
•tim k fm 9 4 » Daily'N«t pNaa RaA Vor 'Bt WMc Snded X. V jW jr S7. IM S rmmmatirv aiSaLr

TlnmderatonBa, m o m 13,670 «rtt& t m t f wtads aaS m m f tooiglit, low 7S. Blw w «r« Tnead^j monrt»s» Wsk !■ Mamchmtar •••A City o f Vittage Charm


Deepening' Crisis: How S iort the Fuse? iiiiii Survivors Fl^e EDITORS NOTE — WiU racial eelal tions. Leaving the speaker’s plat­ series on the deepening integra­ form, toe Rev. Mr. Jackson was ijiiii Typhus Threat tion crisis outlines an on-Ute-spot pinned against it by 50 persons, iiiiii survey of major friction spots. . crying, "Kill him! Kill him!” 111 The mood for action is all-per- 111 By BERlfARD OAVZBB ading. Its beat is sounded by Dr. v ijilj Vice President Lyndon B. John­ M. Nabrit Jr., president of jijiii son has warned that "a time University. iiiiii bomb ticks” in America’s streets sick of evasions, weary this turbulent summer of 1968. fed up with proniises I The bomb to the explosive crisis ana want a^ti^ now, liberty how, Ruined jllij which has flared in sporaulic vio­ equality i ililii lence in Danville, Va., Cambridge, C. Sumner Stone, Jr., i editor of Md., and New Toilc as Negroes toe Washington (D.C.Sl Afro-Amer- II and whites have clashed on the Icaii, says “ For toe flrkt time, I’d Issue of full racial equality now. say, everybody is involved. All | DeGaulle News Conference u. Overhanging these and other Negroes, except for some Ifocle < New Skopje Hrfj! outbreaks are the haunting ques­ Toms, are prepared to beXji- jjjjjl tions; vrai tile bomb go off? How? volved.” \ il!!!i Where? Interviews with and reports In Detroit, George W. Catocart ^ lijill France Won H Sign from top-level white and Negro of the Trade Union Leadership lilji To Be Built officials in federal, state and mu­ Council—a Negro labor power— liill. nicipal governments, with civic, was told about a professor’s com- iiiiii social and religious leaders, and., ment that "toe old people got con- jjjjjj with cltlsens In the street, point verted and toe young people got jijiij Fartial Ban Treaty Elsewhere to one conclusion: religion,” and related: "When I There is grave danger of major was a boy they told me, ‘don’t racial violence as America looks fight, get an education., I tell my SKOPJE, Yugoslavia (AP) boy, ‘ftght, and If you get thrown PARIS (A B ) — Presidenttho'^ the Warsaw Pact of Eastern for a solution to the deepening in­ European Communist countries Survivors by the thousands tegration crisis. out of school. I’ll find you another Charles de Gaulle said today can be compared on a footing o f ; fled quake-shattered Skopje If ( one.’ ” ijiiii chaos comes, the consensus France will not sigrN,he Mos­ equality with the North AtianUc liiii is: There is concern that toe one and the threat of a tjrphus thing which might lead to trouble cow agrreement to haltXiclear Treaty Organization. 1 epidemic today. 1. It may very likely—but, not would be a march on Washington. Iliiii neceesarlly—ocetir in a Northern testing above ground, in s^>ace De Gaulle said that since authorities announced the big city. Such a march is set for Aug. 28. France would never strike toe search for more survivors would or under water. \ ^ rst 2. It may stem from rigid po­ It was decided upon in New York jllllj He also rejected any European blow, such a nonaggression j after today, toe government liilii jjjjjj pbet would be needless. i radio reported a Yugoslav girt :u::: lice action—or from a minor inci­ Piofioe iee«ttoa to jeering onoerds, to i I resntt to major recently at a strategy meeting In- nonaggression pact as proposed by volvlng toe NAACP’s Roy Wilkins, dent blown out of prcqwrtlon by ractal vtolenoe^to ttie U B . thto ana to BfxinsngtaBm toe Soviet Union at toe test ban De-Gaulle commented, "Today, | was pulled out of the robUe. sttll rumor. fit* Swtoern Christian Leadership talks with the United States and FranceXpIemnly declared Uanugh j alive 80 hours after she was en- llaoed a onowd to Ifflsy o f this ; ufliBeia in dtfaer Conference’s Martin Luther King iliji! National Urban League trustees rittes Haoe demanatiWtacs. i o f a CBOwrd could Britain. TTie test ban pact was the voice the president of th e' tombed in FViday's kUler eartb- report: Jr., the Urban League’s Whitney initialed last week. Republlc that'.toere will never be quake. be the spark that touches off a : »- jjiiij "Hundreds of thousands of Young, CORE’S James Parmer, Addressing a crowded new con­ any aggression by France. Our Premier Alexander Giliekov of (Norfiiern) Negro citizens—strug­ The Student Nonvioient Coordinat­ ference, De Gaulle .said France participation in aT tq;nct of nonag- j Macedonia said toe number of gling beneath the mounting ing (committee’s John Lewis and will call for a general conference gression Is hence without pur-1 bodies recovered headed toward that the discontait sUU Is briow to CUeagD. Ahria Prejean. depu­ A. Philip Randolph ,president of m den of automation, overcrowding on disarmament before the end of pose. the 900 mark and an estimated the boiling point, but. . . our or­ ty fSieclut a t the Urban Tasigiie,. the Negro American Labor Coun- and subtle discrimination — are this year. At toe outset of this secohtj news 700 dead were sUU buried imder ganizers throughout the uuuuU-y Inwsts all the togredtonts for ex- ell. iiilji ni!il reaching the breaking point.” ■ He said France will halt its conference he had held this y^ar, rubble. are surprised that it hasn’t bailed pinsinn are to he found to Chica­ The march was scheduled even jljlj; The Rev. Dr. Gardner Taylor, over.” go. among oOier Northern citiea. own nuclear program only if toe De Gaulle declared that relatidna But Grlickov said it would be ijp Negro jiastor of Brooklyn’s Con- though toe Kennedy administra­ United States and the Soviet Un­ between France and the Unitett ed that no one else now Burke Marshall, assistant attor­ 'Tfcgrnea are pushing and coKl Baptist Church, warns; "Mis- tion ha.s voiced vigorous determi­ ion agree to destroy their nuclear States are those of friendship and Id be found alive and the gov- ney general in charge of civil whites are pototog badi.” he says. illiii calculation of the moment of truth nation to get a strong civil rights stockpiles. alliance. it would go ahead on that H^ts, says: “The country has to “People here used to talk about •iipi which is upon us could plunge bill through Ckmgress. Negro lead- jjjjjj De Gaulle said France "will not conviction to raze aU the build­ move on this issue in rapid faahian those poor people down in Bir­ De Gaulle acknowledged that New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, ers feel there ^11 be a filibuster jjiiii subscribe to any combinations differences exist between Paris ings in this ancient Maredonian or there will be a great deal of mingham. Now fiiey are talking Hllli Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles and that a march will show law­ carried out over her head con­ and Washington. capital. racial unrest fiiat will boll over abont here. We need better teach- t • into a crimson carnage with a makers toe degree of Neg:ro unity cerning Europe or notably Ger­ But he told a news conference: Possible epMfomics and re­ blood bath unparalleled in the his- into violence.” era, better jobs, better bousing. an^ determination. Just to catch im wifii whites.” many.” newed earthquakes posed a eon- tory of the nation.” If file time bomb Should go oO, Authorities who must plan for He said France does not see (OontiDued en Page Eleven) stant problem, be-^said. Thera iii:!! One of the worst years in the where is it likely to explode? Bart Brown. Negro, deputy Man­ any eventuality have done so In Hi!:: hattan *»«w«w^gii president and for- were a few new tremeys Sunday iii'ii history of tl-.S. race relations was Some, Includi^ Dr. Bichard many areas. The federal govern­ but they a t x t shgfat. jijiii 1918. There wore seven major Wade ^profeesor of urban history m m r •.magaitne writer •mbo with ment is committed to back dsc^ jjjjjj Lmds K Martin, now a member On tha fonrih day afkh the ijiiii riots that year—the three worst at the University of Chicago, think sions of courts and policies of tot quake demotiriied toe city,' the .iHlij occurring in’ Chicago (88 killed, it may occur in the South. «f the Democratic Nathsial Oom- administration with troops. Police jiiiii arittee. pcwficted the 1943 Detroit stench of cracked sewers, hnnian jHlii 687 woiinded and Injured), Wash- Wade cites a long Ustary of def­ hi many cities have been given Harriman Leads Off waste and refuse mingling with HHii Ington, D.O. (6 killed, scores hurt) erence on the part of the Negro, aaea riot (M dead. TOO b^jured). and are undergoing special train- jiilji " to the dlsrffinry of obtain- _ tbe smell of deoosnposing bodies H i Phinips County, Aiii. (90 kfiled, who in many Southern ing aafl,jndnrtTlnBttiwi netrjiit Apd HIP lay Itoe a stifling blanket over Hlili and hundreds mirt). unskilled and uneducated and • CM aiiohayapoiioe depeurtmm' l y i i S e N^o'^niHtaney. tbe sun-acorched area. Tempera­ Hi!!! Can such riots come again? little organization. •specially alert to any possible ra- -%iiii tures were in the 90s. ililii Dr. Kenneth Clark, Negro pro- Others believe the exidocdca to “ Ibis is fito Negra doing aome- cial disturbance. RaliTication Drive Ijiiii feasor at City Ck>Ilege of New more likely to occur in the Norfli toing for htasadf,” Brown says. " I f there is runaway riotin|t-rl ?ilii Each passing hour brought to- j-nii answers: "If white America re- where there is job discriminattoB, “He's iearntog asaacthing about hope there won’t be—then toe Ne- jjlill danger of possible tyidnis out­ break ever closer. iliiii fuses to grant rights to Negro citi­ de facto segregation in housing, digni^. He x m f bavc to loee gro can’t help but lose,” s^s Lee b-lii WASHINGTON (A P) — Under-^tary and the Joint Caiiefs of Staff” zens and continues to withhold de facto school segregattoa and aome blood, hat he's found that Blackwell, editor of. toe Chicago jjiii; Now, GrUckov said, tbe main secretary of State W. Averell so far as Senate action is con­ concern was finishing toe evacu­ iiiiii them, I suppose white America social discrimination. that's the road to freedom, not Defender. iniil Harriman led off the drive for cerned. Ijiiii will try killing. Negroes. If white A Negro public relatioos man Jnri wuming a peace.” "We represent only 10 per cent iirili ation of all people not engaged in ratification of toe nuclear test To become effective, the treaty clearing work or other essential America is prepared to see Ne­ notes: ‘T sit in my air-condifiooed A s to m tif soetol movement, of toe ^pulation. We couldq't -iijjj ban treaty today as a witness be­ must be ratified by a two-thirds groes being killed and killed and office all day and I see niedy there n conftiWnu. Leaders strug­ win. I don’t think it will happen •il:!j Jobs and putting heavy demolition fore the Senate Foreign Relations vote in the Senate. crews to work razing the city. killed, then this will happen, but dressed people and I look down gle for power poritjops. goals de­ that way because toe Negro Is re- jjjjjl and Armed Services committees A year ago, a majority of tie it Won’t stop anything, because on Sixth Avenue and 1 almost for­ pend upon w tirm defining them, alisfic about being outnumbered. I Hjjjj A new city for toe 270.000 popu­ and toe Senate-House Atomic En­ lation will be built from the iliiii you- simply cannot kill everyone.” get about color. Then at 9:80 I control of the masses evaporates. do think there will be some blood. j|jjj ergy 0>mmlttee. (Continued on Page Five) liiii In Chicago, Ralirti Helsteln, pres- get downstairs and it hits me in Jamee H. MsreAtb gets booed “You can’t have a revolution— jjjjji ground up on a safer site to be- The chairmen of all three determined after aeismological iiiiii Ideiit of the United Packinghouse toe face. I can't get a cab be­ at an NAAOP cm ieution to Chi­ even a peaceful one—without some ijiiii groups were on hand along with Workers—a union integrated dec­ cause everybody thinks I want to cago. At the same convention, the easualtles.” ii|ji studies are completed, GrUckov moet of toe memebers as they said. ades ago—says: "My feeling is go up to Harlem.” Bev. Dr. J. H. JaAson, president Next: The Naked Basis of Oisis went into closed session to hear Nasser. Says More than 70.000 women. chD- ffom the phlef U.S. negotiator of dren and old people bad cleared 1i toe Moscow agreement with Bri­ out of toe city by early morning tain and toe & viet Union to ban UAR wm J o i n and stDl they poured out. on foot but underground tests. and in cars, trains and planes. While Harriman and State De­ Some pushed carts fiUed with i partment associates carried toe In N-Test Ban few salvaged belongings. Others burden of policy arguments in toe ______pedaled bicycica S ta te N ew s study o l toe pros and cons of toe Picketing in North, Open Kreu ilin Gate pact, toe views of toe Joint (Jhlefs LONDON (AP) — President At government order, ei-acua- of Staff were expected to bear Gamal Abdel Nasser says the everyone but men able to heavily on toe outcome. United Arab Republic will join.in-^®^P heavy work 'as be- Roundup the partial nuclear test bian earned out. Harriman and Secretary of State agreement initialed by the United recovery Sunday of a Bri- Arrests in Virginia Symbol o f Change Dean Rusk face intensive ques­ States, Britain and the Soviet 8*“ couple from the rubble tioning on toe agreement and Union. Israel is expected to take hours of being buned a^e whether there may be In toe offing similar action. .raised some hopes that more liv­ D ron^t Imperils any collateral pacts with toe So­ ing might sUU be found By THE AMOOIATED PBE88 apbia chapter of the Nattonal As- NOTE-^ofan M. ngh-^ Just beyond, within massive viet Union, such as a nonaggres- Nasser told a student group in sociation for toe Advancement of PnBtzer Prize-winning Ae- Then rescue of the Yugoslav Civil rlghta picketing was Cj^ps in R^i—User 19fT to the Moscow of 1963. after a weekend of racial tensions astonishing thing to one who was strong support for the treaty—led port and sign a test ban treaty. Post Office unless officials agreed futnoev ftiimnfd dovfy ildcs to------highlighted by mass arrests In last in toe Soviet Union In Stalin’s by Resident Kennedy’s declara­ Nasser also called for more dis­ to meet with him to dlscniss day and hoped for a ” *‘V‘c rain ^ JOHN M. HIOHTOWER two Virginia cities. day is that toe gates’ of toe Krem­ tion that It is “ an important first armament negotiations and even­ ___ r> Negro clergymen and civil charges of discrimination. Post- to end a prolonged dtooi^ that^ IDNDON (AP) — In Moscow, lin stand open to visitors. tual destruction of nuclear stock­ inarier Anthony J. Lombard has threatens to oanee mflUone o f dol- ii thoasands of pecq>ie gather around step” toward peace—seemed like­ rights leaders vowed to continue The open gates are among the ly to need a bolstering endorse­ piles. B i i U e t i n s plcke^ng an apartment construc­ d e ^ . dtoe charges. ton in crop knees. Sqoi^ eariy in the morning. symbols of toe change that has The U.A.R. and Israel have ac­ A spedeesman said picketing | Scattered AD day kmg under toe summer ment from the Joint CJhtefs of tion project in Jamaica. Queens, come over Moscow since 1947 and Staff. cused each other of trying to de­ Culled from AP Wires would be'''.renewed at a high tfa^ form long lines to tramp still is going on. until more Negroes are employed foreoest for moet aiaaa lale today, . Sen. Harrison Williams, D-N.J., velop nuclear weapons. IK. by trade unions. schcx>l (XMistitiction site in New­ and tnwigb* bat tksrc was wwwi sotonnlv through Lenin's air-con- Automobiles and trucks speed ark because of '?he inadequey of praepect of encxigli to re- i ditinned tomb end to gape at toe an administration supporter, A dispatch from Jerusalem 'said The leaders told a rally of more along toe main streets in noisy brought up the issue in a week­ toe Israel cabinet is expected to BLASTS BAIL PLAN than 500 Negroes and i ^ t e per­ an agreement with l^bor unions. Ueve the droagM eemditfotia { yrilow-walled palaces and golden- clusters. Sttn'e windows are full At Danville, Va.a 'pctoce ar­ Tbe U.S. Weather Bateau at'^*°*°*^ clmrcbes of toe Kremlin. end statement. Hhe said he was endorse toe treaty after all min­ WASHING’rON (AP>—Roy E. sons Sunday that they expected of goods though ■ variety is small concerned over “ the apparent isters have studied it. Davidson toi^ Congress today it to see thousands on toe picket rested 77 demonstrittors^-inedud- Logan lintaaiattaaal Airport pre- > They come from all over toe and toe price usually high. Hair­ Ing five white persons—durtog a dieted tempeiktaiae to the mid- Soviet Union and from foreign single-mindedness of the military Israel is building a 24,000-kilo- would cost him Us job as head of lines. dressing shops for women seem mind for assuming that toe na- watt thermal reactor in the the Brotherbood of LecooioliTa march on toe downtown buriness 90b for the «*v*a ooeweeatire ^ y aarntries. One official told me j The president of toe PhUadel- to be a feature of every shopping Engineers if the endorsed Presi­ district. They were charged 'with ? 0 %y. Rriief tra m the — 9A000 persons from tbe United lion's security can only be pro-1 Negev desert. She will be toe only district. te.cted through a continuation of j Middle East nation which can dent Kennedy’s plan to avert a violating an injunction against he^^ toofocioa States might visit toe Soviet Un- Television aerials sprout from demoBsttatlons a city ordi-j Frank T. Bucfclsy. New Hamp- tt»> year, nuclear testing and toe arms race produce fissionable material ne- strike over manpower-redneiag toe roofs of many apartment in. general.” ces.sary for atomic warheads. railroad work “Even if I North Koreans nance banning ------parades' wttbout 1 shire Ooomitatonsr of Agricaltnic. They - seek first the wine red buildings. Dozens of buildings ai^ permits. said be ii onerriK aaeats marble mausoleum where the Williams said "much may de­ had the temerity or deriie to going up on toe outskirts of toe pend on toe attitude of toe mill- (Continued on Page Four) conunend the propoeed legiala- About 75 miles away at Farm- to see pntoO^^ sto le ” me«B reniaihs of toe Soviet Un- city. tion to the members a t m y * jEt Amhush^ Shoot vlUe, 38 Negroes ' were arrested riwuld be decdaied dtaaalw areaa| ruler are reverently dls- More significant than any of by the federal gwawiMwit New 1 played. union.” Davidson said. “ I ane for interfering with a church these, however, is the fact that certain that there wonid he aa service as they sat, singing loud­ Hampehiie'a ratofan total fo r the ------'------toe people crowd toe sidewalks . . . enthnsiastic acclamatiea far 2 Americans ly, on toe steps of a Baptist year has bem nine all over town seem more relaxed. Same Lowslung Car Scoots my removal from the ■aten’a church. They had gone to the ^ PastcM^ Heads This reporter was in Moscow In leadenU p.” SEOUL (AP) — North Korean church to attend worship ■ serv­ H th e 1947 to cover a conference of for­ ices and found the doors locked. of the state eign ministers. The sense ot op­ Second Pair Under Berlin Wall BRIEFING FOB ROCKY troops killed two American soldiers At Torrance, Ctollf. five Integra- U y said, teansra wl pression emanating from toe and wounded another today In an tionist leaders and IB demonstra­ Dold to bonwot ] n oold be R ails,R ights, NEW YORK (AP) — Ge>r. Kremlin lay heavily over toe city. Nefooo A. BoefceieDer. harit tors were arrested at a boutoig allowed to c a t It. Times were hard; food, cloth­ BERLIN (AP)—An Argenth;iian«point Qiarlie, crossing point In toe ambush'just south of toe demili­ from OaUforala. rays he is to get tract. The leaders were chuged Chailes F. Tbfinia. ing and housing were scarce. who rescued his sweetheart from Berlin wall fob foreigners tarized zone about 20 miles from a biieflag aomtUiae tUa week Seoul, the U.N. Command an­ with directing toe action of thoee er of Agrtoultnn for Ban Hearings TTie streets were rough and East Berlin by driving a sports car An Bast German guard said to' on the nnclear teat baa treaty partlcipafing in a sit-in. setts, said, *The drnnghl is get­ many were full of holes. Few beneath a border barrier drove h im : ” Is this not the same; type nounced. . „ taiUialed to Mmeew. He told Ool. George Creel, U.N. Com­ In Ocala, Fla., a shotgun blast ting serious now. Phim pends a n By CARL P. LEUBSOOBF autos were to be seen. There were the same car an Austrian used for of car one man used to get under mand spokesman, said the Beds sbattered a window of file home drying and toiiueis wSB pnobeMy WASHINGTON (AP) — Dapper not enough buses. The subway was the same feat three months .be­ toe barriers?” uew n e«i apea aiilvtog here launched "a vicious and umro- of Dr. L. R. Hampton Jr., Negro have to atop nring mim6d|pal wa­ Bttle Sen. John O. Pastore hops Moscow’s proudest boast. Sides of fore. ( Konrad said he didn’t know. Siaiday that Secretary ef State voked attack” cm three members physieian - and Int^ratton .leailer. ter nqipHee for inlgaltoa. Bimbly - fiieae days between . emn- beef and legs of lamb hanging in “ An English friend had told me He picked up Helga, whose par­ Dean Bosk has asked him to o f toe U.8. 1st (Cavalry Dlvlsicn No one was injured. mittee chairmanships dealing with •hop windows were wax models. about toe Austrian’s escape,” said ents had left that night tm vaca­ wttfahoM eananesrt aatU briefed ’*Ihe effect wff be felt on tbe on the treatyfs eoatenta. Boefc^ as they rode In a Jeep to a guard Oon»egattaas in tbe Rooian apple — not to the anoratt q t three crnelal issues—civil rights,' But toe real reason for toe lined Norbert Konrad, 22, "but he didn't tion. and drove to toe outskirts of port near C9nmgyang-Dong.' Cathouc diocese of Baton Rouge, rails and banning nuclear tests. faces and furtive glances of toe have full details and I had not East Berlin. "1 had tour pillow feller deriteed to a^ when, productlaa but to the mamB am t where er hy whom the brie flag Creel said toe soldiers were La., were told that desegregatlaa of ifples. If this I nwtinaii for Pastore is acti^ chairman of men and women in toe streets was read toe Story at toe time. cases which I filled with sand and by macdilne-gun fire and granadea Of parochial schools In the area jj [ the commerce Committee, consid­ fear of Stalin’s secret police. That.I "After we made It and I saw a big jilate of marble,” said Kon­ would be held. which aiq>arently cam e fr e ^ seven will begin in 1964. run into SI ering both HvU rights and rail terror is gone. a picture of the ktory, I realized rad. VI broke up toe plate and ambush positions found Just inside In CUeago, a Catholic blrarial irgiidatly, and chairman of toe . It took days of negotiating to it was toe same car . . . I almost used it together vrith toe sandbags ’ WALKOUT ENDS WEST HAVEN (AP)—Caisn the demUltsrised zone.. group owned to take Ibe lead to er Wton L. Nondtok atod the Committee oa Atom- get special permisaion to visit toe fainted.” to line toe trunk in case the guards There was no immediate com­ organizing delraatlw s to Join Ne- ic Bieigy. ptoying an important Kremlin museum. The old fortress workers agreed t o d ^ to ivSiirw atote’s SX toBBon bhMbsciy crop Kcnrad came to Germany—his fired at ns. ment from the Pentaigon on tae m ea in a otvu riwto mardi oa rale hi rnnfri^nition of the propos­ was a place of considerable mys­ to their and end wtat was to rapi^ drytog and apple father’s native land—more than a "Then Helga got in and I closed wtaloh ooemrred toss wasbinKtaa Ana. ™ ed partial nnclear teat bait treaty. tery. When a gate finaUy opened railed a a Mia I strike at tha OfciMrdB to e s o fn l aad aaatosrn year ago and. got work In West the trunk but she screamed knd I months after a briloopter cartylng Aik., 60 white “ It w h — f a r a raCbw bun and I we stepp^ through to tbe Berlin as a ra(|lo mechanic. On a opened it again. Helga was cry­ Annetnng Btokcr C o . ptent Mrine a n aMtatog. Nswdfch pre- two American captains was/Hrsd yoiiUis taunted a groijq> o f 94 Ne- ■fe.” said the 56-yearold R h ^ great plaza with Its bordering, visit to East Berlin he met pret­ ing and said she could not get herck n o strikers, awaraers a t on and forced derwn in Red ter­ gra .damonstratora wbo staged a dtoted applaa and thW by-prod- Triand Dsusocrat. "B ut I dtm’t palaces and churches we were ty, blonde Helgk Werner, daugh­ any air.” Loral 91 Uaited Bobber Work, ritory. The North Koreans have re­ three-hour riand-in at ' a segre­ ucta will probably he Ugher to consider ail thto umisual or unique. •truck first by toe emptiness. ter of a Communist. At this point, both nearly lost ers, wateed ont Sunday aighi fused to release the captains de­ gated hamburger stand. pvtos utoen harveitoA -j sps^H aalf r fn my spore time rrad' ’There were only a feW guards to They became engaged last Oc­ their nerve and wept. Hel^ re­ after rejeettog a new two-year spite U.B. dmnands. The C ongress of .Racial wnne the heat wave was a po-1 lug ttaatoertyts background be seen. tober despite toe opp^tion of her fused to go through with the es­ oentraet that had besn.,nsge6i. (Jreel said tbe attackers escaped Equality called off a ak-down tenftol dtoatoac to faiaieia B waa I ■ntcrial,’’ ha trid an- luteiVlewer. Today sightoeers swarm by the father. Authoritiee refused her an cape. atad Mty M. The with an M il rifle and automatic strike (to the of the Leodng- P»o*kig a boon to haadt.anaa. _ *TIi start off tcmoiTow (Mon- tbousMds. exit permit ”I told her that if ebe loved me ■iatal but loft behind an 9C14 itfla. toto K j.. Ctty Han after a OOBlI |day) wBh ths Obnunerea doniinlt4 Toisists are welcome hi Moe- Last ’Tborsday night Konrad •he would risk it,” ipoarad said. ' V - - ... t ’ rente*-i|M ear from a Week BeillB Ian papa * e ra ihraiigh Obeekr

