BT~DAJlD- WORKS PUBLISHED BY Dr. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LAJ.~GUAGE. NOTE.~TM MIl!! authorized Editio/18 of the abooe celtJwaltJd Dictimaort are tlzOBe here described: .flO other Editiona publiBhed i. EftglaM contain the DeriMtiofts GM Etymolo­ gical Nota of Dr. Maln, v:ho detJoted .1!lfJtJfYJl ytJarl to tAil portion of tAtJ Worl:. See Notice on page 4- WEBSTER'S GUINEA DICTIONARY OJ!' THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Thoroughly revised and improved by CRAnrcn A. GooDBlCll, D.D., LL.D., and NOd POBTEB, D.D., of Yale College. The peculiar ""tum! of this volume, which render it perhaps the mesi lISefal Dicti01llUJ' for general refenmce extant, 11& it is undoubtedly ORe of the cheapest boob ever po blished, are as follows ,- I. CompleteneeB.-It contains 1 U,OOO 5. '!'he Orthography is based as far as ..ords-m.... by 10.000 _ any other po!!8ible on Fixed Principles. hi "" ...... DldioDaly; ..,d _ -. for the moot of doMU .... ~.. opeU4"11 iI ,,-. par1. unusual or ~ca1 terma, lor the explaD&lloa or which. ~ 10 """" 6. ProDunciatioD.-Tbis has beeo eo- .....ted. ~ to Mr. W. G. WSII8ftIB and Mr. 2. Accuracy of »ebition.-In this WBBKLER, .....ted by other scholars. The department the Ia_ or Dr. Webeler prommciadoo of each word Is indicated by . weremoot981uable.lnconecdnc thefallllJ' typographical signa, which .... explained and redU1ldaritdeflnitl.... or Dr.Jubneou. by refe........ to aKnpriratodCIIlMboItoIIo whieb bad prevlously _ .tmoot univer- of -.\ page. =Yd~~ ~':'i::...... =.~w;n~ 7. '!'he mustrative Citationa.-No me_callyaualyaed by W. G. Webster. labour bas been spared to embod,y &UCh J!lioq •• the Rev. Cbauocey Goodr:c:h. Prof. qllotatione from - ...thon aa ID&J' Lym.... Prof. WbImey, and Prof. Gilman, throw light on the de1blltioDB, or pas. • with the OB8i8_ and uoder the SIlper- .... any opecial Int.ere&, or tIllnJgM or Inlendeuce of Prof. Goodriob. Iaogoage. S. Scienti1le and TechniC.!!l Tmu.- 8. The Synonyma.-These are _ob- 10 order to S<¥:ure the a_ ....,pleleD... Joined to the words to wbiell \bey belong. =: "l:.""'.:~~-.....u..:s..:e~::: aod lIN ""'1oomplde. , Scholaraaod Expert.a.lncludlngProW..... 9. Them1ll!trationa, which e>:ceed 3000, Prof. LymIID, A;c. are Inserted. Dol lor !.be oak. or ornament• •• Etymology.-The eminent philo- but to elucidate the meaoing or worde 10gb&, Dr. Co I!. 1WDr, bas oIev_ live "'hf~_""'!~ .be ea_riIJ' ""Plalned 7ear8 ID perfectin& tbia departmenl. ""...... t p_ri&! aid. , The Volume ooutaiJIs 1580 peg.... more u..n 3000 mustrations, aad ;. aold for One G oin... It will be found, on comparison. to be one of the cheapest Volum... e-Ter issued. Cloth, 21s.; half-bound in ca1f, 30a.; calf or half-rus&ia" 31" Cd. i rDlI6ia, £2. \ To II. obtGiMa tAroug.\ Gil Bookseller.. PrJJliJAetl by GEORGE BELL" EONS, YORK STREET, COVl!.NT GARDEN, LONDON. I Dhananjayarao Gadgil Libnuy 111111111111 mil 11111 Inll 11111 millB GIPE-PUNE-OO 1803 A lJat of AbbreviatiQll8, Contrao­ ~on •• find Arbitrary Blg .. ...-.I1n Writma &DJI f'IInSlng. A Claesi1ie4 lelection of Pictorial lUuslratiOD8 ('0 _0). WllII"-­ tou.eklxt, . .. Tbe eb-' DIdIonary __ pn~l1Ibed; ... it I. __Iy one (.f lbe boat. Tbe 'iRtro­ cluct1 ... or amall wuodwt llIustrotioDa of IA!<:Iwi<AI """ ~ ""1118 adds sr"tJ,y to the aWhf.r \be DIct.Ionary."-CIourco\mGn. LOYDO:i: GEORGE BELL" SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GAJIDU, a . 