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C L DISIE Gemini Given Go-Ahead for Final

C L DISIE Gemini Given Go-Ahead for Final

FRIDAY, AUGUST 27,198^ f a q b e ig it f e s b i^ ^Ttrag* Dilly Net PreH Ron Ths Wsnthsr t o r tbm WMk Haded FoNOUrt of U. n. Wm OMT b m m August II, IMS Partly douSr. kumld Mle oMar- Kramer Delegate 13,550 aeon, mueh cmmIot toalght, Imt . M About Town iH attrhrfiter lEuptittig 8«B{ ftOr, ooolor t e m e m m , Mi H To Hillel Camp MtomlMr of Nm Audit 10-7A of OIreulattM TlM SlpMr Club will hold ltd Manehs$ttr^A CUy of ViUago Charm annual outlny Sunday, Sept 0th Marshall Kramer, son of Mr. at the Garden Grove, aUrtlng at and Mrs. Leon L. Kramer of 10 a.m. A chicken dinner will be 31 Green Manor Rd.. was chos­ XTWBLYE PAGBfL-TV SECTION) MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1965 (OkMOflod AdvortMag oa Pago 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS nerved. Tlckete may be obtained en as a Hillel representative VOL. LXXXIV; NO: 280 from the steward. Dead line for from the University of Pitts­ ttoketa la Sept Snd. burgh to the summer institute conducted by B'nal B’rlth Hillel Foundations at Camp B’nal B’- Gary A. Newman, son of Mr. lith. Starlight, Pa. and Mrs. Arnold K. Newman of 07 Turnbull Rd., leaves tomor­ A Junior at the university, row to fly to Ohicaco, III., Kramer Is one of 336 Jewish where he will represent the College students who will attend New Sngland Student Chris­ the Institute, which begins Sun­ Gemini Given Go-Ahead for Final Day tian Movement at a United day and continues for eight Oampus Christian Fellowship days. The program Includes semi­ <8 executive committee at Garrett Bibllcail Institute, Kvanston, 111. nars, workshops and student- H(ieaker dlscu.sslons In which On Swpt. 0 he will attend the Jewish undergraduates are In­ State News general ansembly of the Nation­ volved In candid and thorough Slated al Student Christian Federa­ sessions on matters affecting On Famous G - E Now at NORMAN’S Trailer-Truck, Bus Collide; MIaacg photo tion at MoOormack Theological them as Jews. Seminary, Chicago. He is a Two Escapees Engaged Students from 127 campu.ses fourth semester student at the In Atlantic Tomorrow The engagement of Miss Ann including the University of Lon­ University of Connecticut, don and Hebrew University, where he is vice president of the Marie Dufre.sne of Oxford, Jerusalem, will participate In Injured From Enfield MANNED SPACE CENTER, , Tex. (A P )— Campus Christian Association. 11 Are Dead; 28 Mass., to William A. Evans of the session. They are chosen for Your Choice! Frost Guard Homeward bound, the Gemini 5 were “ go” leadership capacities in Hillel Manchester has beeJV_announced VINTON La (AP)__ A*f’«hoat»d off. Heavy tlmb€mi«>wh.elchalr In a Sulphur hoapl t^ a y for their world record eighth day in space—and The 905th Troop Carrier by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Foundations at their respective Back in Jail Group. (M) Reserve, Is actively schools. rammed through the cab of the tal. a fiery return to earth Sunday morning. Clifford Dufresne"! of Oxford. Greyhound bus and a trail­ truck, ^en passed through the "Somebody hollered, ‘Watch recruiting both prior and non- Her fiance Is the son of Mr. Founded In 1946 by the late er truck carrying heavy HARTFORD (AP) — Astronauts L. 2 prior .servicemen. Members earn Rabbi Maurice B. Pekarsky, di­ bus. out!” ' he said. “ From that Jr. and Charles Conrad Jr. got catching the Ught of the sun and Mrs. Anthony S. Evans of additional Income, receive edu­ rector of leadership training for oilfield lumber collided “ Wheil I arrived, I saw three point, I don’t remember too Two prisoners who walked their go-ahead for the last criti­ agalnat the black sky. 26 N. Elm St. passengers walking around,” much of anything. I dOnH re­ Conrad’s wife, Jane, gave a cational training and gain re­ Miss Dufresne Is a graduate of B'nal B’rlth Hillel Foundations near here late Friday away from a work detail cal orbits In their 3.12-mllHon and Hillel director at the Uni­ REFRIGERATOR said Pierce. “ They were cov­ member how I got out of that poem to Gemini control to relay tirement benefits. Those inter- Oxford, Mass., Memorial High night, killing 11 persons donday at the state prison mile Journey at 7:80 a.m, PJST. aeted may contact 906th TCXJ, versity of Chicago, the Institute ered with blood. Another pas­ bus.” At 7:56 a.m. the spacecraft to the spacecraft and her hus­ School and she attended Salter. provides leadership programs and injuring 28 others. senger was hanging out

RAGE TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 19«5 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. IfANCHBSTER. CONN^ SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1966 P A G E T H S a i Events Events Rome Council Sheinwold on Bridge Brighter Side To Open with South doalor In World In Capital DON’T THINK OF LUCK North-South vulaermbie • A-/.-), 4;.. . W alk THINK OF BIGHT PLAY N o i m i Of the News Penance A 9541 ATHUNS, Or*ece (AP) — WASHINGTON lAP) — Sec­ By ALFRED SHEINWOLD 9 7631 Parliament moved closer to a retary of State Dean Rusk has VATICAN CTTY (A P ) — Pope It Isn't necessary to believe In Q 161 Paul VI announced today that eonfidenca vote on Premier Ell­ Issued a public bid for a peace bad luck. Bad play Is quite A JIO as TMrimokos today, and It ap­ REHEARSAL, COUNTS ♦ What other goat has been In he and 2,800 bishops from EAST peared that his week-old gov-' overture from North Viet Nam ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — A Jail twice for crying too loudly around the world will walk in a enough to account lor all of our 63 A 31017 •mment would fall. but- says .so far he has not couple wlio turned a wedding and disturbing the peace when half-mile proce.sslon of penance losses at bridge. QJIS4 5 10 1C As T.slrlniokos prepared to left alone at night? Opening lend—Five of hearts. A 1095 picked up a respon.se. rehearsal into the real thing to through Rome to open the final 0 743 What other goat has strolled South felt very lucky as he nummarize his program before Back-stage moves to try to session of the Ecumenical beat President Johnson's draft along the sands of Palm Beach assorted his cards. What luck to SOUTH the assembly, he could count on end the Vietnamese war are Council. deadline for married men wearing only a multlstrand pick up a 27-polnt hand! He felt A A K Q only 1S4 votes In the 300-scat continuing with President John­ The pontiff said the unusual planned to go through the cere­ necklace of blue beads? that his bid of three notrump <9 A K 9^ House 17 short of a ma jority son being kept Informed of de­ procession on Sept. 14 would The vote could come today or mony once again today for And what other goat, accord­ carry the relics of the Cross was an underbid, but he later 0 K Q J velopments while he spends the friends and relatives. ing to Faulkner, is always avall- A K Q I5 Monday. weekend at his ranch near from Rome’s Basilica of the changed hla mind. Hearing that Thursday mid­ ble as a companion In a wee sip West opened the five of WMt North Iwt The premier was sure of !»9 Johnson City, Tex. Holy Cro.ss of Jerusalem to the rotes from the riphtist National night was the deadline for the of bourbon? Basilica of St, John Lateran. hearts. South won with the king 3 NT All Pue m a r r 1 a g e-draft exemptions, and cunningly returned the Heralding Homes Radical tjnion and 36 from the Rusk: President John.son was 'The Pope appealed for all Ro­ Center Union deptitles who Robert Huber and Jean Rey­ LTSIIERMEN CAUGHT man Catholics to pray for the queen of diamonds. If West In the air bound for Texas nolds decided to pronounce their HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. to six hearts. If partner bids broke away from former Pre­ ' when Secretary of State Deiui success of the council, which played low. South would switch mier Georpe Papandreou. Eight wedding vows at -- 11 p.m.r---- Thurs------(A P ) -- Six fishermen looking to clubs to get nine tricks In a three notrump, you plan to bid I Hvran photo R'lsk faced newsmen Friday to began four years ago. Propresshe party deputies said day before a justice of ' the ' for a catch got caught when a hurry. four dlamondz and then get to discuss behlndtlip-scenes con­ peace. He asked that ceremonies of Thursday they would not back minesweeper's magnetic troll­ penance be held “ In every par­ We.st was not taken In by the a slam In a red suit or In no- E n g a g e d tacts aimed at halting the war trump. Mm. Today's wedding ceremony ing cable latched onto their 30- ish, in every church of the Clath- queen of diamonds. Ho won with Fun Fills Lakeside Home In Viet Nam, A defeat of Tsirimokos' pov- Tlie engagement of Miss Bet- was scheduled for the same Jus­ foot cabin cruiser. ollc World.” the ace and returned the queen Copyright, 196S STORY By DORIS BEI.DING Ann 1/OveJoy of Manchester Rusk said he was tuned in for tice. The (?oast Guard said the General Features Corp. eminent would plunpe Greece , what he called a "key signal ' “ Let all our most cherished of hearts lo drive out the ace. PHOTOS By SYLVIAN OFIARA deeper into the cri.sis that bepan to .loseph laintien ,Tr of Hart- craft, owned and operated by that would show the Commu­ children who are sick, whose When South got around to when King Constantine fired fofd hfeo announced by her TIPPLING GOAT LOST Wilford A. Newman of Buena power of Impetratlon has singu­ leading clubs, West took the ace FATAL ACCIDENT The children of Mr. and Mr«. Donald nists were interested In a peace­ LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Papandreou July 16 in a dl.spute parents. Mi and Mr.s. Hiram Park, Calif., was towed several lar and IrreplaCable efficiency of clubs ami the rest of his WALUNOFORD ( AP) _ a Richards of Lake Rd., Andover, have ful Vietnamese settlement. Has anybody seen Alice? over control 'of the armed I^vejoy of 133 Keeney St. miles, stem-first, through the before the heart of God, unite hearts to defeat the contract. two-car accident on Old Turn­ little reason to complain of lack of She is a bit of a tippler, an cx- forces. I tier fiancer Isi.s theLnc son ofoi Mr. The United States might con- fog before the USS Endurance their spiritual anguish and their Loud Complaint pike Road took the life of Fred­ things to do as their year-round lake Jailbird and once made an eye­ and Mrs. Joseph Lantierl of ' ^*IRng bombing of North realized she had a catch in physical suffering to these cere South complained loud and erick Sunn, 01, oC WkUlngford, house has ample provisions for endlesa popping appearance on the TOKYO fAPi Former Vice Hartford | Viet Nam, Rusk said, if the Ha- coastal waters Thursday. monies,” the Pope said. long about his bad luck. T h e Friday night. activities sands at Palm Beach. She al.so President Richard M Nixon Miss Lovejoy is a 1959 g ra d -'” "' makes a move such Neavman said he futllely “ May this wave of prayers hearts might have broken 4-2, Police said his wife, Marcella. During the summer the lake offers is a goat. sounded his foghorn, shouted, I 2 said today the Communists uate of .Manchester High School , ®,'' vailing home its 325th Divi- arise unceasingly to the Lord,” or West might have held only 64, was making a turn into swimming and boating. There Is a raft 2 Alice, property of Henry “ have slapped us in the face and attended Morse Business ' *'vn, biggest army unit in the and even fired a rifle to attract the Pope said. one ace instead of two. If the Gopolan's Trailer Court, the for swimmers and two sail boats and Faulkner of Lexington, has dis­ with a wet fish" after each U S Collepc, Hartford She is em- the minesweeper’s attention. He East-West hands had been ex­ Sunn’s residence, when their car a dingy for sailors. When the tempera­ appeared from a nearby farm. Pope Paul said he hoped his offer for peace in Viet Nam. ploy^ r--,- at Manchester Auto . . the secretary finally managed to raise the "invitation” (to prayer) would changed the opening lead would was struck in the rear. Mra. ture drops and the lake Is sealed with Nixon, on a politlcal-huaineas Part Inc , said, “ my own antennae have Faulkner is offering $100 reward Coast Guard on his radio. Simn was taken to Meriden Ho.s a cover of ice, skating and ice-boating for her return be "welcomed also by our have been in some other suit, trip through Asia, told newsmen! 