NONAGENDA MAIL Thursday, August 2, 2012 Page ITEM 1
NONAGENDA MAIL Thursday, August 2, 2012 Page ITEM 3-4 1. August 2, 2012, AMO Watch File 5-11 2. August 2, 2012, City Solicitor/Clerk's Department OMB Decision 1258 Michigan Ave. 13 3. July 27, 2012, Relay for Life Thank you 15 4. July 25, 2012, Association of Ontario Road Supervisors Bruno Ferrera Road Supervisor Certification 17-18 5. July 25, 2012, MPAC Concurrent Session to be held at AMO's 2012 Annual Conference 19-20 6. August 2, 2012, AMO Mobile App 21 7. July 31, 2012, AMO Annual Conference Registration 23 8. July 30, 2012, County of Lambton West Nile Virus Found in Lambton County Mosquito Pool 25-34 9. July 27, 2012, Committee of Adjustment Notice of Hearings of August 7, 2012 35-36 10. August 2, 2012, Ombudsman Ontario ENewsletter 37 11. July 30, 2012, Ministry of the Environment Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund 39-40 12. August 2, 2012, Ontario Drinking Water Leadership Summit 41-42 13. August 2, 2012 2012 CRST Fall Symposium Registration Page 1 of 42 Page 2 of 42 AMO Watch File - July 26, 2012 ... AMO Watch File not displaying correctly? View the online version | Send to a friend Add to your safe list July 26, 2012 In This Issue - AMO website maintenance advisory. - New funding opportunity for Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Basin communities. - AMO online registration system will be unavailable August 1- 14. - Collaborate. Innovate. Discover. Fall Symposium preview now available. - AMO Conference Program at a Glance now online. - Build on your leadership skills with Heads of Council Training.
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