo p toaa activities.cUMUe. otherwise, ftae day. ^ la STBJA ■ ■ th a t th is Is no tim e for maklni I K iw anisOi s Q u b I deciding to expand the use ot atomic facUltK atter a proven demonstrationlemonatratlon iof value in their own‘.rpL'r plonU," d D“ and HOROSCt3 R O S C O P E decisions importantmt to the tutu- 11.^ Norman HUlberry.r. Chicago, sensenior sclerttlst wlth'Argonnergonne natloninational ^ ture of your fomUy. r PISCES (Vtb. 30>March 20)- H as T alk,lK ono n laboratory, said herehere today. -O"Commonwcalth-Edlson >n company, tor tc '------for your Summers. tunl example, has decided;lded to turn HIts atomic plant fromm a peak plantplar ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ • What begins as A^duU. cotorles to a base Joad Btrviulervlce plant. The Yonkee Electriclc comcompany pany hashi p r i DAY, Junena 14—B 14—Bom o m to t - Among those who wer*were bornbe !l L e v y E lI e c c C t U i c U u decided to build a new plant liin Connecticut. Consolldated-Edlsosolldated'Edlson day you hsve ann extremelyextrentely highhi on this date are::e; DorothyD orothy M c- . Rollerir SkatingSkati Schedule in New York Ist getting serloserious about a new 1.000 mmegawai egaw au m oral aense basadsad on on an a n iron- iro Quire, actress; MargaretMargaret Bourke-Bourl Ma « The John Roper, viceIce chairman chalrmai of facility In Queensns Itself." Dr, Hiiltwrry notfd. clod system of ethic*. YouYM willn W hite, Journalist,t-photographer: • photograph n e » • i n« I F R ID A Y ...... BiOO Ut 10:30 p.m. the Twin FallaI KlwanlsRlwanls club ’ • _ work for others,era, doing'doing goodgo Harriet Beecher 8to««,Stowe, humuu.humai A m algamm aleda t e d I S a t u r dAY a y ...... i...i.. 8:00-to 11:00 p.m. cltlzen‘1 eommHtte.ee. discusseddlKUwed the POCATEHO, JuneJane I It t trI'ru-Automalion, u - ; railroad>d mergers andan where you can. offering offering comfort eomfi tarian, author, Tw in PkUa school mlll lery elecUon election duringdu »jn fM« when (herbey are (hroug(hrough flfbtlng work rules,les. members of( termination andi a a certain certain rest- rei you tomorrow, select your blrt the Thursday hoon>on luncheonluncheo: of one railroad brotherhoodherbood were told here yesterday.. M. W. Hsm;Hamp. lessness of naturere kaapkeep youyou mov-ms day and read the correspond! Klw&nls club InI the AmericanAmer ton. Chicago, InlemailonsJlemadonal vice president of tbe Brotherhood of( mg forward no mmatter a ite r wwhat h a t tht e paragraph. Let^ your r “ffhS blrth Enilnemen, said after Jhe work mhrule* difficulties, su r be your dallylly iuid«. guide. Takes on the It was pointed oul the tncr r an the IN TW! TW!M fA llS out the increase qoe,Uon Is settleded “(hey Ithe(the railroads) have otherr tblnp(blnp iin Artlstlcslly inclined,icUii«d r you m H ha .V . S .l « r d .r•, . J«neJune «15 S - . . « would be moderate, as fai rate, as far as mind.’’ Hampton saidMid tomesome auautomation is alreadyf here. UcUe saidsal an eye for theb««uUlul beauttl^ In in .11 q b ^ ik S (M .yly 22-June22-Jm t 223 3 ) - V E n t i r e Ak p p a o c c h h e ta'xee are concerned,ned, anda n d wouldw three comptelely lutomaiedBUtomaied fnfreight trains wUh no men aboaraboard things, snd althoughr you tn AecomplbO ntcras.ri'lesssry S.tu« S a tu rd ay . . v i . • Amount to aboutit tstS to totO per being tried experlmenUlly e*perlmenUlly In Canada. On anothermother snbjecsnbject. not make art a a career, artistic artls chores early. A day of Interniintermit- N otionl U xpayer. This wouid^id;^rOTl<}e oroviiS, an H»mp{on *a(d nll] il mergersm e rjers bebenefit only the ‘‘financier*.”nancier*.” "Bi"But creation will alwaysiways be be a a pi ^ntj funun awaits you If _ additional $100,000000 f oo r th .e |,n -t a m ergerrger in (he cocountry," he aaid, "thathat U good fcfor of your life one! wayway oror another,anoth y^u ^o...... ,, 3rd BIG WEEK I a^o o U . or (hat is good for tbe workers.*. Merger* wiwill In growing up you hs iir Hurry! Hurry! . , . the eowmunlty. or (hat U go- CANCER (June 33-July 33 The funds will be used prlmar-prir niske ghost ipwn*« outoot of commcommunlttes . . . but the1 railroads have hat learned to master your-ov< ne 33-July 33)- I C ll WalthltPfelWy DISl^ I I Doo™ Optn 1:1» — fly-foT-more t«acharaachara WlU_forand th#-ICC (inteniUtoIte commerce_cqniml*|iioji^commercej right in the pahnpalm oot emotional responses. ^ Realizi ’auSfs Caution advised it partaking tm til salary iRcreaseareasei lortor pres- i ^,nd (n Washington.••uhington.” AmAnd ihe'brilon leadersal«-"eaehsaid-"eaeh yesyear that reactions-that-d*pend-UpaSTdepKSoS “ctlvltles.‘ Avoid turn: wSTsadarf j BHOW-TCJ^SI - - . Positively I cot t«achers. ^ , we're losing hundredsIreds of miles mile* of track by abandonment.”lonment." likes and dUlikesT f omay S ^ not S - ^be i S » ftdl-day-into a-heeUo-ona.- J. T. Anderson,n. chairmanehairmai of __ line with what the situation Cde- LEO (July 34-Aug. 33)—P II the Twin FalU achool:hool board and bqiSE, June 14 W ^ov, Oov, R obert E. Sm ylle retu-eturned rn e d to hihis mands, you makeIke an an effort effort aJ- i get about high pressuring othersoth TCCiaacOUW* 1 ------1 ! ! —J LAST ^ 4 DAYS! ' j! - BChool-Bupt. E rnest RaKland slness-pleasure" ways to directt your your activities actlvit ta an attempt to get new plans pli yMMMhafaaM ^ »t Ragland pre- ,tatehous« office yesterday IromfrO) a four-day “buslness p ie s ( » l II 2t«ed, Boise. POCATELLO, June'une 14 lfV-.Employment at the Tbiokol Chemlei r trying to buck I n " M A m % •:------.<»llA ntnntBlunt concontlnuei tn rlimb. with the compan the world. Boll) with thetoe^tl tide. nat Rgr as tfl B8 itSM Shortly nfTnte noon n t ^t to sit things |WSll.Ti;Bl^i W i n i 1 A I * 9 reporting 258 a t work todayt^ay withwi proa^cu lor anolher iU lA B p G range W'r—Today narked the end of a twQ.treektwo.week anm.sum Valley, Salmon. anda n d Almo. ;H e B A onT A JU UIS S (Dec. 33-Dec.33>i: ------I bakeoff were chosensen at (he Roi-I BOISB, J udo J4 lf> -T oday n s came to Rupert!Ft lal a J»4«]04d Miui a 23)—Emphasize Ihe social s setlng Wednes- mer training periodId fer mmore ore thi th a n 2,300 Id ah o na tio n al guardsmei ' lister Qranse meeting Wedi the l«th field bou«ht a farma ono a whichw hich tth e of Ufe; let busUiess fead.S V for 5! ">• ™ « B i z'.aiTB « r * MMurder u r a ,, I ALL SEATS.TS »1.»1.75 ★ A ? * S S i ri. Lyle Schnlt- from southern Idaho,laho, batb a t fofor r tb e 310 -men ot (be 14Bth flel 1 d a y n ig h t w ith M ri- Lyle Sch: «,• hi. family resides.idea. He waa an self. M /«tery ever* conceived e o n 2 J ^ e ^I U ker, first: Sue Loughmlller.jughmlller, sec-i artillery from the northern partpari of the s(a(« It stgnated (be be r week ot bivouao and field exercises.'S ; ^btTbe L5hsouti in tha LD89 Churchchurch aad kwaa CAPRICORN (Dec. 33-Jaa.33-Jan. 30) (I end. and Mra. C. M. Laotlng,Laot gianing of another week ot bivo MUtwork. . —Momlng shouldlid see you coo-o Idaho cKlsen seMieriisn moved la irom tbe field yesterday■Staymo^SnS momia ii.« th ird . n«^«Uon f«5 surviving areI hi* widow, aand ■■ ’ ■ ~ _____■___ The program wasas presented by and began cleaningng and packingpaekii equipment In preparation fe nics committee breaking camp Saturdayitu rd a y mmomli om lng. A review lo r (heS.7 w"rly nearly iioo 1,50 WhiUkar. ths home economics commli hel* « that autaaUt LDS ward Chapel by Blshop Cll I ftffcnt. BOISE, Jn n a 14 U V -Thera > t Cameron. Pinal ritesrite s wiUwlU ba h held JR.. 13 to 14 Y «r»------50 rera sem d by offlolaU may not press fot anfenforcement of Idaho'# coDlrorersis I Refreshment* wera semd rt ^^es 0? ^ m “>« Sunny Cedar5dar RestR est to AirAlmo. CHitO. U y«r» «nd m llfll j4T»e«ie»iD0iis I™ I ------Mmujd-Mrs.-WrJ.--Lantlng.-J.-Lantlng.------h>yalty-oato-Uw-untlL*-thre«.»mtii . t>ir*e»lndi e federal c ourt rules on It eoBsUtuUosality. QuesUoiuQuesUon* regardingraga applJcallbn orriK the v TUiTWet w O T Ftlenda may caUtU Monday_»lfcMonday_*lter.- _*AMI10W PlllCIJi»«a*y,J«»* D i l l « tV E W T rO R PIOPU ------Thuraday followingollowlng thetha IssuanceU ef a temporaryr*r« mirminiM.rtslralni* fiooa and eveningng and until Utime WaJ«tid«y_____ »1J 0 ptr u ®rter by Judge Fred•red M. TaylorTayloi of the U. 8. districtirlet court bereber of service J/Vicsday Iho l-»j IC U whieh instraoted sUt«state officials to exempt ccrtain emplayea employe* framtne mortuary, Burley,ey^ ______Warnedae 14 — 'ni« provlalons ot tbe act nntiluntil ua three-Jadgath eoart U eonvened.convened. At^. At^ ..• . . . Cu wahscRMTSTAJS I m RU PER T. Ju n e 14 — •Th tpara said tb» order “appears to suspend opera Bupert Junior Chamber ofo G«n- AUan O. Shepard said tb» M issionariesaries to IN OISOUISED MIES... e f l g Commerce withI tbe usisUassist . Uon of the Uw." 'lo o m n i s a ' ■—■ mao» o f sU clPlc o r g u ls a (jn—Tba state highway departmentntcM caHed tou,toda Talk at Jerom e tlm will superviservisa a kaok a o - BO ISE, Ju n e 14 (jR -T b a s ta ta IjjjjjjjF summer. for bids on threeI southern jd£ Idaho projects. Bids WlU will be opened open» JEROME. Juneine 14-Featui14 — F ea tu re d I . fHOo court all summer, the projects. One Involves constructiontruction of theth at an Intardenomlnatlonalamtaatlonal memeet- jB JCSlf A S-m lau-Bil-Blisll ' ladlviduals are■a warned tto July 9 on two of the projects. PLUS CHUfeBY CHECKERS IN ,wo Itons of roadway, drainageI structuressuucturea andan a roadmlx bituminousilnous surfacingsurfacln tag ta Jerome at ak the MethodMethodist A . tuve tt least two Itons t jamp road north of Ace<;ula in MinidokaUnldoka county,countj church at 8 p.m.).m . Sunday t wUl "RING-A-DINO RHYTHM" Centenolal vstrr or a beardbear on 3.sao miles of Camp road nor a s L -L -i; I of constructing a 161-foot concrete•eta bridge overove be the r s t . andI Mrs. David KKel- from June IS through thetb Tha other consists of constnictli I ADULTS:S 15aKo — Cl CHILO FR E E UNDER It m. the Portneuf river,•, a detour antand a 174-fool pile andId timber trashtrasl logg, mlsslonarlealea la to Keaya, K eaya, j A l- . to d e o celebration. ngs In Bannock rica. HATARI PLAYS B:30B:aO O N LT ^ R JH O 11:00 Tinea can be 11.10ll. 10 minutesminute rack on U. 6. highwayiway 50-N.90-K, westwea of Lava Hot Springs In Bannoc J be opened July 13 on constructionm ofthegrade ol the grad They will, present slides a m m i lUn.iu BT a '»giiiw clwM on'4^iai milR W nutuaaj between Msui dunking In a of water. V-I. tain Homa and HUIIUI Citycity In-Ehnotah\-E county. W orld O oapel Mission' am ong < *m ^ D A Y ■ THROUGH T H ra U G H Klpslgls peopla In Kenya, i ■ COMMTNG ING SUNDAY!------______j j L , M W I8 T 0 N . JatMtia 14 14 m WPl-A -A m * p daiUag plana craabad a»al U>alb Tb* Kelloggs are- graduates of FRIDAYIDAY AN INTENQBLYBELY ILLUMINATINQILLUl EXPERIENCEl lUe trying ta Uke off from tha stripftp near CuMe>CuMe Cascade coUege ta Oregon a : Ehner Howard’i^W drCl S runway wbUe trying ta t 8 ta Oregon and 10 a.m. lo 5 pirn, r T T 1 1 *«>. > w (h o f bare^yesterday yesterday tventag. The pUat was not bbur * ^ tojiva had extensivenslva training ta ' V n n "JO HN HUSTON f l H f i l d R enslnk.ik. 43. 4S. was w as held he In tbe cockpit mad and apparentlyapparcnU tudlo-vlsuals andind music. TlThey Q | flA ■ k j beams w h e r e Funeral Is Heic Jsry by a aaat bOt and ahauUerr hamesa whettwhe have spent eightIt years lato Ken:Kenya. V lln«*I Il aaWW U U HERBUTMARSHUX'GIAOYS COOPER Funeral «errio«a- for Ci K !l?T u2£rnw n waa^aa^tS demoibbed ai tbe end of the reawa; I a nleca of Mrs. . _ S^S.er Ketlofg U a nleca of M ------, SEE FROM START ONCS LEAVE o m OMtM) Howard were held Prl Uereei Flying Service, Uwistoa. woien whleh ojwTBiMaperate Robert ooammer. Jerome. J n In BeTnoJds funeralwl*^aJS‘by diapel mJd'nSwSS”*.d exeasalva brat In tha canyon fer tbathe 6• pjn.pji ______er.:______J«tem». MOONIIOHTJHT lOWU BOWU . A T 8:3 0 scMuMsuhcTunsttuut th e R«T. R obert O. Rlobania. k «5hap. On May tl*anatbertl anatber HInillerelt pUet, Riehardrd RowUnd. tIf. ATTEND SERVICES irS FUNI »cwocctAU«mtittnicouPor SB takeoff from KING HILL June 14-w James Oouch was aololst, Saco< 2 S . UwUton. waa kUladied inIn a stmllaratmlla Btearmaa craah an takeoff froi ; iS ' iV “”- 5.1..ndS.n. ._____ p*aled by U n . JoJohn h n BBiiiell, in ^„trtp near Olfford.O lfford. R obert O raham . K in g HIH, i ,:z... p'« I c a A n I0 i4 0 companled Mr. and Mrs. Hal 3 »"«■ S 1 . 0 0 e m ifMY NOONAN — P E ^ m SS s Iu LL*' ' I AdtiUi 1.00—ChUd Frei PtUbearen wereI Jerry Boden-Bod b OISB. June 14 (ift-OnaOfl-One of t«two men Injured in armlrie mine fifiJJBllwrex^aiD Oonkltn-and-M i^and-M f»r-\ IN "8W1NOINQ ALONG*______bamer. Kugene Spaek. Boyd 1 transferred tromrom Caldwell tto a Boise hoapltal todayloday for treat-treat Cook, Hagerman.Ul'.. to LaOranLaO rande, fan, Donald Black.k. CUnt RidRidge- n>ent of an eye Injuryinjury by a spspecialist. Harold Wasley,aaley; 30,38, NortNorth Ore., Wednesday to attend — ^— awar.aad Jw Blgrtas, _ ijured yesterday In an explosion at the B and ;R nerai services of their un< BOWIADROMI^DROME Honorary paHbearen w i .hermoiinUniY8''n-»«» sroth-of-MarslntT-Alif-M arslntT -A U o WlUauiuflchociler.______jrohnny Hawes. RussetRum t B^en*Bod injured was ArnoldId Murphy, Ifi, son of Mr, and Mrs.rs. H. L. Bama B am as. ------l a — ^ ■ IhiUgeniiariCi lu u n e r, Verrell oham bers, Jo h - — HahalwrBlr-WUUain-Wrt^t,r o l l i n ’ ______VUUam M organ X. Qundelllnger, WUUam Mor J Ponderosanderosainn-A nnotmm ces— c e s ------^ UM Ernest BrUey, Oonohtdlng services wer* Ih... N eews w s of0 RecordU thor BUDJD DAVIS, J P.A.G. Professlerwl,wl, )s now , ' !n sunset Memorial park. TWIN FALLS1 COUNTY Buschhom. both Eden;, Norma:Norma L. booking) GOLF LESSLESSONS. ^ , (HoHtoler JcutJceitJce CourOCourt! Suhr and Williamam P. NyheliNyhelm. S S - f c l u h ------aaorga-a.-HanMnnn. a.jAL^aiLaa Veaas, both Jerome: Aurora ^ na ar , — ^B utterflies Glul »n trailer, uenny oeLauftHTsotlTHaieltoi ------Moke-Your_jike-Youf_Appoinlinflflf j i o j t f ______; ______f r n a p ln . Richard F, Schevem,levers, Ontario,OntarU Nlkkl Kay Cavlnn and Bruce 1H. M eets at DecloJ^CI,1U Ore _ ,5_ > flag overlianioverhang. Jacobsen, both Jerome; JudllJudith CAI I III DBOLO. June li-The4—The Oolaolden Charles M. Brooha,cha, Anscondn, Anscondf Marvon Watson1 and Oeraoerald CALL 678-9073 Butterflies 4“tlon ot registrationatlon provisionprovlsloiu; l|| ord books and had a lesson Vandeli Mahoney,sy, $3(3 fine, :$S t aafety. The girlsI surveyed the Boyd Ash. Jt¥ a safety survey. Mrs, Patricia Q,, Worth waa dl-dl mirror vlolailon, A T T H E Walker home on a safety sur ’ Clerii ^ ______^For Ihelr sewingng project Uie vorced trom Eddiele V. worthWorth ono . County Clerk ■4e*4ow*lsU— omimrtu nf extremele mental cruel-cruel Marriage licensesiscs were IwuiIwued ______------ty. They we« married 324 lo Percy DlalnoJ Briulley.BrMlley. DlDie- n P \"T TTTTl IT S ^S frtei Wllmala Ann nierotOleroth, I I 1^ I. IVlnM at Jerome, she was awarde W endell; D ean E, Btepnnek ftr iT lcin custody of a minor child. E, Btepnnek »nd I l l J T \ i Fairfield M an ril W anria Lee n a n crocrotU /l. ShoRlione.Shoriion JRFCLUBUB T Mrs. Rosemary Cordon was dl w nwdon l^uronco H.I. llradslryHradslry andor iJa tC C n V voroed from Earnest W. aordo j Held for Larcei S .™ S u ! M..U.. J..n H.K.ah^l.o,,.. FAinpiELD. Juneune 14U _- Jim Krounda of extreme mente friday' and SolutdoySalu of tvetyy Week lH.llil.lllllJ.llM . Wanaiuky, lo, Falrtleld,Fairlleld waa cnielly. They wero married Apr t i i y TlM E S -N Ew W a WANTW ANT ADSAE ^ charged with grandnd larceny iMceiiy. and »• “I Of a minor .W" UNO l^ULlJ^ULTS • ___^______^ u n d over to rtWrlotIrlot courttoiiri Whenw awarded custody of a mine , he appeared betorere Justic* ofOf the — = ,1 Peace aeorge Perklna,kina, jr., Jr.. ThT hurs- Judgm ent wasI enenterwl terw l fofor SDecoiototii clLi«. • d-preliminary Trnvolcra Indemnityllty companycom pany ttoi c fio tc e .^ ■'*------callect I3.SN.V4 fromrom Oeorgff 1,1. VKUlUv.S*,v>u;,' ' ■ Tit# complainti was was filed filed by t--Saw>UAi I RE-O; C a m u county fiberlJt>erl« AJImi Ui w - IE-OPENINGIG iH k 1, aon charging him1 wllh w llh the i U»ert JF.ROMK COUNTY T J E C © L - * r 1 of two ,4t calibert>er putols,pistols, MO (^l«rk aud A uditor -• r MMONDAY, O N A JUNE 10thlOth . rounds Of ,« caliberIber ammuniammunition Marrlnge licensesuses Issued (to ^,1 ud 1X100 roundsI otof aa ammammunl- TurUevllleivllle and. and.Nor- Nor 'n.*tliUco|or.,t|,. r v ’i* -« li two. Bond wu set ata t ijoo. IWO W all, bolh Jerom t ■4IGHT . g v , ______^yfB lluettig and Itonald C A E C t o n i g h t E r o R r e n MuU.4k.ouri.l^ V:___ J cTArc newheishtsB i f , RePO R T E n tlor anti ttitr lo r i - • ■•7 - 4 - - . RUPERT, June.0 1414 - — Mr. Mr and BlUElLUE TOP CAFEA rt • ON STAGEST A G E # OF EPIC I M rs. W. O. ouster. R upert; IR tt.S'.r,rte v - - > ■ . I Jl m tr Twin resJdenU, FOR »*mp|«. U ', V t' ^ ...... WEIGHTn LIFTINO GREATIiESSl f m 1| melved word Uiat n daui EXHIBITIONN IN PERSON PERSOI . n *}“ W»eir son FATHER'SlER'S ! 70101 2nd Avenue/ South , ■ I 4rd IligiiMt Katikliig Olyn I DAY. Y . 'Wil.- ' < | M UNDIRINDIR NflNIW MAHAGCMNT[[Hll* ,■ ConUrvder from Jerome, U r y lh in g ' * £ ^ 9 j i i l 1 c m i R C A M K A C m i l O M a j Open From 5:015 : 0 0 a.m. lo 1 0:00 : 0 0 p.m. I f ^ MTS l*», C«irf 7ii C.ntlnv* I! RENTS 10°" i 733.0901 Chilli vffdM 1} l;l • *Tiii m oiiiao.i j i a o i i .10 10 {1: . ^ M esrchant's r c h a r Lunchesches L -^L ^ «CAMHA<7 ‘ BRYSON'S AM mrnu Movii noncTotiloncTOM Bi-Rite S t e aaks k s • Short .Ordersrders I*]N ai!l jlf[^ I 30] Moln Avantiatvanua W «if i ilJ i Jill 'SStttiiirKiuo.ii P h o n t 7 3 3 .5 5 7 0 w >WB w - B f f a w a - Businessmen’sI’s FellowsliipF< View’s View Danciers ~ FrldFriday, June 1963 Twin FallsFall; Timas-New» 7u jg l ’1 Good Water Banquet "Scli^ul Attend Festivalil PAUL,rm June 14—Thc Idaho i^vfled in T.F.* VIEW, June 14-LDS j-oungoung sl*teb board of health has apr • ■ w J . K U n d E arls will Sl ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ peS^f'r . proved as safe water taken= TELEV-EVISIONJ SCHEDULS< people from View hs^ve gone to 'ULES ' J^5"ip«ker Bt the Pull - from thc new Paul well.1. SATURDAY.JRDAY, JUNE 15 (NOTE(NOTE: rro jra m s brna<)ca ^ | to be hew a t 8 ■ th e "Baifball.’* (10:45 pjn. CBS):BS) — DetroitDetri Tigers vs. New Vork channel! the church-wide danc* festival,tlval, pumphouse pumph has. been poured Vl^nlt^p!uc- llonnlre wants to make a bonfire otof his moiiev nnd his daughterih te r Inlo Inlo ththe e drovers' camp n llrr rsi-nplnKL-npiiiK fromftom ian Indian raid. Af [he Multnomah Christianitlnn I H ivinff of restroom s In thc new wnntsWants tot have him committed,Itted, Benedict reprc.'sont.^ bom parties,rtles, “Chey« “Cheyenne," i0:3t) ii.m, ABC. ri'pont)ri'ponn — 1In "Tlic Beholden," s »J"“ p .rk , u id .110 . IS-tDQt . ' ^lirch. 'Portland, ore. In March.irch. them are Gallant Men.” (6:300 pjn. aBC.aBC. repcnt)-A rt Ol, sb v.oundcditdcd niar.ihal mar.shal puis himself on tlie spot.11 by vcliM.'^InivckM.'iInK a Jailed bonk robber, lOti he began h)s second termterm r - - ^ the ^0 resume his boxing cn cnrecr, L'^ ns^lgned to guarduard , "R”“‘« "R oulo G6," (6:30 p.m. CBS. rrpi'.iti—Tlil.s rri» M ti-T lil year’s O scnr-w lnner ^ iTmblster of this church, hav- !f>il " a G erm an officer w ho wass an 01>'mplc runner. for *or bestocst supporting nctor, Ed Hc^liT, ni)pi'nri-s n])pi'n w ith R u th R om an ^ . In the story of a womnn whnI vciunis Inin thei scene.of an early K*. IBS Krved the same congrega-ega- ^nd Mrs "ilootenanoy.’’ (6:80 p,m., ABO-TlieABC)—Tlie LlmcllicrsI and other folk- “L® ' nov. Stoker, M “ “ -««■< tragedv nnd fhlnk-s she lin,>! (omulml linrImr loin;-lf>5iloiu;-li son, f c UMj sllneo 1W9. In IBM he mov- M rs. ,• ____ singing slnping groups are featured1 tonight. UK, rpp.’nti — Kooklo fnlls In lo re ■ ! •d w Emmett where he servedrved . "77 Sunset Strip." (8 p.m AHK, repi’ati - — -The Defendert.” (9 p.m., CBS. repeat)—Tliorepeat) cnsp of a tnan who with a mvole n nctrcM ho l.s hireda to piotpi'i,piotri'i, but thc romancB goes ■ ! tu-is- ' . - ______- ■ -The u minister of the First Chris- ______■ hns h as wn’ed WT 12 years In prisonson and been denied parole Interests!its a awrj- whenwli she kills h er hii.sb;iiul,:iil, .'.tipposj'dlv.Mipinis^'til' bv accident, H I tun church for four years. lawyer who probes the pastisl tolo see ifIf he might not have been ‘•Utslli ••Utsllu Playhouse." i» p.m. C'liy, k K11.M ii.m O 1)-Trevor How ard a n d ■ ! He A’Bs graduated from 6po-spo- H wronRlywruiiRiy convicted. RRobert obert CooteC nre guc.it-sinncd In in "Ntur.k-r''Murik-r In G rntltilde,'’ A dOC« H I kane W ash., high school and MBS '« l_ tor’s broUier dies a violent di'ailiIII .■shortly.■^luirtly nfnfior being married. H I attended Northwest Christianstian I and 10 p.m, ABC, consult listings)— bro Wayne 1 Menno meet tot & lO-roviudcr. “The ■ J a c y P a a r Show," (Color.u . 10 p mtu, , NlNUC, tep eali — Actresa H I toUe«» In .E i^ en e . Ore.. anda n d _ ■ » , • . Anne BiBnncroft and.coittedlan Buddyluddy Hacki:itHackci are among the gueslL H I , .Butler.8chool_of_Rell8lQn.-In-._^H mbAY NIGHT MOVIES ,. on tonlg tonight's sliow, ' dlsnapolls, Ind. He received, a H ■ef.” (Color. 1B53) Robert Wagner, Terryrorry WEST FRIDAYI’ NKiUT M< MOVIES ■nieU P h i honorary soclctycicty MIA officers accompanying •ward in seminary. . RE R ichard Boone (7 p.m. C hnnueb 2-SLC-SLC . . “Stak* “S takednt on Dope Street." (1058)1058) Abby n.iUonn nnd Yalo W eslef REV. J. LELAND EABL8 them ^ H are i Lynn Pa^e, Mrs. Orval I underwater action anti rxcltement In (7:30 p.i tcen-ngcrs liinl n fortune In uncut Q jl and it In (7:30 p.m. Channel 5>—Tliree teen-agers in During the last year andId a ------a— S earle and Mrs. Jam ea Nowland, vti'i ' half the Her. Mr. Earls has . th is Int med In beautiful color off the constsl of heroin i and then -attempt lo peddle>eddle 1(,It, IntcrrstlngInt film, b u t n o t H I hM OmCEB HIEED Others B P making the trip are Mr. ^ Florida, iparently Is nothing more thnn an1 up- what what ItIt could have been, rooken to a number of Pull Oos- and Mrs, Harold Blauer, Jesse Del Businessmen’s fellowship,ghip RUPERT, June 14-Kenneth dated a in of the feud between thc Hainclds» anda n d “Sprir “Springfield Uine.” (1853) O arynry Cooper and a Phyllis Thaxter (11 H i Stoker, Mrs. Leslie Dana and Mrs. of a young couple Is Uiwartcd becausecause pjn. ChChannel 2, Boise)—Cooperr Invents UieUh rille In this one. It'a ™ | ifroups throughout th o N orth->rth- Barclay,Barcli Ada county probaUon the Max Hf^ard.______a - j th e ir s] les are fighting. pretty conventionalc fare, but sllllnil superior tot- mo.<;t scries westemi. . Mi west. ' office) officer for the past tvo years, B jlM — j _ — l.l . ••Magi “M agnificent Roughneeks." (1650):ie5fl) Mlcke>-Mlcke>' Rooney. Jack C arson, .“ 1 has been employed as probation Nancy O ates and Jeff DonnellII (11 p,m,p.m. ChannelC ll) ~ H u m o r I t *,|| AY, JUNE 15,1963 S S I id s officer for Minidoka county. mixed in with adventure In thishis story of men: working In South W Springdale Sends ^ ■ Info given (be TImes-Newi by stationsI and AAmerlcs m erican oH fields. Fairly goodod movie, «>.» ilalinn rnnr>mid F R I D A Y , JI U U N N E 1 1-; 4 , 1 9 6 3 1 5 SPRINODALE, June 14—Sev-''' I riiiiiiyiiiiiw lilllll II M ■'Flj^ht of th e Week."* (S nndKBOl 10 p.m, KT\’B KID wftj Springdale young peopleeople ^ Wayne Ttwrnion and Jose MennoBoise meel Boise Idaho FaUf F»Vt Inform lator ation freloir Is givenI (he(h« Tfmes-NenTlmes- br staifons and '£ have gone to Salt Lake CUyflor for (MOST MO NEW CARS W iE ^ ------;------BESt“8ATURbAVniannel NIGH' 2 Chai.nel T Channel 3a qnesUona anesUon iboold be dlreded lo> the lUtlon concerned. the LDS' church dance fesUval. u i.' u a l i t y Cable 3 Cable 5 ABC-CBSIBS ---- H------Included are Janls Morgan.S n “'- s t i' i e p t h e y o n Y tak e, "Beneath the 12-Mlle Reef.”CBS (Color. 19 ABC-NBO RLIX KltOlROI KTVBK KID Moore. Ollbcn Roland and Richard Boor Dorothy Zollinger. Carolyn Bow-Bow^ ^Nffl.11 FASHIONED BELT- ( _____ Twin FalU Bobeibe BoiseI Idaho Falta ': ' en, Sharon W est, S haron Jo h n - I INi and 8)—There's plenty of underwater 1 Channel ll Channelmei I C Chi haoD elS C h a n n e ls . il Ohn- ^i7HE;jACK//‘— ^ J , this Interesting drama, filmedpt. Kas«*n>o In beautl Capt. KaDgarco son, Sue Ann Christensen, Sherry ineth pt. Kangaroo Cipu Kaniaroo“ : ; s C . H . e c wle , 3 ClCable 3 ABC-CBS Dayley. Allan Zollinger. Thom as aUoQ Florida, Bui the script apparentlypU Kaniaroo Is ni Ruff and Rwldy Capu Kangaroongaroo ABC-NBC- CBS3S ABC-NBO AB .1 dated and re-located versionjit;_J{in£«Pjo^Rt)fL*n^^»Hd^_riijitj_J{*^ of the feud Mathews. Michael Streeter. Rod­ ^eara, n m s s ______CBS______ney Parish and Ronald Parish. . the McCoys, Tho romance of a young c atlon vln Sbarl Uwlt AMo , , , They were accompanied by Mr, I their sponge-flshlng familiesvln are flghtl: Shari Uwli Alvln t i l l Dan amool CartoonaIt MIektT Mlekt Mout* Fun Bbow Ightr Mout* Kina Leonardo MIghtr MoaaaInna. l^an Sitloot CarKKina.a kllckry MIckr Moua* U arn to Draw and Mrs. Delbert Rasmussen. I i,n, M.... Kl.. m.i,,, m.....noH ____ Rawhld* Newt )Iighw*T Kighv Patrol lUwhlda 6prlngdale MIA dance directors, i SATURDAY, JUN 1211!:- H t Rawhld. N .,t _ h llghllgiiway i> . piilrollHawhlda . t i l l and Mrs. Noel Bowcutt, Mrs. ! a Tin Tio . Furr Rin Tin Tio l , i l „ l Rawhlda Man lllatin*Igtlna l«cal l«cal Ntwt Rawhlda Orval B roadhead a n d M is. Steve rTH Infonnatlon111 below te giveno Tin Tla (be Tin Kur» Uln Tlt\ Tin Igglna Ntw* lUwbld* Rot.n Rood) for Daddr Ro; Roa.r* III 'i , Rawhlda Man Hlgglna Ntw* 2^Hnj.r«^___llomi^Dr_^«tlcl2_Jt(yr__no£»^^_ 111 j - ' N.wt. Wealhtr IIav.h« M*wa KMVT .7 KinaK BOl Mr. Wliard Skr Klnf •_ .. BIRTH REPORTED Twin Fall* Boise \ 'T ill Dakolaa llawhld** Cbeyi CbFrtns* Dakotaa' ‘*!ii tr Kins Mr. Wltard .Sky Kina' ill Dakolaa lla.hl.lee Chtri Cbtrenn* Dakotaa WENDELL, Ju n e 14 — A son ^ " I' II mi ill Wfffpfiri F m fT iB W iH ■ . >)• C hannel 11 Cnra hannel 2 TV < I'layhout* Nnra ' I.y D > a n _ |T V Pl.yhou.^ lla...Ull ____ III Dakolaa Fllnutomain«a SIna Slna Along Dakota* was born Tuesday to Airman. anda ^ ■’<'*' f '<>>• ••'viM Grandpiw. Cable 6 Cable 3 — — T«l naVotat Fllnl.tonr.122 ____ ISIna|sin|f Alo«| , I Dakota, , , , , Mrs. Charles Ray BurchI a t That'i illi w t havt with no futiy frilli ABC-^raC- latball CBS pMth Vallrr lUirball lACkland air force base, San An- or f«nc n i l ntnnetw iRoul* <1 <1 Bina Sina Along Iinn*a«r A n- Of fancy prlwi. Try ua and *•• . . . ______CBS______ia*b«Il DMth Vallrr llaarball >11 Htnnney Rout, Iil lil Sing Sing Along H.nntaar ill fonlo, Tex. i t a . B urch Is the V n S n M • 'II laaUll RMny and Cm U llawball >>>111 D.fendtra Hont* «« «« . t With With Camm nefaadan j l former Carolyi Couch, daughter Till I Capt.2!!2!! Kasgtnx)______—. HI Dffenilfr» I llout. BS BS With With Camara n.f.ndera T {hter U U i u III Cttd. Kangaroo of Mr. and M rs. B en Couch,>uch. K m i u io1)1 i Rutt and Rtddr C«rUlaabaU Xaniarira R tIuUwlnkU B utU ll . .. utball RQllwlnkla Ilattball . *■**• i l l otr.ndtr* I’m DIckmaekraa Jack Jack Parr DafMdara ■ HBRerman.*a*r la lhe son of Mr. |C ^ _ 141 I llnft and Rrfd, Capt. K.n»«mo| R 111 Dtrender. I'm BlcktnaCktna .. .. - - Ja* • OUtdoendabo Twilightn 7.un* 7.una Jatk Jack 1‘arr P .t.f Guna IS III! I Sharl UwLa Alrintaefaan— ----- t-Biimaii SI ------mifi,«ii~~^------HI Outdoor Idaho TwiliithtU 7,on«7,on* Jack Varr PeUf Gunn hi grandsQD of M r..an d M rs. L .-C , -F l? )- ■It Bharl Uwli AItIi) Sl Burch, all W endeli. m m Ev @iiogIII Kin* Leonardo Mlghtria«t«II Moum K Rai.ball BajtbaU ' It Kona M Squad 77 S u u tt Strip ____■« I Kin. T^n.r.1a iMbaU------Mn„.,_Ou*ball— .K Uat.b«ll------__ ...• ._— M M ig ltf- » _ 7_8unnl.8trlo Twilight,7-ona M Ri utball Uat.UII Ilueball >■>sll 1 Suniet Strip Twlllgbtjl'Zooa Zoo* M M Sc &,uad . 77 Bunt.t Btnp ~"IW r'nM E S -W EW 6 W AOT ADB jjrtall_^_^j£wt>aM_^_^_Ji|HuralloT^_^, III|j* 1 SuDict atrip Newt N*wiNawt 77 SuDiat Stria • ill mr» ______Jlia Tin Tio . F • HI t B.,n.rt Strip Wea.h^r ------111 Kunt Rlo Tin Tla »•' 1 _ ------Ni=f______177 a;|n.^_8trie. ■; III Room for Dada» Borova R ottn inaatlaU R Movla ,, „ IlS ov* Baaeball Muvl* !><<*l l l l l Uovfa Hovia TonliTonlgki Morla ____■« _ R r " ' Mova ""It*” — IiRaitball Movla >><111 Movl* Movl* ToniiTonight Uovla- ‘‘ III ’ Movl* Uovi* ToniiTonight Uovla m i l Skr Klnt Bkr Kinc------SSiiSli M ---- ^----- Mnvl' ----- * J „ dpaw. ~ g 3 S B ^ ^ 111 Skr Kina akr Kins M ' ■ * H I Movl* Movl. ToniiToniaht Morla J frilli OVl* Ra.eb.ll Movl. — — ovI. llurball Movl. KIFI KCPX3PX IKUTV KSL indiUnd World of Sporta H .ari: ofCjJ» CUy Idaho Falls Salt IUke Uke Salt Sa Uke Salt Uke l l l l l V,w, R utbal.n d tta n d ----- World n ot Bycru I Hr.rt_of Cltr_ III >lttlalor Adamt B Cbit Huntlar B.anr aadad C«llCk II I lie 'l l i ' Cartoona Lont Rana.rRanger ' Mov: ' Movla I Mlekar Uouaa • .______, ■■ ■ — ------____tilll*— L bw U ii------nwrtxi«3or Adana — ------, |-n Chrt-HuSllCT B.any andni CacllCecil III III Cartooni Una Bangtf Mov Movla I Uitkey Uouaa . . »■ I IUBt KIK----- BaU-y«ntdlil---- Tac»tr~t.1*iK ir " >«» M»v'e 'I n w ____liOli i i Hu«ba11 Raa«t«IIallatrt Men ’ n Ram B.iitdlct Jatkt. GUMoni;ieaion HI «» Hire. Stooaaa ■ New« Mov i l l ~ B«e1..ll llutballfillant Man 18am B Bn.dlet'^' JicKU GItaaoajleaaoa N«wi New* Loci HI n o c u ii nM«h«iiiallantUtB. n Sam 0«B«liel Jarkl. GlMton3laaaon ■ . ll* ll* Newi . Ntwt liHTJ Naw ' I S S S atkl. OlunoB JeUona McHala'iI Narr ll* I«t'l fihowtlma StagetraebiH >11 Ix^'l iihowtiiBt BtaueeoarboacbW. W. Inl'l Inl'l SbowUna 8*ren Seas., lava nun Lawrenc* Walk Uvrranea.W Welk elk HI i » Sina Alons Flinlatone.tvnea I Slna Bing Along Uovl* „ w.lk _^i4l^tiin£_Ajjj|g£_^_^J_FllnlttonM___>Wii£lor'« __ iBlng AlonS . .1 Movla yfaealthi vigor it i l l Thli la ur* ' Mori*laveJTun ------! R i .y«IM -*’rif"^*i "'«!!l ------'-H new! III Tbl< I* ur* Mori. II III Malor Adama RandiUnduainoka VDoxIdc BoiIb i • » illiM Bina Along ' lI’mDlckenaIckena Slna Slna Along Uov a a „_^45^_H«Jnr_^i1»Bii^__B«ndil»n£___^•Wl uiumokt OoxiBf BoilDf III ill Bing Along I'mickena Dlckena Sing Sing Alung Mov a' I >11 unimoka Botlnc RoilBC 111 ill Prict It Right 77 SunietMet Btrip Btrip I'rica I'rlc< I* Right Uov a ( ___ HI I’rir. It Hight 1 77 Sun.et.... fltrip fltrip PHr.PHr I. HlBht.lMova------____4iHi l i Major Adama I Bandiundluntmnk. IV Bn.Int ■ llo.Int ■«» :lt Major Adami ' lUndiUnd V nttl Strip Jack Paar Daallu P aybta. 1 i» Uiiht7 Moum Majoraftnd.n Adam* 1 Eav.nth Hour I Hav* Guala •■•• Ju k I’arr 77 Bunttl Strip Jack ROWEl arenil.ra E tvtnlh Hour Hava Gun iHIII Jack I*arr 77 Buntetntet Strip Strip Jack Jack Taar Oeallu Payhia.____I ____■» Mith!r_Mou.. iM .lorAd.ma I f trtndtn £ tvtnib Hour GunimokaI, 111ill Jack I'arr rione«r»ira------— JackJaelr-Pan'------■OtatlU'f tsytiH.— —1 ilf l >nd CKlj ^efeni1»r« o r Adama I K rvenlh_nnur_ C Ujontmnk. iS_____ . HI Jack l'a rr_ Ploneera Jack Faar I D..l|u_P arhf.^ , r s ’ J Inottnannr Ntwt. Movl. Gunamoka l Hi** l l l l Oiiia A ftarritl Ntwi Ntw* Naw N.WI I c It III m il. a llarriat WeaUi.r,.r Weather Wea WwUlat I ~?,t oi::q^j,ffii:;;MQglool.nanny Uov a Gunamoka can be 1 m m m law* Uov. Alf HlUhCOtkhtotk 111 »< Dan Smool- Movl* ____ _ ToniTonight UuT* Alloa «>» JaekU OlauoB OtllantM*iitavU------=r:r 18 III JaekI* Glaaaoa Gallant Mao , S , III Mchala'aNaTT JatkUlovla Oluiioa |Uovl. J Alf »ltchto«k;heo«k »»>•» »»>•» Tonight Uovla ToniTonight St«v* Altaa I **ll» i« Mfbal«-»N«nr JacVli-l“il* Ol.Mon, IJ Hltah»«k- ___J*» - Tonlsht fltOTa Ajk a t i l l L*wr«)«« Walk JaekI* RUaaoo | . ill— iTonShi , Movla T»nlTonight Utava Allan ARE YOU WAN AND NERVOUS,N WORRYINGthandvi answ. :d Rose'Food, loaded wilh III '** Uwrtnea Walk JsckI* GItaaoa III I.«wr«nea WtIk IlaraKUTV Guo KCPX IL K8L ------ABOUT YOUR ROSES?...'tOSES?...WORN OUTTRYING TO and potaah.Wi tha chelating 8al( Ukt. Salt Lake U k e Balt Lake :k” iron and other valuable • ill Box o r GuBinokaChannel S D Channel 4 nel 6 Channel 6 .BRING T H E BLOOMOOM BACKDAC TO THEIR CHEEKS? III noxot CuiumoktCable t S Cable 4 C able.4______nd_make-them-av»iUbl«-to— — ------>11 Dm Dt Cunimoli.—NBC' ------E ABO CB S U ------.^RUN-D0WN-TR¥IN6-TTRYINa-TO-FIGHT O FriN SECTr HI Bo. n» Gui'.mnk. F it liquid 80 rosea could talce , • ill Ila.a Gua ID.ftnd.n E AND DISEASE? HELP ISE IS H ERE AT LASTt ORTHO j t in q leir leaves aa well as through ^111 j}J ilav. Cub Dartnd.r* IKarm n.port Capt. KanaamoJ^TiERlTANr “ ' sr ~______lll ._ Gunimoka Dtfendtn IFarm lUport Capt. Kanitaras HAS PUT TOGETHER A 1 l e Y O u r s ,H n i.n .m o k .^ . Ip>f,n,1>r.luff and_____ R.ddy[j; Farm lle|M>rt Capl. Kaniaroa .THER A ROSE KIT TllAT TAKES their > Liquid Rose Food jjoea lo jj| loff «ml HjHiIvI Farm Heport Canl, Kan»arno M CARE OF EVERYTHINGYTHING £BUT THE THORNSI work I in the aoil for lasting feed- ~iieitill* Gusimok* Ilnctfnannr:li>rl l.aivlt h (Uiloon. Alvln. ■ III Gunamoka llool.nannrihtrt Uwlt 1 CarliKiiit Alvln L ing. 1 biggei* blooma and more of III {{j Air illUkeock Naw*[Ina L«onarda >Carlmnt ' Ml(htr Mout* ^ INING— ______»q - A lt-tU U kw k-- lUvU- ■ ■■^----> T. ENTERTAININi th e n , r atems. H ealthier foliage. — ll' lln« 1,4-on.rdn Carlftant I Mllhly Mmii* Mnuva. l l lll Air KiKkeock I Uorla I • id unr Carioona Bin Tin Tin HI ING answer: O rtho Liquid Rose'Foe 111 Al< KlUkeotk lUorla'ury ' I Cartount Bln Tin Tin ■ ;LORIOUS BLOOMS? ______'III loom r>ir Daddy Carioona Iloy Koa.ra I I 3 TO nitrogcn.phoaphorouaandpota 8h.> ?»- I Mori; Al Inst yoa can relax. In:Inotead of atrugpling with Now dowp to thc bank lo with- ^ " ^ IDE/L.^ ^ * e special apray for this ir IKS? a d d e d 19,"unlock” iron and R I F I larloont KUTVCatKKinlf. Kky Kina for this insect and a apecial dust d^&w buy this kit, liatcn lo lhe ”‘im Idaho Falla lartwmt Salt Ukt.Cail(Kinlrt Kky Kina II m in erals in th e aoil anri Tnnlte_tlii Channel 8 ’ailiKiiit Channel IlMny S and Ctcll N.wt for that...or tryingying franticallyfrant to find the perfect news, Rose Food and lhe Rose ___Ijl .rloorn I ll»anv an.j IVrllj Hr.,i.l,.,a.d •CT^ root#. They made it liquid so 1 NBC Cable t ^ GIVE/E DAD DAI fertilizer...you reach for onc handy rose kit. Thc Duatt e box coat just *l.fl8 . O rd i- —— ------iiiti '.rKMiitnBO - Bu(i Ihinnr iUirUII THO i t in q uick ly through th e ir leav es aa larUHjiit lliiifi llunnr llaMlitll. Oiinio people haveave packagedpacka fogetlier everything K narily, you’d puy *2.28. !i< ra.i.Hint Alakaitm BaMl,all ' X es their roots. So Oimio Liquid Rot ______L ila iiitu ------L ltolaUL------. CABLE-E VISIONVISI you need to get: tl\et)\e blouiblooms you planlbd for: thc You actually a«uc 40 t i l l OH riio Rose Dusterister and a bottle of O htiio Liquid aMwork M faat, then lingcra in the aoil f 'l l m>rr and Baddr Buffllirovtr and Wrat R.ddr Fri.iid Fhl'^1I______. Rose Duit controlso n tro l# &cboth inacda-and-diacaflc._. them.f S ! Longer, stronger atems. Hea III ftharl Lawla Hhart L.awla I ----- anOimKrb!\-\vn-Spray»...... — III KInf l.MnaTdo Kina Ltonardo I HI Klnw l.*on.rdn Hln«Sl'i'vl! I^n .rd n Im!!> . IUmU iII And Onnio Liquidluid RoocRose Food is just what the Mt 4 er if you don’t already I>( iliivit Mov . ll.xU ll ______WHAT PRICE GLORIOUS B Mnv . 1'li.n'i' llrldgt expert# ordered to feed rro o u s —A balanced form ula RQgC • ill rurr furr I with Now before you rush ■^havodowp to thc oneV ll’a tho —^'111 Kurr Kurir ( ______i U _ 1l„.imfi.r Dadd; 1.....,tovlt.. r«r naddjr Mo»l|i>ii rh>wi> Bridg* in cftBily-digealed:d liquidliq u id fiform . Ltfiniimi , z perfect way lo apply In iliivli llowllhi . Ilolirr Hktliiitf du"t draw your aavin^is lo buy this ki •lovlt llowlh.ii Ilolirr Hkallcgs NOTIC)TICEi O r t i i o lill;______...... - I IMI--r HI»«»li'H E A S Y D( rfect news. O b t h o Liquid ^ Rose Food Lic|iii(l Roao ui EASY DOES IT ||||||| “ ‘■jt' I^Jj^wjprd ji"]'"!;* j ^ Tomporai-v on the) Cable p pending veplnco- Duster together in onejX box I-'ood. coat jj It diliilcB thc lit] Mo>lt World c,t Hporl. lioll.r Hktllnc The OiiTiio people)ple wanted wanlc to simplify tho time- Movl. Wirtld nf Hpnna liru llolltr Hkatin'aHkttin'a I n (c l 8 I d a h o F a l l s ,, ChannelC h a n n e l 3 on tho cable oliar feeding. Extra bonus: i|i Miivlt World i,r Sporta Kull.r tlkallna ril cities, they did away with the need for doing two ___ '** ______[Movl. r S l ------Clitr.no. Klnliiig.r.r“ "* L,<| Chnnnol 2 BoiHe, C Channel h a n n e l 4 on tho cable ir years. ___ llJ ± ± ------klirfiii-r------I 'M ll n n ------q | jolia: con trollingI diaeaacBdisease# ae n d h altin g inacctfl. T h en j, * ■■;!! li:::l;:ll iii;::;:::!!;:! ^ — Channel 7 Boifie, Channel 4 oiL.the cablo gardener who vinilH hia nu- •]»'Ill ll*Ml>*ll Mnyl*,|rKe.v*r. Col, C^htytnnt Dan Hmnol v ‘licy developed theth e ppliable liab le p lastic d u ste r. You )UhI dfKe«v«r, Uol. Chtrmnt ’ For>im Crichannel 5 Salt Lakeke City, ChannelC 6 on tho tomorrow and gclfl llin Ixrnt '«» ■>< ______Mvritt.iii Utnt.Uct ------(Itll.iiv Utn I'va Dol »aarH _ •'">t)ioRo#oDuilcrandiu#ler a n d #quecxe. Y ou p u l protcc- , ...... l i n — McivU Iflfii I'tiirlitt— I ilMhiii Min »y»! ftnrrthS?h CUcablo Channel 11, Twin Falls.Fai 2W O r t iio roao kit going for III M,»la Miivla litm on blooma and leaveleave#—"pouf”. . . like thatl . 111 M.»la Mi.vl.lamlltntdld Oallant M.a I.lord Iriifiea llriitiM / : he only haa juat ao mnny. i>jHI M..vli> Mc,y|>inllin.dlit Gallanl U.a I.Wd llriiliM If you •■pour.’ aroundround tha roM bush about every 7 ‘ Sn niiliun tt^ iin in n r ' Jatkli iiltaMa l i l l Mori* Movlal.rrhUVop hlwlel'atiny I _ I JitkU i£L(ilfUDB CALL • Jlf 'o 10 day# during»g thlh« e gf«M row ing icaso n . y o u 'll prob- III Movl* Mm.I. I S)(VS>'QS)(>£W 3aiV£> III Movl. Mi>vl«Movla 1Uwr«nc* W*lk Jaekla nUaion »Wy itop ttQubleIe before iit ever starts. Rooe Dust kluvlt. U off mo#t bug!bugs and blight# that ruin roaea. t i l l W,iri.l o( h|>iirli|Mo.l.U i± ------Lirrtii:? V^flli I IlfTt *lvni____ l TODAY m p ro p o rtio n a s i t sp m y s. A n d it 8 i\ Itl Worlil of t'iwirli Mi»l. M ida. ihrip*. roM wceviweevil, Japanese beetle, |)ow- Ill World rla Mo.l.dovla Uof * { untnok* — IH Muvl.------Mor * < unlffloka FOR ^ mildew, blickack ipctIpot ■and rust, ^two *pray for projwr foliar feeding Movl. Mov. < unimck* il l ! I World of Himrta Murl*im it------l>lfYl. ■ I Oiinfwiht I'hen Kunranteed for fotir yenrn. III World or HlK>rU Miivla ------CONNECTION Uwt. Movla Movla Ptrrr Uaaoa 1 FOOD FOR THOUGHT So pin u rose on the Tgardener H wl ^ 1 III I MoKMT.r. Onl, Movl. ilovia Mcivlt j’trrr Maioa I E s E B v i q t out to make a perfect.TO 0e otcc food, O rtiio denier to m o rro w ai IlH lltillwliiklf MrKnv.r. Col, I III B,.ll.vjiikl.^ ^ MfKmar.^^Ool.S ------IE | ____ MIL d a fo rm u la th a t g a v e rose# all, the ' rono deal going: tho new O rtiio ro Uovla lloalna Nawi dovla lloilna Wtalhar PHONE le e d i a food th a t also g av e a quick ju flt* |.8 8 . B e tte r h u rry ; he o n ly h a dovla ...... a Movla i f a Dry / 5 3 ^ 1 —l iIII l l flamirannllet Ham’iL'tll llanadlcl_____ ....llllHtCJI i ______M a v lt_ ,------M irge of growth as well as a stendy M. COMI'ANY. oiniio division, ill Ham ll.iiaillct Him llr Hlahiip W niiliun :p bushes growing strong. 'I'he ____i» -,jrrfVl±a—a ; , L s:;i: — 7t 3 3 - 2 2 3 3 ^ III OMa. f i l l Mori* M»rUi;:i: Id; a;;!; ^ «, -.... I------, , -- - ■ , I------' — III Mori. Muvli. :?=s^=ssss=saassaQ BSsl Ill Movla Movla I>ow- ^ ■ A ____l i * - l ______Ltltt’.l? — . . • ill Uorla Movla I ;!! g | : ______I -K ROSE FOOD F< food. • ill Mb nr Adama Niwt. Mnvl* 'rv'K t out to mi III Ma nr Ailama Miivl* 11 the ^ ^ 0 lU ^ Iir *'jajj|a Mnv|i auijW ? • fontiul luick U ll* Ue«U Uovla I /MJin, "w l I •<« III Uuvla Uofla I CAI.ll OUNIA a II WICAI. COMI'ANY, f « d i n , »< 8 '" 'I'h e no n.ii> Al. m, cui - J i i J f f i i ; ______t e ______“ucp bushel “iii £:ii. |S II ^ lU ilotla Iwoilfl 11 Friday, June U. 1963 Students Give g Twin Falls Timw-Newsimes-Nevrt Piano Recitalitd I Food for /Am ericans- I Byly GAYNORG A Y N O R MADDOX II Nuptial Vows) W S ' A t Burley , BURLEY. June 14( — RotArtRobert D. This recipe for Viennese'nnese boiled Wash chicken andI cut.c u t_ lnInto to I AreRepeatedted Hambleti presented1 a a group group of otbeef nuke* » beartyy main dlth serving pieces. While chicken is N. ^ nine studenCji In n a n o organr^ and a s dfor Sunday dfnner• rl«i wry wet. dredge each pieceB In a mla-mia- ^ ------By Buhl C ouple ^ —■' n!'""!!! p piano rccltal at 11s his atuttio , ttwHo 4n ^ nuie kitchen preparation.iration. ture of flour, salt, curryrry powder J BUHU June U - ■n<*Buhl I M i i i i i l Burley, Serve It with noodles,oodles, comc o m and black pepper, the Immac- Sludcnlt performingIng In the re- on the e(« and a largearge bowl of Heat ahortenlng untilnlll hot In ' -CiUiollc church of the ImnvK- avy aluml- * . u1at« Conccpilon wws the acenescene cital were Pamela Punk,Punk, daugh­daugh- mixed green salad for a de- a heavy iron or heavy aluml- »l, num skillet. Put in theth e -flo-flour- u r­ lor the Juno 8 wedding!ddlng rit«rites te r of Mr. and Mrs.. H.R. M. Punk, llghitul family meal, ^ Paul; Candls Wilson,1, daughter of Tho recipe for curriedlurtled fried dredged chicken, havinging the hot .... V ; unlUnR in marrtag*I MiU a r rr r '70Jo trold Wilson, chicken Is differentiC and de- fat come up about halfway.alfvay. Fry ► AUTOMATIC Larsen, dauRhtcr of>t Mr. and W g i r - Mr. and Mn. Harold Wilson. id . Jerry • U 1 Paul; LaVonne Martsch,rtsch, daugh-daugh­ llclous. Berve It withh fluffy rice slowly, turning to Iwowna-own both Mr*. Lee Byl)e«' and Jerry U brown and i- W rtf. »on of Mr, andind Mr».Mrs. D,D. • ter of Mr. snd Mn, August and Uma beans thatt are garden sides. untU golden brown and CYCLES! Celly, daugh- fresh, tender. I Pll 6. Wray. Buhl, ’ 1 jWk I Martflch; Tr«s« Kelly, daugh­ The R«v. Jeronje T.r. O’ConnoiO'Connor ,< ter of Dr, and Mrs. L. M, KeUy;Kelly; VIENNESE BOaEDED BEEP « » « I performpd the doublee ring nup- ^ •, ■■■'. - . ' . - ' Susan Oochnour. daughter of • (6 lo 8 Rrringa)ring*) CLUB BIEETS I tUls before an alUrr decorated ; • ! I, Mr. and Mrs. Daaln\ln T. Ooch- a to 3 pounds beef bottom Cheerful Matrons elub met at ■ the YWCA budding. The lesson ■ with basket* of whitellte poonteipeonies nour;II Karen McCulstlon,Istlon, daugh- round flanked by beauty ba*ketabaskets clof , j ter of Mr. and Mrs.. Art McCuls- « cupe water was ‘'Diet Know How, vs. Fal- ■ pink and peoniesles tiedUed wit);with . • . . i I Uon; Dee Haycock,; son of Mr. a envelopes Swiss recipe spring lades," Refreshment* were served ■ pink SAtln bows and streamstreamers. ers. . : ■ • ’ J and Mr«, Arthur Haycoot;aycook; Jeff- vegetable soup mix by BoJl Speckmaa and Bessie ■ The' bride, glren In marrla««m arriage i.i,. i ■ - . Oaratea. son of Mr. and Mrs, ^Combine beet andid water In Speckman. I by her father, worare a whlUwhite . f'- . '' .jBB Carl Oaratea and>d Susuune kettle. Cover; bring to boll. Re- sasaH M S S S S S S aii I Df Chantilly r • t ^ S a i IHaslam. daughter of Mr. and duce heat and simmerimer 1 bourb o u r . ' _ I gmModol 321-370 I floor length uo»-n of Chantlllj I lue overnialln,“ mide’and-de-de and’ de- — ------~ — ------... 1—' -.I-'.". . . ■ ’Ig B ^Mrs. Alton Haalam,, Haielton, per pound ot meat, turningS S fSmeat --Armstrong___ I slimed by her mother.her. IIt t vvai a t T T f', ^------...... • . . . 1?K S '-Mrs~AU«usr-MBrtBch-presld-rtBch—presld- occasionally. Remore-beef-from ' fashioned vlth a fittedIlted bodlc«bodice, I •' q jn jB ed ot the tea-table.—— ------______kettle. Cool broth and aklm off ?ce I PUTCH'S— I pointed Victorian vaUtllne,lUtllne. seal- • ______, hardened fat.'Heat-brt»Ui-to I; loped bateau necklinene and lon(long '■ . . . . liquid consistency. Add^ beef and FURNACES PRICE . . I Wy point aleeves. The■he bduffanibouffant 't,- --../r " — V'*:; tty 195- • JTT* Social Eventsv e n t s ' ^ skirt was Kcent«d at the back ,v i i m inutes. cmcKlM Sfc«. M *.l l«l«l(aMonHlloMon RReg. < j. 299.9:299.95- with tiers of ruffled<1 lacc. HeiHer ' ; ; .. . . ' CUBBIED FRIED CHICKEN elbow leoBUi veU of Illusion wsjwas < u? . '• ! Fidelity dass ot theth e MethodUt M ethodU t . (g cervlnn)Kl PHONE 733.44M4 4 4 4 I I^ H B B church will have a, poUuckpotluck aup-tup- pound frying chickea r N O f t G E held by a Uar& studdediudded wwith i^ iS J tU cM FOR FREE ESTIMATES■MATES TOr- teed pearls. per at &:30 pjn. Sundaylunday at the ^ cup flour TO^QUAllTY FEATURIS home of Merle Btaosbury,itansbury, 323223 2 teaspoons salt The bride carried1 a fan olof I ^ AT A BUDCn PRICE! U ce n if/le s lopped wlUiwith an ar-sr- t H Borah avenue west.t. The supper j teaspoon curry7 powderpo.der Vern Thomas>mas At ranttement of whlU8 roses and f l VSsKSol honor of Mr. andjn^M Mrs. i^OIIti Olln 14 teaspoon black pepper • 2 nU lY At/rOMATiC WAM i(------p i # " "cam ttU o tii CniMiiKiltP^ —Sy w H W - Llntlftinof^. ar»-m ftvlnr. A^1 f Sortenlnii I P lu m b in g jC o ^ $. KINSE CYCIIS I ' with cascading whitevhlte satlrsfttln clo&i members a n d1 friends are o7larrf * ” " "; Btrenmcr.i. OENnE h r ip»c)ol fob>)f» & WoA M rs. Oftry Stone, Bol«<,Bolee, wsiwas 'n W»or». CoijipUt* woiJilng t matron of honor. Bhe3he wore sa AND MRS. j£JERRY I.. WRAY M issionary bllity. leniflh white eyelet street length sowngown rffamiltea photo) • »IVI rRISH.WATIR RIKIIS. I designed w llh a fittedtied bodice.bodice, ______" ______------Society Meetst e t s Exclusive “ Servici Me>» Men •fricltnt riming m*th»d enn. sw eetheart neckline, sh o rt sleeves I nMOTICE! o t bridegroom's Korte, Mrs. John Wagner and ebU. and a bouffcint skirtS°'ac«nted accented bridegroom's K Wagner and • CASTLEFORD. June'une 14 — The Simpta" Dtsipi S m s ei>>* ink UffeLa mother chose a pinknk brocade h Mrs. Cva Wagner.. . . 1 2 Baptist Mtotonary society rated you mwiiy year alljr _____ •.* lU lUllT-IN l UOIMINT SIMOVn 1 ' with a band of pl&k taffeU. isorles. Each For the wedding trip to Yel- White accessories andnd a white with while accessories. Each trip to Yel- ^ tj, gent, ^ deltgate to the Bap- yetfl Eliminales thi -««--outomolltelly Htid ood white rose- lowslone pork, thej new Mrs. jjjt j w om ens conference at WE'E WILIWILL CLOSE picture hal underlinedfd with pink WO" * corpse of white rose- U :onference at csuta of 1 oul ol 3 h»oyy m IL Wray changed to a turquoise ( taffeta completed her•r ensemble. v a turquoise caldwell July 20-31. at the meet- • fUVH triN-01lY~rof muliMM > eeted euesls accessories,• accessories, ■ at the church. / C »rvica ttlli. CuU i«. • *tl» She carried a ciscadlnglading bou-bou­ The newlyweds greeted guests “ ATIP.M.SP.M. SATURDAYS p iirc o jtillsiiv ieil* . ..w?^ peas with at a reception held Inin the th*. mmul- ul- ° w®''® white rose - and , th e year Is quet of pink sweet peas with T he them e for. th e year Is tvtrMriid.. ^ • AwiMMtk water level ttUcHr. fjowln* »Un streamers.streamers, tl-purposo room of the church P'"’'P carnation corjage from her , table was bridal bouquet. The‘ couDi?couple i will m , him Lord of all." Mrs. - - Bridesmaids were Bonnie Ros-Ros­ school. The bride's table was “ .t fiM T W r. Moy*”’ d°thrmee^g meeUng DuHng the Summer Su Season enbaum and D orb Hatfleld. atfield. Mlsa covered wllh lacc. underscored “ Thlr- L 4„v., with -prayer and1 Mrs. Carl * Rosenbaum wore a white w hite eyelet with pink ond featuredired a tour- “ avenue north. Buhl.n, Buni. ^ Peterson gave thele lesson. on gown accented w ithtl a yellow tiered square weddingng cake.coke. It bride Is a graduategraduate of > o f ■■ixjre." taffeta band, white picture hathal wfta decorated withI pink anda n d tl th e B uhl high scKbol and Is Refrcshmenls wereere served by I underlined with yellowUow taffet*taffetd white wedding bells,, sliversilver seed eiemployed es secretary for tho . a n d carried a bouatMtet of o f yellow trim, yelJow butlerflles,•files,, blue- t Hepworth and NungestcrmgestcrS.t? law S law M“'» “ ™“ . ^ 41 ( ss Hatfield birds bearing weddingling bands, fl firm. The bridegroom U a grad- tweetpeas. and MUs HaUleld WIENER ROAST wore & white eyelett gown ac­ac* topped with a miniaturelature bride u uate pt Buhl high school and Id S Flrat CASTLEFORD,f June ._ 14- rariiteiaa cented with & blue taffetaaffeta band,band and bridegroom under;er »a heart,heart- li Is employed at the Idaiio First E tray. Single N ational B ank in Buhl.luhl - Castleford { Brownies rode their white picture hat underlined shaped lace archway. Single ^ vlain North - V V V V V and carried crystal holders withith lighted Out-of-town guestslU attended attended ^ Johnson-Bohnson'B homehom e I U ...... -150 Miln North ______: . 2 5 1 M o ln Are. W. ! with blue taffet* and carried They were ac- 733-4090 ...- —— - I------i^boiU|uet-of-blue-Bweetpeu_aweetpeaa^ ffhlte_Ui^Jlim ke t>e hetd June 34 att Unda Rlpa’a A m eyel«{ dresa trimmedI with pink,pink aervloe and Mrs. Elwaynewayne Gale,Calc. y Ji^ 1 Bhe carried a while flower bas-bas­ Vernal, Utah, poured1 punch. All SMORGASBORDQ HELD HELD rldegroom. VIEW, June U — Tbe Young ket decorated with pink, blue are sisters of the bridegroom, "I* you plan.inr Iir— .- . . I; I tnd yellow atreamera.a. ■ Mrs. Qordcn Hendrix..ndrl*.- Mrs. > Marrleds of the Cassia LDS Delrle Oale. nephewlew ot the Bill Ooff, Susan Stevensonivenson and s stake held an outdoorMr smorgBs- smorgos- I efT9M i t ' , , . t I; / —■ bridegroom, ring bearer,irer, carried Carol Rutherford preaidedprealded at bbord at the View ward recrea- the rings on a whitehlte heart- tho gift table. Mrs. Ronnieilonnie Con- ttlon center. The affolr was dl> ah^ied aatln pillow edged with rad raglJtered wesla.1. Other re- rrected by Mr, andF Mrs. vr BobS g l o b e seedSEED Wi- H lice trim and vhlte catlnitln stream-stream* ceptlon assistants were Mrs. ^Martin, stake leaders.lers. Prayer I WILL HAVEVE IT" ij I era adorned w ith white w hite roae*rose* Henry Bgglestoo, Mrs.drs. L ouls vwas given by ThomasM Qeary. q e a ry . |1|— — buds. Bob Pierce was besttman.XJsh- man. XJsh* er* were Bill Ooff,r, LawrenceLawreact Quigley. -Robert Loughmlller. Loughmlller B uhl, a n d Don 'Ambrose,irose. Boise.Boise, ------Tfwm m uat-wciddlTig mmle-wiu i.A f ______I | - - - - i n played by Mrs. Matildatllda Leahy.Leahy S h e also accompaniedd M rs. FFran) rank ' Q l t t W S A j M l Wi/ve^kOiily! e e ' K&rel and Mary Karel,arel, singing slnglni J W B W J ly! — — •‘Ave Marla," For her daughter’sc's wedding,wedding ' M rs. Bybee selected a pink plnlc lace lact ' --viMIWHBiKIDIiaBSV Mtn.!. thru SotSot. June 17 thrui r u 22 2 2 ■ i aheatl\ dinner dreuI with pink > Come In Early - Avoid the> RushI H i Marian MartinAartin Patternrn ANOTHANOTHER GREAT SEARS VALUE V A T ^ B O S T ! 1 — IJ ^wil II Mir

