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AAR Magazine AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME MAGAZINE SPRING 2018 SPRING 2018 Welcome to the Spring 2018 issue UP FRONT IN CLOSING of AAR Magazine. 2 33 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT DONORS This issue highlights recent work and collabora- tions by our Rome Prize winners and Italian Fellows. 4 36 Because this year was the tenth anniversary of the FAR AFIELD WHEN IN ROME Scharoun Ensemble Berlin in Rome, we reflect on Checking in with past Fellows and Residents Three Fellows share their favorite places in Rome how the concert series began. The spring issue also anticipates a solo show of new work by Yto Barrada, 6 the Roy Lichtenstein Artist in Residence from last INTRODUCING fall, which—along with the Patricia H. Labalme The 2018–2019 Rome Prize winners Friends of the Library Lecture by Mary Roberts in and Italian Fellows March and a conference on Islamic art and architec- ture in May—are the culminating events of East and 10 West, the Academy’s thematic series of events for FROM THE ARCHIVES 2017–18. Ten years of Scharoun Ensemble Berlin Finally, we are excited to announce the 2018–19 Rome Prize winners and Italian Fellows! 11 IN RESIDENCE Vi diamo il benvenuto all’edizione Spotlighting recent Residents primaverile 2018 dell’AAR Magazine. 15 CONVERSATIONS/ CONVERSAZIONI Questo numero dà spazio alle opere e alle collabora- This season’s discussions in Rome and the US zioni recenti dei vincitori del Rome Prize e dei nostri Italian Fellows. Poiché quest’anno ricorre il decimo anniversario dello Scharoun Ensemble Berlin a Roma, ripercorriamo la storia della serie di concerti. FEATURES Inoltre il numero offre delle anticipazioni sulla 16 nuova personale di Yto Barrada, Roy Lichtenstein INSIDE THE ACADEMY Artist in Residence dello scorso autunno, che è Current Fellows reveal what’s happening in their parte, insieme alla Patricia H. Labalme Friends of studios and studies the Library Lecture di Mary Roberts a marzo e alla conferenza sull’arte e l’architettura islamiche a 30 maggio, degli eventi conclusivi sul tema East and EASTERN APPROACHES West / Oriente e Occidente, dell’Academy per l’anno Spring events at AAR take a new look at the East accademico 2017–18. Ed infine, siamo particolarmente felici di annun- 32 ciare i nomi dei vincitori del Rome Prize e degli SUPPORTING THE STUDY OF AMERICAN ART Italian Fellows per l’anno accademico 2018–19! Terra Foundation for American Art establishes a new Affiliated Fellowship LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT: Lo scorso autunno, l’Academy ha collaborato con i il National Trust for Historic Preservation e la Follow @aarpresident on Instagram for Chicago Architecture Biennial alla presentazione up-to-the-minute images of all that’s del convegno “The World is Old, History is New.” Il happening with AAR. programma è stato organizzato da Mike Chin, studi OPPOSITE classici (Fellow del 2014), e da Tom Mayes, conser- At Scharoun Ensemble Berlin, from left: vazione e restauro dei beni storico-artistici (Fellow Peter Riegelbauer, Majella Stockhausen, del 2014), e ha coinvolto alcuni Rome Prize Fellows Ashley Fure, Suzanne Farrin, Mark Robbins, and Mary Margaret Jones and di diverse discipline. Ognuno ha presentato un pro- Martin Brody (AAR Trustees). This past fall the Academy collaborated with the getto attinente alla storia e al modo in cui essa viene National Trust for Historic Preservation and the sfruttata per la creazione di nuove opere. Chicago Architecture Biennial to present the confer- La natura interdisciplinaria della discussione e #ayadakhtar #resident #mailboxes #delivery ence “The World is Old, History is New.” The panel l’esame critico della storia sono fondamentali per February 7, 2018 (see p. 12) February 7, 2018 was organized by classicist Mike Chin (2014 Fellow) l’American Academy in Rome, come emerge dai pro- and preservationist Tom Mayes (2014 Fellow) and getti individuali e collaborativi sviluppati ogni anno included Rome Prize Fellows from multiple disci- dai Fellows e presentati in rassegne come Cinque plines. Each presented a project related to history Mostre, esposta lo scorso inverno (si veda p. 16). and the way the past is mined to create new work. La comunità dell’AAR, unica nel suo genere, incor- The discussion’s interdisciplinary nature and aggia il dialogo tra discipline diverse e una maggiore critical appraisal of history are central to the consapevolezza delle questioni cruciali di ognuna American Academy in Rome, as is evident in the di esse. Oltre a fare nuove scoperte, studiosi e artisti individual and collaborative projects developed sviluppano l’abilità di parlare al di fuori della pro- by Fellows each year and presented in exhibitions pria specializzazione e, pertanto riescono a promuo- such as this winter’s Cinque Mostre (see pg. 16). vere in modo più efficace non solo i rispettivi campi AAR’s unique community encourages conversation ma le arti e gli studi umanistici in generale. across disciplines and greater awareness of the Roma è l’elemento chiave che tutti condividono. critical issues