NOTE.~TM MIl!! authorized Editio/18 of the abooe celtJwaltJd Dictimaort are tlzOBe here described: .flO other Editiona publiBhed i. EftglaM contain the DeriMtiofts GM Etymolo­ gical Nota of Dr. Maln, v:ho detJoted .1!lfJtJfYJl ytJarl to tAil portion of tAtJ Worl:. See Notice on page 4- WEBSTER'S GUINEA DICTIONARY OJ!' THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Thoroughly revised and improved by CRAnrcn A. GooDBlCll, D.D., LL.D., and NOd POBTEB, D.D., of Yale College. The peculiar ""tum! of this volume, which render it perhaps the mesi lISefal Dicti01llUJ' for general refenmce extant, 11& it is undoubtedly ORe of the cheapest boob ever po blished, are as follows ,- I. CompleteneeB.-It contains 1 U,OOO 5. '!'he Orthography is based as far as ..ords-m.... by 10.000 _ any other po!!8ible on Fixed Principles. hi "" ...... DldioDaly; ..,d _ -. for the moot of doMU .... ~.. opeU4"11 iI ,,-. par1. unusual or ~ca1 terma, lor the explaD&lloa or which. ~ 10 """" 6. ProDunciatioD.-Tbis has beeo eo- .....ted. ~ to Mr. W. G. WSII8ftIB and Mr. 2. Accuracy of »ebition.-In this WBBKLER, .....ted by other scholars. The department the Ia_ or Dr. Webeler prommciadoo of each word Is indicated by . weremoot981uable.lnconecdnc thefallllJ' typographical signa, which .... explained and redU1ldaritdeflnitl.... or Dr.Jubneou. by refe...... to aKnpriratodCIIlMboItoIIo whieb bad prevlously _ .tmoot univer- of -.\ page. =Yd~~ ~':'i::...... =.~w;n~ 7. '!'he mustrative Citationa.-No me_callyaualyaed by W. G. Webster. labour bas been spared to embod,y &UCh J!lioq •• the Rev. Cbauocey Goodr:c:h. Prof. qllotatione from - ...thon aa ID&J' Lym.... Prof. WbImey, and Prof. Gilman, throw light on the de1blltioDB, or pas. • with the OB8i8_ and uoder the SIlper- .... any opecial Int.ere&, or tIllnJgM or Inlendeuce of Prof. Goodriob. Iaogoage. S. Scienti1le and TechniC.!!l Tmu.- 8. The Synonyma.-These are _ob- 10 order to S<¥:ure the a_ ....,pleleD... Joined to the words to wbiell \bey belong. =: "l:.""'.:~~-.....u..:s..:e~::: aod lIN ""'1oomplde. , Scholaraaod Expert.a.lncludlngProW..... 9. Them1ll!trationa, which e>:ceed 3000, Prof. LymIID, A;c. are Inserted. Dol lor !.be oak. or ornament• •• Etymology.-The eminent philo- but to elucidate the meaoing or worde 10gb&, Dr. Co I!. 1WDr, bas oIev_ live "'hf~_""'!~ .be ea_riIJ' ""Plalned 7ear8 ID perfectin& tbia departmenl. ""...... t p_ri&! aid. , The Volume ooutaiJIs 1580 peg.... more u..n 3000 mustrations, aad ;. aold for One G oin... It will be found, on comparison. to be one of the cheapest Volum... e-Ter issued. Cloth, 21s.; half-bound in ca1f, 30a.; calf or half-rus&ia" 31" Cd. i rDlI6ia, £2. . \ To II. obtGiMa tAroug.\ Gil Bookseller.. PrJJliJAetl by GEORGE BELL" EONS, YORK STREET, COVl!.NT GARDEN, . I Dhananjayarao Gadgil Libnuy 111111111111 mil 11111 Inll 11111 millB GIPE-PUNE-OO 1803

A lJat of AbbreviatiQll8, Contrao­ ~on •• find Arbitrary Blg .. ...-.I1n Writma &DJI f'IInSlng. A Claesi1ie4 lelection of Pictorial lUuslratiOD8 ('0 _0). WllII"-­ tou.eklxt, . .. Tbe eb-' DIdIonary __ pn~l1Ibed; ... it I. __Iy one (.f lbe boat. Tbe 'iRtro­ cluct1 ... or amall wuodwt llIustrotioDa of IA!<:Iwi



From the QUARTERLY Rxvmw. DeL 1873, , - , .. Seventy years passed before JOHNSON was followed by Webster, an American writer, who faced the task of the English Dictionary with a full appreciation of its requirements, leading to better practical.results." " •,,"is laborious comparison o( twenty languages, never pub­ lished, bore fruit in his own mind, and his training placed him both in knowledge and judgment far· in advance of Johnson as a philologist. Webster's • AmeriCSB Dictionary of the English Language' was pub­ lished in 1828, and of course appeared at .once in , where successive re-editing laaa IZ3 yel1cept it in the fiigh/JIt place IZ3 a practical . Dictionary." "The acceptance of an American Dictionary in England has itself had immense effect in keeping up the community of speech, to break which would be a grievous harm, not to English-speaking nations alone, but to mankind. The result of this has been that the common Dictionary must snit both sides of the Atlantic." , , , , "The good average bueiness-like character of Webster's Dictionary, both in style and matter, made it as distinctly suited as Johnson's was distinctly unsuited to be expanded and re-edited by other hands. Professor Goodrich's edition of 1847 Is not much more than enlarged and amended, but other revisions since have so much novelty of plan as to be described as distinct works." , , ,,' . "The American revised Webster's Dictionary of 1864, published in America and England, is of an altogether higher order than these last [The London Imperial and Student's]. It bears on its title-page the names of Drs. Goodrich and PortelO but inasmuch as its especial im­ provement Is in the etymological department, the care of which was committed to Dr., of Berlin, we prefer to describe it in short as the Webster-Malm Dictionary. Many other literary men, among them Professora Whitney and Dana, aided ill the task of compilation and revision. On consideration it seems that the editora and contributors have gone far toward improving Webster to the ntmost that he will bear improvement. The vocabulary haa beCOOUl almost complete, as regards IIsual words, w~ile the dejinitiom keep throughout to W'ebstln'" .impk careful style, and the derivations are assigned with the aid of good modem authorities.· .. On the whole, the Webster-Mabn Dictionary as it stands, is most respectable, and CERTAINLY TD BESr PRACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIOBA'RY GrAIIT."

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A.D. 1800-18l5 j


By .