57?^ Lantieri is a 195,57 gradu-i”xinun-i " ' picked• up r this...... key------signal,------The CToa.st Guard notified the and South would have made his pltal. become the order of the day. Grounds u __ , but the antennae are v-erv mnoh What other goat would follow brothers in other CJhristian com­ the Communists misinterpret a ate of Bulkeley High School, j sntennae are very much Endurance she had hooked a munities.” contract. The driver of the car that surrounding the house are spacious and her ma.ster along city streets, willingness to negotiate "as a served in the U.S. Army three i private vessel and told Newman Never a word a)x>ut the good .struck the Sunn auto was there is plenty of room for between- cross only when the light is The Ecumenical Council, sign of weakne.ss. ' Constant years, and graduated from I backstage bustle — to “ stand by.” first convened In Oct. 1962, by luck of being dealt a 27-polnt Michael PaUotto, 19, of Walling season sporLs, Including equipment for talk of negotiations has actually Morse Business College. He is , termed a “ process of green and look both ways before “ What else could I do but tether ball. leaving the curb? the late Pope John XXm , still hand. Never a word about the ford, police said. prolonged the war. he said. attending New England osmosis” Rusk stand by?“ Newman asked. has before It for final action bad play that had enabled the The house was originally a four- Pacifist demonstrations in College. Springfield. He is em- hoped it would bear fruit several major subjects, dealing opponents to defeat him. room summer cottagfe with living point America “ grave miscal- ployed at Robert D. Miller and point, with sensitive areas inside and South should refuse the first room, kitchen and two bedrooms, but But he concluded: “ I can’t dilations in North Viet Nam and Co.. West Hartford. outside Catholicism. Those out­ heart trick. If East can continue the Richards moved in permanently In report any response that 1s Communist China as to the will - No date has been set for the side the Church Include reli­ hearts, the suit Is no threat; 1941. They have since expanded It to and to the tinity" of the United wedding. clearly indicative of a move to- gious liberty, relations with the South can afford to lose two Include five bedrooms, three baths, an wai'd peace in this situation.” President Keeps Busy States, he added. Jews and other non-Chrlstlans. hearts and two aces. If Ea.st open kitchen-family room, foyer, living room, dining room, utility room, breeze­ birth control and nuclear war­ cannot continue hearts, a shift Where You Can Enjoy MOSCOW (A PI --- The Soviet Monteary: Easing the world­ fare. to any other suit gives South way and attached two-car garage. Woinen'’s ‘Gag’ wide reliance on the dollar in government paper Izvestia says I On Birthday Weekend The session may conclude by time to drive out the two miss­ Fine Food Additions to both sides of the orlg;!- a guide at an American archi- financing international pay­ Christmas. ing aces. In a Relaxed nal building have resulted in an attrac­ tectiiral exhibit in Minsk is a Taken Seriously ments is a principal goal of the j Dally Question tive U-shaped dwelling that sets back former Nazi spy who worked U.3. financial-diplomatic team JOHNSON CITY. Tex. (AP)|>D Eisenhower and a card from Partner opens with 2NT (32 Atmosphere from the road in a grove of pine trees. setting off for Europe today. again.st the Russians in World As Rainmaker — Steel wage negotiations and ' H H. Chcelcy of lukn. 111., to 34 points), and the next play­ Field stone walls support the upper War n. Secretary of the Treasury Voter Admission Enjoy Your Favorite level of lawn on the 150-foot lakefront the Gemini flight contributed a whose birthday also is Aug. 27. er passes. You hold: Spades, The paper said Friday a one­ RIVERTON, Wyo. (AP) — Henry H. Fowler and Under- "Dear sir,” wrote Cheeley, 6-8; Hearts, Q-J-8-5-4; Dia­ to the rear of the house. quota of work today to Presi­ Cocktail While Here An oil painting hung over the fireplace in the family room was done by son James time Inrnate of a prison. camp . Four sorcerer’s apprentices •secretary of State George Ban Ball “ Your birthday is the same as Set Wednesday monds, A-I0-9-S; Clubs, A-7. Traffic to and from the lake side of identified theguide, George Ni- heaved a sigh of relief when the ? V’ ®*’’ .^t^visers wall .sound dent John.son’s birthday week­ mine. I am 102 years old.” What do you sa.v? Rt. 87, Lebanon, Conn. the home is channeled through a door panich of New York as the man sun came out for the first time ''‘ ®ws in Europeancapitals end on his ranch. Cheeley said he had voted for The town’s board of admis­ Answer; Bid three hearts. If Phone 42S-02S6 leading to the kitchen-family room. The sions will conduct a voter-mak­ who recruited Russian prisoners since thev put together a rain- create an inter- Aides -said Johnson is keeping every Democratic presidential p a ^ e r raises, you Intend to get living and dining areas of the family ing session Wednesday, from 5 to act as subversive agents. | making machine nine days ago. Jn.strument to supple- in close touch with Washington candidate beginning in 1884. room are paneled In knotty pine and U.S. Emba.ssy officials said a fa dollars and the Brit- by telephone on a wide variety Grover Cleveland got his vote to 8 p.m.. In the town clerk’s hand hewn beams support the celling. they had asked Nipanich to " Pound bulwarks of the of public business. He is making that year. Johnson got it in 1964. office in the Municipal Build­ A small-paned bay window overlooks come to Moscow but w ^ ld have ' ^ ! Payments setup, ing. a point especially of keeping Johnson sent a telegram to the lake. This room plus the dining no comment priornrior to his arrivalarrival. has proposed an inter­ I posted on the key labor negotia- (Jheeley in which he said: Eligible applicants must be at “What’a New PuMycat" room, breezeway and garages are all farmer said was caused by the national conferenw of major least 21 years of age, residents part of a fairly recent addition. ______machine. . ' powers to discuss revision of the tiotis and the astronauts’ efforts “ Many happy returns on your Shown 1st Each Nile MANILA (AP) — Negotia birthday. I am happy to share of Manchester for at least six In the center of the dining room Is a tions for a new U.S.-Philippines rainmaker, a grotesque international monetary system, to keep going despite equipment Except Frl.-Sat. difficulties, they said. the day with you and am heart­ months, and must be U.S. citiz­ round cherry table with a lazy susan, air transport agreement agreement ____ have contraption built by four house- ens. Delayed first by weather, then ened by your warm expres­ surrounded by Hitchcock chairs, some been• recessed...... undefinitely amid ' wives, started out as a comic CJongress: With only one week M r Ml«s M at 91bol» by an accumulation of business, sions. . .Health and happiness to maple and others painted black. Fold­ Indications two American car- entry ...... in the. ‘Fremont County to go until the Labor Day week­ you until our next birthday.” PICKETING PLANNED ing shuttered doors may )>e closed to riers may lose some flights to P^c^de Aug. 18. end, it is apparent that adjourn­ Johnson did not get to spend his full birthday Friday at his fa­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — The AotiwSohnAktor separate this room from the living thele Philippines. ^he"^he machine -- spouting ment of CJongress will be de­ Earlier Friday, the whole vorite relaxing spot — the LBJ chairman of the a tize n ’s Anti- room, once a cottage bedroom. Negotiators ended five days of and blasUng smoke three layed a good deal beyond that family took part in the dedica­ mpucint Colored slate slabs cover the floor kiiro cs-’® P’ ®><®i ST [/.sr MUHirnRu iPETERCUSHING’BERNARDCRIBBINS afternoon. from September ‘^"nrad Adenauer that the Unit- I coNoinoMo »■ , THE STRONGMAN SHOW OF THE YEAR CMOU9COK through .May, in the Manches- ®'^ Slates is neglecting Europe ^G R E A TS — FIRST TIME TOGETHER JOHN RICHARDSON R08ENDA MQNTFRftS-nHRKTnPHFR LEE TEimMCIXOIt Scoreboard ter High School Pool, to in- because of commitments in Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tuea. stnict handicapped youngsters Matinees Only HIT NO. I WASHINGTON (AP) - The of the Manchester area. . Capital Footnotes "ZEBRA In the KITCHEN" ALSO 2 status of major legislation this With the aid of an adult ad- ^ Senate subcommittee ap- In Color - with T'V’e Victor Mature EIvU Presley — "Viva Los Yogas" — Color week: 2 visory council, it is conducting P”"''®’’ a M.8- billion, five-year “Dennis the Menace” “The Tartars” (C-in committee; P-Passed; « a puTvinaio-r,campaign afmed at raising aid program for the nation’s Andy Devine - Martin Milner li-Ivaw) nough fund.s for establishing that goes„ — wellweirfeeyond beyond a Plus: HIT NO. 2 HEALTH Care-P-Senate, P-! a $278,000tOYO AAn rehabilitation cen“__ ® bill alrPArtvalready nnsiuo/lpassed ha/by IIthe “HERCULES, SA.'MPSON, M r. c I ^®''’ '” ®".dlng a customized House. . .New York Republican ULYSSES” Steve Reeves Sen, Jacob K. Javits hope.s he Hwse"^Law*^^^* ^ Senate, P - swimming pool for year-round “Hercules ANSFIELDifn There is plenty of parking for all in the large area at the front of house ' Outline of original cottage, now with raised dormer, can be identified from later additions in a lakefront view of the rambling home can get together with GOP Sen­ Evenings Only Unchained” Presidential Succession P- ate Leader Everett M. Dirksen Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tuea. »l-32,WIUHiAMTir lH That \ Benate, P-Houae, Up to states on a revised constitutional Reg. Low Price fl.OO Shepherd for a Million Peter Sellers - Peter O’Toole HIT NO. s Whoop 'it-up \ Elementary School Aid - P - amendment on legislative reap­ “WHAT'S NEW Children Under 13 Free V* Benate. P-House, Law portionment. . .Two associations Pi:S8YCATf" “Colossus Of Rhodes” Oates Open 7:00 funny Union Shop I^aw Ban--C-Sen- .SANTIAGO — Chile’s “ Land of smaller banks urge the House In Color "Oat” 10:15 "Baby” 7:lo •te, P-House. Passage likely. I*” Fire,” the most southerly ______Banking Committee to strength (Recommended Adults Only) \ wasternlp/ - i'tv -.! Excise Tax CMU-P - Senate, PH^®**!* j ®n governmenrconlr^sTn'^bank Plus: "SATAN BUG" with P-House, Law. . has the world’s largest sheep ----- mergers, not weaken them. George Maharls Congressional Redlstrlcting - Uanadera "nerra del r>______with mnrB m8AiI w m 8 » C-6enate, P-House, Passage Feuga, with more than a mll- OFF TO POOR IITABT likely. ® lion head. MILBANK, S.D. (AP) — Mrs. Appalachia Ald-P-8enate P- Eld Nelson of Milbank was un­ House, Law. KAMAN GETS CONTRACT hurt when her car knocked over ^ reign Aid Authorization- WASHINGTON (A P ) The a parking meter and crashed P-Senate, P-Houae, At White Kaman Aircraft Ckirp. of Bloom­ into a building. She had Just 1 ^ House. field. Cjonn..'has been awarded come from the Grant County Foreign Aid Money-P-Senate, a $2,771,916 Navy contract for eourthouae where she- had CJiouse, Passage certain. helicopter blades, (Connecticut paaaed her driver's examina­ Silver Ooinage-P- Senate, P - senators announced Fri-■iday. tion. House, Law. ' ' Housing-P- Senate, P - House, nUMMrNRRB Law iHWOtONEniT Minimum Wage Increase-- C • This Picture la •enate, C-House, Passage likely Recommended For Immigration Changes- C -Sen­ Adults (^ ly ate, P-House, Passage likely. MrStiMt PvtirOliMte ______In Color Anti poverty Program -- P - BOMY SCHNEIDER Senate, P-House, Awaiting com- CAPUCINE pramlee, PAULA PRENTISS JLeglaiative Reapportlonment m e n D o iu s m i and least hut not laat ODIVI IN HANIIORt) • tovtsro/i^ ’ -C-8enate, C-House, Uncertain. WOODY ALLEN B JM jLflUl New F'arm Program-C - Sen­ OF A aOAN ate, P-House, Paaaage likely and gueat star Military Pay Ralses-P-Benate URSULA ANDRESS STARTS SUNDAY P^ouae, Law. PLUS IN COLOR OvU ^rvlce Pay Raises-G • -Frank Sinatra ^ Whnts Now Msi^Ser?