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VU Research Portal Christian Contextualization in Formosa Lin, C.H. 2014 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) Lin, C. H. (2014). Christian Contextualization in Formosa: A Remarkable Episode (1624-1662) of Reformed Mission History. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. E-mail address: [email protected] Download date: 04. Oct. 2021 Christian Contextualization in Formosa A Remarkable Episode (1624-1662) of Reformed Mission History Changhua Lin 1 2 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Christian Contextualization in Formosa A Remarkable Episode (1624-1662) of Reformed Mission History ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. F.A. van der Duyn Schouten, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid op maandag 15 december 2014 om 11.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Chang-Hua Lin geboren te Hualien, Taiwan 3 promotor: prof. dr. M.E. Brinkman copromotoren: dr. A.G. Hoekema prof. dr. W. Janse 4 Christian Contextualization in Formosa A Remarkable Episode (1624-1662) of Reformed Mission History Changhua Lin 5 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 7 Map of Formosa Chapter I: New Developments A. An Investigation of the Formosan Church from a New Perspective 9 1. A Rediscovery of the History of Taiwan 9 2. A Taiwanese Perspective as an Example of a Contextual Approach 10 B. The Research Question, Previous Studies, and New Sources 13 1. The Research Question and Main Characteristics of this Study 13 2. Previous Studies on this Subject 15 3. Historical Sources 22 4. New Sources since the 1990s 29 Chapter II: Antonius Walaeus and the Seminarium Indicum A. Missionary Work of the Netherlands Reformed Church 31 1. Christianity in Asia since the Sixteenth Century 31 2. The Belgic Confession, the VOC Administration, and their Significance for Mission 33 3. The VOC Missionary Vision and the Difficulties in Recruiting Ministers for the East Indies 35 B. The Seminarium Indicum 36 1. The Establishment of the Seminarium Indicum 36 2. Antonius Walaeus (1573-1639) 37 3. The Curriculum of the Seminarium Indicum 38 a. Sebastiaan Danckaerts 39 6 b. The Practice of Piety 41 c. Georgius Candidius and Sebastiaan Danckaerts 42 4. The Number of Seminarium Indicum graduates 43 5. The Closing of the Seminarium Indicum 44 6. The Significance of the Seminarium Indicum 45 Chapter III: The Establishment of the Formosan Church A. General Remarks on the Formosan Cultural and Religious Context 48 1. The Linguistic Evidence Regarding Ethnic Relations of Formosan Aborigines in the Seventeenth Century 49 2. Sirayan Deities, Festivities, and Taboos 52 a. The Highest Deities of the Sirayan Religion 53 b. Agricultural Deities 53 c. War and Hunting Deities 55 d. Healing Deities 57 e. Festival and Ritual Deities 58 f. The Evil Deity 59 B. Missionary Activities 62 1. Georgius Candidius (1627-1631, 1633-1637) 62 a. A Brief Biography 63 b. Candidius’ Missionary Theories 63 c. Candidius’ Missionary Activities 66 d. The Dika Event 68 2. Robertus Junius (1629-1643) 70 a. A Brief Biography 70 b. Junius’ Missionary Activities 71 c. The Problem of Mandatory Abortion 71 d. The Banishment of Native Priestesses or Inibs from Meddling in Village Affairs 74 e. Teaching the Congregation 77 f. The Establishment of Educational Institutions 79 g. The Establishment of an Indigenous Church in Formosa: Sending Young Sirayans to Study in the Netherlands 82 3. The Further Development of the Formosan Church 84 7 a. Simon van Breen, Daniel Gravius, and Later Missionaries 84 b. A Theological Dispute: Junius and the Formosan Consistory in the 1640s 85 c. Dispute between Rev. Daniel Gravius and Nicolaes Verburg 91 d. The Last Phase of the Formosan Church 92 Chapter IV: Christian Contextualization A. Catechisms Used or Compiled in Formosa 97 1. Kort Begryp van de principaelste hooftstucken der Christelicke Religie 98 2. Aldegonde’s Kort Begryp and Junius’ Formulier der Vraachstukken 101 3. Catechisms Compiled by the Reverend Robertus Junius 103 a. The Ordinary Formulary of Christendom 104 b. The Ordinary Catechetical Formulary 105 c. The Large Catechism 105 B. Junius’ Accommodation of Sirayan Cultural and Religious Elements 106 1. Context 106 a. Ultimate Reality 106 b. Farihhe, Fikarigo Gougosey (“The Man who became God and Lawgiver”) 107 c. Social Norms 107 2. The