AFTER completing the "History of the Thirty Years' Peace," which treats of the period between 1815 and 1846, HARRIET MARTINEAU undertook to supplement it by histories of the country during the fifteen preceding and five following years, ,and thus to make a complete History of the Half Cent~. On account of ill-health, she was never . able to accomplish the latter portion, but the former was written, and was published as an Introduction to the larger work. This llltroduction, which fQr .a long time has been scarce and much 'sought After, is h.ere repro­ duced, with a modification of· the title. It has been reprinted without any alteration; except the necessary correction of a few trifling errors, and. the .addition of an Index, which before was wanting. CONTENTS. - BOOK L

CHAPTER I. PAG. BalancingSyBtem-Rnssfa.-Austria-Prussia-England-France -Minor European Powers - French Revolution - Napoleon Bonaparte-Made First Consul-Proposal. of Peace-His Suo­ cesses-Condition of England-Mr. Pitt--Seditio~-Financial Di1llculty - Mutiny - Irish Rebellion - The Roral Fa.mily­ Landowners-Tradesmen - Farmers - Agricultural Improve­ ment-Cotton Manufacture-Operatives-Woollen Jllanufacture -8i1k-Hardware-Condition of Middle Class-Of lodustrial Classes-Military Liabilities-Severity of the Law-Health- Ireland-The "p"nion-Temper of the Times.-{1S00] 1

CJiAPTER II. Mr.- Plit-The Catholio Question in the Cabinst-Proposed CliaDge of Ministry-illness of the King-The Northern Confe­ deracy-English Fleet in the Baltic-Battle of Copenhagen­ Armistice-Pacific Convention-Expedition to Egypt-Battle of Abookeer--Death of Abercromby-French Evacuation of Egypt-lIIr. Pitt's Resignation-lIIr. Addington-Peace Nego­ tistions-Preliminariea signed-Terms of the Treaty of Amiens -Definitive Tt-eaty aigned.-{lSOl-2.] •• 31

CHAPTER m. The Irish Union-Discontents of various Parties-Opinions of the Government-French Tampering-The Emmette-Plot-Out­ break-Lord Kilwarden-Results--Coercion-Catholics stirred up--Cunency Troubles-Duke of Bedford Viceroy.-[lSOl-6.] 58 viii CONTENTS.

CHAPTER IV. PAGI: Precariousness of the Peace-Bantry Bay Mutiny-Foreign Travel -Dissolution of Parliament-Weakness of the Premier­ French Requisitions - Peltier - French Aggressious - King's Message-Negotiation with Mr. Pitt-Stock Exchange Hoax­ War declared-Holland-Preparations for War-The Prince of Wales-The English in France-First Naval Captures-Loss of Hanover~British Policy-The Duke of Kent-Position of the Heir Apparent-Colonel Despard's Plot-Execution of Governor Wall-Prorogation of Parliament-State of Parties.- [1800-4] 72

CHAPTERV. The Greuville Letter-Royal Anxieties-Meeting of ParIiament­ Foroe of the Country-The King's lllness-New Co-operation­ Last Days of the Addington Ministry-Deb~te on the Defence of the Country-New Administration-Position of Mr. Pitt­ Loss of West India Ships-Incidents in France-Solemn Cere- monials in London.-[1801-4] •• 100

• CHAPTER VI. Napoleon Emperor-Mr. Pitt as War Minister-Additional Force Hill-National Condition-Continental Alliances-The Cata­ maran Expedition-Relations with Spain-Seizure of Treasure Ships-Reconciliation of Pitt and Addington-Declaration of War with Spain-Naval Administration-Lord Melville­ Motion of Censure-Lord Melville's Defence-His impeach­ ment-Resignation of Lord Sidmouth-Catholic Question­ Prospects of the War-General Mack's Surrender-The French at Vienn_Nelsou in the Mediterranean-,Roving the Sea&­ Battle of Trafalgar-Death of Nelson-His character-Aoces­ sion of Prussia to the League-Battle of Austerlitz-Austrian Treaty-Mr. Pitt's Illness-His Death.-{18Q4-6] .. 117

CHAPTER VII. Arthur Wellesley in Indi_Subsidiary System-The Mahrattas -Five Chiefs-Their Empire-The Mahratta War-Plan of the Campaign-General Wellesley in the Deckan-Battle of Assaye -Battle of Argaum-Colonel Murray· in Guzerat--General Lake in Hindustan-Battle of Delhi-Restoration of the Mogul Sovereign-Battle of Laswarree-Lieutenant-Colonel Harcourt in Cuttack-Resultaof the Campaign-Salt Monopoly-Treaties -Wellesley Administration in Iudia-Lord Cornwallis Go- vernor-General-His Deatb.-{lSOl-6] •• .. 161 OONTENTS. ix

CHAPTER vm. UGB Meeting of Parliament--Tbe King's Dislike of Mr. Fox-Alanning State 01 Affair&-All the Talents-Tbe Catholic Question-Lord Grenvill_Cbarles James Fox-Other Mioisters-Opposition Bancom-First Di1IIculti_Military Administration-Financial -Negotiation for Pe_Beprobation of the Slave Trade­ Wilberforoo--Colonial Slave Trade Prehibition-Acquittal of Lord Meivill_Mr. Fox's IlInes-.Death of Lord Thurlow­ Death of Mr. Fox-Stal& of the War-Battle of Maida-The Cape regained-Buenos Ape&-Humiliation of Prussia-Disso­ lution of Parties-Dissolution ~f Parlisment.-[1806-7] ., ,,186

CHAPTER IX;, Strength'of the Cabinet-No Christmas races&-Lord Howick­ Mr. Canning-Mr. Perceval-Sir Samuel Romilly-Francis Homer--Othem-Forcs of the Country-Financial Scheme­ Abolition of the SJsve Trad_The Catholics-Irish Act of 1793-Proposed relaution&--CabaJ&-.-.The King's retmctation­ The Measure dropped-The Ministry dismissed-Portland Ad· ministration-Offices in reversion-uNG Popery"~-Di880lu- tiDn pf Parliament--" The short Administration."-1:1S06-7] 223



The Portland Administration-Mr. Perceval-Aspect of public affairs-Edu.:ation-Popular maintenance - Emigration - Be­ qnests of the Grenville Ministry-Buenos Ayres expedition- . Dardanelles expedition-Egyptian expedition-Napoleon and PmBBia-His Berlin decree-Battle of Eylau-Apathy of Eng­ land-Professions of Russia.-Conference at Tilsit-Treaty of Tilsit-Secret Articl_England and Denmsrk-SeizlIre of the Dsuish Fleet--ilombardment of Copenhagen-Russill.Il decIsra- tion of War-King 01 Sweden-Swedish alliance lost--France and Portugal-Opening of the Peninsular War-Court of Spain and Napoleon-Invasion of Portugal-Departure of the Royal FamilY,for Bmzil.-[1807] •• .. •• •• •• ...... 249 x CONTENTS.

CHAPTER IT. PAGB Napoleon and the Spanish Bourbons-Invasion of Spain-Tumult at Madrid-The Coun enticed to Bayonu-Spanish appeal to England-Renunciation of Empire by the Bourbons-Land­ ing of British ill Spain-Successes of Sir .A. Wellesley-Con­ vention of Cintra-Aspect of European atran---Meeting at Erfurth-Battle of Wagram-Andrew Hofer-False hopes of Spain-Sir John Moore's Compaign-Hia Retrest--Battle of Cornnna-Death of Sir John Moore-Gloomy aspect of the W81'­ The Walcheren expedition-Navalauocessea-Lord Collingwood -His death-Troubles with America-OrdeI'B in Council­ Charges against tbe Duke of York-His resignation-Inquiry into Abll8e&-Quarrel between Lord CastJereagh aud Mr. Can­ ning-Their duel-Changes in the Cabinet-Mr, Perceval, Prime Minister-The Jubilee-Napoleon's divorce-Hia new Marriage-Gloom at Home and Abroad~elebration of the 50th year of the Reign.-(1807-9] .. 292

CHAPrER III. o. P. Question~pening of the Session-Mr. Peel-Adversity­ Commercial Crash-Eft'orle at reforms-Bullion Committee­ Penal Lew reform-Condition of the Clergy-Dissenters' Licenses Bill-Privilege question-Parliamentary censure of Burdett--Sir F. Burdett committed to the Tower-His release -Weakness of the Govemment--Death of Windham-Dpsth ofthe Prinoess Amelia-Insanity of the King-Meeting ofParlia­ ment-Repeated adjournments-Proposition ,01 a Regency­ The Princee' protest.-[181(}-12] ',' .. •• •• •• •• •• 339

CHAPTER IV. Restrictions on the Regent--Negotiaiions with Lords Grenville aud Gre}"-The Ministry unchauged-The King's health-The Court-New Negotiations-Lords Castlereagh and Sidmouth in the Cabinet--Virtual close of the Reign-Mr. Perceval's death -Provision for his Family,-[lSll-12] •• 371

CHAPTER V. State of the Nation-Commercial PreIIsure-Crim_Wage&­ Machinery - Frame Breaking - Luddite Acts - Progress of Luddism-Lord Sidmouth, Home Secretary-Punishment of the Luddites.-[181l-14].. _ 335 CONTENTS.