®^* u i vonnery ■ BACKl Senate, C-Hbuse, Pasaage likely, Dean Martin Seanscan unineryConnery and DMreaeed Area Ald..P4Benate "SERGEANTS S" ^ Pussyent? "DR. n 5 " ^Plthee. Leer. J I Bsautiful Womsn Vnfda AadreM | “From Russia With Lovs“ Former cottage bedroom is now !^ood sized living room located next to diningxromn in a mors recent addition Sally enjoys a book in he# room which is papered in pink matchllhg the bed canopy. T 1 RAlfCRBSTER EVENING HERALD, BCANCH|B8TES, 0C)NN« SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1966 F A O l f l V I -PAGB FQUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1968 Tolland ■Wonders of the Universe— the White House was cautioning news- Splashdown Slated Bwn not to think that that waa what &tntitt9 Ifrrald the PTssIdnt wanted or intended to do. Blast Furnace in Space Hathaway Dies, Town Rejects Both 8udi are the risks of the new style of C h u rch es In Atlantic Tomorrow behavior to the White Bousa. M. BeMgst’s Oknrek OsBtor OeagregaOcaal Owroli Former Banker Later oa the same day tha President N. ■sv. John J. Dekmey, Paster Vaitod Chunk of Christ 11 Center SL ustof the jets only to dampen Park Grant Projects himself returned to tha same subject, ■ev. PeltE M. Davia. Rev. ■!>■!< J. K se« Could Make Pure Metals (Oonttainad from Pag* One) ■sv. O. E enaM a Rev. DeaalB R. Hussey Rev. Cllftord O. Slmpsea, Robert Edward Hathaway, their tumbling motion, when / n o t R. r a t o c and said that he had meant what he Mlnletor PaMlrtiwi ■Y IH3- L M. LKVriT, produce exotic m eUU aad al- 96, of 820 Porter 8t., former of­ tha Camlnl 6 performed Friday neoesaary. d Octoter 1. u n said, that we had an better fgca up to Rev. Joeeph H. Dudley. diminished aa the flight contin­ Shortly after the epaceoraft Resldants attending Iast8>lliey wanted U N o t IlM fool Masses at T. 8, a:U , 10:10 and d ir e c t o r s k^s whose charaoterlaUCs am ficer at 'Manchester Office, confined to rseldente only, tat t:lo a.m., Wocahip Aeeoelato Mlnletor ued. entered tha final day, the vent­ night’s town mMtUtg voUd 64 these problems before we "have to ^suf­ The Fels Ptaaetarlnm today unknown. But the lack warned that no other' action B r m BrM*w Bseapt todara Nursery. Ssmwn tw Ow Itsv. Rev. Fraada C. Hawes, Connecticut Bank and Trust “ We have vary, very alow ing hydrogen gas—which made to 38 against purchasing Cran­ L litarad at Ika Pea^Oinea.al fer more serious problems and ersato Of The Franklin Inslltato of g i^ ty win always bs a bte could be token on the purefioM 'Ma., aa >«eood Mr. Davis, "A MaUsr of lU- It. Jsmss* Ohnreli Bflnlstor of Chriattan EducallcB advantofs la the space laho. Co., died early this morning at rates now," aald Cooper, “ We the tumble—finally additional problems.” The production of ultra-pure dall'S Pond, with federal and at the meeting becouee of the newal.’ ’ Magr. Edward J. Rsardon, ratory. Manchester Memorial Hospital just verrrry, ilowllly, oscillat­ stopped, and the spacecraft TTie President was right to stick by 8:16 a.m., Worship Service. state aid. They also voted 66 to wording of the warning. Paster metals — which may have a Pure MMnls Unknown after a long Illness. ing. . . Well not oaclllating’ Just went into drifting flight, steady •OaKOUFTION R A T n The Rev. E m eit Denton Vsr- 16 to table Indefinitely pur- Clough queetloned why "we Parabto te Adraace his words and his intentions. It has to EmaBoel UHhenui Ohnrek Rev. Engeas R. Torpey tremendous Impact on our In­ Scientlstn concerned with slowlly drifting." and true. chaee of the Tolland Marsh. were given no choice on the Oue Tear ...... m m Rev. O. RcBry ABdsrsoB, Rev, Joseph H. MoOsna ley, Surrey, England preaching. metal technolocy poosesa mea­ Hts brother, the late Russell In the earlier, troubled atages The small spacecraft cabin * be possible to try to understand the dustry and economy—muat In­ B. Hathaway, retired vice presi­ The warning of the meeting call.’’ Zanghl reified that the itelfatoto ...... ii.i0 Paster ■ev. JohB J. O’BrieB Sermon: "The God Who Meets ger knowledge of the IntrinsiQ of the flight, the astronauts had was showing the results of sev­ n re e Maatto ...... aw sources of trouble and to try to deal evitably result from this coun­ dent of the Connecticut Bank wae worded so the only action selectmen felt It would be more One VoDth ...... i . « Rev. Mrhin T. Peterson, Ue Halfway." Nursery In the properties of a truly pure metal shown some signs of fatigue, en days of occupancy. «;

ACROtf of courlMf 41 ProtMt H8 NM)»T atUuKIN' 1 Conoy Iiltnfi 42lnr»fo AlOOT A BueSLtt I lorth KAVi ••■N , PigH^rrctffovJSj 4 Comm hominy AMAX«D TOCM TMI WAV PUNCWVj 6\x iNCHi« wrw, • VktMla (aUnDoorA TDOKTOTHI i f r e e ESTIM A TES 40 G«rman lU* rnur 1 mtiI lema Mid worriea. For full In- formutlon call Seafood BT, 8*—VERNON, CONN Gdmminiti Press i 5“ r 4 r r 7 1 2 r* 16 TT Just Above the Traffle O Ird e 9 East Middle Tpke. Poul Dodge PonfIcK 43 OAK ST. Telephone 643-5727 13 14 INC. TEL. 649-9987 TEL. Stt-OOlf I l l MAIN STREET SROW n r 13 Phono 649-2881 6g«T Wo Vrfo You To Support ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN OUT OP A 26 The Luts Junior MuMum A & A Incretue Your Car^s Engine Life GLASS WATER* w PONTIAC Manchester Auto Parts, TYO'*/ AMD • For Anto WindahleMa 5T PUMP SERVICE Broad Bt., is pleased to sji- englnssr, and it guarantees • For Store Fronts and all nouncs they were recently mors com{>lsts comtMstlon for 2 Water Syatema and Pumpa ■Ixeo of window* i n awarded the francMss to sell all nsollns engines. k 26 26 DAWSON'S Jacuzzi Ooulda TEMPEST • For Table Topa ■ Fairbanka Mono Mats Motor Aid-R In both Hart­ w ith its invention comes tbs BEER ford and Tolland County. long-Mvoitsd ‘'breakthrough so­ OPEN 8 A.M. to 8 P.BL CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER w 31 24 Hour Before obtaining this fran­ lution” for extended engine life, SALES ORd SiRYICE 8ATUBDAY 8 AJM.-NOON EmerKoncy chise, Edward DellaFera, co­ extra power, fuel economy, 24 ■ T 6 Pack 93c Service owner with Victor DellaFera of leea smog - causing exhaust KL Service On Manchester Auto Parts, in­ fumes. PAUL DODBE J. A. WHITE 36 TAX INCLUDED All Makes stalled this device on his own Without Motor Aid-R, raw 5T m w NO DEPOSIT CaU Hartford car and gave it a thorough trial. gasoline passes into the orank- PONTIAG, INC. GLASS C O . Salea 52S-39B3 Service Not only did It come up to the oose, causing oil dilution, 871 Mala St,—TeL 648-2881 81 BIsseU SL^ToL 849-7882 60 Jenaen St., Mancheater Enjoy Home Made ludian Food claims made for It but actually met*I corrosion and fuel waste YICHI'S Buroassed them. Mr. DellaFera through breather pipe and ex­ 4^ 4^ 44 4T 46^ Have you often wished for a'» noticed that there was a decline haust system. PACKAGE STORE nice piping hot pizza or a lus­ p.m. six days a week and bev­ In gas consumption, that the oil With Motor Aid-R, droplets cious, crusty grinder Just for erages are served here. The In nls car did not need to be MANOHESTER 60 61 20 BISSELL ST. menu Is changed each dav and of gmsollne are broken down to TOURMNE BELMONT the aeking? Well, you can en­ changed ao often and that ex­ fine va4>or and evenly distrib­ joy either or both by calling the the 96-cent businessmen's lunch­ haust fumes were drastically re­ uted to cylinders. Fumes es­ MEMORIAL 00. B4 CARPET PLAZA Charter Oak Restaurant, 120 eon Is both hearty suid delicious, duced. He highly recommends BT b3 Charter Oak St., telephone 643- this Is served from noon on. caping combustion are redirect­ PRINTS PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER CUSTOM MADE WE HAVE OUR OWN Motor Ald-R to all car owners ed and reprocessed through Mo­ Oppoelte East Cemetery CLEANINO PLANT 1492, for they deliver within a There are booths where both and says compact cars especial­ FOR REST RESULTS Be 67 CANVAS AWNINGS five mile radius on all orders of men and women may enjoy ly benefit through its addition. tor Ald-R—thus a more com­ Quality Momoriob 26 1B% OFF on 42 or more. really good food at moat moder­ plete combustion. Twenty-seven models to fit all Motor Aid-R increases gaso­ Rug Cleaning Three years ago Helen and ate prices. TTie restaurant spe­ American cars, trucks and bus­ Over 80 Years Experienee B. WILLIAMS Salvatore Gallo bought the cializes In spaghetti with meat es are available; there are no line mileage. Automotive en- Cash a Carry Charter Oak Restaurant and balls or sausage, a favorite food moving parts to wear out, It con grineers estimate that most en­ PAUL'S gines are only B0% efficient, 8-Day Service since that time more and more with every one. be transferred from one vehicle PAINT SUPPLY Coll 649-5807 T people have come to know and Now would be a good time to to another having the same type as about half of the gasoline WE PICK UP a DELIVF.R enjoy the really good food get away from cooking at home of carburetor and can be In­ is blown through the crank­ 645 Main Street A. AlMETTl, Prop RUOS a FURNITURE served in the restaurant. Now and enjoy a meal at down-to- stalled easily In just thirty min­ case and out exhaust system without benefit to the engine. Tel. 649-0300 Hurrison 8t., Manchester 808 MAIN ST. 643-6662 their pizzas and grinders are earth prices. You will get a utes. equally popular. meal that satisfies your ap­ Motor Ald-R manufactured by ’Through powerful vacuum, First-of all, all breads and petite as well as your pocket- the Matz Corporation took years Matz Motor Ald-R removes un- grinder rolls served at the res­ book. to perfect. In fact the Inventor bumed gases from crankcase Upholstery SEE US FOR: taurant are homemade; and un­ Whether you are entertaining took nine years to constantly under pressure, mixes them wiMta Wm Mitam • • til you have tasted home made or just want a snack, remember test and Improve previous de­ once again with raw gas pass­ P and M Shop STEVENSON’S e Aluminum Roll Up grinder rolls and the wonderful­ ing through carburetor—result: AwnlnKS the Charter Oak Restaurant for signs of this amazing device un­ RE-UPHOLSTERING • Door Canopies ly crisp brown pizza crusts, you outstanding pizzas and grinders til he finally engineered it to Complete burning of fuel and • Modom Fumituro ESSO o Storm Doors have no idea what a difference and remember free delivery on perfection; that Is why Motor more miles per g^lon of gaso­ s Combination Windows it can make. orders of 42 or more within a 5- Alr-R can be factory-guaran­ line. and Antiquos 405 MAIN ST. Manchester Awning; Co. As for the pizzas, there are mile radius. Orders delivered teed for the life of your motor! ’Through complete combustion e Store Stools and Bootha from 5 p.m. daily until mid­ Motor Ald-R conforms with with Motor Ald-R. crankcase TEL. 649-5533 lOS WEST CENTER ST. ■np*HM C A l-L seven different toppings to e Custom Fnmltare WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE Telephone 640-3091 choose from and if there is a night, pick-ups at the restaur­ proposed government regulation oil is prevented from dilution Slipcovers and Draperies A EsUblUhed 1049 • M O V IN O different opinion as to what ant till 1 a.m. You, your family against noxious exhaust fumes with unbumed gasoline. Lack Mode to Order * Tuno-Ups topping is desrled, you may and your guests will thoroughly and blowby and opens a whole of carbon and tar deposits Complete Selection of * Engino dooning s tsAOKlNO s e n n i t have half of the pizza with one enjoy a real taste treat when nerw world of power, economy caused by unbumed gas adds Materials topping and the other half with you have pizzas or grinders and efficiency for your car, extra life to oil. Exhaust fumes FREE ESTIMATES * Minor Ropoirt a different one. The large plain from the Charter Oak Restau­ There are no moving parts to are reduced up to 80 % and Lower Level of the Porkode M O ftK ' RKO^a.K pizzas sell for 41.25, the med­ rant, wear out and it will give con motor wear is cut down—also 849-6824 * Stamps DKOORATK