X- •tim k fm 9 4 » Daily'N«t pNaa RaA Vor 'Bt WMc Snded X. V jW jr S7. IM S rmmmatirv aiSaLr TlnmderatonBa, m o m 13,670 «rtt& t m t f wtads aaS m m f tooiglit, low 7S. Blw w «r« Tnead^j monrt»s» Wsk !■ Mamchmtar •••A City o f Vittage Charm 70L. LXXXn, ]<K>. 164 (TWELVE PAGBSr MANCSBSTBR, CONN^ MONDAY, JULY M, 1963 A*rertiataic tm r m f B) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Deepening' Crisis: How S iort the Fuse? iiiiii Survivors Fl^e EDITORS NOTE — WiU racial <a the Nattdiial (Negro) BapUst atrife in America be limited to Convention, is booed for nine min­ sporadic outbreaks or are we, in utes, supposedly because he had niiii this turbulent summer, on the backed President Kennedy’s call verge of major domestic vlolenceT fair a moratorium on demonstra- iiiiii The first instaUmmt of a q>eelal tions. Leaving the speaker’s plat­ series on the deepening integra­ form, toe Rev. Mr. Jackson was ijiiii Typhus Threat tion crisis outlines an on-Ute-spot pinned against it by 50 persons, iiiiii survey of major friction spots. crying, "Kill him! Kill him!” 111 The mood for action is all-per- 111 By BERlfARD OAVZBB ading. Its beat is sounded by Dr. v ijilj Vice President Lyndon B. John­ M. Nabrit Jr., president of jijiii son has warned that "a time University. iiiiii bomb ticks” in America’s streets sick of evasions, weary this turbulent summer of 1968. fed up with proniises I The bomb to the explosive crisis ana want a^ti^ now, liberty how, Ruined jllij which has flared in sporaulic vio­ equality i ililii lence in Danville, Va., Cambridge, C. Sumner Stone, Jr., i editor of Md., and New Toilc as Negroes toe Washington (D.C.Sl Afro-Amer- II and whites have clashed on the Icaii, says “ For toe flrkt time, I’d Issue of full racial equality now. say, everybody is involved. All | DeGaulle News Conference u. Overhanging these and other Negroes, except for some Ifocle < New Skopje Hrfj! outbreaks are the haunting ques­ Toms, are prepared to beXji- jjjjjl tions; vrai tile bomb go off? How? volved.” \ il!!!i Where? In Detroit, George W. Catocart ^ lijill Interviews with and reports France Won H Sign from top-level white and Negro of the Trade Union Leadership lilji To Be Built officials in federal, state and mu­ Council—a Negro labor power— liill. nicipal governments, with civic, was told about a professor’s com- iiiiii social and religious leaders, and., ment that "toe old people got con- jjjjjj with cltlsens In the street, point verted and toe young people got jijiij Fartial Ban Treaty Elsewhere to one conclusion: religion,” and related: "When I There is grave danger of major was a boy they told me, ‘don’t racial violence as America looks fight, get an education., I tell my SKOPJE, Yugoslavia (AP) boy, ‘ftght, and If you get thrown PARIS (A B ) — Presidenttho'^ the Warsaw Pact of Eastern for a solution to the deepening in­ European Communist countries Survivors by the thousands tegration crisis. out of school. I’ll find you another Charles de Gaulle said today can be compared on a footing o f ; fled quake-shattered Skopje If ( one.’ ” ijiiii chaos comes, the consensus France will not sigrN,he Mos­ equality with the North AtianUc liiii is: There is concern that toe one and the threat of a tjrphus thing which might lead to trouble cow agrreement to haltXiclear Treaty Organization. 1 epidemic today. 1. It may very likely—but, not would be a march on Washington. Iliiii neceesarlly—ocetir in a Northern testing above ground, in s^>ace De Gaulle said that since authorities announced the big city. Such a march is set for Aug. 28. France would never strike toe search for more survivors would or under water. \ ^ rst 2. It may stem from rigid po­ It was decided upon in New York jllllj He also rejected any European blow, such a nonaggression j after today, toe government liilii jjjjjj pbet would be needless. i radio reported a Yugoslav girt :u::: lice action—or from a minor inci­ Piofioe iee«ttoa to jeering onoerds, to i I resntt to major recently at a strategy meeting In- nonaggression pact as proposed by volvlng toe NAACP’s Roy Wilkins, dent blown out of prcqwrtlon by ractal vtolenoe^to ttie U B . thto ana to BfxinsngtaBm toe Soviet Union at toe test ban De-Gaulle commented, "Today, | was pulled out of the robUe. sttll rumor. fit* Swtoern Christian Leadership talks with the United States and FranceXpIemnly declared Uanugh j alive 80 hours after she was en- llaoed a onowd to Ifflsy o f this ; ufliBeia in dtfaer Conference’s Martin Luther King iliji! National Urban League trustees rittes Haoe demanatiWtacs. i o f a CBOwrd could Britain. TTie