',CHAPTER VI. P.A.GB Peninsular War-Sir A. Wellesley-Difficulties-Campaign of 1809-Expulsion of the French from Portugal-Difficulties­ 'ralavero.-Wellesley beccmes Wellington-Gloomy close of the Yeo.r-Campaigll of 1810-Loss of Oities-Wellington's defen­ sive Policy-Lines of Torres Vedras-Busaco-Retreat of the French-Grallt fOJ' the relief of the Portuguese-Napoleon's present Supremacy-lkaction approaching-The Guerilla&­ Difficnlties of the French-Of the British-Campaign of 1811 -Albuem-Siege of Badajoz relioqnished-Oampaigo of 1812 - Oiudad Rodrigo -Badajoz - Salame.nca-Occupation of !


Relatioos with the United States-,.Difficulty about a Government in Englaud-Repeal of the Orders in Council-Declaration of War - First Blow struck-.Employmentof Indians-British Successes on Land-LosBes at Sea-Extensive Blockade-Rus­ siau Intervention-Proposals Df Pesce-Capture of Washington -Commia~ion at Ghen~Mi88issippi Expedition-Battle of New Orlean&-Retreat of the British-Oapture of Fort Mobile-- Treaty of Ghent.-{1812-15) •• .. 447

CHAPTER VP::I. The Regent and his Family-The Princess Charlotte-Her suitors: the Prince of Orange-Her flight tp her Mother-Prince Leopold Df Saxe Cobourg-Marriage--Irish Affairs-The Press-Mr. Perry-Mr. Cobbett-Mr. Scctt-The Hunts-Printers' Name Bill- Creation' of Vice-Chancellorship - Attainder - High Treason Sentence - East India Compauy's Oharter - Church Establishment in India-Education-Bible Socicties-Joanna Southcote-New plan of Finan~Stock Exchange Fraud-Ex­ traordinary Weather-Burning ofthe,c:ustom House.-[1812-14] 469 xii CONTENTS.

CHAPTER IX. PAGB Napoleon's renewed Efforts-New compact of the Allie~The Allies defeated-Armistice-Conferenoe-Austrian declaration of War-Battle of Dresden-Succeeding Battles-Sutteriug~ of the French - Napoleou's vacillation - Remonstrance of his Marshals-Retreat-First Battle' of Leipsie-Seoond Battle­ Hanau-Napoleon at Paris-'-Independenoe of Holland pro­ claimed-The Allies cross the Rhine-Congress of CMtillon­ Partial suooess.of Napoleon-Treaty of Chaumont-Bourbon manifestations-Capitulation of Paris-Entry of the Allies­ Provisional Government-Abdication of Napoleon-Attempted Suicide-Desertion of the Emprells-Departure for Elba-Death of Josephine-Return of the Bourbons-Treaty of P~ London Gaiety-Wellington's Return-Popular Misgivings­ Distrust Abroad-Napoleon's Return-Arrival in Paris­ Treaty of Vienna-Coustitutional Monarchy at Paris-Napo­ leon proceeds to Belgium-The British at Brussels-Quatre Bras and Ligny-Waterloo-Napoleon's return to Paris-Is oarried to St. Helena-Capitulation of Paris-The news in England-Second Treaty of Paris-Wellington's Farewell.- [1813-15) ..... 491 - .. CHAPTER X. Steam Navigation-Death of BoultOn-Chain Cables-Steam CO.lTiages-Oouut Rumford-Plymouth Breakwater-Chelsea Hospital~Haileybury Colle~e-Tea-Joint Stock Bread Com­ pany-National Isolation-Foreign Literature-The Literary Fund.-Musie-The Edinburgh Review-The Quarterly Review -Bentham-Scienoe - N e<'rology-Men of Science-Artists­ Autbore-Travellers.-[180l-15) '.. •• ..- •• .. .. •• 521 ( 531 )



Abbot~ Mr. (_ Colcbester, Lord)' Ancona garrisoned, 142 Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 49; death Andreoss;, M., 74, 81, 85 of, 51 Anholt, smnggling station, 844 -, Mr., 347 Annuities, terminable, 486 Abookeer, surrender of, 50 Aplin, Admiral, 100 Act of Embargo, 322 • Apollo,' frigate, lost, 113 Adam, Mr., 282, 374 sq. Arbuthnot, Mr., 262 Adams, J. Q., 465 Argaum, battle of, 173, 177. --,Mr.,465 Arkwright, Sir R., 19 Addington, Mr., 37 sq.; resigns Armstrong, Serjeant, 99 Speakership, 39; 51, 52 sq., 58, Aspern, battle of, 305 64, 77 sq., 82 sq., 89, 92, 94, Asseerghur, surrender of, 173, 177 99,101,103, 107, 120,126; be­ Assye, battle of, 172 comes Lord Sidmouth, 126; 131, Astorga, 309 sq. 137, 171. (Se. Sidmouth) Asturias, Prince oC (ses Ferdinand Additional Force Bill, 120 VII.) Adour, river, 440 sq. Attainder, alteration of law of, 479 Agra, battle of, 176 Auchmuty, Sir S., 259 Ahmednuggur, capture of, 172 Auerstadt, battle of, 221 Ajax, vessel, destroyed by fire, 263 Aulum, Shah, 176 Albuera, battle of, 417 Aurungzebe, 165, 176 Albuquerque, General, 407 Austerlitz, battle of, 155 .Alee Mohammed, Viceroy of Egypt, Austria, reforms of, 4; war with 265 France, 142; treaty wi~France, .Alexander, Emperor of Russia, 46, 156 116, 155, 262; at Tilsit, 272; --, Emperor of (_ Francis Jo- 283,305,426,439,492,510 seph) .. All the Talents," 190 sq., 246 Avignon, 507. Alleghur taken, 175 Almeida taken, 409, 411 Badajoz, 411, 415; siege of, 417 sq. Althorp, Lord (Earl Spencer), 328 Bahar, 162 Alva, Admiral, 150 Baird, Sir D., at the Cape, 218, 307 Alvarez, Count, 288 Balauce of power, 1 sq. Alvear, Captain, 125 Bank Restriction Act, 16, 71 Ambleteuse, fortificrrtion of, 102 Baukruptcies, 345 Amelia, Princess, death of, 369 Bantry Bay, mutiny oC, 73 America, war threatened, 381; war Barabuttee, 178 with, 448 sq. Barcelona, 294 Amiena, Trea~J' of, 171, 184, . Barham, Lord, 135, 147 5il8 INDEX:.

