Español II- Capítulo 1: Nota Cultural & Geocultural Repaso Nombre: Fecha (en Español):

1. What age does a girl have to be in order to receive La fiesta de quinceañera? 2. Who was the La Basílica Guadalupe constructed after? 3. What is the original name of City? 4. What civilization originally inhabited the area where México City is currently built? 5. What ruins are in the center of ? 6. When was El Templo Mayor discovered? 7. Who was the Aztec emperor when Hernán Cortés arrived in Mexico in 1519? 8. When did Cortés conquer the Aztecs and Mexico City? 9. What are “trajineras” and where are they used? 10. What Mexican city is known as “lugar de las Flores” or the place of the flowers? 11. What do the people in Mexico City do on the weekends? 12. What do they do when they are in these flat-bottom boats? 13. When is the Independence Day of Mexico celebrated? 14. How is Independence Day in Mexico celebrated? 15. What does the Mexican President shout to the people on Independence Day? 16. Where is the message from the president (answer #10) shouted from? 17. What are the colors of the Mexican flag? 18. What foods do the Mexican people usually prepare on this day? 19. What is a traditional dish prepared on Mexico’s Independence Day? 20. What is significant about the dish mentioned above? 21. In Mexico City, there are many places to go and do this. 22. Where is most shopping done in Mexico City? 23. Besides department stores, what kinds of shops are you able to shop from in Mexico City? 24. What market stand has most merchandise in the entire city? 25. What is the name of the Mexico City market that offers a variety of crafts from the countries many regions? 26. Markets in Mexico City offer a great variety of ______. 27. This famous female Mexican artist painted many self-portraits. 28. What is the Spanish word for self-portrait? 29. What fiesta is celebrated on December 12th? 30. This figure is a representation of an Aztec warrior and can be found in el Museo Del Templo Mayor. 31. Which Mexican artist painted the mural La gran ? 32. What is another name for the Plaza of the located in the heart of Mexico City?