f S B B i p il ' ^ I P ’i- rv.' 1 1 ^ ■ IH S different ii ^ BUST ■■ i ------W SES— M i ------—^7Hthking^ibuylng-erj TWft* build? Find th e plans oor house I k ' you like . , . thlen en seese e usf ' i O " OUR MOSTOST SIHSsm A im A i ormFfMi i I y®"*' 1 % I . I 0 "*^ O8 ' both oh oneONE be BEAUTIFUL PiaUICTURE R E t UNMOUHTKD-SUlfJHTKD-SUIfAILI fOR FIUUIUNCMIMft I YOUY O U COCOULDN'T U I PICK A BETTERrrrER TIMEITIME Right now . PORTRAITS/^ s m mWnOH \ m ththoro'ro o ro 'ro mmany a excellent homesson on the marketmarl 'I A Z ^ . . . W P W W T r - ' In this Qreo,Qreo otlractlvoly priced . .. good j ln| 'KTf'^'uvn'lYT^^ M M MONET' ItCXm x lolocations c a tio n s aiaro avollable for newV construction.construct lo OAY T0I>P1N0 M t HANDIINO, A INSURANCI5URANCI AAt t FFirst irst FeeFedorol, home loans are i------ftu l^ iA j^ a -.» ln k _ to p » i_ ;u o cleverly t h e y cover slMvelc our businessbusinos — we specialize in arrangInQarranging ^111 ahealhs — tlie prrteolZrtEn covers ’ BEAmiFUL >P YOUR CHILD, IN A for cooler days and nlth p ' ■ con-ifrucUconsfrucHon o, loans and morfgogoflogo loans ' ^ 1 1 Choou pique, linen, cotton. lA K O S 10' X B ' BUST■ PORTRAIT Printed pattern Mai; Mlu P lu s s o t HANDIINO ono n fomllyfn m lly liomes. Wo con fllvo you pro alMB ID, 19. 14. ]», ]s 96. a; jivo you prompt «, a'SJi AOE 5 WUKS TO 12 YI LIMIT 1 PER CHILD^S PER FAMILY yards Ift.lnch,ij.im BEAUTIFUL BUST PO SeToF YOUR C fA M I V f service imnimmediately . .. if you're in tho m iddle U t. lower m . I 'r o i n t h o .Fifty centi 1»m Mr. colni t» CHILDREN ORO rAKEN AT 994 PER CHILD> ; market,m arket, caicall on us soon! — . thU ptkUsm-addi 1»16 cenuc«nu toti E 10' ______* B' PICTUREIAND BUST ® f« ' each patlem tor flnt-clauInt-elau malUmi f ,,, i n i a n d aiNeial h a i ^ ^ m nanditng. Bend KS TO 12 Addll YEABS-SORSY, IIMITvallabte IIn P[R all sliCs to M*rian Marlin,W. e/o c/o Tlma#- Newa PatUm l)«pt,, a ) w lal SEARS Savlngsl •pt.. m Watt LDREN GROUP PICTURES TAKEN AT ' I l t h a u ee t, New York Yo^k 11,i i . H.Y,v ‘------Prlnl ^ili3,nan«. addril;s Bona, tUa and style i m e Offerl Coupon t a n YOU W ill Additional CH portraits are available In a l l : ^ m a r p a ttern e a ia l^ foe A NICE SEIECTIONTION I you chd O F 3 " x 5 "and stylBS at BKcepllonal SEARS Savi H H fIR ST FEDERiEDERAL# SHED PHOTOGRAPHStPHS m K a B L SAVINGSHGS / ***•> lOAN AIIOCIATION•OCIATION # 1 I T t i a r ’PiAMO!PIANOS li ^V lll CHOOSE FROM A N 339a n SecONiKCONO lA U I r r ■ won *KNT OR I0 T w. , STORE HOURS5 I »UIWV|IW• u u ir auNCKi ovhiand shoppino)PP1N0 cintii I I ■ ^ I ' X 5" SIIK-^INISHEO, Mon. and P rn., oiso a.m. io SiOO p.m. I ‘ I " ** Um 0 SiOO p,m. I . ^ 'S Tue«„W f(|„Tliur>(U y, andMid Hal. I P--1 SEARS 0130 a,m. to &i30 p.m. I , ' >.m.

IL “\ |\ Ph.1.. 7110I1) an I-J V l V W J ...... kl-, I. 1 A l ^ n gI FFenecsj i and Cai n c h « lis mjmbmCanals h«vthave completedct thinning of threeI'i ""— o m F a rrm n " RI a n JS of ■»«" »««• on tl» thiitch I.n S E C T I O N : cnurth farm, located at Unity. Rainta in ~ .______Mi agle V alle/tt Wmk-BnWeek-Bnd Farm Paper SEC Eu w tt*» « " ' ______I Utmbers of the Big “D” 4-HM livestock club.c Declo, spent Wednea-nea- " ______June 14-15, 1963 Twin Fall Falls Times-New* 9 Umtock projecta.8. Jack Jordon, Jon dub adviser, demon-ion- I B ^ '■ f Titjper care of the anlmauilm au and each boy showed hU own ■■ K B pt V ,S o 3 .^ e «««P cOMtated1 orof Dan LewU,1 Therral Kidd, Arlo KSS>' i rjT pM j ©•terbout. Oaleo Osterhout, Jimj Kidd and Qlea Oster- BBKfe ^ Good Yieldd antand Storage Qu; gout. The group h a d r e f m h mmenu ento aatter fter the tour. .. 2 Qualities y ''' gtx rO tt’ reporU w et:t field* have Uav hampered efforta to r t IbU Ibe fleW» w»4 oontto^w spring ip rin g Mork. Morl He U nilhg spare tine ^ Developed in NewN( Gem HybrHybrid Onion | | y la* care of chore* aronadI the farmyard,f»«nyi W B S T ? I ^ : N ! ,,a UNII UNIVERSITYOPIDAHO,June,ju n e numnumber. ber, they are P 52-371 audud Iuch liich mlnltnucnm ln ai\d over, whUa B H . . . - -••< t ' 14—Th!♦—’The w orld’s f irst onion1 hy- P 64-306.64-30( Ihe(lie best strain of open-polllnat< ' H H fitrv Orldley, wn of Mr. and.M and.Mrs. rs. Aaahel/ Oridley. King Hill, Bin, ' _ 'm■ m ■ brld to be developed entirelyrlrom Irom SI CaplUnCe waa developed ut 6d YellowYcllo' Sweet Spanish pro- H H Wha lis been attending the University, Unlveralty. ofi Idaho, Moacow, has re- M 'vtnow YeUow Sweet Spanish Inbredsibreds the ParmaPa branch experinieiU!iil duccd onlyoni 6S per cent. H H himed hnm» and will he employed^rereit A-.N • With the _UnU^_8Ut«s_depart- Oreeley, ^ :if> ^55SK ^!i^ with t ipart- Oreeley, Colo,, Indicate lU sup->P- develoneddeveloped by H. Q. Peckham of 3 H ake n nch-ef a wind te-npreot-aspeiist«ns» — ■ t n o ment of agriculture. erlority to open-potllnated Vel- wilder I also were found dom in BosUtter j ; m e n t c e l' W ilder. P S4^306 was developed H H 1 * ^ P®*® ' ittcr ^i|Bi«jgL->■1 Ymi TThe he new onion is calleda "£1 low SweetS« Spanish strains In from the a ao ironndi. They report no damicedamace to. tbe camping raelUUes, . H C a p ita n ” a n d com bines high toU I y|i from thc UUh strain of YeUow H l Capital high toU l yield, yield of U. S. No,I 1 eSweet „ e t BBpanUhd at the Parma >U- ^ | | Ho«»er. ihe road* a n la pooror eondltlon due to the rain and only m yielding capacity wllh good stor- quality, yleldlix stor- quality, and percentage of bulbs tionUon. ’a l (s^wbKl-drire tehtoka are able to makeaa: the trip. n ase quaUty. The new onion1 aUo over threetb inches in diameter. — i------QU er. ,1. m \ h ha* a s 0considerable tolerance« to TThe he newne hybrid varies from a ...... Kush augg. K ing HIU, reporta,rts, due to the t heavy ralnf&U the ppast a st ■ p^nk-r< ln k -ro o t disease. gioblegloble sshape to that of a slightlytly ■• ...... nek. his crop of clover and hhay a y hhas as beenbe m aahed down a n d h&y * ______WWith ith th e nam ing and releaseelw e flattene ■______I tutting Is Othw ^ e^ coi^unl ty ’ alsoalao ______of El CapUanv the two Yellna: _fa;Qm_o S I___E£RmiZ£RS— , awe« apanish Inbreds requiredijulrcd scales.scales.7 Thne scales, predominant- ■ • 1 tor making the new hybridi :^'ere:^ere jy yellowyello w ith a reddish tinge, ! Wbe TTBtklng eompany, Glenns Ferry,Fer tracked two loadss of ^ ^ | also releaaed. , Known onlyly by adhere well to the bulbs even ■ | NITROGENS ■ « W e from Uie W. W. Kno* Pitch Fork raoeh fo-lhelr-nneh searDear ------a fteafter r pr prolonged storage. El Capl- •- ■ _Hffl City for th e aoBimer. ^ Un’s fleshy scales are thick and"4 . t.. Outlook forP generally white. Necks are small • William Zurek Is w orking on)n his h is combcombine during the lull causedused ' and highly refined, and both ; POUlTRYand P ( : * by the rainy weather on bl< farm west of( Buhl. S' Ti • M nwksnecks I and shoulders are well- ■ filled. ■ n Wel fUMs a re ta m ln c h is beans yellow, yello says Tom Tverdy, wbo Receipts , DAIRY FEEDS : R e The new variety haa ia mini- J (uiBS sooth e f B ohL T verdy’ hhad a d bis bebeans In and up before tbetb e mum of such defect* as doubles, ■ storms set to. ^ l 2 t b o \tm , a n d scalUona. P o r auch ■ • ^ * ■ fei-Lli i I Islmproving s ; 0 ^reaaona, El CaplUn haa produced 1I B Ai L E R T W IN E : t p .[Unnliig of beetf a t tbe* ranchinch of Mr,Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Ruberry S » W ASHINOTON. Ju n e 14 iUPD-iUPD— an an average avei of. 94 per cent UJ3. ■ conmenced this week bjr the migrant laborsla wbo are In King Hill |ra| The agriculture department’snent’a No, No. 1l bulbsb tor the four years It * The for fann help. June revleV of the agriculturaliltu ra l has has beenbee on trial, while th e t>eat •; TWIN FAUI I M Ju n e : H | outlook shoWs farmers' cashsh rerre- open open-; - pollinated Yellow Sweet • PI M S B S j ^ ^ S H ^ outlool Jerald Jenasn, who farm* wnthwestMBtbwest oof Buhl, te Installing a SI- . | ^ | B B celPts from marketlnga this8 year Spanish Spanish variety produced an av- * |*| Iwnepower IrrigatloB ponp on bis farfarm. Jensen reports-reeent« n t BBBHubm^BhBbHbSBBhI WUl ceipts be about th e sam e aa In1 1662. erage cof only 87 per c rn t a n d ■ FEED & ICE ; I WUI be MMBS have kneeked down hlaJs bay. JeniJenMn mOka M to S5 bead* of CHECKING DATES e n poetera I* Jim)b 4Vteke««r Tbe poster Is advei iTaliey T h e d e p artm e n t said receiptssceipts another strain only 74 per cent.It ■• "< "CREAM OF THE 5 flljj poster Is advertising ibe Magle Valley The eem.' ______'■Borse'^Borse si show w hich beglaa Jlo o « « e 21. SEnee Its beginning th e sbow has gro TgeaU from cropa may be barely above In In three U years of testing at a \ e show has grown to one of the largest, from c ^ I VALLEY FEEDS"”' “ I M tn th e *U tc. Vickew S addleie ahop ah op will vrUl be b headquarters for tbe sbow. ( the 15J bilUon dollars receivedved In Parma, El Capltan produced an ■ »r tbe sbow. (Tlmes-News photo) the IS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heatha th anda n d famfa ily h a v e m oved to B ig ,*” ***** ------J|t « 19fi3. C rop prices In Ja nluary- u a ry - average of over 81 per cent three-ee- ■■■•■■■■••■■■■••■■aaaa H I where Heath will manage about 400 V « V « m 3 . Springs creek near Bruneau, where Hea above a. McCoy Jones ranch, King HllL Hie April were 3 i per cent above bead of catUe owned by th e H. McCoy J< - - - those ol a year earlier. They7 mmay ay tsttle will grate during the aumiimm»r nw onqq t(he Bnuieau range. ' ™ J-twBondrShdtter U ^ “ Area HorseBe ShowShe Is Now become ^ lees lavorable^ however,iwever, S'“': Independent^Repcit^Repoir-Shop!— —jj| For Gatde Yv, Tbe agency aald Increased re- iiitTllylFomrd 9T celpts are anticipated fromfro m ... ^heHy-frain Op^ of Idaho’s wheat, tobacco, soybeans,I, anda n d _ _ iaho’s Largest p?ifruit, but these will be oltset by Is Studied 'Z^ 19» the Twin Tails Junior by the Junior by the National Cow-Cuttlhg as- lower [ ^ V •return* from cotton and 14 — Wdlng club wa* organized ^ soclatli On T.R Sticky:cky Boards W L. AB Hm OTON. J u n e 14 — I ^ g M and soclatlon. vesetavegetable*. M o t o rr Repciir R c *1 About 90 per cent of milk cowieowB 5“^ during * ’tbat year the flrsbt/MagQ MagQ RichardItich Leaser, Twtn Falla,F ^ , caslCash return* from livestockrestock ,. ------. Donald Touts. Twlo nsUs ipraylispraying prooen should be re- Valley Horse show waa held at ^ In the northoentral U. 8. eould held at »nd Sharpe. FUer, serve T« and dproduct* probably will1 total '- —------— county agent, b a i'b e e n Informmed ed peated at'lO-dv latemls. Also “ " Frontier field. Since l»4, both * **ub. around the 19,8 billion doUana n re- ture spray alter' heavy rftlns, said hebe affordedaffo some protection the clu 4, both drlUmasters for the riding club. »roun by Dale Taute. sUte horticulture spray sctlon the club aild^the showw have Acc“According <^ to Leaser, one ot the celved “ .Jid In 1963, th e d e p artm e n t X Inspector, th a t c h erry fru it fly TTaute. aute. against : fallout tollowlng aI nu- grown In1 size and importance, outatai »ald. Livestock price* in Ja n u a ry - | Icky Two cr three spray* are need- tance. «™nU of-.the show Hla i bss been found oa "sticky Two leed- £]eu: war, ‘ C*'On June 31 the Magic Valley viU be the queen contestrfleven- *“ ,,1 S TRANSMISSIOSSION Ci the ed to combat cherry fndt fly “ S ^ ^ I -AprU w ere 3.6 per cen t below boards” placed throughout th e ed to ^ However. aYailabnity ot shel-.V.I Horse show will begin andad It ia teen 8 compeUng for the those of a year earlier, and are! country In >'arlous orchards. effectleffectively. Bmulslflable sprays ... ®!?Syj *”®,‘ expected that more than 400 croro. ter varied aharply, according to an 400 crown. „ expected to remain below for tbe' Service & Overho>verhaul Btlcky boards i n p r^ )aredI by also areai effective on cherry fruit •iSHil horsea will be competing. With ‘™‘* a statUUcal reporting service r. With The girl named queen will re- S f im e of spreading a sticky substanceI ono n fly. f fht a" ““C*! aa this, the “ ‘ve i I iMt& volume of V 4„ survey, only one-third of the w --," tils, th e « ‘ve some |400 w orth oloM l gUU, t^ markeUngs ® will be greater than tbe surface of boards six Inchesches CheiCherry fruit ny k black In VaUey Horae showffw will ^m addition to a ^ d le donated by 13 or 14 inches square. HHie ie color with i a yellow spot on, the milk cowa In lour aouth Atlantic rank as one of the largeat borse hy last year, the agency aald. R sutes had shelter. whUe up to 80 ^ It borse hy the Jerome Livestock Com- * ^ 5 ' 3 r y i e e bos]^ tong froy tbe trm am-sua- bacl^b ^ , The department, said govern-g BRAKE"* S^rvic« Bcr cMtf oLtAMfi la MuthcentTftl,Mft.it.-,• ^ a l iiot th e iij will *"*"* than a Tor all klnai or Air» Tocuun laller *’* safeguarded. .in i9 Int e*. will bo 10 per cent higher than a TO toe^ to p«T«trent SSdeibanded wing* and are nnaller “ . I n 1958 'th e show moved!d from fro m he h e givgiven to the high point ex- •> sxcealre free a.w lnglng. The than thet house fly. They *pendpend For^ r faifarming famlUea, the moatnu»t f^ntlej rvontier tleld to the Twin Falls ^‘bltoi By and y«ar ago. Price aupporUu lor ' oftd ElectHc Brakess ...... YesYei Wa'hov* o I pu- commonly available s h e lte r counG^ In Falls hlbltor by Robert Harneyup andwm “«« slightly higher. boards a re b u n ) i n tb a a o u thr e m ththa a wlwinter in the ground as pu- common! liter count^fairgnmnds. Filer. WaynjWayne Peterwn. Runner-up wIU ffl”: good gtock of porfgs forfor sanrlco.»aWi ______. ____ ■_£ half of th e tree a t b e a d belgnt. paa inli cap*ule-Uke cases and prorad.t( prorad. to be a basement or-atormstorm —ort*.for snme grains.in. _ ^ esom cellar, the survey ahowed. Nearly the Ts ?or the dude paymenU-ln-klnd. permit-je rp ilt-l The boards are placed «oonloon emergi emerge-as flies after the blossom cellar, th fearly the. Twin Falls Junior * Riding R j d i ^ WW. , A. T u rn er’s ■•Arerk.” F o r* S e d u d e ver 16 ting lower market prices for some m alter blossom petals have fal*fal- petals bave fallen.. 6000 ver ccent of farm lomillcsIcs In olub aiand Maglo Valley Riders, high point exhibitor over 16 ting 1( iraome C B n ik .i^ C REPAIRING REPAIRIN & INSTALLING / ap- The fUe* ttauaUy spend a, few 2434 centrcentral and southern states an adul porting crops while malnUlnlng Income X leo. After cherry f ru it fly ap« I b e states an adult riding group. Member-[ember- y^"B ot age, Olson Sporting crops the day* sunning themselTes beloreetore could taitake cover for possible sur- itiip m lal tro- to farmers. j SPRINGS ^ oil typ* springs for oil mokt 9«n on the boards, the dayi i B sur- jjiip in the Junior Ridingng club«lub Oo«i»Oood* will award a special tro- to fat CTtbardman should undertaikece a laying their eggs. They feedd by TlvaLvlvaL Umll 1* lim ited to youths u nId d er 18 Ph?-Phy> Department Dep economlsUI areare, carsca and trucki. jcogram of spraying to o rienrent t scrapiiscraping the surface of leavessaves NorthernNorthe farmers, with base- years olo age and many ot the Proceed*Proc from the horse« show sUcklngsUckli with fcifecasu madelade mInl l tbe fly from contamin a ting the th e and a n d fruit'ft and then sucking<"■> up mmfXf* eit, toin thi«.(iu.tt,r. it Ihelrtheir youth* 1™““ move up to theB adult ^ are ^used to finance project*3t* car- early April that gross Incomeome ot ber- the Juices. T tit egga ahe Ins^- . fwlt and prereot wormy cher- the Ju homes, were conaldered safest.lafest. »ro“P»roup Jwhen their membershiprsh ip Is r lti on oi by the riding groups,Jpe, In- farmersfarme thl* year will be Just ii Its.------e------ed-lnto d -ln l the-flesh-of-.the fruit Farm famUle* in the west south-njuth-“ •*P*rea p i^ to the Junior club.I), cludlnieluding clvlo work undertakenertaken above the 40.0 bUlkm-dollar* of pray through sllU in the skin. The , Tiute recommends a sp w throug central states were lound most Two new classes havee beenl^ n Mch ’year by the group. ______im1963, 3. w hile realized n e t fays rm In- MASTERR SPSPRING I tomtoting'of'two~tahlHpOGn>'Ofs of wormywormy-frnltrarwmtBShapen-and vulnerable;'Tffom' th~e'llanapclntIpblnt M*aa^ dea" to" me regular show ^-r — coM«-wnn>*'ciose-io u » isj-bii- 0 per cent Methoxchlor wet>■ret- undersized.unden of .heit«shelter, with only S per■ cent classe*, A flat saddle claaa ha* M n ' iV llI dollars of last year, UUe powder or four teaspoonsoons OfteOften the fruit Is red op one .. ^ _ r :J SERVICIVICE ...... I of homes ottering undergroundround been aiadded becauae of numerous^ Home Agent Willf r i l l 1710 econom lsU also conUnue I of K per cent Perthane wettableable side and a: shriveled on the other.’“I"- shelter .h .iiT rot eny kind. requeatjrequest* for such an event. The II a | . to Insist that farm production I ui powder. TThe h e rmature-maggot* leave the ■tin. second class will be a novelty •l.kV ic y expenses will rise further S this * 30 Eait E dga of)fC City lty 7 3 3 '7 iU , Hj ther ftult-t« work their way Into, theui5 AvailalAvailftblllty of tarm fuel aup- "“ P , costum e class. no.SS Hold Agni 4-H ParleyI FalU y .w": e ar. ______- ; l ^ ^ Anibt and tree* In the vicinityiolty groun«ground to spend the winter,nter. plica waswa conaldered the most Amonga!., the regular evenU will countjAgnes A. Hunt, Twin FalU year. t>aroutWy. Use a b o u t five ggal- a l- TThere h ere ta ono generaUoa each ctlUcal factor afteotlng farm . JS nU will county home extension agent, SSSSa^SSS^^SSii^aSi^BS S i i iwiu be a Quarter horse, Arabian and annou n iM t l n g ______^______e5 S W e » = ^ = K i H ' lU a ^ ^M 0S=xl5asM?^Tf»Ta0«uU ofThl WUl be Appaloosa show will be held In held i tn thu ■ cent of the farme had storage BoisebaiZI Juat prior to theheld Maglo In count)held at S pjn. June 17 in thu I Magle countv agent’* office, for gaaollne. 39 per cent for vallffv showi and a sizeable crowd A d Harvest Yields____ rilpaal E.ry fiiKl, fiiwl-nil le crowd A discussion of olana for Fl-PI- Sugar Beet Harvi Ir-wpBCWd lo attend the local leTXc . and 4T per cent for LP gaa. shnw b ’e local ler Achievement day will be the show Iwoause of the Bolae show, main OtherOthei attractiona Includele ahow.cow- homem ain topio o f th e m eeting. The Largest Croppon on ]Record Irom the precedlng’year. Sugar cutting events, wllh aomede of cow- the tohome sui agent also iirgea members' , . production In 1963 conalateded ofo f top cow-cuttingco horses » inof the forms.to submit their enrollm ent' VASKlNGTON. J u n e 14 ([ITD- ! » - harvei h a rrea te d fo r sugar h i i m to - JSS m o ' In the forms. >W4,000 ton* from beet*I and nation eapected to compete. The HerUlons ot th e IM l a n d 1063 1963 taled ta led a . record 1B^>1.000 ton* f - S j C ste. T h e ------■ i n V e l»lding d i Sch< 1,978,000 ton* from cane. ______cow-cuicow-cutting event .la approved USB ^ uisr crops by the crop report*w rt- compi com pared w ith 18.149,000 tons pproved USB TIMBS.NBW8 WANT[TADS ADB chool 1i« t»i board show, th a t sugar beet b e e t aa yea year earUer. The final pro- •“ * “ p o v tn In l»89 harvested the th e ducUc ductlon was seven per centl e n t • / • crop of-Tecord-^18,a40,0000,000 smaller-than-the1)eoember.-lM8rsmall* -1 9 6 9 r ------=— ...... tou of beeu — exoeedlng the estlmi estimate, largely aa a result of I■ ■ ■ ■ H LIVEWELDI: WELDING DEWONSTRATISTRATION ; JJ8I crop of n ,704,000 ton*I by aa mli mid-December freeu onI the ■I ■■ ■ V H H mainland. Damage was heavyleavy I MM ■■■■ per cent. raalnl i D n n i n ^^ we(We are __ ------— t .The i»«3 tonnage w as oKw p ro - ^ In ?I^ Florida resulting In a pro- | r-|li|f I# V Heo «a«4-«n-l,l«#»-aereer-T1»jphe 4uotlon-ai-per eent-les* Uiair ^ l|~Heaaquarters aTenie yield p er acre w u isji 18J w waa " ,* estimated In December, Cane IH H three ■ ■ B I B i V H V H i {«•. one-tenth more thant In producUon In Hawaii was three ■ IIWIblft%## for] for your ~ F m m W. but 24 tons less than the PW P*r ® cent les* than estimated in ^ yield harvested In JP8B.i m . Decem ber, 1M2. ‘•“ Rl yields per a cre wereI set se t The board aald the 1903 rec- ■ ^tm K<^>uaa aiul Wash*ash- ord ord pproduction of beet and cane ■ j u n e I su g a r am ounted to 4,56T,000 tons, ■ Jibe board Mid augar cana cane raw value, up tlve per oent ■ Hay EquipEl pment 2 1 s t ■ fsHTHiNEWCMEW CASE 9 5 0 WB NOW HAVB1AVB OON N HANDHi THE FOLLOWINO NEW (Next Friday) H iWINO NEW EQUIPMENT r l H WindroG r o w e r s |1 NEWk HOLLAND:LAND: PJM . to 9 P.A ! • "Spaadrowar" WINDROWIRS 4 P .^ P.M. . Othar minw)«li edab av «y,ll»hl« * INDROWERS • FORAOB HARVI I I >RAOB HARVESriRS ll- • "H ayllnar'' HAY B A «R 270 ft ». 6 1 6 w llh Hay A Corn AHach- B l ; CASI^NO^, IOO200^ iWUFSW| FMD * ranil. .r " '”” and tha big capacity■city 280 , , ^ See the latest,test, m ost up-to-date3te tec tech n iq u e in ^Y RAKES, 4 m odali n HAY B/lBALERS , welding by/ "Mill"M iller" Factoryf techr technicians, GEHL; Also see: Thew Newest Newer "Harris" Gass CuttingCuttin Equipment II ' • rO R A0 O 1 l HARVIS1HARVESTER, Wilh Hay andnd Corn AttachmantaAtta