Baring, Mr., 347, 459 Bordeaux, Wellington at, 444 Barney, Commodore, 462 Boulogne fortified, 102 Bal'oach taken, 175 Boulton and Watt, Messrs., 521 Barr~, Colonel, 78 Bourbons, The, 8, 10, 11, 55, 285. Barry, artist, 532 289,444, 503, 509, 513, 520 Bassein, treaty of, 168 -, plot to restore, 113 sq., 118 Batavia, 57 Bourrienne, 113, 118 Bathurst, Earl, 246 Boussa, 536 --, Mr., 327, 335 Boydell, engraver, 531 Bautzen, battle of, 492 Bradford, population of, ~ Bayard, J. A., 4.65 Brand, Mr., 246 Bayonne, 296 sq., 300,. 432, 439, -, author, 532 444 sq., 501 Brandon, Mr., 841 Bear-baiting, 525 Braganza family, 287 Beaufort, Duke of, 335. Brazil, departnre of Portngnest Beauharnais, Madame, 9 royal family to, 291 Bedford, Duke of, 72, 2<15 Brest, storm at, 106 Bell, Henry, 522 . Bridgwater, Duke of, 530 'Bellerophon,' vessel, 519 "Britannia needs no bulwarks," 22! Bellingham, Mr., 383 Brindley, engineer, 531 Belsham, Mr., 354 British Forum, 357 'Belvidere,' frigate, 453 Brougham, Mr. (afterwards Lord) Bengal,1611 1311, 451, 472, 476, 528 Benningsen, General, 269 Brown, Colonel, 67 Bentham, Jeremy, 529 Brune, Marshal, 285 Bentinck, Lord W., 421, 435 Brunn, 144 Beresford, Marshal, 417, 444 Brunswick, Duke of, 516 Berlin in Napoleon's hands, 221 Bndberg, Rnssian Miuister, 284 -- Decree, the, 268 Buenos Ayres, capture of, 218, Bernadotte, General, 269, 492 221; expedition to, 259 Bernsdorf, 46 Buffalo, 455 Bertrands, 507 Bullion Committee, 346 sq. Bessieres, Marshal, 415 BUlow, General, 516 . Bhoonsla, 166 Burdett, Sir F., 249,254,355; com· Bhurtpoor, Rajah of, 182 s7. mitted to the Tower, 358 Bible S8!!I"eties, 484 Burgos, siege of, 423, 430 Bidassoa, 288, 295, 434 Burhampoor, surrender of, 173 Bilbao, 430 Burke, 187, 198 Birmingham, population of, 21 Bnrney, Dr., 5311 Blackfl'iars Bridge, 531 -,Fanny(Madamed'Arblay),532 "Bloodhounds of St. Stephen's," Burrard, Sir H., 301 827 Busaco, battle of, 409 BlUcher, MarshaI, 494 sq., 510, Byron, Captain, 453 515 sq. -, Lord, in Parliament, 394 Bonaparte (s6e Napoleon) --, Jerome, ~76 Cadiz, 407; engagement. off, 124 i -, Joseph, 57, 800, 405, 407, siege raised, 429 420 sq., 431, 433, 504 Calabria, war in, 217 -, Louis, 297, 4111 Calcutta, first Bishop of, 482 -, Lucien, 413 Calder, Sir R., 147 Bone manure, 19 Cambridge, Duke of, 92, 154 • INDEX. 539

Cambronne, 50'7 Churches and chapels, return of the Camden, Earl 112, 240, 246, 816 number of, 353 Campbell, General, in India, 172 Cintra, Convention oi, 303 Camperdown, 123 Ciudad Rodrigo, assault of, 417, Canada, invasion or, 452 420; fall of, 408 Canning, Mr., 84, 89, 78, 86, 12'7, -. Duke of, 429 153, 188, 194, 2011 203, 215, Clancarty, Earl of, 829 224 sq. ; 240, 243; FOI'eign Secre­ Clarence, Dnke of, 232, 372, 509 tary, 245, 250, 253,265, 267, 273, Clarke, manufacturer, 67 277; U2, 295 sq., 304,315,323; --, Mary Ann, 324; trial for wishes to resign, 881 ; dnel with perjury, 839 Castlereagh, 332; 865, 450 Clarkson, 209 Canoge, 162 Clay, H., 465 Capo of Good Hope, the, taken, Clergy, condition oi the, 852 218 Clifford, Mr., barrister, 341 Capital pnnishment, 851 Clinton, General, 443 Capri taken, 217 Clive, Lord, 167 Carington, Lord, 201 Cobbett, 79, 249, 254, 349, 358, Carinthia, 156 475,524 Carniola, 156 Cochrane, Lord (see Dundonald) Castanos, General, 80'7 Cockbnrn, Admiral, 464 Cast1ereegh, Lord, 36, 59, 112, 157, Coel taken by storm, 175 186; War Secretary, 245, 250, Colchester, Lord, 40, 61, (as Mr. 299, 301, 804; Walcheren expe­ Abbott), 133, 225 dition, 814, 829 sq.; duel with Coleridge, 485, 526 Canning, 832, 365; Foreign Sec­ Collier, Sir G., 436 retary, 379, 897, 41l0, 459, 502, Collingwood, Lord, 14'7, 149, 217, 508 263, 303, 820; death and cha· Catalonia, 441 racter of, 321 Catamaran Expedition, 122 • Comet,' the first .team pass,ge. Cathaline the Great, 8 sq. boat in the British Isles, 522 Cathcart, Lord, 278 Comet, appearance of a, 3117 Catholic Question, 86 sq., 59, 138, Confederacy of the Rhine, 220 191, 235, 879, 450, 473 Congreve, Sir W., 282 Cavendish, 529 Constantinople, 276 _ Census first taken, 17 Coote, Sir Eyre, 318 Ceylon acqnired by France, 5'7 Copenhagen, battle of, 4!j . bom­ Charles IV. of Spain, 288 sq., 292 ; bardment of, 282 abdication of, 296 Copons, General, 442 Charlotte, Princess, 116,470 sq. Cornwallis, Lord, 57, 59, 85, 91, --, Qneen, 88 147, 183; deeth of, 185 Chatham, 1st Earl, 124, 128 COITeggio, picture by, in. Welling- _,2nd Earl, 112, 154, 207,245, ton Hoose, 434 250; oommand of Walcheren e.­ Corruption of Blood, 478 pedition, 817 sq., 834; 865,368 Cortes, abolition of the, 443 "Chatham, Lord, wi£h his sword Corunna, English retreat to, 308 nndrawn," 317 Cotton, Sir C., 321 Chatillon, 501; Congress oi, 442 Covent Garden theatre burnt, 339 Chanmont, treaty of, 503 Cowley, Lord (see Wellesley, Henry) China, first cjiplomatic relations Cowper, Lord, 187 with,535 Cranfurd, General, 259 5400 INDEX.