WIT»4 ium for 41.00 and the small ones tinuous savings through its Motor Ald-R results In faster for just 75c. There is an addi­ principle of Improved combus­ starts even In damp weather. Sherw in-Williams tional charge of 25c for each ad­ tion efficiency. For further Information about Menehester Moving ditional item added to the regu­ Motor Aid-R is a tested and Matz Motor Ald-R, stop in at SUPER lar topping, so you can really People proven carburetlon and com­ Manchester Auto Parts—they PIZZA SHOP U and Trucking Co. splurge or not ns you choose. bustion Improvement developed will be glad to answer any DON WILLIS 153 W. Middle Turnpike The pizza sauce is not really by an automotive combustion questions. Phone 649-3709 KEM'TONE easy to make, for it takes a long ni I UXI WAl I PAIN I slow-simmering to bring out the In the GARAGE flavor and it takes a seasoned PIZZA BEN CASEY 18 Main S t, Tel. 649-4531 SHERWIN WILLIAMS hand to achieve the right blend SPAGHEHI of herbs. If you have not had ‘Summer Spectacular’ RAYIOLI 081 MAIN STREET a pizza from the Charter Oak News Spodfllizing In TEL. 648-6636 Restaurant, try one soon; either OPEN DAILY drive down or telephone in your Sen. Javite RRAKE SERYICE 8:00 A.M. too 11:00 P.M. order. They start deliveries at For Space Scientists SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. G SUNDAYS 5 p.m. and midnight is the dead­ Jacob K. Javtts, R-N.Y., hur- Front End Alignmont line for the last delivery to ried aboard a yacht leaving the 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. leave the restuarant, although MANNED SPACE CENTER,'l>huge rockets can be handled CLOSED MONDAYS Navy gun factory and found effectively. General Repair Work fWAKfAfiOCOKtm’gREAK. you may pick up pizzas or himself an unexpected guest of Houston, Tex. (AP) — It has grinders up to 1 a.m. Just as the — A series of successful ' n o m AND EAT IT. President Johnson. been a spectacular summer In ground test firings of the Saturn homemade bread is made on the Javlts had been late for a premises, also real Itn' -n space for the United States, 5 engines. TTiis 7.5-mllllon- boating party being given ’The flights of Gemini 4 and 5 pound-thrust powerplant will sausage is made here — and Is Wednesday night by Atty. Gen. Vm Ud R iilt'-CU iA , it good! .iuid Mariner 4, plus many less- hurl the Apollo astronauts to­ Ostrinsky Nicholas Katzenbach. The sena­ ward the moon. Try one of the delicious grind­ tor was unaware that at the last hereilded technological mile­ ers from the Charter Oak Res­ The successes of these propul­ DEALER IN WASTE minute the President had stones, have mads It probably sion systems means that the 858 BURNSIDE AVB. taurant, there are four kinds switched yachts with Katzen­ EAST HARTFORD M AnR IALS and all the rolls are made fresh the most significant period in United States is closing In on MOTOR AID-R bach. ihe advancement of U.S. space the Soviet Union In the field of dally. The grinders sell for just "Don’t worry about It, Jack,” Itevolutlonary New 50c and you will truly enjoy any xploration. booster power — which has 289-6333 RAfiS, IRON said Johnson. "You’re my fa­ ’ITie Gemini S astronauts, L. been the biggest gap In the Combustion Principle one of the fillings. All materials vorite stowaway.” Gordon Cooper Jr. and (Jharles Power and Hand Tools used are of the highest quality . SCRAP METAL MORTY MEEKLB BY DK'K CAVAI-LI Open Saturdays Until 5 P.M. TURNPIKE Conrad Jr., have piled record on Pointing and Decorating BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE and you will agree that home­ record as they race toward The Soviets have operated Tool* made grinder rolls are unsur­ Bob Hope splashdown Sunday at the con­ successfully with rockets of 900,- Garden and Land Tools and PAPER is a v e h ia TS AUTO passed in quality and taste. TORONTO (AP) — Comedian clusion of their historic eight- 000-pound thrust or more for Baby, Household, Party MP.BUT SAWVEW.THE WELL,now!,..COME TO THINK OF IT, I REMEMBER BUT, SIR, lU GET INTO WHATCW^H^ The Charter Oak Restaurant Bob Hope arrived In Toronto several years. There is evidence 781 PARKER ST. dUST T AtAN WHO VILD ACGAC^BZ day journey. and Banquet SuppUee SEE1N6 TOU WITH '(OUR FATHER. MATBE THE MONEY TROUBlEf DAP TOLD EXPECT ^ C N B SEAT COVER is open daily from 9 a.m. to 1 Friday night to take over top they are working on rockets In Invalid Needs Tel. 64S-57S5 or 648-5879 \ ] It TME boys, SANCH0...WA5 AFRAID TO TELL HIS ME NOT TO BUY A and HE JUST CRcsmvceACkaz- Reuben Plen’s spot in the Canadian National ’The time equals that planned the three-mtlllon-pound thrust FATHER ABOUT IT. I'LL PUT IT IN THE SAFE AND LOTTERTnCKET, IT'S eauNTED- if Convertible Tops Exhibition grandstand show. for the first U.S.-manned lunar class, but apparently do not FATHER, HAMLer© landing scheduled In i960 and CONTACT HIS FATHER QAMBUN6...BUT- eouLOQoy? Texaco Sfation •k Auto Seat Covers Hope, accompanied by his have anything in the works as lAO? JNTHEMORHINS. wife, was presented with a will give doctors on Idea what large as Saturn 5. CAMPING Custom Made from the PIZZA and Canadian Red Cross Society medical problems, if any, will Thus, space historians may WATKINS-WEST 381 Main Stroot/ Bolt of Goods to Fit Your GRINDERS citation — made out in the face moon-bound aistronauta. one day look back on the sum­ Car naipe of Leslie ’Townes Hope. In June, astronauts James A. mer of 1965 as the period when EQUIPMENT Phono 643-9149 it Free Estimates DELIVERED "I didn’t know the Red Cross McDivltt and Edward H. White the United States stopped pur FUNERAL TenU, CoU, Sleeping Bags •k Free Installation within S-MUe Radius did research,” he quipped. n proved out the Gemini system suing the Russians and began Air Mattresses, Stoves Hydrainatlo Transmbslon On Orders Of 82 Or More ’’Where did you get that name? on a four-day mlsalon and White overtaking them SERVICE I.anterns Repairing: "Drive Down or Call” . . . ’That’s the naune I hide under took a walk In apace — demon­ All Work OuaranteM 166 Middle Turnpike West CLOSED SUNDAYS after a bad show.” strating that man can leave his ORMAND J. WEST Manchester spacecraft to tramp across the MANCHESTER 6*28 Texaco Lubrication Service FOR THE SUMMER Area Weather Director Jackie Kennedy lunar surface — as a Soviet cos­ SURPLUS SALES CO. We Give jj-yf Green Stamps CHARTER OAIC monaut did earlier in the year. WINDSOR LOCItS (AP) — A 142 E. CENTER ST. 169 N. MAIN ST. NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) — Mrs. Mariner 4 stirred the world's line of heavy thunderstorms that at Depot Square Quality RESTAURANT ) John F. Kennedy and her son, scientific community when It developed In eastern New York Manchester’* Oldest 2 Jolm Jr., are visiting at the tipped past Mars In July and during the night clattered and Open Dally to 9:00 P.M. MICKEY FINN CAPTAIN EASY Work! 120 CHARTER OAK ST. home of her mother, Mrs. Hugh With Finest FacUIUes BY LANK LEONARD BY LESLIE TURNER TURNPIKE 643-1402 relayed the first closeup pic­ banged across Connecticut and J. FARR — 643-7111 D. Auchlnclosa In Newport. tures ever oiTtalned of another today. MUSrVBPTOPPBPITlNTHB raosHO' qbtholp Mrs. Kennedy and John Jr. planet. At Bridgeport, a peak wind yoo'xe G o m THAT'S RIGHT/ THE BlFB/tYTNtMG'S OKAY, EXCCLLENT, SOmfiiANP TW DVlMe IWMirAQO O-WIKWJ TEXACO flew from Hyannis Port to New­ TO tt UN FOR Experts will study the data gust of 69 mph was rerded RARTYHASRNALLy MK. W ISSB U FINN M«6REGORl 7^ MAN CLUTCHBP |T«TO T»i. .HttWUMWf „ WASH'. W* port In a chartered plane. for months. and Very strong gusts were re­ STATBSeNATOR RECOGNIZEDMV NAS AGReeO! KNEMf HE'D SE , IU5 N5 KILLfRI J>t» U0«V»0VIR' Open 24 Hours A Day MANCHESTER THIS FALL'? ABILITy— ANIfMy ------ENOUGH/ Mariner also showed that a ported in Middletown and else­ Painting— Decorating RUG CLEANING delicate spacecraft can survive where. Firestone Tires Sir John Fulton f COMPANY LONDON (AP) — Sir John a 328-day dash through space Most of the heavy storms were COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL 'k Quality Line Products -6365 Fulton has been named by the under human control from south of Hartford. Gen. Repairers License 15 HANN.iWAY ST. British government as the next earth. The flight provided confi­ Mors thunderstorms were ex­ Interior— Exterior—Color ConsuItinR Service governor and vice chairman of dence for charting future mis­ pected this afternoon, the U.S. Comer Broad and PhoilG 643.0012 the British Broadcasting Corp. sions to the planets. Weather Bureau said, as a large Complete Insurance Coverage mass of cold, dry air pushes In­ Middle Tpke. West Fulton, 63, Is to serve a five- The success of Mariner 4 and E s t 1915 Read Herald Ads. year term, succeeding Sir the earlier Ranger moon pr9bea to Connecticut from the west. 3.DAY The Canadian air will spread Phone 643-2176 James Duff. contrast with the Soviet record SERYICE of only one eucoess in the lost 14 across Connecticut during the tries at sending spacecraft to afternoon and fair, cool condi­ — Uso — the moon. Mars and Venus. tions are expected tonight and WM. DICKSON & SON Radio Today There were these other major tomorrow. FURNITURE CLEANING Tel. 649-0920 — Manchester^ l< achievements during the sum mer; 86 MINISTERS IN CABINET tM — First successful test flight JAKARTA — The Indonesian A MR. ABERNATHY ,BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES BL WARM S;i0 Oolden Ser.nad* of the Air Force TltM SC rock Cabinet Includes 86 ministers. BY LEFF and McWILLlAMS 1:00 New*, aiin OK et, a brute being developed, to m u Bt CLtAN l:0OMalh.J*"-«* give the United States a mill 4:uu Hartrord Hlthlt(hta weU NEED VDoa/rwowx ( WMVDOIHANEID HE THRim ;00 New* tary capability In space. This LETfe PLAY A FOURTH II ItLOBT THE tXMAMV? week President Johnson author­ Tw Mini Iht ieb. . . wt hivs luit Om ^.D n ^>nl BE AN r.f.m. OWNER Looking for a ploco for SOAAE BRIDGE, I PLWER. y V soweBoev. J ised expenditure of 41.S billion Try 'em today Flint (Mil .. ta colon to milch M id^t Hm I ;SQ Qa*ll(ht that Spoclol Affair? FOLKS, Wntion w coiwT.. . idiit ti umT .. . how ti do NT :00 Quiet Hour* to develop a series of manned Donald's tsf*m*The Finost In , K. W T IO -1 S6 6 orbiting laboratories to deter' MU HI lir iMirt klip w IMH Md NMini lik. 1:00 New* mine what useful military roles WE CATER TO: AUTOMATIC 1:16 Mori lit* 4:001:80 MonitorWorld Seri** man can play In space. They e TBanquets e Weddlngt hamburgers. OIL HEAT 3:101:45 RmntlorI Sox v*. Whit* Box wilt be launched by the Titan 8C. e Gatherings wt* Ylnu — Tha final Saturn l teet • Group Meetings 728 Main st„ manchestbr^ phonb 849-4501 rllght Berenierenads of every desorlptlon W. G. GLENNEY CO. f flight, paving the way for initial -ins test firings of the Bftum IB. \jl t have the "Know-How" BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK DUl It Hie IB \rill be used otartlng In to please you! 17.0 836 N. MAIN ST. K«wa 1967 to hoist thrsa-mon Apollo look for the foldeii arches.. . McDonald s YAnkeMi vi. AUiUUcr Dial I t teams Into orbit to practice for Chureh Comort Inn » u - I, %-jcSr TEL. 649-5258 moon tripa. Ton iuocsoses In 10 46 WEST C IN TfR STR U T M\\» PAINTS 880 Main St, East Hartford SILYIR U N I IXTINSION T lrrl tries with the 1.0-mllllon-pound- Phone 289-4809 f*n OrlHln ■ thnist Saturn 1 showed that tthsn Doric I MANCHESTER EvijNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1988 PAOB EIGHT SA-rURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1965 P A O l N I N I