' ALLIS-CHALMERA ELMERS: , 'SPbNSO^ONSORED JOINTLY"LY B' BY: I I L e a s e - • MOWERS-Mounttd,tad, (rail tnd 3-pt, • CHOPPCRS»rial10PPERS»rial| (ypa. I ■ Mkh. ‘ ; n^u'^ose fty • PORAOl HARVI )RAOI HARVISTIRS-wllh hay • HAY CONDITIONERS4ERS andId corn haadihaadi. M illerHer EElectric Mfg.Ifg. Co. • HAY BAIIRS, N p.>. 3303 0 3 • POWER>WER PEED B(BOXII and S tructuraltural Steel & Forge Forg Co. EQUimlNT CO. M&M EQUIPMIIPMENT W IN D IU AUIMHALMBRS, A l OIHIlEHl AND NiNIW HOLIAND DEALER HOWHtlDiWWHM "CAir 'DIAlU, ^PHONI 324-5200 ...... E 230 Southouth Park Avenueenue West ' ‘ ' . 1 ' ...... ' . i " I !W * ...... / ' , O d d eyW ateiJ I . Ji/IM WS, I963 9 « ^ !ir Report Noted < H Twin f«lli Tlnnw4>lew»Im0*-N ew » I j u. s. Farmm » t Exports Are Equipment, inc. 1 I i„ ua f*!" f ‘ lh, Mlh. ll Declining5 WAOTINOTON, Jum n «e 14 ®T>-m - date an ^Ph. 733-1260 • tf»* AgrieuUuriJ etpom fortor theUte flrrtflrat ,St‘£ R«|Mwenldfiv« S. nine monthi of fljcalal im 190 to* Vl . used flowndow n thr« th n * , M leU U re- for W per cent from the U.TUfiOOfiOC(i.TMMoxm ^^H ™ s% ® yL V to 4 7 1 ater WU • Chf4av Pwu-^ I worth of iMin eiporttorU In ih UM i a I companble period a jrttryaar •trUefearUer. Tbe department ofr MTteuKunagrleuKun Mid IndluUons tre thatUiat eiportiexport* ^ ^n G |§ 4 |^n 9 m ^fl| U iT A D B Um J C m e « > l « for the flKtl yeu u a wbotowbol* wUw U l' EIB8ULT8 ^ not be Hfected «l»erMlynely by thiui* ------^------:------IU jonjihopwiwn'j ttrtlu. Hi6TwW' cy Mid Urger ihJpmaats In Feb------SI •trike. * 1 ^ ------, g _ L eu i t ; - t Q b ^ — product* Moaina~Ih*dlbla Inedlbl ’ ' tiUow htva been eiportixported thithi* I fUcil year thin luut. t leadingt«tdlni ‘ IT — ^ i l V nlner* onr iMt yetxIX wer«w en f#*feed I' fru™, rice, olUeediI tndand prodprod* Qcti tnd T«t«t*bles tndind prsptrtprepara* Uoni. The deptrtmeat Mid foreir Meo tnfluene* on th e tU e of UjB. farmftn i export* during the July-M July-Marcl arch ' period. Thte Inoretsele In fcrelgi rree irorW cotton export* eiporte ani ■lowdown in oonnimpUonpUon of tex>te* Uie producU ccused UB. cott«n cott«i export* to dnp ttitrjOy.rply. A largelus> \ Incretae In world whetttiett produc*produO' , Uon c u t VS. wbeat exporti •harply from U it prtTlouieTlout year-i n c o rd . The Common Market’* •yitemtyites ef TarUble Import lerle* cu )f U £. prod* OAKUB7. Jno* 14 >-N A mread- iik in your communi^ ^ lUlbT m eat. ing taken June 10 ahowed IU wheat flour, and to •ometome extent.extent Robert Cariaoa. Binplot Seljlinlldersn npr**ent«Ure,npresentet fcoMi* ta tb* u treaM area. gauge belgbt at Oakley reser- Japan, how* EVIDENCE O f CHEMICALnEMICAL w*w*«d eontrol ta inutratedated ODon tb* rraakri MeMontai Robert Cariaoa Credit AsMdaUon leans are made hr wheat. Bxport* to Japan. how< Bprtag rata* bare eontribated mneh:h te to aida id Ute growf th e t weeda, aa ehowa t a Ui* ro ir, o r 31.W5 acre fee t o f w a - , mand *■ tht (am m at ef Twta Palla.peU*. MeUolUMeUnlUn, right, ta kneeltagr tala toll that reeelredi a pn - Bprtag ralaa bi e m . conUnued to e iq » n d Ai Uu ontreaUd perUona et tbe field. Farmeninaen a n wubla'tow eolUrate baeavae of wet ter ta atorage, coihpandirpioae wlto el aiding , rdncfaer* to product . BC remit of an lmpror«n*ntm*at inIn bal*bal plaaUag treatncat efe t •'TUlaaf •'TUlaaf* * r w bteh w h ' alnply bir r e a d e u t OT*r th e itr lp a o d o n trea U d perti y ta Uw treated area, while fields.fields. (Tlm**-1 (Tlme*>News pboto) 005 gauge balght or %f, $M i a e n tb* anoe of payment*.______irertttd lato ib* **11.0. B gniBi’ a t» t b»*l< bael* eaa ba **«n ea*Uy In tb* trea fee t in 196a a t Ul* lam * ttaM . * * * * * * ^ * cause toe croprls up lil^ enough Available per *hare* “*“• ta « 0 1™' !* !«p7ourlivtitc>ck,ore*p*ndthrou|li idl n to cuiurate; shade out the Is 10,36 a c n taches. ^ O e ta atlng learn er capital ouiUy louii. aa Record NumlVumber of Personsgons Lamb Groupup to Field Testsests ShowSh ValueC weeds or out*compete toe weeds 1063 th e n w e n 1641 a c n la c h e s , .. for nutrlUon. available. DeUvered to IOB date and a nIM •Attainted. » “ Hold Last Pool However, weeds ta Magic Val- 4,160 a e n feet, white ta IM3 To Attendid livestockIii Meet “. ------L. A. WlnUa, pre*ldeaU-Twln Of Chemicalmical Weed ControlI I U U I lejr Uiia year have h a d Uilngs t o e n w e n fr.06S aere .feo t de­ • . » i »ck Market. pretty much toeir own way. livered " ------PTOVgR. Jun* I*, iBpeeHl)(6pecl*l) -— throughout the Ure*tock induitry | aounced that While the xpringng rain*rata* hare Tho effective w ee^klUlni Weed growto b u been excea* Canal oompany offlelala -n* ll Advanee ntUtnUonle M m tlu u - n lM ta wUl-dUou*a-U»e*-nuliutaBlc*j M i f farm acUrlty power of TUlam Is otOy aboul al laab pool curtaUed a loT of farm acUvity iLiSoffl^u treated areaa. port toat an toe . water wu iisf I Llveitock MarkeUng congreMeongreat InIn* aooUier mtereitlng erent ot tha ! n « o ra t« I- limaglq-VaUey. Utey-hare-aefredbey-hare-aerred aU—weeks— ComDany_Q?fic_lali turned out of toe canakLllBilt^BQilSilllfl June 10 *!■ 'I mates Uiat • t«cordd number oof congres*. , one good purpoae.le. TheT h e recentrec en t f lg u n Uiat, a fte r six w eeks tti« due to the wet weatoer coodl* ptnoai frou ttiroughout>ughout thUie B. 8. VanBer*. Sterling. Colo., ^^V ^'faafd'M arrtnrin Lohr. H-Fl- weather conditionI Is fu t pror- farmer can work Ul.S.^lMd the Held field 1».fe be. "“■'ro ““ ™*“ ^ Uons. Last year lt w u Jun* 1; Id Induttrtei !• feaaral chainnaa of the com ., Uvestook aod nUted Induttrie ta d M. F. Cu*t«f.nuter, Twta tag the raluo of ebemJeal weed a aon thumb. ?rom a dlstanoe wlU attaad, MeocdlagUng to tbtbe mltt«« orgaalaatloa‘ ^7% which . hu F^,member* of thetie lambUmb com­com- control. U SE ’HM EB -ttEW S W ANT ADB ot planned the arant* et the eoa* o t eerUfl* et the coa. would markrk lamb*lamba ,1a .In Weed* in many of Uie valley Total FarmU ^ in WOU traveled road because weedFOR FABT BBLLINO RESUl/TB T '...... : T»tr>-i^Ti> cauntT-itoai t o e ll. 11. and a n d croD* a n approaching th e ae* ■ growto around-to* ana U aKOU. 3%e Industry oiyaninUoaffim JJf ------■ la Jerom * county Jurim* n e JB.SI. ’■ Ficu n u g e. ‘H ie ra lu Uaar g h eB County Agent Donald>onald Yout*Touts the weed* an opportunity tc Investmentie n t 7 Accordtag to Cherry, tha TlU iS^i^*w 'bSd bsre^unVSb K U .,S . Donates-l& tC S . advised Uiat both feeder*feeden and grow and tb* farmer h u bad • lam t*st*-Uils year an furtoer ^nomlc itahltHy 33. Ito an n u al o o n m U o n a a fat lambt would bee marked for to alt ta tha bouse,MS*, unable tot« t T k * • ^ evidence that chemical weed Uiat of Uw NaUonallal UrectocLlTe«tock T 1 „ J the pool. Lambt ahouldshould be oulUrate tbe weed* out ot hli Ik ■ control pays off.— AaUCULTURAl ------Dealen aaaocUUon are two (« ICI brought te the ttockyard*ockyards be>be. oropa or h in worken fo do thes i s Rising ture* of tba cosgrea*.Mtou Pruldent rood tween 7:80 and lOJO,30 ajn.a jn . Buy.B u y . weeding. -U .... -1,:— ...1 WABHINOTON., JuneJu n e 14 (DF# *— ^SBSSSSH^SSS^M i r r ' joe L. 8orentm, RoMrUIe, Callf er* may examine theie lambalamb* dur>dur- in ttat plot* wb*n chemlca] Df Agrlcultun's aad WUllam fi. Reamy. fted L V O tJ Ing Uie momlng and lubmltsubmit weed cootrol w ur^ i^pUad S p u S on ^ ^ i The Department of Agrlcultun [During 1963 | ain. pn-plantod bul*,t, iwwem.' however, ' thttte economlo researohh service aalaald = G R I D I T — Tl a j£ge at- ' ■wABHWOTOiTjunorune 14li'o a m rt- — G w w W WWIbV 1*BM IW Ui« re away near, pool should pen theirlelr lamb* for example of cbemieallical weed-rank MoMulltaMoMullli Uon dcmare. This averaged |41 ______rf a T aaoyna o< «^>peUtli I iterlng U>* wbo hav* not had lambalambs tain ppre- n- farm west of Twtairta Falls.Falls, stai'61m* 693 p e r farm a n d 123,350 pi . ^ F . | p WE H A V E ~ ? P EMU th* riMt nine i.inio.tfarrKiZ3uB3ZffcBy v i^ puinusa dsimslrtag ig to hareiiara ptat-^gBIHiuBdwar-^ypUed-^l-tr'^w U cd-^l' farm'worker. ERS3 aaia-oooip«Baia-oocnpa> — ...... — inngram feature* foeutliii att«r ot •«»«*» accordingjrdlng to tbe lamb* marked Bhouldold notify the lam* to varloua aeoUon* aeoUons of tbiUie able figures fo r 1060 w e n .03.OSA . . Uon on current trend*,? and der* agriculture deparbnentnent in In Uutha lamb committee ornnan c hairm an «ot & w u toT ^ultat of reducednduced p«d from 1.4 mUllonion Inin March.March, tba n te of four poui^poui^ per acre*crt. service*irvice* used : ta h t houM fub(»affiJtte* oa Un JttM on Un* aum tar of needy per*on*wrw M ta^ta ‘the ta ^ in tta a M arsh, TUlam wu alroplyitoi^ broadeubroadc^ farmtai except Uie^e tana farm fami- fam ^ rtoek and i^ jg aln*.«.>■ he h^ u ny - Palt*d 8Ut*a and ohanget In ^ ta atrip* on to* field at a t ngula; n g u la r j,>g ]|^t,or, ^ b a b lg g u t p a rt < ]»paa"ot-to6«t-»inOQrflQcnw«c>oordocn«(Uc> :: cb«riubiitasutuuons g otii9j ------farm~capltal la-tareaUnantcaplt SlerectIt to tiMtoe ure* ^ nelplenta'and to person* perton* over-over* mllUon pounds, or *-^ghteight SSper r^^toent The only treatmenttm m t after .IW t UvU» Ued u™Uip m tland, a J . mima* m riH m • atock in d u itiy l a aereralrerai nretpeet tp e ct* . leat Uian In Uiee July*ttarchJuly*itarch broadcutlng w* u to disc •"?an iMniW. wa otherir property mused KefUtraUon* a todloateto d lcjl^ ni* oo*t of Uie food donated period a year ago. InsUtuUonaInsUUiUona in bam w the chemical tato Ui a o t. IM > year. l a m QOfflber o t b a a k offlee b ^ oftlem aurtng the July*MarchMarch period 1M3 recelred largersr amount* otof ground. While thla-taat ha ir la worktag ^ a n d praducUoa eredw it lt aaaocltaaaocia* im i ni»UA«* doUare. ^aht* 1 oommodlUea worked well in thal??uru»un! put, tha un *■ loUart, alight* cheeae j^us added oommodlUe* ir p roperty used ProducMWaahiii tlc n u a a a i « n a e mf t xa fi eerUfUe e r^ JT W the^^durlafirlng the-samethe JU e auch u dried egg*.g*. *«eeta«eet po* uaual weather make*miliM It moremoi owl**!, “ oney. or property u . ni U m fak iw fato In“ ttielr Uw a year earlier. The tatoce. and peaohes• thanUian in IM2.1M2. noticeable. ______Up w ithin a year.______rt. Crtillt-tiM iifnMMn JonaUoaala eCatotmi a»4.1M1.1 —T h*.. d e p artm e n t *a>d rinna. SSSV S . I^ootlot. Crdit Awe ------a n aa eia l a*p**tt o t Uw *toi mSofr^d«SaS^«dISr5ttelgnd-tba^ttelgn Uons ta needy peraooiloai and child* 5ST5 the •! •W narkaUng will be anM Importa:I m p o rt ^ donaU oa* 118.4 nOnionmion dollars,dollar*. feeding programs orerteas diirlBS part of the iofenaaUeavoaUoa «*1' jDometUo tOod dooaUon*MaUons to all July-March amounted to 1.9 bU* ohaage. ouUeU totaled 1.5 billion pounds,pound*. lion pounds, some SSSnine per cant ^SETTOInrOUR BAtER^ “ ^ Yotir PCA ofRd* Ota T h* wortd** chamiploQ pion UUreatock m to about three per cent below a less Uuin the July*Maroh,ly*March, IIMS H a m m M i ^^hlghaou^ iiHMhodi. grade npTourltvi ------««>i ♦*> ‘*‘itfirminr* * on year earlier. An Increaseacrease In the figure, Foods Included such com- StoTw eS . budgeted openUn, le«» th* ba*i* ot auctioneerineer **nUanta n ^ aoli6N JUnca pnwiauiam wu w u oftoete!(*ek modltlei M butt«r, buUer oil, and T f l A i and ocopeUUT* aelllnglllng of OolColo- by d«oUnu Ux thele needy per* cbeeae which wene not donated ■ ^ I Contt in Mwit a n d fM I rado feadtt eattla. Ula a (M(aatun tun ot aon* and charitableDla IniUtuUon laat year. a Maglo Val- ' th e IN S ootyiM a.lidgU«wlUbe JudgU y «1U oat*gorl*a. I had Uilngs by a board e t aiQ)ertoerts tte e dtUdtt*r- DonaUon* to aobool*oboola totaled GROUP ELECTS r own w a y ...... I m ine th e ler. UU* holder. 411 million pound*,1, upu p tevenseven per RCNO, Ju n e 14 — A vote ei been excea* ■n«m uut*|M »nyu^H ( Colorado U m toook o k Markt Uie NeradtNerada in—(ann-tba IJlJII IlMilSIII aupidy Uia earn* to M aold la addlUoft to lupplereehtAfHnient&]l toodifood! TUrtford associationtlon and alaU ’ •- r nI toe TQiam H SfflnM H raB B ... Uw auotiott«er oomp*UU0o.ipeUtioo. XaXaeb par*M «d tar thele departmantd*parti»*ot parile* coocemedd werew ere unun* pvt tMUvi tviU and* o u t Uk* . iV market U fumliblnglg a calfoalt tntypi- apeolfloally for achool*ool* In th* na* animously neleotedBd to eerreaerre liin m a distance ...... T*ll H ,f ♦iftw i awhftfti i i inoh n ^ arogTMi.program. Uie tlacal year ahead.AeM. A larg*largi t looka like a finrl T; *oldbytt>em. M4e^ ptnoa* recelvM'wslBU*iSvSnnsonP TClireuntitiua uf Ute gruup: because weed i A Umtoek bduttryItry nuodtalnuodtaMa Uon p o u ^ et toedloed oonpared membership attendedd a d Uie annua a n n u al anala«tt«a. ------Guoronteed s I nad* Bp ot uadaraa d a r a tw t w a with ab o u t ooa MUlan a yearyeai meeUng. hWd ban., the TU* • , ■ ■ I X an furtoer for eoonomie sM ni lemlcal weed HaM M M M iM aM M M il

f i i i E ERTILILIZE \ ^ \ \ ___ i Baler Twine? I By- \ ^ J \ Here areI ume S ) I - p ^ V^ood reanni: / _ lAPARM I I M PROVIN RfGHT*! __SIDi b t l H ttESSINC f S * BALER\ & BBINDER TWINErWINE ' NOW!I QQU Aliry i i r y CONTROllED> ! Buy early omf ve yovr iiosofl's ivppfyl S NIWIST MACHINIIMACHINm • ORADC "A"“ A " flBlt n m I C K O E ^ ^ ^ NOW IJIS THI THE TIME TO GET THAT EXTRAI* PUNCH INTO ' '"™ CARtrULFUL INSPINSPECTION ■ TREATEDEATEO I . youYOUR SOU, FOR TOPrOP PRQIPRODUCTION _ J l» M e m SaUifntsrllyBtsrllylnmy In m ) K J u ree o Prtpirly A dluittdItfMMhlni. M M h ln i WIRE j H ^pifoctusfiCt US for applicationI tind(ind forlo r dll your needsBdslnI F ------T op C /stbni~S teel" i J i m i Out fo a sliortagsliortage of Baler-Twjne In - . FERTILIZERS FH a nid d CHEMICALSCHEIi rwjneln BOTH S ED RIGHT . . 1963, wve e may haveha to limit quantitiesuantifies r * f c t m |Mr customer.lomer. FlrsfFin come, first served.

pAH GROlROWERS T Y T W f ? WAREHOUSEJSE ASSH.AS FARMi m & CITY ■: -/-i ^ J . T . u , . . U : . f t ! DISTRIBLISTRIBUTING, INC. jn iy jll^tact y our u r neareit n e a r w arehouseS rwif luse TWINN FALLSFALL BURLEYilW CO-OI P L Y '^ ^ K "Mo,Icle Voll.,',VolUy', I,Lndlng DlicounI S S»ot.i'' t o r t i " Fully Guoi ■ • t » Ov«iint«*d-fvll length, llt*nflth,(i><}krKll(u^

* Tteeted igilMi Initttv '•*»« a n c

' • TwtelW itr*r>oth - p W l f ) T ^ 323 pound! IdP N FMi^f rwlne? I p” t.i.-w w » ■ e » m e J t»,.iuu.h.'„„ P" S flfO n i: y teniH* iirenotft- ^ *v*f 400 pwn* 1 ^

lorly and b i sure you have your i BALING W Top Quality "l^ystone BOTH SIZES PftlCED RIG

tW IN FALL§ 3-OP SUPPLY / ' I ■ Sj ig n u p Set for GoutJontrol of ll— ______Jun*3w 14.15, 1963 T Twin w in Palls F a lls T lm os^N dw *'- - ^ ! ------9 WesternI BeanB Cutwutworm E N T I O N I ^ fl. A. (ODB) K K LS B B wrlal Mrl&l control c will get under wayray tfaeee 9t*nte9tan at tbe preaeat tlm*.] ATTIN I BEANI GROWEIC r v m »aiMr by tbe U R S ! I * by tbe end of July or early la mIn eoutheraeoutbei idabo &la cutworm «et WMtber b u aotsot August. ^ found thj that our growera wer* . *rInrirUl not hfcW »njany “Because“Bmi thta daU U not too growiaggrowiaf libeans In fuet tha rightffi kKEEP eep THIS IMPCIMPORTANT INFORMATION INF< ON ** •“!*. M tbe dirtnicUw powersw farfir Inin Uie future, the growerst t n maaaer Ute maka life a deUgbi" d WBrtem be*n cutworm,p . are urgedurg to make arraogemenUuU He eontinuedeoni by pointing out Read this informationbrm ation and form ...,. then cicome to our officeffice ata t 7235 W est Mainn (KTFI Building) ■^jtU now un4«Broundj1 ^ throughthrougl the agency office for that th* ddevelopment of tbe bean f/> und«»«nmd moan* tbathat appucatlonappUa . of the insectldde.jde. podapods occursooeu at tbe same tlm* as for completeI informalinform ation and applicationplication forms for youru r BEAN CUT WORM CONTRCONTROL. -r^Tuloo" 0* cutwormjrm Work orders aod permltt ar* thethederek derek^ment cf the cutworm.orm . ------2 n ^ otf M ecbeduled, roow- w - available traiiab at the oftloe." "Both"Beth tthe bean puat and tba t^S»nra*i rM v toy J.. R. Dougla4.tiolaUDouj out that Iohs to cutwormoutworfii reach maturity About , WESTERNERN BEANBE CUTWORMWORM CONTROLL WORKWOR ORDER or PER ft(tmlntoti»tar, Weatem^ commercial comme: and garden seediMd the tkne the 'beans ar* b*lng or PERMIT - oentiml controltrol beansbeana In1 the principle area aloo*un* harr*sted. hanrasted At harreat, tbe gsbeaa 1»MH SIASON {REEDER FLYING SERVICESE or BUHL FLYING SESERVICE) N..N o . 1 P oeU amounted to a conserratlTeUve seed ts takenU to the warehousetouse « S m ? W o>» >«“ t o - 1100,000.I*® .™ OeneraUy. e u tw m n sI do forfo r pcooeeslngpcooea and wintering aad m tbe Meney no«r has h u more damaged during wet springslugs the wormworms enter the eoU where This* I Agreementnt mmade ade th is ____ _ d a y o f ______------11963, b y and betwetw een een ...... — ...... la the KTFZ buUd*Ud- ththan a n dryd ones, h e com m ented,d. they OooiOoQstruct earthen ceUsS or JT S , Main *Tenue we*t. *'Now“Now. the. control agency> is abode houhouses hi which they spendpoul ...... —...... a n d ...... ® iSlM June IT. farmen can cao availableavallab to sucetahiOy pro* the wlaUwlater. (; GrowerW Addressd r e s s ...... HR t t ...... lSeeder U ^ e r F F l lyint Service or Buhl Fly ^tBnn»el»“ ot the aervlcesices motemot« tthe fight against tbe cut-BUt- "A"After fter e ate rln g th e ir w inter No and Buhl Flyinjr Service ' I office and make ajjpllea-Ica- worm," hs said. bone, thitheee wonu looee * eon- provide* ^ p e n n o n for ththe . hereinlierein nJpHctor to WPlT thth{ . ncommmroecRimended treatm ent for theh* ocntrol cfot' Western Bean Cutwormn sat t a toUi to U l oost of 14.00 p e r I I !L control mewurea. OfHceflee The admintotrator polaU out sJderabl^siderabl^ amount ot body molit- . ^acre. Bald treatmentt to be mmade'al ade'at the time and aooording■dii« to the appUeatkna| raU nectaaiendedaatended ta tU al^ ty of Idabo puosleoteosleo Serv Service BuUetln its . ____■ ! yck- wormisworna: ih a t c u t off tb e p lauiU n U ddlfficw l f f i e w tto freeae.Ia plain words, Fl ytis. ___FriJowInt.U.a ill*lilt of of my my f fields in" WICCCA;a Sm mH Hoh m ------iiM. I h ct t w w in in I rtqwlro tro«tm«nl: S 5rtJie-')eaB-o««nk8loo.-ooetDoat nnear e a r tbI e -solJ s u r fa c e - ta - 'tth* h * tb*-«haaith*-ehai«* is eoDparabl* troBi trm ------'' ? Jrtol control'win be bomeI by spring tprtng rt the year. Their hablU^ U a* w*tw«t batbitUry to a dry eD*.** TUldKo. Acreskcrts VaiUty9 TW dKo.to. Aer*Acrea Variety M Mib crowen. AU eoatroiitrol also area different from tho**tioee He coatlauedcon by potatlngI out ^ will be by 4lrpUB® t J ^ uu g g b h ^ t t e ueu t ©ff th * p la n ts Ju st u nid*r d a r that th a t *boutabo b«aa pUatiag thae tho* !=MQient w ith R aeiler F Mring n g theth e surfacesui like th* red back cut- theee OverwinteredO n worms chang*lang* *“ ... . ■ *■“ IS r t^ T w ln P»0I8. a n d th e Slum u b l worm. wonn. toto pupa*,p u ^ itiis U a traasltioaallonal S ^ ’sentoe. BuhL Oo»t h h« u “The-rbB Western bean cutw«»mtmn stagestaH bia v whldi the worms chang*lang* —------^ l e t at a fUt fe* of M per belongsbelon wbocoaiCOA fewtionfc^tton ^: ...... - ...... : •ad for tbls reaaoD *erUl controlitrol “Before“Bel< changl^ its habits« to soU.soil, gener^gen the Utter part MS selected. atUatUck ck beuisTthe Western beaa,eaa of July oro the first part of Aug-jKJ; DocrlpUon;pUon: KW NW Q □ I SW □ NB □ SB □] quarter of JBeaa Cutworm Controlrol Section uas abowa on the master sup map WBCOWBCCOA . € ‘Sudi appUcaUoa must beI at cutworm cutwon fed upon the fruUss ctf ust. AfteAfter emerging, the mothsloths tBit tbe rlsh t tim e a n d thhen e n ground cherry and nigbtshade.le. maUnaU andau dispense at nightIt la (A) (B)I «(C) Worth (P)I______(I)(I (F) S r t be done rapidly. A t p r e sent, e n t,, , “Since“8ln< changing IU hostplanU,uLta, searchse arch olo f be an p la a U o n wrhich hich tt ts eipeoted tbe protram of one findsfin very UtUe feeding upoatpoa to lay eggs.i usuaUy oa the NW NE '■ " ■ •*” ' ...... —u a underside d en ld * of the leaves. "■-ijl “Ibe eggs are laU la maasesMof of UltkM-eivpi S Irom nv* to aas. Tbe en is >p> s g Mop « real hlghwaygayg j . Commissionertier 'Enacts dea*HOu^ aad smaller thaa Outiin* &< msric fi*Id(i) the head of tb* common pia)ia retdwoyi thotlo t ono n th*tho sectionI number “11»*y a re pearly w hlU . w^ hea hori9t bMn Moldsl*lds , first laid, but u the worm de­ aia i daterlbdescribed abovo. Print Emergency^ Egif e Clause velops they dunge color, toacom-oom^ to b« tr*«t«rf.irf. ^ nanrte nanw ofo f. odfolnlno cropi BOISS. iu n e 14— BeeauM) ofo f oommlaslonerotm u itanhaU* said Inc blu^-bU ck just befor* thev 3 - Ibl nunerow Ixtqalrlat reoelvedlT*d thereth e re seemsi to 1»* aiuob eoofu-^ hatob. The eggs hatch la aboutJSI 1 3 S on ali illsides of fiald to M t in tbe state ------ways, c a n a ll, c o u iM i , 7 || control, since the reccmmended t I tbe emergeney clause in the gency clause relates coly to aU JJ®®™; ' s (>— ;■...... g ^ and creeb. cro*! If fleid can* ,v for the entire sta t* o f X dIho. ^ a . ssmall m a ll Idaho: producers having a laieetlclde kUls both by contact — g 1 be flock of 300 or Use hens. ^ * and feeding. At this sUgeI the l h . ( ) ______®’ not bebo tr*at(^1 bfc«ui« ...... j lUs emergenn clause wlU be flock o wnms have done practicaUy ao ofo f HAZAROS, H A U print th* g i sBect for si* mootBCbefta- *• 2* X to th* plaa^ (() ______Bf July >. aod wifllng Dee. 81. ^ -g .. As they become larger they are I , ...... w ordo rd NCN O in th t m l d d l « ______I I purpose Is to give snail pro- >ln lea yar* ( j ______?^aa»,dlfftailt-to-klU -*Bd-*tart| ______1 ______------oof f ththat at ffield. ^ to feed at alght or burrow■ latoiato ( > ______^ to 5 K v j_ tb* grouad. I aiitetl^ proeedurei whkbikto gnulegrade their Ofts aad m q th*m result from tbe onaolment ■« nic] ^ ,ir-aot kUled at tb* flsportun*rtun* <( ) ——...... ^ s le n t a s such o r **U t ^ a a * n t Jtbn*, L n Douglass poiaU out, tho . ^ 1 gis. who will 01^ aad grad* th* i S < ,------m particular pKtt-ol legis- » , woms eoatlau* to teed on th* ^ — 2beans^ 1 throughout? the period of t BiBff p6d:de»ttoi>m eat. M t « th * b e a n ------^ ...... ~ i I under the emergency clause pUaU have - been eut aad wind- ( )'------J.S. Im potts' ^must mark their cartons "ua-Mun. rowed, Pprepar»t43r7 to threshing, graded- and brand th* cartco^ tbe cutworms continue te feed 3 2 with their name and address^ upon the green aad immaturelature ^3 Wore Farm when S' tbelr eggs are offerod^ to seed untu « the thiesblag la com- tboreUilmarkets*place oth- ^eU. “If rain oocun afterr the «r than tbe place of production.HM, beans“ ???.“ are cut and wlndrowed,)d,he he Trade Items “H4. It Is notaecessary for ua- points 5?“ “ out. the injury U freaUrreaUr jB_ graded eggs to hav* aa otfidalriAi.t t ^ d u rin g dry s e u o i ^ since WISBDTOTOH, Jim . U m - g j j j i ______• , ■ ^ __ ^ * _____ ------—2 : :■ ■ ■ ■£______t* Of lorelga fa rm tra d e showa ^ “Si ^ p^dm k£ been SW It the United BUtes Imported th* {“ • emerteaoy “ claus* aad after ^ the emergency proelamatto iSha* lor, this united effflb to-llUco-litk ------* ~ ------'• i i y , beaa " . . - . S*g ^ig^C oigtoloogltS^ -— (R) ■ iQ)IQ) : { ^ T < p r IN ) fM ) Dsl IMS. - • • mlnlstraUve cosU i^tZ edd by The tmderslgaedM h*r*by authauthorises ths application of the abo Itli.w as M million dollarsu - 1. AU eggs *old on tb* retail on of the above m eo tlen ^ tn atmu aat at with th* undersuiiding that I (we) must accept*i the raspoo- ^ «>»t b* candl*d ««1uid oomm]aslon.ahe nettnatt . ■aCUUtUs aormaUy aaaooUted wmwith the appUeaUcn ot: such treatment,treatm< P urther I (we) agreeir e e th a tth * ra % ...... U ndlordfllord % ______% ______or ho Consumer Grade B." *“ "dar* Jm watehlnc me time closely 1 af. aad wUl be ready to Uuaoh th* - Undtordor-r d « f - - - - a.«mpeUUTe>-lmport«-de.‘5 2 .„t;.AQ oartoasjnuit bear-aaof- ^ la i sey. a legibl* sUUtaent o^ ~ Umllenl ar Ag.nt'int'rAddiwsa AM nu ______...... ______...... Ag*nf*I tig n ifv ro ,...... ^...... «d-4Uihtly. Imporu of non- S®“ i i ------i t-U, I, I — IT '-. I = - s s s s a a B B s s s .- Iculturel Item s rose to |U U . - ,^JZ Just as Important u the aiaUrlal . W frti? $7,827,000,000 a y e a r jW ^ le ‘*"'*'1 D,t* complitid ------______^ and address of the dlitrlbutor by use^." he concluded. ' L ------1...... H o u r...... - ...... AM, PM. W ind DlrodionDiroctlon Ili . ' V *ioclty...... TdmporittJ T d m p e ra tu ro or for whom the eggs were grad- m g lm m Ihs’deparUaent said that for 2 i55ii5iSi5i555iS S l Aircraft^ N ------PilotP ilo t ..------TotalTotal Nl Numb*r Acr** Tr**todK l ______ftUtarial U w d ______lb*.lb * . U s ^ ______iJiar aa a whole, farm hn. bn- ed.or candled. 4. OfflcUl egg seals, candlingUlng rtiare eipoctod to total about mses e same tft th e «Cl67,000.000 In Ueenses and dUtrlbutor licenses _ are obtained tl^ g h the Idahod aho ______Finn imporu ftU 'off'soBiBi — ^ M A P OF THET BEAN^N CCUWORM=€IM=€0NTROL-AR.AREA > — — p s « ^ «t in January because of the ^ c an - ipbortmin’s strllca. Prior. ^ to lafonnaUoQ“ relating to can- /^ tiuiry, i m p o r t s w ere la rgJZ e r dUng. grading, equipment and / tJ t eipenses may be obUlned ffrom ^ jI A* ' < f » UL usual because o f anUolpa- CT th* University of Idaho eitea-Itea- SSBfc EM riSlffiSly*5tS5?^^ il« n jerv Io d .’Bols*. ------— «. Any individual with more .tSS th a a too hens who feeU they . I than WO hens who feels,“S b* t I “ ” " *’ “_ ^i*S -I. should ooo* under the em*r-m a r- — - *' i w rit- K 3. i*aey cUus* should make writ- ______1 1 1 ______i m application to th e oomoUs* nm.' sloner of agriculture. I 1. »J HII n« )• f• »" 2~'I Oommlssloner Trenhalle sUt«sU t«a * Sm* that thla law wu not IntendJdn d id — . . — ------— — te put the small producer outu t of HI It* «•» ^ ______Uttl* ealtle, a n d m e a t ^ a a d business i* " " * or cause undue, bard- JJ , 1 J l ( I0 >0JO » 2 ^ ship in the seUlng of Idaho ffiegg*. 4 4 » » ” *' S Z l ^«''up ttie*^ldScri^g**^inart^ •*“ H I V I U * 2 2 aad prohiblUng the selUng of II m I W* I I “ 1 1 1 “ * any eggs which han not ^been , . 11 t( I i< I I» I >1 «>1-71 n 10 II 01 “ 111

» to mJiuoo, t h n . WU5^ • ! ra^ S R a;s.“.,T2i5i-,insH. L .L— ■... — > 55«nttl tlM lo dniuiil fof sanlUtlon“ JJi" and refrlgerat^. JZ Th* oommlssloner also wish** 1» Kl 100 UJ « nich u pnpmil ^ 1 II 11 It .IT 101 * >*< I” “ ^ to maka clear that all out-ot- < « I I I t 1 1 17 101 11 SftLi.”™'” ’'” " • SUU sggs ’are not allow*dK to * " “ ' » ' com* und*r the em*rg*aoy — 0* * P ^ irool total l>ounds d u rb u the olatiie, but must meet the grad-K l ------lit HI « ^ IOI I 111 IM «» 1' S}**® » ith 104 m l l l l'“ O B ri « **'■ ’ — ------i< n » n > m ------” T u t t til i l t!U 0 t T I ' 'h l O t t h i 1 1 1 11 X HearStt«s 8------7I I I I I ' >1 « I1 <( H •< •» 1* 7« II „ 55 II Mt 111 111 and sploM war* _ H IIs s Factor “ / — — — *25. 101 ItT 111 110 111 111 J IM m department estl- ¥ .« 9 SI n nII «T li •> » imporis fo r'JuSIlnFeedlots iy ; 1 1 1 ’ u ^ . iwj.flj, n M4 minion aan FRANOieOO, Juna 14- J doltnn- worthJl of Fe*dlotTttM operaton must begin A ” <1 » ' t(( ( I 7(7« l> II ' 14tn o HIt i f n i 111 111111 1111 Itl ITT IH m t o t I T ■^^»>maafllw. thinkthinking about eontrolling heathe a t str^ aa the sum m er grows ■* t i y .Q wamisr. A alm al wel|ht*Iosa . t n a l^t^baa b*en well doou- docu- H (• lOl101 11111 I l f 111 Hi111 1 III III 1TI.J Ml neatod. ahad* U the most.et-it.e f- J HI ^ dklry s ~ ...... - ...... "" ■aid An kalmal in th* shade* re- ^V lll11 UP III 1 1 1 III M l . I l l M l HI M l Mif adt* MtVM 10 per cent leas radUntkdlant ;h*raa heat load inan 4m animal inin ththe e ' VMt. lua, reporia the Oallfornla Ited- ’’■■"J y a “ " >rt la wood asaootoUon.. t l « V wtta* As th* taUnsiv* (*^iotZ beet t AREANEEMIA NEEMN6 MAXIMUMlUM COICONTROL \ 1 «1 IHI I I 11^ IIT IIII HIMi S m eth- It. ' ^uotlon replaoea o l^ meth- atlon oda, cattlemen caa no ioagere rd de* e - urtni p*ad on tl^ s and other naturala tural «lop- aounai of shadat MotiwltenNlUrs m ut tu Ml.

ttl o a l

n|a* utility aUt'and^wln (eno-t f A n* Inc oa • $>foot (ram*, itw lo* III!VM III III' II HI**' tp ‘^ •r foo^ hel|ttrp*rm lta air« flow M arotind and over th* oatU*.I. ID* ■ft* ilaltMl iaooa u Ideal b**auaaU thth* e open sMoe* a)low autlielent( iun> ^ light to pens trau to dryr th*«*• Shaded area. m m m

■un, 1 wood A t k n d v 0 ^ (

tisr. ■ tM( r s lp :;;^ptop5iSS^ ^ , . June 14-15,'l?63196 3 - US. WhWEcgat Exports Drop S Im ev N o w a " 12 Twin Falli TlmevNewi ■ ' By 100 ]Vl^oiibullion Bushels : ““'Tl 2 H '■'iSKii - WASmNOTON. Juneline 14 m - t to Algeria, Morocco and1 TmTunisia W . IIK.1fU w a . , S S S , * ™ ! I i Dry Weatherther An agrlcultun department^sta-irtm e n t sta - durind g July-M arch, 1863-63.1-63. thU ian a n isiage of Uie eight p rev lc S V S * tUUcal report abowaI tbatUiat V. U. 8.8 . duringd Uis same monUisIS a year wiw u leas th an 40 m llli» « :£ , ■ ent said Exports of flour * i ■ H L j ' : ^,.i ^ wheat exporto for thele flnt nine eearUer. The department said Frost Hurtirt ' m onths of fiscal 1M33 tto o ta t t lee d 353 Ilarger sh lp m en u to In dlla, ia, KoreaK o re a en— » - F S ..'TIS (A aM M The department said the sub* < Dry weather In the southernlouthem and»n( stanUal reduction resultedBsulted from The 4rop In U. S. e:9ortsTOrts Ues Egypt is the largest ouiu, * f ” yiK^aii^ J l n world U. 8 . flour. ta di cen tral O rta t P lalns i afcnd n d XrbstXros' t ’ lS ilP '' «n«u« Shlpmenu toto pracUcal* i in wlth'the general drop in world u K ly erery country in Utbem WWestern estern tuade in wheat. This lesseningssening of ------' tt In the northern Plalniialns c»ua«caused . Ijjj^ H K jiijb i I;.S I L I 1903 wheat prospecUs » decUneaecUni 9 |« 4 iW Hemlspben, Xun^e., and Africa, Africa. , wheat trade stiima4ms fnm THACT0H8 ORDERJn ?i Bomewhnt during May,ly, .thetbe a«rl-a»rt ] n \ ‘ The largest cut to the Western Uie fact Uiat'blg Cfopeope were KEY WEffr. Fla,. June u^, m |^H ||L 4|B |h % ■ P fe n HemUphen was made to Ve^e- ' culture department reporta. grown In 1863 In W esternm Eurooe.E urope. ^ 1-500 S T he departm enfa JuJune n e cro]crop ' zuela I Bummary eaU m ated:ed «s toMtotal L ■ In Europe, which hadbad formerlyfonnerly iparts of Asia, aod Africa.lea. Somesome L,use in next 'yearT S ait downiharvest. 'w . aJ wheat crop thi* yeart r ot of l,0e4.i,oe4.- been tbe main overseasSted* StaS» wheat j countries cut downihi 095.«00 busheU. one per ccent e n l lealesa WBSCT>WWg-y.iCTP!!^K.l! market ot the United States,. th n n the 1983 crop a n d 13 pe 9 most of the reductionja w u made ceni below the lSS7-eii-ei averagiaverage. U b jfl in shlpmenu to Uie usuaUy large Thli total crop wouldId conaUtconsist oof buyers. These includediJuded WestW est I - a winter wh^at cnn> oto r about «9«99 k Oermany, Italy and the NeUier- I W ^ — mmion_bU8heU._jM.>_*Rrt?5!^ a_fprtng * 'nK ^ ^ ^ commonnon market; I ■ ■ MM ■ m g S M w heat crop ol aboutt w 330 mtUloimillion 3 paln. thft — B J - C M m ■ w C - bushels. United Kingdom, anddTiigoelavla. Yugoalavla. ■ ■ W The w inter wheat,eat estimateeaUmat gjgj& ljM considerably i m wbeatw b M t wentw ent ...... “ 0 - - was 83 million buahelaishels abovabove at^^uaagSKim B^B I ' ‘ 1003, tniC H3 RiHIionI buahsUbushsU bebe* I low- average. The Junelune 1 toretore- ISYOURGR>R GRAIN SUPPLY j: I cast wu SO million buaheUbusheU bebe* I lov the predlcUon of a mont: B l h a n d t "'" i ‘ earUer. largely becauseiause ofor rere* Heavy Piity^ RUNNINiNNIMGLOW? I duced prospect* In thfr^ntrithe->^ntral ■ o n ALL • PURPOSEi r o s E tb Plolttf. Drought condlMonaondiUtos 1:in this area, becomingr evident byb ( eU Into May 1 ^ For a weil boloncedHilonced, highly nutritiw « ' *” ^ n c u luctng yields. ifahle Dairy Feed, toman I ' a n d f u r t h e r reducingof the month yleldi I . Ralna near the end mostot the ormont. the g f l n i D eitlier our fieldlid reprerepresentative or Phem % f . hrought rtJle/ lo moat.“ 'iSnUiTOt of th MIMBHW OF TOE:HB O Ooodlng y iJI^ Beetera 4*H elnb Judgingdging teamteam,' ,' HoUUIeld, wtBoer ef the Ugh IiBdivldoal award; Jonn Marble, I I parched panhandle areu of Ok in beet Jadgtng at ihe aeeond aBDoaliDoal Xdabe dob leaderi frontI row. left te nrtght, Jln Gleae, secondond high In- 733-4241. Wj ist Colorado, which placed tint In beef J a ^ .1. a n d Jo d y _ . . > tZioma and Texas,ta aouthwesM l area Jn le r Hereford aaaoeUtioaiMcUtioa field day at-the Naaglele Hereford divldaal wtnnert Jerry Oieae, 1fUih high indlvldnal. and Jody tui ' and southeastStrS^. Ooloradc raocb.CUdwell. dbpUyipUy ttrophies. r i ^ Baok row, left io rif«ht, ht, a n Joe HoUlfleld, feerth high ladtvidaatadtvidBal. (Tiniea.News photo)>10) T h o u ia n d i ^ but much acreage In this am ; crop te e x- “ ------* . •'.# * * * * * ♦ ------r ; Already had been destroyed. ley< dem onstrated groom------.n ing a and ■ . )* ® / i , Hie aprlng wheat crop te m -nrw * show ing Herefords.3rds. KennettiKenneth 2 0*95 m ‘ ^ pected to be n perS.12f cent lee“i Egg Marketket Goodingf YoutYouth Get Honor.U U U J. Naugle demonstrated»ted mlxlnjmUlng ' than laat'year and one per MD feed for ahow catUe,Ue. and AndjAndy SPECIAL .# Above arerage. V fl T it' • Duffle, dlnctor ol Junior acUvi- acUvi* # J j C enwi t k a for f or IKW v w C m i h l « „ b ProducUon ot dunimiT iSwhea Income TakesFakes At Junior>r HerefordHer EventIV C U Ir Ues, American Henfordreford assocU- lri'A 7 5 m m K w u e s t i m a t e d a t 43 mlllloi jelectlng show J H .ffi nf f • • ./ m B B H h fR EE cow of tfw '{ v i f V NAMPA, Ju n a 14 — SomSome e 800 the teams and indivtdualslivIdualB laIn tbe Uon. talked oa selecUng «bo« bushels, o o m p a r e d w ith las S W S r a I ^ ^ H I s e page« h book » i - ,| 111 ye ar^ record output11”:“ o f 73 m il ShellackingJ iU ; intereated. specUton,s, moeUymosUy 4-H Judging contest heldleld durinduring g tbtba e prospects. - r Uon bushels.______^ — and PPA memben. attended thetbe momlng. C h arlesles Chandler, Oary Pratt, Blackfoot.ackfoot, asso- CertutUmMbm ' f W ASHINOTON. Juluna n e 14 Bflh-amh- fjnt annual Idaho Junior HHen- en- Baker, On.; Beann Meek, Prine- elation president, c conducted onducted Uiethi D esplte a boom in productionroductioh and ford AsaodaUod Field>ld dayd a y aat t theth e viUe, O n , a n d DDarrell arrell BBnwn. n w n business meeting whichivhlch Includedinclude< B D W B Z S E D '■ ^ ^ ■ h e r d KtnaumpUon ot poulti?lti7 and eggs 'Wayne Maugle andi Sonson ranoh, WaUa WaUa. Wash.,ash., servedaerved atu the elecUon of offlcenX lcen and a n d ddl' l- r H l ___iBEra^ replacement Stocks of{.g the lut 10 yean, grourou tannfarm In* Top honon in teamteam Judging the om dal JudgesiS In tha con*con- ncton for the newr year. LyndenLyndet JfcgusD 1 IS eome from these commoditieacommodiUea iwent to tbe Ooodlngin g 44-H -H ., blub te s t elected presi- A f T I H B I programb r H = » ’ ■' '— h u taken a ahellacking.Ung. consUUng ot Joe andid Judy HoUi-Horn- High Individual, Judge Into tbyoa Hoggan, bothg glba.£)b«, Oinc< K TWIN FALLS -.%UI>L WRLIY1Y TRUCIOUNK;_____ ' • «r durin* tba tin t baitr. ot tha eui p]ua the value of bomeime consump-consum p- niUUon doUare, a n d fa rm chick- n n t marketing year.•ld:praapaota tlon. - _ eas. IOO OJlUion d o Ulan. an ._ — • Mary Joyce Hoggan.a n . SUMt,.jm»,.talket talked to n . Ob Junior-^Henford ------■. _ . - _ . — ^ T h e -d a p a rtm a n r *ald:proBpectr (AprU>sep- Between 1»U and1 ifl^rbnlltf 1063. to U e r T he dep artm en t sasaid“tbat id tb a t. be« on-*The ldaho-^unior-^Henfor< ...... ------M— ...... — Or 1------i - - i — ii------f .Him -qui to r tb a haUmal (AprU>sai aeaaonal pioduoUoh increasedled 163 pper t t tw een 19M an d 1063,K3, g ri« o «u in - associaUoa."- D ennisnte Curtis,C u rtis, Bur>Bur- Btoooi er; tember) an tpr nonnaland domeatteaeaaoni cent: turkey sumben)en went up oome from' poultry and eggs In- DV< deoUnea In output aadugb domeat numlng u per centt egg outpututput JumpedlumpM c n u M to only U13 ofo f thtHe a «48 eonmunptloaj^tftooujtoj«^leTels. Proa- eight per cent, andId producUon states. fata and oUa of farm chickens decUned 43 per DecUnea In incqma from pool- eej trlng tbe aec- oent. But bocauae ot aharply Iow­ aa from ponl> % A ^ E R R ' peets tor axporta of fata and ol try and eggs wenI concentntedconeentnted W V C D D an atron». er pricea for fittH bt tb e com . M d tor aoybeaat during the tet “ in th e bSTN orthI contral. UuUia * " i------i• l H oad halt ot J m - a dan f a atnn*. ^ u r l n g QiediUea, tro arftac o m e from e g n h. 1MS3. w u and tatm chickena w■ uvT down . ^ a WMt North Central,Tal, and the a ■' m m -preductlon ot tood fata durli regions. Tha October. 1M 3-M anh. 1M>. wi L y * , i S r e a * S !?{hV T ' ? i i S ^ n n l ^ ‘^ n in ? i? r ______K i T . Tha^djpaS- aenUally onobanged1 torto r turkey*, turkeys, ^ naUon’a eggs n mainly n - —— ------naUon’s eggs ‘T~'~~y5i5!^u«T5odSrTOetip5 ~ z Z " h i 1883. T en y e a n lalater te r ththe e twtwo o V aent aald thi gain mainly r a aid '^ gain wfiaawa rtflecfarwayt a ri^ona produced only '90 pei ly - - fleeted Inereaaea to aogrbean < r. and ipd. whlA-am-than oi *nd «U» J®** doUan,-alongdouw - along S ‘‘to*U j7eSS anflJfl W e est' s t r f f l i c i l V U ^ K?i» a/? 2; with heavy movementment of' oila ,departaJent said prices to ! Ounaitto confomptton' of to< > . taU durlof tha tint haU ot tl of ^hlSoa J" brollenJS and fsK tur. to Submersiblenersible ; - mark«^,7W r«M ftteoonl4 ^ (xrCD-OF ',riih“fbii: ^ tii^ « S rd £ S S ' Uon pounda In the pnviouaiSSSji year.sSS- But egg pricu, iSS^w m .'w W eh van relatiralr favonUe I «W igP ffVot tha riie..b .Tha.dBP»rtBwaVfai» oUi ihortenlng.\a ™ .hSf; in ibaitodltamiwan£;M basin ooun* :ssi,‘ssrx.r"'““ motclMs would fio I i' P e r c a p lts u mtd e w t u butt< about jrtw* » reduetton ta atocka by The department said much olof . - j & l i b Ch Buafaitna and laid v u abe ipean countries tbe reconry in poultry prloei lu tb a fa n e . on ot small es- probably waa due to a atnngth- 1 Xzporta o t tood ta U In Oetoli wm mdohlna; «nlng in demand. SBvt part 9 iiot i< JACUZZI!izzi! m K j m 0. ^anh totaled bUlK V. 8. food for appean to repreaentlent tbe reea.reea- - ' peuadi, up aevaa par eent frt tablUhment ot the nonnal prloo' OK & e aame period a year earU ------I.------suBPly-MlaUooablBer which S S w«« ra QUAIITY-PRICtr. PRICE «! ______»Ph« «li.|^Faniiiif —M IneTM l ttxxD thrown out oTvhscETnSsV lAdi iw wb] ~Tinmr-wARRANrr^ARRANrr cblpm enU o t ioybeanf. Myfae t..« . 14 (T»«_ d e p artm e n t caUed i ------I lod oollonaM MOBAU^im),»ssL*“ Juna ” It ■»- "chaoUo poultry ‘wclSSdSin! merohandlslnj MP oil and butter mon than otti Tba eUng peach markeUng Ob nduoUosa In lard cottonac beaaoond halt dar~for 34^ yean a model '5! of "WEOLOtIMWE OLO tIMERS m aem ber when co4f( ol ell. y e a r.-a n ex* CaUIWtUA t t n i uiarxrrtlE*Tiioth»■rtrtlngTnettj- ^ g o>t t th e ir start. r ------Enorta durtna tbe aaoond h . h . t Ihf, ffifm^r waa esMrt* £ of tbs mirlMtl^ o year.m u t U bilUoa n oda-bu U m klUed in Uie taU- altb 3J bUUon u n of a rtferaftdum tor ita n* 1 paoted to total about U bUU ■iEn getlotobusinK lo to b u sin e ss. H e h a d pleo tjr to dooi pounda oomwad withla dipartmant U bUU nawal ______"Used clAHDIILAHD BANK LOANI / i€ r e ” j dieo ffarm a r m . . ' th a year earUer. The departmi ^ . J'Hewupu"He wu pushed Inlo iL - I’ ^H"H «e could aeo that he was pretty wdt oi a t ththe e mercym ercy op toM la O R FUELJEL S H 1 crop, h« wa# aur* o t iho best maiii I T R A a rice. With bis owa purchulng ) p a id a in s t p ric e f o r w h s t b e b o u g b l. m i n a a w e r e b e « a r f ro m iKa hey'n better today. They'll •«» ID M OTDR OIL H 9 av as Joog k t co * o p s b e e p op « railB |. i UNrnD I ‘‘Purchaslog co-opt partlculsrly, iw ------and- en more im pom ot mw' becauis ff rmerta ri r ^ »!»Wr propowio*-** r & f M•Todsy'a anj times h« yoyog farmen Itih ^ Jj. REASES|S GET YOUR H snefiu ofci-op buying and k IUo| j W «y. la taro, bave a duty too-to ki^ U N D B ANK N K ■ GRE hops beaUby eod scoviaf**^ t o o m u c h i w ______y , ------l o a h - m e r e ^ B I “Orgsoitio, ANDARD "DELO"------was the only TWIN PAUS T»«wTlien'a sa a p place and a tline for Everything,everything. ^ STAND/ " W it h h is o ’nie place te yo(!t nneh and Uie time te now n.kr. W . R. N u H ln a P'*** h e tim e te now • Ilia crop, h « » .ft. to.lnvesUg*to. investigate Uia big advantageigeofaLAND of a LAND Co-C oopforint a n Iff MOTOR OIL p r ic e . W ith ll ------hSANK a m k wLOAN, m Uae a LAND DANKANK LOAN to MOI b a l a n c * w h**/ lhat iiranff , b e p a id a lo s t I ! oonalruot n new bulldlnn, buy land, livestock m i n a s w k I ' oor r equlpmeiequipment . . . to pay taxea or ndnance. o w r frt9 mtM tamy s or ndnance. OM \ They'n betti CELLY TIRES LAND BANK LOANS are preferrediferred for lovirlow ' . aii.'i.v I wavasJooffi, L KELL I IC C ®U«UV imereit.-imereit,- to long -terms- and tull prepayment 'Turchaslo] -CO BATTERIES 'OlehKwnau tirlvllegei.lirlvlleBes. CD ot th e (acta from mftn IWe'VoMri"llke 'yo\irf THIS mSSAGlSSAGl BROUGItnoBR YOU BY YO I even more it “ DELCO I P,0.s«iis*t Mif•elf who k know and reaimt ranching and a ' ■ farm e r~t a y i 'g ' I PW* *714347 farming. Tliere'aTl an oKlce conveniently.S X 'Z near J m c ic VAUIYfAlUY COOPlRATIVtS c ^ opersting aup you. ■ 'Todsy'a y Producls fromII tow - ttuallly Your W benefiuorc<^ Proven Quality CooperativeIve SuppI]Supply Assn., inc. . . . they, la taro, H O M f OWNID and O Pm f R Am T f D I Own~HOMf( fncbO cnvf B«W Co-Op Suppll ^ co-ops bealu PiO. S«a tf7 !>P S u p p ly ...... ■ 4 ^ ^ Jerome GrangeIrange SuSupply ...... ITED OIL CO.CO.'; ffr offtm ^ H'vMiV M M B Ip I Mini-Cosslo Mark) t ; U N IT E I Uaho. M onrana,VrM ^^ , lla Marketing Asih, inc. . . . ICAN FALLS ABERDEEN 0«|on.lKiu>i

