UCSF Education Showcase 2020 Accepted Abstracts Plenary Abstracts Plenary presentations were organized into three Medical Education Grand Rounds sessions: May 15 and October 7, 2020 and January 8, 2021. Education Showcase 2020 Plenary Abstracts Abstract #05 From grading to assessment for learning: a qualitative study of student perceptions surrounding elimination of core clerkship grades Lee Seligman, BA, UCSF,
[email protected]; Abdikarin Abdullahi, BS, UCSF,
[email protected]; Arianne Teherani, PhD, UCSF,
[email protected]; Karen Hauer, MD, PhD, UCSF,
[email protected] Area(s) abstract covers: Health professions student education, Medicine Domain(s) addressed: Assessment and Testing, Clinical Instruction and Performance, Feedback, Motivation Category: Curriculum Evaluation/Education Research Abstract: Purpose This study explores how students perceive core clerkship learning experiences following elimination of honors grades and enhancement of feedback. Background Students perceive honors grading during core clerkships as unfair and inequitable, with negative impact on learning and wellbeing.[1-4] Eliminating honors grading and emphasizing formative feedback may address these problems [5-8] and promote intrinsic motivation and learning. [9-10] Method In this qualitative study, UCSF core clerkship students participated in semi-structured interviews in June-August 2019 exploring perceptions of learning and assessment following elimination of honors grading and addition of twice-weekly supervisor feedback. We analyzed data inductively using content analysis with sensitizing concepts related to theories of motivation. Results 18 students participated, including 5 with experience in both honors-eligible and pass/fail clerkships. We identified three major themes in student interviews: wellbeing, student engagement in clerkships, and recognition of learning context.