I Weathere r _ ____________ ^ * Final * | Partly Cloudy,u d y , 3 Q Little Warmermer EdiEdition " Th«T h « MagicMa' VaUey Newspaperspaper DedicatedDedl< to Sen'ingIg and PromotingProm the Growth of NiirtTl o u n tie s th of NinTlrrigatcd Idaho Counties _______ ___________________________ > VOL- ^5- TWINTWI FALLS, lUAHoTFRiu^^ H O rF R fu A Y . J U N E 14, 19G3m iSIAN Bl _______________ T E N C E N T S ■'■■■' ■- M ST f SRTHOHDRBIT B n t ' p . r IIIOT O Iff Race StrifeS< ^ Womanm May i ; ' ^ A ^ j ( Flaring f e I Join Col"olonel Around nd U.S. i I B D '- ' ' >-^aM NW Bfc.x«ii^Pii I In Spac(ace (From APP and UUPI PI ReporU) 3 ‘- MOSMOSCOW. Jnne l-l (UFD-Thc;31)—The £Soviet Unlmr.s fifth j ■ co.snioico.smonaut liurtled into orbit;'bit around Kurth today for a T to mnintain peace in the racially i 2 racially troubled city of 12,600,6 0 0 r ? ^ 3 trip thnt may last einht; daysd a y s anca n d include 11 co.smic while a crowd of Negroes estimi oes estimated to number about}Q ut ifl rendezvous with the first.st space woriiiin.\ Tass news / 1 2,000 marched and picketed at ffceted at the White House in ■ agency identified the mnnin shot ininto space nt 3 p.m. Washington, D. C., against racial ' A R ency inst racial discrimination in tthe h e '* ■ . (8 a.m.n.m EDT) today aa Lieut,:eut. Col. VValery F. Bykovsky, _jiation and its capital. Elswhere, racial trouble flaredtred -f-'. 28, a Russian air force pilot. He iis married and the at Danville, Va., where police car police cars were struck' by bul- txtX '.v's**58tBS*rj|S'QQ ^ fafather th e r of a 3-month-old son. WithiWithin minute.s he was * * * * lets; lets; Columbus, 0., wherele re ' ' H rereported p o rt< safely in orbitlit ----------------------------------------------- ^ ' state highway patrolmenmen |M with ali systems, \vorkiiig Reds DeclineC cleancleared demonstrators fromrom ^ B j B aand n d ""feeling f fine.” HearingllC d on the Ohio house of repre-p r e - mM ReliableRcllat sources reported thc v v r* l I sentatlvea; Jacluon, Mias., wrhere here \ SB "coamonctte"—believed"<^o‘>mon to be an iV ] |i To Tell Fate' INegroes s mourned the deathh of ■ ■ attracUve,a tu a c th personable pilot ■”In Wilderness murdered.civil rlg h ta leader^ader H herber early 20's—was standing by o . Medgar Evers, and dozena of jH ready fcfor launching, probably tO' J J C l ofU.s.PUotsiff'^ 9 other spots. 2 # morrow, for a “Romanov nnd Set Sept. 4 PANMUNJOM. South Korea.orea, CanCambridge Mayor CalvinI w.W. HH Juliet" meellng with the cosmo-10- OODEtOODEN. June 14 C^-A public June H WV-A N orth K orean gen- MowbiMowbray a n d all four coutifcllutifcii ■ naut in space. hearing con thc Sawtooth wilder- m l refused again today to dls- tncmbmembers telegrapher Oov. J. ■ l iS ii lS i ii I M RussilRussia performed a tandem 5'^“ness area proposal will be held close the (ate of two U. S. pllotj.Hots. MillarMillard Tawea asking for enoughough Sept. 4 In Boise. Regional For" space f:flight with two men last *};. Ivlng national guard troops to main- NATI ester Floyd Iverson said today, Aiked to "act like m en living nation laln- NATIVES STAND unid wreckage of thalohedtb huts in a vIllBgevlIlBge UieIbe aar rea was struck.by a cyclone, followedfollov by a lldnl wave. Sev-S ev August with launchings on sue- ^P- In the 20th century.” th e com:om- - tatain in ipeace and order. The' ac- some 2g2j miles north of ChUUgong,ttagong. East Pakistan,1 last weekI afler enl UiouiandU persons were-e killed in tbe disaster. (AP wlrephoto) ccsslve days. ' Tlio hearing will begin at 8 Bunlst whipped o u t a photo-joto- tlon ccame at the end of a one- ------------- ajii. In the Elks lodge ballroom. p»ph ol k poHce dog lunginglg at hour special meeUng called ^>y T>T> ~ TT-, -Byko^-Bykovfcky-waa whlrling-eround™ —Tvferson~rvSfson snld Uie purpose o f th a I Kegro lo Birm ingham , Ala. Mow^ay._There__wftS-no-lm-Mow^ - K r ^ Earth once every 80.4 minutes,•cs. hearing Is1 to allow all interested -I'Such-coMblooded-atrocities:lties mediatemedlfl reaction irom the “'”:-BPA-s-Movegov- ‘ 1^ Parade ' Bimost'exacUy the orbital timesies persons and groups to present I ue the true picture of what. you ernor’sernor’i office In Annapolis. n p 2 BiBoys’ Statetate Leader ofS Maj. Andrian Nlkolayev andnd their views.vii Oral or written .. ctU civilization and respect for „ A parade to promote the , ____ Col. PavelPa' Popovuch in their dualaal statements'statcmcn moy