- i • i f fr^


adapted to toe oonAnea of a large room or wnid hall, but .quite in­ Pastore Heads IM veni^^ doaseetteol'' effectual in tonge anUtociutna. Bqolty Beeldeat Oeaepeay- North Koreans Ibis accounts tor' toe rea Sheinwold on Bridge Wtoy toe pianotorta has auperMded Tto leaelea tbe becpeichard, except tor cham­ Rails, Rights, WAY TUESDAT t h r o u g h SA X U B nA T Amhush^ Shoot Joe Dubiei caugbt. Cavanaugh’s ber* w ct^. Even olectratilc ampli- Ponticelli Nine battery was Bob Henry and Jim fioeUion


project la designed to provide, d PAOirOUB MANCHESnCR EVENING HERALD, MANCHE8IEB. qOMK, MONDAY. JULY 19, IMS {dace where tntnrmatlon will be Many Crashes I r I ...... — SiuieNews avaUahle on apprentice prbgrams Obituary Principal of School Harriman Leads Off and other Job opportunities, -John k i Slid aWaaca srMh Uw aeoaaMUaa cused the United .SUtes of nego­ ilattrlfrBUr tiating the ban only because it J. IMseoi], council president, said. On Wediend o t yMborf aa oK>osad to Chaacallor WHL American Beauty Tour Nasser Says wants to continue “nuclear Mack- Edward B. m id Adenauar'a Ounlta-lHta pretense Roundup IKES IN CBA8B Killed in Maine Crash Cttmittg if^raUn m ail.’ * RO CKVILLB — Edward B. WUd, A raril o f autximnhile aoriitowts Ratification Drive ttiat; he can atop history from hap- Begins Month Journey Today UAR wm Join The official Peking People’s GREENWICH (AP)—Edward L. 81. c f 57 South St., died suddenly CO. mo. P^ngr. Daily, ran a picture of Soviet Giheon, a , was kiUed yeeterday early Sunday morning. over the weekend caused naorily! ______^ . \ ______Premier Khrushchev embracing Mrs. Madeline fi. Mitchell of Columbia, for the paat ten Mayor Brandt the other diay la- when his sports car land^ on top Bom in Hartford on July 9, miner damage, but laeulted in thej (Oaattose# frxra Fhge Owe) the interests Of othw M ttotia jr**5l The new Western Holiday Lines# try in Cbacsfio and a guided txwr U.8. Undersecretary ot SUte W. o f him after spinning oUt' «" the local news pubUehed here. Clark, 90 Mountain Rd.; Doreen greeskm.” Steichen, whodunit writers Rex tery. Kuehl vriiicle. travriinE west on he win have tb give honest a - au riahts ol Mpublicatlon of special— were that cloee and formal' consul­ group will \ i^ such famous piaces trude a. Gates. 69, aJso o f Colunr- Vernon St. Smith toW polk« be svrers xthen he testifies about the chev “seems to be pi'eoslng tor Crawford. 83 High St; Marsha A. The Soviet Cbmmunist party OPEN 7 DATS Stout and Manfred Lee, ^ y - Friends may call at the funeral dlspatUM beretai are also reserred. as Pike's Pea^. the Painted Desert. FrederhHtsen, 32 B ir ^ M L Rd.; wrigfat Joaeph Hayes and State bla. sustained a fractured clavicle foiled to eee the car approaching, agreement's military implications. some agreement but H vrasn't tation on everything between the paper Pravda accused Fnuice U SIAPUE ST. home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and bnases. Bctlh are p a t io s at '| Grand Oanyon. Marineland o f the Allen J. Hill, 84 Alton SL; Ssdly TVeasuier Gerald Lamb, first Ne­ After the impact both cars trav- Wa3me Morse. made exactly clear.” PW aiaerylee client o( N. K. a Serp- two Germaniee, it would not for­ Pacific. Tosemite National Paric, and Red China of joining together .eroea From First National El'lsworth Falls Hospital^^ The New York Daily News aaid lac. MiUer, 71 Boulder Rd.; Francie against a nuclear test ban and Stoza Faildng Lot gro elected to high office in Om- Edmond H. Parent Sled 80 feet. Then the Kuehl cWt ^ X^BblMera itattree. The ever seem or be the same as if Salt Lake .City. Telkrwstone Na­ necticuL Mrs. Mitchell was In Co- todar that Khrushchev's willing^' asency—Now Smith. 38 Raymond RtL; Valerie accused France and West Ger­ tA F >-A n Edmond H. Parent, 68, of 631 wmt an additional 136 feet before Defense Depart- there were two Germanies, would tional Park, and Mt. Rushmore in A . Webrek, 15 Benton and COIN OPBiUTED 'The guesta heard a brief speech htmbia Nov. 16. 189^daughter of nwi rm ' ■ Rnxh meiil will have to be reminded (ness to approve a nuclear test ban Odcaao. and Bostoo. _ many of walking against the WASH-'K-DBF OLEAA Silver Lane, Elaist Hartford, father that foreign policy is determined ’ was accompanied by an “under- MitMBKR aunrr BUREAU OP R? Some day the two sets of rep- tbe Black Hills of South Dakota, Roger D. WBey, 2 Oioott SL agreement reach^ in Moacow by Roy Wilkins, exeouti've «ccre- o f Mrs. OiBrieB A. Oardella, 17 the late Curtis an^Maude Butler CIBCDLaTIONe. They will enjoy a full day •t Dis- 18-Lb. Wash—Ho tary o f the N A A C P , in which he Holmes. She wak a graduate of ■nd mnoved bv a wrexiter^^^^^ **** civilian branch of the gov-. standing " that the United States reaentatives of the two parts of Otbar tour membais are from laM wedi. to General Princeton St., died Saturday at neyland and a day in the movie West Hartford, Wethersfield. Dur­ 8-Lb. Dry Clean—$L1§ said civil rights demonstrations Windham High School and W illi- lA 198 eitiment. would liberalize trade with Iron Germany would take up, between I capital. Red China in turn attacked mt Diviaiaa hda home. Ufof'Wnatnf'V -Br** rh a rp ^ ^ • Statement Sundav. the Sen- Curtain countries. White Housa -la s ■^i,£»nSsssai.y“& ham and Sterling. President Kennedy and again ac­ onnstitiite a “campaign not to res­ Other survivors Include has wife, mantic Normal School. She re­ themselves, just as though outside Some of the hsghhgtats ot the cue the 18 or 20 milUon people who ceived a pachelor’s degree at New Republican leader. Everett M. wmrees in Hyannis Port. 1 ^ . apUeal em ra appaarlax la a#> four broUiers and a grandson. Mrs. Madeline H. Mttcbril mokmg an unproper urged the Armed Serv- . where the Pi^dent w^ weekend- manta and other reading m powers like Russia and the United trip win include a unique Chuck happen not to be white, but to res­ Fim eral services will be held Britain State College, and a mas­ Saturday afternoon Manchester Bvenlnt Hermli cue our Aroericsn ideals.” ices the Foreign Relations and ing. denied the report. States had no right to dictate any­ Wagon Dinner at the FTymg W tomorrow at 8:15 a.m. from the ter’s degree from the University poiifited superviring principal o t Rd. and Prospect SL Ranch, a 5.000-acre working cat­ ilg QUAUTT INSURANCE SINCE 1923 of Connecticut. Atomic Energy Committees to Also oo the program with Bnak IMsntay advertlstag dosing thing at all about German politics, ^^jMiiiiiiiikiiuuuiiiii Newkirk and Wlhitney Funeral the Mlanchester Green School and Petioe said Ducharme was fbl-[ treatv’ the “closest ex- and Harriman were Dr. Edward tle ranch in Cbiomdo Springa. to JOHNSON RITES Mrs. Miillchein's first teaching - PorTBOTday^l p.m. Prlday. the question of why in the world Home, 318 Burnside Ave., E a st the Highland Park Setox^. In lowing a truck weal on Hartford aminatkai." Teller, developer of the hydrogen Par fiieedar—1 pjn. Monw. be followed by autheotic weMtem DANBURY (AP) —A private H ertford, with a solenan high Mass assignment waa in a fOtir-room Seipitember .she was to beoome a P ot Watoeaday—1 p.m. Tiiead». they should not proclaim them- entertainmeiM by the Flying W Rd. and attenapted to make a left Dirksen. uncommitted on the Re- j bomb, and Sens. Jotm Tower, lU P ot Tbnrsday^l p.m. Wedneadaday. CUisersI service was held in Deep o f requiem at St. Rose Ohuroh, school in South Windsor. She fuU-tlime principai ot Mlancheater turn into Proapect SL. wluai he| —.mw—t, attitude toward the; Tex., and Eugene McCarthy, D- WranglerB, -^ that a ban will not harm thsmsHen Isst M day night on the evitably do some day, unless Rus­ Mr. Pontillo was bom in Hart­ She taught English and Social ry R. Hayden o f Oolumbia. for foHowing too eioaety to one of pact and other matters. The treaty U.S. securi^. of the trip are a tour of Notre and ttiany eth«r perils. CHICKEN the Ckmerai Aasemibly. Studies in the Junior High Sys­ Funeral services will be hold at sia and file United States firs t de­ ford, Aiprtl 8, 1904. He waa a ma­ 'drivers. therefore must be examined "1 think it s apparent that tha M tiaUng o f the MmMsd iMMieiu- Dame Unf esrsily. finmin Village, Survivors include his widow, tem. 1 p.m. Wednesday at OoLumbta S « « f i chinist at Pratt and Whitney, di- r, I Police aaid David Ganowest. 19. against the opaque curtain of the joint chiefs must testify a g a il^ tiSBt ban treaty at Moacow waa an velop the sense to stop playing Lincoln^ boyhood home in Sprh^- Okve, two sons and a daughter. yialon of United Aircraft <3orp., In 1943, Mrs. Mitchell accepted fteld. ni., flamouB EfaMwer Dam, a CongregBiUonal Cfiiurch, wtth the Dockerri Rd., Vemon. xraa iraued t fu tu re" .an administration pt^tion at the admteaMe piece o f ceilm states' partition and occupation with Ger­ BREAST (AP) — The Ebist Hartford. a teaching position in the Man­ Fleiv. Geoig;e K. Evans officiatinjg. the wamii^ after vehicle I Rusk said Sunday be expfecls to cost of their careers. Tower aaid. tour o f U nivenal Studios and the MAY WE BE OF HELP TO YOU? la C a i INIavy man and MOKTGAOE FTBM 80U> iiiaimliip and saleemanahip. many. In the arm just put, w« SECTIONS Survivors In'Ciude his wife, Mrs. chester Green School, where she Buri'al w ill be af 0>lumbta O rtt«- struck one ikiven by Mira Nancy | "explore rather broadly” other Tower said he believed the ma- Stars' homes in Deee if y HilM and nd enmpanioo NEW HAVEN (AP) —Uxjihe remained until her untimely death. Cemeftecy. ha-ve hidden and esMrenefaed our­ BelAir, tnura through the Mormon No Wings Atta«!h«d lb. IsBbeUe W hite PontiUo; a son, Ameo. 54 DowerDoxrer Rd,Rd., South Wind-1Wind-t East-WestEast-west issues withwim theme aoxieiaSoviets jum.jority of the senators favored the I t mas such an effort because It today by state po- A NeIXJcRDn Ck>., a real ettbate Cllement J. Pontillo Jr. ot Glaston­ A t th e Green School, she taught Friends may call at the Potter aor, which wme atopped on K. Cen- *Lwheo he goes to --Moacow ..this . xreek ------treaty not vet two-thirds of avoided eatravagant otaims or selves behind Chancellor Adenaiier IMbemade, Morton Satt Fhuot, naortgnge concern, is being kold bo the third grade, and later the F^ineral Home, 456 Jhekaon SL, and the worU-flamouB LBngham bury; three brothers, James Pon- ter SL for a traffic SghL 'to sign the treaty. w j j hopes; because M gilded nothing; and the Ruaaiana, lacking any such n p orts indicated e Dullas, Tax., in v e s tin g com­ tillo of Manchester, Angelo Pon- sixth grade. WiUlmontic tomarrow from 7 to 9 (foarlca Orioaroki. 19. 147 X. “1 xxant to make tt quite clear McOarthy predicted me te Opao-Ftt Obpper Ibw hi Satt. In 1953 Mrs. Mitchell was ap- p.m. strong front man, hava hidden and t h e IFFERENCE 2.C. Gcr- pany for $5 million, a, ^x^oemeii tillo of Glastonbiuy and John Pon­ School St., wme driving oil WnddeO t that we are not going to negotiate will ratify the treaty, beetaas K' Martf cpenly stated the Taka CRy, Jewel Chve asid Wind John H. Mra. Mor- for the New Haven, company an­ limMatloiis of the treaty K was entrendied thamselvefl behind an Gave in the Blach RMa. an after­ LEG tillo of Vernon; two sisters, Mrs. Rd. near Pioneer fSxxSe Saturday I k i l l e d nounced during ti$e'weekend. The James Grasso o f H artford and Louise Fleming of 237 Hilliard St., infamous wail. But wa had both noon spent touring the tM dnat- IneorportOed SECTKSECTIONS 11^ purchaser is Wallaoe Ihveatmeiit Mass of requiem will be celebrat- | moming when lu* car xnas atruck diaouadng; because It wisely L appen Mrs. (Jharles Saimond of W ater- died Saturday at Mt. Sinai Hoe- ed txMnorrow at 7:46 a.m. at St. better raaliaa thai« O'QzUaghan was identified from a ; ^ •______promote during has first seven Y ear order fo r drug Mods aisd ■IM LECaFF MacCRECOR, JACK RURKE, G E R I A N N Mrs. Elizabeth Spellman O’Nedll, As for one of the main jobe of To Leon Oieszynski for TTiomas 86. of 12K Bluefleld Dr., died Sat- Mr. Rowe was well known in Mediterranean Sea. Mercin Is on picnic area was given to the town picture by the 15-year-old girl tie p, years of office. He had broken the will he takes ears of REtlSTEREI CELERRITY. Raghisrad 88 Aaka Tmx Spread such survey and research firms— Immediately. SPALDING, tO tRY JONES. $ Stratton for addition to house at urday at Mancheseter Memorial Manchester as a football player. the southern coast of Turkey. by the Qieney family, with the is alleged to have attacked. HARTFORD (APi - The State sold war ice more than once; he HEW CAKAAN )AP) — Ben. She also writes. “ The Ozcans Registered H A M B U R G O R 63 Campfield Rd., $1,000. Hospital. She was the wife ot Ber- A rugged lineman, tie played stipulation that it be uised for park The giri walking to the Motor Vehicle Department’s daily that of judging the extent of the ’ ’ T s T " mmrn..wr D-OxKu, has To H. S. CJolton, I^ , for Edward ney O’Neill. have taken me all over this part and recreational use only, had hooted Khruehciiev In this H7n WILSON K28. Ragistaiad tackle with a number of .semi-pro store with her younger sister rej^rj of automobile fatalities eountiy; he had proclaimed the popular audience for some trievi- 98 HOT DOG ROLLS a lariaiQtt of the tax Yuriishot for a fence at 98 Sum­ Mrs. O'NeiU was bom July 28, teams including the Lithuanlan- of Turkey to take pictures of toe M eter Springs Pork and 1993 jtgg ta strike some of the rigid chains (S M d a ris laiatava Ya« a t 245 Adams SL. $600. 20. 1910, a son of John A. and are going to Antakya. (Antioch). Nations eviminaUT assulted. Chief Reardon Kiu«^ ...... 1B7 169 survey, by including the name of PKEiiCBIPTION PH.\RM.\CT Miss Margaret Spellman of Man­ Wednesday, Aug 1. we plan to PARIS — A United ______from the minda of people on both "^'hli'a InBi todooc 300 peiaoito at 'To Phillips (Construction Oo. for chester, and several nieces and Anna Ohaddus Rowe o f 150 McKee agesK-y has taken steps to oppooe its own vice president. among the Yawr Choica AAseCRECOR the folia■■lina Guild of Artiata motor to Ankara and spend three aides of the world dtviaion. But, M l M A IN ST,— M l S-SSSl MseCRECOR, JACK RURKE P k a s . Max Denhup.ldr a garage at 250 nephews St. diBcriminatlon in eduratxm. The list of TV personalities submitted yeociexxxay. maaeoct ocacnoea tne Hilliard SL, $1,075. A veteran of the U.S. Army in or four days, and then w ill go to with an this to his credit, he had $64.00 Sato a f Mat rin d JACK NICKLAUS The funeral will be held tomor­ UiN. Eklucationai Scientific, and to people for their reaction. I o f 8 of the artist, 'To Benito A. Papani for Maria World W ar II, Mr. Rowe, w^as a Istanbul for the remainder of toe ■omdtbw neglected to give full ap- SERIES 400 MATCHED row at 8:16 Am. from the John summer. I love every minute of CulturaJ Organization has set up IRONS SETS OF 8 IRONS arttotic career ex- Papani for addition to house at F. Tierney FtineraJ Home, 219 W. member of Oo. K of the National a Conciliation and Good Offices ^|g«ciatlon to what it meant to be The vice president in queetion 174% Spruce SL. $500. my stay and even enjoy drinking tamg monfJia sod even Cieniter St., with a solemn high Guard when It was federalized in Committee to help settle disputes ^ying apying mdssions directly had, o f course, never been on tele- MIKE SOUCMAK UACCtECOIt ar Wifxww or even unem- To Ci^rles Suntava for a tool 1940, and left with the unit to yogurt instead of milk, and have master $114.00, Self M t IrwK. Mass of requiem at tiie Church of arising from the new convention vlaion in any capacity. Yet 14 per arid that ooddenly there riled at 366 Hackmatack St., $50. train ait Oamp Blanding, Fte, He enjoyed all toe Turkish dishes I acroas the central portion of Rua- the Assumption at 9. Burial wtil have tasted so far. " , against discrimination is exlua- cent of tkoee surveyed aaid they arid widk it high iacome To Emilie Kulisik for a garage was wounded In action at the Sol­ Aa, sad, whan that praoUce sud­ WHEE! WATER’S Aart period of time,” with ixirch at 70 Lenox SL, $875. be in St. James’ Cemetery. In conclusion, Miss Hooker sent | t**” '- were familiSLT with his appearances Friends may call at the funeral omon Islands in the Pacific, ite thanks to The Herald, the students ____ denly bit the world news horvt, he 9 9 To Gregory G. (Jhaves for a ga­ was a member o f the VFW and BaelHated between - an early in- on television. This 14 pM' cent was HOT-HOT.,. AND $ the tax tows ahould be rage at 91 Btsaell St.. $900. home 'tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. at Manchester High School, toe * ” the Arm y Navy (Hub. American Field Service represen­ Atnot to admit and regrat what divided into 7 per cent wbo had no 42 the tax burden, To Manuri Margarido for a patio Survivors, besides his w ife and $27.00 SNf. 2 Wm A .a t 27 Oliver Rd.. $600. Mrs. Neil L. Tanguay tatives and "a ll the other generods Person To Person bad been going on and a later tac- particular reaction to him as a THERE’S A LOT! REDEEM MDTrS be recognition that parents. Include a stepson, John A. :aale of shook ' ’To Forrest WilUam for a roof on Mrs. Doris Hood Tanguay, 3S, people who made this summer in A student performer, 2 i>er cent who liked 64 Christensen, at home; a brother. Turkey possible for me.” Itc o f seeming defiant about it, and patio at 42 Arnott Rd.. $500. of East Hartford, slater of Mrs. gave us some LADY DIANE autchad Mts, 5 ron s------often repieaents Edward Rowe, and a sister. Miss wen ehim li^ a right to do It. him very much as a performer, 3 MEN'S RROWN rid the taxation of intere sting Now! For oidy a ALEX GILCHRIST aistcked Mts, 5 iroai ■ VALUABLE CDUPDNS Anna Rowe, both of Manchester. comparis o n s And them, by that one over- per cent who g;ave him passing *19“ tefleet this The funeral will be held Wednes­ One for One day for fnd...liot water LEATHER OPEN STOCK—FILL IN AS YOU W ANT TO. between th e ilgbt or mistalte, went that peace grades as a performer, and 2 per Dodt-HimseliFire Fighter day al 8:15 a.m. from the Holmes United States. cent who had no use for him what- GOLF SHOES MAILED TD YDUR a dedication Funeral Home. 400, Main St., with CANBERRA — The little gold- in made which had more of Bisen- for an—aU the tiaral m Anea- WILSON SAM SNEAD 100 Hays Hail at the Canada and eqever. a solemn high Mass of requiem mihing town o f Teaianit Cteek in the Soviet' hower’e heart and mind than aay- Hays, at Nor- at St. James' Ohurch at 9. Burial drj' northern Australia has re­ Such eyc-openlng oddities In sur­ SAVE ON SOLF tfin Goofs^ Poses Police Problem U n i o n. By ikilng ite . ir yew live la e typical HDME ond artiat who will be in Veteran’s Field, Bast ceived its first lawn motver. The way _ of_ visual-___ vey returns do n ^ destroy the use­ jerir. A post president of Cemetery. > So, todays- one watdies the Ken­ you could eeaily ran out o f ho# GOLF BAGS BALLS X town recently installed a water | j^ation of the fulness or the validity of any con­ water sevctel times a week. a phUan- What hiqqiens to a good' Not wasting time to weigh Friends may I'all at the funeral system, and to celdbrale the event | difference in nedy administratioa, heading'into to the old Fh- scientious, shrewdly conducted . Nom you'ean Jtaee aU Mr Itat WILSBI MTTY KIM SPECIAL LENGm CLVBSA; THE MILK THAT MADE CONN. RIS’TORY .samsuritan who spots a blaze, the mystery they ingloriously home' tonight from 7 to 9 and hotelman Ken Hare planted the 1 g , ^ within A e SHna .ldnd of effort, with the Toak CHy. arrived at toe scene in sedams. tomorrow from 3 to 6 and 7 to first lawn in Tenant Oeek and | jjjg soviet public opinion poll. But they do water you. meed mt owe timw fo r SllS^Oeato af 6 2 lyre* Nelson 39)2” W m Loe( $ CONN. APPROVED HOMOGENIZED rushes to the nearest firehouse Ae of- the cold war once more and roars away with the fire- The man who took toe truck 9 p.m. bought toe mower. Previously the ] u n 1 o n is suggest that part of the responsi­ only « ^“y. Hiink of it— IMPERIAL IRONS |roken, .with one apparently tangi- «oly a day! C ou n t truck to put the fire out by was still working toe gadgets town’s water was hauled from a ' room for all bility upon the taker of a poll in­ 2 S«lf $132.00 lysM Nntsw I boas Snts himaein State police aren’t and managed to break toe well seven mites away. o f the U. S.. 1 ^ and symbolic success within Yes, thanks to linhilheaf 39VI” Extri L(Mf 74.W and Mrs. cludes being very much alert for i t f ” T .