...... JEROIWE H p

...... R U P E R T ■ P B ...... RUPERT B H I . . . TWIN FAUS ■ ■ I . . . TWIN FAUS —„ . ... , n'lT inm [f Jun» 14-15, IWS M Jerome Man^ Experiments[waEx] Twin FoilsFells Timas-News — ii WitR Europeanlean Cattle H EconomistsEcoii ,11 — lOMJ. June M — I n thtbe # the AmericanAm beef Industry. SJ! , ^!*.This ®f higher returnslaa opentlon depends Iwgely[ely for HelssHeL lays no t in th e w rlUan PredictPred Rise *ij price ttw conaum er u Is word fromfj Texas, but In l«l«e ta Dur o re r tb e m>eat e at Ucketa of culled o*(Ue aold in S r .V U e cost of putting ^i ^9 i S c ValUy. Weaner ealfuifea InIn£: Expenses ther#. SUU anotherh t f brought well over $10 a beadM d U the m ett MiUng •au moremort thant calved of Indentlcalleal W ASHINGTON. Ju n e 14 OIPO— {JriKwer or «te*lt? . age inIn other breedf. U8DAUSDA economistsecoi predict farm H rf beef protfucer^ success can TestingTestli programs carried eo production expenses, which have .2 ^ Itrge))' on how muchuch by the Coddi^ — Armour t«- ||HB|BH^BB^^^|^f-.V! rUen each year since 1963. wlU ' . ' Sclhere Is on < carcass in search ^ farm; T^raker, Okla, continue theirtl upward trend In to hamburger, w'Ith ith show*how charolalsc will gain per day H H i b b b b ^ b b b ^ b b 1M3. eewJderations well In in on .equaequal footing with the reat^ ef B W H B — ^generally c n c r n l l } higher pricea for j5od. OUrt Hels* UJlnnly con-on- catcattle breeds. In an N-day ■ Q i alMlW^lfiB5g%?^-!? K^hasedKi^hased Items and Increased .. , 2 ^ t h w rsfit* tte a k on t«tt> t« t> Hannibal, Hi a chaiolaU bu^ H H ^ ^ h s ^ H B B K ^ H H I inputs otol B< some ol the more im- jm 1 eatU* Him other pop-op. aTeragedarerag* daily gain’ of S.B5 1 M B n^^^^H^H^Bl^J^B portant production prc factors pfoh- ^ WWdi. popunds. u n * . The test was run on aW .B S S ably will combine to increase Ciuirolali catU e a i t naUvef to “U breeds. -H S HBI^^^B^^^BI^^H productionpi'oductlon expenses about 600 B E uly , results are impret*ret- mUllon dollars above the IM B E totall. F arm production expenses M f l tine ^ remaining Question> <•il — ^ how will the Charolals fare ea H U B BBB^^BBB^^^B for the flret quarter of IMS were M fl southern Idaho ranges and feed-• d - .■ building up at an annual rate of U fl lots? HeUs, with a hard of orer BB^^^HIBMB^H 28.138.1 billion dollars. In 1BS3 fa rm B E « d - yiltnals, Oharoliaia a.a n d B^^B^^B^BIIBBkR costa were estim ated a t 37.7 b ll- H E lin. .Charolals-mUed-bre^ ts-eoa* —■ k ffii ■ Uoiraoii&yi:Uorrdoii&ri ------IBE ylnoed the animals do ex^Ueat*st< -- ■ I H Expenditures for purobasad lE ly In Magic yallcy. ■ H | feed are expected' to increua hat . of all, claims Relsa, ona ^■ ■ 9 m ost from 1963 levels, refleotlng >1^ should remember tbat the Ohar-tar- ^an IncreasiIncrease In both animal unlta iS S js.s-ssn £ „?“.r.olaU originated tn tba- bish to be fed and prices paid for \m )rds °'°untalQ country af m noe aadr . " H i H B H H feed. PricesPrice paid by farmera fer |||| FFsu."MC'm,T,'?takes wen to trasiTHeisa Moallstails ' feed In February and March ware J,,. the arrival ef one of his firsttirst ^ H | almost six per cent more than a d ^H^H^^^m^HIH year nearUer. r U e Feed prices In AprU ^ have M ea tn ta itra d w ith o th‘her e r , ^ arrirM fromrom ^H | ^H^^BH^H^B^^^HS were aboul about four per cent above eattlt and lnt«mteed to ^ the Phoenix, during a anowstormI la ^ January. The buU waa unloadM H^■■hbhhhs^^^b^h V HH^^HI^^^H^^^B ^those o s e of a year ago. ' .ji( AT “" ' i land S taimmedlaUly^k a playfulrful ■ FertillterF ertillaei prices this year are :fc.j tlm a nearby >»o*dtlft. • BBBI^BB^^^^I^^B~- gxpeeiu<8xpeei«d Id*1 Aoia iffni'ai I9sa ' fill levels. I "i{l< II a&othar factor. D u rln t these to *0 ifet baok Ut th s vaow ," aald OutlaysO utlays by farmm for feeder i ““ Hcla., ” ~Bj> KM ly a J a H catUe are not expected to reach t ssi”i«£rK• »A• A olose examlaation of thathe ' Bi ..ar.JiJ'aBiBHB 1963 propoproporUons, as prices paid •'Ob pie- hide of a Oharolala ftveaU th* WwlUlU averagaverage lower than last year, tha agency aald. rest many h e rta . YUAea. ^ WATIR HOUC M favorlUt watering ^ t far Cbarolats eattleUe on the CUrtccUrt Hein a top nwat-typekt-type antBMl antBMl. CsoaUy tbe CbaroUlsals bare a Unlarger ealf tbat wiU eat* ^ ^^ency h S s l* ^ . raaeh eaat ef JerMae. An efr-whlterr-whlte eelereeler taI eae ef the distinctivenetive features of the - weigh eompeUlotaipeUtota at at weaning time. AocordlngBg to Rebs, thetb Obarolate bare eaa------Seoee, many cattto ar* not Helss wi Mt Heiss hu'used his Oharolaistials CbanlakcSm iSl caiUa wbleh erittaaUyiaaUy «aau«aai« tntreca rtftaee seme m00 yeatay«aT« ago. BeeaaieI Hy adaptedtd themaelVte themaeWce io aonttttm Idaho vaagta and lileed Iota. (Ttmn-Newa, UBaTIMSES-KEVraUBSTIUI WANT ApS , aeceptahta ter Import into the bull on01 other breeds aad baa tbeir their longer1 aise. Beba fi#«natw M tbe breedbree< kaa exoeVent possIbUltics•slbUltics of beoomlngbe photo) PWP 0 R PPA6T8ELLDJaj^ULT8 A 6 1 Vnlted Stataa beeaua« of strict^ t produced product aaveral animals oom* Pt . beaitb recuUUoaa. Tbe altuatloDUon monly eaUed1 *'0<«aa HarefonU."3?" . . * » * » * * * * * * * f t ------ll bnprovlnt. but it la ISTolrlntrlag A a scientificseler croas betweea Hen- ■ M l ■■pPBW W IIBW M haitl. tedious work. fords aand Oharolais could result ..... JU'JI|B > ■ ConConfabs Stress Most ot tha Obwolais cattle9 inId In a superiorn meat type animal.a I p p p p f p ^ Jj. "UMICO" and "HARVE"HARVEST KING" ^ the Oolted flUtaa arrived viav ia Mra MTS XHelss. W ' 1 InctIncreased Vigor Ueilco In loss and, according(to to One of1 the problems facing thtba . 1 & . ^ ^ m ^ KANSAS, cmr, June 14 - A I isfaTDation from tb e A m erican-a n -c o commei m m e rc ia l c attlem an ia devel<«>«lop- K ' iw desire for Increasing vigor In pro- I jBtemstlonal Oharolala assoola-ala. Inging his animals from the wean- SVr <• . 1 ^ motionalmotions activities and research | ties. It is eiUmatetf there areara ing Ing stastage to tba alaughter stage BALER: TVTWINE I - m on Ihe ih e partI of both breeders. and ».000 or ieai atUauUa la the Inla a minimum time with» a '.aJr vi v: ■ '• • -'^.oBB W i their association was the unlver-Jver- TJ. 8. ' mminimum inim i amount of feed, yafr I-.? . I m sal highlight of a series of 10 1| lala PTMucing auffleient returnsI to ^ ^ regional membership conferences 1 *' 0 Bales or more fg.. be profitable to aU segmenUI olot - r- v held by the American Hereford D but In recent years tbelr ^ pa- the industry. - . |M assoclaUon.assoclat ’ “»« Pr e r B o le ...... 8-25 I UDtUi aa a top beef producing , Helss figures the Oharolala b \i\f ■■■ I-,.-,. , .. ^ . a , natural animal to expertmant»ant ^ "Ihese oonferences were de- inlmal is ta i^ on hew 1 im- ^ signed to make association em-em - portance. HeUs ' m ain tain s ^ a with w ith crossbreeding.< Already »a ' V ployees and memlters of theth e itMible herd of Oharolal* en jjj.hla separate"P***! assoclaticd. the Amari- .... can Ohaitray-Breeders , assocla.•oia. — _ K'} Board of Directors avalUblele to ______lEcireMi-of-Jerome.------^ ? ^MBBi —^^H i^^^^H B ^K ^T^ 4 _- i^-mei the-memberehip-te-an-effort-ttr ------ChsrolaU attract immediat* tion,H°"’ baa been formed. Oharbrayoray K .. U a croas between a CAunlala)la b ' ^ . ' -*.r : jJ Join forces more cloeely in the attention for two reaaoas. ThoJJJ? and a • Btahmav' ^ X I .-I BIvB ^ B B ^^ ^^ B s^fe 'i' '' promotionpromotl of the breed." said te t Is their color, aa off-white .°rhi |y Americi American Hereford associationI BALERRWIRE Vt 4 A Chartray is 18-ieths CharolaUDlab - ' * a w H f * r cr near-wWle, and their slie. ,A ° , IHBBBHIM secretaiy. Paul Swaffar. Oharolali are a longer a nhnal.^■and l-lflths Brahma, with a 1 ^ ^ B B K Sm w . More than 800 registered Here- - - Omter length means more ^top 1f,/I 6th , to lv a a o e . e ith e r . way. Zt f p f l ■ ■MlWiJff .aW llB lliL -■JWaI(5J_ ford ford' bl breedan. attended-the-10 —G qualityrine»it-and-;es»-hamburg-^ la-aa_attempt.ia-prDduce-a4iy- —ET;.,:. S -C ,F r»l.-':.:.:.;v.. ^ . .v . $11.00 ^ brid meat animal Exceptioaal sTT^ ^ meetings and voiced their opin->pln- ^ animals may dress eut some M . ' m Ions and suggestions with the ,, r s . K j l ^ reiaKBgm^g B W ^^ft^il staff ar per cent of tha total careaal. ' M ataff and offlcera of the Assocla- Ij ...... $10.50 ' The off-white oilor irf the •«'ac- ManyManj diaeasea that plagua ■bHBbEb^BHMmhwi oton hand to take note£ ol IMPORT eepUble American eolor and ,thethe other 1catUe are virtually noo« ^ H B H ^H ^^nH ^H1^1 l their wwishes. color desired by th e association,Jon. existentexlaten in CharOlais . straiaa. hb p J For Hi* beat buy tnIn Farm SSuppttaa li'i- Buropean Oharolala breederslers Plakeye Plnkeyi is a rarity hi Oharolala,^ RH3^ a P I 9 9S^9^HI B^^^BBj^^B^^^BIH SECKETASrSE< RETIBES prefer a cream-eolored' animal,d. sayasays Helss.H t T O g H ^^B^BB^^^^HH _ePOKEN,b p o e June l*-WUUam J. The potential in -OharolataI ], ia Beias»«•“ poinU eut one oddi^ iHng B B ^^^H H B I^H ^HH HolmarHolman, board chairman, federal in thsir ability to produce a ” H _ land ba Spokane, announcesB ^ I D A H O GRANGE— G R i - bfgeg -ealt a t M>th j ga in een -H lUtenUy. be la rg e r a t w eaningitng the“ »« breadb are eager buyeiii. H ” ton. bank secretary, and the ap- time and reach th e desired 1.000000 Those who don't know the breed ^H H ^^B B ^B B ^B ^BH ^-’ :.. Polntmipolatmant-of JJr. Alexander^ Joes, WHOLESAl)LESALE yU -want to pay a few-Qents-aToaad jxmnd wBlght for oettunercial Nmd H director of research and person-irson- ______^ ..... 'iliMfhtfr cirller. • -. leu lees bebecaus«_the-anlmaLjwem __ H ^ “ •!' n a x m uywu. ilf; jossJ W SM OSM ONf ’ ' I — — ■•! I ------' ' ^ .... sub-standard, Helss. for the moat ^ ^ H —Howereri—says—Uelas, these i'iJ® i tf BMMil^BTyliwnffinl^B^H * > former faculty memberwr of o f _ _ dMlnbla oharteterlsUei w ork:trf part, isn't Interested la aalUot H tbe Unlveralty of Idaho. >^B i! Kslnit tha aalmal. Most oom- off hia hardk exeapt' for ^ H mcrclal beef ia slaughtered aa Uw animals near the 1.000-pound” . J ThlaeouMbaanexetilmiyaai mark. T heie a re a trim , b o t fat» ^for n n Haiss , aad his oattle. Um ^ H Uned beef. A 1.000-pound C h1 a*^ r- reUlng pasture Is kaee deepP ta t a ^ H oUlj looks le a a r- n o t-p r ttp e rlf grass.^Helss haa aeedec^ m uoh o f ^ H fiUened, fo r slaughter. I W s la hU r&ge to erestod wheat and the Siberian wheat grass. The staada complicated alM becauae th e J!, are excellent and there Is adl> CharolaU is younger th a n regu- a d l- Uf commarclai beef. quate water in the stock water-tte r- ^ ing pends. Where the erested mBL BIWM | l i Yet In testa conducted by Dr. w ^at i c f ir o wheat atands are thin, cheat'heat [fENC pt‘ 0. D. Butler, animal husbandry-3,ry* grassgnus ia1 abundant. T h ere Is mnort o rt man. T s x u A a n d M . O harolala p iu tu n >1^ piasture than there are eatUei« to ^H ^ H ^ ^ H I H B ^ ^ ^ ^ H M mut carcasses produced U.4 per oonsun ■ N O W I P«{ oonsume It. Because th e O harolalio ia li '■ H H tent choice and top cuta ef meat are a hardy ] breed. Heisa lataI hls In comparison annth» m»at Mttia- V • S ^ b b B ^ h R S ^ ' J llW anim al w hleh produced tuture re and ai turns them out earlier4-iiar tbH^bBBHHBbb^wH■ B B I wnt, choice and top «uUWU Inij, the aprlng. r - o i s p ^ ’ l of me«t> lha Oharolais. on the au Mint DISCUSaiNQ SOME of thetha prebttw tbat are Inearred1 ea hla raaeh te Clark Beiss. left, Iwith ^ A tt'S AU these charaeterlstlos point hool. was Judged low grade, afad n d out one 0 thing, claims Helss.f ttha h a ” • C.C- is IVeisea. N eb o n Is f oweawa c e a a a ef e f tbe Uw C*H rvBeh east ef Jereae and Is charged wiib tbe re- i |Utonn»n»rt w u JuaiM Wjh. oiumlO harolais Is ready m ada fo for , •PoAsibilapoAsibUlty ot daveleptag thethe CbaiehihOhaieb* eattle Hetoa Is raisingsing eaen the ranch.rai (Tlmes-News pbote) 3hs.ptoof was la tha poflkathook.lOOX. teed., ■ ., ...... urimSi ^ Lightwei[htweight Sfeei-Po!>1 P o s t — — ^------1| Yit the Oharolais oompaled1 on loU. HeV Is ready made In all1 tbetba thetha aniatalanis on its own atan d ard i^lH i the other animals' “home court**urt** necessarynecess re«u&emanta to pro- Instead of tha \isual atandi^ Oharolais waa Judged notit by duce top quality meat animals,mall, sat by other breeds. O h ar^ Iht 5 f t . I OhatolaU standards, b u t by ao- a o- ToT o thjthoee who are akeptioal offtbe tbe oattlecattle wUlw be ttla to oempeU SV2 f t : 6 ft; ceptable standards etnployedi Inin breed,breed. the breed offera axoelleniillent with an]any and aU breeds in one ■------^^r—:------— Qualltlqualltlea lor IntaitrMdlac. . phase ofol the beef industry..and ------1 ,^ Helas Isn’t alone In hU think-link- that U •over the counter and la Paul Herds TakeK e ^ inr *A few weeks ago an assoda.oda. the caah regUter. 6 5 c 7 0 c 7 5c Uon waa (ormad to proiBotaI the Helss and his ranch foramaa, lO r breed In the W«*tam Unitednlted H. C.0. NeNelson, however, haveI their ■ ■ DHIA Top Honor SBUtea at Hagerman. Helss foundound worttwork cucut out o i t ^ - _ _ i n * ! K l l — ------W t — ------eres» eMwi CTtaiUlM WHfltri eti^an- tJui »hd wenifhundredw ei head of oai* ■ ------7 ft. »i7 iCnn and iba^Siertt X. thuslastiothusls about tha potaatlalmtlal tie on theUi Htlss raaoh they must ' 1 pw y htrd. both Paul, and both and breedb offera. develop the stralna neoeasary to I hsrds, toek top honoramora OharolaisOhi produoara are well provide'top provide' quality OharolalaI — THOSE * E UlWEEDS >A Dairy H u d in m tn ra m a n tI Aa«.Ab-. awaia a w a n of the main problem fao- cattle thatth may aome day ohaagehaage j 8tOc 0 c 8\$ 5 c •odtUon UsU In lU n id o k a Geua* oua* llot o t Uthem — to Judge and gradegrade the weatemweai beef industry. ' ^ tr unit three durlac May, aatd BSMa S m SBiM fiaSBBSSfiaaaBaS *«P«nrUor B. T. Or*BdaH. ^ With DuPontjPont Quality _HUlcr*at D airy W tfm l H o l. • ^ No. 41 took h l i h ladlTldual with iia pouada of rbut- ’ ARETHERIETHERE |«f»t from 3,100 pounda o f m ilk ^ S S S k ' ■ * W Ust. Orosby-a herd ^ hliheit herd averagea Bwith “DANGEROUSlOUSGAPriN GA WEEEEP USS g — 8 ^ JO htrda totaling^ OM — YWHrtBTOINSBWhNSBWHCET" *j ^*1 In Uifl unit produol « pounrta of b u tte rfa t f i ^ BAU I pound* of m ilk for aver-«v.^ poCH DOPDI UU poun^ of milk and n KILLELERS! j ** butterfat per cow, JJ^Crthm ii, a n d 861 «owa p ro - J « I R E _ | pounds o r m ore o f ES:b u t- Dodds Insurancesurance Agency . ISee us for aall your- — f.O. IU> -A" tn-uH UJ-MH )xiaAii’, u^« ■ . FOR SAFECO'StCO'S COICOMPLETE needs ' inn WEEDWEI and ' 1Best by T ett- » n AUTO POLICYLICY THAT THA LETS 11 I ^ACMlNrmToela INSECT CHEMICALSCHE^ A lithew tiyl , t 2 YOU REIAX...«... » saim r/hoM« m ey,ipo s$ - Sc9 -T h t PlaceHoGoforlheP/odmlt- to So Jot . - I GET YOURS* I — . Den‘i wait le r an aceldsntint to reveslreveal dadangerous f»p« la your * Bales can take It fiaftco Agent todayl He aan make •uto eovsrata. Call yourf 6af««o Agent :: YouV Know Itl i - tales tighter with minimum m ra you are eompleUly prot«ct«d ler ev NOW! ' USS IBaling Wire packs bales tightei dang« lue to expansion. May stays |K,)||teaUIDIFIKI Mw ithropttR insBrw niriipiTi^^ sHon” " ” ■ clanger of Knot breakage dua to expar •» fragrant-proteln'rlch tragra andI loss In weightwell (rom drying i I s k u d i f‘Por the best In Atite, Home,ome. Boat, Lffe.Lffe and Oommarelal In* outoiA is greatly reduced. ' 8urance.ieeyeur8APEC0-LirSC0.0SlO-LirSCO-OSNSRALAlMittoday. H|Hn9nBBB^H H Vm CM I t l n «I m ii yMi*rfn MwnJM M Tt^ by'by ^ - ■ - I I S LMPLOTtOT S o i i BLBUILDHtS i l i If M ff/M 9t§lm* U t t ^ Mdmont^t | J £ & L J ^ Twin FolliII BliBiirley Rop»rtB i t Jaro m e ■ June 14.15,5 ,1 1963 9 6 3 Twin Foils, Tlmes»NewsTlmes»N< H H Xnafiaes TurS^ WASHXMOTON, Ju n e 14 m f - The de]»rtment off agricultunagricultur* to be li per cent above Ust of plentiful feodsods for Julyjul] the sauie month a ytar - IjiMany Youthfouths r loduflea turkeys, , summtfnim m er w««• g . ------1! j Trained to ‘ - etables. fm h peacbes>^ watennel-watennel. UBB TIMES-NEWS Wa n t a u T"' jiRun Tracloi■actors W '.iS;SPIijl[6'SWINBSWiNtniifiiiiHn CHICAGO, June U — TheT h e one • rnuilonih 4-H club m ajeraber em ber will S RIGHT TIRE,raE ,!H G N T PRICE , be uaJned thi« yc*r-ear In th»Oii fine poinU oCtnctor carecan and o!oper* ' BClon. prcdlcU the>e TfatioiulNational 4-B i ( Bervlce committee. flnB H j^9n|^n||w ■ ' K H I ' C A A IT (s^KwrH cv/(M If pha ' IT H alon-aupervued leam-by-doing leam-by-d lUCK WHI 4~U eodearor. hundredslundreds of the 7J0-i«t6.TlHStub»HM I I7.90| n ( older club memberaaen are UalnedUa ta beoome Junior’ leadenl«aden of theiri too-umoistubriw W.TO a local^ clubjL Theyly help youngeryou MMStubttypi » .a _ n H h ^ ^ H J.M15mtwl>|w I 21.101 M J lems and Imprwe^uielr^vlng- their drtr Td aid adulu1 and members;mem NMION-WIDE GUARANTEEINTEE •iilnttIitlnit rmnwmil tud bu*i4i (nctbl'iwiliiblt •pedal tractor books, boolu, bullebulletins. i> w»l>.mieeled to provideprovl fuel for nnge Meanrcd d . ((Xtoe.-N™. KiMBEEtT SOAt)>At» TWIN FAU8 B, ______llrea when hot weatherleather comes. comes. Spring rains have resulted In mux abnndant growth pbotelp b e te l ______. Berrieslee fofer r yyonr o w ears aad IToeks ber« M B0UR8 EVBBTs a t DDAT A T VWB NEVKS CLOW 1 pare the differing methods 1 i~-% weeds for nutrition.Uon. O D l^ handling suCh rlghta In the t\ Itate agronomists . Researchch GrantGl to Probe^ states — through1 the courts In Chemicalcai WeedW( Controlrol CanCa „s^r'£“tr’‘SSlat th e farm er Colorado and by admlntstfatl f •. choose a field whereRbere bean Ti Tigot [61* procedure In Wyoming. ElUs w Boost BeanBean" Yield Profits >• ° o t likely to be h am p ered Problemsms of Law, Water conduot the portion;lon of the th e pro p ro j- root rot and other facton. Par CORBE)RBEL BALER } 14 (Special)—A grant will be ^ured re d with twtwo ect dealing withth the undeunder. WASHINGTONSN ffTATB CTATE UNI'V. evaluated for weed contro!control In ers should pre*irrigaterrigate thorouithorough* t« wat«F >nrf oUier a re a Institutions,jtlons, theth e Uni-Uni ground water rights,ihts. VERS ITY, Pullman,ilman, JuneJune 14 14 ^ beans by researchiarch agronomistsagronos ly. A firm, levelll seedbed ahoahould StionrfM toe verslty Of Coloradolo and the Unl«Uni The three Uwyersrers will consuconsult Experiments byr W ash inla g tto n and tbe resultsB verewere noted. ’ be prepared as soonaoon as a s the tb e i soU ' . S rie e d wl^ verslty of Wyoming,Ing. with river commlssionenunlssionen aiand gtate universityf research agrono*agro It was recoounendedamended that the ta dry enough to work. to a University Working on thete project withwltl engineers, plannerscrs ot industries in d u strl mists shoir weedsreeds can redreduce herbicide be applied■pplied andarid -m m ixed Apply herb ldidM d ea o'nly ^^ inla tbe *TT,B jaiu vrtll be Prunk•rank Trelease,Treleasi dependent upon waterwater rlghta andai bean yields uI m much uch aa 87 per with the soli b«fore the beansb recomm^ed manneroanner and vuni- ^ S i s ^ r <>ean of the Unlvenltyrenlty of Wyo*wyo other Industries: which mightmlgl cent It left unchecked,checked. are planted. As5 a rule tne her- formly, and immediatelyanedlately Incor- Inc > ▼n w r i i i e • S S g t S njlng college of law.uw. who Is serv-serv move into th« areaurea if water Is Although weedseeds between the blclde wlU not control estabestabUah- porate tbe herbicideblclde with roto-rc DENVER, JunePfor 14 (Special) iSpSSSt ing as a vlslttng professor at thtbe available. ' rows can-be controlledwntrolled by < cul* ed weeds. However,wever, any n nrow- tiller or tandemtt.dtok. disk. Next, toe - r - ^ r \ ^ far>reaehlnf atudy^ -o( o water ^ ttie ^ Unlyerslty of Chicago,.Icagp. and Ra-Ra They also will work eelosel lo se ly tlvatloo, weeds. remaining in the Ing weeds areI kUM when the beana should be»ptanted. planted. _ TOP -CQUALITY Its 'future Implicationswestern forUnited Mosea. an altomeyittomey Wwjio W j B Wta r gOTWiimenlalital offlclala-uffldala- itt row—ean—«dueo-jielda-4o-w e-#ieldB -4o—tb a swaThiid Is, preparedrepared anda n d the ■ ■ " Rglon haa been authorised^ B ln« rela.\ associated with thetie UaWeraltyUnlTenlty ofc water rights, learningmlng of practl-praci point ot no profit.iflt. chemical incorporated. and IftttlslaUon C o lo n d o coZlege oa ft law. eal problems; wlth^cononilststh%Mnomlsts to According to> the tests, bebam* The soil should.ould not be dls- I ,ni*TI R fll^ P I* » $»,000 grant toana a Unlveilegisiauon research pro] SOPMTtlMITTtlM ITtD-THIS^tASON— of Denver ]a«r professor. B research pro]- leam the etnelencyney of water al-a yard grasa, lambtquarterlambtquarter andi tuibed until irrigationrrlgation wwatt ater is 5oifeir~ RtAt Irccn the M Resources . AA1I.O. nf «ct to be undertakenirtaken br thelh location throughh present sys*sy pigweed were (hebe wont offendenoffem needed and thene n cultivation wlU t 1*1 • . i' the Future, Inc,^ Washing thre® taw experU4 Is *Xaw “U v as and tems, and with engtneen to de*d in WashingtonQ fields. NUNlgbt' keep the weeds^ down untu unt a m tllC tSs Ordeiftf shpoldshooh be pheed now *V D.C, provl^My Jor . r Im^rI1? L ^ B«lclent Use ot Water to tltbe termlne what opp^unltleavortunltlea maym: shade, RussianL tbis^e foxtail al* dense growth Issw well eU underu n d e r way.w Stxtes."------be-preseated-by-derelopment*developments to so were troublesome.lesome. Chemical weedied control In the -mfr « n jl of water In the western Un and Moace will technology, ' ______Some sevenr 'getbleldeg-i'Setblcldeg-were three-yearvof-tests-hyJSaat i not erjough twine lo go around on II Btotes and It* changing r wrested in the ------— ' ------’ ~ — ...... to n S tate agronomS^is'ifSSS ists sh< Much UamagDamage vofld shortage of slsel. . that yields were greater I tlo^^^U w and Itglala WASHINOTON,>N, June J u n e 14 (0fflPD- rriD ftc i t w i w c t TT«.—, Mountain area asLf.S^|Dau:yFederi far aa water l Federation Opposes Th® agriculturalJ reseresearch arch sservice e r CORBELL TWINE fromf Ostend, Belgium, ' WIUU B . EUU, 36. a colleg< eoneemed and the general dl P P ® ® ® ® & * d w e S OT^noor no wweeding S l n at atimates- the StoopeanSuxopean ccom ' GUARANTEEDkNTEED fftnt in e s t q u a lity e n d te n s ile porttoni 01 th e pgcUQn ij, « h lc b taw should d»- d« A • 1. r Jaw fa^ ty nember for tbe ; w .J, ^ destroyed m o re th a n fi. (R e g u la r o r h e e v y hluty) - ~ tw6~~ym»ri«~0P»~ ___of-ihree- velop to m e et these need*. Iture. Trade Parleya]* l6 V Most of the herlileldesherbicides useused In niUUon busheta ot com In 1 glonal lav educators who ir-as m,. Agriculture. J bean weed controltrol sre short-:short-lived costing farmers nearly P4 millionmil begta w ork on th eIBank project, wl a. June U — A said that tbei segottaUons.negottaUons. to ^ the field. UsuaUysuaUy they providepn dollars. The loosIS from tbe b.borer in limiting ourselves to propoi m WlU begin Ju ly 1. and contl m nationa met ^ suwese^, will have to so oontrol for alz to 4eight in IMI w u S9 inlUloa busbelbusbeis. th ro u g h Ju ly 1 ,19«i. ~awt inolnrie siirh w e^_ when appUed at 1three Nebraska, nunotaools anda n d lowaIo w a h a d ■ ■ ■ ■A D E SEEP& i stat^ ^g S iti^ to“ aie^n«l Administered bySre the Vnl ■ Itl Ul. sest ^ta'w oU iK roundroima ofol tariffte matters u agriculturaligrlcultural pr:prices, ^ in d s pel--*a« ------UM H estlM t loeeeaww to iitirt w a ^otn . thn > 1^ bought and sold, uses changi Ilted States has substantial changes in the »'eeds soon« die for lac lack of more than 40 yean■ean ago and inow . lUUIIllliyW u i n lliy. P Pi k e n u ' D M ls i s) American farmn programs would,wc sunlight. A healthy stan(stand of infests most of the corn-growingcom*grov ?. Loans Are iver approvw it. of course, reqylreWire new legllegials- wUl aoeaMl outcompeU outcompete the area. s,*Ti.n$v.s “• Vu?w.S5 o' "jrvns,it up an ■ inter* ujB. officiificlals have Indl*I ------— ^wlaatlOT to {hat theyhey are prepiprepared A i Increasing PT have been to go to congressngresa to support ,' ' ■ WASKmaTON. Jua* 14 - It. (tig MDeemlag AfTAmerl- ■ ■ ■ & i,VTsr‘^s« “nie National MUk Ptodue i ; |: ' It* 48 ye«B of existence, the MUk Predueen q u i oirictilture• whlcb^w h l^ ttu OATTOi ■ ■ 1 1 I SinlT oaM ftfe ^«Jeretlon. to oppoalaff OA' » L m l land bank lyatem can i r jrSpSuKSAf U M a n n i u *"<1 *o International trade i U tl to 1.T6 oU U oa loans mH** ade In th la p o » ^ o f th e g ran t i “ to a f f o r t w o p p o c ^ t y to eon dmlatater It. h u ------Uh l l ! i U A -fl.J.:..M ,.W moQ.dflna»LUion Tbp d o u fig a n . i n -■■■ — ■' iiat Interferenoe J' i f e o rren t aa o('June~3t), 18S3, _ by foreign nationsons in AmericanAmerU ■ I ahow a maent balance of i iu» w i build H I «utaUodIv of -tbiea^ ^ blUloa 5 3 Shift Sought'OUght ' ■ BUIIO A ' L I if ^ lan-T SSob nftocto a 8« ------® ______E lL P resent negotiations II J cent inenaM la Ht* y ean . ■ A v iC i/k n further redUMTarirft-*TrDe: -BEEUi-GRAlRJi-GRA1M_ I |n | a SS WExtensioE. d l S i U l l ooQdueted underr authorityauthorltv trans*trai _ ferred to the President■resident by eon*ct i | 1M3 was lU mlUlon doUan & W ^ w lr vrenln the-reoent-foreien«nt-foreien UadaUi _____ IX c dlw l|{i flrt pan tha Inere Semce-Worlt3 I t U l n . hill, the tederaUoix..remlnde<>Uoix-. rem inded. HJ] Toluma ot loana of aiaua -bUl-^vW«A-pto------EDS U if per eent waa bandiedi« SO, at 1M3, at w u W ASHINOTON, Ju n e 14~P i ' W t - — m aa^ coar^li»~pBr-a doltan; aam* dieting • greatlyy azpaaded rt American worken“r.'*S whose ‘‘lo£ J Sty'” id s iz e s foi-for all ■ y OoanUdatlba* andI wer« merger i l i mU> fer tbe agrkultural eoopenti « • l“ t U) Importarta produced with trucks. id dividends d«> extenaten e em o e . W . fi. Youi ■ I duoed tb a tnim lier d aaaooU ?• «; cf'eap foreign tabop-but In if~beiter— -■ i — n t have been quitee unsuccessftJunsuccessAJ in w« hove'0 kiln drieddrl L mllUon doUan; next » yean tbe land>gn obtaining relletI payments. lunrtber. mUUoQ-doUan; etileie»-mu6kebUt4bair-Bmpl ^ tlc o a aa o t Ju n at 8.« SO, uUUoQ 1M3, dol- sla to the tirbaa^ problemsiin b l^ ^ —JW-thff-wmw-timo-thafr- harvests! kC| toma no nlllloa doUan; i Am erica. negotikUons forJr further Utariff ~Th« Bert BuilF Bftdr It Inn for tba year— war* i l i “Amertea huI changedobanced fnfrom <”>t8 are going( «aa. . Imports of H it «nHr« tuna . . II Uoa doUan; aiid. dlvklandi , , an agrloultural toto an urban iso* ^^eem and otber dairy prodi WhetherIher your orchard is elatad -ftn ulUloak llK dollaia. H A l* *‘^ty and Ite tand>gr«&tn d * ^ t Mlcollei eges era adding unneoessacy c< SEE TH E M ... GF L . federal kiut bankam ahowed im « til mmt me^t B e b a n ■V'’!,g C he measured In mUllonaiiuion^ of dolldotim, OURR PRICES one tree,ree or a hhundred l l l k w orth Df 9M mllUon dol ITM aifflcuH-te ta tha dairy Price supt irew ,, be cerlaiicertain your fruit ^ U ' | r I^A mUUoQ-doi fil-a <10. but It must be donedone.” ^ program, 'i'he ieaeratlon~haa- , ' | l aztd (UTtdanda of 8.«L uUUoQ <2191,9 Th« atngle pieceeca of IcfflaUUonleglaUtl guested the seoreUry ot ai SIECtEdironrthe— ^ ■ )! 2 « . having tho greatestktest eeffect ffec t uponui culture to in itiatelatelTprocoeJuig • procee«»Hh M «fMtly H ^ ^ 1 t a chain around out the world." tfraytr-verwllUI ^ 1(1 ‘ LBONCWMf.lim Ky, * Juna pj ' CoincltUntaMy,ff ths|the dapartm'dapartment V Baok-rubben^for beef catth U prove protlUblaurJap as usualsacking or for approj^tlonsS to.^ encoun - W H Y - t E ? « K r — ...... 1^5, aum m er in insectoff aeaaon, the asaembly. ai 10 to 19 unlverslUea Vo -und l y X antuoky beet qyeclallst.ng can be platn taka pilot' «i)t«nmenU«mnenu In In- me or heavy cord, dui trial extension roughly i 1 ^ FRUIT « BERRY SPRAY p jf t BIOOD &J BONE Ifi - ‘JW n»w*J*r1 inchea *re ot the lowing the pattern or the a| tCoNSimirri!sm r ^ m i r r ^ K j ^ IHl conslsu ot______a chain at cultural extension serrloe. Q ||H All-purpote iproy aiiuret‘ P"LOCO ' Pure Pure organicorganic n1lrogen*phoiphate — m m aam m m nllkpnffti a i l k unblemiihed fruiti. Powerfulnful Iniecll*Iniecll- ••MftoHt fertlllier. Giv IH barbed wire are w rapM ^ fertilizer. GWet lale, eonllnuoui ' fkuUtmt ^mm r to MeiflwW unw IM P 'I c)de combinotlon controliI oil mmajor ajor M n g tool 'M In place the burlap sackh iA k tw k »M K betana( a w m feeding io cll frmiplont*. U p that top off the asae hUn , . | ' ffuit end berry peili, . r « a U ih^ w S tyysfttnnMyyafttnnaMto e to ...... gjjSttd 5 5-lb.-lb . B Bog. o g ...... f .91 ^Outalda. wrapping can be tts n u k taw s whenMnltviva«r ta A «rf la 4m4M«(ttav«rM «( Um vsrM » n ? i I ond cherry ifoe». lo s t Hattsnt heolinoheolj , , . protecti from Community Bulld.r, Supply ol Murloujb . . . RKM ia SMI Plnl Dottle...... $ .79I 79 Jiieaie and Iniettt. i t . V /. M oors W arah o u jo o t H animen w n I atiietartwwwie ?END: r Z s r * 1*01.1*01 . llottte, o t t l e ...... 9 O.J.:aildiS««dCo.,Flltr TtnPaillm . InCoillcford rtieni 731*12601 * 1 2 6 0 W tlghliFu.lto„iiiBuhl W p I SPEci'^'"CIAL miniatureiature IFRUIT TREES; I r FALLS AREA: NORTHWESTHWEST DAIRY FARM rpFRl lemtin •' 'Um# • O ro n ^ - - r J ^ n l y W ..d B u r.au W a t.lio u „ ' FARM OFFER!I 1 j 1\1 ^ only>nl)T 75c wilhwllh any MorfTo label I >h ovenu# w w r - EQU 6 EQUIPMENT DETAILS ANDANI ORDER fORMS AT YOUR FAVORITE fAVORI OAHDEN CENICR ' | m15 N o . W o .iih ln g ta n — TWIn Folli " ______D i DliHbuted by GLOBE SSEED & FEED Co.,Co.,9 TTwi w iifT liiair^a^ -

N( Tho Twin Fall haa appointed eatabll»fiment» - - "county Wb RENTAL Bt EAST END; • CommunU • L W . M o o , WEST END:

• T tn Paitlr ; »WtlghiiF TWINFALLS jjJ),,, • County W Uie Southem Democrnf.i had no0 ' PriJa Friday, June 14, 1955 i|lB status of strcngU) subsequently c, h m ark etsSTS AND FINiF IN A N C E The Til Daily7 Everybody’s5 dy’s Money Swhich I was nol cleorly foresee- Twin Falls Times-News IS 9 1 = , . J f By MERRYLE 8. RUKEY6ER^SER ot the new offerings are likelyl^eljr able during th e 1000 campaign. d use the technique of hlstorio ___ M A Rm s A T g ^ n c e - ' r In ordering an tnvestlgallonatlon to be hits. Even Ihough jad_M thcl_M tiuia-l\lle. eimw the..deln£ played u«_yie_ ^ Investor ~i ^H he financing of live theater.eater, Icgtslatilegislature may net. this will into the hniids of tho.« in theic wrongs to stir up the Amerlciitt bBY y wWILLIAM A. DOTLE { — S t o ^ - 4 ^ - ! tobktco. hl«h«r..~ ^ brTBins ^ isaT '*• Lefkowila, New York conUnuconUnue to be U» the lap) of "conflict biuliicsa." Indians,Indians, t the Jews, and varloui , _ Ml»rO; .ioK tr»ain«. '•* -CASUCRMN - - - -% ^ I lf f lI l invest about W.OOO (say. ^ M other minorities. M; ^ -XORK. J'iW - W - c!;r,'l IB CHICAGO 100 «har«a h aiea of -Ko wbeal h ta l'Aahare) h m ) In a good, sound, "growth" himself on the aide of thes an- That even Uie moni knowl-lowl- days nonot t to look rtiUlstically atl t WWith ith rlrlghU must go recogn]- H ||: moderately ac-BC- Chl»tu; - talc*. u|„. ComCom No. 2 r«llow Kll%-a2>l: |“ z : „ “ road- edgeable and cxpfrlonced pro- ththe e hhur um an problem s RfowlnR>K tlon of responsibilities. re The goal ’ tl«e »I>«cuU.t- No. 4 ytllowy»lto>< 1.2»Vi ; tampl* gradt ytV I company with the IntentionQn ofn f ^ Io« 1-tVS. O.u No. 1 eura bMvyeavy keeping It1 fo r a t least 25 years.MariL parlance,lance, ducers diicers lack nn Infallible mea-ne a- o outu t of of technoIORleai changeses should ^b(^be to . realise th a t 4. ' -- how much couldMUld ■ ' '-- - t put surlng rod to determine In ad- and their thel Impoct on minorities,'S. human tctesoiirces, Irrdftjectlve of d a 0«U-Slf.d» lo firm;. tolUrvdrd 8<.yb««ii Soybean ■: oil kn. i W M B B B iv t x . up the specula-scula- vance vnnce thc degree of publlc ac- The The constructive coi course Is- 10 (0 pigmentationpigmentat or spiritual differ- |t^ thoft covtrln*. Wb«»lWh«at fl.clu>td 2>i to 24 cenUla a reasonably ex- -S *. biuhtl hlgoher. July I.R>-89^, cutsa S i ^ H ^ E original•iBlnal 1 J are ceptance l.i rtcmonstrated byr tho tratrain in thosethc rcloo.-ied from South-i- ence.\ coiconstitute our most pre- “ ► ” fractions better. Du m.ti.'* a i K lA termed "angels,igels." mixed mixed results ot even the most ern agriculture agrl for a productive clous nati bigber lo 4 lower, July 1.27; oau un- J ^ H M investnient to be H m J ve clous national asset, and should joared In » «rra chemlcaU» ls ^H«*-8l«»dy lo IS *«nu Jowtrin «h»ni«dchtngtd to >v hither, July 88U-U , guardianirdlan succeu succes.iful. LlkctvL^e, outstand-and- role in In Industry Ii and In Uie serv-V- bo encouragedencou: to flower In an centa; m K. to 2^ higher. 7uiy th e ^ ^^.SUug'hUr aiMn — SKtdy: top)P 1^9^%^;^MyUantl"B?i': *wyl 1% lo S>4 hl«b«r. It M . publicpubllc ing ploploywrlghls Invariably v,TlteftTlte Ice Ice occupations, occu Dr. James Co-0- optimumopllmum manner In accordance ®‘* showed a tiv**" wantsts to mUscs as u-ell as hits. nant, n a n t, former fo Harvard pre.sident,it, with theltheir ■ potentUliUes. dl£ht Improvement. Electronlca s s a . 1 a m gladslad *ur« thatth a t The, Ingredients, of hits are and (‘"<1otiier compcicnl educator*,'■*' obviousObviously. Uie' aiiachrontetlo Ji^ed in another mixed per- j GRAIN FLITUREa ^ I K B that ^■ffT ^H eK rythlng U qn iftDle suggested a proRrmn. bul (i,[cn,o, CHICAGO, Jun* 14 « - ^■■■^■Pyou used that “ «!'’ sublle. elusive and Indefinable. attempt to blol out the Civil W . ^■ ^^H '^w ord "reason-son- up and-upId -Up -n,ey T hey ) h av e to do with timX® ing, UiLs U if long and hanl-ond ll“ war IJJ,by slick, devices la a g a in st conUnued to move ■ Livestock J-< “‘“1 >ii1' l.«€H l.Rg>fc -l.S«'kItt H ^ ^^ B B H H aak you to be P“ ^ th e coi ^ b l e galm . ,, i;ii,u, C»lU« ind c*lvn 126; lUufhttr at«*n:„n Stpt8«pt ---- I.tl.Vl 1.8* l.»l IJIJ;, reasonable and shows on and off Broadway, have ^ave broadb popular appeal. Bookni»k JrrespiIrrespective of racc, crecd or dlffl- Americans are obviously D0II f 1 colRBte up around 1, contln-tin- tnd^nii h,Ue™b>i ,i»,dr to .ln,nf; *o*.:owt D«cDtc -----l.il.Vli-.* l.W S l.»«S l.»4.»4"‘ D*yi. D*y d o n t expectct mme e . *“* quarrel withL Aem ! publish publishers find it equRlly dlffl- « Don't Neglect Slipping L i to respond to news ol a 6 lor ior tuiirlully ^ lUady.n ull.tr e lu u t •tairtKi U*r ---- l.l to predict the ImpoMlble. NoIo one attempt to providerwlde gu)t cult to know In advance which.ui-h entitleden‘« |^ to full civil rlghis and . K k *PW and an exl^a dlvl-Ivl- J *l»ughltr - kH-., »t«n ttiutlly thole* I.WO-1.-S K M ^I:::;: » y ----I-' ua iss a:. « , t n lb. 21.2u.l!l.s&: helltn <^lc* tuO. Com ■ can ever hope to eaUmate (with- Rfoundground rules, such as auditedadlted y,volumes on their list' „are “ equality ^ of - opportunities. But FALSE p A L TEETH I Send. Merck wbs up around 2I a t sso SSO ib. Ib. ; 2l.il).2|.»0; tow. Ullllly I4.*tk,.40. JJub^ u l y ---- —1.: i.26ri 1.26C I.I7 1.I8S.:«»i In any reasonabler degree) wwhat hat *Wtcmenls and devices forr eear- ar- desllnoddwimo to beconie •'best 'scU- scU- truism should not be con- t3o rjofnite fntte teeth drop, dip or wobbla H 1«.00; f t^ t n chulc* 60S lb. b tlftn S t p t -----l.l ” )* thejj,, market Value of any stock marking funds. v e rte d ,'In to a program of 8p«->*- when you lalk. rkt. laugh or soM ie? ■ maiviaiul . to «.(W. ' Dtc ------1.: •nturr w^ter Is skcptlcal »uth Ipnce clal privilege designed to al-it- Don't b» b« tnnoyed and • m b u y ie d ■ Hu»t 2S; U rro*. and glltf firmn loto .'Ur.Mar ^— 1.: 1.21% l.H^i I.10\ l.2'.20'4 0 \ WillwUI t a t aI qu a rte r of a century Author# have the experience clal prl bv auch htndlrtnn. rASTXETR. a a }■ ,ho» • fhicUonal Improvementlent 26.5 hlshtr:hi.h. U. h. 1.2-3 tnottly 1-* 1»0-1»0. U » t y y ---- 1-!1,23;, 1.22 1.22^ 1.22%.22% from from nOVnow. That's a mightyM long o n i 0^ ' of ^ New York ^fof falling on Uielr face withIth a tra c t v ast bloc voting. ^IkuMiiV! Polaroid, Injersol-Rand,ind, noKO ib.lb. :]y.0u.]».2S: lowa unlttUd. 0*u time. Nobody’a crysUl ball«i Isla oliiciaX Official to come up w llh yard- new ‘ book, after writing one The J historic wrongs are self xie on yoi lu^rdnnnD eam ;—Marquardt. — stlckmi-hich-will-fDretell-whlch {^^l^ rz ;„ •evldent.-bnririrTinconsclonHblejte -morenrmlrMrQiTei-ranli8»nt-f»*l*— M fully .W»d7i* in5M3*ebo*t*'«nd jThimHm* Stpl ----___ .6^^ .6» .MW ,88V,.68vT lutuned n c d mIn for that range. stickn which has made extraordinary . . Inc of •ccuriiT and tdd«d eomtort. u r * PeDsl Cola and Leesona.Ifl. 9U-1UU9«-iuu Ib.11 23.U-24.00; tUughlt; «»<• DDtc tc -----V .70H .71 j: .ii‘» ButB ut Iflifa not going too farnr out snlea.sales. Y et thej^ u s t Uie some to *o u**use them' to stir up violence No(nimmy.BoofT.P»*t|rta»Morh*l- Broken were not disturbed by itt»dy, «euU tnd ullllly S.00-4.60. «»r ----- on a limb to say that the mar- 1 t>-pewrlter a n d oUicru-lse work_„rit f”and '* inter-group hatred. The na-la- ing. Oeta«t FABTECTH today a t drM* * rtiterday'8 decline. Many mcre-%re. ------U>r ___ ; tionnl Interest lies In promotingng count«rtcouaurt •vtrrwhcrt. :„® 1'Uw»».a.sD *r# ‘ " ket values of many, many good J R iisinftss with w^ thet same mechanical w«l “Onnl It j^M ldered It part ol a con- .27?; stocks will double,, treble o r do ' lntelleBy SAM DAWSON ant's a n fs essays on philosophy at i Kr volume th a n th a t w hich ac-a c- I'UU luoir: ulbvr titM i >uuut »Uauy. will do It In tbe future. AP 1Business News Analyst fiy^ ^ OlYtt lot uie » .« . iu%>: ..■u«OMrs PORTLAIro»TLANj;°!:.'-.*"i; ■="" flvo cents m copy. They made Smpanled the retreat. ol ■r.uic'sa Ib. whll* 48.60. Cora No. 2, ytllow. ernlH.h a C ^ uc.no vu ..mukmcr uiitnn«<; viatnuitn. CMltrnettlern 6J.M.S^.i Uarlty. No. 2. 46 Ib. growth stock. But It doesntIt pay UnitedUnlled Slates has made strides ButBut' • later when these same yprv much of a dividend.. Just inIn the 25 years since the lost wrltlni [)ow fur Iht wt«k itle* 1,176; btr*bar- WlwtlWheal (b(bidl to arrlre market, No.«o. I how can I hope to reaUie« any ^ ... .^malor depres- ^ 3 ^ TV*, mu giiu mutiiy xt bigbtri towi bulk. 2iMtl ^ m r j f 1 [ n Jon« cl«ln« ilock fx** »n *“"* WhUeVoo' Whlu‘200^ ^5“ Iti *' real profit from my Investment?m ent? S .^ig Blon. ccame a m e lan outstanding seller aat t »5.(5. JO IndVi 72-M “P •“ >ring Club J.OO. ' • - • ^A. 31^Slocks w hich rate a sI good Many ,otDt to- tO' LetkLetkowlts should go ahead ^ B lli •0 lUlIJ inttp lur lb* »ttk «.S00; tpring Club J.M. ahead H M H ijlijH H IV H ^pilH IS UliU. U9.M UP M l uluuua.tr ittnva 2u.uu luwtr toan10 •a Car Ctr rtctlpUi rtctll K’bttt 1; flour f ; com groWtfTgrowtrr 8sCodu 'seldom pay' high day’s- b attles t t l e s andand t tighten up the rules on es SlMlu 2b7.0S »1> 0-P8 «gu;-uU»c loutUy ciauly..« i,, 2Z i \ nxmfe*d i luwtr to 8 hightr. No. 2 definition, deflnltlot ts a stock whichwl'lch H H | gument IsB over dlctln; dieting which of Uic new plays MlJIJIIiJII H 9 II lEi'Si DICNVKR. JuiK I. UPI (USDA)—A)— htrd htnl tnd tnd dark d htrd 2.02>,-2-2>U : No- No. shows^ o w s steady St4 Increases In “earn- ra. ra w isin-fm „r.! lIuH. IVvi llmiiM tuppiy'btrruw* and S 2.00^i-22i how to pep>ep up will haveh the greatest box'X of- IIhiIIiIiIHIiI 74% VI,>J fainy tclivc. ttrung; tuwt t u i i t i No. t 2.00’ “ "■ ‘ SIngsb per p i share." When a stock's Hm W ^ ^ ^ ^ S th e economic.om lc flee appeal.a] If the rules arere too WhlU eamlnKs per share Increase at 65^ otrruv.. tnd g.iu h. O..I «pd Z Xu^.Xu^> Cora Cora 221 221 ctr*; 2 hightr. Nu- 2 whIW CamlnKS ase at g r o w t h ratei strlngi stringent, they may .shutt off | F ^ • >i^’h 2.U li>.. li.Ib-IB.UO; h u l l •urlMl1 lorlur 1.26IV1.36.*4; 1.26IV1.3U> No- 8 1.21‘A-l-JSH;■ i'o.No. the *he rate of 15 per cent or better which hasIS the creeU\ creative opportunities for young- ■ •~ I3'‘t w„iKiii iv i lot. 1«.:»; nVl In .lz ytlfow tn ’ a )'ear. that stock then really !irch.i mi H— 0" >•13 .....■«..or.iM on 17.W: Hu. 1-»VJ4.147 iBt.IS: 5 S i 1.21'4-1.» - i k . S . S " . M S ’ really |P B k n < W i^ frustratingI Un-ten- er^ •* the th e priceprlci way up In relationtlon tolo ._uU maintain 1 the growthh rate fortitude and expendable eur- ” 2* 810UX C lu , I*.. JUM 14 (U P I)- s ir,' 5!. E»rcif '’■ v . the ■«'?>'dividend. „ ^ ji war P'"-' funds. Though the rate ot 80, In a real growth situation,„.Mnn ‘ during the Korean war < }; S ’ci U.I11 r« , !>'l .V.™,":,' .'K.V’ii:;.;'."-"" .'."l:*“‘2 "40.00-40.76. 80 , In •ent a P^’oflts can bo large on hits, Uie you should not expect to realize J®._ - bitntri *uwi tttvnc tu nou bigb.blgb> ^------you shot d . K " 'rowMSSO Uiroush 1963— IMS- luiuirds m ake the business un- _ _ any "real profit’* from Imme- J'® a ma- attractive as bread and butler n s dlate dividend payout. Aasum- IJ--* 2«U lo. butchen 7 17.U0-17.76, r t . ■!r'..s arauod“'■I5 PPota * o ''* tato * * es, O nions SS, " Investments for widows and or- If i r S l i i CHICAGO ing thatth a t the growth In earningsarnlnga PTOOiem. nhana n^,, 1,UU hnd tl 17.76. U. S. Nu. l-» S8U. phans. 5-4 600 It,, tow. ij.6u.i4.6o. .,^CIIICAGO, " 9 .* '; June 14 IDTt—PoUloettiotts s contlnue.^continue the dividend payout The rate between the lastit busl-busl' -Angels, unless moved by the SE'! ’ . Ctlll* 600, c ti.t. JOO. Nut nougbsough T TotalcM U. £9. thlpmtnU 822; (newi'Ll*''' ar- should I In crea se in the9 years ness pi peak In the second quarter .-i.i,* offtrtd lo U.I pHM*. Bulk of lupplr ^rItaU 84: irack 210; tupplie* Bod.r- ' luaner gp,,^ philanUuopy, are ani- „ ■’ pmlou.ly tri*ng«4 for. at*; tt* . demtnddtmtr good ; marktt tutdy. ahead, of 10«1060 to th e end o t 1 9W « was ^mated ^tV d by the lottery principle j^. .Sbttp iOo. Nul tuough for mlarkct trkit , Tr»ckTr«ck uaale* UOO Iba. U. S. IAA un- A And. nd. ' wheji eamlnga andd dlvl- three per ccnt a yeaf. A new _by the hope thot lightning Ittl. lett 1»» fltherwiM oth«r» •Uted); California long ,iprirL« c ‘ {J' ______whltet whllM 2.»0.j.40.-round 2.»C red* 8.80;• AU* AI»- continue to Increase,«e, the peak sseems In the making,lg. but ^aymay ,strike. Under existing In- i r bama round red. 2.C0.2.76. . - ' inarket m a rk e t price of the stock:k alsoalao sUU totoo low to make much of a come SP'J ST. PAUL !h of a come tax laws, wealthy persons, Street' taira; Ctllfurnlt long white* should ithoUld rise—giving you a nice dent liin tho totol of thosele who nhen^hen they guess wrong, have an iisE alssi^! iiii ». 8.60-4.00, btktrt 4.OO-4.60. reund r*d» »», nfof Btia Urn* UU 0 • Alahamt round rtdi J.00-J.60; (60io 'ita lb*. Q- Q. I ^ bought some s h eires n s of YYet et the current advancenee is of th*» S'-hiV U. S. lA^! ?iorida round r»d* 1.76. VfeUlngl J714 Kttdy to 2t blgh*r; f«w motUy 1-2 bid mu 78. Vfelllnglon lund some yearaira ago, faster than the annual growth ners, the Intenjal revenue serv- iiU" ['‘S ’ : through the local office of a big rales 1 B»cll< St*r Ptr*m PIct 4SreTloufl leeIce aia n d th o sta te ta x c«nm l«- B.IK SU.1 a i4 2IT421% CttUt UOOl calut 400: tltugbUr ' 4 ^ ',^ i, brokerage firm. How can.I_go ;^aks 17^ .M l, .Ifd y : chote*; b.if. Trtcit *t*iM5.Nflae,r.patiri...... brokeraf peaks of activity—a 33 per-center-cent slon.-slon.------V »»»• Street n»!«: I(l»h» rutttU 4.78-J.tB,8-S.26, about abOUf selling some or these rate fifrom the second quarter of Bus 4^1’;, «i, .teady, ebulc* 21.26-2i.U0; cowt baktra Mlnnciota-Nortb Da> ■ViBrixl irter of Business execuUves^ especially \ ^ ?i"5«K' ° IRU alctdy, :«.c utility and commtrcltl 16.00> Rtd sh ares? 1953 tcto th e th ird qu a rte r of 1657, In th e S outh, have perform ed \ flUAUTY N0R6£ FUIWEITMT J ?ri7n »If U l P'P*I Cc!. 44»>fc .^ 17.00: 17.00^ bull! wttk lo 61) lowtr: utility.‘SiS iV“ ? ■ ■« *" '”*■ * ”* '""'S, A. The easy way would% be tt, to . 22.7 p e r cen t from thhen e n tolo constructivelyconsti recently In meet- Bnjn«»lck IB'i VUxrt *0',iSOV^ IS.OO.IJ higb cholc* and prim* t veal-veal- Onloni- Onlonil Arrival* 11; track 26tt tup- go backbaCk to the office of that ... AtSME SAFE FOOD fROTECTMNr . BM Co^ 14^ Phelp. D *2«2 * tr.rt . 28.00-2S.00:28.( titughur eaWc* tletdytleady p |,„ „(,d,rtU ; demtod tlow; atrk v t brokerai ?; « m q u a rte r of 1960.V). Ing tthe crisis of growing race Riirl Ind ASt’. Philip Mor 77H goodsood andat cholc* S',? ntrk*t brokerage tlrni. The broker■om* will Th*>The economy has gone for 25 tensions.tenslo They have counseledinseled ^ n*w.N*w, h1«h*lflci*ncyThln.PaklniirI*a«flr(*a«fl ^ J *J*fTr**z*ih*lMt11 eltaac* quoUbtt Tnek • lediuB h a n d le all th e deU lls fo r yoil. rut set- moderation, and have imdertak-lertak- ^ fr**lf»*ck 29S Poliroltl - ]6868 tUtdy; apring altughUr lambt cholc* * in .ii.» f v . y*®™ ®^c« serious se t- modei a:£ '"‘S™Actually, you don 't -'sell-' th e , owed ft en in some ciUes to Initiaten ltlate ^ Rugg*d,ru,j Ihrllty Powet.Klna esmprtitw ^ Bl« C»n.pbSoup « S E r ? « h .C » , 7414 and primt quoubit}: tbom s ir t,t . irane* ahares. 'You redeem them■jL by back " „ In 1938, w hleh followed » en ii iitor ^ Bl« tlorai* capacltrln th* 4 ttf Cm Dry 21U Pub 8t Colo 2»S2»S <>»>!«• cbolc* tnd prim* 86.110 Ib*. quoUbl*.■£: .se „ ^ i ^ , '?.:u roon serious one In thele first long overdue human rights.hts. In f«w Cin Tis 28U ru e Sd P, L ii% l».0?*0^ V> to gooi »ood mo«Oy 4.00-8.W: f«der Itaib* Itmb* J.T8-8.00:j js Jo o " y*Ilow grano Itrcro J.00-4.00:0-4.00: fu n d . Y ou receive th e "redem p- y e w s of th e 1630’s. ThU 25-year Ui« ------is Is the der.” MBM Cu* J I »i{ Ex’lm v, thorn .hom e choica aad fancy 18.00-17.00.®- CtllfomitCallfo'rnra yellow Itrge 4.00-4.60;: Arl- tlotlon n price”prl in effect at the,5 Umetimn BU’etch between major dips Is the tier, Cilcr Tr«a 4< Pur* 0 40U . tona whll fnr r*.! longest In th e la st 100 years.ars . OnO " the other hand, professed H{~*“ nCA 72i{ll'A . ■ CJiiCAGO i.n:M *w iforaia aharea a re presented for re- ^ HEW LOW, LOW PRICE y rflciiM 27 U»yoni*r JK \ cHK ” But the cconomy has had Its lovers of the '•common, man," W CH1CA<;0. June 14 (fll (USDA)-D A )------dem ptlo ptlon. etbacks Including polltlclan.s and labor M 15U lUyOicon 2«Sr*> Jiug,Ilogi ««,60U; biilcheti tleady u, 26D law. low- FlITURKS JIn n Ihlthe case of WellingtonJn fund compacomparaUvely minor setbacks, 7.»r I 5-YBAR $ 1 i;hH Ohio MiJ rupul. A|T 16-i, er: 1-2 IOO-226 Ib. butfhtrt 17.76-18.00: The folli nds the which now go by the name_ nfof unions, have not been jvithoutVithout DKi FOODfo PROTECnON PtAN ] T J" , 460 hrtd a l. 18.00; Ml ll/u-aao.‘•fli: Ibt. J.V provided d.JK b V -lS .iirS '™y* ''.': and most other mutual funds the wnicn [hftitfr «i>i| Itn Drug I7.2t.r redempUon price is the net as- recessirecessions. And these haveve held ?,*"• Some^ unions drew thee color W2 -H- t ’272“A ■ / ' -■ — ^..g m svaiufe‘|W!i"6niif6-tH6'w a y-WCt c r the guimlal liiioads uirilm i t i Col» #4 « 2 n14.60: ,5Q.| load' St around S7S lU. uloo; 'l4 ' CiMed II... in opportunistic reasons hasf been S l I {lat r r is s s '- ’X ’ *•“ d ollar > an d • cents value behind percentageP«rcen of those who “ve llve in t^rdy“fP?J In Implementing promises•OOllses W■ wi•olW im duiininfiitijp.iBd.^^^^j ^ M O t60-400 Ib, fowt l4.0CkU.S0; (om* Nof*ab*r poverty. - W ^ O ^ Y P I W K f i . , ‘ b k ; . ™ . «** ® around 8S0 Iht. 16.00 : 40O-S00) Ibt.Ib*. JaJanuarr n u arr ______J.i'o'bidTiils’aakriMk” each'she a c h 'a h a re . povert: .. . made In the Democrat platforma tform R L m iJ. lt.2M4.00; M 460-800 lU. )S.7».ll,ltt11,161 MMtrch arch ------2.28 _ ._2.28 I If f JO you want to handleiie ththis is Few Few businessm en believe th a t , ! ! « I r ' O T i !!■ i S K .' ve that of I960, President Kennedy8nnedy i--» 600.800 Ibt.; 800-600) Ibt. April ___ —* * chochore re 'yourself, you must1st en- businessbualne cycles aro dead, or even ' •*J- ll.B0-12.C0. p r i •c Uar ____ . I ------2.68 jj J u ,!J waited almost two years to make ss™ ;i;t K f ■" iiI ’H Calll* a.aoo: calm Bont; pric** — — dorao the cerUflcate by signing completely compli curable. They do hold hu executive* order concerning , **** aleady; high (hole* and prim* 1,100. ' m It, have your signature guaran-lusran- that manyn safeguards hate been hia« ^2{*R.k 8*nt*t p‘ p.r >s^ ve^n 1,1,5 In housing, Wf Il'n 1,360 Ib. ilaugbUr tt*«n 28.25-24.00 I I teed and either send It (byby reg- built upt to ward off such blows ronlCun 47Ti S««ni Ko»b BOJi Jnrludliincluding three loada of prim* is 1,110. Tni8t.Euiids ■ °]2"® And the • chief executive tor- U ani Oil S 0 \ 8»rv«1 . Sj{ j{,260 jjo || Ibe. at 21.00 ;■ couple toada i!i,h high INVBSTMINTIN' TBUBTS Istered mall) or deliver it. to thothe and tot< cushion them whensn they ^1^^.1.^ iij, proposing civil rights leg- ■ ■«rn I'd 67»i Of"'!‘P'* 1?» fholf* ‘and prim* 1.400-1,412 IU. ta.oo* tS.OO. nid Aiked fu n d or its tran sfe r agent.t. occur. occur. nnt Cn 47S SIndtIr 441^ U 2&' ,,, . tetatlon which pressure g groups ro w s I H M-24; load p«l«w 1,4(W lb*. »».Hj»».«, AfftHaUdAfflH*U4 ruTidt ______a.lS f,MX-VO (Doyle(Coyle w)11 antwtr only reprettnla.pr-tnia- EmphasisE m t has now shifted to ^ j I nm C„l IS fik.llr Oil «lU*>S chok* »00-1,2»0 Ibe.; load r^mmonwi had been encouragcd during the ■ tn 7^11 R2I-'. Horony *711 avetagt tn high choice 1.026 Iht. i.Tol 11.40] rroK*lon r:n tnd 7 Ho^lH“ ‘-tock• »:s? iiTo “ r j r r p"hot.I economic growth rate. The campaign to assume would be ™. i,~i !»,! s.. c.l M .111 choice 1.260.1,426 Ibe, 22.00.J2.76i22 761 I”'-Inc. Inyetloi,I>"'« ------7.1. 7.M administration aim U to get It ud.Ii, 1-k K H-ulhn 1.0 RSH ,Ko1«choice 100.1.100 Ib. ilaughUr itlfera htlfen Mali.Matt. OruwlhOm _ _ _ _ _ R.22 i 8.OR S a --iX S * set It Immediately forthcoming. The I; Intd 067 Ibt. M.66: good Ntll. (iroi up to four per cent a year at explanation of the delay was |S S1"S;*S! E l" !,!5 S5SI! .r>.4 - that might leave M» Kec 4fi% Hpprry Rt) 1«|'? 20.6J.2I.76:1,059 | load mlinl gtwd and chnic* Nall. BtocI t leave the administration dldnt I 1,060 Iba. 22.26; ullllly and eommer- rulnan 0 S W i jB t pockets of unemployment,05™ent, Jeopardise Its entire I H I rial rowa; weighty fat; rom. Teltvltinn Teltvltinn Kltclronlct __ T.81 ii 8,1» WallStreet * * ' and hence ot poverty, despite all uX i, ^ 4 Hr.W II*; hI'i ou Cul «6 ml'rcl^lmcrcltl 16.00: canntn tnd ci Keynlon* • „riew „ I s ------— Chem «njj 8i(t OII Ohrlo ;> 81% 4 ktt|,,t ta l. KtriUn*ss::!!! : ------!!!! I!:!! ' 1 1 Timl JSI ai«rl nnif 7*^ “ ‘ ------Kertton*Ktytlon* Kl: ______».«2 10.30li Chatter 3th a t In 1947 o n e -th ird of Amerl* I - K*yiun* Kl ______6.24 ” 6.71 M NEW YORK. June 141 nirOIWB — c an famfs ilies h a d less th a n *3,000 ______14.81 Thomaa and McKinnon believes a year Income and therefore lived i’aw"^ ^ H[m‘rny*'l)X S*'! D C ;ed g c::|z= ^i:;i! I.Pmm n( IRM Hunih Mln l l ' l —Default Is Asked Siii the market background favors In poverty.pov This wos out to one- Inurntllonal F'und____14-8# 18:illeiii fa further rth e r gains and that thelie cur- fourthfourtil by lOfiO and to one-fl(thS GIVE’BIVETHESHAVERIIVERS 1_ M da Fo:For Area Case ------rrent e n t co:correclWo phase shoulduW put by IM IW l. Since then personal In- „ S BOISE. Ju n e U (UPIl-AMt. U.8 . I T n l [rq ihnJlstJn-4il»ap*-fep-a-traditkmaVditkmaV w m m ew a -h aTB-r tsen r ttu t- lan m n f f ------u 5 . j!.'! t:*.,!!',! -*T^ Attr-Robm-ErBHtenoapimr 4Jflbsted-Stoeks-—tH lll iSsummer i rally next month. the mmiddle brackets. AndS unem- r ------—WrTHEXCUISlVE W i l l SIVE r«pl Kill JsIpT H nM 24S federal federt courl Wednesday a, de- OVBIlov THK COUNTER However, HOWC the firm feelsils that ploymentploym ha# held In the range ;,]> fault Judnem ent Jn a .re a l estate’"‘" te Alb*rUon'.Aii-rf.c«', ______^ iTofl isiVSr^ lr* OP^^tUopportunities will be' highlyhly se-ae- of fiveflv to six per cent of the ™ I>rn.m 2Si,l Tlrnktn Un *71^;H7in*y ty ______.07 .10jo lectlve lectlve and . the knowing InveatorInvestor toUl labor1 force. - ROIROLLER COMBSMBS :«fir Jil 5s3»'**> counly. Iini.e iifi.e Ctt,C ttc a d t------ly a 86.0016.00 sliould sJiould continue to exerciseilM ththe e SStar tan d a rd s of- living have risen ™ “ '.in. u J TW.M c m Tlie Rovemment brought Uie s::;,rK ';i!;hr..sz ,] 2® sound fundam entals pf yalu®lue anda n d forfo r thetl- majority ot Americans. "> Mill. SUH ll» <:>rUd« lOSUlo su COM a sa ln it F orrest H. andfclld n*ihiDelhi TayT aylor ______18.26 18.6#uins timing. tlmlnB. but mnot for the lowest fifth, REMINGTON' i V^"rr ’XI’ I!;: ’*}{ Prances Boem er and O a rrer W. Kouiir oio i l ------11.60 12.61)12.61) ooodbody Good nnd companyly says And tliat Is one reason you Pff REJNinON" ^ WHY 'n 71i. 5(1.2 Un Air t, ;,J? and Dortlia Lona and Southern fliV E;1V*h ‘«.cuHt7;“ *i rp“ 4^ M ^ notwithstanding notw lth lhe posslbllllysslblllly hear constantly of various ;,Pit Cp S2i: llnll Alro 47H IdahoWahC Production C redit asso-*M0- KlnlKini H*«urllyh*«u InveaU. *.09 •!76 8.76 ot Ot a ft brief b technical correction,rectlon, schemesschem for Increasing the eco- lu f 5^'^ Ji'Ji**'> elation. Bnkes nsked entry of a KruniUr Aitlhini 6.76 «.6o tliere tliere appears a to be sound,d basis nomnomlo lo grow th i» t« . Zr ____ ypQNICJtJ jJU default judRment on grounds the r™"!!’/ S i*'” for confidence In the , coming The hope Is thKL-hls-wtnild inoa+MAiiB I « AM ir,i(, IIH (ixi..!im .* 4 ^ K S'K K :!.--i::S ,-™,w '---W 2W nfcol»7" nU 611^ defendnnla failed to plead aa^ re- utttaU[.ta 4itauuia .y . ____m .'46 uuhl.76 m monUia. onU ^ ______-_ overcomo'thtTolner ov® r« reasons tor ------BtaRleynflelRr and com*«nyom ^ny unemployment,unem] automation, lack 811 ^ ’ ______Inurmoun { £ , i s s z f j : lIS-uu"!!!"A 'n-: 1!:" m !!:!! feels “th e proinlsliiK outlookook fofor r ofo f edieducation and other Job traln- _ Mcdregor ...... 11.60 10.60io!6o thO ths tV economy with prospectsleots of Ing, e even som e satu ratio ng In Ute l . ^ ., - v ^ •• 1 KelloKKManIsg |iMnrrl.nn.Knudten = , 81.60 83.00 hicrea*Increased corporate earningsngs and demandsdemai of affluent familiesIlles for r ~ idSH-'iw Kc 82U ■>'* -...... - i»!oi) durlnic «lurlnif brief periods of technicalschnlcal T'*Tb* f lu u rureh**lng Aitnl will [I'l .I 'l W.1 III. T.I a.JS ovpr aa president of lhe Idaho[daho WyvJt\Vn“ ttl Cnt.1 Airiint*-. 11.60 12.60 12.60 reaction reactloi which may developeiop ai at „B, at.,, „„,|| ai«V floiclety of C erllllrtl Public[ Ac- - l-l — I -- various v«rlt»ll« times.- July i I, 1888 at liOQ. l*.6l. fur lb* "W r comuBnls at thc group's conven. D ||^ | 7ot? tlon liere todny, lIIr'Af "olj I : ™ : ?"««••,I , E e g»o® s and ^ company says that Wednes- H ”to 'l n Ho lie «uccec..Kllni, rom e. T , O. lltvwWHn, PocatBUo,i IbUo CHICAOO. Jun* 14 ctl — IlulUr “ ■ »i v;,';,f„:r ft ™“' ‘ altadyi iinrhanitd; 83 tcnr* AAI 87VI87UI I which WhlCh profll-taklng failedlied lo to Idtho. A5U waa named prcsldml-eli'cl. Iij*a’'67VIHi A 87UI «l> II 661 Rl 0 S4) eran tn to<0 ohew ohew Up U a niikjor portion of th e S ; “ ;;;;•« ' “ j ifflCM II 66ti|7» (! 66>(,, ™ „J!...| Othnra cleclcd lo nnw offlCM I i6 6 tii? I hiah m ark e t'a advaiice stre nngthelis g th en s >'urma ru m titling condllloiit miitk b* a re Den Jennings. »nlR«, secre-,.rre - k»«.K ... titietditt 1 imrhtn.e.1 to 1 high, m a rk e t n X . 10 P*' "r •-'■•r gradead* AA* hhis is vlei view Unit Ihe markett showsshows ••''"•‘i ’7''’'* Thftt tr* 1 taUt 1l°y! Iw y. and Jo sq ili Toimsclii, Holhe, ^ I*.u«mt very little Infllatloii to go down. VgelV’. 7"i and Kugnne Blacoy, Twin m isi s !, K js>t,, \l7 tttnJJhUn t ’'lV « l’ '«(lMlelr*'l6H‘ 0 <>own- Vg**.lV‘a*Offl"I *''* ?;?iir'i:;; wero nftnieil director* a l larne,large, ‘betka 24,______LEGLEGAL A l ADVERTISEMENTSIENTS ailV^r b™"" '• ------1 TKD CnAMF.U '■ ij !- : lili a m 4- ANOTHKHHlIMMONliIIP T lir ^'*** furrhttlni Agtiil Y ellow Pea Mn art r i IN TII8: niHTIUCT rOIIKT OP THR pu|,||.h Transferred KI.KVKNTH JllltlCIAI. IIIHTIUCTIHTIUi'T »«■ ____ Wool PAUU Juno M-nicluird", J T, ; Show SH O I s A ctivity ^ A Np'^i'OH^m N kJiVi.'" uoi'/n t ? K ennett, 43, Prtul, Ims been IRW vt>.,S*^’^ > "«K flPOKANE, Wash,. Jqne1 l u i _ - ■'A’f ^ >« .v,Jh '?• “ W'-WtKiiKll fil.fll. tranntransferred to the vnlerann hos. isa In DAni.KNK rAVK h a m ., DRrcNii- pltal at Halt Uke Clly frnm from 'Hiere *waa a slight Increase In d a iii.i I Pn. yellow pea activity tills past pe- !, M,‘: H annnok M em orial UonpUal. Pn* P Th J’bTATB OF'tOAHO a»n.U rlod with pricoa averaging about |„i,,„ „ 1(1 Dtrltitt Kan lltll, Ih* aliovt •^■1 . cfttello. ' '■'‘’f' r c o r d - • ■■ RolRollercombs adjust aep* , Hn h limed In good coiidlllon.m ion M IS' " T " ' *' ■ SoK-powared for cord- Btut ^uil tr* htrthy iwitirieil thal a rom* laerve- _ aroteiarntely for underarms or *" • K ennett wnii Injured In tfn„ nlr- Oreen peas continued dull ai»d pitint hta*h' l«tn tllxl tgtln.l you In l e s t shnving. ■ R&servfl* ‘’" 'h n I powered for shnvinglg with ■ ■ RadlcellyI new shaveror legs, logs. ■ Convonlont on-off •"M; m V ;;;;],”i.«nI.ON j)1«ih:pliiiiii oi'iinh nenr O rncr where uiu'linnguiu-linngrd a t M.7R. Lentils atockaBlocks ii>* III* iiiti DliUIrl CiiutI <>r th* Kitvtnlh lm wns employed by a crop duRl-dusl- "f"I'f" Prnprncllciilly nil gone with j’'"''''?', [ B cord when you needeed It. motor mo for more poworlrl s\^lcl s\^tch, ■ Colora-orchid, kt s i I lonly ■ Four roller combs (oror bluec blue or gold, wim chic new Ing comiwny, w«ft»hiiiall lo< loU moving a t aboul •B. (S. aiKiT*. | . * rtameil rn |it/ill(r, and you ar* ■ EKclualve.Thoonly ■ ! _ _ htr*hyh.rahe illr*flt.lil iFapptarand nltut t.. I ehaver of its Kind. more mo comforti boudcb o u d o ir CQse. " .... I «h* tald rnmpltlnl wllhln lw*nly * M t a i r f f i of Ih* ttrtir* ot Ihlt tummunti and f i L, J ^ you tr* furlhtr nolltlfl lhal unlttt \M nd I Twin Falls'alls MiM arkets |you >0r! t|ttr tn.i |>l«td lo ttld1 mm. *§;V :on Land - - |.lalnl wllhln Iht llni* htttln t|.*tltl*-l. i'"" U l/n-Brv- Ih* plalnlltrplain will Ukt JudamtnliVtMhTti agaliitl ti v n r r o c i y„u ** T *<><1 ChlrnaoSo o**>" «. HM. ffr,I^K dll1^.™ ™ .M -V lunocont„ .„ r,i B trl., ------?’ *,»:»?? Ij TM < f-M iK* iirtHind* o< *ilr«n* erutlly,r s » — ■C'm.T*------0-UM WUm m my hand «wt Ih* (*al of f '“'j« MVttToraln------It'.uo.luo “ 7 A’ Ih* Dlilrlct Oourl Ult Itlh dty nt ' m jii4,°L*««n hland. n d . b»iiBoll i ------II'H;-?'?®lO-I.OO llyl IU)*a roiUifUU”S - water NCAACro^vii E i g h tth h Inning ] y to Defeat(at ^ ■ r u conditions. OMAHA, June U lA -i-w . lr The state fish andid gartie to command early on I department, to ita weekly ,run explosion in W ------summary of fishingJ condl-w d l- jnlng, outlasted Texas n If tlons. said main streams tre ^ -. ,»ud. walk-filled struggL I*?* B i l l i nigs’ g s Mustangtangs 5-3 K a l IV drainages "continue to carry i ce t o Orioles Rally high *nd roUy water, there- , T h e Magic Valley!ey CowboCowboys parlayed a 30-minutelinute rain*c;rain*caused delay, near tragedy, , by restricting the best llsh- , ;e runs and a 5-3 come'-from-behind'de­ Favorites.ites Advance to series Championship. ” daring bunt single into three runs and o ll’n Ing to lowland lakes, reser- ' foiir walTfS and a daring bi Th* Wildcats play gomw cirtion over the Billingsillinga MustangsMu Thursday night.light. The weirdwe Cowboy rally, in which l„ In SeventhI t u Toirs a n d smaller side . r y f streams or waters which ] Riindj' McGrnw missed »Bcrious injury by, the thickne.sthickne.ss of a protective batting « Which wwS n-3,California, to the which double-eii,^. oustM w S a white hitting the ball only os far aa Semi-Finals helmet, saw the Cowboys get the three runa while hitti SSS State Sem: To Nip Yanks^anks IcaUons " ; tournament FTldsraS ------— t h i r d b ase. McGrawGraw waswusl' „ BOISE, June! 14 m (/P) —T— Two former champions,npions, this i. -.r S . “ <> “ ’ ‘ctory will give i h t i ^ l>CHne(l by a - C lif f P 6li(tc | and Rufay Stone, Boise, survivedived second n e w y o RK, June 14 W-rThe Id clear- *^6t NCAA championship ^ lll^ year's medalist and Ruby S ^ th p sem i- Baltimore Orioles came from let UD sport. ^ Reds’H om)n i6 er 1 fast ball and taken■“ from Great Falls round' match playday ThursdsThursday to advance to the aemi- ing If rain storms let up.. * L l f behind on Brooksf Bobli^nsRobinson's -Roads are generallyilly p>oi good , ®°'''hern cm. r the field on n stretcher. A finals in the 1963163 Idaho women’swc amateur golfgolt tourna- to u rn a - i^ o -ru n seventh toning inning single, ^ore ralnfaUfall and and hands Arliona lu p f a late hospllnl reportrt ThursdayThuridny Buries BoiseJU IdC ment. Threertimeime winner Dr. Betty HaJ!,li, Moscow,M oscow , snapped a five-gamee losing string roughness after drying'In a up." UD." ' th e clubi «-lii w Pow er NIV/1.0 ets jnjj the Cowlwy■oy pitichpinch hit­ hit- rfi, n knocked off Bettytty Bell, SSun u n ------and knoclted the NewEwYorkYan- York Yan- department said a re m a tc h ta the champioiS^ te r appeared to have eAcapod r p • kees out of the Americanlericw league ‘'worms continue , to be the game Saturday nlghu^ IT V «rJoai Injury but he w m M d 1 a lly Valley. 5 and 4, a n d M a ry 4-2 V ictory By'17-1 TJiDy J. riD S Tburjday nlgbt. best bait under existingtine con- con* S o uthern CaUfornla, h.M .. :?*• T ___ lo r observation. ^ Murray, defender and two- Koufax TripsF The loss dropped1 the Yankees ditiops.” one h it for five Innings, *nw2 ,. Afi7FlralllnB'3-3nnn:niirtrm<»tthrtniirtrmost —Boi8ErJune-14on-Oreat-Ealia- tim e-tiUist-fromom -Deaiiet, Denver, __ i _____n _ / \ .010 percentage polnta)tot» back o of f ______for six runs In the sixth and CINCINNATI, JuneMU U WWl • decisive rally , pjtch«*r Jeny Palenaude' struck Homeruns by Uo CartenM ar r vif damped. 19£I3 Treasure valley IdJe Chicago. — a — timt-rnnkfrt Mlmillrl tp thi JI t h ^ r i n sinrted Mowly. Bill TomttfelllToma.«lll led { 0 ^ 11, gave up onlyy sU hits and A t- . lines along with Texu, Oordy Coleman powered thc clt by striking out bul lUlph , sU ^1*^ women’s crownbearer Jackie Robinson's line shot to left ‘ ,J J slammed a three-bagger to pace J wilh two out and the .bases load- V d n t S Arizona, a beneficiary ot to, clnnatl R*ds to a 1-3 triumr CHmpbcll,pbell wolkcdwomcd. ^he, E lectrics to a crushing 17-1 . S L “ ioS.; Harkness Wants over PICtsburgh T hursdayursday nliclhIkM starter and “ For DodgersC l g e r S ed was the key hit In the Orioles' w , ^ .. w ^ to lU big rally, thW tg and into lourth place>lace In the n ^ c p r u n tr t S po- ’ Thursday Helen Tremper. Mls-Mis- 0^ “ decisive s e v e n t h inning rally Y in to the game beftZ^ N ational league. llttc came on to retire Larry soula. Mont., hadd much more lOS ANOEIXS. June 14 l^V- against relief pitcheriri"fKuS Bill Kun- Job SecurityJ could stem lt« own wiitinea t l CardenM' solo Jiomermer (ravr thetl Bnughman on n pop tly after came In the trouble with Boise'sBolse's Susan Superb Sandy Koufaxiifax pitched ai who replaced starterstarter Whitey NEW YORK, June 14 tfVW-A11- -A ll- T exas’ comeback. Texas cut R«d5 Ihelr tlre t m n andami Cole-Coli the Cowboy catcher•r had lined fifth.' Rookle catcherer Bob Stam- Koppes than she did Inin winning w inning th rec -h lt shutout; anda n d WHlleWJilli pord In the sixth, Amerlca Jerry Harkness,ess. star of a JP-4 lead with four runj to ti man’s two-run ahot Intn ththe e fourthfourt gj,otfl foul, «80S singled, Don MulllsMullls singled j,er flrsl round matchlatch from On- Davis smackcd a two-runiwo-run bases-bases Lula Aparlclo startedirted It with a Chicago Loyola's NCAAAA basket- seventh on five walks and 1 put Cincinnati ahcafl<1 to stay 3-2.3- ^.ije 30-mlnute,'e rnlastorm and' another rookie.e. Bill Elher-Ether- tario's Phyllis Hickman.Ickman. Trem-Trem* loaded single as thetie Los AngeleAngeles ground double to center,enter and Joe hall champions, aaldI TThursday ^pday run single by Bill Bethea. WlnnlnR pitcher JohnIhn T.sitourUT.sitour silicic at thnl pointI and PollttePolltle ridge,i got to first on a fleWcfafleJdcr’a pe, took Hickman,1, 8 and sn d 7, bulbut Dodges de/cflled Houston 3-03- oalnes and Jlns oentUeentUe followed n‘8ht he won't signI wwith ith ththe e T h ere were 19 walks in ,1. drove In the Unal run withWith a resumed action byy goitlng a choice' while Stamsoaloe scored. was held to a 4 and 3 victory Thursday night to protect thel u^rbwes New York Knlckerbockera of the BHfi, MeOfow q iw t' r iiii ili«ii»» (h. Uori National Basketball assoclat'ion triple by Johnny Ed«firds,1«ftrds. . tjien wns broi/fchC oul out olof iheth e , »b r h bl »bi*’ o r h I bl*0 Wisdom/ 1 up.>• Tiye Dodger iouthpawuthpaw strucstruck up when he made; In an e"c‘Sexcellent '.r l.j; UUII Hi.UUU luM . iiu. r(IMbor*h ICInrlnnitlrinniti duRout to pInch hit and.Z‘h his .,.;sub- b .» = ! ! ! &.!!!!li»r‘d*. 4 0 11 Trempcr meeta Halt and Mur^Mur- out 10 in posting- his ninth vievie- pjay on Clete Boyer’sBr'R slow Rlnv roller COntraCt. »h r h 111, •“ rJ h^ M J1 J0 0* J0 tween Tremperr and Koppes Singles by Tommymy Davis anaan B»Itlm«r« INtw York C!fni1»hn « 0 0 0 hi-«nrfr J3 O 0 O 0 0 Again on a 3-2 count, aene ^ ' ‘ * ! ; ; sven after five. Wally Moan and ai walk to JohJJohn - *b r ]> u jb r bh b.bl that's why 1 asked for a no-cut ubina 1 0 0 0 found the pair even after five >pn s 0 I 0 contract." I^IIin 4 0 1 0 KI‘(ll>rnl 1 0 0 0 Just best the throww while»M. JJmJJjn jg;r.V OM olo WK^, 1 final thMe of thethe first ninenine. Hoscboro singled•d In TommyTomm Sultb 4110 Howardo»*rd 4 1 1 1 2 ^WWWWWWW' ^ ^ I UcBein 0 0 0 0 ______CampbtJl was crossingIng the plate e—Anntt. pui 1. stw n . simMb*. 'K S . ' I S S I : 11 m sd»lal pl«Jplay by ia Davis in the sixth for the othe ,i.it 19 4 7 4 With the winning run. Nolan jDP-DU«. Buttn 10 Eth.rl' K™ .;!! *. w .. !! 1 ! anr^ for the *■ I-i. JD-aii»ltilr. JD-lBii»itilr. stroke w ith 43. the th e MontananM ontanar Dodger run. Brandt 2 0 0 0 Brlsbt 3 0 I < b-iti In Tth. Campbell got Insurance for the ' twniud*. Wo«M. gained a n o th er holeDie on th e 10th10th, noMt«n jLe*M Aneti.«AnrtlM Skvrrin* 2 0 1 0 Boj-^r 4 0 11 rilUl.gr»h ------200 000 000- Cowboya by drawing^ g anothera nother ^.7**“I «b bl Onlno * 0 I t Fard 1 0 0 ( OlO *10 OilO—* IP H R MER BBSOBB HQ halved two more,re, then won *«‘’o"^%iii.'III* ‘ 4 o 0 i 1 0 Adtlr 4 2 2 1 Kut>k*l 1 0 0 < — Htl«bur*b I. WalK. t o 2 il threa straight to Uketake the th e match m a tch . n.D.vii i o o ol (Jiiiiimllllan 1i 0 o i1 0 D.rb«r 2 .0 1 I R«nlff 0 0 0-1 2. 2B-Sur,,u.r*»ii. »!>-£J ti-E .1. T h e team s had traded one-run \ HolAspIAsphalt Mix W«t” « V *6!i 100 *i iS i “ < she ended the 16th■th with w llh 11 -Jl anca n d A.prnl. 4 0 0 o,oiwliv«r .r 0 0 0 0 aSnydtr S O O 0 bBtrrmItrrm 1 0 .0 0( B ■ IIR-Colfm4n, Ctrdeau.;.rrfea«i. sSl> w - Innings over the first four j alrlir 4 0 1 0 Ktmllton 0 0 0 1 ,e first four at#«blnt 2^i ( s* 4* *s *< Koppes wound up» with TT.rr. * 0 ? j 1 1 CUmmlt. 8 — C»rJwell.11. 8^8 - — t.1*.Cl before BillingsIgs broke on ------.D*vl( 4i20 ------— ______, Barbara Smith. Boise, remain- ioon 2 1 2 0 Tot«l« « »12 » ToUl. I t 4 11 ! IP H ■' R^ERR^F.a DB SSO top a.1 Otto Knowless walked and -m g 1 ~ ; f w ‘eS* £mi;. I I ? <»ebor« I3 i0 ? 1 1 i-Crouttdtd out for Bsrb«r la 7tb FOR DRIVEW/[IVEWAYS, STREETS, Orfp'elJ L I 7 Jiil 4 4 I ^printed home on a Wayne r\|rk ed the lone Treasuresure valley en- 2 0 0 g;w.D*viip-.D*vlf s3 0 1 t b.Popp«d out (or RralK in >(h. cib^n I 2 0 5 02 50 1 P etrie double. Knowles also led Mays’ SoloLflU trant In first flightflig h t winnenw inners omc* 3 0 0 0 rrim k t sS 0 0 0 0 B.W fflor*______001 Oil 800-1 bracket play w ith a 4 and 3 vie- vlc- »T«mpi» 1 0 0 0,Kouf»xouf»x s3 0-0 0 H»w Y o rk ______010 120 OOD-< T»Vtoyi» W » » s « 2» sI t off the second Inning with a E—LopM. LOD—Bklllmor*S i l I. l Ne«s L p a r kKING i n g LOTS/ETC.I ------homer and Jack Newcomer drove K A cil’a tory over Loiree Womack. RRex' e x - —______— — — York I. in —Smitb, Ap»riclo. Lop«t Homer BeatsLfV/Ctt'iS burg Sergene Sorenson.Sorenson. BurBur- tou1» :s 0 s a; ToUli Touii JSJs J » 2 SB-Ad.lr, P.plton.. HU-Ad»lr, How , -ll In the aecond Billings run with Pocatello, a n d n-iiu imo (orU|> for BrMc*Briie* In1 »rd. SB—Apirlelo. SF-FoH. r > a l l v a sacrifice fly. _ _ ley, Ev Conrad, Pocatello, ani JM M U, joinrf ______IP H R ER BB8C Chiefs Rally Alex Johnson carried h E—B«lem»n. f,OB—Houiton<—Houiton 8. I1aam Ford Sii 8 S 3 1 i i n i ll f‘™t he lived on a fielder’s n Jim*. 14 im Sorenson gainedlea theine «isemi u ^wie. «, an-i.mi..lll>. 8B-ciiu»rSB-CIIUtm. Kunkel L lU 4 2 £ Z SAN FRANCISCO, June 14 » dum ping E d ith Oavii. Mcun. To Overhaul choice and romped in on Toma- —Wlllle Mays wallopedS bid a liOth- o t S fin®* dum ping Edltl M selU's double. He scored from Oaley. two.Ume w winner inner oof f th e ir H kR e ER r bBH d s80 lUmlfton 1 Mh 0 jjjr 0 1 CALL c in V?2 homerun Thursday, giv- LL COLLECT ; i j t t third base on an error In the Francisco ainOlanta l. Hlll«'“ t f y club spring I S 2 ? i Yankees 7-6 ire. Koufix w 9 3 0 0 2 : * * ^ third. v-.t~ pitcher BUly ODeUODeU aa a3-1-1 championship here. POCATEUO. June U WV-P< .b*,liW trtiimph.over the Chicago Chicago Cubs. Cubs. ------~ i \ 1 SLATE LOOP5PM ME^ EET FOR - - catello put toBether_two_blg_lr'_tWO_blg_ln^ Pkulkner 4 0 1 0 Kr*m>"\iv5-S4-J toil Maya' nth homer of the (^ » .733-1829 nlngs to come ftomI behind ara n d HirrU 4 o 'o 'o N.Cmpbir »”0~o-i m S v ^ ™ n eiV ed SAN FRANCISCO, June 14 I . , - I-ftbyr« S 0 0 0 JohntonMon Ss *2 J J 0 Pal^, a 390-foo^ smash over the Oerter Shelved-^ ------The'-athlellc directors' O f tl- FATHER^S-^ hand Idaho Palls a 7-S7-8 defeatdetei Keia»l» l l l lTotn»*el11r.u«iii soil left center field fence, beat will gather in _ . ^ rttrit 4 111 rutt SlOO ttrf I lie r Big six schools will gather Thuredar night. 5 } ? S southpaw Dick EllsworthOlsworth who who By SlippedL^U Disc Carm el on June 188 for ththe e sprlrspring D A y The Ohteta, trailing,B B-06-0 Into tt t h . ™ ; , !;! • S EigSmli " ; 4 0J!! 0 0 gave t^e Olanta onlymly four hits, n e w YORK, Juune n e 14 IA—Hugl ^ H u ge meeting of the Akthletlc thletic a&socliassocla- " .Y Pnvi'ng is ouraw boshbusiness-N ot a sideline bottom of the sixth,, pulled wltlw ith - N*wcomr 2 0 0 1 Slmoniloni 3 3 0 0 110 0 one of them a seventheventh inning oerter, a two-time■o-tlme OlympIOlympic tion of Western•n UniversltUUniversities. ______.______on a trrand's o z o tMrCimr e o o e rything i in striking distance I on Poll” a gram * 0 0 0 0 bJ.m « 0 1 0m 0« ' 0 1 0 0 homerun by( Aiou. Felipe Atou. discus champion-andand world recrec- There, they plan to set liptip thetl everything ilam homer by CraigIg BeegmSeegmille iller. sirun*i>n> 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o Veteran southpawthpaw OT>ell ord holder, ha& aI slipped disc IIn ground rules for}r theth e ieS3-641663- fo r th e tl w in of tb e hia back and mmay ay mmiss iss ttithe school sports year, Don Barnett doubledibled to leadlee , 0 i 0 2 0 2 1 ? notched hto ninth win of the 5 * !|rt.miinon o n off that Inning. SpenceSptnce ScoltSco ______J J J I _ i ______y ear in this duel olit Isft-handersleft-handers track meet next week at whichwhlc I f M AGIC G IC VALLEY walked Knd Pete DeSUvlaBUvl»»ulilt was h T.I.1-B > T.UI.ntkii 2tH tI I; 41 before a Candlestlokok park p a rk crowd crowd the U. B. team for,for a'm eet withwit elected. I LAoks Better—Better lime i =“ !“ by a pitch. T bat 'Mnt t tt It »p up lot f' tKS ,.V * ™ ”t. ®iS!'“S ”.-S.5Si «.w,il'ili ‘ 3,317. Russia will be selected. f a s p h a l t 6ee®mUJer. tar KroiM (0 8(ti. ClilMfs » StD FrwcU*. FruidM* "It all depend# on ho^j we ALT PAVING, .. LXIO no 000—3 k b rh tb ■brhrb a b rh rl therapy works out,"S,.°S.AT,.’S"| the 26-yeaj 3 M INUTE TWIN FAILS Then Pocatello eame acre _ 101’ 000 O S i-t Itrwk 4 0 0 0 AnMlfiUnommifiuiKi 4 12 1 oTa- 245-pounder aald T h u rsd a ^UTE BRYSON'SON S k TW'N PO.A-BllllnK« Hubb* 4 0 I 0 r . Alon 4 0 0 ( ' aald Thursday. | ^ a n lif A eui TT. D r- aiww, i»iiii»iiii ■4111 4 n n S I ;J_,ant to »o to Russia foj^tl WASH Ws Pove ITouf W ay" In the of th* wvenm. Bi : llirrli. Naw- Sknlo 4 0 10 M>ri. n 4 4 1 2 f I 1 dual m eet this summ er', t^ut litc r "tefPsPovi Va)a«ent« walked, 'Jim3im Balyarsa.,«rd. imMflll. f";,™.", Slmon> Ilinki ' 2 0 0 0 C«ri a 1 0 0 H*llfrRiiir 1I 0 0 0 < nent Injury by competing when r,.„, J, ; p -.;.•».». .10 o ; 5 , 0 shouldn't. W ell Justlust have to wattwa JTH wild pitch. Boott walkedJked and thattb 8P-Ne««>m.r. D.II «ooo a n d see.'* loaded the taset. John Bocca-Bocc ip ii r rR tin so T.„u 5TT.T-.U•talt =Ti1St s i 1 The tf. S. team for the meetme ^ , bell* hit a fly to deepep centerc en te r aia n d ’ t i i 1110 t i i a ChlCMO______000 DlO DIO 000ooo 0—10-1 w ith Russia In1 Moscow next ne: ■ [ My.ardi soo^ theI tying rurun. n . Kreu» w s «. iI i I sS 4| 4 Bin F ra o th M ------000 000 100 1 - i selected on the 1 A 0 I 0 P^F. Alou. U)t>-CblaiNi tb e winning run. Ualor I. T-SiOO (dtlv td SO mlnutn « tlonal AAU track a and n d fieldfie W .n « » « > » » < Ukk* r«ltt PMtuih:tU lh ^ ______ElUwnrib L Oik IJ 4 " 2 * »? 1 - champlortshlps atIt St. Louis ne next .F Ills# Friday and Saturday.trday.______' viewiM s' s v>te«irn«<(S ?i 4 f ! I i Belinsky Feted f T i ! l!K ..,u!!! Iluth* 4 . 1 0 DwlUU3 UIU i a 1 > In Twist LoungeL o u n g e }J«11 ' 4 1 1 ■■mlir « « 1 1 I 1 t liOd ANOEl.ES, , June Ju n e 14 14 UTV- WV- • PkliM 4 1 0 Dttuon 4 0 ( not be the U»s BMhloM i D 0 Ue<]ril*Urt>t*u so l T 1T 1 moment a ballplayer>yer wllhoutwithout a IP***;; In »]>jch to sto re his glove, iw »y ii l u h t - a l ------^ Sweep ei statake I for Men*Hf I* in Ith i d.lliici for Cill d.n«ci for (.lUon P c p p tm iln t Wrest—local est—local em< em* ja«hn'F»ll«______UO 010 IM '1st, ------I'cK.Mllo______“fiOa flnnso?ia®Z? 004 I0« th e twlSt, E-UMlKIt, Murphy.; LOH—Idi LOH--id»ho T h e club alwaysI has h as been been one one jflN r*Ut t'uwullo tuill—Pkima. —I'klma, VU of Bo's homcs awayy fromfrom ChavezChavez Jl ■ SUNDAI D A Y T T O N« ( T r l i 6 t h n «*m«. D«M>lk. n>rn>U,.11, Foi. ij-«II luvlne. In fact, itIt may have g g m ) Vlr>nl>. >ll(—11*1. »M«mlll*r. i SMiltold.' H>'-llo<(*UII>.HMiniiitr. B- helped contrjbute.to-thfl• to- th e mmound ound , ' 1 ii> Itt n BR uniin ao delinquency that led to the - ...... k Bringg Your Sweepstokes9 S TTicli ick e ts II BNbluM • tI <« • 4 * ; minora. I Uurrir t I I I I t Sltltr I 1I 0 ^ 0 J 0 , J At the PeppermintInt West. 01n« r^5S|^^Hl Me n«hlan‘ (pniuu, » I,**. ‘ I. I* pliique congratulating him on r 2 2 - 2 PRjZES I ytrili). Wr—Uurrkx. T—ti40. . hU avowed intentionlon to make It - ’25*oera!; In ahow business. ______MB ' WHEEIFHEEL of FORTUIIRTUNE LUCLUCKY I I FRIDAY - SATURDAYIRDAY LLICENSE IC E ! I FRID> i A A WED.D. and THURS. | ■ ftegislerler Kourrows A ll W eek ■ m WINV , :. * 1 0 l ______UPTOERY FEW MINUTESES jST j f v pwnn25»^^25T*lir»»5 H eard anyl y VolkswagenV olkiv jokes lately? EVERYFE Ramemberimber lha one cabout Ihe lady who slooted lately? J - - m \ M(ustie u s tic B raun J t INSTALL, I under her>ief IronIhonl hooi hood ond lbc>U(jh( jomebocJy II k 1 sloU herir engine? At the PlanoPlan and Organ M m U M ------Or Ihe-on*he-on* obouJobouJ i Ihe guy ol the gai «lallort NEW INSELUM j /ing -an and d lingingli your ------w ho dldnVdn’> l;nowknow where wFie the goi went? Or the ^ E L Insulalod Aluminumum ^ w ater? .. favfavorite o rite songs IH Today,ly, Ihe oo«qoi »ln1lofi nKM lTtl vL by oir, notnot wolor,)woler,) \ JockpolJackpot's Finest C01/>HKIJI,-HKHVirKA»J,F.|IKAi;TIH)fc© >0 know L •m l to wohomlcal l» ihn Iniig nirintri Tha polnl li Ihlii P i S i i ik , w o .ia - MOTOR CO. ® y j f r f l 3 3 fAUS Ija-ltTT- 5 ? ^ DAN ___ T w in P illt • ® BE^ H IG H W A Y 93LsoyTjH^^KPo~r;N[ SOUT JI;NbVAUA^^ U--ROC 1 1 - a i t . M i > S B S u 2iEiL»i5!55!!!Eyi H~ - Ul tous^^ I Alien Bats )li| palmer ComesCo offff IiRest TwiTwins Past AthAthletics 6-3 ll||j With Sub-ub-Par Golf,olf , Ties & H ^^9 |Ky|S9 I ' ST. PAULp / - MINNEAPOLIS.- i I JuneJune 14 14 (.? — Second basem an I BrnileB rnile Allen, A blasting his way n v< I outout of of a f season-long slump. “ For Leadad ini Thund(inderbird1 I crrshcdcrrshcd two t solo homeruns as ,! r .Minnesota downed K ansas Clty_ HARBISON, N.Y., Juneune 1,414 (/P)(/? — Arnold Palmerr answered hints that his golf I ,6-3 ’niursdny night. 4hmne may be totteringr with a brillinntbi three-under-parr - p a r 67 TlThursday which sentS » 7 5 ) B • V ^ I j j Alien Alien nlso n filnglcd, giving h im ( Sm intoa tie..wlth Jack-Rule.;k Rule, a wide-eyed rookie fromfrom Iowa, for the first round^ n d I I Ihit!Rcvfn lilis 111 his last 13 tim es a t S d in the $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Thunderbirclunderbird golf classic. EndingUng a mmont onth’s layoff desigtxed I biM.biM T h t h its have included th r t* '. snao ft nagging slump,ip,‘the ‘th e game’s ga all-time leadinging moneysmoney winner threw down)wn ^ I hnmcrs nnd n two doubles. ' ' - kft ------the g the gauntlet to his chief' ri-' . . - vals ifor world honors. Jack m Nlckl Nlcklaus and Gary Player.“et C ards * S trike 'J k with a flash of his old-time -p I f '; ^ form for a round of 33-34ISS HE iflr a r l y , B e a t