O fftn d Pirates Keep Pressure Grant Zeros in on 20 Victories CLASSIFIED HAROLD * BON Rubhteh Hi* moral — attic*, oaUan yards, waakly and nxmt pickup. Boltqn-Manohaster E a r n s ADVERTISING ohilty. Harold Hoar, ...... T T r a w m m u i Skins-Vikings Top CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS and alaetrlo. Rapnirad. a m i- B u g s Still Threat S t o p s T r i b e 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. haulad, ranted. Addhtg auk’ dilnaa ranted and rapnirad. Ptekun and daUvery aarrlo*. National l«agu « O n Tw o H i t s COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIHED ADVT. Tate Typowrlter Sarvtea, Sarvi 649> In Pennant Drive W. L. Pot. G.B. Full Grid Front MONDAY Tkrn FRIDAY 16:80 A.M. — SATURDAY 9 AM. Los Angales . 74 66 .669 — APPLIANCES rapalrad — Am San Francisoo 70 86 .660 m n e w YORK (AP) — NEW YORK (A P )— A major tent of National Foot­ PLEASE READ YOUR^AD makas washara, raMgarntiMI, N EW YORK (A P )— Pittsburgh is 4V4 games ahead Milwaukee ..71 56 .669 IVi What a spin Jim Grant’s fraaMra, dryera, xaa and alto - ball League strength looms in Charlotte, N. C. tonight OUeelfled or ”Want Ads” are taken over the phone aa a of St. Louis’ 1964 pennant pace but the Pirates must OnclnnaU ... 71 86 .669 1V& In trio ranges. OU burnstn Pltteburgh .. 70 61 .534 4)i in the Washington Redskins vs. eonvenleoM. The advertlaer shoold rand hla ad tha HRfiT add a leap to the Cardinals’ hop, skip and jump strat­ Grant, who learned how DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for 1 elaanad and rapalrad. Ooamh Philadelphia 66 61 .620 exhibition, top game on a weekend schedule that has all Appllanoe, 649-01X0. egy. St. Louis .... 64 66 .492 10 to throw a curve ball this next Insertion. Tho Herald Is renponsible for only ONE Inoor- The Pirates kept the pressure homsr, tying Lou Qehrtg with Chicago ...... 61 71 .462 14 year for the first time in 22 major league pro football teams in action. roct or omitted Insertion tor snjr ndvortlsoment nnd then only YOU ARE A -ll Truflk 1* A^Sf It’s the first meeting ever for*------—------to the extent of s “ make good” Insertion. Errors which do not on the top four contenders in the 408 career homers and Ralph Houston ...... 64 74 .422 19 his eight - year major Collars, attloa, trash, amaJl Klner’s league record of 16 the Redskins and Viking*, but It lessen the value of the sdverttaemoat win not hi aoiroetnd by trucking don* A-1 right! CiCU National League race Friday New York ... 42 87 .826 31 Vi league career, continued to In addition to ttis Minnesota night, edging Houston 10-9 In 11 homers In a month. Willie Mc- Frlday’e Reeulte certainly won’t be the last. In “ mnko good” Insertton. 648-2929, TnHnano fact, many of the eo-called ex­ Washington clash Saturday innings after staging a fantastic Covey added his Slst and 32nd I

About Town l^ecial Pay f. The K at O wit have Ha an­ Be Asked nual family picnic Sunday % i from noon to 6 pm . at Martin nulc, Bast Hartford. For Aronson SILO COMPLETED A 180-ft. high .concrete silo M an ch e ste r Chapter ,.of rose to Its full height In less *5. SiFlEBSQSM. wlU entertain at a Ih e board of directors, when than a week by a process called program for the Elaet Hartford it meets Sept. 7, wlH consider slip-form construction. The ello, Fine Arts Commission tomor­ a $960 allocation to reimburse completed Monday at midnight, row at 7 p.m. at the music shell was built for the Central pm - jt a u :-fu 8 « h Town Counsel Irving Aronson In Gorman Park, East Hart­ for the seven weeks he spent necHcut Cooperative Farmer’s ford. The public is Invited free as acting general, manager, Association on Apel PI. of charge. Singers will meet at from June 6 to July 26, when ’The base of the ello required Bunce School at 6 p.m. General Manager Richard Mar­ SIS square yards of concrete tin was sbsent for sye cataract and the sides another 900, all Atnnan Albert O. Hewitt Jr., operations. supplied continuously for a week eon of Mr. and Mrs. Albert O, Atty. Aronson wore three by Manchester Sand and Gravel Hewitt, 77 West St„ has been hats during that period, as act­ of 60 Adams St. It had to be sup­ eelected for technical tradntng ing general manager, town coun­ plied continuously because of at Lowry AFB, CJolo., as a mu­ sel and practising attorney. the process used. nitions specialist. He is a 1965 Another addition to the Sept. A form for the walls was graduate of Manchester High Harold CL Norton Donald R. Roes 7 agenda is the appointment of placed on the base and un­ School and recently completed a committee to Judge a contest formed concrete poured Into It, basic military training at Lack­ for a new town seal, to replace Steel rods were placed Into the land AFB, Tex. one which has been In use for concrete and, when the concrete 142 years, ever since Manches­ hardened, lifts attached to the The Army-Navy Atixlllary Board Firm Taps ter was Incorporated In 1828. rods and to the form pulled the will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Town Clerk Edward Tom- form up so that more concrete could be poured. The lifts inched at the clubhouse. Members are klel, who has been spearhead­ i i reminded to bring articles for a ing the search for an accept­ up the rods at a rate of 10 Inch­ es an hour. ’Ihe form had to be Wtehen social. Norton and Ross able seal, la expected to head 2 the committee, with other kept In motion In order to keep It from sticking to the concrete. Members of Manchester Rod members chosen from the TIarold C. Norton of Coventry, former company board of education and the li­ Although the walls of the silo | and Gun Club will meet tomor­ are only 7 Inches thick all the row at 7 p.m. at the Holmes treasurer, has been elected chainnan of the board of brary board. j-’. r TV A new seal, submitted last way up to the top, the steel ty. Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to directors of the Colonial Board Co., succeeding the late'' rods and the curving walls are pay rc.spects to Oscar T. Math- spring by Tomklel, was turned William Foulds, who drowned on May 31. down in favor of conducting a said to add more than enough lason, father of Rtissell Math- Donald R. Ross of Newlng' strength to make It a lasting iason, a member of the club. contest. ton was elected to fill the post A third added Item to the structure. When the silo’s four of ti'eosurer. agenda is the appointment of a compartments are filled with Other officers elected at the Police Arrests member to the town building g;rain it will be even stronger. Weather Helps company’s annual meeting are committee, to fill the term end­ ’The total cost otf the silo will 'i?' Robert P. Fuller, president and ing November 1966, vacated by be about $80,000. It will be ready by at least Oct. 1 for the a otJ L x w Control of Fire chief executive officer; Richard A mother and her daughter, John A. Capocefalo when he The president of the Savings Bank of Manchester of 923 Main St., Everett Llvesoy, exam- ’ •re ee funi J. Sullivan, executive vice presi­ both housewives, were arrested fall com crop from the Mid­ moved to Glastonbury. west. Ines the Jet on display In his bank’s lobby. The model from the Pratt and Whitney Air- . t h ^ ere i There’s no wind, and the air is assistant treasurer until,, In 12 on Sept. 13. The Colchester Stats Police engineers David Kahan and eoe who pb William Bayer. and today at the Hotel Oris- damp from offshore breezes. 1940, he was elected treasurer The artictes. allegedly stolen Troop Is looking for auxiliary Poet Junior College of Com­ in 1965. His promotion carries eat at the u were clothes worth a total of troopers to assist Its regulars in TWO other sUp-form con­ merce in Wateibury, has five with it appointment to the com­ Wold In Groton, Officials kept 500 men an the to succeed the late Edwin A. structed silos were built In $16.23, police say. traffic control and smergency ya&rB experience in real estate, pany’s official staff. At L m Vi fire line overnight, the spokeS' Lydall. Portland and Rocky Hill but Graimls is currently serving The Southern New England Ross came to Colonial in 1962 duty. both in selling and mortgage be the com man said, as they struggled to Qualified applicants may ap­ they were for the storage of ce­ a second term as a member Telephone C3o. recently an­ close the last 800-foot gap in the from the Goodyear Rubber Oo. processing. Duplicate Bridge ply at the barracks, and, if ac- ment. of the library board of Manches­ nounced lower rates tor cu.'(- toOc Hagers perimeter of the blaze. In May 1963 he was elected as­ The ello Was buUt for the ter. tomers who want to temporarily sistant treasurer and a director. osptsd, will begin training Oet. CHANGES NAME gee. ' Earlier Friday eight water' Results in a dupUoaite Inidgs 1. T7«.inlng begins with intsn- Coop in order to better serve Cook’s Service Station on E. disconnect their phones. Tern’- (kfly Bel bombing planes attacked hot The Colonial Board and Lydall game played last night at the Hs farmer members in a 60- BRIEFS porary disconnection Is advan­ Foulds mills, both off Parker slvs classroom taistruction at ths Middle Tpke. has changed man­ the Nevada spots as 1,000 men went into basement rooms at 39 School barracks Wednesday evenings mile radius of Manchester, said Jos^h Gordon exf 45 Crosby tageous because the customer St., have operated in Manches­ agement and names this month Ooiae Se| battle on the ground. at. are: North-South , George at 7, and leads to field train­ Elmanuel Hirth, manager of the and Is now called Simset Serv­ Rd. has been appointed mana­ retains hls te*«Phone number B rothen ter for over 75 years. ’They Haluska and Fred Panzenhagen, cooperative for nearly six ger of the Manchester office of and directory listing and the Firemen evacuated 28 famt manufacture shoeboard, auto­ ing assignments. ice Station. The station, owned makee its d< Hes Friday morning when the first; Mr. and Mrs. Robert As- To be eligible, an applicant years. He said 124,000 tons of by the Cook family, is now pre­ Barrows and Wallace Co. He telephone equipment is left in TTm form motive panel board, trunk board selin, second, and William Rad- poultry feed was delivered to will replace Arthur Foraker place to be reconnected without fire moved to within 200 feet of and boxboard, and employ must be male, between 21 and sumably the olde^ In sendee $40,000 to. $50,000 hillside homes. zerwicz and Mitchell Bala, third. 60 years old, at least five feet, members last year and even who will fill the newly created a service charge. about 200 people. more will have been sent out by In Manchester since the State The families ,returned later AUo, EJast-West, Mirs. PhiUp seven and one half Incetas tall Sendee Station was tom down position of southern Connecti­ A A third plant, in west Tennes­ Holway and Mrs, Joseph Mc­ the end of this yecu:. cut district sales manager. Gor­ when the flames subsided. and in good physical condition. this week. It has been open J. Emmet Judge, vice presi­ see, meinufactures the same don, a graduate of the Univer­ products and employs about 40 Veigh, first; Mrs. EJmest Un- Applicants will be interviewed since the middle thirties. dent of marketing services for gerer and J>^ght Perry, second, OPENS OFFICE sity of Connecticut, waa a re­ Westinghouse Electric Corp., people. and their backgrounds’ screened Mrs. Elizabeth Cook of 562 l i n d i and Wayne Cartier and George before bing accepted. A new real estate offtoe wlH cipient of the 1964 company’s will speak at a seminar on "En­ be opened the first week In E. Middle Tpke. will retain own­ Russell, third. Application forms may be ership of ttie station but her outstanding salesman’s award. vironmental Control by De­ The game is sponsored by the p lok ^ up at the Colchester September by two Manchester son, Aaron Oiok of 98 Cushman sign,’’ sponsored by the Elec­ L y n Manchester YWCA and played IVoop, and must be completed women. M n. Shirley Oonverse Dr. will no longer manage It. Joseph M. Skinner of 110 tric Companies of Connecticut School Supplies at each FYlday at 8 p.m. The pub­ and returned not later than Sept. Four men from Newington will Tanner St. hEis been promoted for Connecticut architects and to the post of general manager consulting eng;ineers, at the Ho­ HOLLTW NEW LOW. LOW lic is invited. IS. lease It. They are John Ada- television < mlk, Anthony Grabowskl, Au­ of the Hartfopd plant of Gener­ tel America in Hartford on Sept. DISCOUNT PRICES! al Baking Co., makers of Bond •dA tk« to gustine Grabowskl and Donald 22. The seminar will outline the aerl(M.'l8 » 0 Bread. He was formerly mana­ newest design concepts for the Zaroski. ger of the plant His additional series’ etazi ARTHUR'S control of environment In edu­ Their faci MEA Files Petition responsibllHies include supervi­ cational, religious, buslnasa and WEATHER DATA sion of the company's branches iMit their ) An electronic system that industrial buildings. vented, soi to Worcester, Mass., and Provi­ MAY BE MORE talkii to pilots to human voice dence, R. L record. End of Summer Seeking New Vote to give them weather toforma- There ore tloa to flight has been developed The Silver Lane Bus Co. of Iin4a Evan for the Air Force tor possible da Itaye, ! SUMMER SPECIAL! 