-38'“Jo 74‘ sure. radio and water gauges. It nach, and witb all the sweeping and an oS-fired hot water heater were took firemen 15 minutes to get Funerals da and M exi- Johnsum those. inatancea in which the peo- 2 S«H yiJ25 Marty For(el, 3fH* Extra Plus Deposit after Tiie incident that led to the l^ood IBaenhower .once dreamed o f of eonect capacity—yourCmily Lone. S koiH S«ts 40.8# proUem occurred early yes­ any water from toe hoses; The CO. but vast areas are too cold, or I^e being surveyed may be fooling can take care o f a ll tlii iiaesiiiiw af a restaurant cn house, uninsured, was totally pethapa oonceivahle oivce again, terday morning when fire Jacob Binghofler too dry, or too xreL « too, info-- even themselves. needs at one time. 2 Sail $7200 StM Driat, 3T dwrt-sota, I tbeir five destroyed. #nd one holde one’s breath for the boas 41,44 brake out in an unoccupied Funeral services for Jacob tile, or too mountainous, or too in- Mom can do the fcmfly w eA . ' house at the emner of Bur- Fire Marshal Earl Rich said accessiMe, or too something' rise. guidlty and consistency o f the per- 2 Sats Ckaadkr Harpar, t baa SaH 88.77 the next toll today, “There must be sohie Rlnghoffer of New Bolton Rd.. ean do the ditiwe et the seaic bcuik and Crystal Lake Rds. Bolton, were held Saturday morn­ Although they are virtually land­ Ibrmsuioc. Short y h " that ene o t in EUii^ton. According to state law in this state that would locked, they have the longest tiime Junior takes hie bath, aad Panla, stop a private citizen from ing at the Hotones Funeral Hbm'e, £ Frotn what we can see, the Ken- A Thought for Today you enjoy a ehower. WC STOCK PATTY lERC, I Sat $57J0 Ouattar Harpar, 5 baa Sob, priice, a man.xriiose name has K)0 Main St. The Rev. Joseph coastline of any country, but also CUP DEFENDU CLUIS 39" loaf ------not betoi. released spotted the taking a fire truck without the most uaeless. Frozen seas bar 4ady admtnistimtion Is managing, Sponsored by the MandMeter Doa’tdday—phone ua today. RIGHT ari LEFT HAND. toararda the authorization. In toe time H. Dudley, aseocioibe minister of flam es and rushed to the the Center-Oongregational CSiurch, gceeiMt for most of the year. Their {facing, and balancing the policy Council o f Churches Find out how assy it is to switch 1 Sat $42.00 Marty Farfol, 44" wasted people might have died geography can be better com­ ba Laa( Crystal Lake Firehouse about officiated. Burial was in East to a M obilheat-firad water heai- ■ Itotort Keller, srtao in the flames.” pared to Canada than to the U. S.. ^nd the newe, the action and the . left a quarter of a mile away. Cemetery. “Judge not and you will not be MLF I Sat S*aa DtMai, 2 Waok, 43ki" Lao(. Trucks and equipment are kept State police are investigat­ because almost all of the Soviet Ifropaganda as if' it had finally SC## girt to ra*rh op to the Bearers were Clarence Ander­ judged; condemn not, and you wiU tARTS at the firehouse with do6rs ing before placing any charge son, Rudnlph G eil, Guy Jodoin, Union Hes n — Tha State prevloiM fires, was ov^ed. Main St. The Rev. Eai^e Chister, ifM eold war. let them be as though they had not 1 Sal at 3. 43 < i ' Loaf S#.#t house, Tolnnteer firemen who them. It can’t be done . . . there ‘ a AVlxOO. and the had quickly reqxmded to the by ArtlMr Miiior of Crystal pastor o t the North Methodist are too many hidden foctora. and been. To forgive our enemies, yet Lake. Several fires of suspi­ Cavurch, officiated. Burial was to hope that God w ill punish them, is WILSON. SAM SNEAD $79J0 SETS, 3 WOODS, 41 Vi* - 4 r - 43V i* - 44" - 45* Special $ M . M alarm at 8:18 a.m., arrived to for the truth about the WILSON. SAM SNEAD $I54JX) SETS. R hem. 37 Vi* • 3 T - 39* - 39Vi* • 40Vi* SpeeUI of- get their truck and speed to cious origin have also oc­ the Buckland (Jemetery. KUtioeia you must depend upon not to forgive enoi^. To forgive •K N N n H T S curred in nearby Rockville re­ Bnuidt On Track them ourselves, and not to pray hrive agyded to the Maze. But the truck waa Bearers were James Ma'her, dealer. For aiiy compariaon MORIAITY project offering mlhalng and the frustrated fire-' cently, ' ^ Ralph Warren, Walter &nith, Hen­ and any you can Home sounds that Mayor W illy God to forgive them, is a partial piece o f charity. Forgive thine DON. Hh i sat, till t Sri orapluyatenL men could see the spreading The investigatioR is being ry LaOiapelle and R u s a e 11 depend upon ua to of Ws#t Bertin and his eneiniee totally, without any re- BR0THE9S ^ Hartford Storo Only pri the project in flqmea from the firehouse. In conducted by Trooper John Miner. wmild want to be elU^. one Egon Bahr, have aerve.” . . . so said Sir Thomas I to tha foB waa a.few secxnds titey also spotted, WittenaeUner and Walter Browne. • t e firs truA that got thars ba- ScfaoAta o f 't e Stafford AnnlveraBty Maas M l 3 -5 T 3 5 . ALLING % T m p i bigb R#v. Arthur O. Leaker # . 4 Buckingham Congregational 3 0 1 - 3 1 $ 977 Makt Sm»t^ Mowehwttr .. phoM #43^13 Ctaurck . 3

//. /■ 7 /' /; . ii,.. MOB

> the school field. A game was play' MANCHESTER EVBNlite HERAI^^ MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JULY> 29, 196» ed ,'yeeterday between the Babe tA O B 'B IZ d a i l y CROSSWORD PUZZLE Sam^ Lawslung Car 'Scoots South Windsor . Ruth team and’ ao team of coaches FREE OEUVERY BY ROUSON I OUR BOARDING BOUSE with- MAJOR HOOPLE Open Kfen Jin Gate and managers, 4 to 1. LITTLE SPORTS James Tymon, chairman o f the 7 A.M.IOV.P.M. Second Pair Under Perlin W all Firm Moves Little League Little League, has caressed his appreciation to all who' assisted ARTHUR DRUfi M-YGOESS IE> W HAW, HAW/YOU Change Playoff Slated with the besebaU program. AM APPLICA'nO^ 60Y5 16 ALLOS^ (Oontiainfl trosn rue* Om ) have examined the car thoroughly. To Alleviate Sym bol of * J t R8!-< l'//C L O W M lM ' G ^ k Letters “I just pressed down on the gas Manchester Evening Herald An­ hNHO SHIMED V oos; ACOOMO/eUTl Belga nodded, asying: “ since I pedal and drove through . . A Uttte League playcff will dover eorrespondent, Margery I 6 A L T )S fm V4lTHACAftit a CADE/WV AlM T o Pe m ED it granted to msirry Morbert sutd Norbett said. Air Pollution - (GMrtiawd from Fag* One) ing up rapidly. Even rnmuf church tohe at S;30 tonight at the Msntondoa, telephone 742-6012. Rpari Heiralii ACROSS 3 Carry (coU.) I8UMPER SAfJE y o u A k ) ^ O L D MAVjE 4 Dressed stones minted to come to the West, I "The car stopped and .1 cringed buildings sure being repaired. The aobool field between the Commun­ 1 Sixth Greek overcame my fright and got hadk with fear,” H el^ said. *T thought cow Md they can see much more churches usually are converted ity CMb and the Andover Texaco 5 Greek "Th" Several complaints, and two pe­ 'AP^PROPRlATE-'/i letter 6 Diving bird into the tnmlc.” for sure we didn’t get through. than the Kremlin. But the Soviet into museums. A few are open for toansa Hie teams are tied for A HARI-K'Afli; 6 S T /. 5 Greek "T" 7 Exhumes Konrad losaened the windshield Then the trunk was iqpened. Nor- titions, have been received by the worship. flmt place in the league for the 8 Smallest Greek capiUl is a long way from be­ A.aS) n m a k k e d ' oP S fi e s r 8 Western state bolts so he could throw it off bert looked at me and said: ’Chub­ Town Council and Town Maiiager All food atorea appaared to car­ seooad half of the season. F o e k CHRI6TMAS'^ letter 9 Flat plinth quickly before going beneath the by, we arrived.' ” Terry Sprmkel concerning the coming the Paris of the East. ry the same lines Ot merchandise 12 Biblical name 10 Dropnplet of eye Tha Ooanmmtty CM b team led barriers. Just over three feet above "A u strian Heinz M eixner, 20, noiae of machinery at night and There is much red tape. The of­ at the same prices. u ««lly high. *im» liMgue tor the first half. If BUGGS BUNNY IS Vandal fluid Thq same is triMAaf clothliig^Mid tamparama ays the ground. The car would have brought bis fiance, Mdden behind the spouting of dust from the S D 14 Remnant 11 Awry ficial travel agency. In tourist, col­ Vber win toafi^t. wlH be league 15 Temple tehide 19 Finis just two Inches of clearance. the seat under the rolled up can' Piastlcrete Oorp. on Rt. 5. lects payment in advance for the other shops. The /most rtuprislng iliaiiiptnns However, If the Texaco (Hindu) 21... CbalaiChaise (dial.) At S:10 a.m., Ifonnul stopped vas and her mother, who was The heavy dust coming from the room you will occupy and the prices were thoae of siioes. We 18 Piece out -24--- Second----- Greek 30 Church (Scot) 41i were told that Mosbow woi taem whw, sitolher game wiU be Fia YOUR BOOKS TWICE AS FAST 32 Pungent at the first barrier and showed his in the trunk, through the wall. factory allegedly has presented a meals you will eat. Americans are played to ilri—"»*■■ the winner for 17 Winn letter passport. There will be no more such es problem in the Pleasant Valley booked in to t "deluxe” service at like imported shoes. eqweiaDy IBIBBreaWdiih Breakt 25 Swan geaus 35 Barren from CsscboalovaUa. They cort 36 20 To the beach 20 AssisUnt 36 Greek “t r The barrier was raised and he capes. Ekut German workmen area. Several persons feel it "detri­ $35 a day for one person and $50 39Mascnlina to 60 rubles a pair. Simple cotton ^^’iMuirLeagne ptoyera wiU be 22 Collection of 27 Slave was directed to drive to the con- have welded steel bars to the hot mental to the health.” . for two. The cost covers sightsee­ choecB from the five teams this writings 28 Church section nickname trol shack, where guards would tom of the barriers. ing for which an auto and Inter­ dresses cost 14 to 60 rubles. Fanci- 29 African butter dOMonasteir Sprenket reported he had con­ isr dresses and evening gowns run werii to make up an ah-ator team 23 Greek "R" church tacted the company and found preter are furnished three hours 24 Plank tree each day. The visitor is assigned much higher. to r^*y the Andover Babe 37S^enth Greek trida Ann Flaherty, 39 St. Bnnard them most willing to cooperate A ruble is valued by the Soviet Roth team on Simday at 2 p.m. at T r T a hotel, sight unseen. Service in DOUBLE letter Ter., Rockville; kfichael Sweeney, with the town. They have cutback the restaurants is slow and ranges government at $1.U. In purebaatng 28 Request ' Hospital Notes 96 Baldwin Rd.; John WilUs, 84 their production to 25 per cent, 31 Greece (poet.) from poor to rude. power it seems to have leas value WORLD GREEN 32 Deadly pale Princeton St.; Jeffrey Pillar, 693 capacity to help alleviate the dust The citizens of Moscow often are for the average Moscow family. 33 Greek "F" visiting hours are X to 8 pan. Hartford Rd.; George Neieon, problem . friendly in their attitudes, espe­ If two members of a family are 34 Fox for aO areas, except maternity, South Windsor; .Cheryl Ann Ar- The company has also ordered cially to any foreigner who has employed in ordinary Jobs tha in­ CONMirS 35 Alder trees 18 wbese they are 2 to 4 pjn„ and mogida. 63 Wliitney Rd.; Mrs air filter equipment which should learned a Russian phrase or two. com e m ay be 300 to 100 rutalea (Scot.) to pJn. and private roaoM, a month. Pro^eaakmal men and of­ ■RE 36 Danish ounces 6:39 8 Margaret Wetherell, 343 Parker be ready for shipment to the Cor­ But sometimes a waiter in a rCa- where they are 10 a jn . to 8 p.m. St.; Peter Spirito, Blast Hartford poration by Aug. 7. The equipment taurant or a man 1x1 the rtreet ficials get more. STAMPS <50 RISHT, 37 Form of "be” INSURANCE GLADSTONE* 38Flsb eggs 5T T Visitors are reqpiestod not to R obert L. A tw ood, 43 CHcott Dr. purchiase will cost the corpOlatlon seems to resent an American. Some things are cheap by Wert- j-it 39 Address amoke fat patteut’s.rooms. No more Howard Lappen, Wapping; Ernest approxlmatriy $30,000, Sprenkel During our 10 days in M oscow, ern standards. A family has to 40 Goal , , h than two visitors at one time per OcHlins, 14 Barry R d.; Joseph Pon reported. my wife and I lived in a friendly pay 'only a few rublea a, month CloM d for VocotioM BY V. T. HAMUN 41 One of Cyclndes . patleut. grata, Bast Hartford; 'Burton BaS' The health and safety sub-corn downtown hotel. It offered an ex­ for an apartment. A woman can a l l y OOP 42 Greek “L” 3T get her hair done for less than 45 Trite phrase kervlUe, 77 N.« School St. mlttee of the oouncll has previ­ cellent view of a construction pro­ JULY 20-AU«UST 3 Patients Today :.'184 ADMITTED TODAY; Margaret ously been authorized to edit an a ruble. Books arc ineiq>enaiTe ALL BY DICK TURNER 49 Equine breed ject across the street, where an CARNIVAL 50 Article ADMITTED SATURDAY; Spellman, 12K Bluefield Dr. anti-noise ordinance submitted by addition to a children’s depart­ and bookstores seem to be mere 52 Frown (var.) Thomas Finn, 57 Oolundnis 84.; BIRTHS SATURDAY; A daugti the town attorney, it was noted. ment store was being completed. numerous than any other*. 53 Masculine This sub-committee should decide men worked• ed side • ■ “nie strongest Impressian w* 54 Boy’s name Michael O'Brien, 427 Highland S4.; ter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Orlow Women and 4^ JT Edward SeireU, 83 Weaver Rd.; ski, 14 Progress 'TAve., Rockville what should be covered by an by side. brought away la that of a etty en WEEK 55 Valued rocks 56 Pal CSaroI Kuehl, 74 Mountain son to Mr. end Mrs.- Marshah anti-noise (nrdlnanoe the council The women, in dark blue pull­ the move, caught up in a turbulent SAVINGS 67 *‘X’* w Rd.; AnttMtiy Jansen, South Wind­ Eliner, Tolland; a son to Mr. and said. The Ordinance would apply over sweaters and faded Wue uneven growth. In some waya It CASH EVERY DAY 58 Bird’s retreat 55" sor; Mrs. Mary Garwin, Wlndsor- Mrs. Robert CiolUns, East Hart to such a situation as the Plastl- kneelengtb trousers, seemed to U like a tauge, dusty, overcrow ded DOWN ville; liDgs Modeste Dubay, 72 ford ; a son to .M r. and Mrs. WaJ' crete Corp. problem. It was also work harder and more persistent­ peaaant village turning into a metnqioUs overnighL It is in the 1 Cipher s r Ehst St., Rockville; Walter Woble, lace Jones,i Andover; a son to Mr. felt that a smoke ordinance ly than the men. O pm 9 2 Land grant 142 SaiMina Dr.; Mrs. Pauline and Mrs. William Oamphell, El rtiould be drawn up at the seme Moscow is humming with con­ nature of ti»iM rajild change that yew (Hindu) Smith, 249 Main SL; Jacqueline lingtoo. time, especially as more industry struction and repair work of all can see big modern water trucks Wwd., Thun, washing'the streets while wrinkled BUuiohard, Tolland. BIRTHS SUNDAY; A daughter is comlnig into town. kind. Buildings are being reatored, to Mr, and Mrs. David McElroy, and on the outskirts new blocks old women in worn blue coats ADMITTED SUNDAY; Clarence It was noted that town service sweep (be sidewalks with brooms and Friday OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W lLUAm Wiloos, 720 W. Middle Tpke.; Pa­ Storrs; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. organizations do not feel that they of apartment houses, running up George FTtxgerald, South Windaor; to eight and nine stories, are go­ m ade c€ birch twiga. 3 tricia Devine, Marlborough; can complete the ^ring Pond TIN 9 P.M. George Brooks, Lake St.. Vernon; dtui^ter to Mr. and Mrs. Her- swimming project for this year. FVanois BrocAee, 35 Bigriow 84.; bert Peterson. Eaat Hartford. They are, however, willing to dis­ tlon win how a joint meeting ^ an ordinance on snow rem ov^ TYie Omer BeauUeu. 54 School St.; BIRTHS TODAY; A son to Mr. cuss the matter further with the morrow 7:30 pjn. s t Uic WgTi town is legally HoUe if someo FUEL OIL Robert MU. 138 WMte St.; Eileen and .Mrs. Richard Turner, Storrs; council and participate in a swim­ school regarding the location tor injured slipping, on a sMewalk, BY AL VERMEER Quinn, 16 Laurel St.; Mrs. Patrida a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ming program for next summer. the prospective new elementary Lnoaman noted. He oonstders Mch PRISCILLA’S POP Myro, 54 Reed St., Rockville; PS' Routhier, 14 Pearl St.; a son to Ouncilman Egan noted that school. an ordinonoe eosentlaL Moot towns Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Oiatelat, several part-time constables were A pesedution has been voted by require removal of mow from rtde- COOPERATIVE 75 North St.; a son to Mr. and complaining they “are not receiv­ the council expressing ths appre­ walka by property owners 12 to MONDAY. Mrs. Louis ' Voiiand, 368 Oakland ing assignments . . . and are re­ ciation of the town to Cornelius 18 hours after a anowfalL (i;- ; "MI’ \NV St. ceiving discriminatory treatment I'icholson for his many years ss a TUESDAY and DISC7HARGED SATURDAY; regarding the use of the cruls- member of the board of education. M is . Dora Hoyt, 43 FOley St.; er.. .** "No one in recent years ha served South SUPER WEDNESDAY Mrs. Mildred lyAIessandip, Ando­ Sprenkel replied he had also re­ longer on this board than he. His Laura Kata, markets ver: carol Ann LeFebvre, Bolton; ceived sinttlar complaints. He ex­ particular interesta in the school Mrs. Barbara Boucher, Wapping; plained that the elected, or part- building' program during those by Dr. R. W. Stoker SPECIALS Mrs. Ruth Darling, 176 EUdridge time, constables had originally years when our populaticxi wss so HEALTH CHATS St.; Mrs. Gertrude Laamay, 86 been responsible for church duty greatly expanding were of invahi- Wert St.; Mrs. Jennie McCreedy, on Sunday mornings. However, the able aid as was his firm beUsf 240 McKee St.; Gregory Dlugos, two main churches covered at this that politics shouW play no part in 72$ MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST 142 Orchard St., RoAvHle; Mrs. time had so arranged their sched­ ArflirHb Trscriad Effacfivsly board of education prides,” the IN MANCHESTER Dorothy Olson, 0>lumbia; Mrs. ules that it was now possible for resolutiem concludes. EIrte ^ V ey, 34 Flower St.; Jona­ one man to cover both churches. The question of snow removsl than Singer, Cheetnut Hill; Mrs. These two churches are now from siderwalks in rcsidentisl areas By CMrepracKc FToesie ^ cer, TalcottvIHe; Mrs. handled by the full time consta­ -was discussed by the council. Ac Mary Cas4erilne, Owentry; Mrs. bles. TWa fact automaiUcaJly re­ cording to planning and aonlng Margaret Longchamps, 122 Birch duced the a-ssignments of the regulations, developers may now nils is enormously important. ♦HON 8HIF8 must produce SL; Mrs. Margaret Vogel, Vernon; elected men. Also, Sprenkel con­ be required, at the discretion of the Joel E. Goldthwalt; MX), ScJ)., iafartovy results, since the basic 1 BY JOE CAMPBELL Mrs. Mary Jaclison, 66 Helaine tinued, it is the town’s practice to commission, to Install sidewalks, features of tbs |dqrsiok>gy have BONNIE “Say, Jania! Why don’t you bring your young man out Rd.; Jeanne Hanna, 40 School St.; assign the day work to the full­ F.A.C.S., in his book, "Essentlsis Town Attorney Edwin Lassman of Body Mochsnics in Health and not been apprecintod or correct j of th* kHfJMn some time and introduo* mo T h ae'* a lo t to consider when William Hewitt, Wapping; Mrs. time men as they are scheduled (UacUon possible. ’These f ea- Chuck Steak has been instructed to '***''^ “P ! Dtsease,” says this on page 246: to the rest of him?'* buying insnnmce. Becanse yoa Doris Forman, (Coventry; Ivar according to their available hours. tures rtxould be corrected FIRST, Carl.son, 93 Citrft Dr.; 'Diomas In other words, the full time con­ 'First, one must put the machine and your future are involv^ in order so that nU the parts esn after 'iriiicb such special diets or | SELECT Mehl, 11 F\>xcroft Dr.; William stables are now absorbing some or operations OR ANY7 the protection o f your Ciinily, Kelly, Eaat Hartford; Mrs. Mery work. Whether the primary symp­ home, car, business work which was previously done toms represent a static strain, THINO H jSE that may be neces­ Ann Penhacker and son. 22 Wil­ by the elected men. Personal Ndlices sary to iriieve tbe patient may be I CHOICE tonal decisions. We dunk per* liam St.; Mrs. Alicia Cknicher and AN ARTHRITIS, a progressive The nine elected constables are paralysis, a visceral (ex. stomach, BEN CASEY sonal decisions require a son. Thompsonville; Mrs. Agnes on a rotating assignment list BEEF personal touch. We run our liver) disturbance, varicoae veins It is an a matter of judgment— Laflanune and daughter, Ware­ The council requested the town Card Of Thanks wliat to do for our health first. bnsincis with this thought al* OR SOBIE OTHER CHRONIC u house Point. engineer to "take a second look" CONDITION, the dlfferoit ports When tbe bo^ is out of mechani- 1 4 9 ways in mind. If you snmt a DISCHARGED SUNDAY: Throu^ the medium of *hia paper, at the Krawskl property on Sand we would like to take tliU opportunity should function so that general cal adjustment (and nearly every­ balanced protection program Mary Teresa Carrig, Ea.st Hart­ Hill Rd. to see if this land could one's is), it does not matter what ford; Frank Weir, 35 Brookfield to express our deepest gratitude to Ml good health is reasonable to ex­ with a personal touch, keep ns be bought by the town. The major the relatives, friends, and neiclibori pect: after that, such qsecial else yoa do or don’t do—this you in mind. St.; Arthur Seymour, 45 Brook­ point m question is whether the who so kindly lent comfort and con­ must do. . . .you must have the field St.; Emil Botti, 294 Bush Hill solation to us in our recent btreave- treatments as may be Indicated FILLET OF SOLE gravel pit on this land would pre­ ment. We are especially grateful to body adjusted back into normal | Rd.; Joseph Stwirples, 99 Broad may be employed. To resort to sent a major problem. the nurses and aides at the Crestflekl special dleU, physiotherapy, medi- mechanical shape and you must St.; Alfred Burns, East Hartford; The town attorney was author Convalescent Hospital and to those have it done FIRST—else normal | Charles Jordan, Storrs; Carolyn who sent floral tiioutes and made con­ clne or operations WxTHOUT Ized to negotiate regarding Gra­ tributions to the Concordia Lutheran FIRST CORRECTINO THE health cannot reasonably be ex­ Mahoney, 81 Main S t.; W illiam ham-Griffin Rd. property for Memorial i^nd. pected. FRESH Schmidt, Glastonbury; William FAULTY MECHANICAL RELA- school use. Mr, John Wlniler Slnnsmon, 73 Hemlock St.; Mrs The council and board of educa Mr. and Mrs, Frederick A, Winsler AT OUR BY FRANK O’NEa i . Syndonda CSienade, East Hartford; FISH DEPT. SHORT RIBS Mrs. Mary Glegcrt and son, Wil- Umantic; Mrs. Barbara Higley and 4 9 son, 24 Erie St.; Mrs. Margaret Peretto and son. Carter St.; Mrs. the ONE place to Denise Smith and daughter, 64 School St.; Mrs. Lorraine Bogar- call for dus and daughter. Warehouse COTT SODA Point; Mrs. Shirley Coeman and daughter, 6 Country Lane, Bock- ■ville; Mrs. Janice DeLuco and ALL MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK C A V A L U dauber, 9 Linden PL. Rockville. money ANTS OUT POWER the minute you want it m FLAVORS HADDAM NECaC (A P ) — AnU CONTENTS 4 - - 8 9 ' got the Wame today for a power TESI Cal BaaafiewL Ask for cask M fir failure that affected three com­ munities. vseatloa, far U f foad raasaa. Gat lataraa- An oak tree—the base 14 inches 175 ti*Ml Cradtt Card.taa.TlHfalki at Banatldal BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE in diameter — toppled on power East Center lines t yesterday and interrupted Hkt ti aaf "Ytil" Jest caH eg and stal service into about 150 homes in TOMATO SOUP Street Haddam Neck, Leesville and Mid­ dle Haddam. Phone The CJonnecUowt L ight & Power BENEFICIAL CAMPBELL MI 3-1126 Oo. said the tree finally gave way nNANCE SYSTEM after ants managed to chew thehr. team $20 to $60Q— Loans Rfa-imered at hto coat way through its base. STOCk-UP Banalciol Rnenc* €*. of AAondtastar 1 0 806 MAIN ST. (Over Wobiworth's) MANCHESTER Mltchen¥4156 • Aak tor th* YES MANagav A lam a« tlOO CMti $ » j60 rtM* mr m e t U aomtertire — any ttaasm GLEN HAVEN BOYS’ DAY CAMP a lao, SENEFiCtAL PI*A»CE CO. CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER m flE S T NATIVE CORN Opoaings avaiiable for the following periods: \ FOURTH' PERIOD^Augiist 5-Aiigust 16 GOLDEN EXTRA WEEK^ugust19-August 23 ARE YOUR FEET YELLOW I For further information please onU Camp Secretary, Hartford R PAINING YOU? SWEET 528-9922 or Comp Site, between 9 AJ*. and 3:45 P.M. Tel. 649-8287 Monday tfarongli Friday,or George Mitchell, Cninp Di­ A recent report aUted that if people would 3 9 rector, Farmington 677-9895- bathe, their feet each night in hike warm water, LARGE, PINK MEAT .. .WHEN YOU PAY then rlnae them in cold wntor. at the end of % Brodmie aVnUnble at Krause Florist, Green Pharmacy, Nassiff week they would feel as thnugii they had new Arms Co. and Patio Drive-In. FOR A CAR feet, Why don’t yon try It? A low-co6t, life-insured. Hartford National If this does not solve your foot problems, you need the hdp of a pbyaiidaa or podiatrisL You CANTALOUPES Time Payment Plan saves you money (jrou should consult one quickly. In our pharnwxy pay only low bank ra'tes)... givea you conven­ we have many foot-.LC; - Catalogue OPEN WEDNESDAY 9:30 A.M.


