Return to – September 21 – October 5, 2005 Get an immediate sense for the vibrancy of the Eternal City by starting in .

Return to Rome – Sept. 21 – October 5, 2005 What better place to begin than at Piazza Venezia in the heart of Rome - the ideal spot to get a sense of the vibrancy of the Eternal City. Communicating in Italian r equires the use of hands.

Piazza Venezia View from Vittorio Em anuele II monument Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at t he monument to Vittorio Emanuele II Campid oglio The center of Rome on the Roman Forum

Two ancient wonders – the Forum and Lee Colos seum Our apartment was Flavi a 1 in the Quirnale area. We had a cappuccino and a cornetto each morning to start our . This was the staff at our favorite bar, Il Golosone. Via XX Settembr e – our bus stop Our chariot approaches An unusual sight on the bus – not crowded and a seat available for Gail An unassuming place fo r the world’s best pizza Piazza N avona River with St. Pet er’s in the background Papal audience at St. Peter’s – the crowd begins to arri ve. The canopy for the Pope is on the top of the steps. It’s really getting packed in here. When each group of pilgrims is recognized, they cheer. An Italian group is in front of us.

Four large TV monitors help to enable us to see. With the sound system, he aring is no problem. Campo de’ Fiori,a lively a nd colorful morning market Looking for a sw ordfish steak? If you’re not interested in the peppers, try the pizza bianca from bakery at the end of the squa re. One day we went back to Mostacciano, where we lived eight or nine years ago. This is our stre et, Via P.G.A. Filipini. It still looked the same. Piazza Repubblica, a shor t walk from our apartment Santa Maria degli Angeli Built into the ruined baths of by Dome at Santa M aria degli Angeli The organ and organist at Santa Maria degli Angeli

Dome of San Carlo alle

(lit by concea led windows) Spanish Steps This old statue was so ugly that the Romans named it the Baboon. And that was before someone replaced the head. The street here was renamed Via (Baboon Street). Temple of Hercules The church was built before 1000 AD on top of three pagan temples rd th from the 3 and 6 century BC. In Anglo Saxon countries, San Nicola is known as Santa Claus. F ountain Trevi F ountain We see a lot of uniforms and suits around government buildings. The Carabinieri have the most impressive uniforms. Santa Maria in Trastevere Probably the first Christian church to be built in Rome. Michelangelo’s in Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano (the Mother ch urch of Rome) Lunch in an alley at Al Piccolo Arancio (The Little Orange)