40 Brainard PI. was awarded FALL SCHEDULE The Manchester Education Association (MEA) yes­ use at air bases throughout the second place In the School Bus M A R L O W ’S OPEN 6 LoH w. ^ Values Portable Typewriter world. deiu, Lyii« Adjusted M M terday formally petitioned the State Department of Safety Contest sponsored by days, Monday thru Sat- and L G Education for a teacher referendum to decide ■who will The Information Is radioed to Uie Motor Transport Associa­ New Ribbon s T T the pilots by means of a speech- turday till 5:80; Thursdaya la the m tion of Connecticut, Inc. at the Cleaned, Oiled negotiate for public school teachers in Manchester. producing unit to which are Tim Oonw Association’s 45th annuail con­ till 9:00 P.M. HALLMARK YALE By law, once the petition stored scores of words and Tl m Oonwi filed a referendum must be held ond referendum will cost tax­ phrases, recorded on film soimd vention being held yesterday Gary OoUii Typewriter Service payers money since Its mechan­ Gary 'Vtoaoi 649-4986 within 45 days. Thus, it is likely tracks. Through a light and PHARMACY Manchester’s second teacher ref­ ics are more Involved under the photocell arrangement control­ BUI Oosby. erendum in a year will be held new law than those of the first. led electronically, the proper Riehard ! before Columbus Day, Oct. 12. combination of words and HAVE YOU BEEN CAUGHT LIKE THIS star to "M SEA and SKI Robert Wolfert, MEA presi­ phrases Is put together to re­ relation to dent, was not at home. to an^ Hehron flect current weather conditions BECAUSE OF PREVIOUS BAD CREDIT. wlioea star swer how many si$;natures were Dorothy ,M around the airfield. TOUGH LUCK, REPOSSESSIONS, PlMe" Is X COPPERTONE H. C. Hutchinson on the petition. Whenever it is called tor, Uie k e lc M o f ‘ According to the new right-to- Scout Camp Mm. Shirley Converse message formed by the com­ BANKRUPTCY, ETC.? met.?’ P U Y T E X and SON negotiate bill, which lays down bination, revised as weather There the procedures for referendums of lAl Porter St. and Mias Pa­ conditions change,- Is communi­ kfdtiiag e) BUILDERS and negotiations, the petition Ends Season tricia Dupret of 240 E. Center cated to pilots by the recorded namee tovi tov< SW IM CAPS must be signed by 20 per cent St. have formed Converse and voice. foiaif aito of either all the professional Dupret Real Estate to open to The dlgltal-to-voice system is CUSTOM HOMES Camp Nlppe-Wauke, the Con­ tagsnken 6 - 1 2 staff or all the supervisors or the new shopping center be- called AITLOW for Aromatic HUdeon, Rv necticut Trails Girl Scout camp, Voice Link, Operational Weath­ ADDITIONS administrators, or all the teach­ ended its summer camping sea­ et toast th and much more ers. er. It was developed tor the Air toga bel son last night with a final ban­ Force System Conunand's Elec­ 277 West Middle Tpke. ALTERATIONS Whichever It is depends on quet, planned by the camper eesi now, i 649-2861 whether the MEA wants to rep­ tronic Systems Division by Addi 80 YEARS OF QUALITY council. Campers packed up and United Aircraft Corporate Sys­ Call Us For Prompt resent all the professional statf beaded home today. loaa-Lortoi WORKMANSHIP or just the teachers. tems Center of Farmington and R the other Delivery Brownie scouts attended the Since the National Educatlm camp this year, for the first Cognltronlcs Corp. of Briarcliff Tel. 643-5373— 643-7265 Manor, N.Y. Association, the parent body of time. Another first was the com the MEA, has long professed the pletlon by a number of campers AVLOW will be used by air B1 fields to provide Information on belief that teachers and adminis­ of a Junior life-saving swimming trators can and should be in the course. approach-zone weather to„ in­ C M Newt same organization, it is likely coming or passing pilots. e ( the eaui A group took a five-day gem riot ii that the MEA petition repre­ "Gypsy Bus Trip" through Ver­ TWO PROMOTED Rm w ts.' WOW!! WHAT SERVICE sents all the professional staff, mont and eastsm New York, 10-MINUTE SERVICE ON ALL CALLS both teachers and administra­ Two Manchester residents "Lou Angej when the campers vlsitsd Smug­ have received promotions in the ploru the DON’T BELIEVE US — THEN TRY US tors. glers Notch, Montpelier, Stowe NOT THE BIGGEST — BUT THE BEST ' ■There are approximately 460 underwriting dopariment of the H tm cen I and thb'Shelbum Museum and Connecticut Mutual Life In­ fH ee vkilsn GRINDERS AND PIZZAS IN TOWN professional staff members In other areas. Overnight atope the Manchester School System; surance Co. 2 643-0031 643-0031 were in state parks-along the Roy C. Johnaon has been ap­ so Wolfert would have had to 500-mile route. pointed secretary, underwriting, PIZZA-RAY'S collect about 96 signatures fimn The camp had a Danlah gM 130 SPRUCE STREET the 417-member MEA. and ^Russell B. Grannlss has se a unit leader this Minmer. been'named assistant supervis­ TRY US AND COMPARE The MEA also petiUoned tor Miss Minna RUs-Pederson, o f the first referendum, which was or, underwriting. Both appoint­ QUALITY MEATS A CHEESE SERVED HERE Copenhagen, spent the season ments were announced by Com­ held in April and won, uncon­ here under the scouts' Intsr- Open Mon,, Tuea., 2-11; Thurs., Fri., Sat. 11-11; Sun. 4-10 tested, by the MEA. However, pany President Charles J. Zim­ Closed Wednesday natlonal Camp Counselor Pro- merman. it was soon invalidated by the gn m . She has counseled girls right-to-negotiate hUl passed by Johnson Joined the OonnecU- 8 at a variety of encampmeote in MIm Patriria Iktoret out Mutual to 1680. During the General Assembly montha Denmaric, before coining here World War n he served to the later. this year. tween Manchester and Vernon Since then the MEA has Pacific with the Army. He was Miss Rlis-Pederson minsed to Talcottvllle. appointed senior underwriter to aaked^ and been refused, to lost night’s closing banquet be­ The office will handle resi­ speak tor all professional staff 1952, and was named to the of­ FOR A DAY, WEEK... OR LONGER cause she left eariler in the dential and commerclail prop­ ficial staff as supervisor of ap- members during the Interim be­ w«dc for a tour of the north­ erties east of the river, spe- fore a second referendum. plloatlonB to 1954. eastern United States before ctsliring to Vernon, Mancheater, He currently serves as sscre ■rhe MEA based its argument returning to Denmaik to Sep Coventry and Tolland. A 1965 Cev from on the results of ths first ref­ t u y of the Southern New Eng­ tentoer. Mm. Converse, who attended land Home Office Life Under­ Moriorty Brothora erendum which showed it to be The oamp, on R t 186, is op- Fainntogton (Maine) State RENT the majority organization. writers Association, and 1s a tor< Have yon found all the friendly bankers’ hearts as eoM ns enated by the Connecticut Teachers College, has been ac­ mer member of the Mancheater your mothar-to-law's UssT Have all the yes men said NOI ’Thq Manchester Federation of Trolls Ommoll o f tlm Gtel tive'to the real eetate field for Teachers, a much smaller, Board of Dlreetore. No! No!T Hava you baeo treated like a skonk at a lawn partyT Soouts. The couqcU’s area to- tmion-affillated group, has taken approocimately five yearn, spe- Mr. Grannlss is a 1936 grad- Somehow have yon gotten the impression yon’re dead ant ohidee eastern sad south-cen­ daMctog to mortgage financing. usAe of Brown University. He Just not embalmed yet? Well. . . If your oheeka show a JUttle no formal aotlon towArd peti­ tral Connecticut. The camp wiM tioning for 'a referendum al­ Rhe served M the secretary of Joined the company to 1046 tol- color and your flat can cintoh a little green, get on your roller : be avalishle tor week-end comp­ though it has expressed Ha in the Rockville Board of Realtors. iowtog two years Army serv­ akatos, bicycle or piggyback and o’mon over and see Honest tent to do so. ing tr^is for snsa troops dur­ Miss Dupret, a graduate of ice, and was named underwriter Douglas. Doug doesnT care If your alma mater la PEim When H does it is Ukely it win ing the fall and winter. < STATE or STATE PEN. Yon can get off your uppers and ★ Brand new, fully equipped cars ready to go. ask only to represent the teach­ get behind the wheel of a good used oar (reoondltionM where’ ers since it and its parent af­ necessary) ah— it R^isonable rates. filiation, the American Federa­ tion of Teachers, believe firmly DOUGLAS MOTOR SALES •k Full insurance coverage. In the separation of teachers TH A N K YO U! and administrators. WESTOWN 333 MAIN STREET k Large discount if your car is in our stop for School Supt. WilUam Curtis PHARMACY 'Eff6ctlv* Today— STELLA'S BEAUTY STUDIO^ has been quoted as saying a sec­ You ean buy confidently with dignity and NO BED TAPE (We repairs. 456 B artfori Rd- 646 6646 27 Parkar Straat, Manchattar don’t take yoiw blood either) Just a little money down la Will Tarminata Oparatlons quired with E -A -S-Y paymenilie you can afford. No matter To malntaia oar eonttenKy what you Iwvo heard befora or mad before, NOBODY BUT OPEN SUNDAYS sf medleal gscvles ws nrs To my past and present clients, may I express MORIUTY BROTHERS my sincere thanks for your patronage! M l CENTER STREET ^ — T E L 648-5185 8 A.M. — 8 P.M. It has indeed been a priviiege to have known and OpiMi All Doy served you during these many y e ^ l LBAUNG P L A N ! FOR A IX 1965 MAKES A MODELS PINE PHARMACY (Mrs.) Steiia E. Kaminski 664 CsMsr S t • •46-6814 SUNDAY I 4 n. itlj f l^ftn TV Shows AUO. 28 Hmi SVT. r . ' ■ j' ------,/ l Folk Slngers-r-but Funny

nOfX dYWvOu (AP) —■ Xf theyMe earth as a bewildered aiurela "3 t»m Hknry: Or m Us Hoes y, exam- t areBA asmm funnyAna«aes ona m telelTlston a as a — on _____ probation.■ _ a It. takes . > ~oU ney A ir- < friends called him. Jack Hank, they are on a night ehd> nbor, firom there. was a stoH d r iv M man. He ' be the comedy hit of the sum- recent years, starting at San who were Seeing from religious a for curf- a u r eeaaon. And no place hatae Francisco. prosecution (sic) aad tbe com­ folk Hagers mors than Las Vs- IB a sense, they are the B»lke mon market. The puritans Were temporarily gas. ones. Tern* Jones of folk music, spcKrflng very religious people who (Mly Belafonte haa craoked the music that the avant garde worked hard to carve a home t is advon- the Nerada resort In the past, groups dig. s customer from the wlldemees. But on Sat­ Oeme Sept. IT, the Bmotbers Every song they sing gets an urday night everyone let down le number Brothers television series \g and the introduction Just Uks me regu­ Ms hair aitd relaxed around the mskss Its debut on CBS. lar folk singers do. Srealde with a fun-packed, frol- t Is left in The format has Tom coming Some Smothers introductions; rted without iceome witch burning."