P A G E M I K t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, JU LY 29, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OOMM« MONDAY, JULY 29, 1968 1 , Piersall Way to Beat Giant-Killer Stafford ;ion, 12-6; And Baseball Rule Rockville Drops , Nears Zone Crown oomsB to tbs plate, he’s not of. Suspension BUVLTEMOBE (AjP) — T b e After Ofireon grounded out. T.,=f H onnoarpH the3>f«w nuu. They collected 11 .oafe-aloeded) that provided the m a ^ fidally M the gams-” weatfaer w«h bat and humid, Weia returned to mop Ms Just when it appearefl tne ^ alnglea-off Dave o Metory. Martello had three hita brow hi the dugout and Pe­ It hardly was tbne for yesterday. Dick McOUl taro. Country Club but Mlanager A1 Lopez of tbe a pinch h**5er, however, arllh Klecak and Bud Julian but left nine All-Stars and Packers BOSTON (A P )-T e m p e r a ^ f ^ ilt< * ^ u « j3 Piersall. whose 12-year maJoi'C Piersall’s hot-headed, But he didn’t ters emerged to take Ida tum team might sneak through to runners stranded. Other action yesterday saw Weth­ BEST n —SATUBDAY came Up a t bhL s, t ^ , Petera hurling a three-bitter ersfield blank South Windsor. 9-0. league history Ls dotted with epis- act any differently than he has and nursing s 1-0 lesM, In sd- the championship of Zone 1-A mental , Jimmy Piersall—^the sodes and escapades of varying for 12 years. He was just arguing (Full Handicap) with an idea basltnikB might Manager Billy Httcbcook of STANDINGS ending tbe latter’s season After a Now' York Meta. It looked about desertbe as ”cx»l, man, eoM.” n, as HitMicock pointed after a slow, sluggish start, newest halo-wearing member chest high and Klnnamon raised color, said he was incensed because about the plUdi. That’s all.” Class A—Joe Wall 65-6—60, Doc BBltamora registerad a com- good start tbe South Windsor chib To Play Friday Night ptalnt, but failed to Impress out, Lopes bad no one wasns. W. Wa right hand, signaling a atrike. Kinnamon accused him of using Further action Is up to Ameri­ McKee 64-4—60. WfiHi tbe temperature at an underrated Stafford went into a deep slump and ended of the —^ —Jerry Fbute Umpire Neater Cbylak. ing up in tbe bullpen. Springe club* playing the role of Rockville* ...... 10 the season, in the acne cellar with Piersall whirled around Md be­ food language in hda protest. can League Preeddent Joe Cronin. Class B Beaulieu 68-9— tbe 90-degTM mark yester­ MANCHESTER* 9 fticed a fine or suspension 60, Ted Backiel 7B-U—61, Jerry day and Gieury Patera invotved It wasn’t a spur of tbs mo­ Hitchoodc, impreeaed wlilj spoiler right to the hilt, scored a ... a 4-11 mark. CHICAGK) (A P)— It’s no easy task for a group of inexperi­ gan shouting at Kinnamon. An­ "I wasn't swearing,” Piersall His office must rule on all um­ ment deotsiDn by Lopez. He the strategy, followed suit in Wethersfield** ...i.. 7' Monday for an antic in which pire’s reports of trouble during a Sweeney 70-9—61. in a 1-0 mound duel, Lopez 12«6 up«et victory yetaerday at Summary: enced youngsters to go out and defeat the champions of the an umpire landed on the seat of gels’ Manager Bill Rigney raced to said. "I haven't sworn at an um­ Class C—'Vito AgostlnelU 74-15 legally circumvented the rulee though,of the same gimmick the Oriole haV of the inning StaflU< that knocked Manchester Coventry ...... 7 .Piersall’s defense, also protesting. pire all season. I was just *com- game. I National Football League but that’s what the College All- Ms pants. —59, Paul Dutelle 77-16—61, Don aiM provided his perspiring more than four months ago and rested pitrtier Dave Mc­ back to 8ecpnd place, a full game Stafford Springs----- 6 ab r h po a • rbi Steven-s came in from his second plaining about the call. But I’m Piersall. who had two hits ft>r during spring training in Sar- Nally whHe Fred Valentina South Windsor ...... 4 B. Detora. 9b ___ 4 9 9 0 9 0 ' Stars have in mind when they meet the Green Bay Packers in The arbiter, veteran John Ste- Culver 78-17—61. pitcher with a faw minutes of behind RockvWc In the standings. L. ChampM ne. If .. ‘ ^«ns, was trying to calm Piersall base post. sick and tired of being called a Los Angeles Saturday, had a pair Liow gross—Doc McKee 69. extra time hi the shade. Fla. ' was used as a decoy. * — one game left 41110 0 ------f Soldier Field Friday night. clown and a nut. I told Kinnamon RocricvlUe scored Tt 8-2 win over •• _ two grames left. Klecak. p ...... 4 19 10 0 A)wn during Sunday’s double* “I grabbed Picrsall’a bat. trying of singles In Sunday’s second game Blind bogey — Merrill Whiston, U'nder a new basaball reg- ”I asked Chylak in Sarasota R. Cham pagae. 9b 4 1 0 9 0 0 a rn-« i A 1 I All-SflOrs, once again that the pitcher (Radatz) was Flushed with suooeaa, Lopes CJoventry yesterday atYfeoiy Piark beader with the to calm him down. ” said Stevena. after sitting out the first game, Ed McLnughlin 96. ulatton adapted this year, the whether it would be sdl right used Weis again In the seventh Curnan. e ...... 4 0 0 9 0 0 Touffll Task Ahead coached by otto Graham, have an "I told him to take it easy, I didn’t thi-owing real fast — aspirin tab­ won by the Angels, 5-0. He scored and now, Hke M anohert^c,...!^ Singles by George May and Mark Hipekey. lb ...... 5 a 1 11 1 1 excellent chance of upsetting the When It happened. pitcher is supposed to take liie for someone else to replace the inning. But CSrroon gut a hit M. I>et(»ra. m ...... 4 9 9 4 9 9 . _ excellent cl want him to get into trouble. I lets—and couldn’t he bear down what proved to be the winning pitcher in the on-deck circle,” one makeup game left. IronlroBy Monette plus a pair of errors got Packers despite the fact Green Pleraall, an Angel only since SELECTED NINE—SUNDAY position in the on-deck circle too quickly and Peters didn’t both teamd must play third-place B em at. cf ...... 4 9 9 9 1 0 In Patriots’ Camp told him he'd be suspended if he n »re on his oalls." run the inning before the rhubarb. (One-Half Handicap) while awaiting Ms turn at bat Lopez said. ’97estor checked t^o runs home in the fourth and Musio, r i ...... 9 110 0 0 Bay will be anywhere from a twt> ■aturday, was embroiled In an ar­ appear for several minuter Wethersfield to complete their Julian, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 gument over a called strike with didn't slow down. j “What the heck,” Piersall said. Kinnamon said however he Class A — Bill Deasy 31-4—27, —as retphred of any other with the league office and told Mancllester was still In the game to a three touchdown favorite. He explained thsd he wa« seasons. No dates have been an­ 6-3. But thoQ came the pair of plate umpire Bill Klnnamon. It "But he .swung away from me, Tm trying to win a job with this ejected Piersall because of the Dave McKay 31-3—28. player. Tbe rule was de­ me later it wouldn’t he a vio­ fttnnging hks wet uniform. Totals: ...... T 9 9 WEYMOUTH, Mass (AP) — Graham, one of the all-tims ’s "vile language," nounced for the games. three-run raliles putting Stafford great quarterbacks In pro foot­ was the ninth inning of the second going back to Klnnamon, and let cl\fb. Class B—W alt Ferg;uson 32-5— signed to help speed up the lation.” "This opens the gatesi,’* GROWN UP— Doug 'Camilli livra up to great expecta­ Ooach Mike Holovak thU week game and weak-Jiittlng Jim Fre the bat go. I had nothing to hold, Rigney said he doubted if Pler- "He did put his hands on me 27, Mike Sibrinsz 33-6—27, Bill game. ‘Tm an umpire,” CSiylak Stafford, the most Improved far in front. Draqla Rodgers’ ball. took over the AH-Stars coach­ Hitchcock said. *TVe’H never tions. Doug, who was swinging at the plate almost as double and two more' sateties by Crow«ll. lb ---- begins Ms admittedly distasteful gofrf had Just been walked inten I on to and 1 fell along the third J sell had sworn. and this w-ill go in the report I Tenney 32-5— 27, Merrill Ander­ But when It came Umd for said after Peters went the dis­ team In the oirouit from the start McCarthy. U ...... 4 ing reins in 1958 with a 3.5-19 vic­ make to Oal Hubbard, supervisor tance to win 4-1. ”I can’t teH have to send a pitcher to tbs 80on as he could walk, is shown at Ebbets Field in 1941, of the season, rocked four Man- the "M and M” boys (May^and task of cutting the Boston Itetrioto tionally to put runners on first'*■ base path. ' “I think Kinnamon made a mis- son 32-6—27, Ed Pekar 33-6— 27. Peters to knedl in the hot sun on-deck circle sgahi.” Rodzers. » ...... 4 tory over Detroit. It was the last •tyj second, two out, Los Angeles' "But I don’t blame Jim. He was take in throwing him out like of umpires, who was here today, Class C—Joe Toscano 36-11—^24, while O am ^ Qarreon was at a man how to manage Ms ball when his father, Dolf, was for the Brook­ t e s t e r huriers tor 13 hits Includ- Monette) then an errant throw May, cf. rf ...... i squad down to size. for the All-Stag's. and league President Joe Oronln,” Mid). As ter as I could teH> "I thought eometoody would Img a homer and two triples. They home got another pair across the Mmette. lb ...... 4 Boston's entry in tiie American leading 5-4. just mad and I was trying to calm that.” he said. "What the heck. Charley McCarthy 32-8— ^24. bat in the fifth inning, Lopez try this before now,” Lopes lyn Dodgers. Except for size and uniform fit, catcher . AMaraon. 2b ...... 4 White Second The All-Stars did it on a com­ Reliefer Dick Radatz-fired in his. him down.” |lt was about 110 out there. Sure, Kinnamon said. Low gross—Bill Anderson, Irv ordered A1 Weia to do the Lopez planned to use Weds as Dwg lo ^ s much the same while whacking the ball for also benefited from six Manohee- plate in the eighth, too few. too Kutu, Tf ...... I Football League holds Ws second bination of the running of Bobby Kennedy 74. sweating. a pinch Mtter. But until he said. ter errors, three walks, a wild late! I Oxoi*. c ; 4 and final intra-aqiod scrimmage the L m Angeles Dodgers. Schnleder. p '...... 6 Mitchell, the field goal kicking of pm Blind bogey—Bud Duncan 98. pitch, a Mt batter and two passed Don Crowell and Bill MeiJarthy Power* rt I Although he didn’t cross at Weymouth tonight and the psi - Bobby Ctonard. the pa-wlng of Jim I t ■ tells. opened the ninth with singles SulIiTan. c ...... a . the finish line first in the formance of several rookies and Ninowskl, and an adequate de- bringing Julian to the mound. A Gallasber. p ...... 0 veterans lioldB ttie key to their WOMEN’S DIVISION They didn’t wait long, either. LaGace. p ...... 1 fense. Ump Winds Up on Seat Selected 12—Saturday - After spotting Mancheeter a flrta- passed bail and Rodgers’ infield Hutchtnaon, p .... 1 i i 75-lap feature race at retention for the campaign. This year, ahe All-Stars have Low nets, Betty Benton 56-14— Lack of Tradition^ Interest innlng run (on two walks, fielder's hit loaded the bases with no outs Holovak has liberally sprinkled Haven TotaU: ...... *7 7 U >4 T 7 7 Riverside Park last Sat­ four quarterbacks who can both 41, Edna HUinskl 51-10—40.; low Candlestick Happy choice and a douMe steal), the but May and Monette this time the rookie squad with five veterans BUfford ...... <0000830 z—13 urday night, Manches­ run and pass. They are Helsman putts Eklna Hilinski 27. Hurts Wamends Track Team home forces roared book to score each filed to center. Crowell cross­ Manchaater ...... 1 0030003 1— S in order to improve the showing award winner Terry Baker of Ore­ six times, getting rid of taarter ed the plate after the second out 3B-. Rodzers: 8B: M. Delora. U ter’s Gene White did all of the first year men who were gon State; Ron VandcrKelen, of When Piersall Aets Up ChaiHpazne; HR; M. Detoim: SB; Beet Nine—Sunday Marc Schneider and reliever Gary but McCarthy was nipped trying right, taking home sec­ trounced 22-0 at Elverett last week. Wisconsin: Sonny Gibbs of Texas Low gross—^Edna Hilinski, Bar­ to make third ending the rally and Klotek. Leroy. Cbampasne. May. WARSAW, Fdond (Al») —* and field, said the American men'a GoUagher beftee the side was out. Monrltc, Rodsera. McCarthy 3: SAC; ond place money. The His task of paring down the Oirlstian and Glynn Griffing of bara Williams 39; low net, EJvelyn Giants The irightmorleh inning included the game. Klecak; W: Bernal (o Leroy Cham- squad is further complicated this NEW YORK (A P)—Don’t let the halo over Jimmy Pier- For Hot and Cold THtafe wrong; wMh American wotn- coach, Payton Jordan of Stanford Mississippi. Lorentzen 36-7— 29; low putts. Cell Bruce DeTora and Ronnie Bernat pasne; LOB; Manchrater 8. Stafford veteran chauffeur trailed season by tlva fact that a half sail’s head fool you. He’s still the most tempestuous and ar­ Mt’s track and field? Why can’t Unlveraity. “There are too few four singles, tliree etrore, a stolen STBB: Bchnleder 1. Genazhrr 3. Kle- They also have speed and power Perry 31. stand, wMch opened promisingty girls to pick firom,” Jordan added. base, fow walks, two passed baUo, each had three hits for the win­ cak 3 SO: Shnieder 1. LaGare 4. Jocco Maggiacomo, driv­ dozen holdovers have suffered in­ N E W YORK (AP)--< flie U S . giiki’ team win meets? ners, while McCarthy, Rodgers, in the barkfield. Larry Ferguson gumentative player in baseball. with a pair of victories. PHIL8 -DODGERS— Itie queWion la aaked repeatedly AAU Pretadent Louis Fisher a h i t batamon and a fielder’s Hutchlnaoa 3. Klecak i. Julian 1; ing Bob Oliver’s car. in- juries and may be sidelined for an of Iowa. Bob Paremore of Florida The newest Angel — he joineo^ Windy, foggy and chilly it The Phils blasted ahead of the May, Monette and Ron Anderson Rita off; Scbnledar 3 for 1 run In 1/3 Ellington Ridge The CUcago Cubs cooled off St. be Buropeon ^mtawTiters alaout said parents must be inter eeted choice. Ray LaGAse, third pitcher inninz: Rntchiaaon 3 for 4 run* in undetermined period. .= /l a m . Charlie Mitchell of Wash­ Lioe Angeles last Saturday—was Dodgers in the sixth on Dalrym- colleeted two each for Manchester. the feature event before called strike by plate umpire Bill may be, but Candlestick Park Louis 5-1 and 1611 and inched Into 6 m wideoa U S. girta now touring and cxmvinced that women's track of the inning finally got the side 1 3/3 tainlnga ; Gallazber 3 for 5 run* tn ington and Roger Kochman of back in an American League uni­ FIRST NINE—SATURDAY ple’s three-run homer off Don retired. He rolled along until the RockvUle Wins 1/3 hmtng: KlecSk 11 for I runa In * 4,800 fans. Jocco came Kinnamon and protested vehe­ remains a happy haven for fourth place ahead of, Cincinnati Burope with the undefeated men. and field is ben«fiaial rather than innlnga; laGaoe S (or 3 run* tu 5 3/3 Penn State have the speed. Ben form for only a few hours when (One-Half Handicap) Reds, wMch spilt with Milwaukee. Drysdale, then clinched It with Don Ferrie, aecratary-treaeurer harmful. "When you get the par­ sixth, holding Stafford sooreleen Yesterday's victory was the innlns*: Julian 0 for O run* hi 1 in- from behind and passed be became involved in anotber of mently. Iflnnamon ordered him the San Francisco Giants. three in the seventh, ""ony Taylor, Wilson of Southern Califomia and off the field. Ilia t mUy infuriated Low nets—^Reuben Gill 40-6 — The Reds won the opener 4-3; the d tlie US. Amateur Athletic ents Interested, women’* track and for four straight frames. second of the weekend for Rock­ nlna; HBP: LaGaee »L. Cbampasne): White on the last lap, Bill Thornton of Nebraska, ara his famous skirmishes with um­ ottered on a recent trip, losing who collected eight hits ' In th i ville, both over Coventry. Seeming­ WT; LaGaee; PB: Oada 3. Cunua 1; Piersall all the more. 35, John Wholley 43-8—35, Jack nine of IS and falling to fifth Braves posted a 6 2 decision In Ihiion. repile* that a big proUem field could flourish like Little Two ainglet, Unc Ohompagne’s Klacak; L; Bchnleder. winning by a half-car capable of supplying pmver. pires. Goldberg 44-9—35, Gus Peters 43- the second game- three straight victories at Los An­ League besehaU does,” he said. and a sacrifice fly got three ly beaten Saturday by Jim Stevens charged in from second place in the National League, 10 geles. single d across what proved is 1«^ of tradUian in U.8 . women’a length in the most excit­ Bob Jencks of Miami, Ohio, can This one had a little eodra base In an effort to calm the rag­ 7—36. In a night game at Houston, kook and field, aomething that The Amerioan women's coach, more runs home in the Staffort Toomey, they rallied for five runs AMERICAN LEAGUE games off the pace, the Giants to be, the decisive run and kayoed in the seventh and a O'!) verdict. ing race of the year. Dick I boot field goals and proved U with flair: An umpire wound up on the ing Piersall but wound up in the Low gro-ss—Sher Ferguson 73. rookie John Bateman's slugging k bekig overcome. Margaret ESUson of Abilene, Tex., sixth. An error and Mark DeT>>ra’s TV Bout Slirted Bright (6), Yankees; Minrher aeot of bis pants—with H ersall’s have zoomed back into the pen­ Drysdale. <3alllson greeted Ro* Toomey Issued five straight walks j one from 27 yards and another dirt near home plate. Kickers — Gay Knapp 79-4— 76, nant scramble since returning to paced the Colts to an 6 2 romp "Bome old-flariiioned people,” he says there's no reason women Iwmer got two runs in and LaGoc* Dixon was third, Ralph (9). Power (5), Twins; Nicholson from 40 yards In a 1.5-12 scrim- eap with the halo on top In the • • * Perranoski with a two-run homer, then Jim Martello delivered a baae- Jack Hunter 91-16— 76. Candlestick. The streak has boost­ over the New York Mets —who ■tad, “cotitader it both unfeminine hurdlers, runners, jumpers and out at the start of the seventh. NEW ORK (API—Joto aUMe Boehm fourth and Ed (16). White Sox; Held (10), Ro­ image loss to. the ChiCAgev Bears dirt beside him. The game ended have matched the all-time major becoming the first left-hander 16 Duke Hutchinson, the fourth hurl- clearing double for that victory . mano (7). Luplow (6 ). Indians; WHITE 8OX-ORI0LE8— ed them into a tie for second with and indecent for girla to compete throwers can't be fenvinlne if you meets Stanloy Hayward of Ptala- Patnode fifth. Maggiaco- I last week.- with Piersall on the outside look­ Nellie Fox ODD HOtJQS—SUNDAY league mark of 22 straight losses homer against the southpaw re­ popularize the sport among all the er, ailowed two singles and an Al Putz went all the way yester­ Thomas (8), Hunt (4). Angels; St. Louis, 4 ^ gsunes back of the liever In his three Wg league aeo- hi track auita but such Ideas are day scattering seven hits to win delplita Sotezday ta tte naUonoBy mo’s time of 18:00.8 ing in, a position In which the rapped his 2,500th bit and rookie (One-Half Handicap) on the roaA, set by Pittsburgh in teen-age girls, mid Coach EXUson, unearned run before retiring the Kaline (20), Cash (16), Thomas flery outfielder may find himself faltering Los Angeles Dodgers. Ranging.” his fourth game against a pair of televised 10-round main event at I Carl (Jrowell has been West southpaw Gary Peters (10-5) Low nets—Harry Bich 32-2—30. 1890. Anhnta strankOi rather than an attractive redhead. "I've got side. Mhdtaon SqiMre Oordea atarttag broke his 1960 record of (5). ■ngera; King O?). Btasln- if the league president, Joe Cron­ The Giants made it six in a row • * * Meanwhile Manchester tetters losses. Again it was a walk (to game (1). Senators. Point's track coach since 1951. Inirled his fointh straight com­ a i f f MiUlken 35-4—31, Charley athlette akfll hi atfil too often the some real (fream girls on my team 10 pjB. EDT. 19:51.8. in decides umpire John Stevens plete game as the second place at home suid seven straight over­ GIANT8 -PIRATE8— CUB8CABD8— were compiling plenty of hits but Joe 'VanOudenhove with the bases Oonlin 40-7—33, Bob Zalman 30-6 all Sunday, riding a two-run hom­ Performing before their largest fm iktirk la V S. women's track back home in Teras,” she said. didn’t tall but was pushed. White Sox twrrowed the Yankees’ —33. Mays, who had Mt into one of Piersall celebrated his return to lead to eight games. er by Willie Mays to a 3-1 victory three double plays executed by home crowd In 11 years, 40,222, Low gross—Harry Bich 32-37— over Pittsburgh. the (Tube came out of a week-long lite American Lieague on Saturday Outfielder Dave Nicholson, who 69. the Pirates, got the bnishhack by cracking two. hits as the drove in five runs during the The Dodgers found things less pitch from Don Schwall twice in slump with 30 hiU in the sweep Kickers—CU« Milliken 74-4 — over the Cards. In the second Angels downed the Bostrni Red White Sox’ doubleheader sweep 70, Glenn Garbroue 86-14— 72. friendly a t their palatial diggings the sixth inning before his 23rd Sox 5-2. Jimm y wasn’t in the Saturday hit Ms 16th homer in at Oiavez Ravine. They were homer gave the Giants a 6 1 lead. game, St, Louis rapped five hom­ starting line-up as the Angels the first inning. done in again by Philadelphia, 7-4, Jack Sanford, who had lost bis ers and twice held sizable leads, beat hk old team 6-0 in the & st • • • with homers by Clay Dalrymple last six since a winning decision but the Cubs poured across 10 game ^rnday. TWINS-YANK8— and Johnny Chllison the damag­ on June 18, worked Ms way out of runs In their last three at bats. Classified Advertising Starts Here...Continues On Following Pages Major League In the second game, which Los John Goryl’s base • clearing ing blows. several jam s and finished with an Eleven were used, with Angeles won 6-4, Jimmy was high­ triple and Don Hlncher’s nln£ The Dodgers have lost four elght-hltt«C7 The 26game winner Lindy McDaniel the winner and Ed Situations Wanted— Bauta the loser. Help Wanted— Male 36 ly instrumental in the -victory. He helped Csonilo Pascual Leaders; straight on their current home of last y«fc now is 1611. Bosineas Semcfis Oftfiicd is| Radio-TV Repair Services 18 Help W«atod— TefiMle u \ Help WaBtad— Mmle___M Female 33 itogled in the third inning, stole earn Ms Uth, victory tor the Lou Brock homered twice, tripled and had a sacrifice fly. RALKSLADT tocDCilSBca profar-' 8BJHVICE MAN for 11-7 shift. Ap-, . . « . second and eventually scored. He Twins. AMERICAN LEAGUE TROUBLE REAGHIN OUR ADVERTISER? SHARPENING SERVICE — Saws, EXPERT SERVICE on all makes rod. ” tn-1 ply Maintenance Shop, Manches- DISHWASHER wanted days, 9-3. GIRL FRIDAY, experienced in knocking in five Cub runs. Jim 6 of AM or FM radios, TV, Hi-fi, singled again in the eighth and The Yankees won the nightcap Batting (260 at bats) — Yas- I2V2 Games Belund in Fifth Spot knives, axes, shears, skates, ro­ . A A.