test ban pact was the voice the president of th e' tombed in FViday's kUler eartb- report: Jr., the Urban League’s Whitney initialed last week. Republlc that'.toere will never be quake. be the spark that touches off a : »- jjiiij "Hundreds of thousands of Young, CORE’S James Parmer, Addressing a crowded new con­ any aggression by France. Our Premier Alexander Giliekov of (Norfiiern) Negro citizens—strug­ The Student Nonvioient Coordinat­ ference, De Gaulle .said France participation in aT tq;nct of nonag- j Macedonia said toe number of gling beneath the mounting ing (committee’s John Lewis and will call for a general conference gression Is hence without pur-1 bodies recovered headed toward that the discontait sUU Is briow to CUeagD. Ahria Prejean. depu­ A. Philip Randolph ,president of m den of automation, overcrowding on disarmament before the end of pose. the 900 mark and an estimated the boiling point, but. our or­ ty fSieclut a t the Urban Tasigiie,. the Negro American Labor Coun- and subtle discrimination — are this year. At toe outset of this secohtj news 700 dead were sUU buried imder ganizers throughout the uuuuU-y Inwsts all the togredtonts for ex- ell. iiilji ni!il reaching the breaking point.” ■ He said France will halt its conference he had held this y^ar, rubble. are surprised that it hasn’t bailed pinsinn are to he found to Chica­ The march was scheduled even jljlj; The Rev. Dr. Gardner Taylor, over.” go. among oOier Northern citiea. own nuclear program only if toe De Gaulle declared that relatidna But Grlickov said it would be ijp Negro jiastor of Brooklyn’s Con- though toe Kennedy administra­ United States and the Soviet Un­ between France and the Unitett ed that no one else now Burke Marshall, assistant attor­ 'Tfcgrnea are pushing and coKl Baptist Church, warns; "Mis- tion ha.s voiced vigorous determi­ ion agree to destroy their nuclear States are those of friendship and Id be found alive and the gov- ney general in charge of civil whites are pototog badi.” he says. illiii calculation of the moment of truth nation to get a strong civil rights stockpiles. alliance. it would go ahead on that H^ts, says: “The country has to “People here used to talk about •iipi which is upon us could plunge bill through Ckmgress. Negro lead- jjjjjj De Gaulle said France "will not conviction to raze aU the build­ move on this issue in rapid faahian those poor people down in Bir­ De Gaulle acknowledged that New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, ers feel there ^11 be a filibuster jjiiii subscribe to any combinations differences exist between Paris ings in this ancient Maredonian or there will be a great deal of mingham. Now fiiey are talking Hllli Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles and that a march will show law­ carried out over her head con­ and Washington. capital. racial unrest fiiat will boll over abont here. We need better teach- t • into a crimson carnage with a makers toe degree of Neg:ro unity cerning Europe or notably Ger­ But he told a news conference: Possible epMfomics and re­ blood bath unparalleled in the his- into violence.” era, better jobs, better bousing. an^ determination. Just to catch im wifii whites.” many.” newed earthquakes posed a eon- tory of the nation.” If file time bomb Should go oO, Authorities who must plan for He said France does not see (OontiDued en Page Eleven) stant problem, be-^said. Thera iii:!! One of the worst years in the where is it likely to explode? Bart Brown. Negro, deputy Man­ any eventuality have done so In Hi!:: hattan *»«w«w^gii president and for- were a few new tremeys Sunday iii'ii history of tl-.S. race relations was Some, Includi^ Dr. Bichard many areas. The federal govern­ but they a t x t shgfat. jijiii 1918. There wore seven major Wade ^profeesor of urban history m m r •.magaitne writer •mbo with ment is committed to back dsc^ jjjjjj Lmds K Martin, now a member On tha fonrih day afkh the ijiiii riots that year—the three worst at the University of Chicago, think sions of courts and policies of tot quake demotiriied toe city,' the .iHlij occurring in’ Chicago (88 killed, it may occur in the South. «f the Democratic Nathsial Oom- administration with troops. Police jiiiii arittee. pcwficted the 1943 Detroit stench of cracked sewers, hnnian jHlii 687 woiinded and Injured), Wash- Wade cites a long Ustary of def­ hi many cities have been given Harriman Leads Off waste and refuse mingling with HHii Ington, D.O. (6 killed, scores hurt) erence on the part of the Negro, aaea riot (M dead.
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