Croker, Mr., 252 Dundas, Henry, 36 81]., 112, 131 Cronstadt, 47 (see also Melville, Viscount). Cuesta, General, 403 81]. --, General Sir D., 328 Cumberland, author, 532 Dundonald, Lord (mentioned as Lord --, Duke of, 154, 232, 246, Cochrane), 320, 468, 487, 488 372 Dupont, General, 300 Curran, 64 Dwyer, the outlaw, 65 --, Sarah, 69 Curtis, Alderman, 132 East India Company's Chal'ter re- Custom House burnt down, 490 newed,480 • Cuttack annexed, 174, 178 'Ediuburgh Review' .started 527 Edward 1., sentence of death in the Dah-ymple, Sir H., 301 time of, 480 . Dalton, John, 529 Egypt, Expedition to, 49, 265 ; d' Angouleme, Duchess, 286, 509 French evacuation of, 51; given Dautzig, capitulation of, 270 up to the Porte, 57 Dal'dauelles, expedition of the, 263 Elba, 56 ; Napoleon's departure for, sq. 507 Davison, army contl'actor, 228 Eldon, Earl of, 53, 94, 98, 108, 112, Davy, Sir H., 19, 529 117; defends Slave-trade, 209, Deau, John, printer, 357 232, 235, 237, 243, 245, 249, Dearborn, Geueral, 461 250, 257, 280; 327, 333; candi­ Deccan (SII6 Deckan). date for Oxford Chancellorship, Deckan, the, 162 335; 365, 372, 376,471,47781]., De Conde, Prince, 114 509,527 Definitive Treaty, 57 Ellenborough, LQrd, 194, 200, 214, Delhi, battle of, 176 237,339,476,479. De Lolme, author, 532 Elliot, Sir G., 200, 222 De Loutherbourg, artist, 532 Elliott, Mr., 56 Demerara, 103 Embezzlement Bill, 345 . d'Enghien, Due, 114, 510 Emigration, 258 Denmark, 14, 48, 277; seizure of Emmett, Dr., 64 the fleet, 279 -, Robert, 64 81]., 69 --, Crown Prince of, 271, 278 'Endymion,' frigate, 263 Dennew5. battle of, 496 England, naval power of, 7 Despard0'olonel, 96 Erfnrth, meeting of Emperors at, Detroit, surrender of, 457 305,497 Devonshire, Duke of, 215 Erie, Lake, 454 sq. Dibdin, author, 532 Erskine, Lord, 200, 246, 36~ Dick, Quintin, 330 --,Mr., 323 Dissenters' Licenses Bill, 353 sq. Escoiq niz, Canon, 288 , Diversions of Purley,' 534 Essequibo, 103 Drabrd, Mr., editor, 476 .Estremadura attacked, 45 Drake, Mr., 114 Etruria, 13; Queen of, 295 Dresden, 492; battle at, 494 Ettenheim, 114 Drouot,507 'Examiner, The,' 475 Drury Lane theatre burnt, 340 Exports, value of, 20 Dublin University, 61 Eylau, battle of, 269 Duckwo.rth, Sir J., 262 81]. Dudley, Earl, 227 (see Ward) I Fauvelet, M., 63, 81 .' Duncan, Lord, 123 . Felbrigg, Windham buried at, 868 INDEX. 541

Ferdinand, Archduke, 143 Gawulghur taken, 174 -- VII. of Spain, 288, 292, 295 ; Gebora,411 elected king, 296, 315; treaty G,enoa annexed by France, 142 with Napoleon, 441, 501 George III. (see King) Ferriar, Dr., 24 -- IV. (see Wales, Prince of) Ferrol, Port of, 124 Georges, conspirator, 113 Figueras held by the French, 294 Ghent, treaty of, 465, 468 Fingall, Earl of,70 Gibbs, Sir Vicary, 474 Flnland given up to Russia, 285 Gibraltar, 42 'Fiorenzo~ frigate, 183 Gillray, caricaturist, 204 Fire of London, 490 Glenbervie, Lord, 79 Fitzharris, Lord, 134 Gloucester, Duke of, 473; 'Young Fitzherbert, Mrs., 92, 96, 188 Duke of,' 232 Fitzwilliam, Earl, 200, 222 Godoy, 288, 292 sq. Florida, 56 Goodenough, Dr., 78 Flushing taken, 318 Gordon, Captain, 463 Folkestone, Lord, 475 Goree Island, 98 Fouche, Memoirs of, 283 Goulburn, Mr., 465 --, General, 515 Gourgaud, 507 Fox, Mr., 15, 52, 56, 86, 102 sq., 107, Gower, Lord G. Leveson, 383 119, 139; King's dislike of, 187, Grafton, Duke of, 335 190 sq.; character. of, 19.5 sq., Graham, Sir T., 432, 436 201; plot to assassinate Napoleon, Grahame, author, 532 205; on Slave-trade, 210; death, Grenville, Lord, 35 sq., 56, 83, 100 215; Catholic Questiou, 236, sq., 107 ; 120, 126, 130, 138,152, 287; 'History of the Reign of 187; ministry, 190 sq., 210; James II.,' 254 character of, 195 sq., 199; on Frame-breaking, 392 Slave-trade, 211, 234 sq.; dis­ France, 5 sq.; successes of, 12; solves parliament, 223, 229-232 ; peace with, 53 sq. ministry dismissed, 245, 254, 265, Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, 334; Chancellor of University of 4, 144, 156, 220, 336, 501 Oxford, 335, 342, 347, 370, 374, --, Sir Philip, 194 379, 450, 470 Frankfort, 500 --, Mr. T., 222 (mentioned also Fraser, General, 182, 266 _ with Lord G. as 'the Grenvilles ') Frederick the Great, 5, 268 Grey, 1st Earl, 254 (men~Vfled also --William, Emperor of Prussia, with 2nd Earl, as 'the Greys ') at Tilsit, 273, 493, 5lO --,2nd Earl (mentioned as Lord Frejus, Napoleon lands at, 9 Howick), 130, 136, 140, 200, 214; French Revolution, 2; prisoners, 390 succeeds Fox, 222; in power, 225 ; Frere, Hookham, in Spain, 123 ; Irish Act, 238, 240 sq., 271 ; 254, plenipotentiary, 307 278, 334,345,374 sq., 379, 450 Fulton, engineer, 521 Gross-Beeren, battle of, 495 , Guerrier,' frigate, 458 Gaeta taken, 217 Guickwar, office of, 166 sq. Gallicia, retreat to, 310 Gurwood, Lieut-Colonel, 418 Gambier, Lord, 278, 282, 320, 465 Haileybury College, 524 Garrow, Attorney-General, 478 Hamilton, Lord A., 330 Garth, General, 37 --, Lady, 151 sq. Gascoigne, General, 209 I __, weave,s of, 389 542 INDEX.