__rai^_ s_ I ter Memorial Hospital, Mr. •iSm-1Tim­ Apply Cav6y a RestAur&nt, electronic -field, background In scored wtot proved to be the win­ in the ninth on Hector Lopez’ Schaffer hit two homers in the tary blades. Qtiick service. Capitol stereo, tape recorders, portable time or part-time. Apply Tota engineering, purchasing, sales, trzemskl, Boston, ' .328; Kaline, doubleheader, also driving In five Teens. 95S Ita iii fitrata. mins. ning run when Billy Moran’s two-run single. Detroit, .323; Malzone, Boston, M-Htir AM Vtrlii StnriM Eiqulpment Co., 38 Main St., Man­ and auto radios. 649-1068. technical writing, desires chal­ double play grounder went .. • • • runs for the winners. chester. Hours dally 7-6. Thurs­ PAINTERS NEEDED, experi­ Salesmen Wanted 36-\ lenging position. Willimantic, ,319; Rollins, Minnesota, J07; In the opener, lefty Dick Kllsr COUNTER G IRL wanted, full- through i^ortstop Eddie Bres- A’s-DOHANS— Wagner, Los Angeles, .305. day 7-9. Sa-urday 7-4. 643-7968. enced only. Csdl Hans Hackner A 1 423-6785. aoud’s legs. Lost Weekend for Sox worth boosted his record to 16-7 Movlnf- tlms, steady wmk. U-7. Apply at Co.. Windsor Locks. National WANTED — Aggressive, energetic Orlando Pena ‘pitched a two-hit­ Runs— AUlson, Minnesota, 68; Frtt li Htrali RMAtri One Hour Martinisiiig, 299 W. Detroit beat Washington 3-2 and ter and Norm Slebem drove tn with a seven-hitter, striking out LAWN MOWERS, ahmrpanad and 3-4578. salesman for applience depart- Kaline, Detroit, 65; Tresh, New 10. Prior to the doubleheader, the repaired, sales and serrtce, rental Storat* Kiddle Tpks. 6-4;. Chicago’s White Sox clipped two runs in the Athletics’ first York, 61; Yastrzemski, Boston, ifivaHli j ment. W. T. Grant Co. Parkade. Cubs had lost three straight and equlpmont. L A M Blquipmant MANCHESTER Package Delivery. PLUMBG3I8 and plumber’s- help­ Situations Wanted— Baltimore 4-1; the New 'York game shutout triumph. Cleveland 60; Colavito, Detroit and Hinton, COMPETENT TYPIST lor inter­ LOCAL CHEMICAL sales route 'Yankees split a doubleheader came roaring back with 14 hits At Boston Death Valley I five of six. while the Cards had Corp., Route 88, Vernon, 875-7609. Light trucking and package de­ ers. steady work. Amply in person Male 39 Washington, 58. won three in a row and seven of Manchester exchange, Ebiterprtae esting work in medical field. No opening for neat, reliable man in with Minnesota, winning the sec­ In the nightcap, scoring seven Runs Batted In —^Kaline, De­ livery. Refrigerators, washers and between 8-9 a.m. at Ber.son Bro.*., eight, MANCHISTIR ANSWiMNB SIRVICI 1946. ______stove moving specialty. Folding knowledge of medical terminology 50 Harvard St., New Britain or one of the nation's leading com­ BOY DESIRES lawn mowing, car ond game 8-2 after the Twins runs in the sixth inning, the last troit, 68; Stuart, Boston and Wag­ • « • required, will be taughL Salary panies. Average Income in the won the opener 5-1, and Kansas four on catcher John Romano’s BOSTON (A P)— The heat and Angels-prostrated Boston chairs for rent. 649-0752. csUl for appointment, 639-8287. washing, and odd jobs. Call any­ ner, Los Angeles, 64; Allison, OOLT8-MET8— STEPS, smEW ALKS, stone walls, negotiable. Reply Box J. Herald. five figure bracket. For Interview time. 643-6497. City and Cleveland divided a twin grand slam. Minnesota, 60; Malzone, Boston, Red Sox were still reeling today after a “lost weekend” at -OSOO fireplaces, flagstone tenoces. All • • • LOW BRIDGE— Shortstop Zoilo Versalles of the ’Twins Carl Warwick hit a two-run hom­ 449 THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. experienced TRAfTTOR-trailer call Manchester 644-0202 between hill, the Athletics winning the first leaps to avoid sliding Elston Howard of the Yankees and 50. New England’s own little Death Valley— . concrete repairs. Reasonably Moving, packing, storage, local TWO HOURS WEEKLY U all it. drivers, permanent work for quali­ 6 and 8 p.m. only. TWO BOYS desire yard work, odd 14) with the Indians taking the TIGEBS-8ENATOR8— er and Bateman a two-run double throws to first in an unsuccessful effort to complete a Hits— Malzone, Boston, 122; Ka­ Temperatures fllr ti^ around'^ off aouthpaw AI Jackson In the priced. 648^0861. and long distance. Agents for takas to run shopping club for a fied men. Apply Carlson’s E x­ jobs. <3all anytime 649-3826 or second 12-7. A1 Kaline of the Tigers cracked line, Detroit, 121; Yastrzeenski, 100 degrees helped vrilt the Red press. 96 Hilliard Street, Manches­ 649-4895.______^ ______• • • nightcap, scoring three runs in the first inning at Houston. Bateman IK E E REMOVAL, pruning, and Wheaton Van Lines, Inc., world few frienda You get $25 in a game winning homer in the double play in seventh inning of second game yesterday Boston, 119; Pearson and Wag­ Sox yesterd(hy and Los Angeles wide movers. Free estimates name brands free in 10 weeks. | ter. Help Wanted— ANOKIA-BED SOX— opener and started the winning eighth after driving out starter later added a homer and single lot clea ri^ . Lawn mowing. Frank in Yankee Stadium. After forcing Howard, Versalles sits ner, Los Angeles and Versalles, provided plenty of push as the . But Art Fowler Ken JeJmson, 614, held the M ets 843-6187. Send for catalog and details. AUce | Male or Female 37 In the ninth inning of the sec­ rally with a single in the night­ on him and they watch result of play at first. Then they Minnesota, 114. Angels swept a doubleheader, 5-0 C. Noble, 649-6068. Williams. Popular Club Plan. ; B X P E R IB NCEX) PAINTERS want­ Dors—Birds—Pete 41 ond game, Piersall didn’t like a cap. put out the fire with Boston one to six hits. Lofit aad Pofiiid Automobiles For Sale i Doubles—Yastrzemsld, Boston, and 5-4. run away. HAVE BULLDOZER, will travel. ^ Depot. HMM, Lynbrook, New ed. Work locally between Man­ untangle. (AP Photofax.) 29; Causey, Kansas City, 25; chester and Glastonbury. Phone BOtARDING MEDIUM size and The double loea left Boston 12% Thomas and Hunt hit solo home REDS-BRAVE8— FOUND — BLACK and light tan 1964 4-DOOR CHEVROLET Bel Land clearing^, grading, founda­ Painttav—Paptniic York. Lumpe, Kimsas City and Versal­ games behind New York hi fifth Air, good running condition, $140. 633-7765 between 6-7 or apply 44 small dogs. Grooming <3oeker runs off Bostem starter and loser At Milwaukee, Gene Freese bat­ m ale puppy. Call Lee Fracchla, tion work. Call Stacy Wilson. Bayberry Road, Glastonbury. Spaniels our specialty. Harmony les, Minnesota, 23; Alvis, dove- place. The Red Sox lead the seci ted in three fhrt-game runs with 648-6724 after 6:30. 648-5607 or 742-8276. PAINTTNO, e x t e r i o r and In­ Netp System at Country Club land, Torres, Los Angeles and Dave Morehead In the second Oof Wonten, 548-8594. terior, paperhanging, wallpapar (fill Kennels, Hebron Road, Bol­ Sports Schedule BASEBALL HEROES ond division Cleveland Indians by game. Pieim ll's second single of a homer and double and Maloney Power, Minnesota, 2L cmly 2% games as Bill Monbou- removed, floors sanded, dry wall OLiElBK ton. 643-6427.. Triples—VersaUes, Minnesota, the game helped set up the fourth won bis 16th against three losses, 1963 CHEVROLET. 4-door, 9 cyl­ work. Reasonable rates. Fully in­ EXPERIEN fJED painter wanted. BATTING — Jlni Schaffer, quette prepares to face the Min­ Loe Angeles run, with the former with relief help from Al Worthing­ Call 643-1420. DACHSHUNDS — Beautiful, home­ Monday, July 29 11; Hinton, Washington, 10; Cl- nesota Twins tonight In the open­ inder, standard shift. 649-M18. HonschoM Serrlecs sured. 649-9668, Joseph P. Lswls. Retail And Offic:e Cube, Inserted as a late inning le- moli, Kansas City, 8 ; Aparido, Red Sox center fielder scoring ton and Dom Zanni. Hank Aaron Clerk for warehousa office, bred puppies, reasonable price. Moriarty’s vs. Paganl’s, 6:16, er of a three-game series. belted his 29th liomer in getting ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, Offered IS-A WANTED — MAN to learn floor pUusement both times, he homered Baltimore, Clinton, Boston, Robin­ what proved the winning run on bonded ropreaentative, Alfred EXTERIOR AND interior painting no oxparienec roquirad. figure X Amston 537-2970. Club Title at Stake CXiarter Ckzk. The most discouraging part is three of Milwaukee’s five hits. covering business, married man In each game in Chicago’s 5-1 and Ed Bressoud's fielding error in the Wallpaper books. Papeihanglng Congos vs. Teachers, 6:15 — Mt. son, Chicago, McAoliffe, Detroit that on Boston’s current home Amen, 206 Henry St. 643-0450.____ 'Trailers—Mobile Homes 6*A FURNITURB refinlshed—Scratch­ work involvad. Must be able to preferred. Construction experi­ PUPPIES — Oo.ssbred Pekingese 1611 victories over St. Louis. The and FregosI, Los Angeles, 6. top of the eighth. Denny Lemaster outdueled Bob es, burns removed, color changed. Ceilings. Floors. FuUy insured ■tert at 7 a.m. Apply Employ­ Personnel Nebo. stand the Red Sox have managed Purkey in the second game, turn­ workmanship guaranteed Loo ence helpful. Character refer­ and Pomeranian, 8 weeks old, FP s vs. PonticelU, 6:15 — Mt. ex-Oardlnal homered with one on Home Buns— KlUebrew, Minne­ to win only one game In eight Earl Wilson was the loser in the RIDE WANTED to Combustion NASHUA 1962, 50x10, mobllhome. Manchester Reflnlshlng Co., 848- ment Office ing in a aix-hitter, and Joe Torre Etoginearing, Windsor, 8-4:80, Pelletier, 649-6336. If no answer, ences necessary. Call 649-9258 for $20. 875-7143. ____ Nebo. In the first g;aine and with two sota, 28; Allison, Minnesota, 22; tries. first game, being touched for se,v- Immaculate, cme large bedroom, 9283. appointment. Personalized Floors. For Four Members on In the nightcap. Stuart, Boston, 21; Kaline, De­ en hits and five runs after striking sent in two Milwaukee runs with from South Main Street. 649-5151 reasonable. Call collect Storrs, call 643-9043. AKC REGISTERED German Tuesday, July SO Right-handers Don Lee and Paul a pair of singles. DOMESTICS PITCHING — Orlando Pena, troit, Wagner, Los Angeles and out the side in the first inning. after 5. 429-9431 between 5-7 p.m. REWEAVING oi bums, moth holes. STOCK ROOM attendant. High Shepherds for .sale, (or further in­ Manors vs. Nasslff, 6:15 — Mt. Foytack—plus timely hitting by Zippers repaired. Window Shades EXTERIO R AND tnteilor point­ First National Stores, Inc. For the first time in history, four men will be in the fi- Nebo. Athletics, permitted only two Mto, Battey, Minnesota, 20. Frank Kostro, Lee A crowd of 17,409 turned out School education, previous ex­ Lady to work full time in our formation call after 6 p m. 649- made to measure; all sized Vene­ ing, paperbangtng, wallpapar re­ Park and Oakland Aves. Domestic and Home Fumish- .^nals of the Club Championship ’Tournament at the Manches-1 ___ __ „ both singles, walked none and Stolen Bases— Aparido, Balti­ Thomas, Ken Hunt and . Jimmy for New Hampshire Day. with moved, celllnnt tUUy taiaursd. E. Hartfofd perience helpful. Iona Manufac­ 9724. 643-5515. struck out four in Kansas CXty’s more, 25; Wood, Detroit, and Hin­ Gov. John King throwing out the AatomobPes Fer Sale 4 ALL STEEL dump trailer, $76. tian blinds. Keys made while you turing. Regent Street. I ings Dept. Must be experienced Piersall—were instrumental in the wait. Tape Recorders for rent. Call Gaorge OuIUetta, 545-1381. t o ^untipr Club! The quartet-w ho’ll battle for the title 3-0 triumph over Cleveland in the ton, Washington, 18; Snyder, Bal­ Angels’ double victory. , first ball. Phone 649-6473. I in some phase of retailing. Op­ MINIATURE POODLES. -small timore, 12; Charles, Kansas City, NEED CAR? Tour credit turned Marlow’s, 867 Main, 849-6231. LOCAL AUTOMOTIVE wholesaler portunity for advancement. dark brown, AKC. sired by ribbon in medal play next Sunday—are Einar Lorentzen, Don Wolfe, 203% Oiandier, Ariz., 10. opener. Lse handcuffed the Red Sox in Among those honored by groups down? Short on down payment? PAINTINO — Flv# room ranches Willie Oleksinsld and Dick Kerr.^ 11. the opener, allowing nine hits and from New Hampshire were reliev­ and Capes for $60. Trim and wants outside salesman to sell winner, exceptional quality. 649- The final 36 holes are scheduled to P itc h in g ---- (Ten decisions) Bankrupt? Ropoosesslon? Don’t Auto DrtYhiK School 7-A SALAD WOMAN w gi^ .„5-$. Some automotive parts and equipment 9815. no runs despite Boston loading the er Arnold.- Earley as the first despair! See Honest Douglas. In­ paint extra Also oer^iing. experience necessary. Apply BOOKKEEPERS ■tart at 8:30 Sunday mornl^. —Radatz, Boston, 12-1, .023; Ford, bases in the second and seventh game’s most outstanding Red Sox Building—Contracting 14 itz -a ta .. to garages and service station.s in Now York, 16-4, .800; Bonton, quire about lowest down, amall- MORTLOGK’S Driving School Inc., Cavey’s Restaurant. Manchester - Rockville area. Full and part-time bookkeep­ Regardlees of who wins, it will innings. Lee finally retired with player, FYank Malzone as the fa­ AMERICAN IfAGUE est payments anywhere. No small Articles For Sale 45 be a new champion since none of New York, 166, .722; Plzzaro, one out In the ninth, but reliever vorite player of fans in Keene. offices, classroom located Man­ CALL ME on your formica needs, OUTSIDB PAD m N G at a low Knowledge of automotive parts ers. Some cashiering experi­ Chicago, 6-4, .692. W. L Pet. « J I . loan or finance company plan. chester Parkade, lower level. Be­ bars, counters, kitchen cabinets, price. No Job too big or too smaU. ALL AROUND assistant tor local essential. Car allowance, all bene­ ence desirable but not neces- the four has ever won the coveted Julio Navarro set down the next N. H., and Carl Yastrzemski as xew York ..64 dental office, experience pre­ FOR SALE — Flat stone for walls, orowa. — Running, Detroit, the Boston player making the .640 — Douglas Motors, 233 Main. ginners, older, nervous students, vanitory units, table-top# and Call now, 649-0736, 644-0601. fits. Apply for application to * sary. - Dissension or Smugness? two Boston batters. C hicago...... 57 ASS 8 our specialty. Teen-age driver’s ferred. Phone 649-5675. fireplace, veneer, and patios. Call Three former kings yrece «lim- 137; Plzarro, Chicago, 127; Stig- The Red Sox oame close In the first hit of the day. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, blue, 2-door. island standa 640-8985. Schiebel Bros.. Center St. and 649-0617 man, Minnesota, 125; Peters, C9il- Baltimore ...... 57 .538 16 education course. State certified. EXTERIO R PAINTING, fuUy in­ hmted tn weekend play by the Minnesota Good condition. Can be seen at sured, work guaranteed. Free es- Proctor Rd., Manchester. cago, 124; Radatz, Boston, 119. ..5 5 AS4 10% 849-7398. QUALITY CARPENTRY—Rooms, i CASH rp: g is t e r j LOAM SALE — Regular $14 stone- quartet of finaliata. Irv. Kennedy, B o sto n ...... 6 2 A15 12% 18 Brainard Place or 649-4100. basements refinlshod. built-ina, flmates. N. P. Boudreau, 743- 1961 king, lost to Wolfe, S and 1; NATIONAL LEAGUE ASSISTANT MANAGER Trainee ; CHECKERS ' free loam, $12.50. Fill, sand, stone, Cleveland .. ..51 .490 15 280 LARSON’S — Connecticut’s first formica tUe. general repair. No 7285. wanted by old reliable firm in triple champ Stan Hilinski C5'>, Frustrated Dark Uncertain EMtting (250 A t B ats)— Groat, Season’s Top Money Winners I960___ CORVETTE, 3-speed, licensed driving school, trained Full and part-time checkers. gravel and white sand. 643-8603. Los Angeles ..61 A77 16% h.p., low mileage, call 648-4548, ]ob too amaU. Call WUUam Rob- A REALLY EXCITING JOB Manchester area. We need a man VI, ’60) ■was ousted by (Neksin- St. LoMs, .341; Clemente, Pitts­ a t y ..4 7 .461 18 certified and approved, now of­ bln» Carpentry Service. 649-8446. Experience desirable. Day or PRCXIJESSED GRAVEL, delivered, Mci, 2 and 1; and Tuck Foster, 1946 burgh, .329; Gonzalez, Philadel­ after 7 p.m. to be trained in certain phases of NEW YC«tK (NKA)—The Willie McCovey, we shouldn't Battle for Western (iolf Titlej^^^ ..4 8 .434 20% fering classroom and behind EleetiVal ScnricM 2^ You’ll never be bored, if management and sales. Experi­ evening work. George H. Griffing, Inc., Andover- winner, was eliminated by Kerr, 1- phia, .324; T. Davis, Los Angeles, ..8 6 •868 2 9 , wheel Instruction for teen-dgera. you qualify for work as a Gianta were so Mkd aa they lose a game. The big guy 1962 RAMBLER Convertible, FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt serv­ ence is not necessary if willing to Columbia, 742-7888. up. Fourth defeated warrior was gives us one-two-three runs a .321; Pinson, Cincinnati, .819. Model 400, fuHy equipped, like 649-6076. telephone operator. ■Vic Daley, who lost to Lorentzen, Struck rook bottom In t b ^ Runs — H. Aaron, Milwaukee, Sunday’s Beanlte Special Services ^ IS ice on all types of electrical wir­ leam. Must have neat appearance PORTER t horrendous slump that some game and we still get beat. CHICAQO (AP)—Arnold Palm-fTommy Jacobe with 68, Harold Minnesota 5-2, New York 1-8. new. Can t e seen at 16 Brainard ing. Licensed and insured. Wilson There are openings now in and good personality. TTiis is a and 1. We aren’t scoring, but We get 79; White, St. LouU, 78; Flood, Place or 549-4100. T R E E CUTTING and removal, lots Part-time porter mornings Neither ot Mat year’s finaUda people suspected dissension. er. Jack Nicklaus and Julius Kneece with ■ 70, and erstwhile Chicago 4, Baltimore 1. Electrical Co., Manchester, 649- Manchester for full-time- permanent position with excellent beat even when we do. St. Louis, 76; Mays and McCovey, Ltm Angelea 5-5, Bootoa 0-4. E -Z L E R N cleared, insured, Joe Pelletier, advancement opportunities; as fp>m 8:30 a m.-12:30 p.m. made the grade. The defending Alvin Dark was asked San Francisco, 69. leader, Fred Hawkins with 72, 4817. Glastonbury, 643-1388. operators. Whether you’re about it after the San Fran­ "I don't know why all but. Boros, meeting in a 16hole play­ Kansas City 3-7, Cleveland 0-12. 1966 OLDSMOBHK 8-88 Converti­ 742-7668. well as a good starting salarj-. champ is EJd Traygis who topped Runs Batted In — H. Aaron, were at 283. ble, excellent condition. Sacrifice. calling faraway p 1 a c e i EAST HARTFORD cisco manager showed that McCk)vey arid Harvey Kuenn off today for the Western Open The playoff bunches the sea­ Detroit 3-7, WasUngtoa 2-4. Driving School commissions, and all employee Bob Haynes la last year’s deciding Milwaukee, 82; White, St. Louis, Call 6 4 9 - 0 0 5 0 .______from Seattle to Singapore he was ruimlng real scared. quit hitting at once. It couldn t golf championships, faced the son's firrt three money winners. Today's Gomea Floor Finishing 24 or g^vin^ assistance in an benefits. If interested in this bet­ All company benefits Apply in pound. 73; Boyer, St. Louis, 71; Santo, OcnneeUcut’a largaat, auto- Roofing—Siding Id person or call Mr. Gladstone, Ghom{)ta(w were cxx>wned in He brought out the ace, Juan be because they don’t Uke me. Chicago, 79; McCovey, San Fran­ prospect with v o tin g emotions. Palmer is tops with 385,955 with Detroit (LoUck 4-5) at Bolti- emergency, you'll enjoy ter than average position, apply DAY NURSERY Marichal, for Ms first relief could It. Maybe batting flve tournament victories. Nick-'®®** (Roberta 8-9) (N). matic and standard FLOOR SANDING and reflnlahlng this fast moving, interest­ at Singer Sewing Machine (Com­ 649-8249. lour other flights yesterday. They cisco, 68. Palmer was a little fidgety be­ 1967 F U T , $276. good running free pick-up service, te e m !^ A. A. DION. INC. Roofing, siding, SUMMER DAT CAMP ware: First flight, Tom Prior det. appearance of the season in slumps are contagions. People cause of his putting. laus has bagged 375,140 and Boros' Chicago (Horltai S-2)^-at Waali- eoBdition. Call 949-2641. ______(speclallilng in older floors). ing work. pany, 832 Main Street. Manches­ Hits — Groa(, St. Louis, 143; classromn, older and nervous painting. Caniontry. Alterations Painting. CeUh«a. Papurnanging. Harry Atherton, l-i^, 19 holes; order to salvage one game keep saying that this club has Pinson, Cincinnati and White, St. Nicklaus, the cool All-American 366,546. (KWzIk 1-2) (N). ter. against the lowly New York too many good hitters not to Palmer has been involved in 15 Minnesota (Perry 8-6 ) a t ’Boo* 1952 BUICK 4MSoor sedan, auto­ students our specialty. I l l and additions. Oiiings. Workman­ No job tM sm ^ John-VerfaUle, Plus all of the extras that 158 Silvflr Lg m ■eootid flight, Paul Garneau deC. Louis, 135; H. Aaron. Milwaukee, boy, beamed with confidence .-.fter Center St, Manchester. Call ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. Tom Kearns, 5 and 3; third fUgiti, Mets a t the Perio Grounds. hit, but we are going into Au­ great victories In the Mirters playoffs in his career, winning 10. taa (Mooboaquette 18-7) 8 pjB. matic shift; also, t'wo tires, 649-5750. make a job at the tele­ MALE OVER 17 for deliveries and East Hartford gust. Time Is nmning out.” 129; Flood, St. Louis. 124. for free botelat 543-8562. 643-4860. phone company so attrac­ general drug store work, some ex­ B ert Davte def. G e o i^ Smith, 1- “There Is no morale prob­ Doubles — Pinson, Cinirinnati and PGA. ♦ In his last five touniaments, in­ Kansas City (Wlckerzhaia 7-6) 700X18. Tel. 54S-7729. GRAND-WAY RUTH L. GBZYB lem as far as I can see,” said The Giants were being kUl- National Open winner Boros, cluding the Western Open, he has at New York (Desratag 6-2). tive — full pay while train­ perience necessary, must have np, 10 boles; fourth flight, Paul and Groat, St. Louis, 31; Gonzalez, 1950 FORD 4-door hardtop. V-8, R. DION ROOFING and siding, al- DutsHe deC. BUI Sabenettt, 7 and the soft-^xdeen Dark, but he ed around second base. The the seasoned veteran, seemed been carried into four extra Los Angdes (Chance 6-16) at terations, ceilings, painting and Bonds—Stoefcs - ing. frequent raises and good driver’s license and pleasing Manchester Parkade Philadelphia, 27; Williams, Chica­ automatic, fully equipped, air LEIARN TO DRIVE - Special ■^ many other' benefits. personality, ' good pay. Replies Td. 289-6302 didn’t say positively. fielding of Jose Pagan and go, 24; Cepeda, San Francisco, and past the stage of being bothered heats. He won the Thunderbird In Cievelaad (DoMvan 6-8) (N ). gutter work. Satisfaction guaran­ ______M ortf^igee______M “These fellows get along, Chuck Hlller-fell off with their by anything while enjoying one sudden death with Paul Harney; conditioned. Can be seen at 16 tention to nervous and elderly. teed, free estimates. 