Tice presi- servlcee for trie Corp., lar on "En- Linda, Lynn, >1 by De- r the Elec- Connecticut Lynette, Lori hitects and HOLLYWOOD (A P ) — What , at the Ho­ Tammy and Gidget, long in movies, come to tele­ ard on Sept. television cbvlouriy needs, In addition to some fresh ideas for vision in new AB C series. Sally Field, above, stars 1 outline the ipts for the sertiM,'ls some new names for in “Gidget,” starting Sept. 16, and D ^ b ie Watson, series’ starlets. ent in edu- Their faces may be their om , left, in “Tammy,” starting Sept. 17. luslneas and but their bandies, real or in- T «itsd, sound like a broken record. There ere — or w ill soon be — Iin<)a Evans, Linda Foster, Lin­ Burl, Ives, Tycoon )U U ] da Kaye, Lynn Borden, Lynn OPEN 6 LoS^, Lisa Loring, Lori Saun­ ders, Lyitette’ Winter, Cynthia HOLLYWOOD (A P ) —Walter<^ Where as Brennan’s diamond- hru Sat- l/jrA and Lana Wood. Brenhan, jdaying the richest in-the-rough tycoon spent the hursdaya la the male division there is man In CalUomia in an ABC season hrakeihig for the good Tim Oonv^, Gary Conway, old days when he was poor, T1 m'Ocnwsy, Oary Conway, comedy series last season, or­ anonymous and struggling, Oery OoUina, Oary Liockwdod, dered ah assistant to buy the Ives’ wlU be concentrating on Gary Vinson, Oary Crosby, and airline when be was imable to social climbing and culture. T ^ BUI OMhv. get a plane reMrvation. idea of the series belongs to Richara X. Slattery Is a oo- BUri Ives, playing the richest Cleveland Amory, a proper Bos­ FHIS star in "M r. Roberts," but no man In the world in a new ABC tonian vdiose writing speciality relation to "Slattory’k People," comedy series this season, will is the surgicail dissectioo of high INT. wlioes star is Riobard Crenna. order an assistant to buy a hotel and pseudohlgh society. The Dorothy Malona of "Peyton when he is unable to get the ac­ first script was put together Iqr Is not related to Nancy comodations he wants.; Abe Burrows, who wrote the of "The L o ^ Hot Sum- Brennan’s “ Tycoon," unfortu­ boHc for "How To Succeed in' nately, lived but a single sea­ Business Without Really _____used to be oonalderable son, quite possibly because Um ’Trying.” Udtllag . abgOt the off-beat iblio had become so condl- "But the execution of the ser­ nted tor ambitious Soned to Ms Image as a lovable, ies," Ives explained, "was notably flashy foxy MUbiUy of all thoee seasons turned over to the Hollywood . Tab or Rip for of “The Real McCoys" that It professionals." Htilson. Hunter aad Tom. But Just didn’t identity hma as a lov­ TMs may forebode the usual, at {toast they have the advan­ able, foxy mtlUonaire. tired format of a series. But tage ot bailig dtstlnotlve. Let’s .Ives, ABC’ s new model of the Ives believes that Ms character ■an now, is It U s e Loring in lovable, 'foxy mUIionalre, is un­ w ill strike the Walter MItty Addams FamUy" and der no such handicap. He first chord In the average person, Igm -L orin g In "Th e F K ” or Is acMeved fame as a folk singer cowed and helpleaaly angarM It the other way around: and balladeer, then moved on to when encountering arrogance. a etellar euid motion '"He pdto snoba in thalv picture career aa an actor with idace," the beardeA round- . MOT STUDY a range from tragedy to come­ faced actor said. "Yw know dy. •” O.K. Crackerby" wlU be how people are treated bX CBS News w ill present a study Ms first television series. maltre d’hotMs, headwaHeie, at the caiues of the Loe An- petty officials, cleiks In sn i^ setos riot in an upcoming "CBS stores -r- any of these eats whe neporta." The program, titled, like to push peopl# around." "L m Angelea; WhyT” , will ex­ plore Om toaaoBS other large eltles can Ond In tbe Los An- Color Andy Williams Colorful fHee vlHenoe. HCXLYWOOD (A P ) - - Andywonly Uie audlenoq but the qrdw*khow,. however,' are not Ms, WUllama, who picked up where because last year the singer evei) though he picks them. I^rry Como left off as a style stuck to conservARVe colbty on They are owned by the produc­ setter, turned up for a televlslan Ms weekly NBO:Sbow. SM fa­ ers ot Qie ix'ognm , are worn 8EUN0NT taping session the other day vorite costume WM a n w r bhie only on the Hiow, vmd hence ard wearing a red sweater, red slipover sweater," over s vdilte tax-deductible, Williama never slacks, red (HMke-and red boots. turtleneck, apd." snug wMte seee the bills, but Ms producer ELECT This Mase of color stunned, not ’slacks, estimktes the MU between |18,- mm wiM . iffSTALL Television hss had little im­ 000 and lao.ooo, LABOR/ pact on fashions, men’s or wom­ W^Ui'ame’ wardrobe draws iM m npoNT ■ I en's. TMs has been laiwely considerable fan mail, a lot of H NYLON OeABPBT ^ Our SPEEDY S p ^ t y to tbe fact that most shows have from people who think it would 27/ BR -been in Mack and».wMte, and be nice if he gave > them his oaeW- ’ .Up-tbljPslS’ TRULY DBUaOU3 much detail was ' offs. Some eVen offer to buy: 9omo his been: d o ite d with some at halt price. Since the erlih M*’ WOAM OUtilnON CHICKEN popularising contforijlble, oolor- clothes aren’t his, the requests Brown in 6 MinnteB ful sweaters, anq .WtUiams has are a waste of effort and made a h it wltU his sweaters, Stamps. The world’s "finest eatin’ slacks, end eolornil sttede, boots. Anoy is one of tbe television ohlcke with tnoompafable Hq wears clothes with flair and sla n who starts shooting the as eoM as F R iE . ESnilATES^ taste. obviously Is not afraid of exotic next season’s. Shows very early i said NOI plumage. to be free for night-club and fair iwn partyT CALL IN OROEB '■ ’ INTQUH'HOMB Pick Up 10 Mlnntea Latov His personal .wardrobe, he eiypgentents during the sum­ I d e ^ but Insists,, is not ^ mer, H eqas Just finished a four- mm low a JUttle Odarantised IhstallakoBs suMst a couple of sports JatrikMO, dity nt the W ^onsin state yonr roller SdSHdSI''; DEOI’S DRIVLIN uihd about 100 swefteip, Fs4r end opens at the Iowa . OAU t4t-iia4 see Honest 109 CnONT^. ST,-r0^-M00 pairs of slacks, it >'>•1-1 - >* State’ Fair in OM MoIb m TM>* T V -th M o, Bales aiA Berttoe U PENN I k w The clothes he wean on hie day. ippers and ined whsN

rAPB (W e lown Is re- No matter ODT BUT as Honest Jy em-' a and have PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES’h ® , CONN.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1966 PAGE *rHRBl SATURDAY JU PROGRAM Morning MONDAY J(/ PROGRAM Educational TUESDAY J(/ PROGRAM I O u b m I the finaat vaoatloa spots In tho Ford T iU U iM Sky E lu Amerioaa West ^ <48) AelUa Hows . _ (M ) AoMsa News lwmar, eurrantly I iTBaga_____ M iu (0> (8) Beaaessey TV ^ liM (3) Bart______M b r 6: SpaHasaaa BolUag . Sobserlpasa i Oeorst Affair," Fart n. (4#> lf«WD TV di8i (8) Sparts, Naws aad Waalhav f i '7rma La Douce." (n> SktartejrSktaMajr AnaiM M ‘^lM Lady and the Tarpen" Voyag Robart 8 iU <8) Nows "Th« Taxaa lU iM ra, >Vad SiM Family Voyago 80 Mo : (WEDHf Chatmtd 2 4 ) - ______1. Jade (88) CiBhhsuss ViN <8848) Mr. Naval: (U) IfncMumy and_nd jaanJW Parker. SiM <33-M> Keataelm Jeaso, 6.M llObuni Stona. d iN (8) News "And Then 1 Wrote .. AbrO. Two bandlta■ Join tha Teu a Theatre " » r ' A to iia y Night a* tha SiM (8) Siga ( b aad Froyar and Anne Jeffreys. Bhip- MONDAY llad a man ta tha UrttodoF my Sands) rsfuses n eoUego carry on their work undla* Merrni portrays a captain of levies achoUnhlp because ho does turbed. *- i • :H (3) Towa Crier Rsnonoa and garblad •:M (6^648) Mo a to w to South ------Ue P p l^ to a proetoct of NYO "The Teahouse of the August S:M (3) Summer Someoter news cabis cause merry mix- Beport I What's Now _____ JorgatT lid <86>Nows aad Wsatosr not want to leave .A l^ a half hour film to ba Police Dept ChOanwvooooQPDn 8sttMr atone to hto bSE Announced. Moon." Marlon Bmado and (M) Varied Frogiaasa up among odolaaoeiit eiuertato- ! ' 2 52* Wsolhof •iM StU (M> Nawa Colonel OlawB*a «r. Talaal •i80 (3) Biekea Bnow 6:M (3) Momenb of Comfort — 13). Aftsr DUasr Msvto t r S f i lX T f 6) Aottsa ifawB <8> The Depnty o o> villogam aUar ftodtag a peon. 7:M (8) Booebnll he stops at a security^ (33-M) Today Shaw laratar’o'8 DaaghtofDaaghto Montana'aSlatlioad Lake aad N.Y. MeU VB. Houaton U lM BFD No. S “ “ els to the vtoeyarda of FTanoe ' (3) ^ tha Wertd Tataa realises that thirst for ve»- IMvari Toft (i^tadioa Dar Pedro ArmedarU and ifaria Prank Atwood tight factoiy while ou his reg­ to an attempt to reixiver 7:86 (3) News wita Hlha WoBaco fiM (3343) Let’s Htaks a Ib a l <0) gence has destroyed all other . ^ 2 r * * U '* ’‘S* -2* Dakota. Oar Mlaa Braoks (30) FOm Fealarss Mita (I) Oaasmeka (B) (3) Friends of Mr. Goober (0 ) Ttjple Child Leslte Parriah. Musical bassd 3iM (3) Faaawsrd U iM ( » 4 4 6 ^ Nawa. Sparta aad 6iM Aatlqaes (3348) Memaal s f Tnrih Laral Nowa aad (8-t*4a> Amerioaa Band aland J!**«»m‘**a«al Showttaao U ilg <8> The Deputy 7:66 (3) Let’s Talk Abeat (33-M) Momeat a( Truth (18)^ BeadeA Dlgeet _ < 8 6 ^ Whom tha AoBaa la westoer on A1 Coop’s comic strip char- (M) 8atnrdi» Katlaeo ^ ~ F * * 0*0. Mtohosl StM <{) Hmm Faity VlU <3t) Backstage actors, (C) A Ttoso fay Va f t f t (3*48) The Tyeson Ui8t S(SAM) News, Bpeito, (48) Mack aad Myer youny delinquent and a aoolal • :M . (3) Bdgn (3-38-48) of Night A Tioae for Do Insect Control ' Si86 (S-3M8) Nhwa Trith WamaVa worker who feels he deserves (3M8) News ,t:M (3) Hap BJohards Show l; Trailmaator (MMtoalxht Show ^ ^ TVBSDAY SiN (3) Edge ef Nlakt M iN MoadaTitartlght 8:88 What’s Now <|) Trallmaater U iM <84-8848) Mews, Bpeito aag y.S. Consresaman Donald 3. 'The Mummy's Hand,” George (48) Bose the Clewa (33-38) Yen Don’t Bay (O) ■'under tho OunT" Racketeer, Children <3848) *•“ « Norrbds •rd CMte, Audrey Totter and 7 Repeat of 6 p.m. 8:66 (3) Newa <38) Toalxht Show record suffers. John Wayne, U :M (I) Satarday Speotaealar (33-M) Truth or Ceuseqoeaees (8) Mickey Mease Clab U .M Mews 6;M Teanls for Bvorybodyt Art- Owner of a cabin cruiser be­ 1:88 (3) Moments ef Meditotioa — marrying a wealthy, hand- soaa WUdllfe Kaw-Awa-Kee meets a beautiful, designing 13 ;M (3) Search for Tomorrow aoma man. Problems arise ItSIMS) Moraoato of Oomfor t—> comes Involved with gun-run­ Sira Ott Kaw-Awn-Kee la Darwin Pal­ woman. 7:88 What’s New ners to Cuba which results In (S«) Oae O’clock Beport — (33-38) I ’ll Bet (C) when she meets a mechanic, Miood Might Hymn Repeat of 6 p.m. mer, a Kiowa Indian who is “ The Crimson Kimono/' Vic­ (8-1848) Father Kaewa Best a r ^ estate salesman and a a fight aboard ship. Sira Ott surrounded by the heritage of toria Shaw and Glenn Corbett 7:M Local Issue Oheyeaae David M(£;allum in dlsjday written digests of news tiM Potot of View M Little Leame Basehnll (38) Tonight Show liM (3) Yogi ^ r (18) MUIloa Dollar Movie World Series with Leo Dir ti­ Starring Johnny Carson (C) Michael Dunn, the acclaimed bulletins on the screen at tbe Richard M. BUsell Jr. dUcuo- (38) Film Foatares er and Sonny Fox. Patricia Crowley will U;35 (48) Medollloa Theater Broadway actor who plays a (U ) MBIloa Donor Mevio disguise on N B (j B sea hU colorful career, (48) Blflemaa Yvette Mimieux ap­ BINA'm A SPECXAL. (48) Blflemaa sam « Ume as the bulletins are 18 :M The Evil Oneea m U.N.- being given orally. ABC said Repeat of August 36, 10 p.m. • iSa (3) Uvtog Hbloiy 3:30 (18) MUIloa Dollar Movie NBC’s new series, 1<86 (38) News — Sign Off Fools," ■will appear In an up­ Nows aad Weather the additional service w ill bene­ of a two-part drama musical review of his 2S-year > Beeky and HU Frbado C.L.E.’’ Monday, 8-9 ^ ^ TRUBSDAY ^ Report from Connecticut Ooit- singling career. The hour-long “You and Me," Sylvia Sl^ey, “Please Don’t Eat the 3:06 (8) News coming episode of CBS’ new ' Adveotara srtth nask Oor- fit viewers wbo have hearing Btltutlonal Convention on NBC’s “Dr. Kil­ George Raft 3:18 (8) Moments of Comfort » series, "The Wild, Wild West,” § p.m. dlfflcultles. 6:88 TThaPs Now SabscripUon TV TEXACO BorbareUe of Radio Stattoo 7:08 (3) Uttlest Hob# — (48) UB. A b Force BeUgtora like Bookcases WDRC and Bice Clemow of "Weekend tor Throe,” Dennis (8) TUs U the life lives the incredible tension of S:M (8) Ed Sadlvaa Shew O'Keefe, Jane Wyatt. Pair ot (18) Subscription TV Film (33) God Is the Answer the fateful days In '63, under S:M (33-38) Branded (B ) (O) Conneeacut Life.roagastae. newly-weds are stuck with an (30) I Led Three Lives 1:N (3) Momeat af Heditatfaa — (38) Agricsltare on Parade Open 24 Honrs A Day •:M A Boomfnl el Mnslo Sign Off the shadow of the (hibon mis­ (8-3848) Broadside beeau$e the antennali up front in the handle 18:M Ghanael 34 Beport Immovable house guest. (32-6040) Local News aad 8:16 (3) Davey and Goliath sile crisis. (C) S:M (8) TwUlght Zone (34) The Bobos Game Weather 1:M (iT News 8:38 (3) The Worid Arosnd Vs (38) FUm (3340) Bonaasa (B ) (C) Firestone lirM The Long Tidal River (38-88) At Home With Kitty 7:16 (22) Summer Highlights 1:M (8) Moments ef Comfort — (8) Davey and Goliath (C) (30) Boiler Derby (8-38-40) SB nd» Night Movie FBfDAY (48) Action Newt (M) Sporta Camera (lood Night Hymn (38) Communism: Myth vs, (48) Westover Preseats "The Young Doctors," Fred- Quality Line Prodnets F.M. • 1:86 (48) Gale Storm Show (48) News Bealita 1:36 (3) Yonr Congressman from ric March, Ben Qaxiara, Dick Gen. Repairers License 6:08 4%al’s New 1:80 ^ Boston vs. Chicago (away). MAWet CBrUn (8) Banger Andy Show (8) t^w pou t 3:M (8) The Caan. BiverApeelal and Walter Brennan. Story of a SIGN Weather "The Long Tidal River,” Stello (33-80) iBateh Gome (0) (M ) News oad Weather 1:38 (48) East SUe-West Side hpise with wUl to win and a i u o 5 c ^ ^ (8) Mickey Moase Olnb Balmona interviews Hr. Grant 3:46 (8) Teaals fer Everybody iri who loves him. (33) Big Mews of Hartford's Children's Mu­ ? MOTOROLA (18) MiUton Dhltor Movie U tU (IS) For Adalts Only 4:M (8) Yankee Basetauf "Benson Murder Case," Wil- seum. M) ^ Valoachableo BELMONT (M) MIghUlfe (38) ladastry ea Parade N.Y. vs. Kansas City Itom Powell and Paul Lukiui. C A U 649-1752 "Wings Over Honolulu.'