Hanover, surrender to the French, Ireland, Rebellion in, 16, 25, 184; 91 Act of Union, 25 sq., 59; Hanoverian dominions given over to Catholic Question, 37; condition Prussia, 219 of, 60 sq.; Insurrection, 65 ; Act Harcourt, Lieut.-Colonel, 178 of 1793, 237, 380 j Irish Dis­ Hardinge, Lord, 417 . turbances Bill, 473; Peace Pre­ Hardwicke, Lord, 61, 66, 71, 24l? servation Act, 474; Insurrection Hardy, Captain, 149 Act, 474 Harrowby, Earl of, 112, 125, 153 Italian Republics, 57 Hartwell, 286 . . Italy,8 • Haugwitz, 219 India, 161; Subsidiary System, 164; Hawkesbury~Lord, 52 sq., 82, 84, Mahrattas, 165; Geography of, 112, 186, 189, 245, 250, 257 166 sq.; establishment of the Health of country, 23 Church in, 481 Heber, Bishop, 482 Inoculation, 24 Heligoland, smuggling station, 343 Inquisition, re-establishment of,443 Herschel, astronomer, 529 Hertford, Lord, 114 Jackson, Mr., 278 --, Lady, 470 --, President, 466 High treason, sentence for, 479 Jacobins, 346 Hill, General, 424 Jefferson, Mr., 323, 449 Hindustan, 163 Jeffrey, Francis, 299, 528 Hobart, Lord, 112 Jenner, Dr., 24 HOfer, Andrew, innkeeper, 305 John, Archduke, 143 Holku, 166 sq.; insurrection of, 182 Johnson, Dr., 257 Holland, alliance of, 7, 85, 276; Jomini, General, 494, 498 independence of, 500 Jones, J. G., apothecary, 357 --, King of, 471 Josephine, divorce of the Empress, --, Lord, 222, 351, 354, 371 336; death of, 508 Holy Ghost, Order or the, 509 Jourdan, Marshal, 434, 440 Holyrood, 55 Jubilee, The, 337 sq. Home, author, 532 Juggernant, Pagoda of, 178 Hooghly, river, 281 Junot, General, 287 sq. Hope, Sir J., 312, 444 HoppneL.lrtist, 53~ nalre11ther, General,275 Horner;J<'rancis, 75, 86, 132, 199, Karamania, 49 224, 226, 256 sq., 278, 304, 346; Kat.bach, battle of, 495 Privilege question, 356, 474, 528 Keith, Admiral, 49 Horsfall, Mr., 395, 398 Kellerman, Geueral, 302 Horsley, Bishop, 533 Kemble, actor, 341 Houghton, Major, 535 Kent, Duke of, 92, 94, 106, 324, Howick, Lord (sco Grey, 2nd Enrl) 326 Huddersfield, 20 Kiel, 278 sq. Hull, General, 454, 457 Ji:ilwarden, Lord, murder of, 68 Hunt, John, 476 King, The (George III.), 11,17, 33 : --, Joseph, expelled from the insanity of, 40, 106; 53, 59, 86, House, 345 88; proclamation to German -. Leigh, 476 States, 91; treatment of the Hurd, Bishop, 533 Prince of Wales, 94 sq.; 102; Huskisson, Mr., 332, 347 illness, 106; letter to Lord lIIel­ Hutchinson, Lord, 475 ville~34, 200, 201, 207 I regrets INDEX. 543

FOI'. death, 215; 223, 228, 242, Louis XIV., 6 ''1.. 273, 278, 315; Jubilee on 50th --XVI., 12 year of reign, 336 .q.; insanity --XVIIL, 118, 378, 444 of, 369; health of, 378; virtual Louisa, Queen of Prussia, 268, 273, close of reign, 380 275 Knobelodorlf, Prussiau Ambassador, LOllisiana, 56 • 221 Luckau, surrender of, 495 Kiioigsbprg, 269 Luddites, 393, 447 Kutusolf, Manhal, 155 Lugo,310 Liitzen, battle of, 492 Laborde, aeneral, 302 Lafayette, 198 Macartney, Lord, 535 Lake, General, 175 sq., 182 Macdonald, Marshal, 495 Lamb, William, 226 Machinery, 389 Lambert, General, 467 sq. Mack, General, 143 Lancaster, Joseph, 482 • Mackinaw, island of, 454 Lansdowne, Marquis of (8ee Petty) Mackintosh, Sir J., 79, 87, 367 Laawaree, battle of, 177 Madison, Mr., 823, 449, 453 Lauderdale, Earl of, 206 Madeira, island of, 291 Lauriston, Colonel, 54 Madrid, English entry into, 422, Lavoi.ier, chemist, 523 430; Ferdinand returns to, 443 Lee, General, 452 Magdeburg, 495 slJ.. Leeds, population of, 20 Mahratta War, 16 sq., 165 Lefebvre, General, 270 Maida, battle of, 217 Legion of Honour instituted, 9 Maitland, Captain, 519 Leipsic, battle of, 498 Malabar, 164 L'Empecinado, Guerilla chief, 414 Malaga, fall of, 407 Leon, 430 Malmesbury, Earl of, 7, 9, 32, 40, • Leopard,' American frigate, 32g 52, 56, 57, 92, 113 8q., 140, Leopold of Saxe Coburg, 472 145, 188, 201, 207; on Pitt and Lerida surrendered to tho French, Fox, 216; 237, 240, 241, 247, 408 249, 267, 283, 327 Leslie, natural philosopher, 529 Malta, 14; given to the Knights of Lethbridge, Mr., 358 St. John, 57, 82 Letter of Lord C--, 36, 58 Malthns, 256 sq. Leveson, Lord G., 283 Mansfield, Earl of, 200 eo. Ligny, battle of, S16 --, Sir J., 341 Lincoln, Bishop of, 158, 245 Marengo, battle of, 12 Lincolnshire Fens, 389 Marmont, Marshal, 418, 420 81]., Lingan, General, 452 440,497 Lini~res, General, 260 Marr, Mr., murder of, 388 Linois, Admiral, 100, 171 Martin, Henry, 246 Literary Fund Society founded, 526 Martyn, Henry, 481 Liverpool, Earl of, War Minister, Mary, Princess, 473 335; 354; Prelllier, 451, 473, Maskelyne, chemist, 530 490, 513, 527 Massachusetts, woollen manufac- Livingstone, Chancellor, 521 tories of, 448 Londonderry, Lord, 459 Massena, Matshal, 143, 409, 440 L'Orient, 303 Mayence, 500 Loughborough, Lord, 35 Meat, price of, 22 Louis, Admiral, 262 Mehu de 1.. Touche, 114 544 INDEX.

Melville, Viscount, censure of, 132, Press on, 77, 81; brother of, sq.; acquittal, 213; 188, 193, searched for, 88; detentIon of 243, 252, 321 (soo also Dundas, prisoners, 90, 101; murder of Henry). d'Enghien, 115; coronation, 117; Menou, General, 50 war with Austria 142 sq.; plot , Mercedes,' t1te, blown up, 124 to assassinate, 204, 216; throat­ Metternich, Prince, 271, 493, 512 ened invasion, 255; Berlin De­ Middleton, Sir Ch. (see Barham); cree, 268; enters Warsaw, 268; Milner, Dean, 201 battle of Eylau, 269; battle of Mina, guerilla chief, 414, 435 Friedland, 271; at 'lOtI sit, 275; Minorca, 42 seizure of Danish fleet, 283; in Minto, Earl (see Elliot, Sir G.) Sweden, 286; i~Portugal, 287; Miquelon, 103 at Erfurth, 305; at Madrid, 308 ; Mississippi expedition, 465 divorce and second marriage, Mitchell, Admiral, 73 336, 411 sq.; heir born, 413; at Mitford, Sir J., 39 Moscow, 425, 444, 491; abdir.a­ Mobile, capture of Fort, 468 tion of, 505 ; at Dresden, 494 sq. ; Moira, Earl of, 200, 361, 374 sq., departure for El ba, 507; return 451,470 from Elba, 512 sq. Malk, Abbey of, 144 Narbonne, 444 sq. 'Moniteur,' newspaper, 77, 80,513 National debt, 93 Monson, Colonel, 175 .--bankruptcy, 348 Monte Video, capture of, 260 'Nautical Almanac,' 530 Montereau, victory at, 502 Nelson, 11, 44 sq., 91; evidence in Moore, Captaiu, 124 favour of Despard, 97, 105 j in --, Sir J., 285, 301 sq.,306 sq.; Mediterranean, 146; coffin of, death of, 812 148; Trafalgar, 149; character, Moreau, General, 12, 113, 493 150 sq.; on the Slave-trade, 233 Morland, artist, 531 New Orleans, battle at, 465, 467 'Morning Chronicle,' 376, 475 Newport, Sir J., 345 Morpeth, Lord, 221 Ney, Marshal, 496, 505, 516 Mortier, Marshal, 92, 504 Niemeu, 272-274 Moscow, 3; Napoleon at, 425 sq. Nile, battle of, 11 Mulgrave, Lord, 112, 125,130,145, Nizam, The, 171 820.llill; Jl'irst Lord of Admi­ Norfolk, Duke of 451 ralty, 252 North, Lord, 190, 198 Munickpatam, surrender of, 178 Northern Confederation, 14, 43 Murat, 143, 296, 304,494, 500 INorway, 8 Murders, frequency of, 326 ,20 Murray, Colonel, in India, 174, 281 II Not a drum was heard," 313 -, Edinburgh Reviewer, 528 Muttra, battle of, 176 " 0 I breathe not his name," 69 Mylne, architect, 531 Ocana, defeat of Spanish at, 405 Olmiitz, 155 Napier, Colonel, 419 O'Meara, Mr., 293 Naples, 276 O. P. riots, 339 Napoleon Bonaparte-Early vic­ Opie, artist, 532 tories, made Consul, letter from, Orang., Prince of, 471 sq. conquests, 9 sq.; 29, 53, 55; Orders in Council, 378, 447 sq. 1 hatred of, by Catholic priests, 59; repeal of, 451 plots in Ireland, 63; English Orthez, victory at, 444 • I:lilDEX. 545