643-4352. confidential, references. Write Flood and Javier, St. Louis, 22. Brainard Place or 549-4100. Classroom for teen-ager. Pickup SECOND mortg^M — Unlimited High school grads with Children 3 Years and Up Two young EUington Ridge don’t they?” was the next hitting. With Hiller, Pagan Triples — PlnsoB, Cincinnati, 12; of his greatest golfing years at captured the Cleveland Opoi ^ NAVKHCAL IXAGUK Box H. Herald. questiem. service. Day or .eyenhu lesaona. RAY’S ROOFING <30. — Shingle funds available Mr saeond m ort­ pleasing personalities, gotfers w « be at FTorence, S. C. and the pitcher at Its bottom, Brock and WUUanis, Chicago, Cal- the age of 43. defeating Tommy Aaron in 18 W L Pet. m 1953 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe sedan, poise, and good Judgement, “Maybe too good,” Daric re­ opposing pitchers had to wor-« 'Hie playoff winner gets $11,(X)0. boles, and lost to Briros in Angelee ..6 2 41 M t — Reasonable rates. Manchester and built-up roofs, gutter work, gages, payments to suit your WANTED — Full-time service sta­ tills wselc for the U B . Gen. 8 *- *4Wla ----- 58 46 ASS 4% roof and chimney repairs. Ray dashes between ethic 549-7814. Realty, 643-6139. employment office at 808 knowledge required. Apply in per­ 'Waidman and Jim Rusher are en­ the batting order. Except^ 7. 33,400. Boros has been in four piayqffs Sea FMneieee 58 46 A68 4% Hagenow, 649-2214. Ray Jackson, groups were reported after 643-8325. Main Street (over our busi­ son. see Mr. Sloan. Vernon Es.so tered in the tourney wMch bgtne Kuenn and McCovey, this too Home Runs — McCovey, San Par at the Beverly Country and was beaten but m Sheehan succeeded Bill frequently wasn't much of a Club Is 86-35—71 and only eight laus has been in three, winiUrig Otadanatf ___ 56 46 ASS 7 4-door, radio, heater, automatic, Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 Service Center. Route 83, Vernon. WwlpaiBlay- - Rigney as. mansger three Francisco, 30; H. Aaron, Milwau­ BIDWELL HOME Improvement and help your vacation plana. $3,- throu^ Friday. 9:00 a.m. chore. kee, 29; Mays, San Francisco, 23; players broke H for the 72Thole twice, including a victory over PhthiielphU ..56 46 A29 7% vary cloan. Has to he seen to be (KX) costs $66.76 per month. CaU to 4:00 p.m., or call 643- ft-- years ago. Tlie cMb got out , WILLIE MAYS Palmer in the 1962 National Opra. GIRL’S BICYCLE, 26” Engltei, Company — Roofing, siding, al­ Bros Atex Hardfoay of Maaohas- Runs were so hard to come Opeda, San Frandsco, 19; M^te, distance. MBwenkoe .,..62 K 1A66 16% appreciated. $596. Or will trade terations, additions and remodel­ Frank Burke, Conn. Mortgage Ex­ 2701. "wTl ★ ANTIQUES ★ of hand. Even the players Boros, sharing fifth place with Nicklaus moved Into Sunday’s tor pickup truck. 10 Coleman $25; good condition. 643-8808 after ,tSr and Wally Ckdron of BUngtan dent in charge of personnel, by that Kuerin, an outfielder, St. Louis, 18. Pittiliaigh ....60 42 .486 16% ing of aU types. Excellent work change, 16 Lewis Street. Hartford, tell you it lacked leadership. was employed at third base Stolen Bases — Pinson and Rob­ three others afier 54 holes, came deadlock by birdleing tko of the Hooetia ...... 41 65 A87 22% Rood, Manebester. ^ 6 p.m. I Ridga, aloiw. 'With the amateur That 1s why Horace Stone- was along on the Giants' past­ m ansbi^ 649-6495/ 246-8897. THE SOUTHERN SEPTF TANKS B U Y I Furniture, Victorian Marble Top Stands. fltan HlMnsIris, father and son, are emd Tom Haller, a catcher, in inson, Cincinnati, 24; Wills, Los out o f the pack with a closing last three holes on {xitts of fo v New Y o rk '----- n 72 AOS 86% ham, the owner, put Dark, ern swing. Chub Feeney was 34-33—67 Sunday for 380, four and e l^ t feet. ^ U54 RAM BLER STATION Wagon, NEW ENGLAND AXp ______Hand Painted China, Toilet Sete. Cut Pat- ' _ in the Connecticut as puzzled as the frustrated right field. AngeLes, 23; H. Aaron, Milwaukee, SMdny'o Beoolta Basincss Serrlecs Offered IS the old captain, in command. 18; Bh>d(, Chicago and W. Davis, under regulation. Boros could have mapped it Stetoa, standard shift, $155; 1963 Help Wanted— Female 35 TELEPHONE COMPANY today and tomorrow at the He bad the respect of the Dark at the Giants’ almost to­ The Giants got to pressing Chicago 5-16, SC Leiris P-U Ford 4-door deluxe, standard Roofint snd .Cbisucys 16 on tbe last green but mis­ 4-2. MOwaitaee 8-6 HAROLD h SON Rubbidi Ito- PLU6GED SEWERIi hired hands, particularly tal collapse, especially after judged his ao-y^ we^e ap­ shift. $96; both tiptop shape NURSE—Licensed in Omnectlcut, Pewter Items, Early Toys. Fitrures, Candlesticks, Tole their early rush made a lot of came obvious even in the ordi­ ITtchl^ (Ten Dedsions) — Ma­ players, {Hilled up to 280 with a 7, Lee Angetae 4 moval, cellara, attics, and yarda, ROOFING — Specializing repairing An equal opportunity employer WiUle Mays, with whom he loney, Clndimati, 16-3, ,842; Per- 38-88—66, loweft round of the proach. He left hiniaelf a 25-foot 643-9377, or can be seen at 82 roofs of aU kinds, new roofs, gut­ 28-bed home. 3-11 shift, bonus of­ j S * .56hole test opena played when the star broke in. baseball men suspect that narily • brilliant Mays, who *» Plttotainh 1 weekly or monthly plck-i9 . Bai^ NwhiM CleanMl Ware, Etc., Old Jewelry, Watches, Stick Pins, Pierced misplayed a ball or two. In cen­ ranosld, Los Ang^eles, 10-2, A33; tournament birdie putt which he missed. Hwwton 8. Near York 2 Wells StreeL old Hoar. 64Sd054. ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ fered. <3oIlect 876-9121. t ^ y and Mosea with 86 . Smugness could be a reason they were going to make peo­ Palmer never could get gjing Septic Tanka Dry Wells, Sew­ Earrings Etc. Complete Households of Fine Furnishings. Tha low 60 phw tlaa wfll ple forget all the "Murder­ ter field and wasn’t hitting the Koufax, Los Angeles, 16-4, .800; Palmer, who shared the third ’Ihday'e Gnmee 1951 CHEVROUrr Impola, 2-door paired. Aluminum aiding. 30 for tbe Giants' downfall. They round lead with Sam Snead, after three-putting the first green “HAVE TIM E, will work.” All odd years’ experience. Free estimates. JBOOKKEEPER FOR Rockville o<- er Lines Installed—Cellar Wa­ pt ers’ Rows" of the past. way he should. Marlcltd, San Frandsco, 17t6, ChieInnntI (Thttourlo 7-8) a t hardtop, fuby equipped, automa­ I We will call without obligation— Please call 6 tom om w ’a play- Bob started, off acting Uke-cham- stumbled In elth a 87-82—78 after for a bogey. His chances of an Jobs done. EverythiM our spe­ ChU Howley, 643-5861, 6434)763. * " 006, full charge through trial bal­ EARN IN SPARE TIME. We have terproofing Done. «(.|Udfow«od ia the de- pions, whidi la c[Mte all righfc “We have had no major in­ The ^ Giants soon found that .773; Gibson, St. Louis, 12-4, .760. **SS?i*? <®«*8n 12-6). (N). tic trananliaalan. power steering ance. Give full particulars. Box they couldn't get anywhere In Strikeouts — Konfax, Los An' using 35 putts. outright triumph vanished with and brakes, excellent condition. cialty. You name i t <3all us any- uncovered territories with cus­ when you’re winning, but juries wdth the exception of The 61-year-old Sneed sagged to I bogeys on the e»th and, TOtb boles FhllndelpUn (BleUoh 1»A) at time. 645-4343. 633-3587. DD. Hefald. tomers emiting for Avon .repre­ whan you are not it is a good Jim Ray Hart, who looked aa particular with one hero, Mc- geles, 188; Drysdale, Los Angeles, IfoAyelee (Kentax 16-4), (N). CaU after 6. McKinney b r o s. RDBERT M. REID A SDN, AuetioRMii ^vey — especially not i^Ie 180; Maloney. Cincinnati, 162; 40-35—76. He tied Charlie Sifford, and ho left himself n 30-foot putt Radk-fV Repair Semeea 18 SHOE FITTER, sxperienc# prefer­ sentatives to call. No experience snR-UO, idea to start malriiig Uke if be 'might kelp us at third who flnlsbsd with|qn,the 72nd that he eouid not dnk (Ranelo 8-6) ea a.1 LAWN m o w e r s sharpened and necessary to sell coemetics to Sowmoqo Disposdt* Co. 201 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONN— Ml te7770 xmioii tbe Los Ahgtles Dodgfin ha^ Martdimi, Sou Frondsoo, 141; Ls- the Mogro pro u (T v w j 19a FALCON Oonvertible Sprint, red, part-time or full-time, good A I , base,” Feeney pointed ou t mf- 1-6) repaired, free pick-uh and deliv­ QONNIE’8 TV and Radio Service **WMli a man hlttibR HKe a hero a day. moatapi Bmwiudme» 126. 661 mr fciu'lh place with 4-opead. Immaculate, $300, t^ e atartmi; Miftry. ToUi ! f i Tmoa* houseerivea in your neighborhood. IS(MS2 Pearl S t—Ml 3-5308 IteMMy, vim j tm i - mrar low monthly peymonta ery in Manchester. Iniss’ Mower available aU hours. Satisfaction Bom SM an hour. Oofl 3 » 5 b 2 . > Sard ea, 742-750T. fuaraBtoed. GUI 649-181S. 956 ItaiB Street Falla, UMNO. ' .: A > PAGE ELEVEN / •* IIANGHESISR IVENINO OONK, MdNDAT, JULY 29^1968 Hooms For Sak 72 DeGaidle Newg Conference R(M:kviiM^enum r o w e r s aCBOOL araa — IRutf > lent • roou matfi, luge com- Typhus Threatens Honaes For Salt 72 H o u m s For Salt .72 HouMa For Salt 72 ArtklM For Side 4S HooBchoid Goods 51 Houses For Sent 65 leted rtereatton room, 9-iotie COVENTRY — Excellent 4 room TRUMBUIXi s t r e e t — 2 family SeAtihg n^em. luge cenunlo O t y G i i n i d l DRIVEWAYS VERNON - 4 bidroom Colonial, MANCHESTER — Xbcecuttve 6 bed­ TELEVISION RCA, 21” Uble RANCH — S bedrooms, 2-car ga­ NEW LISTING — ExceUent 7 ranch, fbeplace, breeieway, g*- 6-S, 660086 treed lot, 2-ment, $2 week­ G.E. refrigerator: G.E. 30” stove; dining room with picture win­ on the #tate of French-U.S. Carlton W. HufCMn#, #49-6182. 1% baths, fireplace', 12x16 mas­ 1193. dow, kitolun wlui built-in#, Mnns the validity o f tbs poUee- la the disaster. We fell two stories. Fortunately FEL. 643-7691— WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER ly. Cole’s Discount station. 451 W. both 1960 models, used only two ter bedroom, ample closets, relations. years. Call 649-9113. Can be seen Summer Romes For Rent 67 Seven room home, garage, large living room with firih Two new agwicit# tha Ixrtz Oian’s suMMOBioa sb Jtone S, ISCL OOicialB aoid they concluded two wooden beams and the cell­ Center. large kitchen with built-in dish­ NORTH COVENTRY — $18,600. large fully tiled basement MANCHES’TBR -r $U,900 — 4 BRAE-BURN REALTY * De Gaulle declared “ There’# no Jiixtior Muaeum and tfaa Hartford It ala fliot tbe bodias were those of ing fell above us forming a small at 215 Keeney St. GARDNER LAKE — Northwest plaoe, 8 good rised bedroomd, washer, larg:e paneled living Neat completed # room Cape, oil Back hatchway, patio, amesite room Ranch within walking dis­ 643-6278 deluxe eeramlo baths, one 4ar OM talking about #oratchea as In- County 'YMOA — have joined the by Mayor on AaiericaB Air Fhrce sergeant dome wMch protected us. My Shorefront. Modem Housekeeping. room with fireplace, enclosed hot water heat, large fenced yard, drive, large comer lot. Anxious tance to bus and shcqiplng. $2,300 basement garage, one aore, oinmble wounds" far api United Fund o f Monebester, and Tbotnas McOuriur to fl atatinnsd in Europe, and Ms Ger- legs were piimed under bricks UMBRELLA TENT. 7x7. $7. Maple $53 weekly up. Visit weekends. owner asking $17,900. aasumes mortgage with $83.68 desk-chest, $45. Call 649-0157. paneled sunporch, trees, dock. Bel Air Real Estate, #48-0832. well landao^ed lot, treee. the state of Freneh-Amenoan wiU peuticipate to tlM 1968 fund dllng o f tha attnattofl auB arife. and I was unable to move. My Musical Instruments 53 Free colored pictures, brochuni. A rare buy at only $17,900. monthly payments or refinanced lations. The suit, auuuidtog to Aa aotnaiotne with identifica- wife, however, wa.s unhurt n” d Arrowhead Grove, Colchester"4, 6% ROOM RANCH. 1% baths, Im­ HEIBRON — London Pailc. 6 roiMn drive to Octobor. UMBRELLA TENT, canvas. 9x9; with VA no mmiey down, FHA The isKluBlon of ttw County T to attorney, Harry hmibi tioa papers of Staff Sgt. Harold could crawl and move about our Conn Norwich 887-4696; Hartford maculate condition, aluminum LAWRENCE F. FIANO $400 down and monthly payments ' ranch, bullt-ins, 150x200, lot. Call Both France and the United Iron-Rite ironer. like new; 5 q .r v owner sinytime, 648-6624. LAWRENCE F, FIANO States, he said, have every rea­ the .fund marks the beginntog of seeks $15,000 damagss to bode pay R. Stacy of Gouvemeor, N.Y., in prison.” heavy awning frames; enamel tSAUi!* Alto saxophone, ex­ 242-9378. storms, beautiful setting. Assume of less than $90. Samuel M. Lavitt allegedly dua tbs former pobce ttaa ^ o re compartment ..has been Mrs. Jacquemart said they cellent condition. Gall 649-2411. LAWRENCE F. FIANO 4^4% mortgage, only $16,900. .Realtor 648-3766 son to maintain the Atlantic al­ an expanded prognun of YMiCA sink. 649-9815. Agency, MLS Resdtors at Vemrai VERNON — Lovely to loi* at is Realtor M8-9TM liance as long as the free world activities to Btoncbeater. sergeant. Tha hoasss af tbs rtaMaiigi Boor the hotel since the spent most of their time discuss­ COVENTRY LAKE — Lakefront 3 Realtor Carlton W. Hutchins, #49-6132. Circle, 643-2158, 875-6297. bedroom cottage, raft, dock and 643-2766 Charles Nicholson 742-6864 this 5*2 room Ranch with garage is facsd by tos Sovlst bloc which Alt preoent the Y spooMoca T-Jh- mayor aM>»da^|Ciw T*"*** otrack the city FYiday. The ing tbe fate o t their 6-year-old aon DOUBLE STAMPSfYMi// POR s a l e — 5-ton water cooled Obarier Moholaoa MM864 two arors on their way to Greece shotild they die. UPRIGHT PIANO for sale, good your owm private beach, available Charles Nicholson 742-6864 MANCHESTER — Simplicity, good and walk-out basement. All oofttogs. A t the last cooflcO snssring sev­ In Belgrade, on American Em- miracle after we had given up ’The president, who in the past hope and planned to kill our­ ...Af These AtP Svptr Markets DRAFTING SET. surf rods, hand LAKE HAYWARD — 4 room cot­ home on Wells Street. Full base­ TWO FAMILY FLAT — Just listed. PERFECT and 15. Only $17,800. Samuel M. has been critical of many aspects Mancheater youl are now also eral aldermen ■pokesman said it was the tage, all conveniences, 2 bed­ IIANCHBSTBR — 6 room Cape, tb ^ lftr a t amed they knew of concern selves.” toois. gun cabinet, twin beds, oc­ Wanted— ^To Buy 58 MANCHESTER — Walk to shop­ ment. Hot water oil heat with Five and five with two additional BUT Lavitt Agency, AILS Realtors at of NA’TO, described the alliance psrtlcipating os couneelara to Y since the pair wars adtog casional chair, gateleg table. 643- ■ rooms, $60 weekly. Call 643-8808 cast iron radiators. A true value rooms on third floor. Separate oil Vernon Grcle, 643-2168. 876-6297. full shed dormer, flreidace, com­ day osmps, and there are a official capacity, tba dty tag any Ameriezm dead. Twelve All eight other Americans Hertford, Kart Hertford, Wort Hortford, ping. 8 room split level home, 3 CONSIDER THESE bination windows, city utilities, as ani “ elemental necessity’’ for known to have been here escaped. 1812. WE BUY. SELL or trade antique after 6 p.m. at $17,500. Cal! ’The Jarvis Realty heating systems, practically new. both the United States and beir of Manchester children at have the attachmcBts rde b y ! other Americans who had been in bedrooms, living room with fire­ MANCHESTER — 6 room horns close to aebools and shopping, tile Skopje area were all safe. They were Identified as Mr. and TkompeonviHe, Biiotol, Menchoefor, SuffioM, -— —r";------.Liir ^ ' *UKi used furniture, china, glass, L place, dining L, rec room, 2 baths, Co., Realtors, 643-4112, 649-7314. Few steps off bus line. Asking ADVANTAGES France. Camp Woodotexsk, the Y ’s resident posting a bond. $21,500. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, with 1% acres, oil heat, full base­ $3,100 assumes GI mortgage. Full The second suit, a Xtoai OCBcials bcUeved 300 Yugoslavs Mrs. Samuel Noceila of Willow GO-CART, 3 h.p.. roll-bar. silver, picture frames and old I Wanted To Rent 68 oil hot water heat, shrubbed and He added that both eountries summer osmp near Pomfiret. Now Britain, Stafford Springe, Roekvilio, Adelaide Rd. after 6 p.m.. - -(.Qins old dolls and guns, hobby L 643-1677. ment, only $11,500. Large down price $13,900. U ft R Realfy Com­ The camp is also available for libel action sedttog $84 _ liaad' ins-sifii tourists lay b reath Grove, Pa., Prof. Bernard Phil­ shaded lot, $19,500. Wolverton 1. Double A zone payment needed. Hayes Agency, pany, 643-3893, R. D. Murdock, have assumed “ capital responri- lips of Boston University and two 7102. ' September family outings for the damages, charges Mayor Fisbarty tbe miDS of tbe four-story Mace- WotherefMd, Windsor and Wkideor Locke, ______collections, attic contents or whole WE HAVE customers waiting for Agency, Realtor, 649-2818. BOLTON SPLIT-LEVEL — 7 rooms, garage, 2. Under F.H.A. appraised price 643-4803. 648-6473. billties” in the pact, with Wash­ of his graduate students, David m m -va j icD iTRTiTMP air con-' estates. Furniture Repair Sendee, the rental of your property. Call T-Indian Guide Tribes. with seven counts o f allegedly Hotel, the scene Sunday of fireplace, hot water oil heat, all 3. Approximately $800 down ington furnishing nuclear arma­ "false and mallrtowF* stotfmmts. the remarkable recovery after 55 and SMrIey Rheubottom of Lan­ Southington, HaxardvHIo^ ForestvHIo end BorRn. ^oner."^^asemIn? window Talcottvllle, Conn. Te?. 643-7449. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. COVENTRY — NICE 4-room 4. No through traffic BOLTON — 4 room ranch, oversize MANCHESTER — Wetherell St. Ttie Rev. Blacl Robinson, repre- Ranch, recently redecorated Riga Lane 6-year-oId U ft R built-lns, city utilities, excellent ment and Paris fumlshlng its ge­ including atstemznts absgsdty h a m of entombment of Serge sing, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. 87x17” , 3/4 ton, 115 volts, $50. Call condition. Present mortgage may 8. Very convenient to shopping and garage, patio, large lot, lake- I room Ranch, 1,800 sq. ft., over­ ographical situation. senttog tbs Y, says that ounrent John Bobinec of Warren, Mich., throughout, tree shaded lot, alu­ built ranch that offers 8 bed­ plana call for aeti-vating ttM HI-Y made at tbs last eomdl flMdtog. Jacquemart. 36. a Belgian biolo- 643-5939. rooms, lovely living room, be assumed. Charles Lesperance, schools front privileges, excellent condi­ size bedrooms, separate dining This was an Indirect reminder giat. and his wife, Suzaime, 32.: and their daughter, Julianne. Business Property For Sale 70 minum storms, low taxes, low 6. 12 minutes to Hartford tion. Reduced HO,500. Goodchlld- and Junior Hl-T, seootidary school The suit claims that as a rssnlt Rooms Without Board 59 heating cost. $9,500. Samuel M. dining room and kitchen, 2 full 649-7620, 643-6664. room, fireplace, built-in book­ that France does, after all, of the statements BorUett was ~ workers thought they | The United States joined other 7. 120 steps to bus Bartlett, Realtors, 289-0939, 648- cases, oast iron radiation, % acre possess strategically placed real programs for the high and junior CENTER STREET — 3 stores plus Lavltt Agency, MLS Realtors at baths, G.E. built-ins, 2-car at­ SOUTH WINDSOR — Beautiful 6- "held iq> to rWcula aad bnarilhir heard vcicea of others zridle pull-' nations in qieeding aid to Skopje, I Boats and Accessories 46 ROOM FOR working girl, all com­ t room apartment, ■ all In one tached garage, plus one de­ 8. Heavily tree shaded lot on one 7925. lot, $19,900. Schwartz Realtor, 336- estate, high schools. the Jacqoemarts out, but! the ancient capital of Yugoslav I Vernon Circle, 643-2168, 875-6297. room Colonial, 2-car attached ga­ of Manchester’s lovllcst streets The groups would have a regu­ tion.” forts of home, board optional, package, excellent location with tached, one acre wooded lot, 1314, Mr. Hockert, 280-8149. De Gaulle blamed what be Bartlett was ariginally suspend­ furtber Ogging failed to uncover I Macedonia and in recent years a ) 12 FOOT ALCORT Sallfish; » very central. Call 643-6745. rage, on lovely fully treed lot in 9. You can deal directly with FORD STREET — 8 room frame lar ctoh program, oould partici­ good potential. For further infor­ COLONIAL RANCH — 6 rooms, situated in a convenient loca­ house, all utilities, needs paint, called “ journalistic bad will” for ed from the force tor one aanatb any more survivors. I major attraction for tourists. h.p. Evinrude motor. Call 649- mation call fhe Phllhiick Agelicy, 1% baths, modem kitchen with an area of fine homes. Conveni­ owner BLUNOTON — RoekvUle line, pate in ooutrty activitiea, and to ROOM FOR RENT, private en­ tion with a suburban atmos­ ently located to Route 16. Sunuel $12,900. Joseph Barth, Broker, near bus, ritopplng. 8% room exaggerating the differences be­ His attorney d alaaa mo isaaaa 1014. 649-8464. bulH-ins, 2-car attached garage, phere. $24,800. tween the rwo countries. the three-day State Youth In Gov­ trance. all new facilities, free M. Lavitt Agency, MLS Realtors 649-0320. ranch. Asking $12,900. Tongren ernment Program In Febniary, was $;iven for ttaa MARK 28, outboard motor, plus lot 200x250, $22,900. Phllbrick 101 OLCOTT DR. He also said Internal tension Bartlett did n ot tetnm to Ooens, 56, o f 4 Park 3L, was taken gota and daughter, 132 Prospect) parking, on bus line, gentleman MAIN STREET CORNER -r 140 Agency. 649-8464. at Vernon Carcle, 643-2158, 876- Agency, 949-6331. March and April. controls, excellent cwidition, $175. preferred. Call 643-6013. Exclusive with 8297. 