* P r»- ly Ellers. — Says — vealnre 1:86 (•) News wor Navy pilot faces a court 'The Women's Touch." • Uam Dwight Sr., Holyoke 881 MAIN ST. (8) TeU He, Dr. Breihers Jritoa^Pt - Telegram; with *!!!"'■ Aad Weather STANEK ELECTRbNICS rnuik Findlay—FMe Gitnwr martial. R oy H U la ^ Wendy U tM (8) F.J. Movie '« (38-48) Beany sad Oeefl <•> Momeato af Oomtoot Barrie and William Gorgon. (W) Faith to FaUh R l ^ r d Garvey, Springfield Good Night Hyma P N p S . "Twenty Plus Two,” David DaUy News, as moderator, STATE SEBV. STATION 277 BROAD S’TREET— PHONE 649-1124 (8) Admiral Jack Show Jonssem Jeanne Croto and **If iron dont boy (M) CalhoUe Hour 1:U (I) Momata rt Medttattoa ~ (83) Featare Foar-TUr^ n » < lf> .^ er*ea a Golf Classic SIga Ott ' no MAIN ST. 8 OrimroM 88. MnaoliMter Agnes Mooreheod. Private In­ 11 :N (3) Interaatloaal Zoas 4:tt (8) lime (bt for Sporta "Road to Rio,” Bob Hope and vestigator, engaged to finding * C your car at Avto (8) Commeals and People _ „ At end of game. Bing Crosby. Bad .luck of one a missing heiress, becomes In­ Discount House, .? „ program features •:M (13) The ftoher Fatally WiTMAN OIL OOl, tim e top miwtotana tarns volved ^ th a movie star, his "Goya" Greek Orthodox Youth (M M ) Baeore brighter when they stowaway . you're paying too of America. RANGE md DRYER S4 MAIN 8T. ex-flanoes and a glri to tho I 'T h e Cboaen Child” NBC Newa m a k e a d if f e r e n c e WIDBRE YOU SAVE! OB a luxury liner bound for Rio. case. much. (3848) Ballwlaklo M ard • winning stiitudy of the WIRING SERVICE DOES TRIANEtE (M) Sapermaa— (48) Merv Oriftto Show (33) It b Wrlttea Joya and wroniwM that are po- Memory Laao Starrtog Johnny Ctoraon (0 ) sMost Cars are {> u (8) Samethtag Now b r FaU Snrrtos Changeo. Complete (88) f^ y s a a a s i u Lt SS w W”* o:M (i) I’ve Got a Secret W lrtar InataUttloBa la OM (8) Fetor Fetomas guaranteed 100%! ( M ^ Diseovery ART WINNER FLUNKS -(IS) Ik e Christophers and New Homea aad B buI* (18) MlUtoa Ib lla r Mavis SiM (3) The Tm alleO i CeatBL, mSTANT (48) Blflemaa LONDON (AP) -- Petor Gkxl- ^ephertJoM&'lauto.Sufoten "H e^ b reo k Country; Italy's neeaea. SPSGXALIZB (48) Kaaekaat Aard, 17, TvtiUMr of tho top prUo s Large Selection s f ^ t h . ’* An exploration of why Beetpio Beat iBstaUattoas. ) W(8) JNeWfNews GMa A Wsattog w ta tho 19M British natlOMl ox- Fine Cars! Imight 1 ^ human emotions 1 ^ reform boa failed to cure EARNINGS ^ Blhto A Z V o n from day o f daposM, and Balancing m th (88) nil BataS . “My patattags luro mostly ab- AUTO "Immortal Love.” (M) Mr. aad Mrs. North 4 ttmas ydtuny. (8) News 13:U '(» Preflle JM) ShorIH of Coehlso ■ASSIT >iwAsind'i IM^^itJUIIET Precision Snap-On (It) aubheaaa * Btraot,” he said. “Hio poopio „ "The „ AmericanArne: Flog." g:M (3) Zeorama who markod tho oxamtaamn 13:M (3) We Believe (3348) Sp~ erto to Aettea Equipment woro looking (or photograi^o ^ DISCOUNT ^ Jewish "Monte Oario ___ l ^ y " — sporta U*T MADt nr.. NANOBBSTBB • ROUTS fl, OOVSWTHT Ooatomload Seat Oovece Doable Stamps ( U m rnmmiUf Brtahtoy roproJontatlon.'' (M) W lm to Jamalea OusteeMsed Aoto Tiips On' lahday ;|H0U$E,lncL>: Soma breathtaking views ct (M) Ste!lrt£g*thS*WW^8 DRMPSEY.TEGELBR oRd Co.,^ |r«. 478 Center S t one of the most bMutIful va- / <:*> pm. luting, Ohamiel Don WILLIS Garage Carribbeaa. TURNPIKE AUTO Hoorai 7 A.M. to 11PJM. Phone 643-9581 (48) Big Plelare 1:M (■) Loasto WILSON •SIENDLT AMD HELFTUL TBANBAOTIONR HANDLED ON ______8PB01AU8TS IN 13 :U (M> Tlw Uvtog Word H, Where Are Yenf a l l EOCOHANOES HBTED AMD CNLIRTED__MUTUAL lUMDR WHKIBL ALIONMENT AND 9:66 (3) Year Congressman from IUCT8ICAI. CO. DICK NOEL, ^ p . • E-Z Financing Coaa. * SEAT UOVERS BRAKE SERVICE 8! S J a S lS f Weeldeatlal-OoiBBL-lBd. MS W. Middle Tptab MAIN n s s n U O u e a y * dnriBR < 128 'DiUand Tpke. GENERAL AUTO REPAIR • Open Evenings M t ^ l 7 — M t - U M M Mow Tark 8t Route 88-648-7614 •tt-MSl—18 MAIN ST,, MANCfHESTER ^ h ijrijiiijii i |^ i( d l i )»

WASHI PresifJent moned sit A White I: day in an what he c and head 'The Presi personal pli »A 6 B 1 Ueyd -■ ---- Thaxtoa Shew ialktag anA srmng4“ to era. ~~ t la Arrenttns.' 8tM Riflemaa Ino ot “Our Private World," a Bueaes Aires eportsnian. g]H Nawa and Wstotot day mldnlg When CBS’ "Dick Van Dyke The hour series for sevwal liW Weal ll Bla FilsaiB Osnan (Ot Johnson’s s Mato a Deal (fit Bhow" returhs to the air tor a seasons was called "The 8 S S Maara fl personal 1 M W season Sept. U , the net­ Nurses," and the title roles dispute at work’s eautloua Imitatibo o< were pUyed by Shirt Conway, lito la Pniadlse **Petyon Place" will be conclud­ as lis Thorpe, a mature an|^ SiW s iu (SI ed, something less than a hit ot mercy, aM Zina Bethune as nSsiirt^iii-'ss But somtiMw, from the very Gall Lucas, a young one. In an StW Party . Ml M Ha, Dn. tolM lss beginning ot “Our Private effort to bolstw Its flagging rat­ Deetom “ • f f e W orld," one had a feeling that ings, CBS last season added two tiSi SrtS (>^Raws and 8 per Rogam, MdWMd Mvaratt Vac CBS------didn’t really- f thlnklt was male physicians as leading lU _ , 1 TV ___ tor bast L____ (Ml tar. DC _ . (4S1 Marv OrWIn kist a summer nplacement. spiced tto the story lines. Ml Oeaetal Hwmllal m-MM> Lsaal Mawa Secondly, the principal charao- This drastle treatment failed 8iN TsTrtlltoTraih Wasttor UiM (Ml C o e ter was spun off the long-play­ to cure rating troubles, so the m Tea Sto** Say (Ot liU (Ml Bgaaia Danes Party llM (Ml One ing daytime soap opera. And >1to Big Plrtan M m Igarts < network show at >4S1 rUmSg MafrtsSs (M)• Nawa Uga Off WASH Lisa carefully kept the door But the Show’s J;W (}> News 7:N (S> Tto Mnartaia M l DA. Alt Fafoa BaHgians open so she could slip back to iM (i) Baaaw kaiy.SIww Daniel Baaaa agreemen producer stubbornly refused to (01 liM 7{1 Nawaeana the daytime fold. w l U j ^ up again on Peatare Feai^Thlrty (UM> H a ^ (B> (01 speaks of ELECTRONICS town — a sort of spin-off on the *'C!rlme in the Streeta," Sal (8-MM> Peytoa PlaM Men and Freedom" series, wUl Mineo and John Caaaavetee. U;M (t> The Defaaders the year’s LABORATORIES author of the book, ' “Peyton A young hoodlum and a leader « o M. ***• ntnigi^e between Bng^ ber, Senati Place." of a Street gang, plots murder "^(itt^'lilfa'jSrr.S Everett M. n ie feminine audience didn’t in spite0 of social worker Fhuippe. When a ww. u nance in the lOth century. TOcts Cong 277 BROAD seem to care, so they changed October. the name, dr^tped the novelist, Only tw and concentrated on her two young nieces. ’The patient'failed the Senat E X P E R T to rtdly in the ratings, so on gram ahea Sept. 24 its time runs out. F R H ) A Y JO P R O G R A M claims agi S E R V IC E and the ot Tinas Ohannal (S) News sad Weather (Ml D.S. A ir Fare# BeHgfans In Florida. 1(M ( » Best Sener , Three Btaesea 1:4t (t> News The Ho L Jet pilot tries to redeem pest (Ml AetieB Mews llM (8) Hemaats sf Oeartert — nothing to mistakes■ and ragaln ■ ino______conn- •tM (S> Sports, News and Wealtor Oeed Might Hnun n Includei o f T V am i Coming Shows dence he has tost William Hot- (Ml The Satat tl4t (I) Newa aaIWaalhM den. federal aU “World in a Marsh,’’ an . Virglnfa Leith andBdlJ( Joyd ■ giU (B> Newt tiU (t> Memeat e( MedHatisa -> Nolan. W) (M) a abhenee SIga Oft ter areas, RADIOS award-winning film on the „ Hevie S SiM (S> News surplus na' miniature life found in the “Swing Tour Lndy," It) Baartoa Street Beat CA U M9-1124 Humphrey Bognit, Fenny Sm- “ Missing Queen," (Ml Cfalhoun foreign na marshland, will be presented on rtetoo ifad Ronald Rtegan. gets involved to a beauty con- ^U.N.CL.E.’ Bows of an agre Channel 34’s "What New" Mon­ Promoter sets up a wrestling iast in which murder fa one ot drop tarl day at 6 p.m. camp in Missouri and ths the ludgtog/factors. TV'Batfo, Bales i Sendee wholelie town ■ gets Into1 the act itS-M>niatIey — Biiahlay For 007 Special products, I (M) Bahaa Onaaei Bepert ■peed grou W illiam H. Paricer, the poUoe (toMrSTBame wHh kittr g:M (Ml News sad Weather Final ac (Ml Aettaa Haws gtM the Press" tomorrow 6-d;30 (M l PWth far Teday (SSMMl Lseal News ai brated colleague, James Bond. SUPPUES (tol.Be^ Oane# W6aHmv pm . 1:M (MM) T ill (Ml gammer Blxhltghta NBC will prasent m Sports Camera TTie new fashions are ex­ (M M l Memsal af Tnrth (44) News Incradible Worid of Jams8 and Grata (M M l Where tto Aettaa, Is IlM (t> Bawhtde B i amined to "Paris Bbcctusive: t:M (*) Baaaa Party (Ml iBleraatlaaal StowUms Bond" 'With Bean Connery m- ^ Pets, Pet Foods boet. mmd Pet Attlrs ^ ’06 with Ottvia de KavUlahd” on (M M ) Tto Daetars a Don Ameche, host, "Thei no V.-BOCaeoh (S-MMl A TIaao tar Da National (hreua.’' ’Die network anld the program “AiBC Scope" WednesdaxJ0:30' liU (S-MMl Nawa w«h WesMn’e - PItotsloaes U pm. - Paris salofis will be ■iM (SMMl P.D.B. Will bo “ an entertaining and LITTLE & vlsHed for fhe prewletw. SiM (S) Bdga af NishI •:M (|) Sarrlvsl ■lightly humorous nnnlyni" of (M M ) Aaattor Waild "Scott Caipentor." ‘ Tto earth Bond. Film clips from tha Bond (S) Trailamster stUI as all attention rIvaU on M cKi n n e y Marion Brando and Glenn (M M ) aeaeral Hacyltal Soott Carpenter. Momenta, be­ films, In' Which Ckxmery ntnra, C( fore, he BuoceaaniUy completed will illustrate Agent 007’a teoli* U WOmiBBllKlB 8T. Ford are the principals in the SiM (t> Ta Ten tto Tra& 'movie, “The Teahouse of the (MM) Tear Han’t Say (01 orbital fllghi But now, nlques with villains aad women. MaaAestoi^-64S-S0tt (IS) Digest tag overshot nfa mark, to August Moon" tonlghi on NBC (SSMl Teang Marrieds iMft at sea. SAIGK at 8:00 . . . “LI’l Abner,’’ with 4:M (S) BaaferXsAr Shew Family from thi Pkter Psimer and Leelle Par­ (SSMl HatekOsme (01 t:M (SI O u Prtvata Warid it) Mlekey Maaaa Gtab (|M______M ) Valeattae’s______D~aF rish, will be presented on NBC’s & ) MIBtoB Dallar Marta tiM (tl Vaeatlen n u ^ a s e Viet Con WHY “T^iestey Movie Special’’ 8:80- '^ I n to Town." Mae West had (t M Ml Peytsn Plaoe Nam, a Paul (favaaagh. UiM (tl Slatlesy’s Peepls C3ommur 11 p.m. (M> TraUauwter (M tU iJaok Faar Ftagram (Ml Bwabhy Shaw down an HONDA "The Cliocen Child," a study 4:M ( M ^ News '* " M 1 U O’ Claek High North Vie 4iM pe torIw BrttfahBrUfah Army offt- Systtm. tlons, the SPORTS CENTER •iM (I Ysnr Steatar fsaa ear who lovaa her. - •M Center Bb MS-9Ua and manner of taking ftafi And ■ Rtbk (4t) Merv Or give the I g *to «. W llliM M & g part jon (0) OeppiiliDie - I bombs dn tiM. Befert K‘mii. v' O il ' The spe ■n Thuriderct MANCHESTER JOIIMBB DBVMMKB S e r v iM ground (li B e* Ocrane, who will star on 841 Broad ing mlssli CBS’ agw aeriea, "Hogan’a. HB- ot Hanoi, roes,". . w u once adrunftn^r strofit to have e; QLDSMOBILE with the Connecticut Symphony OAS 649-4648 not be ret Orchestral ' • ness. He "Your OMMfiobilG Oeeier'' Another when It ( ICE ble over P 111 WEST OENTER St. - ils-tsil PLANT OPEN , pilot was ‘Weekddye 8 to 8<80 # JM.» Sandaya 8 A J t t to 1 M l . ejected ai ’ OBACUBD lOBe-OLOCK lO tfl CUM* ing- A U.8. NEW or USED L T. W OOI^ »iB IS S B L L ST. killed Su w . J r raone 848-1138 \ two obs 0^ t « ' Khanh H north of i announce • r alrcral The ■ these d ground w The Oc activity and also held a 1 hlghlanda Ot Kontur Governi

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