Otto, M., 52, 54, 74, 79 Pinckney, Mr., 323 Oudinot, General, 495 Pitt, 14, 26, 80; character, 32 ''1. ; resignation, 51, 54 sq.; 59, 76, Paget, Sir A., 145 78, 84 8'1.; increase of debt, 93, --, General,424 94, 99, 100, 101 8'1., 107; enters Pakenham, Sir E., 468 office, 115 ag.; opinion of N.... Palafox, General, 442 poleon, 119; Additional ,Force Paley, Dr., 534 Bill, 120; reconciliation with Palm, bookseller, 220' , Addington, 126 8'1.; iii health, Palmeraton, Lord, enters Parli.... 128; on Catholic Question, 139; ment, :.1l1 l' 252; Under-Secr .. .illness, death, character, 158 sq., tary of War, 335, 186, 370 Pamplon,!> 294 t i3S'Iq.; sorrender' • Pizarro,' dramatic piece, 340 04 438 " Plattsburg, defeat before, 464 Paris, battle' or, 5031q. r Treaty or, Plumer, first Vice-Chancellor, 478 506 ; Second Treaty or,' .520;' Plymouth, breakwater at, 524 Wellington'at, 520' Polalld, partition of, 2, 274 Park, Mungo, 535 Pole, WellesleY,,282, 473 Parker, Sir Hyde, 42 Iq.' , • Political Register,' 475 Parma, 13 Polteney, Sir T., 335 Parnell, Sir H., 347, 474 Pomerania, 286 Pan, 445 , Poonah,166 Paul, Emperor of Russia, 14; mu.... Pope, The, treaty with, 9; im- der of, 48; 283 prisoned at Avignon, 336 Paull, Mr., 194, 254 Popham, Sir H., 218, 258, 281 Peel, Sir R., the elder, 891, 474 , Population. of the country, 17 -. the younger, 842, 876, 891 Porchester, L6rd; 319 Peishwa, 166 , Portland, Duke of, 36, 112, 208, Pelham, Lord, 83, 92, 94, 112 241 sq., 246; administration of, Peltier, M., 79 , 249, 277', 298; 305, 315; death PenalLaw Reform,851- ' .. ,of, 333, 335 ,,- Peninsnlar War, 288 sq., 399 .q. .POl't'ligal, our ally, 8; 277'; Beet Pepys, Sir LuC8I, physician, 819 of, 287; invasion of, 289 Perceval, Mr., 79,109,' 159, 208, --,Prince Regent of, 283 214; character of, 226, 250 8'1' ; Porson, Dr., acholar, 532 235,237,243 Iq., 805,319,327, Prag.... 495 , 830, 334; Premier, 335, 343 sq., Preshurg givea'np to Fnn~, 156 860, 365; three Resolntions, 370, Press, Liberty' of the, 475 " Iq., 379; in high spirits,' 381 r Prussia, 5 sq.; annexation ot Han I18S8Ssination, 383 ~l'erian dominions, 219 Percy, Bishop, 532 _ --, 'Queen LoUisa of (888 Lonisa) Perron, M., 168, 170, 1'15' Perry, Mr., editor, 475 "Quarterly Revi,ew' started, '528 Peter the Great, 3 sq. " Quatre Bras, 515 'sq. Petty, Earl (mentioned as Lora' Queen' Anne's BOUnty, 353 Lansdowne), 18!l', 200 sg., 210, Queen, The, 372 'sq., 374, 376, 379 227, 230 Quigley, agitator; 65, 70 Philharmonic Society fonnded, 527 Philippon, 420 Rathbone, Mr. W., 480 Pichegru, General, 113 sq., 117 Redesdale, Lord, 62, 66, 70, 477 Pigott, Mr.~ 200 Rees, Dr. 197 2. 546 INDEX.

Regency, proposition. of, 370; re- Salisbury, Bishop of, 472 strictions of, 873 Salt monopoly, 179 Regent, the (see Wales, Prince of) Saragosa, 435 Regent's Fete, 378 Sardinia, King of, 12 Regnier, General, at Mllid.., 1117 Sattara, Rajah of, 166 Rennell, Major, 535 Savary, Duke of Rovigo, 155 Renny, Captain, 259. Scheidt, expedition to the, 315 Reserves, 119 Schwartzenburg, Prince, 50'1, 50'4 Restriction Act, 349 Scindia, 166 sq. Rey, General, 435 Scott, John, 475 Richmond, Duke of, '24~ --, Sir W., 526 Riot Act read, 360 Sebastiani, 80', 262 sq. Riots, 898 sq. Selim, Sultan, 262 Rochefort, 303; French -Beet at, Seringapatam, 164, 320 Sevajee, 165 Rodgers, Commodore, 453 Seven Islands, the, 321 Romans, Spanish General, 308 Seville, royal flight to, 297 Rome, King. of, 512 Sharp, Granville, 535 Romilly, Sir S., 200, 226; on Slave­ Sheffield, population of, 21 trade, 233, 25-1, .256, 278,337, Sheridan, Mr. R. B., 56, 78, 126, 346; on capital punishment, 351, 193, 20'0', 340, 357, 374 sq., 470' 361, 384, ~69, 475, 477 Short Administration, 247 , Romney,'. wreck of the,l1l3 Sidmouth, Viscount, 131, 135; re­ Roneesvalles, 434 sq. . signs office, 137; 157, 186, 191 Rori~a, battle of, 30a sq.; Privy Seal, 20'0'; on Slave­ Rose, Mr., 246, 323 trade, 211, 215, 222 sq.; Irish Ross, General, 463 . Act, 237 sq., 243, 281, 334, 353, Roumelia, 276 365; President of Council, 379; Royal Military Asylum, 524 Home Secretary, 397, 50'9 (se8 RumfOl'd, Count, 523 also Addington) Russel, agitator, 65, 70 Silesis restored to Prussia, 275 Russell, Jonathan, 465 "Si monumentum requiris, circum­ Russia, ambition of, 3 sq., 14; spice," Wren's epitaph, 531 armistice with, 47 ; secret treaty Sinking Fund, '160', 230', 486 with France, 207 Slave-trade, Abolition of, 198; 20'8 Ryd~r, !l0R-.,R., 335, 893 sq., 227, 231; Society for Abo- lition of, 535 Saardam,8 Smith, Rev. Sidney, 528 St. Domingo, 73, 81l, 261 __, Sir Sidney, '9, '217,251,290' ~t. He1ena, . ~ apoleon banished to, --, Mr. W., 20'8, 234 519 ' Soissons, ""pitulation of, 50'3 St.,lldefonso,. t~eaty of, 123 Soult, Marshal, 30'8; at Oporto, St. John, Knights of, 57, 77 401, 416, 420; Commander-in­ St. Lucia, 103 chief, 435 sq., 440 sq. St. Sebastian, 294; attack on, 435.; Southcote, Joanna, 485 . . capture, 436 . Spain, alliance of, 8; relations with, St. Vincent, victory of, 11 123; war with, 128; invasion St. Vincent, Lord, 42, 112.; on of, by tho French, 293 Slave-trade, 233 •-, King of (see Cbarles IV.); Salamanca, Sir J. Moore at, 806; Queen of, 288; Heir-apparent· ,battle of, 4!l~ sq., 428 sq. (se. Ferdinand VII.). INDEX. 547