649-1415 VERNON — Custom ranch, 8 bed­ and internal political needs with­ He was demoted to patrolman by into ouatiaty by Supernumerary St.; Michael Kauftnati, 36 Blnitonl feet on Main Street by 150 feet rooms, ceramic bath, large kitch­ in the United States might have Each year the Y also qxxisors a e43-6««4. deep. Ideal comer lot. Semi-pro­ VERNON — Just over Manchester U & R REALTY CO. BOLTON — $36.16 monthly, small HI-Y conference, this year meet­ the City Council tor aBagvrily A s- Itatrotazaa Nonnon FVtseber at Rd.. West Hartford. ROOM FOR GEamiEMAN. cen­ MANCHESTER — Unusual home en and living room, garage un­ mortgage left. Cozy S room and contributed to a rift. obeying orders. -6ffi pja. Atetoted yesterday: Geoty;« I ALLOY boat-trailer, 1961, capacity fessional building on It. Business line. Like new 6% ranch, 1% 643-2692 in prestige area, 6 room L-shaped der, aluminum storms, landscap­ De Gaulle conceded that ing at Newport, R.I. trally located, kitchen privileges, Zone 2. Few blocks to hospital. T. baths, built-in kitchen with bath expandable year ’round Lavitt wU otoo izda sa a9toto- Davis, 18 Blast St.; Getiiva Deiuic, 1160 lbs., $140. Call 643-0900 be­ parking. Call 643-5127. Robert D. Murdock Colonial Cape with garage, 1% NEW LISTING — Rolling Park. ed. convenient. Owner 876-1164. France, In the aftermath of Nazi To get the program under way, er a hearing is necessary bcftorc Ooooa I Quality throui^hout, nice lot with and the ravages of war, was de­ BSm 8L fkvxn «azs asty to izNi Mgr 2. Rockvine. tleman, private entrance, shower, trees. Worth inspecting carefully. and shrubs, garage with 8x201 LARGE 6 ROOM Cape, S acres, WELL TENDED expandable Cape, pendent on &e United States to The H a ^ o ^ Coimty Y seirves 40. of 132 Land For Sale 71 HOLLISTER STREIET — Immacu­ only those towns which do not have traffic. Bbtlw yesterday: A daughter) Tuesday Building: Materials 47 parking. Inquire 195 Spruce Street. late 6 room Colonial Bungalow, CRYSTAL LAKE — Assume VA Wolverton Agency, Realtor, 649- screened patio, oversize kitchen, many extras. $19,500. Owner 643- large screened patio, overalsed avoid complete collapse. AMerman Ctoraaoa J. BCeOks^ ftntyact St. im s arrested Friday 4%% mortgage and $55 monthly 2813. Eve. Mr. Rueter, 648--6. 2 bedroom ranch, 100x600 lot, Ellswoiih Mitten Agency, Realtor, condition throughout. large lot. join in a nucleam test ban was Robert Zongbetti is Bkths Friday: A doui^iter to STEAKS 649-8464. room. Landscaped yard. Sept. 1 Naasiff todlcates that chamber ALL PRICES restated by Foreign Minister Mr. and Mia. Bernard Baroomb, 39 Herald’s BoolraUle Boreau, M e- [ occupancy. Call Mr. Werbner, oversize garage, ideal for newly­ 643-6930. Urgent sale ne^ed. Charles Les­ action on the matter wiU have to Henry Ftorand, SB, o f phone 875-SlSe or 649-6797. weds or retired couple. Hayes perance, 649-7620, 643-5664. Maurice Couve de MurvUle last VsBMXi Ave.; a daughter to Mr. CENTER NOBODY — BUT NOBODY — LOOKING FOR rentals? Call J. D. Jarvis Realty Co., Realtors, 648- wait until next Monday, when Rd., Vernon woa am otsd Ftod^r and M ra GOnlon Pierce, 2 Elmer- 'UNDERSELLS NATIONAL 4112, 643-7847. Agency, 643-4803. ROLLING PARK area — 6 room kAST CATHOUC HIGH — Ver- week just before the United on a chaiga of hdiwdratioa Realty. 6434129. Cape, 1% baths, fireplace, garage, CASH SAVINCS plsnck area. 6 room brick front Robert Brock, executive vice aU Dr.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. DUPLEX States, Britain amd the Soviet president of the chamber, will re­ breech of peace. Hs was 9 The largest percentage of for-1 U lC E S e $14,500 — 6 ROOM GAPE, immacu­ breezeway, oil hot water heat, Cape. Priced right. Immediate Union initialed an aigreement to James McCarthy, 34 Main St., Tal- eign students at any college in the I NATIONAL LUMBER, INC., VA appritised, $16,700. Ken Os­ turn from vacation. into cuMhxty at Ha boaw by 381 State Street, 470 MAIN St.—3 room apartment. 5-6 'flat with 2-car garage In late condition, nearly finished, r i ’ 1 0 occupancy. John H. Lappen, Inc., stop testing in the atmoai^ere, in oottvOle; a daughter to Mr. and country is td Howard University, I OF trlnsky. Realtor, 643-5159 28 PLYMOUTH LANE Spokesmen for the Connecticut Ib a . Geoega Doran, Wapping. North Haven, Connecticut 649-5229, 9-5. central Manchester. Quiet resi­ fireplace, open stairs, recreation Nicely located. Immaculate 649-6261, 649-7446. outer space and under water. Co. have Indicated that if enougji waa laleaaad after pooUag 1 Washington, D.C. They make up I COOKED 288-<281 dential area. two heating room, wooded lot, Manchester. ranch home. 6 rooms with a FINE SPLIT LEVEL HOME Couve de Murvllle said that un­ Interest can be shown them, the of $260. He was to bs praoe Dtacharged Friday: Eklwin Daw- 16 per cent of the student body. I LB CENTRALLY LOCATED, 4 room Carlton W. Hutchins. 649-6132. good sized completely enclosed MANCHESTER — Elro Street Elegant custom built 3-year-old VERNON — Like new 6 room L- til the major powers agree on bgr, IS Neill Rd.; Mrs. Lorraine systems, aluminum combina­ Custom 6 room oversize Cape, 2- ■hape brick ranch, manicured company will be willing to put on Aug. SO to Oheakt CboH lA HAM apartment. Including air condition­ tions. TTiis listing will not last. and heated porch with a beau­ split level In one of Manches­ general nuclear disammament, back the crosstown run on a 80-^y RockviM aeoBboL Tlaattngi, lO Oedar St.; George ing, parking, refrigerator, stove, SCOTT DRIVE — Beautiful Ranch, tiful view. ’This home is air- car basement garage, 1% baths, ter’s finest residential areas. grounds, qiaxkUng condition. Un­ Fael and Feed 49-A der $20,000. Hayes Agency, 648- BYance will continue to build a trial basis. Play FragrauB b d a McManamy. *roUand; Mrs. Joyce laundiy room, $135 monthly. J. D. nice location, adl utilities, $18,000. conditioned throughout. An ex­ extra large kitchen, fireplace, Blight rooms, 2% baths, design­ 3 nuclear striking force. This is lAttlefieid and son. Broad Brook. Realty, 643-5129. Joseph Barth. Broker. 649-0320. beautiful landscaping, located 4808. ______According to the spokesmen, the The idaygTooad pragcaiai spoa- FOUR ACRES of hay — Free for cellent home being offered at ed and decorated for the most certain to requ&e test explosions trial run wUl have to prove enough A ikiwant Saturday: Stanley $23,500. near school, shopping and bus discriminating taste. Family sored ly the Ellingtoa Recraatiea SiMrwiR-Williains the cutting and pa}dng for ad. FOUR ROOM apartment, including FIVE BEDROOMS BOLTON LAKE Waterfront - 4 line. Only $800 down. Call COVB^ITRY — 4 room ranch, 8 in the atmosidiere as well passengers and income to warrant Com m i^on ccorlialad tta tour- Mgnot, Rldga Rd.; Lauren Wight, Cadi eve^ngs 742-7644, South room home, bunkhouse, all fur­ room opens into Rec room pro­ acres landscaped, garage and underground. continuance of a more permanent 99 K l ^ CL; WMBom Giaczyk, 10 heat, hot water and gas for cook­ Schwartz Real Estate, 236-1241, or viding large entertainment FUEL OIL week program FYiday witb ISO CHEIRRIES Street, Coventry. ing, electric refrigerator and gas Short walk to Main Street. nishings included. Usable all-year. workshop, $ 1 4 ,^ ; Coventry Lake The French long have em­ nature. Morrten 9L Paints Mr. Arruda, 643-6464. area. Adjoining spacious car­ youngsters pre a ^ for the flual- stove furnished. Call 649-7834 ori Redecorated bungalow type Good financing. John H. Lappen, T. J. Crockett —4 room year ’round ranch, cop­ phasized that the delivery zys day activities. A Hallosaaaa iaJidy home with 2-car garage; level, port has large enclosed storage Bktba Saturday: A daughter to 649-5779 between 5-7 p.m. j Inc., 649-6261. CIRCA 1800 — Restored Colonial, 9 per plumbing, hot air, heat. $9,- terns are a key to real dlsarma parade was hdd wMb aboot T9 Ito. and Mrs. Kennath McKinney, GRAND Garden— Fann— Dairy treed lot, excellently maintain­ room Aluminum siding, three- ment cm the theory that rockets, W. H. ENGLAND 643-1577 rooms, 2% baths, fireplaces, 900; 8 room ranch completely fur­ children entered. lea Staffortl Springs. lA T IN C LB Prodnets 50 SEVEN ROOM, second floor, close | ed. Once in a lifetime value for SPLIT-LEVEL, 7 romns, 1% baths, screened porch, original features zone heating . . . many extras. nished, stene fireplace, gas heat, missiles and submarines are Boy, 15, Caught LU M IER C O . Park-like seating. % acre. Cen­ COOPERATIVE and cotdeies were oorsad to tbe DIactezged Saturday: John to schools, shopping and bus, the growing family. Call today. large family room, kitchen with throughout, g a r,a g e, acreage. $6,900. Chambers Realty, 648-2326, easier to spot than relatively youngsterz. CHOICE CULTWATED blueber­ $125 monthly, heat not included. bulTt-lns, Intercom system trally locateid. Immediate occu­ o n . i o.^^• \.Nv small nuclear warheads. They Stealing Syrup onritx, 96 Brooklyn SL; Mildred “At the Gieen"—649-6201 Carltm W. Hutchiiu, 649-5132. 649-7006. In tbe SI _ 36 VUtage SL; Walter : ries, 60c pint; 30c pick your own, I Call 649-8538. throughout the bouse, garage, HIGH ELEVA'nON — Attractive pancy. Owner relocating. think international inspectors JUST HEAT AND SERVE •ii.-. HKii \i) -11,1.1 r 198 children were earoOed . 117 Prospect SL; Anita : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 100x200 lot, 8-years-old, $22,900. 8-^droom Ranch, walk-out base­ Priced to Sen—Mid 93«s SOUTH WINDSOR — Now vacant could find the vehicles while the PoUoe today reported that a 15- NEW 4 ROOM apartment, heat, Philbrlck Agency, 649-8464. tbe program oad 33 had potfae Mtwdow Wood Rd.. Tbl. only Peresluha, Watrous Road. WESLEY R. SMITH ment, trees, nice view, near I M . ■'ll -r due to transfer, I-bedroom ranch warheads might easily be hidden. year-old West Hartford boy has tenaance. Bolton. hot water, built-ins. refrigerator, OWNER M9-6100 with attached garage on Hilton Baznea ItfbcUe. 137 W. Mid- Fried Flounder Fillets LB 69' SPRING ST. — 6 room Ranch, 1% school only $13,900. Carlton W. Since both east and west are been turned over to juvenile au­ ba;, MenebeSter; Rose Sar- washer and dryer, $140. 649-0308. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-6132. Dr., just off Pleasant Valley Rd., apprehensive that Red China will 649-8989. AGENCY baths, new wall to wail carpeting, EAST CENTER ST. thorities after being caught at­ Daita Clortc of S tool RoekriOe; Mre. Donald Za- 100x240 lot with many trees at emerge as a fifth nuclear power, tempting to steal a case of cough duct a 4-H Recreattaa CAP-N JOHN'S . . . PLUMP PIUETS Honsehold Goods 51 modem kitchen with bullt-ins, 2- SIX ROOM Cape, excellent condi­ rear. Price, $16,600. Glerni Rob­ BOKTS AVAILABLE NOW — 4 rooms, 649-1894 car garage, lot 100x200, conation the Big Three are unlikely to syrup from a local drugstore S^- on Thuraday. Aag. lA tor 5 ^ tion, close to schools and shop­ erts Agency, MLS Realtor, 644- seriously consider destroying nu­ urday. EVERYTHING in sterilized, re­ second floor, hot water, close to like new, $21,900. Phllbrick ping. Marlon E. Robertson, Real­ CTub leaders and jiaiiar toadma. WELDINGSERVIGE Bieoded Cod 2 p^o 9 9 ' Main St., one child acceptable. PRESTIGE 1521, 644-1887, 648-0816. clear stockpiles. The boy allegedly went to the conditioned used furniture and ap­ Agency, 649-8464. tor, 643-6968. FLETCHER GLASS CO. o f M a n c h e s t e r Tbe workobop wIS he bSU at the R.^NGE Immediate Emergeocy Sendee! pliances — High in quality, low in 643-7094 after 7 p.m. De Gaulle must give some heed basement of the Hallmaric Phar­ Ebetenskm Servtee Offlee to Roek- THREE MINUTES to Manchester OFFICES to public opinion, especially in macy, took the case of syrup, \M) ' price. Antiques from Vermont Rnnvr CONCORD Rt>.—Beautiful ranch, Lots For Sale 73 vUle. ELECTRIC — GAS estate. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 i room formal dining for $16,600, 1 3/4 acres of land, 188 WEST fiODDLE TURNPIKE •49-7879 areas of Africa where he has at­ which contains a narcotic, and was South Street, Rockville. Open 9-8. hot water, stove, refrigerator im- room cabinet Uiefaen, 2 bed- plus a 5% room ranch style home WHEN YOU THINK OF tempted to spread French in­ caught by the store owner as he FUEL OIL 643-2408... 649-7578 » u. rneriiatemediate orriinanr-voccupancy, $80IRtl monthly.mnnlhlv 1 ______’__ completely handcrafted by present OAKLAND STREET — 66x160. fluence. Most African leaders posrible to attend aa aftomooB 876-2174. rooms, recreation room, land- IN A QUIET 44LAS8, THINK OF FLETCHER water, level and with trees. Price attempted to make off with it. and evening aeaai.nn have been Welding from 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. Call 643-4385. scaped yard. Marten E, Robert- owner. Looking for the unusual strongly oppose further atomic GASOLINE No job too big or too smalL Apple Pies plus land, then call Wolverton NEW CAR PARK-LIKE CORNER DURANT m . 32,200. 649-7819. testing. They are expected to scheduled. Tbe oflanoon OMlaa 4% ROOM GARDEN type apart- son. Realtor. 648-6968.______will be from 3 to 6 pan. aad lbs Located In The FOR SALE — Used furniture. Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. SETTING ASHFORD LAKE — Cleared lot, urge France to sign the Moscow MS»€ PARKER 1 LB 8 GZ, 8 INCH 648-7446. ment, available August 1.. in- gg HOLLISTER — 4 bedrooms, LARGE QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDSI agreement. Only 7% of Cars evening from 7:46 to 9:45 pza. HARTFORD ROAD with shade trees, electricity, near Ctark krill present Ms ideas on BANTLY OIL ENTERPRISES REG. S9C-SAVE 20e EA w T dudes heat, hot water, stove, re-1 close to all schools. 2-car Karasre. RENTALS beach, $676. Call 628-7746. The United States and France SMALL FREEZER, Kelvinator, frigerator, parking, $115 monthly. Owner 649-6118, PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKINO are at odds on poUcy within the In State Checked recreation and anggea ' • •vN'i. INC. At 270 Hartford Rd. needs some repair; Kenmore au- Manchester Garden Apartments, , ______' BOUTON $12,300 NOW North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ oatlvltlea for 4-H chdia. Manchester tmnatic washer, needs some re­ 643-7925. | OVERSIZED CAPE, 7 rooms, 2 AUTO GLASS INSTALLED " B-ZONE LOT, $8,000. Wolverton tion and the United Nations and PoOea dnesla v \ iN pair. Tel. 648-7729. ------I full baths, 4 bedrooms, large Uv- LEASING... Duiing 1962 there were 92,549 -A Rockville man mmm a n TWO UNFURNISHED rooms,! j^g room, formal dining room, at­ GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Agency, 649-3818. on European unification. Kennedy voluntary veHiicle Inspections made : 1 ' . Ill I'. If II Chiffon Cake j ’Tinker Building. Ladies preferred Economy 6 room Cape, en­ made a point in his European Saturday and dbsrged with tached garage, 150x160 wooded lot, TWO BUIUJINO lots, prime loca­ speeches of stressing that the to Connecticut. This is only 7 per of injvvy to a miDor after a il- r 1 K HOTPOINT ELECTRIC stove, 39” . ^Apply Glenney's Men's Shop, 789 $22,900. Philbrlck Agency, closed back patio, 4 finished tion, city utilities, pqillbrlck Agen­ cent of the total niuniber of oora O R A N G E-R EG . 59c 1 L8 1 O Z ^ A C Main St. * Air CondirioMd MIRRORS (Fireplace Old Door! United States wants a "truly co­ cident at a local theater. Akaiao good condition, $86. Call 649-9179. ______649-8464 down, 2 partially finished up, cy, 649-8464. registered in this state that year. new furnace and hot water • WEEKLY PICTURE FRAM ING (oH types) hesive” Europe. SAVE 10c SIZE De Gaulle has oppgsed any real 'Tweinity per cent of the vehiclea MOVING — WILL seU Hotpoint; FOUR BEDROOM Ranch, 26x62’ heater, shed dormer, amesite * Abundant off stmot WINDOW and PLATE GLASS MITCHELL TELEPHONE < inspected needed repairs or adjust­ push button electric stove and I BIRC3I STREET — 4 room flat, foundation, two full ceramic drive, high lot, dead-end street. • MONTHLY change — B high acres more or merger of Bluropean sojvereignty. miscellaneous furniture. After 6' second floor, $90, 649-8606. baths, fire sdarm, large kitchen, ments, with -defectl've hrakea aad Easily financed. parking for 60 cars. less, artesian well, 694 feet front­ lights leading the Ust. 100x200’ lot. $17,600. Philbrlck • YEARLY fXlNTBACIOBS: WE HAVE IN STOCK age, view, a # k 1 n g $4,600. white Bread s.":; : f w e r o o m “Even though Connecticut does day, 146 Autumn Street. Agency, 649-8464. Lawrence F. Flano, Realtor, 648- ____ water, stove, for more informa- Call the MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS Register Rifled not have a compulsory vehicle in­ AUTOMATTC KENMORE washing tion call 643-0935. between 6-8 ALR-CONDITTONED — 6 room LAWRENCE F. FIANO ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN 2766, Charles Nicholson, 742-6364. spection lew, the opportunity and JANE PARKER p.m. B and H CX>. (owaen) --machine in running condition; ranch, 9-years-old, large kitchen CLOSED SATURDAY 1 PM.—CLOSED THURSDAY At Bowling Lanes need for periodic inspection should NEW LOW PRICE 2 [it 3 9 " white porcelain sink with set-tub, with dishwasher, lot 160x250, 8 Realtor 643-2766 OUR LOW RATES MANCHESTER — Four room Ml 9-4944—M I 9-4248 EVENINGS DUBING JUNE. JULY and AUGUST' Resort Pn^jerty For Sale 74 be readily apparoit to e'very d r iw $26 each. 648-8128. bedrooms, minutes from Manches­ Charles Nicholson 742-8664 IVdloe are tovedUgaang the totereated in avoiding an acci­ apartment, private yard. Call ter^ priced to sell $16,900. Phll­ iNcluck •v*rythiii9 Glastonbury 633-9485. W ATBRB^M ^ LOT, 90x176, tihefit of $27.60 w «ch occurred dent,” says Cyril F. Mower, chair­ A BIG BARGAIN! brick Agency, 649-8464. man of the Connecticut Safety lU lT A N A ARE YOU GOING •xc«pt gofoKiM. Cape Oontl, BTorlda. Will sacri­ alt the Paiioade Bowling lanea HOUSEKEEPING? MANCHESTER — 8 room modem fice, $8,200. Save $1,700. Call yesterday afternoon. Commission, Gofit(ofC “ QUART THEN YOU OWE IT Furnished Apaitaients 63-A home, 4 bedrooms, family room PORTER STREET area — Older 6 648-8284. ______RieWard Rlsley, aissistant mana­ Salad Dressing JAR 39' room home, 3 bedrooms, garage, ger, toW poatoe thait the aan was Stockholm, the capital ot Swe­ ' ,ib , TO YOURSELF attachec garage, 168’ frontage, WATERFRONT — Beautiful sum­ ’ TO SEE ’THIS ’TWO ROOM furnished apartment, trees, $15,000. Carlton W. Hutch­ shade trees, located on qiUet takm from the caidi register den, is a city bult on IS islands AN N PAGE street, handy to shopping and MORIARTY mer cott^ e completely furnish­ sometime during the aiftonioon. 1 connected b y 42 bridges. Coolndqak^ “ SUPER DELUXE” hot water, refrigerator, stove. Ap­ ins, 648-5182. ed, excellent landscaping, boat J lOV^OZ ply Marlow’s, 881 Main St. transportation, $18,900. Rhllbrlck S ROOMS OF FURNITURE dock, fireplace with heatalator, TomotoSoap e CANS AB 100% Guaranteed Agency, 649-8464. 45 ' TWO ROOM heated apartment, BROTHERS also, gas Im ter. Large glassed-in oar ^ n n l home ONLY $433 porch, also with screens. Cottage A N N PAGE 1 $14.08 DOWN kitchen set, bedroom set, re­ Andover Lake COLONIAL — Formal dining room, frigerator, gas range. Free gas, cabinet kitchen with dishwasher, 801 CENTER ST. — SiS-ffW ia in excellent condition. Modem o f e s n 2 LB 9 OZ $14.06 MONTH electric range and -refrigerator. — YOU GET — electricity. Lpw rent. Adult.s. Apt. ’ $10,900 den, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, Beans ■ tomato sauce X CANS 55' 4, 10- Depot Square. lot 102x612. Marion E. Robertson, Priced at $8,600. Call Burt Star- M-PIECE BEDROOM key’s Agency, Columbia 228-9243. I Choicest Meots In Town! digpitj and comfoit OUR OW N • , It-FIBCE UVINO ROOM Realtor, 643-6963. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment Clpan 6 room Cape Cod, oil PKG U-PIECE KITCHEN with utiUtie.s, school teachers or steam heat, full basement, COVENTRY — Oak Grove section. — PLUS — retired couple preferred. 69 Holl deep, high lot, trees, easily Cool, comfortable 4 room cottage. Ten Bogs -loeopp- OF 80 63' BflUBCTRIC TUESDAY ONLY! Street, 643-0420. financed. VERNON : Any reasonable offer accepted. REVKIOERATOR John H. L^n>®it> 649-6261. FANCY. LEAN, IMPOBTED, MACHINE SLICED AAP - FROZEN - RiOULAR OR CRINKLE CUT TV SET ROCKVILLE — 3 room furnished SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS i s r * 2 LB AND c o m b : r a n g e apartment, all utilities, paiidng LAWRENCE F. FIANO <> COVENTRY — Beautiful cottage, French Fries BOX 39' Free Delivery in Conn. available, $20 weekly. 875-3013. Realtor 643-2766 SOUTH STREET like new, excellent location, good Stair Carpet Free Set-Up By Our Men Charles Nicholson 742-6364 bank financing available. Call : BOILED W ee Sentice By Eiqperts Completely NEW concept in apartment living; duplex 4-room 643-6930. WA t k in s AS^ s t Free Storage Until Wanted Business Locations Dirty? Plaid Stamps, Tool Phone for vpointment apartments all with For Rent 64 Wanted— R m I Estate 77 CALL SAMUEL AIDERT SPACIOUS 8 ROOM Garrison Co­ PRIVATE PATIOS : ham Hartford, 247-0358 MANCHESTER —, 'Rent or buy lonial, 4 bedrooms, office or den, | OIMAN»|.WEST •' »ltlC T 6r Prlaa# affactiva rt ALL A&P fupar SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT Ca sh F C » y o u r iwoperty. Cua- (U M R X XJML peat OUBTOMER) 80,000 sq. ft. or less in two formsil dining room, recreation Birds, trees, grass, cool breezes— lovely rural setting! tomera waiting tor ranebas, GARNER’S RUG Marl Area. Howard Realty Company, , OH-Siraal Pwfckg 649-1752—643-5747 ^ Tailboard loading all floors. Heat trees, aluminum siding, $29,900. ing, ainple closets and parking. $140-$145. **• 232-6278. Carl Zinsser. #48-0038. HIGHLAND PARK MARKET I A— E—R—r—S fumiahed. Four-acre parking lot Philbrlck' Agency, 649-8464. X17 mOHLAND SHUSEY-^PHONE e4S-4t78 43-46 ALLTN 8T„ HARTFORD included. CaU owner 678-7646 ------— . ' AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER m la sr< snsr. MANOosia We Give j t K ®tosa Staa . OPEN MZOBTB TILL, 10 P.M. b r ie r s protected. TWO FAMILY - N,ew roof and \ aiding, aluminmn combinations, 6U-«S8e p O C T O I ^ SO** electric stove, 8% 90x180 toot lot with shade trees, 2- Agent on Premises 875-5485 Read Herald Adys* flood *vvm41H.i« $gd. gMAlJ, STORE for rent on Otk car garage, $18J100. 'Phllbrick ” n Street. OaU 6494394. Agency, 649-8464. -V -. a — V, m h

r \ MONDAY,/ULT JG, Arerag* Dally Net F psm Bun Fofc Um Week lb«ied jKattrhprtrr lEttMting Srralh Xnly ST, 1968 dear and cooler toniglrt. lA m 13,670 W to M. Wednesday moaUy atamy with HtUe tem perature ehnnge. POUBLE STAMPS EVERY WEP Member of the Andit About Town || Baremi of Olroalatlaa U gh hi the mid 8Ba. M n * M of tlM dUsen^ Ad- M0mehe0ter— A City of Village Chdrm vtnry Cto^mH air the MtaclMatM- SAVE MORE ON THE OdM if toQi«M flmn The Baby Has (Olaaaifled Advertlafaig on Page If) 7 m ta 9 tM at tfw tMdtec^ /OLj LXXXn, NO. 255 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1963 PRICE SteVEN CENTS of M MaBctiMter Hlr>> niOMMii to MI1W go—ticw oon- 0 0 0 oantiv ttw cB«e t», wliioh ofMW Been Named a e a T£ND£REST B £ EFin TOWN. in Saptcnfeor.