Biblical Text 108 a. The First Commandment 109 b. The Second Commandment 110 c. The Fourth Commandment 111 d. The Sixth Commandment 112 e. The Seventh Commandment 112 3. Junius and the Reformed Tradition 114 a. On Human Nature 114 b. On Faith 116 c. On the Holy Spirit 118 d. On Election 119 e. Junius and the Biblical Text 122 4. Junius’ Method of Contextualization 124 C. Missionary Activities in the Favorlang District 124 8 1. Historical and Ethnographic Facts about the Favorlang 124 2. Favorlang Religion 125 3. Gilbertus Happart’s Favorlang Dictionary 126 4. Jacobus Vertrecht’s Method of contextualization 128 a. The Structure of ‘A Dialogue between a Favorlanger and a Dutch Foreigner’129 b. The Implications of Vertrecht’s Method of Contextualization 129 D. Daniel Gravius’ ‘t Formulier des Christendoms 132 The Structure and Content of ‘t Formulier des Christendoms 134 Chapter V: Conclusion 137 Historical Epilogue: End of a Glorious Era 141 A. Koxinga expels the Dutch from Formosa 141 1. Rumors about Koxinga’s Invasion 141 2. The Arrival of Reinforcements from Batavia 143 3. The Invasion of Koxinga’s army 144 4. Articles of Capitulation 144 B. The Impact of Missionary Activity on Sirayan Religion and Culture 144 1. The Replacement of the Calendar System 144 2. Sirayan Religion Transformed from Polytheism to Monotheism 145 3. The Adoption of Christian Terms in Sirayan Vocabulary 146 4. The Sirayan Preservation of the Ability to Write for More than 150 Years 147 Summary 148 Samenvatting Appendices I. Seminarium Indicum Students II. David Wright’s Table of the 13 Sirayan Deities III. Wright’s Table of the Seven Annual Festivals Observed by the Sirayans. IV. David Wright’s Outline of the 27 Taboos Observed during Karichang 9 V. Table of Ministers Serving in Formosa VI. The Structure of the Catechisms Bibliography Curriculum Vitae 10 Acknowledgements It has been a wonderful experience for me to investigate the history of the Formosan Church of the seventeenth century. But I would not have been able to realize my dream without the help of my three supervisors who listened with great patience, read my proposal, drafts, and made valuable suggestions. Therefore, I want to express my appreciation first of all to my supervisors, Prof. dr. Martien E. Brinkman, Prof. dr. Wim Janse and Dr. Alle G. Hoekema for their support and encouragement. I also want to express my gratitude to Prof. dr. Eddy. Van der Borght; whose courses taught me how to ask questions and to frame proposals. He also arranged the conference and city tour to Antwerpen, which remains a wonderful experience of my stay in Europe. I also want to express my appreciation to Paul Lin, Sek-iong Lin and East Gate Church, Tiong-ion Church, Seng-bon Church in Taipei. Their generous donations helped finance my studies. I also want to express my great appreciation to Johanna Dippenaar, Rev. Wendell Karsen and Prof. Llyn Scott of Alethia University in Taipei, my editors who devoted their mind and heart on my dissertation. Not only did they correct my poor English but they also encouraged me to carry on confidently with my writing. My deepest gratitude is for my wife, Amo. My year in Holland was the most diffucult year for us since we married. Amo took care of everything at home while I was away from Taiwan. Finally, I want to thank my heavenly Father. His mercy and love helped me through times of darkness and will guide me to the end of my days. 11 Map of Formosa J. van Braam and G. onder de Linden, Map of Formosa and the Pescadores Islands (1724, Dordrecht) 12 Chapter I: New Developments A. An Investigation of the Formosan Church from a New Perspective 1. A Rediscovery of the History of Taiwan A former Dutch diplomat to Taiwan, Menno Goedhart, decided to become a permanent resident after his term as envoy of the Netherlands in Taiwan was over (2003-2010).1 During his period of service for the Dutch government, he wondered if there was anything left of theDutch heritage in Taiwan when he learned that the Dutch had ruled Formosa (now Taiwan) for nearly four decades in the seventeenth century. To answer this question, Goedhart researched the history of the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, VOC) in Formosa, visited people and villages whose inhabitants claimed they either had a lineal connection to or could trace their roots to their seventeenth-century “red-haired relatives” (the Dutch).