Spencer, General, 302 Trafalgar, battle of, 149 .,.--, 3rd Earl, 35 sq., 56, 130, Travel, increase of foreign, 75 200,210 TraVis, Archdeacon, 533 • Stamford News,. 476 Trentham, Mr., shot, 395 Standing armies, 6 Trevithick and Vivian, Messrs., 523 Staunton, Sir G., 535 Trinidad acquired by France, 57 Stevenson, Colonel, 199, 172, 177 Trotter, Mr., 131, 136 Stewart, Sir J., 814 Troy.. , Napoleon at, 501 Stock Exchange, hoax, 84 Tudela, battle at, 307 Strachan, Sir R. J., commands Wal- Turkey, 8, 261, 274 cheren ~xpedition, 317 ''1. Tuscany, 13 Stralsund, 281>, 285 ' Strangford, Viscount, 290 Ulm, surrender of, 143 Strike., 391 United States, quarrel with, 322 Strong, Governor, 452 Stuart, Colonel, 48 Valencay, Ferdinand prisoner at, --, General, 168 441 --, Sir John, at Maida, 217 Valence, 507 Styria, 156 Valencia, fan of, 417 Subsidiary Ilystem, 179, 185 Vanadolid, French at, 307 Suchet, Marshal, 430, 435, 442 8'1. Vandamme, General, 494 Sudermania, Duke of, 286 Vansittart, Mr., 73, 335, 486; on Sussex, Duke of, 232, 372, 472 Bank-notes, 350 Sweden, 8,14, 48, 276, 217 Vauxhan Brid ge, 344 --, King of, 285 , Vanorable,' wreck of the, 123 Symington, mechanist, 521 Venice given up to tho French, 156 Talleyrand, 57, 63, 81, 155, 205, Vienna, deputation from, to Napo- 275, 283, 505 leon, 144; Treaty of, 514 Talavera, battle of, 31.4, 403, 430 Villefranche, 4A6 Tamerlane, 176 Villeneuve, Admiral, 148,'1. Tarbes, battle at, 445 Vimieiro, battle ot, 302 Tarragona taken by Napoleon, 412, .Vindhya Mountains, 162 435 . Vittoria, battle of, 431 Tea, consnmption of, 524 Volunteer Force, 104 sq., 116, 227 Thibaudeau, 118 Thomton, Henry, 234 Wagram, battIe of, 305-. -. Mr., Bank Director, 347 Walcheren, Isle of, 267 ; expedition, Threshers, 236 357; results of expedition, 315 Thurlow, Lord, 215 Wale., Princa of (George IV.), 40 Tierney, Mr., 108, 253, 847, 470 ''1. ; debts of, 89; treatment from Tiloit, peace of, 273, 282, 284 his father, 95 ''1.; divorce of, Tippoo,l84 102,108,186,188,190,200; 228, Tobago, 103 232, 250, 324, 326, 363, 370; Toleration Act, 353 proposition of Regency, 370; R... Tooke, J. Horne, 533 gent, 873; family of, 469, 508, Torbay, Napoleon at, 519 519 Torquemada, wiue-vaults of, 423 Wall, Governor, execution of, 97 Torres Vedras, lines of, 408 Walme", 102 __ , Marquess of, 429 W almoden, General, 92 Tonlous .. battle of, 445 sq. Ward, J. W., 875 (see Dudley). 548 INDEX.

Ward, Robert, 158 Whitworth, Lord, 80 sq., 85 Wardle, Colonel, 134, 824; prose- I Wilberforce, Bishop, 31, 99, 122, cution of Mrs. Clarke, 339 I 223, 233; speech on Lord Mel" Washington, Fort, 463 ville, 133, 135, 141; on Pitt, ~ General, 463 160; on Slave-trade, 208 sq., 227, Waterloo, battie of, 518 280 sq.; on Peninsular War, 299, - Bridge, 344 317,325, 854, 382, 481,484, 509 Wauchope, General, 266 Williamson, Mr., murder of, 388 Wedbeck,279 Willis, Dr., 41 Wellesley, Henry, 833 , , Windham; Mr:, 85 sq., 54, 56, --, Marquess; 100, 104, ISS, 108, aq., 198; 200; 0" military 161; Subsidiary System, 164, . defence, 262- .q., 210, 216, 229, 179, 185 f. return to England;' 256, 265;: Slave:trade, 211; at­ 183 sq.; 225, 245, 365; resigns tack on the Press, 857; death office, 379; speech concerning .nd character, 367'; 482 his brother, 427, 450 Wolfe, Miss, 69' _, Sir Arthur, Duke of Welling­ Wollaston, chemist, 529 ton, in India, 161" aq.; made Woodington, Lieut.-Colonel, 175 X.C.B., 178, 189; Cat Copenhagen, Wordsworth, 52,6 281; Corunna, 301;' 814, 833, Wrede, Marllhal; 500 366; Peninsular War, 899 aq.; Wren, Sir Christopher, 531 created Viscount Wellington, 404; , honours conferred on, 427'; , Como' Yarmouth, Earl of, detained in mander-in-Chief; 429; returnS to France, 205 sq. England, 510;' at Brussels, 514, York, Duchegs of, 92, 324, 326 sq.; Waterloo, 518 ; 'at Paris, 520 --'---0 Duke of; 52, 57, 78, 84, 88, West India, los8 of ships, 118', 94, 116 sq.; 154, '188, 200, 201, Westmoreland, Earl of, 112, 246' 207, 228, 232, 250, 803, 315, Westphalia, 276 324; resignation' of, 327; 378; Wheat, price of, 121, 844,38&,800, reinstated in office, 378 sq.; 472 898 , 524, 533 Whitbread, Mr.,18S; 135 '''1;; 256;' Yorke, Mr.; 103, 112; 153, 357 862,482 Whitelocke, General, 259" ,~dora,'481;'






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