Nlcklaus, the 23-year-old pre- 'P l i i j|« M r A ll ANGUSLBa tendei tender who took the Masters'K ^P hillies 1 1 1 - 7-3 crown from Palmer this spring _ n ,rW I B r B o v s r and later beat him In the tour- ST . ^LOUIS. Ju n e 14 ifl - The ~I»ur8chowr-T*rln-PBUa.-w«l-and nkmernament-of-chttmpioniTKWI‘Play= -3t—SU—Louls-Cardlnals-batted—10 1 -1 0 — nr«Dt Burley, twoto olof er. Ui the tough little South Af-.f. men In ‘ the first Inning for four tbe more ouUt&ndlns footballitball rlcan. finished the day tied with runs and went on to a raln-rain- niiveri In the state and haUhalf a dos< doren. two strokes back a t 68.88 shortened , 1-3 triumph over the r-ltan f.«,r. Prabowaky, for B r > > b a m M p ^ B H | f first itoumaipent competitionn In^ his best, held off the PhilliesillUes ■ AMUnn. CharUi. K,lwarU>. HarrtUon. Young unlYBT. K ; morem o t. U.M untu tbe rains came. BoUi n l d H l H S ^ B ; PallPalmer and Rule had a one- nraboertky reUglon was m e^C g C■ jy r stroke edge over a trio of out-ou t- Tkrlor T»rlor S 0 0 0 rioed 4 1 1 0 I s ” f : ! ! ifcto jofthemajOT^jjjM^Kj slders Ider- \ * ° ° ^ ^ - L i a ; i ; C oil^ton a 0 0 0 Borer • J 1 1 0 [hVlr d e c l t i w ^ S ^ *P m a OOre.. re . ia n d 'o a y B rew er.'jr.. Dallas,ftUaS, iiVmuUn" 0 0 0 0 Juinn » 1 S 2 but bot^ aU o fiH ^^vf M a all wlwith Identical scores oft 31- 6le».fi , 1 1 1 2 AUmtn 2011 | | | | Dalrympl* S 0 1 0 Javirr > 1 ] 1 ■ ■ esuUosnl t b e y ^ B ' ^ ^ w 34. 59. , „ Ho*k 5 : li I 0 : oloilvcr till I Indians Top Ij^ i t l l l a r e M l T he e.650>yard, p a r 8«-3&-'70'0 win*Win* t o o OIBrofllo t « 0 0 ■ ■ prepared to H«m westcW estchester C ountt? club course.urse. Short Bhon 0 « 0 <1 5»Uy »ay they will be on the ,aitj11^ ,oj this prelude to next! > « ' !!!! ^ H H H B B I• TigTigers for 'BYU campus next S ep^^r. week's UB. O i^ at Brookline,cllne, Diirtn Dunn 0 0 0 0 ALMOST ALM A DBAD HEATEAT cropped iup In the SSO-yard trials the winneri in 1:53.6. Barryry Sugden. Sufden. OhI Ohio, wai aecond, and Erie n MartlnMD, th e bJg MUback* of Maw.,Mass.. waa a patay for the star- bAttriii bx.triii till! ------»l the NCAA ttack atvdId tltWfttld mmeet ttl Tbanday nlghi *•i lour Ow«iOwtts, Artiona SU te, was I third,third, bothboth li In 1:S}.8, and Jhn Groot- Burley'i undefeated team, said atuddiatudded field of 138 battling* for T«uti 2« 1 « iiTauii ItI TT »» 4« mnners, mnner one wilh his shirt>blrt on insideInside out. Itmge for the Upe. hoff. Saa Jose Sute, waau fourth. fourth. The The finals cf the halfmlleil; Seventh Win kT s^ hadnt eliminated ° Utah t* h 1 U^ l,1“,; 125,000 flrat p rlie. ..struck•.struck out far Gr**n ta trdri; ; b-U Lewla PoweU. O regoo. wwho ho got tfla atshirt oa wrong, endeded BPnp nmm n iwill i>e conducted Saturdayturday la ia Albu Albuquerque. (AP wlrephoto) CETTRt from his thinking and " , honitr*d for Dur*o io tlh. fi_ DETROIT. June 14 W - Tha' 111^1 More than a score of players P h iu d tip h u ______o» t i o - i ^ surging Cleveland Indians wer» B H IS™ »M »W1« he w». rea- were a t p ar or b etter. at.St. Loui.L o u lt______4lt 0«»-T looably sure BYU was hU choice, held to five blta Thursday tmt M l^ d M With Nlcklaus 3«-38 and . E-fiitvtr«. LOD-Fhiuiitiphit e. st. I l y he reached an understanding p,“ ® LouU SB—Jivlfr, Borer. Ha—Slir- 1 / 1 i2 one was a two-run homer by - ■ ■ with BYU c o aS ea his algnatureiturl "" * ‘“2** “ S on. oii.; 01lv»r. Averlll. SB-Plood. -S One * Record:ord BrokenI I as NCAAI Meet Begins^ i!l wnile Kirkland that led to their B E Of Canadians. Sian Leonard aand n d IP }| R ER BBSB 80 *till was only tenU Uve assur- , th e Short L . >,i 4 4 4 1 0 ALBUALBUQUERQUE, N. M.. June Grcg Bell. But officials ruled hlahis hhigh hurdles- heat.- Reufroleufro turned Into slow-stortlng tactical seventh-6tralght_vlctory.-a-#-J— i B Al Balding: Charlie Slfford, the Short i* triumph over the Detroit Tigers. |BXr i S 14 Wi—S o u th ern caiMoml&’SA't JuV- Uic JuJum p was aided by aa windw ind scored 14 points In last year's races with\ the best time only “ Meanwhile, th e big fight econ- m . . 5 ' “«' . nament, and a collection of tumiiton r s n n; ; s loK Marin burst to victory In the sllghtl;slightly over the allowable0 limlimit it mmeet, eet. 1:52.0 1by O regon S to te ’s Norm|,rni Jack I K rallck gave up 10 h iU H l |2 tlnued among alm oet aU theT „ big touring ^ pros, Moon M ullins, Dick Ur«*iioUn>ciio w a a t I st 9 slx-mllc slx-mlle run, Henry Carr of Ari- and hi his e ffort will no t go In the th e Whenvvh'i Renfro fouled hlaa first Hoffmon. USC'a K evin HoRnn.,nn bbut u t picked plcl! up his fifth victory B B since coming to the Indians ■ ■ K*ools In the weat for Tlm Lav- „Hart, Phil Rodgers. Paul Har- — - j^nawna s SUte university equalledq u a iled books. jumJump p he landed off balance•e and second-best 1963 time c( uck from Minnesota. His over-all B fl tns. W ith only Ray McDonald,, ‘ ■ ney. Al OelMrger, Prank Stran- H y f^ l - the meet record for 220J yards ^ c^icrowd of about 3.000 w'atched atched tumbledtmnbl from the pit head-over-.over- In « the fld d a t 1:48.0. got stuck from K Csldwell, th e only possible ex- ^ snd record Is C-S-. B f l ' ahan, Dan Slues, Art Wall,“S and M IflflJ alzone B atsr s ond ClUton Mayfield of Central i„ tJnluniversity of New MexicoCO sta- heels, He finished eased-upUD inIn m a bo '’OX In the second heat and rccord I ceptlon. U v e n s Is getting ^ e Julius Boros. State broad-jumped 20 feet.f«et. 7 dlum os Carr’s teammate.e. Uils the hurdles,h hla leg apparentlyireiitlv eliminated. He was flfUiI In Detroit'sDetrol Al Kaline collected ,5 ^ hustle of the year. Pressing Boros, the ll-year-old Mid Inches at the opming sessionMlon of v/llllotWilliams, opened the three-day•ee-day hhurtlr u rtin g him again. • ’ 1:53.7. T« 'u Uvee hlta hi - Including bis ISth ||j|| hsrdest is Colorado along with Pines, N.C., pro who won the £ > 0 $ the NCAA track and fieldI cham- affair with an eased up 48^ In Ren Washington pole vaulter Brianlan to take cover the American league j B Idaho, 'WMhlnglon 8Ut* anfl •S2 B oston Past » 48^ in RenCto then wllhdttw from N ational O pen In -1953. h aad d a plonshl]pionshlps Thursday night.t- the 44 440-yard dash. th e bi «om siernberg, world record holderider batting lead: with a .381 average. ■ ■ the U tah schools. th e broad Jump.. aat t 10-8. iO-8 barely qualified when he Klrkla good chance to tie for the lead • Carr breeied around onene turn willlwilliams, running in the out- coi, 'he Klrkland’a two-run hOmerun ||Pr1 Recently Lavens said “If some- i,y s: le out- Colorado's Jim Miller, expectedpocted cleared 16 feet. 4 Inches on his off u,g ome- by shooting threo under par Solons i^ O l 7-5 Inin '? 30.7 !!" seconds to equal thethe rec- side Islane In their first of three to be off the facing of the third deck " lJ f three to be ft threat In tbe highs,5, mia- instInst Jump.Ju: Another husky. Phil „ut the one told me 1 had to make ^ a through the first 13 holes.. But ord aet set by Ed Collyrhore>re and prelimpreliminary heata of the 440. steppf '^hll pu t th e In d ian s a h ead to sU y ’» ■ decision tonight. I'd say Idaho,daho. then a couple of boglea spoiledxilled BOSTON,BOST June 14 W — FrankPrank Harry Harry J Jerome, but he was far off spurtei .il: stepped at the fifth barrier;r and shlnnickshlnnic who had broad-jumpedPctl Inin the fourthi Inning. I far off spurted into the lead withim 100 tumtumbl bled a t th e six th In h iss heat. 27 feet.teet 4 Inchea with wind to -,..J If I wanted to go big time® *<* I'd his^is cchances. He haa the best MalzoneMalaone loet his American leagueeague his own pending world standardtandard yards lo run, then eased Into stanfi go wlUi Colorado, bu t ththat a t recordfjcort on the tour for the! laatlast batting lead to Detroit's AIt Ka- of *20J 'd Into Stanford's.Steve Cortrlght ran a help.help, quaUfleda on his final leap M ■ thBthe «tape. i ;13,8 I school l8 recnilU ng abowtt ^80 80 ,ixsix «weeka and woo the BuickBuick line but hU lone hit Thursday w..,^ :13,8 for th e b est hurdle clock- a t 25 feet,f 414 Inches. Howirr How.rr 4 0 0 0 Wood • 1 1 » '■ Marin sprinted from thehe field geveseven 100-yard dash men ran Ing, : Klnrialt a 0 0 0 MrAuIlK* 4 0 10 fRShmen. 1 don’t w an t to> be- openopej^ leist Sunday. waawas a three-run homer that wiVJ, i, len ran Ing. a half second undertr hisbis ______flipiSw ^ 2 vith ooe mUe to go In tbetiie 3i- 3*- wind-iwlnd-alded 9.4s as three—Henry-Henry previous prevk bestJ “ . ^.* I.upl(iw t 0 0 B Kann# 4 t ■» 1 tane.a number. I like- the aca> Palmer, driving the ball ^,th with gave the a 7-8 • whiineU -s 1 e.ocoiitito...... *-« # i ------lapper. only final of the?- night, Carr. Arizona State, LarryirQue^ Ques- onlOnly seven’’men could clear 6 U lll KIndall 2 3 tZ C a a h 8 0 10 : demlc facUlUes a t W ashington his old-time power and recover-X - vlctop^»>ctory over the Washington and won In 30 minutes. 33A sec- tad £ . Oliver Wins ih eute." added the veterinarian- ^ with Senators. i3 i sec- tad; Stanford, and Dave. Blunt, feet In th e high Jump, Ing from erraUc Iron pUy with Senaton onds a s Pan-A m erlcnn steeple- oreKo;Oregon, won their heata. BUI p a iu r aimed M vens. ^a competent putter, nailed three AmoliArnold Earley, elevated from chase ^ fluaW'y were Colin B l f t ;o & HHSF isH $ from chase champion Jeff Flshbeck HarveHarvey. Idoho State, the NCAA Ridgway Rid„ of Lamar Tech. a 7- Blackfoot . Rodeo £• With Ws 34 grade point. ^vU v- - stralgstraight birdies on the fifth, bullpen duty, was credited with of San I with of San Jose ran second. The dlvlslodivision champ,, was tbee most footerfootei last year and Bill Holden BLACKFOOT, June 14 iflr_ — “ ‘ ! ! ! i ens has been described by' any sixth and seventh boles, and the vhvicto ry but Washington coeta Ington Costa Blcan got an automatici^ a u c notew. noteworthy non-qualifier, finfinish- ish - of W isconsin, w ho's done 6 feet P®“ *' ' t*® n a tio n ’s lead- I number of coaches from majornajor cllmaclimaxed his round by knock-nock- chased him In the seventh in- record >ugh* ______IbTrkpdoi looe b in- record In tlie new event for the Inginir inlast In hla heat of six. 1310 li,Inches. Defending championimnlon j”? winner, came through coUegcs as “ th e best looking‘>klng ing ini a difficult 8-footerr for nlngn ln g withwl Jack Lamabe Uklngtaking meet.meet, Oregon's chances to repeatpeat as RogerRoge; Olsen of CaUfotnlala and ', like a champion In the final:inal TouiatouIi i i ( i4lrotals i i i i a * prospect to the country"” orOT » a i,1kbirdie on the Iflth. Hc hadlaev- sev- over lol< preserve ths south- Mayfield's Mayl leap came on his team luLhern h*Bht Of th e a n n u al Blackfootio o t , out for R»f«n In 4th s fc- “tmong the best three high en 01 on his team champion suffered aa severe favoredfavor Lew Hoyt of Southern "'5"* , . f I M out for Asdeiwn In Itb. high en one-putt greens. paw’spew ’s s< second victory. flr,Blfinal .attempt of the qualifying i}]ow ^ ®‘ CIndani) school seniors we've seen."^ ..j aallfylng blow when Mel Renfro injured ColCai advanced with one,i miss c K . ‘."»« ______OtO Ml 000-4 "I felt line, really relaxed."iTMl” WukinrtoB IBmUb' ibrhi^ and apparently, equalled the his 1« calf-roping in 33.8 seconds for prtn>itDrtrolt .______111 00« OOO—1 •brhrt) akrfcA ‘ led the his left knee on a sole5 broad apiece.aplec E-Howaer. UeAulItt*. Warta. Cub. Colorado freely adm ltt^'d to tbethe 38-year'Old.3: three-time MMas- as- Br^nkaiaBrinkait t I 1 0 Sebllllnt <110 4 1 1 0 meet m eet record set by Indiana'sndlanas jump and then went»unplacedlaced In TheThi four half-mUe heata aU p . , LOB-ClaY#1and a, Datrolt 7. IB -A l- ' coach Paul Ostyn that the school«hool ters champion said afterwards.irards. MinmoMinoto s o t x h*jim « o o o ------S i L iH ^'fllUyDuessn, Booth. Tex., Is recrulUpg n%MonwIdft, and “i“It t 1 wasn't work. It waa. fafan n HIntoo S 1 0 0 Ytnt'ekI , 4 I S 0 captured th e e te e r - wrestlingSffi. iicil. ar-KKls"- ;;; ' Lock - a e i I Mmtam*-. . * I 1 J • W Jay, June 14, 1963 Lavens Is one of the three theyth e y againagain, I enJoye"d It." Upp«rt 4 0 1 0 8lu«rt <111 Y f f S ' A / e i v s y ^ Avent 4ui tliB bcbl/ud lUglil In u „ ..III . H » :: vant moot. "We're made Lavens p.i ; j i i THE TUMes'fi/eiv. 5J[®2* oult the tour aftera fte r Brtrilnt. j H ---- row. thla time in the faat time mit ' uiaut m iw iv fe ' lo f Tigiir ^ g : “ •H?? r^! ! ! r r f shooting a 3W-30 sirokea bactick ol Drown 4 0 0 0 Cllnloa 3 0 0 1 — o£ B,8 seconds Ior tw o h ead . AmJmonAndmon t \ - ft ft t » / ■ cov,” said one assistant. th e winning BOros. a t th e) Oo- DuckwribDuckwai 1 0 0 0|E«rIt few a mim o n th ago. W hile th e goV DurniiSt !!!! ^ neks, one o r Aior* coaches hfve h fv e world buoed wllh speculationlatlon bK*nnt ------way converaaUon—thre* coaches«ches ■■i-I was Just mentally and phys*phys- iroundtd out tor Klin* In 91h. H v at one e n d a n d Lavens onn th»e e jcally teally tired.” he said. w..hinfiW »jhlnftOB______OOI 004 000-S M f k oUitr — a n d w ent throughh ththe e r Rule, u a University of low lowa a I>o*ton«<«'<>" ______«is 000 i 01*-7s;:z! ITIU Moore May Runlun ha> E—Dr»*illn». E irlr. Blu«rt. L«pp»rt. paces for a n hour. gradigraduate from Waterloo who10 nhas a s LOn-WMhlnstonLon—w I. noelon I. J B - W’A | Thta high pressure recruitingulting been on the tour only a year,r. was Lock. Niton,N Yaitrumiiil. L«rn*rt.S •*-For ^ 8 City Council th a t Brinkman, Mlnoio. SH—Nlion, HR— ncil f o r S ll lUo som ething new fo r Oatyn.3atyn. so eiexcited over his round■ that “ CotUer. Stu*rt, Hmlion*, aF-Cllnton.ciintaZ 9AN DIEQO, Calif,, JuneJu n e 14 ■ )R SALE *Heck. one of the asststantai call- he wwas unable lo describe 'I It “ to IP H n in DllBll sosd MV-Tl MV-The aging grand oldI manm an of ed me up and we talkedd for InterInterviewers. DuckworiDuckworth L sU 4 a t 1 1 boxlng.boXlnS former light heavywelg)jt o»« an hour the-other night. He sa n k putU of 30, 16,'5"“ a n d & Co.t« . ‘*i ; ! ! ; ! S; boxing champion AtcWe Moore, Mot Just ab o u t T lm . A boutIt our 1213 f(fee t tn his red h o t round.^nd. Kiln* KiinV I I J .0 0 0 a a haah a s announced ai that he Swill run -13'x24'STUCCO'UCCO BUILDING pnipectB fo r next year, thh eir's.elr’s, NliN lcklaus sold "I playedI very E.ri*y E«ri*y w v « « » 4 * i 4 s forfo r city cl( council In the fall mu­ the R«ee bowl game, th e AAU- well compered to the wayy I've Um.b. ' nicipal-election. nlclpa' TO BE M• IT- 1 IT. SEE 'AATGLEN- TG LEN -J JENKU^JS _ _ S cones too easy for them ," OOstyn styn ceededceed to chip In from 40* *®'‘'feat Poe«l*11n 1, Idaho r»l1* I « « He la making his second race Slid, refenlng to th e probationbatlon for 1a birdie 3, He had two otherOther v«il«7 I. niiiinii a forfor pi public offflce In SanSTdSS DJego: used car COTcot ONon MAINI NORTH ' ' -= u d firing o t coach Sonny OOran- ran - bird:birdies. ------Moore lost a apMjal-'flcotlon" fle x io n dtilus a t Colorado a couplepie of ------NATIOWAt.^l.l!^Oi;B^^.. r^corace ffo r a co u n d ls e a t In IBM, yttrs ago, ______/21 ~ tM A ntdfl ^_-Z^I4 14 .t7ia 1 I ! . i)! Wld tactleesly asked him: n.uim»inaU lm nr*______at la .Ul 1 for me fined againtin to- m MlnnixilaI"".*., ______11 14 .144144 I I ^ “ ll..alcin______la It .til I I*. B®t- n ig h t? ” Kaiieaa ■Ollir_____ t l II .10* 4 1 then B-fooot, 4-Inch alugger—llgger— i;i*relanr York 4 ^tenner Hopes/S tot u 5e"s gestures at the reporter, \jiilJin was uinnetola i, Kaniat Clly I Get Title Fight1^^ ^rofltralned by teammntcn.I. I OiiIr_sam** Onir arlixluM Gooderhamerham &Worte,&V Ltd., a famous'amous LgJJ H m H Kill m n v « ■ » £ ^ H l old .disCilleiylisCillery name,n ptoducoa...... i w I , r l \ SPECIALLPURCHASE PUf hopea to signign the loM B? , '*’« sonny LUton- JlM-ii.^ »nd TiF Cassius ; BENNETNNETT'S ^ In Neir New , ^ H G &W w PRIVATE p R r STOCK *‘Uier neplem ber or BARN andid FENCEFEN< PAINT 1 m. u • pti- The Bourbon of the Year.” olay’^to ' RED:e d ORo r GRUg r i e n | | EH. re K n t," , 1 ...... TASTEiSTE IT aand i COMPARE IT.----- — ------2 ; 9 5^ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ < < r S . i a i i i i i o i r n r 5 ' r ...... ■■ i5v ^return " ” the truele old-styleol w* Nay,, Julyjulf ji 33,! : YOU'LL PAINTa i n t ITi t BEb e t t e r w i t h I 4e fig h t S j i ! ■ ""»i3rs« t/ U1> end ■ ■ •oiiln to Uu SUdlum I K e n t u c kk y BE o u r b o n I S ' , BENNETNNETT'S 11 I bacauaa ttia aloi«-dlatia*d ! ALLS GUSS t 1>AINT . I B 111 o e iir M i, i c N i i v i u i . i i i i i Q i t * .'ruii'l TW'N f*'-'-* _ _ _ I UMA warns LTa.KOllA.1^ — ^=7^ „ ahnya am oothar bacauaa lllinOIV llltU H l lOVtlOl - ...... - - r - j d iMtr TIKII Iitn ttin ocMfMi ■ - B m A W ,. 1963 k W V/HERE llirFlM DTHE M O sP V >jnREFOPTUWE V fl THEMOSrVJOmWLESS^ rn rT H A r« V/HEW t l « r I'VE b e t MV ENTIRE F O ^ B JN ^ '^ L D e J ( VJORTHLESSTHlm-lLESSTHlMG.'T -*ANO-HW'’- lct I llv TWATlCAWSEU-iWyTHl ■------H^Tg/TO^SELL \ ll|Times-NevNews Comicsics fofor the Entirentire Family . w^BVDlGSUP.NOKWI HOW ■ ..’I' Antwer to Prevfeut Puritejnte Florida ti i l ACBOSS 5#C«mpiMpolnt V T / il ll 1 Floridi pool 38Co*lmlne L dfwilnj room 39clH i nlckMine ,. ^ ,. . PRWAte 7 Florida um a 40 Period ot Ume II flih 42 Followtd L JJPIinfl itUng) I ‘ HOn«s*llfd 44rilleng 2( 26Sh»keipt»retn 43 Kindled |V S2RiK)n 8Me»iureofm e of *tre»m « P‘" I , 34I)H(l6ute ^ th , V 2BAbfenl <5Golfmdgel^ U SS Sprint month lO Piriderofider of 3. 31Turklih 48 Wlnglike pirt II^h Ib " T IS 19 110 I I P2 I l i p f S m— f r ------' i i '3

[ T ~ ' ------16 ^ !if- ^—-hBhiiillliL - zzjiklZ” ____ ^ ______Beg Morg*n, M.P.______D C W T 'B .r"WEN IF5HEDOtSN'T'p'SHE D O tSN 'T 'r SURMISE H f WHY^HY OONTTOUDQWTTOU ^ TM AngMPTjuGTn ' ^ J i ' ~ T}1IHKSa^.M' KNOW WHffTV W mMAKES/ akes/THATti W/DAUOHTtR APPROACH JACK " •IMhMW.ta.TJi.WUMO*. PPROACHIACK. \HANDIE THE SITUATION w n 5Ifz-flz-r | B 2 6 ^YOUUUEVET>UEVETMflJtAJ 45U5PECT550WETHIH(34 5 FACEa HIM WTH TlTHIS ) WITHOUT EUZABRh's f f i IC K£N 3ACK5 RESPONSIBLEiSPOfWBLE K IS WRONG/ ^ INFORMATIONINFORMATION / EVER KNOWINGAeOtH’ ^ “Hav# a good time,me, Mr. CaiCaull

47 _ OmoUm Alley ’------SO 1 * 1 I >/tomriflhtlfc’5fl(Xd; lteli^7N o,niulli5,M s , V"Y H l e u ) ^ to see Doc about a A ------Ji I f. ;}U0UillMt.<0m^meslthink (UndeUJaTt^sn'tlFJJalt ^ s n 't} pain tux> liour$ ac}o,Nina.' McM f t KEWfiPAFEa SNTI n b e r e ! ^ ansuiew a t Doc's, office. I’m f Are a SNTBBPBISB A5SN. ' V something is T' r-W lttefB32:l7 I

------^— w-J l r_ r ^1 iTFlT^I/iAWeVENeOOP^ n 't) SOO 4AAMaDS0JO6B)\«AXtM ^ MoWOOSOOLIKSdB- “ 7 <[y/FK pfiRFKT-ll ASAIKST !«• Si ' IS/ R 3 C \ \\OOPL& FAMILVV/ MUe. B i M i i RtTzy RfltfS IHAT 5AMSW, am\^ •WMA-SOKS PERSO M AAMI^JUT6j U ^r'^ VJrt&N Her r^/B E T ie« 1 Z SlKTOiEO < J IFTH' - ' y i -m o o sw r - -/•-.'

■j ^ ^ jAT® H i f S Up Kkby i l K FO RETH Et^ I l l ^ P v CV^WN, nU/^P&!Bi I, , 41 - ■ ■ / A-/V / s s A /s / t r , 8c 31 9 ^ 4 i ■ ~^^^^\sC

{r> ~ I MAKVBUXIS, \\ /f ANYanvcommemt \/oH.7nayRE \f \ [I l l I im M HEWSHOTSES (I FUM^FROMIHEMWIU. < LliCKyTHAT ) fH' I TH’Poci&aiviN'It / es<6 8 «a A W ft IM \ POPE WA9WT.S ------\ \ ' /V0UR6ia.reiEND\ r„ / W R £ NOTA \ " ^ | |M ) MB/WHV, SIX J/ lI PiSdL PlS


T' Ij. • K w r i . C ’ ' ______^ I ' aOOOMKPlCIMo o MKPiClMB AMP BAP *'j get married nowl He thipi out for I “But wo w ant to get marriet or oamp In th» morningi" I IK •ummor oamp In 1 r h .1' y?. ______H l H |^ S r w ! « » a AM.t'wW , I'V! M tT J H I K V S I ^ M H I DiDfrTKMwme 'IVI 6r = ^ tt«M TOWftYWK/ J0H66.JOHSe. ^ ^ r i H W L v w r r r ^ ^ ^ x AN OVWIORO H H fl-fM / MeOiCMLy.HBDOeCNTy.HBDoecNT A H | B v . doiiTy OP THB ^ ly C r KMocotMcno.TTn y “ C HOWABOUr ^ ( J / A/A S S A HATUROLMATUflOLOeiST.-l-UHl MQ ttOMi.VTSIA7f/!- « M » i i R O O M n I / ^ m WE CAME WTA IVE POOL^ I|H H ^ ^ ^(|WAPfWJBROOMl ^ 3 NOWAO 5AID ME fflT lOllSY-TH] I MHB A ouxx DIA6WHS/ 1 p i) frtl H rCT, ivtHawkvr^feifcW^ fo ^A ^^aB H l WIWWARB m W / ( \ ^ PIMBCRMH W l I V ^ . 8AM/ AIL AT0HC6 HE FOIDEPI » . * 5 ^ 1 skwowtiw J i l Aoa THB $ w !• M C M ^ THSMOCriMAOffMWr \ ^ M K T » U 1 J/mg '

V 3|Bft}^TR iSBKiflKT r ^ t p p JPi' nlBBBewBi ^/iil *u>acon. r a « A ^ B ^ / y ^IN H

— •««•' •*««» r*M»______

I’ ien L ^ I Z ^ TTien,, iockwswihww'lI10CKW31 I Ani? the twin prow j r T K Z A ^ V ' V ^ l M ^ M BfTAKCS HAW? I l ^ g ^ I ( ffonf ENSiNetf.. m IT9 T^L naNTg9 1^1 1^^ II - l y ' T