be submitted. ciJn Strained racial relations In X O human righta." said MaJ. Oen. s in To SouthernQ h i MagiMagic Valley Western A , ^ fUghts last August, Those unable to attend may ' Cambridge took * new twist with _ , _ ____ _ t^ HHorse ors show, Ju n e 21-33 a t L, I \ i Cbing Chun-hw an, k If Bykovsky aUya' aloft forfor submit wwritten comments tor In- The U. N. m em ber of th e mmill. ill- 800 white peraona demonstrating T PI cwmtyiiA '! sk s forr SalesSa] Tax elusion In the record ot the heor> Moj to front ol the counly Jail, I ila . ./U ^ lalrgropnds, FUer,1 b e will' be ' eig h t V y a hla llSghV w ould be elusion Ir Urr armlatlce commlMlon, MaJ. “ J ” ’ Idaho Flayed | ru,in “ ‘on* « Nlkolayevsiv's Inging to ththe regional forester. For* Oen, Oeorge H. Cloud, repliedpliwi There were nearly as manym any . •' r’r.' heldhold at 2 pjn. Saturdayy in t;t' BOISE,BO! June 14 (UPI)JPI) — Gov,Goa Curtis Eaton. Twin A4 est Service building', Ogden, alted apectfttors. newsmen »nd policejollce CharglCharging that movementit of ~ Twlr’Twin Falls. palla night in which he completed W « t Ber thit racial tensions In the United K Falla, urged his Boys’’ state mockmod legislature todayly to orbits andd more than five tbnes„es ^1^(Jtah, , unu n til S ept. 30. with watching the proteat operaUonaUon BonnevllBonneville Power administration■atlon TheTh parade will begin at v; „nnr)-’ SUtM had nothing to do with ” enact a three per cent sales tax partiallypj earmarkedd forfo r as long as Uie 32i orbit night byhy Publlo notice of Intention to the bu-^iness of th e coinml.ulon.on. moblllmobilized by Washington's three Jnto sousouthern Idaho Is "another■other the th e Tw in F alls Commls- \ / classify the Sawtooth wilderness since Jcadlng Negro organizations.; . step of “Senator Church and RRep- ep-L >„ slonslon company and go downown >•'>; education.etluca Eaton alsoI asked the Boys’ staters to) en- America'sAmcrici shcth astronaut, L. ° 7 The meeting waa th e fifth since Icadln 0 Ky Gordon Coopey. Russians hailed,-j| was given Fcb. 1,4, Iverson said. the army helicopter of Capt. Ben The Negroes assembled InI the rasentatlve Harding to socialize;lallie i:!: MainMain avenue to Sears cor- '■' couragecourai out-of-slate industry to come into Idaho by rania ^^e private enterprise," th e pJ ner; ^“Bht u demonstrating 80- Tho proposal would place tho W. suxtta, 30, Florence, Ala., aand n d ppark a rk and along Pennsylvania , P’’* th e pJ ner; up Fourth street west ^z lettinglettlH' them operate the first ffi' i v e boundary Unes on well-defined t h e f i r s t y w s here without vlet superiority Hv space. C^*. C harleton W . Voltz., 26. aavenue re n u outside th e rtee l WVhlte hlt« chapter, SnakeJnake Rg to S.Second avenue; up sec- ^ nnvir> River Valley Electrical assocla- S ond cto B P^y‘^8^ corporation taxes.ixes. He altalso called for a consti- ^ J topogrophio features which ara fruilcfort, Mich., was forcedJTced House fence. f fi!: h .. socla- 8 ond avenue and back to u j '. As usual, apeciflc detalla of By-3y* eaailye J ^ ld IdenUfled. « a n d would mtn* , tlon. has passed a resolutionn op- a thethe commission companylan y Na tutiortutional convehtion to reorganis down Id communist territoryItory A ppotential trouble source was ^0 re o rg a n iz e s ta te g o v e rn m e n t; kovsky'jkovsky’s launching were spare in imlzaimija existingex and future con- pwlng the BPA In thla area.sa. M^ yards.y a rd ' jS recod: IUr n . Qulckl:Quickly and officially sealed off ■ S recodification of the Idaho -------- , comparcomparison to the informationlon tuctstiicta withwi the mabitenance of 1718 two officers vere last seen by poipolice. Seven uniformed mem-n em - 'W illiam Lott, R upert, chalapter p te r g ^ Included In. Uie parade'^p y s. ij code,code, and said he.lelt Bon- TIJ^ <Mit. nn A inw li^^ BtlldamBiUdMMl ai s aandUlonai " ■ Mw! ltd oil , to North K otttnirean ber..cAf th« nrealdenl " n eville p o w e r lin es w ouldaw b e ^^fesrtrU rsE SiS There waa no advance on-Ul- ThaThe proposed; plan la. being momlng Uiat the chapter dia- iI {Winr id in g dumb's’ *^throughout | | 2® 1 nouncenmt and no official pre- prepared toUllera. _______________^________I (Cw<CwtlBB«< oa P»»1 1, C«lBin <) ' con- for southern Idaho i£ h t ire- prepared to-ajKoTdanca wlthp^Ra — • Issue during a meet- iI Magic Valley and con- i'i g o o d .
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