MgndMn o t Um Wobmn’a BeiM- Ot AModatian Reviewr and Guard SW IFT'R PREMIUM PmJTEN d qb wUl meet tothorroar at 7 pjn. at Mw Hoknea Funeral Home, 400 MoDowell, Linda Anne, daughter of Williiam J. and Mlaay- MbIb SL, Id to BOth McAdams McOoweM, 21 Eld^jorton St. She was born July U.S. Patrols Kill pay reepecta the late Antticfiy Rowe, wtwee wife is 16 at Hortftird Hloepttal Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. a member. Samuel McAdams, 62 High St. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John MoDoweli, 18 Bdgerton St. She baa two hroithers, John, 4, and Bill, 3, and a sister, Mhroia, 8. oncers, members of the execu­ • * • ♦ • tive board and parents of Man­ chester Green School FTA will HatnvlUe, Timothy Michael, son of Cdetnent E. and M-artha meet at the school poricing lot to­ White Moinville, 803 Center 9t. He was bom July 17 at Man­ morrow at 7 pm. and go to the chester Memonei Hospital. He has eight brothens, Edward, 16. Gr^, 14. Wayne, 13, David, 10, MOrk, 8, John. 3, 'niomos, 2, North Koreans py>tter Ftinerel Home. 456 Jtudt- and Robert 11 months. aoa St., WilUmonUc, to pay re­ * * * • • spects to lira. Madeline H. Mitch­ ell. pciBctpal of ICsadiaBtM' Green McNamara, Kelly Ann, dBAighter of Ridhard T. and Anna Sdmol. who w w kOled yesterday Tuiyroka McNamara, 68 Laura Dr„ Hebron. 9he was bom in an antomobUe accident at Ells- July 18 at Hartford Hospl'tBl. Her maternal grandparcnto are wortb nois, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Nlchotas Stephonow, Windsor. Her paternal grand­ BEEF SALE parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. McNamara, 107 Hemlock St. She has a brother, John Thomas, 15 months. Tlw stoey time for the sum­ * « « « * In Raider Hnnt mer iH l be bmi tomotrow at Mary CheMtv Ubrsry at 10:30 am. The Hubbard, John William, aon of John J. and Mary Goodenough theme of the Bawdnei wiB be boots Hubbard, Hlany Lane, Vernon. He was bom July 17 at Hart­ Ground Beef RI6MM ford HoapMol. His maternal grandfather is W. H. Goodenough Ground Chuck and aaMng. Jr., Sumner, Wash. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Faith Htibbard, Seattle, Wash. He has a stster, Jeri CJiiristine, 8. Four Dead; The District Fire De- ***** Mansfield: N-Pact ■ paihusnt wOl meet tomorrow at Sirloin Steak Pho Hesrdqasrtois at 7:30 pm. Enoch. Christopher Todd, son of Edward J. and CSiarlene Rib Steaks and proceed to the Holmee Funeral Pringle Eknch, 168 Hi'lUard St. He was bom July 18 at Man­ U.S. Army’s Bkano. 400 Main St^ to pay their chester MemoctU Hoopital. His maternal grandparents arc Mr. I is|itirtn to Anthony Rowe, whose and Mrs. Chartes Ehingle, 2134 Mlonchester Rd.. Gtestonbury. Has No ^Gimmicks’ HSs paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elnoch, Top Round Steok Porterhouse Steak H O P Is a inenmer of the depottment Gossaway, W. Vh. He has a sister, Trish, 16 months. i W i ***** Toll Three « - * » « > - of the A m y and Navy Summit Parley Held ' Democratic Senator Thomao, Boymond Ooi>per, son of Dr. John M. and Lets Coo­ CU> wiB mset tomonow at 7 p.m. Uniieeded at Present Sees Broad Support at 4b* Holnaea nmeral'Home, 400 per TlKiroas, Hartford. He was bom July 17 at Hhntftml Hoe- Chuck Steak Stew Beef MNOIK SEOUL. South Korea (AP) jCaln SL, to pay respects to the pitai. Hb maternal grandparents, are Mr, and Mrs. Raymond E. By ENDRE MARTON WASHINGTON (API - Sen. — Strengthened U.S. Army late s^aexmy Rowe, who was a Cooper, Birch M!t. Rd., Bolton. His paternal grandparents are WASmNGTON (API—U.S, offi­ Mike Mansfield of Montana said patrols backed by South Ko­ Mr. and Mrs. John J. Thomas, New Haven. He bos a brother, (MM after a conference with President John, 4; and two sisten, ESizabeth, 5. and JiacqueKne, 2. cials expressed strong doubt today rean national police, killed * • • • • Club Steak ■ONEIESS Bottom Round Roast that Secretary of State Dean Kennedy today that there are "no Ih s V r w AuxSiacy wM aixm- four armed North Korean WiUdna, Donald Lee, aon of Lee E. and Florine Gerber Wii- Rusk's forthcoming talks, in Mos­ gimmicks, no side is.sues," tied to Communist infiltrators today acr a kitcheei social tomorrow at Idna, 33 Turnbull Rd. He was bom July 21 at Mlanchester Me­ cow will become a prelude to a the Moscow test ban treaty. 8 pw» at Hie Post Home for mem- morial HoopibBl. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, summit conference. The Senate Democratic leader in a hunt for Red raiders who ben M d guests. Hie event ia epon- Fred E. Gertter, Riofckviile. His patemeJl grandfather is Mlaurice Round Steak 6 R 0 U W Short Ribs They said Rusk will carry a said the limited test ban agree­ have slain three U.S. soldiers aored by the ways and means com­ WaWnB, BMit Hartford. He has one brother, JOhn Robert, 4. letter from President Kennedy to ment has broad support not only in two days. mittee. ***** Soviet Premier Khrushchev, but it in the Senate which must ratify Looking "under every bush". In Stavena, Joel David, aon of Rcbert Cart and Joyce OandUn Is expected to be only a reply to it, but in the House as well. the words of one U.S. officer, the OtBceis of Orford Psrisb Chap­ the mes.sage Khrushchev sent to "We informed the President ter. Dam^ders ef the American Btanrem, Lake St., Vernon. Ho was bom J\Uy 20 at MJanchee- Shoulder Steak • o n tB i Top Round Roost forces hunted down infiltrating ter Menxxtal Hoa|*tal. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Kennedy' via Undersecretary of that the chances for strong bipar , saboteurs on missions close by the Revoliitian. wfll have a board meet­ Mc«. P. G. HalUhan, SC Highikand St. HSs p^emel grandmother State W. Averell Harriman. tlsan ratification of the treaty by headquarters of the U.S. 4th Cav- ing tamorrow at 1 p.m. at the home Khrushchev’s letter, high rank the Senate were excellent and jjjry Regiment command post, six ef Mrs. John Risg, Indian Dr. in Miw. Sosanna Stavens. Vernon. He h ^ one sister, Sheryl Anne, 5. ing sources said, expressed his that we expected the ratification | rnUes .south of the Korean demil- Daasert will he served. Chuck Fillet Brisket .-TiF t satisifactlon with the agreement would come as soon as possible," ' itarized zone. to ban all nuclear tests except Mansfield said after the weekly Sheridan, Kevin James, son of Robert James and Carol Mot- IT m benbaitive oufiUne o f a paropoeed taxiing diatriot in downtown MAncheaber wUl be kocathm at the area* faae not yet been debennined. Elven after the boundanes are .set, The fighting was the farthest tist»n Sberiftan, 28 HUHside Dr., South Windsor. He was bom the direotan could dbange them by an oftlciBj art. As the ordmance reads, all underground but did not offer any While House breakfast session of south of the buffer area since the Judy 23 at Mhnctieeter Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand- discuBaed by the town directors tonight. A ll property omrierB wlltMn ttie heavy Urae suggestions on further steps to Democratic congre.ssional leaders. Korean armistice was signed July parkiic areas must be withfai district boundaries. As drawn by General Manager He said Kennedy reiterated his poienta om Mr. and Mrs. WiiUam S. Miatbatall. E>ealbody. Mhss. Colif. Steok «Mi Flonken Ribs vrouid be taxed, under the prupoaed ordinance, and the revenues appUed towaivls the Richard. Mhitin, the preeent diatrirt outline includes a few resldentie.1 buildings, and ease East-West tensions. 27. 1953. view that it Is a treaty for all LECLERC His paternal giondparents are Mr, and Mrs. PetCr J. Shendan, 23 paymenta of a bond issue. The bond issue wxxukl in bum provide funds for purchase some huaineases which might not dtrertly benefit from the additional parking which Kennedy's reply is expected to The action was set off Monday express similar feelings without Americans for this generation HHMde Dr., Soilth Windsor. and improvement of a number of parking areas In the doiwntio>wn area—although the would be provided. by the ambush of a U.S. jeep in FUNERAL HOME • • • * • •ONBESS attempting to break new ground. | and the generations to follow and I which two U.S. foldiers were killed Zagnra, Dawn Leanne, daughter of Donald and Joan GoU- Cross Rib Roast SMOVIMR Top Sirloin Roost State Department officials de­ expressed hope the Senate debate | and a third wounded, below’ the FUNEKAL niitaer Zagora, 132 Prospect St., RockviUe. She was bom July nied any thought is being given to will be broad, penetrating and ‘ Korean armistice line. With vigil- 22 *t Rockville City H o^tal. Her maternal grandparents are a meeting between Kennedy, fruitful. ance renewed and patrols SERVICE hb. and Mrs. Joseph Gollmitaer, Rockville. Her potemal grand­ Khrushchev and Prime Minister Mansfield said Undersecretary strengthened, the hunt began for parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruno A. Zagora, Rockville. oracK those attackers. WAUTBSl N. • • * « « Chuck Roast •c« CoKf. Roost Town to Discuss Special Tax District (Continued on Page Five) (Contlnned on Page Five) As troops and police scoured the XXCLERC Church, Daniel Arthur, son of Charles W, and MUkcent Stone area, another American soI(]ier Director Oburefa, TViDand Rd., Bolbon. He was horn July 24 at MOnches- N E F , PORK and a South Korean police officer engaged in another clash that cost fsr m ortal. HSs maternal greiuimother in Mrs. Florence Stone, VEAL Ikmm dtiwcAoia win aotvduict an*publiclty Bor tlM Demoeratle in*-*woUld ooat .tbt foam to.OW for m*tal)liali • laxing dbitrict'^inalns with the parking authority, Call Ml 9-5869 Hartfbrd. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Flank Steak M eat Loaf Informal meating to ddscuas park- jority on the board. yaarls lease. Bor tha purpose of defraying by as provided by the Chapter 100 their lives in the grassy bottoan- 88 Main Street, Manchester Church, Botton. He has Uiree brothera, David, 9%, and Richard, ArtXMxliiig to some of the store taxes levied solely on aR property of the statutes, and land shah be Disarmament Parley Reopens land south of the Imjin River, b y in ttw downtown area at 8 to­ 7lM 1312,000 appropriation would 6H. and DougCas, 22 months. aiMl proparty ownen. not ail bens- wHUhi such ^>ecial taxing district owned by the aufthorilty. near Dangdong-iri. night at the Municipal Building provide for leaas and improvement Ool. George Creel, the *.N. of ttira* downtown parking araaa BKting merchants partteipate is . . . ths cost . . . of aocom^iOiing OeiMral Mianager Richard Mar­ Amid Doubts About Its Future MMKIN beartng 'room. the prsaewt raBanaaiy keaaa ar­ wBlhifr auch.. diatxtct a w . of the tin has prepared a preliminary Rib Roast RK. m u Chuck Roost —one at FV>raat and IMIn Bte., (Contlnned an Page Five) On the agenda are a propoaed one between Oak and Maple St*, rangem ent poitkjsea attthai*i>i4»f«ajRar 100 piaa for district boiuxBariese \V4^- A t tha tegular dilector’s maet- of tha Oeneial Btetntes aa amend­ SKINLESS STOLL allocation of |82,000 from the behind House and Heds Stwe, and in Which owners of both 9 ^ and GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) —« • The only two steps forward iog eaiUar niantta. complaints ed.” personal property would be taxed parking meter fund to lease three one in the preaent PumeH Park­ The 17-nation disarmament con­ since the beginning of the Geneva A L L M E A T ing area. were voiced about the location of TVia tax must be baaed on an­ for municipal parking areas. ference resumes amid uncertain­ talks—the test ban treaty and the FRANKS SLICED BACON parking lota for a year, and dls- the lota and tli* has slug- arrange­ nual budget appropriations and es­ The parking area at Poreat and Assessed value of all property ty over its future today to hear direct Moscow-Washington "hot Blasting Units ousaion of a proposed apodal tax­ ment. timates of reosipta from related ki the proposed area totals $7,- Mlain 8ta. would ooat. $9,000 for a report on the three-power agree­ line" communications link to pre­ ing district to supply future perk- All three areas propoaed Bor actMties, the budget to be adopt­ 710,562, with $4,150,574 in per- ment to ban nuclear tests above vent accidental war—were nego­ downtown. the town to lease and improve, but leasw are tn the h i^ votuma lower ed with the town budget but shown aonal property, $2,137,386 in build­ Bring End to the lease would contain a clause end of Main St., which some prop­ ground and under water, tiated outside the conference. The appropriation would almost, separately. ings, and $1,422,602 in tend. U.S. Ambas.sador Charles C. It generally was believed here permitting the owners of the prop­ erty owners complain (Hsa-imi- Hlach mill levied against the exhaust the parking meter fUnd, erty to withdraw from the con­ The a reotore may also alter the Stelle, Soviet negotiator Semyon that any further progress to ease nos about 338,500—tout the di­ natca against upper Main St. and boundaries of the ustahWahed dle- property in the p r o p e l dSatrirt K. Tsarapkin and Britain's Peter the cold war would have to come Ruined Skopje tract should they hAve an oppor­ North Bnd bualneaaee. would thus not $7,710.56. » E E IN knit ffM K RB IN ft?. REE 50.r.S1illlPS|lREE 50ft::STJUIK rectors hope that the proposed tunity to build on the lend. triot, snd may issue general ob- Thomas were to outline the limit­ from similar direct negotiations. Others said they thought that Bgation bonds to finance the work taxing dlatrtct would be set i%> in the parking meter funds seemed However, the district boundar­ ed test ban accord. ’There was some doubt whether SKOPJE, Yugoslavia (AP) ■— whh this coupon and purchase ol with this coupon and purchase oi with this coupon and purc|iase of with this coupon and purchase of time to provide revenues needed ’Rhus some of tfie town’s in­ Booopqiiisbsd wfthhi the distitat. ies aa set are only tentative. One All major disarmament issues the United States, the «6oviet Un­ Dynamite squads spelled the final vestment Bor improvement would to be ‘tWRiing a hole In our pock­ Princ*>ol sod- interast on the 1 Qt. Jar for the next fiscal year. ets,” stasoe the direotors wished to of the purposes of tonight’s meet­ before the conference, resuming ion and Britain would continue doom today of what remained of V4-Gal. Cent. FRESHPAK 1 Pkg. of 100 TEA POT 3 Pkgs. Your Favorite Brand| The appropriation was original­ be lost. bonds must be paid from the ing is to provide informa/tion fbr after a six-week recess, were still talks here on prohibition of un- pestilence-threatened Skopje, 90 Your Favorite Brand The a r e a between Oak and expend abnort the entire Rmd on ly scheduled for a vote at. the di­ leases which would exphe in one budget of the taxing dMrtcL property hoMera within the pro­ deblocked after 16 months of ne­ per cent of which was ripped be­ rectors’ regyUar meeting on July Mkuple EMs. wouM cost $17,000 to year. Power of eminent domain re­ pose (hrtrtct. gotiations. (Gontlnued on Page Seven) yond repair by Friday’s earth­ ICE CREAM TEA BAGS CAKE MIX MAYONNAISE lease and Improve—but the oom- 2, but was delayed In deference to But the directors said they quake. COUPON GOOD THRU fiL I COUPON GOOD THRU COUPON GOOD THRU COUPON GOOD THRU | g iij Mayor Francis Mahoney, who has pdetion of the transaction depends hoped that the taxing distrirt Rescue crews dug to more per­ P ^ I w EDNESDAY. JULY Slst.BSS I WEDNESDAY, JULY 31st.' i(WEDNESDAY, JULY Slst.i SWEDNESDAY, JULY Slst.Bgp shown particukar Interest in the on negoUatione with the present could be set up before a year baa sons from the rubble before the merchants’ probtems but’ Who was ownera of the lot, tnoduding the passed, p ro v ld ^ a new source of blasting began Monday night. absent from the meeting. Gorina Stores cl(^'-wtlich recent- Trapped for more than 80 hours, lllM H ONE COUPON PCRCUSTOMfRl lIMITONiCOUrONPeilCUSTOMtl I lllMtT ONI COUPON PilCUSTOMII I IIMITONE COUPON PIIC U STO M tll revenue for the purchase and im- Republican Director Harold A. fy took over thie Houae A Hale provement of many new parking they were located by ^ tiny mi­ Turklngton called the dday un­ D^iartmsnt' Store. areas. crophone inserted into the ruins. necessary, and said after the ’Qie Purnell Parking area is now Special Act 180, passed in the In case there were more surviv­ meeting that the move appeared being rented by a voluntory com­ legislature during the past ses­ ors, the dynamite charges were HYDRO-COOLED-FROM LOCAL FARMS to be an attempt for favorable Deepening Crisis: The Naked Root planted only in buildings where no bine of Main St. merchants, and sion, permits the directors to **es- EDITOR’S NOTE—What, is the ’The doors of the planter’s home ii!!:;' on® could be alive, naked basis of the white man’s are never locked. When he has to government hurried to level lO 39' travel, he tells the Negro fore- ‘0;:: “ ’''’ city of 270,000, resistance to integration of the Ne­ Negro Erase the miles with a long distance phone (Sll. What else can bring gro in America? Here is a hard man, "I'll be away a few days. Fear of a t>phus outbreak left no SWANSON—FROZEN look at the core of the problem, You look after things around : choice. you together so quickly? Enjoy a visit by phone tonight. To someone GETS OUT STAINS TV DINNERS UNCLE BEN'S Clinton Bank Robbed often hidden behind polite reasons here.” The government promised that Skopje, capital of Yugoslav Ma- O 14^ SWANSON,—FROZEN atad rationalizations. Second of a Driving into the plantation, you far away it's the next best thing to seeing you. Costs so tittle, too. AJAX CLEANSER M» 90tn 3 1 ' CHICKEN PIE SPANISH RICE MIX special series of articles compre- I cedonia, will rise again. Geolo­ see a softball game in a field near gists are to decide whether the SWANSON DEEP DISH During Historical Fete henstvely surveying both sides of the planter’s house. Three of his FOR YOUR AUTOAAATIC BABIES LOVE BEECHNUT today's racial crisis. present, centuries-old site is safe TURKEY PIE children, including a girl, are for rebuilding or whether surviv­ giant HORN & HARDART JARS playing with the children of the THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY sin 7 9 * BABY F00DExSrr*i9 By BELMAN MORIN ors .should begin life anew at an­ AD DETERGENT COFFEE OIjIINTQN (A P ) — A branchafrom Clinton’s town haU, where a Negro "Hoe hands. " other location. W* d* our birt to sorv* you hotter ■* , PILISBURY FUDGE bank opened only nx weeks ago historical pageant was under way MACON COUNTY, Ala., (A P)— In the sun-drenched afternoon, WASHDAY MIRACLE 1-lb. 4-ex. LIBBY was. roibbed of $20,604 last night Dynamite plew apart cracked BROWNIES 35‘ 1-qt. 14-OZ. last night assart of the weekkmg It is not uncommon in the South the oldest boy goes fishing with buildings checked first for signs larga can while many townspeople were par- tenceirtenary e^bration. to hear a segregationist say that, two Negro boys He brings their mm 3 2 * OATMEAL RAISIN TOMATO JUICE tteipatlng in ddnlon’s 300th anni­ of life with the microphone, so FAB DETERGENT PILLSBURY COOKIES Weiase aaid the break may have by and large, he likes the Negro. sandwiches. sensitive it can pick up the sound versary celebration. been deltoerately staged daring the He sees no inconsistency be­ Some miles away, in a comer of a man breathing. FOR PICNIC LUNCHES BIRDS EYE CANDY TREAT The thieves forced their way In­ TINY TATERS 31' tercentenary to take advantage of tween haying an affection for Ne­ of the plantation, an aged Negro " The^ count of dead stootT near pkto to the Main St. branch of the Deep the heavier depcsita at the bank. groes and at the same time de­ woman sits, rocking, on the porch. i l.CXK). Hundreds more bodies were BAGGIES of SO 2 9 ' BIRDS EYE W“0*. ^ M&M PLAIN River Savings Bank by rlpp'ing fending a system that denies them She is the widow of a "hoe hand” PEAS aiSn ■ 29‘ The bfknch was opened June 17. WHY away a ateel grille on the east side full equality. “ The Negroes as a who worked here many years. The j (Continued on Page Five) REGULAR SIZE BIRDS EYE 10^ MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH of the brick building. T h e y A bakery and a luncheonette are vriiole just aren't ready yet,” he house is hers as long as she live.s. FORDHOOKS TOMATOtS pk». 39* smashed into the safe without ex­ also In the one-story building. says. "It's not their fault, but The planter asks If she is all 3 bars PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 1 ' BIRDS EYE M&M PEANUT 29' plosives and carried off $19,645 in PoUce said the thieves may hava that’s the way it is'at this point." right. "Gettin’ along jes' fine," BEANS MUJHPOCMS 37‘ bills and $1,048 in coins, police A key point in his reasoning 1s she says. DEHUMIDIFY 7 BATH S IZE KIDS LO V E said. (Continued as Page Five) A little scene takes place in the TENDERIEAF *olpko. that the great majority of Ne­ TEA BAGS •<« 51' ’The loot apparently was car­ groes are tike children and that, cotton fields. As the Negroes stop Bulletins ried off in a trssh can. ’Ihe refuse work for their mid-day meal, the PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 1 ' BUMBLE BEE M&M WAFER BAR S’i 25' for the time being, they must be RED SALMON from the can was found dumped treated as such. planter slips a (lollar bill Into .a CuU^ from AP Wires CLEANS EVERYTHING UNCLE BEN'S on the ground next to the bank. A composite of many conversa­ woman's hand. He tells a man to high humidify, (dampness) causes^ more DR, ROBERT H. WHITE 1-pt. 12-oat. LEMONADE 2 BK-ox. The break waa diseovered by a News Tidbits tions with the thoughtful type of "drive her to the store." damage, than high temperature. AJAX LIQUID ■ont. 6 1 ' PRE-COOKED RICE pkg. 39' patrolipan at 1:07 a.m«,Ito noticed segregationist goes pretty much For some reason, she had NIXON SEES THAW CHICKEN OF THE SEA a light in the building, but the from the AP Wires like this: brought no food to the fields that PARIS. (AP) — Richaid M. GREASE CUniNG ACTION TUNA UGHT CHUNK . BIRDSEYE thieves had already left. "morning. "Maybe she hasn’t got Nixon hinched with President WISHBONE The bank’s alarm aystem waa “ When I was- a kid, my best any money," the planter says, "or Travelers Aide friend was a colored boy. We Charles de Gaulle today and moisfure encourages mildew, warping, 1-pi. 4oi. ITALIAN DRESSING out of oommiaskm, poUee said. maybe she just plain forgot. But later predicted a thaw in the VEL LIQUID cent. 6 5 * CORN 2'£?4T Group of M American students i played together, fished together, WISHBONE DELUXE ’The break was described by Po- touriiv Cuba say most Cubans oup-1 I sure can’t see her go without present chilly relations between ntoKng and rotting. UNCLE BEN'S hoe Chief Oarl Weiaae as "a neat, slept side by side on hunting eating." FIGHTS DETERGENT BACKWASH . FRENCH DRESSING Will Head U S* port ram e Minister Fidel Gsstro! trt^. I was in and out of his the United States and Franee. profeaslonaJ Job.” In the winter, when the fields The former vice president told l-ql. 4-oz. SEABkOOK FARAAS „ 14-01. 0 0 < and only war at laeredlble pro-' house every day and he was in ASPARAGUS HOUP^AUE p*v 39* CONVERTED RICE • pkg. It took place only a lew bkxika pbrtion can overthrow Um . . are bare, he finds other work on reporters as be left the Elysee DYNAMO _ cent. 8 9 * W eatherm en mine, eatiiv from the same kit­ the plantation for his "hoe YO U CAN end moisture damage and discomfort with SEABROOK FARMS Indian navy shlpe reported to j chen table. Palace that he could not divulge hands." They have to eat in the his talks with De Gaulle. But he KILLS ROOM ODOR CREAMED SPINACH p** 31* FO R B A K IN G have found eabmeirged faeilagii o . M. White, next chief of the U.S. Jobless Up, Also NJ., admits stnuigSag and heat Satui^y night, when he got into HERSHEY'S 33'* ii8 4 ' Weather Bureau, said today, lag the faoe of Mrs. Mamie Jean numbing his effort to develop him- of agreement that can be found Y O U CAN wring a pint of water an ACTION MILK AMPLIFIER ‘^pp‘*S 9* CRISCO trouble with the law, who went to ■elf. will be making more news in "but people do hold a warm spot Darden, 58, a doctor’a wife, as Mie the Jail at 2 a.m. and bailed him SNOW CROP in their hearts for meteorologists. HARfTFORD (AP) — OonnocU- fotmd him breaUng into her Mcnt- Let’s l(X)k further. I the future. hour out of the air! See BIRDS EY E WHITE OR FLOURIDE out? I did.” The planter frequently works Ijl " ' ------SAMOA 2 ~ 39* “ Most of the kidding is good- cut’s eooaotny at mid-year reaclMd elair home, also te « SIIVER POLISH ^ rfoonl heights and is still expand­ woman with an ax several bama It was a comfortable, harmon-. the fields beside the "hoe hands." SEEKING TOT.AL N-BAN your dealer about a de- PEACHES PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE 53‘ natured and the amount of it is an The relationship appears com- GENEVA (A P )—The United, TWINKLE CRtAM tz indication of the important place ing rapidly, the State Ixtoor De­ after the slaying yesterday. Ipus relationship, he says. AT SNACK TIME partment reported today. Twin-engine National Q iajd Even today, while racial strife pletely comfortable. Little jokes— States announced today it wlH humidifyer for your BIRDS EYE — FROZEN AR/AOUR FREEZE the weatherman has in this rises toward the danger point in in language largely unintelligible country," he explained. Hie major business indioaton, plane, believed carrying four mgn. fxmtlnue working for a tnaty PRETZ4 NUGGETS ^iSTifc including employment, factory many {daces, you can still see to a Yankee—pass between them. banning undergroond , anclear MIXED FRUIT X 3 9 * ROMAN—FROZEN • DRY MUSHROOMS ic 3S' "Besides, in this country, humw They agree that the cotton loc^s la an indication of affection.” wages, manufacturing oistpu* ra­ near AUantown, Pa., 'while prac­ this relationship between indi- weapons tests to supplement CHEESE RAVIOLI tal! sales, bank debits and life in­ .^vidual Negroes and whites in the good. the limited test bon accord BIRDS EYE — FROZEN. MRS. PAUL'S DEVHJB) White, 40,vS Harvard man, will ticing Instrument landing ap­ surance and induatrlal power proaches . . . OnBnance haroiag '■oath. "Way I figure,” says the Negro achieved in Moscow, Inst week. V O U *L .tB B amazed, surprised and aucceed Francis W. Reichelderfer, foreman, “ the better the boss CRAB STICKS number one man at the Weather sales, aH rose to new highs during ■ale er display ef Ceafedeiato flag, Here is a cotton plantation U.S. .Ambassador Charles CL **‘ 27* OH BOY—WITH CHEESE does, the better we do." There CUT GREEN BEANS pkQ. BEANS 211^29' Bureau since 1988. Reichelderfer Is the ftocal y ^ that ended June except for museums, advocated by deep in Alabama. Stelle told the reeumed 17-ea- convinced. STUFFED POTATOES It is about 10 miles from the An 8-year-old giri attomiits to teach her family will be a bonus tor them tton disarmament conference the rstiring'at 68. i 30. Amos 8. Basel, aetiiig New Tack PreMdent Kennedy named White However, tha goneral expanalnei County Liberal party chairman nearest community, the nearest oook how to ride a bicycle in Bostwick, Ga., sym- at Christmas. limited test ben concluded la aheritf or ^xdtoaman. In the coun- boliaing the sincere warmth that' exists brtween He has been on this plantation to the $20,000 a year at the aoonorty was InaiifMelant to . . . Missleslppt Atty. Gen Joe T. Moscow "does not acconspilah day on the recommendation of absae* the InerBaMng labor force, PfttteFMjn ftccuMs KamMly Adniiii* outnnmber the adiites, Indi'vidUal roemtoera of the tw« nacee in parts ot the the strongly pretewad obJe»> SAVE CASH and TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS Scuith. (A P Wirephoto). (OomB OM Page Twa) THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY gee I elai JF of Oommeroa Liitbar H. a* onemployineiit oeeithiuad at a IstrattoB of priBalial larocaaMM^ to one. I «lv » M the UnMed StnBas. n canto Price* efrelettre Utraagh Wedneaday, Jn]jr Slat. We tom V 0 rtglit to Itinlt qnaottttM. ler laelal vielaaes ana treohiss pshewshre trenty huBte* Bates Ii aB awfaeamaata.’*^ M«nclM*r*r Poriiad*, Mlddto Tpk*. Monday thru Saturday *9:30 A^M. to 10 P.M. Mi Page a a v a ^ I . I , 1