^ • • H M H 1 10-M 0 - M i U L c v y CDial Directrect To Placedace Your W/ ania n t A d ^ l-B l f c M M V o t te e ' S lated Baauty■..uty SaS.l.n. I» [£ Farm Work Wanted 233 auilneiiBuslnets OppoftunltleaC 30 Jun®Juno 14-15, 1963 1^ CO.Ml'Lhl't, b»»uVr Mr»lf« br «i~ r CUSTOU Hire baling, prrmpUy and>d CAKK In K. Idral for ruuple. I'rlre Trwin w itl Foils F qIIs Times-News ' 1 9 .. ||l For’Jerom e "Hp;■ 1* r ‘'.r , j . ’■-rti'cto: aali.factorlU dune any»btrf. Call.11 H.400II.JOO induiarluO.. bulWi.ig end eyulp. ' ” H H H jw S ForJ .4;. Filer,______ment.meni. _ Tern Terme. ('-all Rwlney I‘,u|,. I JBROMB, Junfr 14 - Jerome’s.e's jiMi’iixm • ; ^ v ' ^ v Z \ ' Homes for SaU 50 school boardboan voted Tuasdaj- eve-ve- *'*«rmintnu r.minfnti Vrom*M, *At*^le B«ay?yS SUmmtrJo ".Sw'iSSln"'."',;"'.'!." nnlng ln g to caUcal a n elecUon July 2 “ ""• '** ^is »llf*Ir.,ly A»"‘e^Uy. LORD u n " - *■ “• ” ■ cJ>TOMCUSTOM IIALINU: fJrS Xvlland — y * '-*V, LORD nnd LADY oon n a l(>-mllllo-mlll supplem entary levy, ' — - rr tiring tl«. C. J. Bfrry. pbone 7M- »■*t-l'LKX wllh prlvele b«lh>. I30U TTCTA'T •nunthly Income. Idrel for retired lESTATE ^ O l A l OWNER ^ Supt.6 upl. EarleEai W. Schafer aaldS-s;r';,.“,risrvK ‘■‘7!;;';^* s„* r:sjv^_!!!]:______~ . y r i: theth e levy waswt necessary to meetie*t i^uir'sh>iiftiiir Shop, riwite m - m i . L-U.STOMuu.stom hayh baling. -R.rald Caeto. BY OWNKU: Vr«. your life will Uke oa Uial theth e increasingiDcrcasli needs of the school hkijulau ; UY UWNKU: tievcn ^br■ln>om apirl- «i»le el„»- when you more into system. PlansPli are under wayr to n««H^*uv uZ tn*.,!i: ’ x.*-,-;. Ihlj rnchenUng Ihrre-bxirpem old­ (to. ' ■■ ,__ ILAY SWA •• r;Cr‘r'er h<.me on one acre. Liuurlouely. expand thethi mathematics pro- _ . .. ceriwled living - dining ro o m gram, revlullierevlti and strengthenhen Baby ®*®y SItfart~ChHd»'•” C»r*-'^ U ' M'Udy will delight In meal fix- — Keellor.. Rup.rt «6.tiiiT.______u ,, p, I thtbe e comcommercial m er and musical pro-irO- uiiLoCIIILO «r».r«r». r>netd y»nl. ll.M p«» » CUBIOM Ik Ine In tbe plrailng birch kitchen. ? ,• CUbUOM baling. InvirnMlunal twine. ------^— I‘lr»,.nl irerkling beih. convenient I gram a of thith e system and evaluatelate huur rn and .eeonomlcal- I theth e languai language p rogram of grades no^r. 'a ^-i tlSl’r*or“ “ 3"'sv-*‘“"*nl’^ * ^ “* _ ------ly hhreW « W willwllb gfa >umece. M'Lord jk HPmirF^^'^uW aatli^ ■4* to 12.13. ------j------T Z SAl'ISFACioliV ju.u.m baling. Two Employment Agoncioi 171 7 I’hone lUnaen 03-13- A A . .MANRl'MANSION home with room l'>In (he .hop (hop t he he* alwaye dream- ■ I BBulWlng uiniing ■maintenance Is higher _ rentkk I1D« plut owoer'e k>«ely T"«l ot. there •e;e elto other outbuild- m I ' 1 a.1 the buildings get older and JoiiJOIl II1'K.S1NI;Sort.si. »t -VtrMniMl b*r»lc» c U S T o in Inge for ell yt>ur needs. Tha I a.i th e bull Cli^'UM hay necking,' Call Jerome.ie. reeldeote. I No meld eerrlce. '"*• *1 I bundin - of M»«le III Blue Lakta 1J4-MHIK«-MM ,or iU -tm .______TRIPUX. gTT>uni1a ire nouli>l(1y landeeapad. new buildings and additions ^ are ' North,v,''!**}.'. rhoa. 7aa^t62. HAV .u a i _ TRIPUX. ll#B Income monthly. TTiI“"ii'Th!» ll i™1y irvly-ihe home you wenl _ desirable desirable In1 the near future, HAV lUeklsg wanted. Lowell Traer.rr. DUPLEX. DUPLEX, 11.100. U bring your a s phone to bring your motl precloui poetca- Schafer saW. Hatp W*i iloni into, your temlly. The mcHl %VTB IN N LOTKtAND MBS. MBS VELMA BEAL BU/SHARIA D»T a*.!" rai. ’ H.IpW.ntod-Fem.U 18 emeilng of ell U tbe low price ot AdmlnlstratlTQ costa are also ' ” ^sr ■. hHOLLAND o l l a REALTORS * * * * *A * * * * also ' ' — ------r ****,. - )ip. H igher p a y for teachers Is — 141 UaIn Weet 7>]-l>U Call CeM lorleylorUy anda let me ehaw yoa n aeassary to k e e p up with, neigh- WANTED WorkWiW o rk W a n te d 214 4 ^ >ou,}our newnrw h,hoeoe. I I boring boring towns lowr and states, Schaferf?er . SIX^1 WOMEN ------— In tv ra n c s wild wish to make a mini- pp, ROCKY MOUNTAIN I claim claims. s. . ‘ W lio wis PEST CONTROL w k ^s i-ecia I 1 In In otherother business, the schoolhool mum of J15 a week. No In- atlele end ineurant.. Lloyd Roh- ^ „• R e a l ty / \ h H aid, vestment. Car necessary. CaUu JlMlJentUlJtwiJ.n and erup ipra/.ug. UiS'n* Ager 111 North Mela 7IM40I I il board u-as reorganised. Sbnnlch vestment [0 In.erti — Weed* — Ete. ------’» •?»»:______*F"n'i“^!:o?i‘Frank Duulh 7 » - im i l i I ot tor appointment befor* 10 I 1 Soonlchson Soonlcbsoo Is'new chairman of tor app< Eiperiinced - Ucin.ed Money M o n ey to tO loan 35 ______I tba tba board.board. Mrs. Ray Fyke, vice «-m. I chairman: chairman; Lester HUl^ trcas-cas- 1M-8877 (-jp HkED A LOaWT 1 mak. farm, ranch r GEM SPRAYING 'Sand T commercial S loent. Cell todM>. , ^O W N E R ! | I I urer: urer; WarrenWan K*ya,^erk, “ and >d LICLNbKDLlctKbKb Prattltal NutMa* AUt. I I Frank Frank Rettlg.Retl attorney. c«r.C*r> tor ir citluni. Appir^ In SERVICE ra,j."i!i‘^5ir,rn“U^S'~h;a.'“4i^il^: TRAITRANSFERRED j I Mrs. M rs. Vivian Vli Suiter, EngUsh;Ush v*non, « lUMldele Uaaer, » M'»9ni'9"*- pboB, 73s.4:oe or wrlU ®Box II. PaDl. Idaho. ______A REAL ftfemlly home wllh flra- .ft ] I aad aad speechspeed teacher, resigned. ------bed-roomi. : bethi. dining roOM, ' I ■—l i T ^ 'T 1[ There are now 14 vacancies‘ In Halph ^Iq vWant*d-Mal* y ,, 19 EXPERIENCmE — Motklnu.,. 40 KiKr\;breekfaet ber. bulll-in o.en ! a ■li! ' ! M MIt^ » the the mm stem. stem. The board approvedm i ------.iBBBiae-Z------l _ AfCOhblON. nl.BB end eu liey "!^ rangerange aod and recrrellon m i—•" hlrintthiring MMrs. n Myra WolslenholmlOlni HELP W A N T E D -U A L E : (BOB'; J wrnkoop. phon“ ‘TS1.1M4?’Mt flit' FHA appreUaL *'| : as filthfirth RTjgrade teacher at Wash-“ !*• The-n,, followlni Job !■ W be fllfrfT' . Ind^^ran.^™Inlur^^) ^.« i- n i t ii Ington Ington school. tichc * inIrt *»aa tmtt>iin««rtng oHlt* el ft l»r-r. or 7J3.«41.*Hoh7»3- MMtgomtry ______VERYVERY CL>; CUUN raceat Iwivbed- 4 — 1-KlVATE piano leeeont for all agee. roomroom home. home. pracUfally new fur- I 3 t ■ ' Mrs. Mrs. HelenHele DlckJnson will audit “ ------R O T ^ m L m o ------nace. Owher lcerli\g town and \ j |it* ' ‘W W F c n j\ J-. j . district d istric t and a n t activity boots, Cardene — t^wni — Fana aereagea. ?x*{;S7hosrquira 1113 m u t ..*1:;;edi toon. Price r.IM . " Ford traeior-moufited rolo tIUer ------tTMDt. Liberal fringe benenia.X. ,L,D1CK POOLER SchoebS c h o o b ______44 L Y ] 7U-4JT* ------—— LYNWOOD V, :.y^rM«»j|M eii^f [ i i; Se« Seams Shown IcTK.'V /o^U^Neifca .------— RREFRIQERATION EI pi I r i M M ILNER IL N m , Ju n e 14 — Mlary ary ______----- ROTO K T IL L IN a AAIR IR iCONDmONINQ REALTY u / Seymour demonstrated makinglln r orronruNOrrORTUNlTY PLUS for a rtal "fo.’‘go- Cardeni, Carderu. lawne and farm aereagea. aeef1< J r r ... •' Seym our ( Mta needed. We Iraln. WriUi , , ■h»n KHln*" " U tt ■»l«man lo FordTord traitraelor mounted rolo tiller.• i:omniendal.>m»er«i.l Trad.. Box 41H. I «« lt Dloe Lakea Bled. No. 7II.MU I j'.ii different t types of seams whenhen K ‘, 1,. »Ukli«b«d efilce In Dur. r , John Blehop. Realtor j B ■ t" • '* the tha Mllnei Mllnerettes 4-H club' mmet et Wywy ana. Owner aiuit take erteaded?i',S K enneth L. DavU BoUe. ----- Jam*.Jamea Danner. 73S-n4a M onday a t th e hom e of th e Wa’f.>«’ •• C0“> ab Uoee laterwled In "di*.•di,. SM« »”Uth « Ayeaaa Baet I » . i m “ J------— Homat for Salt 50 Ucmber UultlpU UiUna JANET EDGAK HRS. BHILDA BANDKLKV EIIAEOBHAEON BOWEBS leader.leader, Mi Mrs. Zdwln Brune. , 12.* WANTED! Haallnr of seoeral eon- **".** * * * * Ann Sey Seymmtr ted the pledge modlllee frem Hailey lo Sualey,We, "1 i ...... LOW DOWh * * * * * * * * * :dge K,«.,______—r___ S Cepe ? ^ " h H on and poInU within < LOW DOWN PAYMKNT will ban- ' of allegiance alleglani and Sandra Spann>ann w a n t e d : tiood eiperteneed Bechanle• " « tnilte ^ffoff Highway “M.“ IPUC Per- 'FOR THOS* dl* !!• thie‘I"* tbree-hedroom“• home la led «<• work In pr«,r,«lt. Fort deaWr- ” 1’" no good loeallon. Two balhrooB*. I the 4-H pledge. Mrs. Brune led ' mil No. »7«. ICeUhgra TrtieklngIns ’W HO CARB lerg* baeemenl.s new gae (umaca ahip. Lou of vork. Good per 'Z, Mt- Scrrlce Serrlce. olflea at Ketehum Trailer »n..B » .. I ■' aa. . dlscuBsUdiscussion on various types^ up. fringe fctneflu. Contact Wltcbel r o u s btdroom brick and fr«me U and iVa.KT*.*; garag*. Onb 17,000. I ' I of materia:m aterials. > ^ a K irk w as» In Furd s*i«SaU*. MouoUln Home. Idabo.3 :1 *?' a preetige locatloa. two fuU Ulbe. ASSUME 4H%4^ o r LOAN OB thla altraclir* Iwo-bedrrMm bome ea I charge of thc entertainment and I’ll"" m&8J-3M*.7 ______nv '.KTTi'j r JL a kllchen wilh -UoUier ..r .r ’* ‘ "f***'? ‘ >leo buiu-ln appllancee. femlly room. Pierce Street.8lre< Oil fumaea. car- BheUa Simpson was hostess.;. w WANTU): a ntjid: Bodr ihop mRhanle. Mait eommr^l “'IV'tarely nrtil.ee for -taattlnp ing, garage and kmly landeeap- - —— be lood and thorouch In jtoar wotk. aii «ai1 >1^ Get the CoWcn Olow uf happlncM with w th ehrabe.h r and treea. Uncoot. Good par Ml^p. fringe benenti, 7,4,. Kparable for tl.tO*. li.U of work. Conlect Wleekil rord __ In a home Ihet flila your femlly'a , Joe. n ^ . All thli for only |l».iO0. HAMLETT H A M L ] REALTY d S.l«. Ko^nUlr. H™ ., Idah. «**' T drirewar*. earporta. uoder booee Would tak — eicarallng, yard fencee. flreplacee.Z*. «on “"l“ trade, dS!^ Elka BM«-BMg. 711-4071 Anytlma ^ I C lassified £ pa- Reaeoneble. 7 « .m * . ------I ^ YOU'LL find aomrntabla IItIhs MORTKEASMORTKEAST 1 bedrwm. fall taa*. ^ . 'i WASTED—U»r-wlr« bor lo mII pa- ReaMnib ^ In thU will designed 1 bedroom mcnt.mcnt. A A cle. clean altraetir* bena the - . i Use These Phone l>fn S.'i.V^tr OD ilreel. Muil be lear ■^r. Uth kLOKALV or Jesllorlat. ete. Pay wbat fni hoaae asd 'you taa meke lha month- whoUwboU faatt faalty will enjoy. IIT.IOI. | m birthday or oMer. Apply TlaMe-_ juritywo»h.Anr d. houo. Box 1S.K. Time.-• m 1^ paymenu wllh the home ras lal ; Numbers FREEw ^ Htwi otflee before nooo Salurday. * " property on the rear o( Um M . Se* Sea the-REALthe- ESTATE PACE f*» ' or Monday 8:50 pjn. Vorth. A ___ Coel . . . only 111.000 er woaM otherolher & SPECIAL VALUia ®^,’ *'^*'7 WP*"* ®V"u*” trade'for' ! N . B u tte r w b o . Ton Ura UXI'UIIKNCU) irrigator. Umall fam.4 H _ jcba doM In m t home. Work ttiftran- FELDTMAN REALTORS Ily. IMr around work, eli.raain,SIS- FAST leed. e(d( 7>s-ut4. W« a n e 171 r ik r AreBM _ 7S1-UU ra n^dcrn hou.e. 2 •ouU.ri w .t.___ ^ ^EMENT, j«be do“ ,»«>«h r l S ''^ C H ‘ e w i * b ^ »7i Fltar A, I. ooutb of E dn. Henrr Cate. uae- Sit- teed.ing. 7>S Blalaa ChrtetopbetMB. phoMeaa Dreamiag Dreaaiag of a no tratfle' Ihria* ' i . ■■ I News free oC diarge. ^ em- 7SJ.Mli; reoB, w m . firvplacafire: for thoee com pe> tflta. ------—---- plag eeae B y - O w n e r ------I If you tire ta Dial ,i„_. UION1NG8 la gup home an Vas-Bomi ~«ork aaric I jSM JillgSiifwiSMHBBB if you t Ur'^u’*»iiht"’“ t *ie^2tS*n?*S'^ TSjIjofu Street. II per hour, er U a buehal. we hare It I Buhl, Caatleford_M3-4fl49 “>plojmfnl. “>* tikeral. fringe hnenta. ■g **'• ™THREE-BEDROOM R E II T-l6 >e tend rtrame or ooallflcaUon* 7JJ-7J8&. trade lor - , „ coou wa: —rr Moder*Hoder« bonhoma. ithlrd In full baa^ I Burley, Rupert, IS huh U.to, b«numk., I0.1C.,/oTI»...New.. aOOF rtpaitiBg and oliiag. frea HI- . , p o male. Call 7JM UI. l i t llh AvasB*S; AV ACE REALTY ment). U rge lot, f«9C«l backyard. I Declo. Paul, COOU WATKIMS roula. Caula ly.* Kest Huit be neat. amblUout. htra ear. ^ im »«!.„ r... I N o r t a a ------, j S ^ »»J.M and up weekly. Writ* ___ P.O. IKONING C' In my homa neatly dona. H TM-SIIT QI or rUA, I11.M<1. ^ Bo. 1097. Twin Fall.:______, JfX]-kour. 219 . tth ATiniu North. eaU TSS- 430 BRACKEN N O R T S Wendell.W endel Ooodlng, ® WANTED: Uarre»l------M” -______“ IIt f UfaHI. n cli«b ta lb, oM Ktrra ANN DATLKT 1UNDA rslBS liThLTNDA DUNBAft Eagei ta r» work. Phoae 7W-WT. M PAINTING *» I iMlda or oatalde. Car-par- •- hoDsehouse, bbrighten it by buying ------I * * * * Jeron " peaur. new or remodel U7 Eaet- a HOME. noN Utle Cassia cwretr Ceatowibl * DONT MISS THIS . . . an MMtatante fer Ike Utl« oTot Cm » KXCKPTIOA««ita-SakiiMn Watrttd M ----- NEW U8TIM0 . . Bnnd naer wi.h Ddccb. T he qneen wlU r t i i n o9Tcr n r ikike e CaCaaila eauly Centettalal ______^ tjLKb » ” 'rJc?1n*o"ed*i'*C.* me. With Ul Loan you can buy tbli t * - - I . . „_ FFiler, iler. FHollister, fltd mtn four bedroom iplle tareU Two Ebedroom , * ^ ' '^ home. • full baaeoent.' Wiwnl. -Cwirnc*.’' Jbm 18,19> andu d U at tta Ca«la coonty fair- W t ^ K S i KXCKPTIOWAL opportualtr for quaU-UbU. Braetlig’'doM'‘by‘" ^ r .W w « HnlSJ; 1 Rogerson,J^togei wriu""!fled men for locftl arefc Abort ayj^ NLhl)n ^ w anj . ^ ______fhiTiui fantara. Good hxatlon. ONLY SIH ETMnd*. The q p ra wUl nodf*re a tkthieo.day. iet^ all axpeBsa trt^ fer H m g S Ja ck p o t ______S38-5375 r."i“ i« t !!!; » ,!S5i..“2U“S Jj DOWN, Including cloelng coel*. fM (»• t* Las Vaga% N#t. Tba «tkerther eonteataoUmd(c«1 wtU ba priBceaaca H f iM Writ»'’ briif‘ _; eUU__ 7a3*-3W. BhASSup*? l u S( m K ! JJuT^ tatel--SS p vM B tk. Tatal erica I* now aalj> hiitBr tke wtraHt-W i* wm beB tSmmglrea aaerehaadlaa e n prlna. Carafe'*» ' ' B S W 9 __CLA88|F1BD C L A 8 S | DlfcECTORTrs ------aaaUlkatiooe tn Box tU (. or piu«e wBuhl. ilX Ui ___ squareiquare feetfe plua kaaemetit. Ssperh •».»•»• ^ a « C a r itr a b a k a < a y » coMtiwteat.coMtiwtoat. b a t k t r p M « ra ooaM ti:>ll43. PoeaUUo. EXPEBIENCED m«al. C .kef wanu e«er loeatloB. Toara for Ml,- M IT T LT ------MITTON RflALTY a- -iS aH i^W ^esi-I . ___ —:^*NNniTMCwi>twv*■ •;■ • i-> ■ ^ WOtJLD . NEWL\ flieplaea, thlMr«B*S plarhonM wKb I dccldon Tuesday durlnc ttae the i RENTALS , “ TlinEe.BE0B00M, Cloae4a IMM fail h T ' ubaeemeat, L larta tawa, aeei- l>e In the ptace of tbe Rev. Robert !: WOULD YOU RATHER SPEND ' roR*“i KUns of the truateea. He had B n ^ , S ' CClaaalflcatlon laaam 10 through 6S ' im a g . n u ll UMfc-dtftaaa booaa B n ^ , Kimberly,-who haa ac- lo5 rOUft-BUIIlOOU.Cleea.Ja |H .tM asd ehopi. dHch iratar. Tww hlMka nred u board chairman for the ceptod cepted a■ caU to Durtaaa. N. O., r.. 3 , 15.40 FO R ADVERTISINQ Sflter** rOUa-BID^OOir, rnn baeemeal ’u a * | u ^ Jt 10 years. and wllwlU be learlnc tha latter£ ; ------" ; •'* AGRICULTURE '."bit THAN I600T have youT ------I11.M* Wud was preaeniad a sllTsrrtr ppart u t olof .JulT.______M IM . ID A OluaUlcallon M through 00 aell furnUhed or unfurnbhe^ tlS .-^ ---- _ MRg. JUAMTA MeCALllSTEB I REDROOM homa In Paul wllhI *Mi1 ^ nVB-BiaROOll,rtVB-BK Bpaeloaa IH.MI ^ »»»• lote, 11,000 down. m r. fuperlnteodent, board t ^ * i ®® (Ot Coursa Vou Would) I'raor ' NORTUEAST J E B O m Madera tilrw Cunningham. CalU using this,K„ LIVESTOCK TWO-DEDIinOM older Wma la F.aLPa»L LOW DOWN PAYMENT embers a n d elerk. He expressed h l l | ------. • El lot.,M.ooo. «) 11.000 down, Urmi. M, bedroom eiteoein beaalifuUy iaad- prefix will not be completed. Chadtlcauon too through ilS you c MOVE RIGHT IN aSSacaped fel feocad loL Bpaakua carpatad I spprwlatloa to the UusteesS *■FUer to Get S ”;lir TWO-NEW d TJIKEK-bedroom-tn: Paul. Hrtnfl raoa witb , ftrwU**, Ur*b The aqulpmal to be uWd for - 110 y o u CAN. AND r r a BIMPLEI hluben, iawla« leem, Iwa tiled >d te iba dlstrtet patrons for -rv* MISCELLANEOUS CLYDE PETERSOK AGENCYQY Lloyd Roberaon Agency elr help azwl cooperallon OTer I l |V the new direct distance dialing* “U ClasslflcaUg IossKIc on 130 through 160 ^ Juanlu C. i’etere. liateiaun ’ u . t!i-il“..irs-A is% E rs * yecs of hla aarrlce. -D irect Dial known “ as SATT <8tnjwger Auto- B U T ***" CLYDE Paul, Idaka Pheaa 4a8.ISll Urs* aUer k«m* oc IS aar« la rnaUc *1^ noketlng) Cunning- Ain/. rertUi J ^ m a vicaJty, Fbaoa afUr C B*4- ot- m I 1 • AIRCRAFT AND BOATS Did you know lha* U yo« »> A -" ra u |“l! » ___— .— TM-7IH’TM-7KI "“S'vi""'’'’ - 7JI-7100 ~ TU-IIU 1417, Jeta. i nnt chairman ot Ui« boardS Telephoning T e l ’ h«n “ «“»• c^kOaaatflcaUon 105 through .17J and wrou l»M« peatafttde lo adrertUe ■d Uvln Uerman wsa reelect- Hm equipment handles all rmir bnlneee. the roetearda aleae (aot ______— ■ ~ r ETTB~rr~UF"wH**3w~5eiie»~rei LTTEITI ' i Tn i o n 'o u T ~ b ar. M i allar ya« mftha lha boaaa Tln chairman. Kugene OHff•Iff FILETFILER, Juna U — New dlract•ct taUphonatalephona calls with mechanicalleal j AUTOMOTIVI laetadlaa prtaUns) »ouU eoe* r « IS LOCATION payment Sr^ieM^ oac thU Hoa tw»be>lroom u twom bl aa a mw memberMr distance dialing servtee tn the:he accuracy, whichi meana eacii call classificalkMioiasaifie in through 800 Koa SERVICE STATION IMPORTANT^ homa. J- Itim e n t b plaiabad for K- U. Barborn. ( D s ^ lawyer.'er. Filer ararea will go into opcratUonion ts a cc et^ et^ and computed exact- F o r L e a s e if a.^ u U lh end ha* raom fur two mor* 100 If a^ M ut abaw, Ihl* deUghtfal bedroomt.bedroomt. n,M « he* IS,MO equal* n U ra Lea F » n m r ’was re- Sundsy.Sunday, according to Charlea ly as It Is Kieelkal loealloa. Omali larait-•t- S.bedrrm|.brirT>om hm e allM «BaaURua, |4144 4 m a maatlk, atl pflaelpal and latwre*!. toat m d Found ______I mant required. Conlaeti. h hae i nd u olerk-treasurer. CunnlniCunningham, manager of U)e since hw — p h o n e II has a full kaitment. wall U |{,«uKrale for for : IIO year, Uy owaer. Fbaaa , LOtfri wir.h>lrta TfrrUr'. Muck Dodson waiiwall carpetcan I. the liriaa roam . , . 7I941U7H-I1U i weehdaya.______•m ry —new—teaehere—werewa totoleLJiIulU»\_Tf.lephoM le L j con^ reaulU lU all thU aod alea atlahlo^ laa. „ — —!^ Z nd by tbe board. Karl Elliott, pany. T33-306# •« ‘kl* ‘ Jtt, pany. ^ "'5SSa^iSsH"^=teA.';S especially ^ 733-0931 ' JMU. was hired as head ooachich oustoCustomers served by lhe new'•* caller ^be . certain of the nuniber »*»■ bitrk - d sUUtiio dlreetoc. Be was■u dial offottlce will use the new pre- w i. draped. A caal "mnrana pleailng'* " • ha la calling, ha added. A M E R I C A N ------^ —- hllchaa withw all bulli.lBa ta maka Muwed from Idaho Btate col-« l- fi*flK nunn u m b e n they h a re beea f s - ____ tfcSu CklU’» ______------mw------OIL COMPANY Mu-i her wotk Item Uka pl*r, l,.iw du-t> I* ta IM . Ha ooaohed a t West« t slmed,signed, which wUl replace Uie ------. » » • M ust Sell at Sacrifice payaianl. plrJ^'i^ eaeelimt term* oa bal­ ^ hith aehool In Botoe and former INCORPORATED W|»Tia,lLOMTl BHiUar tipenl'l. H m wu" IIS.m! ------^ Ha* DUI>l>i.dlng, I-eauopy, high. . ance. J. A, Mania Agency, Paul former SM pcefJi. Patrons also IKrigrad /rum H ll Ith A<«nu« Eut. ------roluma atellen a.allakW fer Uae*.!la. ttO o C IosQ E a t a t o I4IS-I10IIs m io i'i a ft|r I. 4IS.«lll.______4 «nnd three yeara aa head“ <> have been be given a new area codeKje FATRnELZ),FA inni June U~Camasfnas H4w»ri, TI»-KH«. ______rin: Work Wantwl ^ 23 FInancUl ^ aiiUlei.ce lo (lualiriad NIre to. J^ a lH o lU S . h«niitwwhandbook to use in making longmg Prairie LionsLlo club. Inc, Palrfleld, , Eaet. ------party. For Inrnrmatlon ralli (HIIHI famace.fam Nlea yard. Clna»la! WILL YOURYOU property quanfrl CaU MG 783-7870 or 733-W74 l*j«aPjuejhre^roffm thr partially furnleh- now n»w. "UUoit firvrar Wikh uu secreuiry of slaleSI; "iiigM- . ___ ! «•»• BALING - COMBINING ...... v aSuredofiPKIlalT’a ^ ^ %. IhU past^3ri?"iijd'ws nono‘*^lcmi longer ars to use Ihs-prefix!fix Thursday. Tlie corporation hash as .•!»«..apnu. ikUrlt.a, k n * , IwrMt, niMla. ------^ 713-7000 ' f caaaa l ? * * ai« ^i «p*nd all our tlaia on a team was regional and .i,. „i, Write flf fi.li ni.tiLy. n«.t<»e. Have 3 new iiiiern&iionai NEED A LOAN} few ebeU* prup.rtlca. tIawUU 930 when dialing locally, statedted 13 non.profltnon*pr inc<«poratora - Really, phone 731- tl« baU rs. 1 ------i— We are nuw making benetoquall- y k I j^»nd has three yonnf chll- ______- . _ _ mn'*aun'a k«lkel» >»u kilihKti a iirublin ru<1 iKxrimeri ahu need muaer U r jL 7 WUERE KLHK could ymt get a laUl m m Mrw -k » . rrn m cu.N.uluil». L-|UrlM.»-a, Batlafactlon’ guaranteed webuy are farmt, raiichea ur cummarelal i . _ . .... J al 4 kedraam epacee I. a ewU ar. I rublim s i s ; ^ ranged boota (nr entr l»,IMT PreaenI Nwcy McFarlane; Twin Falls, I w Y iT i< ty ’''uh '.;.p jji;i;~leeeaV u ,..u M . W, PARLEY Ih s=-ri.''i'.s'.“;;;.rK3 :“ .F S »*»iM«l al IW, W tl laeiudea Inler- eat. laiee, Intatanca^ Koidciwa pay. * urtd aa second grade taacli------Phone 4*3-3047. M uilaugh------f, ______EK',r,S‘.Stefv*rSs: - . S K” -: « Vktory Bd\ooi. Bhe haa •r*rin(** m U «rf'*l*wM I „ ment to a i . Bothy Ulmnaita Kealt/,. lUdI,,. “ . Belt '______u MATTENTIOW ift MOTEL OWNRRS55 ” ^dTye, •"" ‘ " a.a.°m .|4 0 l. i i M A V ^ A OKIWO , We repreeent a mulet chain wha — Sboui i PICNICC TABLET; MirfttlKk*h UtlH.H Ir. I<.. ' * will puiebace Ue equliy you haraa rl NFAII H r A11 II, |i M wat.b-lBnlar HlabiT. TnHEX-bedraata epllt lerel k»me with ■ua V Valler.bIi Mauiitt Klitaa, imntr, J> i , . , la y»wr meteL Fer futthee Infer-lar- Thre* lem balbe, raipet. orea j* »M announced th st oon- ■'Tei’* RrUlel. mantitr. >r i««na-, J ' ' , , r.ieai-oliL WIU take hbr- aiMloa rail J. A. Uartia Atenar. kiuheii. 111 kUe ^tTM In tnd*. Price lll,M<>. been oftBrad forthfl« ------...... -WITH 2! BENC BENCHES (Inna t>hi)ni< K»lr1iiim in«,-- l,"„.r; — t ,i , .u,i|... JIM LILUBRlDOB .Ihlng Paul ‘‘'j 4IMIM. rTlT^n T I S ! - ? P«Uon» open tn tha Hollis- ■eerya* r>«nliiia u:ily 1II.H1V— nMloa ------e.ll n.T. Kllnka Aaeaay, III4Ml Il «=• ■Freemaa. tM -ltll. r « r«enatlo»» tall Blaif iSnliii FOR BALE B T OW NER; a.d«■< 1U-ITI4,iw' TUaMI yir •'nopl but they have not - peeleMZi~U*^dm"^r« la>**L? ^ ^U««Pled at preaent. > ______“1-M fiiklne IM. n w h..»nlh letarkirh. iWINOiMlKd InaaierwI ll t^oar k^Traacn SZ£r*'A rk»MhV«S?*h^""i«l1»*w*Ui a*ilwJnall* Management FOI UNi.nwecary, houie ( In lhe syatem Z are ' P«rtonat»llic>llu<>a. iUdto ^ u U w I t»cM VU.UT&UN RFJlUOUa — feixed’»,zr'a^ar£jK > s •auliiiied rait. W<,rU.nlil« im.u- .aletd. CommtreUJ piopeMlee. » epeeUIUiIU prlcaPriee |l*.l«e. 7IH I?I, ITwla r i . - rFall* * Haaltp aad Inearaate, ^ urarte Uaolier at , MlXallVM. All CMlldtBlUl, Ui- ______rheae 7 » - lia ______C5TE0W _ 7a«.»(i4»,______^ ‘}“d the poaiilon ol prin- U ' H F IN IS H iD «ail i,f n.« M«. lt . » . ■ ____ iiaa bOWM wUt W lliW ■“ .f pM6 r . e IkMlOnU ^ multin toeeneaat “- l-r DUoklivL UalUlMlW sueraale.d.N " IF vein l!AN Itli, Mare ll.K**^ lu ^i.mehume wwllh furnact aad haaeeeat. «ti grade taacber at / I I'lilVATk I'JiiVATk i« .-.i« ..k M ri)i;;;;r-,» u•• ;; “ t,!;,,,!.*- Keraau HaiUke. U M IM .______, „ Yuu caa'I affarA la tent aikb Urma Uaea. iMeled atar tupec mMkel I M*ni aeenl tt«th and' lUchlnr. t _____ New .j. """I* y,,,! plut ...h awarde and oremt.ireml, tt** »Mae. Priaa IIJM . it'a elaan.• 3",',“JaffeewM. ",^ phci.e TII-«IIA •IvU er utKlael, i:oa>ld«>illal W...... and ^ balere. 4 (laeke. >koiie «]>• Brown waa rehlred: 17.95 a>. e y l w U o A. Ih« M . TIS-Wl, CUSTOM (^rtVt TiMK ll yeur lima - Aarlleeel MMt. Kimberly.______J ‘ '‘J fM**emiis.'*wrilerDBI^Onil cV»SS!-£ !K^!r V"' ■ wirTra Mcrelary a n d Mra. I r At.CDIIOl.lO m S . Aiiciii»»»», rarfuJlMT •' - Haal KelaU telHn( mir ^ la l ty , Turner «as reltlred aa FINISHED Sw iffll I Inrcrrmatlon. |ih«n« IIIOIM nr»•»*«>■ Win- UUSTUU llh Ax awakUaal »af, sialn and m " " " ’'J I* Aa'o'r- TII MiT-TII. '“•* ‘ecreiary. ah I. . ,11 Atiiie. California. L^JlrM aud Veni Herd ■ Win. llh Aeenae Weet, Uam mWfltlkll'IOR ifcrf, , ,enie.r>“• Vll? ^ Hnilr n » ‘IlilM trl'"* ‘‘'•"W In har hard oufdow w*. * Alma II* lUMie' pli» • »:^l*.>idri55'-‘iSMr- •KjP'wi I S S H e l . - ‘"■'W wa* Li^*ut»erint«nd«jalent •atiniM 11 iValAn' '^^rg. 'low*Neiih Milmee^ ~je»emei ^ ^rTrHUhtdl'wilJg*d!!!r'v» 2 5 ^ IUm S! U4 ^hirmPl I WILl, NOT ki rHKMlble tor anr I'huae 8« . m i , erefllnai. J Ilh^AfeciaaSST.;!. Watl, Traeh Una. 1l»< "'■■•on'«wtaf«S£i?J? ta j^ ^ W fo e * « final IU . . r U h li. T R IT U SEED'S, • m ? ------futiiiih {til. M «l.lM «U.»JlH..raeft. W CTTO I’* "m alnSj'i^.llw nlotlle bUHh 'U ; OU. m nkh'■•« r^.' T R V A W A N T A D **lo*Mrra^yw to^'ySTr^BtmoU VllVuil . I aW e'J.'^dlleh :w SECURITY;I I I SUPPLY ‘"**** waU carpel, all »ew""intaetor, aaa FOU CoWIt, ‘•M. '* lt» looiball ' - - ■ , f O R F A S T . "S k ftiniacai oiw aera wllh lw»UrMM» tT i^ A^ NNW 4.PI.M far aala ar Irida. Oh>e^ 1' Truck Ians - AcroiiM l from YTl oung'i Dairy ^ W^rMe fc.» I ' P ] la thnpslng aanlar and Wah atboul. TWU la iiS llESULTSI ^ NMIng belter tto a 1*H. ,0.11i*nih TM- ^u j5 m fiV hx .% * 2 S r’a«auIf, ft' :-T8 iara. I rhanafhana 11II4IM . ______» k . •/■ I HwIm in ^ PHONE 7m031 . iiwi.*: Vds—P h o n e 7 V a c dnt n t IRentalss Co:Cost M oney-ney—Rentt YYo ours Thruiru \W ant A ds • le 733-093t I f nol Furniture > HH Qooda m i t 90 Animal Breedfng ______JOO100 fttieiHi Pet Suppltti 110 J. m l Mi«.ii.n«.„. r.,17T 7~ ,1 9 6 3 Vacatlort Propertyr ______ss'Houtea-UftfurnlihadM k^d___ 74H F.nn rmpltmatm ~ W j Jun» 13-14, 1963 ------ARtTf ICIAI- BREEDING ABS UrMt " H t:;------SPOT CASH “ '^nd * w . *^ptJi Come Bee O ur Aquarlumaiquarlum a rum llur. - Appllan*.. - * 2 0 Twin Foils Times-Nev •. friirrd. pallo! USED MACHINERTHINERT JX".™ in.. Giro K R « . CoupIM lln* of *«alp»*nl.ilpmant. All All Thing* of Value m , r i m e ^ N e w s c j ^ q i CE BUILDING unlur hlxb, ho- ILDING dick 133-1329. Twin,in Falli. Ftlrr ' typea of Tropical'i/jT?bDTV Ffab. BANNER FtTRNmmB ' 5 pil.l. 32«-4»««. ril.r,•. ...n•«.nln«.. ln « . lUf. j.^ -l,ra n planUr.planur. ,„d Uuhj, call Enlrrpri.* 882, SECURITY BEED &® SUPPLY bU P l'iiX 8b0.hon* South Pbona 783.1421 I Homei For SaU i50 l o t s — In the Warm Sprtng*Prtngs erea Brea r^'.'Ml^liiin'oM ruuntrrtry hum.- hum.. Ilarn., lUrn.. fEHCU.SON 4.row b*an eulllratoreulllralor K r«n“ Am™n,’ 8i#^61S»I'.iSn Ha^l’“ 2: .140 new). J.4. Brut »■■ «T6-«IKms DafVr. TUl'PilUfTTer aiflflxewrhcaUr T*yyi*nT*yrl*T. *pring* and mattreat; 7 drav{*r deak, n ira. Extra nic*. Pbon* 788-7088 afUr C p.m. or 8un- UK'M.Y nUDKClinATKD l»o-W ' Ut.H.-,E LOVERS Plra.ru e nou: Kif.-,'King'. and Hlnatur* Pln.ehera. Extra nic*. hnmr llartl*. frn(«4 ytTf ' 3 NEW SPLIT-LEVELT-LEVEL “V h o w Z^eiil'oV"ill'o f MaMnlc M.Mnlc OLIVER 10' .wath.r. C .„ar J7610 rcUUrrd Am.rican h A»*ou* EmI, daya. | 1- On)yr |6.S00^1M I6.S00. |1K JI0ME33 T-m.,l>. Fall. A.>nii._|.:*..,______haW Kaddlrr. rbrtlnut aorrrl,: ; ; . r hlaird fac ""*■ J.,- n. | « m..nih, ------Hck^'humrr l.lv OLfVEJI «I-T!.T balrr. ^ .locking.. "Saw •‘•adlat toi Ipaalf) pupaTio Only 828.80. MAY Electric. 441 Main TCHUM ^'iV,a'n''-lm"nd ?wl, wll'rt.mrl’7* ^ u d l 8% m .L r» 2 6 . Ea.t, Op«n Fridaya ‘till nine. - TOI- I.OCA-nON, ^ Ihr^krtroonjlhr.*-krtro«m' KETCHUM l,','“ fTnft*'^*“ d NEW IIOLI-ASD wlr* lU bal.r. - Ihop, Twin FalU. I’hon* 423-8803. Klmbtrly. nf aU Flnnnclna Avnllablevnllable m^n\'rTa4H‘’*Ml'p|.''"L^iilapl.. Call 73J. j,AssEy.|!Anni3 balrr.b,l„ . _ ..r Phonr a:4-401>l, Jrrum*. ^ ^ pOOULE dlpping'TixJ p*t p*t troomlnt. froomlnt. plywood. 82S.80. other tIaM ala* k’lQ[> '.U.kTr furT lUN » N.w Hol- .prlngrn, I0(>''« guarant**d. n'il anager. TaU- Kllllnger Electric, rhon. ■ bt ~ ..w* .IIM ~ 'w ttrr, ;,wrr." t.niltHon‘.'.■nU.^itrn p.lT. unk mas Ol'ffKATIUN ^ N.w- Ho~ ;2'.r"-r£“£s;; i ^JaT k m Ii: c.,uiHTy hum*, • „|(.,,roi.«llrdI ^aueom^atlc^^bal* automatic bal* l.uy or lra,l* for all kind* rf i„<-k and tprlnier. fnr California ______Or*gon. ______^______‘♦"'I*. El»clrlc botil, ■ J' iO down. FHA. .urfuiin'linv* '""j," ,, } t prr day. Twin I'hunr Hap or Clyd*ll* Hugh*.. Hughrt. Dubl, Cubl STOP UY,~tr* our p*u p*U for for aaU: aaUi NEW KIMBALL planoa: utrt ^ano*:piano*: . r**tonabU. 7aa-ti>: “ r::™;.""”'''' ’’’ fmpl.ment, 2939 3, plf», 810 JIO Sni Snd Low*r}T organa. Eaay urma. Warntr I ______Mu.lc. »T Shoahona North.______"IKAIIK »:,0UI> » In lhr»* b«>1ro ______LAIIliE T io LSTEIN milk mlik eowt. eow..“ 80 ai Avenue Wrat. lluikr bnm« fur Ul» tnnd»l «ul .1 » u .» ^ THE FINEST nc„ t«x,dln». VJ4. ConUct Jim Cr»nl •^?ndt^.w 51' Sav* »«». Se* al Mutle Box. Lyn- : jl .1 rour ,.r.lr»; "Tl.o'-iH T'o KIMIltlll.Y: Thl, <0 act Jim Crint. ^Iftard'.^M r.^ndt“^w**^i~yii ______Edrn. Phon* «;t.52«4.______UalliT. 7r'a.UI«. aiT~ I. truir Ih. fln.H "H tht l„ii'- t - GERMAN iSHORTKAIRIR pupplM puppla, * 6 6 Canter, 788.QM6, M s ? ' k"iM "■ flniil on tht o^K-IIUimiO.M. parliallyllally fuT.,l.hr.i:furiilihnl. MOCK IU C ~ 7-»V.«- tn ..r‘m 7»,nT""* RKCilSTERED Angu. b ^ 4-ya.7:old ISO monlh. litu N'irih'••oflh too»00 Ea»t.Eatt. fondillon, I’hon* liann.ttann.tt 08-1(4.08-H4. Hu«ujn Duff and aoni, Paul, !dab' 4088.*’^^-' Radio end* TVleta ------125n s . JO-K. TMIU.B-bt'lf<%om brick.io r”.peir*H»nt i " ‘ Onl’I11 SHOUT 40 noHh^ nf Murt.ughJlutUuih^^on on Hiii^rt. ^ pltn. l.K i fKt floor O H.rm*h«Ul|Id wM|7 m HI,KM. Ar. Kt»»r. 7!3-i:i7. 7»-«.'i7. _ " fj|r’!m,;rcvrm‘ nl.,’"c)nlf IK - ,mrrluir“i^ .u,w. Farm Suppliaa 91 .JS n S v ...... 2,. -w.„id W..,d „ .i,. * «■ w’f ^ g . g i ' i . a v . y - BEBUIIiT TV SETS ------:------Umlly row., Pbona /*rome l.Lym 'n '‘C :" Z '.’''|.. -STT* I . Farm * F e r Salii llv.«~V W.nHrf 114 ______WIIITII OF WIill.! »9 ” N rw l’v KEMOt)El.KU:u .;.,7:h;:irr,^ ' ' ' b a l i n g wW iIRE r e ^uV T litvEii; t;^r7;;\.*d.jaranl*«d. Phon*Pho-; ------;------— UOIL_ o'. South Park. «* W,.V Jilln. 7Ja-76S(l3.7630 dky.; 733-733. 21'- Weatinghoui* TableI Model - in U,8,A. Th. - Twin_^all..J3^._,».______For Prom pt I THIS MAN IS T T m T A ^ In b baling X ^-w wlr.. T r- SVl/lnO lOJ103 I I- Blond. DuMoni Tabl*.bi*"m*“e'“ MrieeHanaoui Wanted ^ HsWEKFTiaSiS(. w..h«-dryrr O NLY $11 pGt c o il! „ - .,<- ,iu. R E M O V AA L L 2l" DIund* Admlr«t Con«)l*)nwl**‘*'^ V-Am-ED lo 'u u i; I'llcdr ir~- CLEAR OKF illS NESl OrlJthlfuf . l7l'^:< »-4^ ------^------p e r c o il! H h m a lll tE U -U n,.rac- bre<- »ta ! II S N E S T kJ m rw ii.y o^iJthifuf K,n., 1 ~ baih7 8r* i-. fur n.anilly■ i(i.counti. >(i.«unt.. too I boar» and wranrr p(g*. To? bloo. • ri. rumMna- Sl'AlllDU.H two-br-lt.x.m, I ', bath., a't'^M.'^Fi’e* * ^ Of D ead.and Dseless RCA v icto r Coi-aoletu.,.,u Ua.„.. i;,i. .. ! fUw>^ ,«u h.d Lcllrr burrr b»fur. room. g«. >1 brad t ~ IDAHO HniJE^ ID E ^ COME IN AND SEESE E 8(h Arenu* Weat. phone lat. i«.««ilun .Memlfri ..f Mullllil. U.llim ' - “••■ - r ------r;—n—T— . ehooa* from; twn extra good Ap. .F«m all U. bu- 2.year-oM aUlllona.au‘iiio i“ blank.bia*S;; & T A L L O W C O . ____ ’ rortabl* TV’., trade-lnt.|Jik.^n*w. Ilk* n*w. Heavy Equipment Ih B ih h _ . - ___ Ap«rfmenU-F«rni*h#d 70 ‘ ‘O' **••>* type: few P.O.A.K. ponie*.poni’e*. " "A A t — ■ ------______iihid 7 0 ’vSm""'™;. ”i;: .ss.s ______atud! Tonapah’a Cowboy rrgfiaUre ZZIZ------*38 lo rr*7-Alao nlc* conaole* | 8» JEROM E REALTYR E A L T Y U M r. nuw . . . 11.1,I*> atal Call,orn.,CalKorn.a TWtI.|lKIHlOt)M full |h..rmrnt. h».»mrnl. fencedf«nced Appliance & HH Equip. 120 ^ *” • r«»rter». Term*.T*""*- ALLIS CHALMERS H B I lG k S iH im ' . Idral fur t*- yard. Ufl. I'hnni- 7ia.llH71 North, oprn a v< »• I'hon*Ers.fm";; S4].»ll or ‘r™„J,h“r jnunin- *‘------■'“- rAaTLlRE: « ' mll«~ pr.f*rr«d: oJor CaJ^J PurnH^« fo r R«t TV Servicervlce Company, 738-3377. H ______lluhl'______. eattl* pr*f*rr*d: V^/cQfj a i_ t______a LOOSA—,.hoi*.. ■ tted. Sava to UT.. Cafa'aCafa a rurnltur*rurnllur* 7aa.6J78 1412 Kimberlynbetly RoadBoad > ------HmXiX iwj:b;;ir,..m khumr_al m r at H .*m of of ^lio trparata hora* paaiur*. Pbon. ■ « » ACRE dltinlfW ftrcn worti w T “ rity. Phnn* lia-.'OBI. nr 7M.nuii2. * paaiur*. Phon. Perkin.. MurUugh. 4a2.“2'«7'' ______Sporting Gooda ijfH tht rnnnrr. IIO.OW.^ Dr'n'tiW » "lih Uki ^ ^.on.'^Vadr.*’ u'ltMlU /urnUW «tc*pl II — , rerformanc* bonrt.r Train a p for eo' l juil mr oonl (or It. Fril.rtlFKl.ral Un>lUnd •l.ctrlflir. Lli>i*-ln, J?b^n*“ Ibon* l31.131; J»rk.i.», m per yAC.'fC VAI,(.E:V UlIKnglling RerrlM^rMdHarriet. F**d eattlnr. calt nplne, harr*I raein !il:______. gr.nd.ng. Walter Uraon.Uraon, Kimberly,Kimberly. and pl.aaur* riding. Dava HarrUoi ;£n'S: .to,”".:'; jgy'.Ki* ■“ . lUnk b u IcxnrtI 124.000•4.000 on thlithl. t»"-.______^ __ ------Contlder trad*. '83.(ill77. firm. GmIhi It b.U«vlnt..»lnf. TllKKt and four r«.m ground fl^ r ? ,h™pp1n» Roomt-Board and Reotn 76 mpl*t« wllh two SCAUTiFUL Packard D*ll eolor TV, '*!, ^ UORELAND Milling Scrrlca. Fa« on, 830. .Phone dema model. Save 82&0. Uu.le B«>. HOLLAND REALTORS3 A L T 0 R S ‘onTr. ‘^■b'un':'”’:??.