in each. In addition to making dis- Al Gala dell’autunno a New York, il drammaturgo #blackvalue #sanfordbiggers #abigaildeville #antoniopappano #mckimgala #upcoming coveries in their own work, our scholars and artists Tony Kushner, premiato del 2017, ha notato come February 10, 2018 (see p. 4) February 14, 2018 develop an ability to speak outside their specialties “nelle assurde giustapposizioni e sovrapposizioni di and so return home as more effective advocates not Roma, nei pentimenti improvvisati, nelle revisioni e only for their fields but for the arts and humanities nelle cancellazioni sconclusionate della storia,” egli collectively. abbia trovato “uno specchio esteriore magnifico, Rome is the critical element shared by all. At the vivo,” del proprio “rapporto contorto, involuto, flu- Fall Gala in New York, playwright Tony Kushner, ido e fossilizzato, paralizzato, paralettico, continua- the 2017 honoree, noted how “in Rome’s insane mente e distraentemente digressivo con il tempo.” I juxtaposition and superimposition and pentimento suoi ricordi portano in vita in maniera vivida la com- improvisations, revisions and inconclusive erasures plessità e la ricchezza di Roma e catturano l’essenza of history,” he found “a magnificent, living, external dell’esperienza della città presso l’Academy. mirror” of his own “convoluted, involuted, fluid and ossified, paralyzed, paraleptical and endlessly distractibly digressive relationship to time.” His #cinquemostre2018 #prep #aar #cortile #extinguishedhistory recollections bring Rome’s complexity and richness February 14, 2018 (see p. 16) February 17, 2018 vividly to life and capture the essence of its experi- ence at the Academy. Mark Robbins, President and CEO 2 AAR Magazine Spring 2018 3 FAR AFIELD: Time No Line, a ANNALISA METTA, the inaugural KARL KIRCHWEY (1994 ALEX SCHWEDER and WARD SHELLEY (2006 Last year JON MICHAEL SCHWARTING (1970 Fellow, 2013 Affiliated Fellow), an performance ENEL Italian Fellow (2016) Fellows) created The Newcomers, piece by JOHN KELLY Fellow), professor of consisting of architectural installations architect and professor at the New York (2007 Fellow), in Landscape Architecture, English and creative and durational performances, for the Institute of Technology, published Rome: premiered at La was promoted to associate 2017 edition of Performa. Their exhibition Urban Formation and Transformation. MaMA in New writing at Boston Your Turn at the Aldrich Contemporary professor at the Università York in February. University, recently pub- Art Museum in Connecticut, organized A contempora- degli Studi Roma Tre. by SEAN ANDERSON (2005 Fellow), is on view neous exhibition Last year she coedited lished Stumbling Blocks: through April 22. of drawings and journal entries, Compresenze. Corpi, Roman Poems. The book titled Sideways azioni e spazi ibridi nella comprises verses he into the Shadows, The premiere of ODC Dance From January to June 2018, took place at città contemporanea. wrote during his time as Company’s News of the World at NICOLA COURTRIGHT (1983 Howl! Happening. the Academy’s Heiskell the Yerba Buena Center for the Fellow), professor of art Arts featured music by DAVID LANG SHIMON ATTIE (2002 Fellow) has won a Arts Director (2010–13). history at Amherst College, commission from More Art to create a (1991 Fellow, 2017 Resident) and site-specific work that will engage issues LAURIE ANDERSON (2006 Resident), will continue work on “Art related to refugees and asylum seekers The cover fea- with a painted mise-en-scène by and Queenly Authority: tures a drawing living in the New York region. DOUG ARGUE (1998 Fellow). ODC’s by the cartoonist The Creation of Spaces for Patrick Oliphant founder and artistic director is Marie de’ Medici” as Ailsa (2013 Resident). BRENDA WAY (2009 Resident). Mellon Bruce Senior Fellow CALVIN TSAO (2010 Resident, AAR Trustee) (2011 Fellow), CARRIE MAE WEEMS (2016 SHANE BJORNLIE at the Center for Advanced of Tsao and McKown has completed associate professor of history at Fellow) completed the exhibition design for the ongoing a year-long residency Claremont McKenna College, has Study in the Visual Arts in Scenes from the Collection at the Jewish at the Park Avenue Washington, DC. Museum and for been named organizer of the thir- Armory in New York, Art in the Open: teenth biennial meeting of Shifting which culminated with Fifty Years of Public Frontiers in Late Antiquity, an a convention of artists, Art in New York at international conference featuring musicians, writers, the Museum of the philosophers, activists, AWARDS, PRIZES, FELLOWSHIPS specialists in art, archaeology, City of New York, and more, who literature, philology, history, and on view until 13 May. engaged in readings, The winner of the 2018 United States Artists has selected HUCK HODGE (2011 religious studies who are working performances, and two Rome Prize Fellows, ABIGAIL DEVILLE Fellow), associate on topics from the third to eighth conversations with Vilcek Prize in Architecture (2018) and THOMAS KELLEY (2014), and professor and chair century CE. audience members.
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