*"*;;I'hun* T3J.80«1. JJ, a VKNUE NOilTHiNORTH 1 Nie* grinding or molat.r*.‘‘.r.^'mlx*’ mix, Pho*Ili Pbon. ^ q«r(r?'ho«rt*“ o' h«dT'™ *l"n ______Lynirood .Shoppinc Center. :33J)m. I «tl U«ln W ttt 1.1VIVKC 326.41188 Appalooaa ttud, 4.yrar-old; Appi Iter. ?j}.oa.^g. aE-r o f coCT~ ciub; — — - J L ) Oid.n, Uub.Mrt. MeOuIr* EXS-OM' . i-r.val* balh. room, w.ibwUb prlvataprivate .n-*n- Filer. 328.4147 or 326.4H96. la m ^ " ^ ' »l'’th* VERY NICE 18‘ R«coICO freeter. freewr. Top Top CUItUNADO TV. all new tube. plu. W. A. J.fkton. WenJ.ll-ssisS 63«-26S< •^;„Kr,.;ss 'si; ______WANT-TO UUVT Cood;oo-d-.uai qtialKf n r baltr ^ • l^rTr'. { :X ‘S Z Tnch” - z !r . orIrco, coQ- oorklng eondltlon. 1129,88, term..l.rm .. pIctur* lube. Perfect condition.c*onirt^n. T? <18 'fit ■'»»■<• Phon* 713.23H.- : f ‘I itftrold L. Ktllblff. Aromt.rom* S2t-!Tn»Z4-?7I7 JHcV"cibli.t. 2l” North WMhln*- h'Ic. yoom with hay. Mrrlln Aili«w,., W*ndell. W.ndrll. phon* phoni I ,g U V rm r Rome.,r. 828-8164.M8-H64. Wil.on Bat..., phun*733-6146, 733-6146,______2nd avenue North.______^orth' WMhlni- ^■^’'talh^^^l^uo^iTaW.r'zii^Tth.. 212 4th Av.- 63r..;Sll. ______S-yearKiId alaura; C. E. ELECTRIC range:Ige: Uundramat CONSOLE TV. 21". New^lctura:T ictu»^tube, tube. B o»H F w S ale ~ II 6MALI, STOCK RA.NCH~ ______HAY: lUO ton. of f.nt.nt. arcond"iittl^arcond cutting “ AraWanf’4-m « ld !‘A*Vb^k.?‘v^". All bmke. Year- automalie waaher, »36.(38. Phon* 7S3- workt good. 880, Phon* 733.8281. C RANCH r Ami-~ uST v • Oround floof a art: undUlonrd rTK.ni. C. J. Marahall. Jarom*, phon* 824 Will run UD bnd VrnVrZ >"«»’. waihln* fa"ui1».., l l ‘1,‘n^uSutlM' a*!? u*IUtl«' LAKliE. elran air rundUlon.4 rrKim. •ton*, phon. 824. i|ng POA. AU veryy nice. 788-2H73. BH3 or 788-6068,______. ff « .ll lociUif. Tiylor GrMlnr, frc 12 'ith AMnu* "■"Of'"*"- ‘-•l.-f to rlty «nUr. ~ wVe«i "d^iinl Oood Thingi to EatIt m133 D on’t - m „ j , hon« or r'alY** HUCKSKIN Appilooaa galdfng, ’hon* Filer 826------;------**“'■ OENE LARSEN • ,,_ ^ I t .,, CAMKHA C*nt Ckan M T 1 mlla wr|t of Twinn FalU,FalU, phonaphona 783-783 yraP._old. g*ntlr. Phon*s,.g;;i.' 7M-27j4. K- NICK. fl»«n thr**-roumi. clo«*>ln. EW- g e t R I C H ! Ooodlni______tUMlTl— *rly Udr »rcf«cr*d. ’iV 4I< a'i^T 2nd Ay*nu.*'..nu: '" '“ bl* toom.. ModernJrrn abowmahowm and 1»U. ^ IUoNRITe ' in fin* eondltlon. ti**- at m— I- “ • baihj. W»»l.)y or nionthlylontkly yatw.yat«. yyjicED nM/turr Inror rtatrrat. aherpthtto oro *g*ntl*. Phon* 832.2484. Rupert. ’ Jolnlnr NorUiild* Urtni, n u . 278 aertaitcrM tUil.______blacfc f"l»«'w ell J” Moralnjalda or phon*, h . . . 1I..11.1.788-7167. M ilt I ' ' nroduetlvt land. ( boRi><.0RI«<. fMrly p*ot>l«.proplt. Ex-Ex> antwrrlnc arrvirr, nbundant park- WANT TO BUY! Co,^Cood QuaUw-haiQuality-haT 2-HORSE meui trailertiler ln-*icellenlln-*icellei W* buy anythlnr of *al«*t Fuml. ONB of lha bM( »0 lerM In tha t»II U K .™ Hour. 8-U AM^-8i V pPJJ. ™ b u d & M ARK'S I r*» In th* T* 1*». iK.tinn. Phon*n* T3*-»i«.T3»-»iU. '. Dlu* *** Lake* ®'“* Henhrl Randall, phon* 733-078273»<792. condition, newly palnud. 4 tir. *** *"'• 7 ii.im B 2-1 N ln t badroora modam bom* allWill TWO apar»p.»ta. Uiiim ^ .T. kS/i'^Mitor Com^ “s NA&’ r IVKI*AUCTA U C rnoNiV n“’ Addi.on E ..t TM.II1, . «>• floor. B lln fnm lown. n ------;----;------GRAIN rolling, dry or molaa.ea mil S a * ______»m> Kimberly Itoad 733.7764 iOA M X “ ‘rt" H ,j , I Miuldar lr«d. on l «,000,MOO to lio.OflO«0.( *l.Ij 'r » ? ‘i« i ^ '’aofw O lh e r R e n la la . 8 6 "’t'T ? |L HABI'IT >»■!..' ■ r...,r tale. - I .. 28 !■ rabblu ..I.I.I J*daprea,U. needle point (blocking — low, low *'^new^lt«)l* IneludM *^ .h p ,''tl« ^B ” ® 1 k r Ualhm. 1»4tT|_L I-L a« Uatbin.Uatbi *n*f. >48 2nd Ayenua E«.t^ » Twin »•»« 733. p,n, «,u(pm»nt.Jlpment. ttS.IU. 733- 7J. and applying). Ejpert>ert Interior dac-dac. prior*, motor (20 houra u.e), ikili. rtf^H orating aa.UUnee. Fr*« catlmate*. OLD FASHION Ptanul butter, veg*. *P»r* l-rU, L^k*^ ntw. rhoM ' ______THREE-ROOM furnUhadh*d apartment.anartmrnt. M008B HALL. Partl«. r«*ptlonj. ------460 Main South, phon. 78J-8762 or 40 ACUKb.' na»r W»adalLdalL Uoatli'Koally 1 hay modern. prl«at* «ntrane*.me*, rbon*Tbon* 7M>73S> «1ub mr«tln(t, dancra, htoquru aaz^* >T.' l7~fltld'''pbon*I . II.M/' l'b ... — ------Kon* 783-8762 or table .alt. natural brewi, rIef, un- ______»1. Thon* 7»».287» or 73>-90«t. 7” Baby Chlcka 101 0 9 Burley, phon* 678-«638.I638- roaitrd and untalted nuU.;UU. Su-Well Su-Well 16' UORUE-TT. 78 hortepower JchanH an bTc« l^c^Mreon^om*.m*. m.OOO,ll».000, I18.. FOUR ivomt and bath. Waur anil ------UUHL DAJIGAJN CENTER.NTER. IJoodi;ood u.edU.ed Health Tnod Stoir. 733-H311.3-H3I1. leu than nn> hmir-. n in M ^ rT H V. 009 down. Trie. Intludaa tnaehin* ith. Waur and » ' ■ t I 90a a Animal Breedingg 10(1 0 0 fumltur* and appliance..lance.. Buy. aell. QUALITY MEAT: Huarter-half.;t7r-ha_lt~ Cu.- u.- W k termi. 788-84D7. " ■ »40. Ito carnry Firm Implemenfs 90 ------VANTRESS' CHICKS trade, moal anything ot value. Ilu Clrda Attser,is%r."ir!£ Wand.U 1 .'■•.a''*'- ''*- “* ------CACHE VALLEY llr*«dlng A.aocfa ’» tom altusblerlng - cutting - doubl* llr*«dlng A.aocfa. n „ , hatch (oror th<>thia v.ar I. Soulh Broadway, pbon*boo* 843-6221 or wiap-lockri-.. McCauIey’ailey'a Storage. Storage. M o to rc y c le i U B your order now 781.90M,______;______J «Otf ACKK Btlmon luam, m^tly nt» ^^^^|^IS,'',A «U »bu!*j’un"*“ljtb! USED MACHINERYH IN E R Y ■ fl« ‘887 ; ° j t f “: /“r.omi^,r''.h" f,’?". ;*w 'i“l'j,7du“.T WlH}“Ltr,\IlLK, i-cct ciMm, W.“ tlv. ' ' - bwlroom hnihn. frnrrp> ar* « i i,ii.— I.,------HAiLMElU^ — ln«. »o. lll.KTInwN«».. n,i"n''li..e,'mii; ll.g r,mtn POULTRY FARM • M Fur h,,rr -Oli U..,ih1e wr*ppcd.l"'Nor.bX[i; N„rth Main nU,»o»dUnd. alllnpfturr.: pt^t"jJ'.*"lVu“rJ l'rl< ICVm'in n'^cljiun^illlm';: JiSQO Ull". floohonr.lO.huur, 8 :l.t:i; Fllcr Hl;:h...yMl;:h...y 80 . ONK badruom furni.hrd apatimcnl In on Services- tmall holet ur iloU. Motor i«h hydraulic an- Outckick Action t Ferilltier end Seed ' 135 , I n o n boma, oil tumae*.mat*, buamtbutm .nu Klmb*rly. I'hon* 41A.8lt«.■ 'J . - — — 1 3 5 eimler, no tmoke In crank cat., ttV M >aih. Aduu.. m g)o dozer. ^ ' Ntrth*BI(£t“\uiur?8^4'»4lTji^!i4'.” 'lj” jiJ iS J' T '“ 'KE.R00MH and bath. A.lulu. Wl S - Use}6d this haihandy Directoi7 as a guide b dependable FOR SALEi 20 aacka Athlon ....irw cartifled rjsz iX . , 140 Atihkil U.w*.n JaroiA.- an^ T. «c«d j.a»to*».^AUoj^80^aaekaaacka Itll.l ytary.ar cna noUe, Ouaranlerd f„r 111. rf S P t ( I ' Talla. Two nod.ra bom«.>omM!jrot|iy Moatir au A p a r tm e n t-U n rurnlihad m lih a d 71 D-4 CAT with hydrauliclydraullo an- • fiCrVservice Today , . . and eVeeiJery day H»n..n. car. If nut talUfled. yout ' POTATO liEED, flm y*ar'*r oul.OUI. grown rtfunded. W* In.ltll whlli im.nt an,. Ihr..,' B*® dOtCt. on n.w land. Phona 43J.27I8,I3J.27I8, Muf B™ * , wain!;.!. c L . ■ t i m laugh,______BALDWIN MANUFACTURWH *h. ' m . m *>» »V»!'^»fTl»" «lo"r''/urn’lIbij, Tur"l Hi fur eattl* COMPANY B S 8 /um*llbid. Tur": A LLIS C H A LM Ena3 ia W D 10531D53 2 4 Hlo o u r filin g . 10,1 p.r' iqo poun'^Ji,'*Let po*.«*tlon. li.r- wood floor*. Ipu of b.ilit-in.. hiillt-lm. AduluAdulU trac to r, Ju»t overhauled. , Wund., Ue 40, Ave. a ■Twin Fall., HAM IHll aan lt*allr. Ooodlni llt-48114. overhauled. , Malh.w., Murtaugh. 4a;-2TIS, II f o b u TS andnd 7 ranch r .ct» iul^ aln ft CANYON VlU.Ai~On* and two U4- V l____ In l- lar futnlihcd. I77.M-Ill(».I.M-III9. 1 I'hun.hun. tjB ctor With CUltlVBTCl';----- ______h.At^TH. flwT-grown, ti.k- t... BilAKE LIFE ■ ______7aa.i.i!ia. CUltlVBTCl'; _ . . - --«■ ili,nn_| Imiit_73a.227^211.______------Ll 35,000 Miles or Lcul ■ ’* w.ll Orad.-A UUl'I.EXl Two.b*.lr.H.m.brich,m.b ^ ^ ^gaa gaa f.i;. fur. ’ ‘ »306i If Ihe TelephoneTelephohe of Any Advertiier In Thli DireDirectory ll Not Aniwered, Eae.II.nt fi>r ntrr. waltr, tanllatlnn* /urnl.lixl. loi 7 3 3 -2 m Telephone Antwerlnoiwerlng Servi Service, Day or Night. MlicallaneoOl For SaleSal* 14014fl ~ Nnw It the tlmt in & r r rm rW * ^ ! — Uu M l.m ^ <11.009 dawn.i>n. Call H HMlty.m U*r* 7ia-7»i7|^ mVi Ev'ininM Ev*nln«« 3 -O L lV E R bean drJlLi. Your **'* INSPfiCrrSD - ADJUfllB>B5j ______, . - choice . . . The A dvertiier Will BeI N9tlfiedN9tltied to Coll You. RELINEO ■ «o;TT.om;,-C,n. miiklOlOT'K ll .n,l .oul. Mua.rn I, ' LItlUIDATIONI SALE S A L E oulbulWfftf‘..'^ foaa"”to(n rlty tlnlu. tlirrvmim *par(m09. Kim- I I 'BViT.Ul^^T;;;ini or iraaini,traainr, ll p.Tto ______• A N D Y & ROB’S I______Ment M arket EqulpmchtHulpmcnt DEAGLE'S V t I., tonlaci Bnaka n ir.rr.r Kaaflr.H*aUy. ililluhl. NU:^: fuur-nnim wllbb- bi.T,batl>. „u«.,d(ruu.)i: ------IIQTQILCO.______|||j Coait «0T.fai«.>. I4«.4€«.i48.4€M. fln..r. hiwlr* MO f.lnrol,., ph<»,r ph<»r« All,. ------AppHQnc#-RepoirJng_- R e p o irJ n g ______Excavotion'Q______tlon______Rodiotor ServiceS e rv ic e ' ' - Walk-ln r'»,l.r wllh unll. ------tll.»»70. I. I 3-U^ktr h M tr r<,m(-*Mn,,«US..I, .m wllb SAFETY SERVICE ■ rr Eug.u* Kmllhi Appllanc* r.palr, ■rialliliig in ..pl.o llllf and Jark'a H.rvlr*lr*i I'Tline.UB-lTtfl Tlin».UB-iTtit • -Jl-liniiiiwwar-nnit;— — 617 M.ll. F-.1 7H4WM tj Leu and Acratg** 8 4 ;^ » .A liL h J J i, I.t I 6n.-b*'l.,>.m Uuhl '**Vhi)n.I’hun. 848.4JII843.4SII ytart aipri.rnrt on all makN. Hon fl.ld In.lallallon., hrtk* .rrvlc*. 761 MainUaln W*it.W«tt. Phon*Phon. Quirk t .m . unit. ______dupl*. wllh full UMm.nt. Adulu ______phon* ______Hak.i.-. Bew.r Hervlce.rvlce. 733.2841. 733-8366.______BUnjJWO LOTS lildTa Wathrr lt*rvlr*l fiuaiam#' , r.Uftrlc grinrt.r (ilultheruicher Boy 'AUTOMAT70 , I t i i nV E CHOICE AREAS r ' work on all mtktt. Malt nt ii.til a F u e i O o i il i ______Real Estote e Loons L o o n s No, 14,) ^ S A V E ~ 1 0 ^ ,na VUla. 73».»;,U, , TUANSMI88IOt<8 B t PLAN SEHVICE W pllanre., 2M llu.na VUla. 73i.»;,l .lu.«,^^ Itad.o ^1..- Umg^l.tm. ^ItA, ' i i;,r.f=fs:r ' " ' , " * " , ” ""' Check our l«>w I'rI.M flcallont. . J u a ^ '* ‘r V .dr‘ "yuu':*.'NO^W.'"■"iuw AN!)ll'ii!; . Awfilngsir’Qs ',an CoriwraKon, Tui,* t.rak mactiln.. H0PI»Y'8 , ~ rinantln* ~ lluico »„M,I.IIUiMint»ei-ntnihTwi-at h'______IK- Aluminum awning.. . 148 2nd Avenu. Nuilh ' »JIA — ni — CONVENTIONAI I. tha fulUiwlnil ,l Ith A.riiu. Nurth, 7.1,1-llu:, R e n la lT ' ------B ^ Y COOL H ,1 ^ nanilni al lh> lu.Mt.t Inlnl.r.,1 t.m l rtl.rati, »«• 5 i r ~nW r-ir»V tr:------\LTY Ijulr. »» 71h Av>riu. E.it. ------—;------r«*h rr«(.(rr. 51'XV Cl>MF01tTABIIi M KKY UEALTY *”• ?;r.'d,;';:,;r;r- o^n.r. ;~ciVs~ n.lKll.tlun. Phone lOOl Il.m. f„r r.iil. ''Iltnl-All.U.nt-All. Com-Com a.Mral hl.Tk., U l u. In.lall an tir conillW *^ u IS« Mh«*huu«. HltMl.|,titn..nl. Klrrt.lc rhichrn pick.rir wllh g.i In y„ur rar-any rntk., .m.nl, nir. yard, I'-i.u, l.uU .r*d roi...»..T*niL.yuia (d.reel(d.r«l lllcycl* .rpalia ar„l |..i,..T iW p t .« ONLY IIS per monlli H . ______h Av.nu. Kail. rmm bulk trurk.planl.rj•plani.rj lr., Kanimnnd'. C f..r '■I**" H"t>* lyW.> THCrSEN MOTOM__^* , d»plr>. i:iM.r-li> »'~l »"<• I'ul*'”inI., b«Hl». ind Avrnu. H.m,H,. 7.n-Hn»».______E.lrfc.>u.’a Nov.hy N- Ni«.k k iiuii-yH..l,l,y (ih>Hh,;;: ‘^"f:!J'';ii :,i';Jin .‘r a?.:. .r.rh Hr««tltm ..r|iit|«. J T & '“. aci “ ...u.-'n-Mt p .»n. S-lluw l*in^.l.«l iHilalo haryntar* lio tra.h hauling' I"-"''*’ iniieatlon. l \ ifi*'"* ulalo harvntar* «th»lni,holnii Dral.r. I'l.al.r. I'ulii- I'ui. )l„l,l,.rt f,>r all age, A.t an,I rr, <... ^ Cnmplfl* mahilii. »hun and blatk* repair t.i> lc. 4Sl nipplle.. VUKun V'‘;irX-7;i'3.'4;,;^! w.lr„m., 7;i3.4D' — J, "”Ali'rO~an,PMatin. * O. lO O N EY .’uU E E M A l/ro /r o a 'lllltKK IIIIOMH, rl.»^.u“"u~ ..A,*,.lA.., >^f.li..^f.lt- f»rl|ltlra .,a}(alil*.:i:xr,rr'"’‘- c : “ — ------Horsoshooing'hoeing' 'Septic Tonkk Sorvice S ervic. i “', DEAN'MOTOn'cOW^^ J : z r , 1 7’3V.77«*;r"7*a.‘;"'.V.I "" I’A U L E Q UJU’MICNT IP M E N T Carpentersi n t e r s ll,„'.AtM^ng .~;i,ertly‘M„h. I,7 ~ K d, i«palr*.l *11,1 Cun.tai l.awr-iira ...... - .in.p....I' .r « nml WoUllngnff Shoi) Shoj) f;;;;,„.r"w~,k wa;,T„i,ai,T; i T f j , r ':,7 .,r'v ".r': »l F.„.Ul.rr FI.M. FI.M. ••H,l^m. "Hum. uf ' ■xptcllun. U,yiUiyd 7I‘J i:ih Avfhu. Nu.lh rt'iiVck, l>l"n/71S. «<‘'fng Cliil,, ?JJ.rd« * ______• lluhl. I,lah„ ( r"‘!l ‘ioVr'S',i.i^ v m III'*"'* 4a».4Jil4a».4211 w,.,|.l, Jury K.«I.»lck, phun. 71 — ll,!.: lii!!'?' ....i,.. fur' — ------diahiaa. fallui.; At.,, >«|,llr tani ,l!' *ND‘'\V.n>ImV JUIIN lIKEItK ••MO"■' wllh 7K-17E-1 ittilit,,. iJTi^riT.lnud.h Cal,lh.l.,iihi,i..""i-7rh-, l-Ml^ir"^^ ton". J o n it o r io lI ServiceS e rv ic e ./ir.ui.-... a, (.. ii.k.,., 7vi,»4i, AIlTtlMATIi; irtntmlMlo" s a v e bo1%;;, Include* ailju.lli'g b‘"iU. i,f|;r^^i.rvi: ifn;;. ‘"I''.'. ' Cam.,.11'. Ja..lt„..aln i .i ..c . fur cucum: " ti',';..'" '* an,( i,u.ht,utl«'i», M‘* *"* It! ' ‘‘f *‘'*''tn; Hou»i-Furnlihtdrf—^ ^ ^ Ek'SS'li'-iS-"" , ______■"•iclal aud hum. ^r,«»lh,, r.»«ii|hi, huppllhuppll... Tallry, Dial 731_-2W.______I'Ip. .n,l Hlr.1lr*l Iloh ll.r.- ir,)inp«"T' .•i.K,n,.- ^ ' i,.rfr nriT-iihTA'iTTiTiA'fr .i,ud'~ ».',i •' r,'..,.r:„- Corpot Cleonlno JZllliLZ'ilL?:.'’.--!*'— ■------______Sowinn Machineslachlnes ^''''h or Trndn. forInrY Your m ir t a k e y o u r .Ko„] w k "'ilHvator f... II -r SI (rar...r, i il . On. .mail rhtl.l ''"'O' U J.rum*.j'.’Jum*, »;..i| W,I Mu, Mu,r. lla.u‘r ^ caip.iip.t ^.i„l ah,i f u .in » i« ______L a w n m•'Q o w wers e rs H*>.liig m.rhln. V.p.lr,7;Tr, auy mak.mak., [ l,».ln.u,„ ,..M I» .iliMtin. All "Ulk N.w and u.cil, wa ll*,U. liailt. Hharii.>ilnaHhatp.nl MrntaU-HalH, N*w Iliad, I'faft Haw I,* lat-Man, ..ni>. ..>,1^ ,.„ .i., ’ ^ k. .. ^‘i'" CO. FUkup Campen yDAliTKli •* jiuJ'i'’" ' la* 74'ii'**^’ *** i.h"!'.;™'TI. KOPPEI, CO. ~ V „ 7 7 r T T X r" I Ir ------. 1»1 H*n,nd Av.nu* h„,ahual/7a‘s.7HI 733.7111 ------KAMP-AWAY ^ m.nt. lnciuli*«AJ Hiiprr A liarlur aii.l .ulll..tur. J.iu,l Contractors __ M o b il H o m o T r a n s p o rt ------r-'-iiTiTi hi;;^k:i;7kk~irri^^! u ir; lO Tronsport Tolophono Answersw cr Sorvico 7|.. nil; r,„n. PIC K U P CAMPKM l» l'» a,„l ..... d..v...a>., ...... Nil.. \iud.r uud.r hun...... Tiaii.li lliiuiia inc.c. Iiiiu.cl,I,I. I ikui.i.,..k,ml y„;.;'"t.i„,i„„„ .....T-a'i” .— it a.,1., .;.,: ;:;:i r.cu,ry T.. Y.,u l-r^ H ■r M.r,...';,',” !';!:,',;’; •'*1 f”r y.'" _ l'^«al, I »ira«a(ll,». tal,I ItiKrt, IhU'lnf • I .lM«. i,„n. in- .l«lu.«, II •{ . II ti»iil lark.) I ‘ o>*'r*>’ ^ ^ w ill A Uum„. i I I ■ I, , , , r,i If .ir.irr.1 t;v.: nFW HiT^ixxfTTrTi.vviTrivi;,:'|jj( rcvcles -^.— Television Service '' [ CNirirKTniiRm Ml, I,iV Mr..m „, li.Ti ll..),,),; '-''I'-";' 'VMh ,.,V,M''-ir.'r Concrele FormingF o rm in g ______M otorcycles____ SurvlCB m S lT ir i . . . J ‘ l-r.lUiri^^tU. In til...... I‘.k„l I,. n.«m 1'"*. ____ f..,.rr*l.~7,ir"ii,ln»T'lU..m.'irra7'lJ;nni .if ' ‘ Y' •"'> 'I r)l*“ nl*l!!*\,J“"“i* ' ' '^<>l«'^l.'i^u|•'a■|l!''llM\v'' IWA,' Hpil I'S 'i';,,,!:'';,.!;! lS.i.i"'«riii. 'SV.S"!!,.';;..™..rah.,j...3,a.,__ -n - ...... ;W :i;5 ?S rS •M.. i .ii 1?S-' ------L D ofccdve5 Services I ___ ‘'Vlll!,' ‘ m,*’,i'''' 'PJ I ■ r'S'-,,u‘'.-|u‘iTTriu^i-.uTn,-; lu.i.r, |,.,r., i>r ulahl v‘> iri Al.„ avallal,!, *1 I]}- w tt.r, AUi. lu irhl,_nj._»i»u "t Ihj, •M.J," li,l..n.ll„n.l T.arl, I'all an .• p .il.u c l I'luui. 7ll-l|j,'),)' N .w i‘ p',1 iw,“ ------.|,Mlal m lrr. in la '.li'. |i '. ||', iiTyi'Mri!''''!**!";? i.nl.* a..^.”.i,.il.nr Ai.urr, 73.1. Hotfi»*-UnfurnUhadU had " " y7 t4 rA'^,s'^;v''’^lA^lVl7ri■-|^^i^r.VT.^r,!; nuiiH^UTTHTiTiii 7 , ------i,u. W..I 7 ii.n ;" itlnc] ------— -.^'1.*------...... — —J-.-..- ii'cT'",..... ElectricalII Exports Palntlnn ".'‘ n i.r j i i ' M o b ile H o m ea - H i ------T r e e T r lm m in n m m lno Mli."'"' ...... ‘" • 1'^ Vacation Proparly•rty SB ...... I.V. r s ■r "ilcr'l'i’kall Ininl!'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I'l.iUuiM, tAlir ,;XI'Klll~,|..l,.,Tv*., ...h .r., il _ ' •* 'i~mllH irnn~hiMr> I»i,„vluil. Hhiii..- ■!'»»'■, irfill.i.lu i., ull |,urn.i.. fur- “ i»...U.irwtn ...... I rn u p . I '“""'I,'' K S ■ tiuMl.l..ll Alin .>ii*.U.|,,Kin. ru fspvSSfe '^85«S3=S3»a5^1...... I, \v.„,.,ii.i'll. ViVJini!^*"***' 6.«.jjr,|, E x c nv o rlo n " * Ifii.lftr',.,' ■((,r«,lnr"lii,T ,‘,I __ '.||'" 1 . _Hlllj.'».r H.ililf, [itiiii!. *L‘.u i'«r' s:i;".,'"s,,“ i;i™ :-i'Ti..";, MI..I U » .n I., b. kr,,-|,ii;ni„-.,„i n/i-u"!.,______a In t.ynwoud 411 i: j . v . - y y . ' . : " ’' ' ...... "■ nniT,'i,.;;'Tin.v«'ii; Hi--ir«Tf,',ri..','ir7.,i;;?urriuT^wt;; Mir.*''nV'i'iM"" Upliolstervtorv iir'Ki:l\l.tVi m.H.r .n. i«. tl » . Call 7Sa- ...... ruKI.al,,,., Mud.n, Titci. ~rj]:,-r;HV ,i:r .. i;/ t...... ^t« . »H... fe'!.T Hwf„ Vdi., 'm 'iu..„.. ,1,, .i„...i„, - r <■*'’' ^*li •>!*>,r. I'l..... I ' f * - : ; ; ? " »|M i u ! Iru ...... _ i i t S S r I J ; I. S:; :r,J'";;'■I'U. H,>rlh...... _ . i,,,,»i,li,ii» 1,1 r>f,,Li,tf>, t ^ i •» wVKi:v~.s^;n:;^i:^rirrh7~i srx;Ti!i.':^'-.>'F;nr,ff]iriw-„-,-,";ri,-;T- i-ii,in ,...,ai; ______P l'> m l.tn n ______~ Vncuum CPennirr n i ; ! ; , ; .l»»...... i>»* ir.iu.,.,1... n.. 1^21^ -ii£ jx -£ 5g u , ' - ' ______'Kiiul..,l,. S t s Friendlinessess and Fast ■ast_ A ctionn FromFr ClassClassified RenlRental Ads!Isl P Phone 7r 3 3 3 - 0 9 3 L ^ I M T n i i b ** IMM Amamofil Aimwio6ll«i For Sil« iOOtoo AutomobllMAulomob For S«l» aoO Auromo aOO Auromobilni Fer S o U 2MO 0 0 AulomoblleiA u to m c foi Sol« ICO:00 Automobllai Aulomob For Sal* 200 JuneJu n e 14-15, 7963 '' You Art Invited To TTwin'Folly w in 'F o ll: Times-Newt 2 1 _|j. O P E N H O U S E F a r m ( .R i * CARLESON’S CRAZY DAZE B E u y W i t h W I L L S ^■evV^ . AutomobiAutomobilei For Sal* ^00 1|| At T r u c k s W E A R E .------B ak er’s Q i uality Cars Mobile H om es g A t CCONFIDENCE O I b o b R E E S E SSELLING E L l CARS sHO] Saturday-Sundij ■59 C A D IL L A C C o u p e SHOP AT THE ** Thi. car h .. been kept In e«ep-t SSPECIAL P E BUYS l j j June 14-15-16 ■ m ^ o t o r C O . R i „ Rice Chevrolet. UNK «-«a> ,rli7' a.i.l"r'etny 'yCirl^ue. ’ LIKE MAD!! iDlroducInK UNION MOTORS $ 2 7 9 5 0 The rabulou* . ------'C2 OLDS. F-85 . BIG B I G OK SIGN 'ANDERSON ■ 1055 DODGE 19S21952 F.FOKD $19966 '62 RARAMBLER $1998 .. ., H)dVam.“ltc'’iri" mT„\'!l''ra-' HHurry lirr to get youvsl, r.irl.ne fordor Slalloo Slat wa»on 4-loor. 6. ... 'e:! DODGE Sedan i',: *. America'* Finest 2-Ton Truck erllncler. overdriee, local on*one J 'jj ''I'*’ bl* *n«in*— l>i V,*;:::; Mobile Home 1961 FORD ?14955 owner, low alleaie. b- LIKE NEW. ,2795 Your Used Car' f cane out and have cof- ™“! ^f} "»rty n™ b«t bel “ ralrUn* SOO forior. 1961 PONTIAC $1795 ^ STand donuts with ua Both exceptionally good. Temi'eM l-d,.or elation wav Also hay loader. I9 6 0 B i5 '62 COMET S-22 $1995,95 . • ’G2’62 R A M B L E R .l-door ^od tee how wonderful 1960 BUICK $1695 CO I-Uiiom .e.l.n, «.cyllnder.■r. healer.h«i Kilra cle’.n. Uoblle Home llvios can ]PHONE 133-0097 4Hloor bardlop. , ' radio, healer and u\erdri»* aeau. Real nlc* eport euupe.£: CHOICECH 11395 I traBimi.ilon. m.noo mtlee. 19611061 FOI FORD $1605 B u y — I960 BUICK - $1695 B u y e r ’s G u i d e I I Cream and Cokes for chevro ONLY $IB95J5 TudorTud. Uanch wajon. V^, 2-door teOan. ^ ^ '61 FALCON Sedan alandardSian IrammUalun. radio. me "kids" too! _ ’61 FORD $2295 ‘ ’61 FORD Country t e i K i fJi w1959 s s bBUICK $1295'0 Sunllner. T-bird. VI .ndne.2 ? . •Dl'FALCON “ Tudor i BAKER’S KU Ilock tod (nlD nek. Good farmJrS 4-do4-door. CroCruUomallc. power ei«rln». ,», VH >edan eUll.m waeonn. .J9M RAMBLER^A: $1395 I ‘" 'S «1VJ. w.lk.r-* Ou mod , _ eeait and ezlra*. Enjoy the '61 ° COMET 2-door UadK healer. Orul.OTialiele 4-do.it 4-dc .H .n, S-cyllndr., aolo- 196 2 C l lrai)>ml..io/.. .^jira .h.rr. mallr mal lraniiul<>l,in, r^iininf • 19G2 C H E V R O L E T I I W m obile HOMES1 ^ ______^ 1959 BBUICK $1295 p 5 ~n™"lbli." OOr r Mnke An Offer JU ST $1845 5~; SEDAN -j-door. Gas saving . ‘5 ill AdaiMH Avtnut W nt 7M43S1. IKTEIINATIONALINTERN; III, B-ll. H-i... 4-door bartiop. " ‘5 jr.i*'llki‘’^e“w. SEDAN ; __ ■ P4HP*»d tmnifnliilon. (ood rubbtf. 1 QRQ TJ 4.cj'llnder4-cyllnder motor. Verj- clean. h (l nlTR (‘’r 'rnvtl T nlltn.' Bill*llu. E*ctll»nlE*ctll», tondlilon. Photi* 7JJ.7001.si; 1959 BUICK " $9955 ’61 FORDFO T-BIRD '■ '**'58 OLD3 W agon $895995 ’^ '61 1 RRAMBLER 4-door loss1953 Bui BUICK $295 Now Ju*l ...... 41595 j | l Tr»ll«r P«rk. T»>n F i l l---- * .------«-doi__ 4-door. Stick ahlft. jO.O n. 4-di)or eedanJ Dynaflow. pow- 20,000 actual mile.. Here'.ere'e '59 PLYMPL\ ScdBH $695..5 dl S r r a . s, I ; , er :brake* and eleeilng. heat­ -Tkailek hcitt. *t UU Addiwnwn AAutoihobilei u to ih For S a l t 2 0 0 1 9 5 9 p one of th* cl**nr*t luiur-ylury „ tuc. FJ>on« Tii-IDIO-______00 .1959 PLYMOUTH $995'6 «*dNU car* you'll ever cx- i«t tvii er, railio. (K>ud trantputta- ---- 4-door. P»«'t« l lo o«n. &•* il loday. '57 D O D G E -S h a rp »595^95 LIKE NEW $1550 SiifTTfaiim TW95 ' i m R i i i l Z T ' W1962 6 2 C CHEVROLET I II 1958 0 ,C ’M■M PPLYM l\ se d an »395>»5 'CQ'60 RRAMBLER ™‘ A«l rTll^R — hllch — •QUkllMr CMt r; 1968^ OLDS 98 $10955 ’£0 CHEV gjj $1745 Arnbaa.ador 4-d.y.r .^l.n, VI NOVA nqV A 2-door 2- hardtop sport iL'! • A,Amhaaailcir V* Curium Sla- Jil''” '" L g 5 F I N E C A R S a- dl.>"Teal'ef ’^^m"r**.'l"lTlnIt" coupe. COUPC- SUindnrd StJ transmlMlon. ^ ' g r " ------Q Q i l Strwt * “19581 958 0OLDS.98 $1095 ^ ------C O M M E R C I A L SS------S ».ilo.'^h,7rer ‘.™rau'irm'."f; :------r , ' , ;- ■-■ ..... ritiiit . —fccyllnder - 6-cvllndei motor, radlM lnted___;__L - 2-door. m ile- Uluss. glass.'TPT WiTlle-walj lircs, only U l n * ______!«96 fo r '61 GMGMC 2-ton $2495495 LIKE NEW JJ7B5K5 1955 PL'5 PLYMOUTH $395 9,000 nilles:-SeB-lt-nt7wrr$209S------1958 1968 FlFORD $7955 ’60 FO R D $1385}85 I'" ’* »hrrlt,..,- heavy July. 4-• t-door. 2h1o< . 2-dc2-door I’owefbllde, radio. 'ilO’ hrater anil I'owenuil* Uana-a“: IDS! 1&62 CCHEVY tll II $1785 . m r n i r / iMdild*. dllionln( ditiunlni . . . prfmliim tim . . . ml 5-diiur aedan. * . cylinder, ‘I919G0 6 0 F( FO R D I y.„ . „ „ 1. . . 11,.,.. J963 p; ) “ ONLY $69898 PowPower (lid* Iranamliilon. IM IHC S((>ut 4x4, full top, dull ' 1953 PLYMOUTH $955 ______gGUARANTEED u UBk.. bub*. . . . . »«. »95. __ heater, on* owner. CUSTOM f o r d o r a e d a n . ’57’5 7 RRAMBLER 4-door jojs cjg HI m e C.1I0, V». 4^p«d, lont . ’6 9 -C A D IL L A C p US! CSOTO Jims Standard tnmsmtsalon, 8-cyN * ■ vhe«1biie «.dll«rranc*n„ 1952 PONTIAC ^ $25 .'Man. VH, radio, beater andli 44-doorm1u bardlop. Power brakee, Indcr molor. ^ a l sharp-$1389 J blu«blu* »rllh«rl unm*rr*d mitehlnf In- 4-door. «*do. ^ 60 MOREMl TO CHOOSEE Used ^ Cars ‘ auiomatlc IraniinlMloa. powpower aleertng, aulomallo tlS IHC S-110, < tyllnder. 44p««d. l.rlor. Full power . . . *11 th* , ^ J. TROM ON OUR BIG . ONLT $798]S tranamlulon, radio and heat­ fe«lur»»fMlurw you *xp«ct on • d*Iux*3 1950 1950 DODGE D $25 ™?“ 3 er, real clean. IU UNO ROVEn, 4x4. {ull lop. tutomabkutomabll*. 4-door. dDRIVE-IN. r i v : A-l, USED 'G2 L] D 'G2 LINCOLN 4-door ’56 '56 CCl H E V B elA ir 10571057 cii' CHRYSLER $995 1959 1 9 5 9 CCHEVROLET I ' jJ CAR LOT.] 160 3rd AVB-I. ConlinentalCominen aedan. L»ral tiwner. Vi low mileage, new Trcmlum nylon'ion *' 4-dour aedan. Radie, heaU,U Saratoga,Han 4-door aedan. I'uw. ___ FARM TRUCKS ’’62 P O N T IA C ------NUE EAST. Hree. tir«.“'n Thla il a beauly. er and Powcrgllde. «rer 1broke*. Torquefilte trani- BELAIR 4-door sedan. Pow- ' CtUIIna 4-door *»dan In CimMi KS CHEVROLET VI. 4.*p««), S h iu '7 ...... - ...... $4898898 ONLY $598' .. JJ," ersllde transmission, V8 mo* • :»wllh (K t 1660hm iMDDOBdoi H -ton $985 tor, power steerlnf, white­ r*dio and b«tUr. A o*w ctr U«d*- ___ CJ ’60 FALCON Deluxe '55 M MERCURY 4-door »«71957 pPLYMOUTH l^ $885 wall Wail tires.Urea 2-tone palnt...|l395 l» m e D-U!. t erllnd«r. l-«p«Ja, *»• 1”'“'* 1M9m9STODBH-ton STO - «8S“ COMMERCIALSC/OIV lO KordorSJ; led.n, Hlandard traiismla- u,.., 2->PMd. aUin. radio. heaUr. prelly black Kclan. Iladlo. beater andtid *V.‘der'”^ iit CHEVROLET VI, tnpttd. |. 1949 STUDB H -ton $95 »58 IN' JJ radio and healer. '60 MERCURY ^ 95 »58 IN T E R N ’L $1595595 .'f?....? 145 ' **■ JU ST $398 MonltUlrMontcU In StoUh frwn snd 2-lon. A-l recondllicined mu- 1957 c CHEVROLET h : $795 191959 59 RAMBLER R . ** HO IHC ^-172. |.crllndtr. SfPMd^^ *blU.wblu. Ifw b*i(* upbolt(«rr. «x- .X »57 -FORD Fairlane '55’55 Fi FORD Tudor 4-door eUllon wagon. Auto- *-t%rd grttil bodrr alUat « l> nt a m Mnd *und«rd cr*a*<■■ R I C E ffi- W .;F | nailc tran.mlMlon. V» bo- AMERICANAM ERIC 3 - door sedan. *nd boUt. miuloR. A r«al ft* Mad V8. 4-epeed. cutlom S cab. - ...... New Yorker 2-door hardtop. ■ ------koiit. - I b»,b. l’o«Power brake*, pow.r ateer- T H E I S E N . Jerom e S54-48ia """ '61 CHEV Corvair Ing, automalle irasamlulOn, radio' and beater, plua air ' OPEN EVENmCS UNTIl. B P.M. 'gQ pO ••700‘V 4-door aedan. Aulom.tic cundUlonlng. McVEY’S, INC. MOTORS, MC INC. »■ ’60 FORD F600 $2295^95 ™tranamlulon. i' heaUr. black wllb;a . PICKUPS - , Sand*]Sandaya 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Vg.VS. heavy duly. 8-epeed.J 2- whil* wall tlree. ^ a l eharp' ear. 1957 F O R D 11 tnl AYfou* W**t 7IM01I *pe< 1957 CHEVROLET *798 • peed aile. Sc* Ihla truck N >jr»W 0 w ‘'0 < N L Y ______....$1395TO '5'62 2 C!C H E V l / - t o n . ™ ^ 701 UkUalB U t t 1IM70*« ‘o*''today for bif aayind. NOW < • PAIRLANE “800" retracUbl# ______NOW 1448______^ top. Pordomatlo tranamUrio^ . ->69-'Ol3DB Holiday '------t7^ - " -V 8 T - Bira moiw, ■ powir------TRUCKS—TRUCKS — * '5'61 1 CH CHEV 2-ton ' $695)9 5 Cnupe. riadlo. heater, automatic,H, '49 L. C H E V •Yi.-ton 1058 dDODGE o $895 steerlnR and brakes, whlt«. Ideal hay lr»ek. O^enho*,ho* IraiumliIraaimUtluD, -power aieerlna and WllhWl aleek rack. 2-d(2-dowr hardlop. Aulomall* wall Wall tireitirea ------__$W8 iS» FOJIO a.ton' BETB E T T E R " , N O Kbay bed. Good motor .nd and brake*. NOW $37878 IranimlMion,i«i power aUerlnv L*rg* VI. I^pttd. cuiton and brakee. Nlc* car. . ob. only 10.000 tnll**. B u y s i n ‘'™ ' A SPECIAL8 PE{ AT ...... $895 •»> ’<19 S T U D E l/« -to n 1,551955 tPO o R D $295 ^95 Sea -Gib” UcRlll er "Win" Ellla 51 FORD H-D a-ton BUHL D O W N '4 7 CCH H E V l i / j - t o n $595 8« ■c'l :111a NOW $326 Kor Oin>h« (n ln b«L 4-«pe*d. perfect molor. tire*.Ire*. trai l1956 o e e c CHEVROLET i 5 14 tolld (rain bed. Compar* toed tr.n.p«nalion, SPO RT I M CHEVROLET 3-ton . .. 1962 CHEVY II 52095 „ thlathie buy. SPORT sedan "210". Power- ij 1?' D&S . W I L L S 1957 I9S7 PLPLYMOUTH, $599 Slide trmtransmission, V8 motor, ; Nova !-door •port coup*. P I nadio, h*aur and *UndaH5 *■ P A^ Y M E N T 2-door. VH wilh alandard radio, whlte-wallawll ____ |395 ,] trantmlKliin. Low, low 5 FORD SALES us: tranimltilon. Ituna «xtra ’IC K U P S — P I C K U P S mllM. OPENOPE EVENINGS USED CAR DEPT. good. ■as-85 I OLDS 88 Super JEROME n INTERN'L Scout lOro1968 CHEV $1045 U N T IL 9 Phone 7»-7Sei Kull c h , 4.wbe.l rfrlv*. 5 nOLIDAY coup*. Radio, heater, Ixiwell Wllla Tas.estl D.IAlr 2-door apon coup*.I. automalleautomatl* tranemleelon. power uUa*4 . r f ,car lot on Soulh I.lncoln„ Ernie ^Will. 7M-48II y 1955 CHEVROLET 58 DODQE 4-wheel rnw*rvlld«, power it««r■ OONLY N L I $35 MONTH UNION UNK MOTORS? S N J '•210"."210". Standarda t transmission Motor cumplttely r*«ondi.i. NEW CAR DEPT. it PORD 4-wheel U<.i.*d. -55 : 10C2 DODGE Withwllh overdrive.ovi Real nice. nnv,. ciJiLmt «b. •88 DODOE 4-door JJ ------RAMBLERRAMBl - JE E P P hone 733-1018-733-1903 !-P Uing wide H-ton. VI motor, 6Specially pcclally priced a t - ____$488 SEDAN. VI endne. radio, healer, PhOne Ihiilneet Thon* 11J.2II01 aiiliimalla Iranamliilon, U r 58 WILLYS <-wheei 1967 C H R Y S L E R J8953 aulvmallo“ ™ ij'i.'' tranamlulon, 1 • In n a iH Oua mile* and aharp. Uaratoiia 2-door hardtopp paint!>*'''> *"'1 and very clean. Bale.Saleaman'. Hum* I’honee >lank Wlllr 711-IIH ______coupe^K.cellent condltloo 0 NL 1 I'allnoh WllliWl 731-11400 _ ONLY $29 MONTH E. J. Will*W 7.U.HIB1:Sl IfiOO 1960 CH CHEVROLErr sT w i l l y s ISiB------Cbueh 11. iMUla Hllman 7>l-tlUIHI ',',-lon. l-cyllniler, 4..pced, 1 9 5 3 0 *-be„ 1951 — •V± t T t T r S i E D T P . U r T ( ^ » 1953 OLDSMOBILE 19C1 F O R D $1395— ’87 FO R D Pordor------wynin-wn long wide boi. Se* Ihia, ^ SEDAN. lUdIo, h*at*r. aulnmaii., ., Wnhard Kleohcr 7;i;i-l^il4 H Fo r d v a iio sJ K.lrlan. »0 tu.lor .«lan. K"*n!j:.|J i* Mike Thornlo.. 1a:i.;iiJi o n WILLS MOTOR CO. io o T o n HAHDTOP “OO" eaup*. Hy | BtandarH Iraniminlon, !• • v.rv »cw>/« llruce Cauihey 1;<;|-HH«I 2-Ton and Larger %. long wld* bo., J-cyllnder, dromatlc dromBtIo transmission. Clean. ' olbir inirbi indln, *nd . . j g g j ’• JUST $35 MONTH aod heater. 1961 CORVAIR $1545 . ] '88 TORD PolrliuiB ToIiBTTwl-ulili. I... V|...,|...... ■ B l O B j l E E S E ------______----- ^ ^ ------I860 DODODGE ______TUDOI. , TUnOll eedati. VH emine. railer ei>fliie, aland* — - * ' ^SS!li-^1S5S. CARS CAI TRUCKSS £ ard tranimlKinn and iiyerdrUe. >'(Illl>H>Tu> 114V11.4V cmnie wl,l, Mil ’4H Meuury RICE’S RI IN JliitOME endne; Foi.i luJI I'lrhuji. lUiiidi.lUiiidi. ------.. MAGIC VALLEYr ‘"‘rosi JUST $24 MONTH 1-hi.ne 7«.'>-74UO.______CIlKVlml.Hr, C»KVI«)I IVti Imii.U 2..l.-.r V a c a t i o n n, lllg li«rill‘"qU A U ^O A Rfl""’'’” 'i-to il }>|i;[(|||) OMO ' ______»»-M » 10521052 GM'GMO 3-ton, Lonii whcfll- OMO lYilolu — Tnmpeiit •*!’61 BUlCkb UICI LeSabre 11885, ]i “ base, 8-cyllnder motor com- 601 McilH Kn«t 133.183313 ^Sedan. . n . Kilra elecji condlllnn. J >1 ■ ,|,.|vo. ^ EQUIPMENTCO.EQL pletftly r e b u i l t with FULL WAHHANTY, 2 - speed axle, ------” ‘fllCOMB‘fll COMET W agon 11088 Tr,„, YOU1UCI5 MOTOU CO, WAHHAl ''"y lltimmiiMii Frirtly r„. Miller flellinf Oiil 4-.Uir.i-.liKir. Aulom.lle IraniisUelnn, g | ------_ Ifi'ttockilfl‘«fockrnck-,iiowp«lHt I108S (liKid C.n - I'Ickupe ,a.lli.. A ^.uiyl ' I J 733-4130 I'l.VMOlJTIIn.YMOlJTi lutll HavUy In eacelleniIt ■ m I .rnnililliii...... I'hona atler I p.m.. Ul- ■ T L a u m o t o r MILLEn*AU'IOm iJ ]8S3 DU1 lait. nmnBHni; liliAW^iH/1 ii,.^' irTTir. ale dan, lliHid .iiMliii and tlra*, lealtollh>l niHiuVrIttiH inliiiir aetlaii. New fullyfjn j lr*"''” «” d"deaf. dea: *** *''*’* *• ‘’l’*''0(1*11 Evaninsa ~ OlM»d Bundaya xk uphoUury. padded itaeh. Mar U eMn'•*" TTll'iiiK TTTiiTii? Ill4ili m Take I4l.ti~moiiihlrTm , , y ______1I_H le*. al OII lli;.e Lak*. Notlh. ,'l'!r;«l.veiirieiila, Xmtll down or older ear.. ilj;:; -llolileii liula^' Ueai:^ HalaenllalaemeB'a 0aB« FboriM U'tij lull Jiiiili'4r. s . I AIIIHIIHI menl li, .>.,.1 «.r aalee, drive over ^ . ' Mr.HCVH im 4-.Wr. IIH. WHI (fl M«(>e Valtey Motnra, Itiihl._____'' !>"»Sian Weleh TII.7III "litn, ttg n 1, .——• l*V*I*k* t„trail«. 1IH-4M0 i,.«n1 v- 11};1XK lltlX X [S' In ..Mr fueluman Iouiim II e»»"ltm. »hll< »"'il <:iMiv?n“ii‘7 ~ ~ — li lion 1..,.. 7IMIII __ .hlie »"'ir «*f li l*«l|'f Mr’leed. aiii'eaianre. tuni wall.' Ecun'VleVl.'leVl. «.««.«mi.e. V»,Vl tllck. Ilearii'l’el ear.’ft*- 14* rcilll), (iH.d .....llll.... (Mid Hire. ^ the type you don’t miny -I t t niTiiiivni 'I'” ", "0» llloe l..ke« Nii.lh.lllh, 4(1011, 411011, Klrr KImUrlr. ___ . ih.ilMCharle* llaHaleb __ ^^I’h-Hi^^^Jer^m*. I ,^ ' JliTTOlTTi n i m u !■■■ TK-iiii. " • ' L ' PTllllir *‘|il1|i|>ed IVIU il..d,l A, B-wlnd..w eou|.*;U|>*. U>IIKIIOI.M{HIIKMAOi |U(flTIilay.^,Y.>ur lliT. wKeelt, overdrive. CirellenI eondl-nd” hi^ve a Cftrl” ’ III w*Wnt ileybtltil afUr' I p.m. Ilea, He*. Jernm* 114.4114 »f>cr I. in'ii!:';ug ...... :■Bd : r Minidokaa ; Oounlltt. Ill-tai'l, |7*niiv7mT u don’t mind if ho doean't X lVO a C f tr l” New |.a* Il1-4lb, • ' « • J ? ^ . '.:.‘i < ^ ^ ^ ^ H | | | ^ H fsaysBSiiaatij,,,,. *.•*• . • . • , ■ • • ‘ v ’ J H 0^^*"* .v S *■ '.lSs§^ f IK -- '' J m t3 . ‘ . v l t '' '1 • • • ^ ^ •' * * M j i - J ^ ^ J a

Whv ^ « ■ J i i mim i t y ¥w r aJ k ^ e iy 3 ^ 4 i i ' ' - ■ ;•'..■ ■„fe ..h . :•

M ^ H l ll oa n dd Hi is s Ba a n d X ^ J F R ID P A A ir , SA T I U R D A 1 I 1

1 • •...JIND • • . SUNDAY SI

?W!S^S F 3BH'>RS8pHK8k' ■ fl- " T ^ REGItIGlSTRAnOIS IR PETE'S "1 s | j / ^ ^ ^ V FpR jiM iMQ 0T^^B5Si.C^^ ABR/. B R A N D N E W T - ■ \ W IILL L L BE E G IV E N A>K P OR GET FULL DETAILS |a1 v H H | E L / f im % ^ M / SEAFOOIEAFOOD BUFFET-r- . I i « | | k ^ l i^ m / r Petete goes ' fishi fishin' every Fridoy ond comeicomes bock with everything q frofnxn lobster'to lobster'lo obolone, then it'st's prepared to perfection by a chef ^ withth a0 talent forf< taste olong withith fresh se

m a up n i W ^1111’fiflH M B B M i I