8TAND..tBD WOBK8 PUBLISHED BY WEBSTER'S DIOTIONARY" From the QUARTERLY Rxvmw. DeL 1873, , - , .. Seventy years passed before JOHNSON was followed by Webster, an American writer, who faced the task of the English Dictionary with a full appreciation of its requirements, leading to better practical.results." " •,,"is laborious comparison o( twenty languages, thm.gh never pub­ lished, bore fruit in his own mind, and his training placed him both in knowledge and judgment far· in advance of Johnson as a philologist. Webster's • AmeriCSB Dictionary of the English Language' was pub­ lished in 1828, and of course appeared at .once in England, where successive re-editing laaa IZ3 yel1cept it in the fiigh/JIt place IZ3 a practical . Dictionary." "The acceptance of an American Dictionary in England has itself had immense effect in keeping up the community of speech, to break which would be a grievous harm, not to English-speaking nations alone, but to mankind. The result of this has been that the common Dictionary must snit both sides of the Atlantic." , , , , "The good average bueiness-like character of Webster's Dictionary, both in style and matter, made it as distinctly suited as Johnson's was distinctly unsuited to be expanded and re-edited by other hands. Professor Goodrich's edition of 1847 Is not much more than enlarged and amended, but other revisions since have so much novelty of plan as to be described as distinct works." , , ,,' . "The American revised Webster's Dictionary of 1864, published in America and England, is of an altogether higher order than these last [The London Imperial and Student's]. It bears on its title-page the names of Drs. Goodrich and PortelO but inasmuch as its especial im­ provement Is in the etymological department, the care of which was committed to Dr. M.um, of Berlin, we prefer to describe it in short as the Webster-Malm Dictionary. Many other literary men, among them Professora Whitney and Dana, aided ill the task of compilation and revision. On consideration it seems that the editora and contributors have gone far toward improving Webster to the ntmost that he will bear improvement. The vocabulary haa beCOOUl almost complete, as regards IIsual words, w~ile the dejinitiom keep throughout to W'ebstln'" .impk careful style, and the derivations are assigned with the aid of good modem authorities.· .. On the whole, the Webster-Mabn Dictionary as it stands, is most respectable, and CERTAINLY TD BESr PRACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIOBA'RY GrAIIT." LONDON: G!o.:ORGE BELL .. SONS, YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN. GEOBGB BBLL .t SONS•. SPEOIAL. DIOTIONARIES AND WORKS OF R EFERENOE. Dr. Richa.rdson's Philological Dictionary of. the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Combining Explanation with Etymology, and oopioualy illustrated by Quotations from the Best Authorities. NtMII Edition, with a Supplement containing additional Worcj.s and further Illustrations. In 2 vola. 4to. £4 H •. 6d. Half-bound in RuBBi&, £5 IS.. 6d. Russia, £6 12•• The Wordo, with those of the same family, are traced to their origin. The Ezpl4natitm8 are deduced from the primitive meaning through the various IllJagea. The Quotations are arranged ohrono­ logically, from the earliest period to the present time. The Supplement separately. 4to. 12,. An 8vo. edition, without the Quotations, 15.. Half-russia, 20 •• Russia, 246. _ Synonyms and Antonyms of the English Language. _ Collected and Contrasted. By the late Ven. O. J. SIUTH, M.A. Poet 8vo. 5.. , . Synonyms DiscrimInated. A Ca.talogue of Synonymous Worda in the Englieh Language, with their various Shades of Mean­ ing, &0. Illustrs&ed by Quotations from Standard Writers. By the late Ven. O. J. SWTH, M.A. Demy 8vo. 16.. ' A New Biographical Dictionary. ~y THOMPSON COOPIIIB, F.S.A., Editor oC" Men of the Time," and Joint Editor of "AthelllB Cantabrigienses." 1 vol. 8vo. 12•• Thi. volume ie not a mere repetition of the oontent. of previous works, but emhodies the results of many years laborious research in rare puhlica­ tions and unpublished dooument. •. Any note of omiesion whioh may be sent to the Publishers will be duly considered. "';o~!.~. ~ .~hr!:!.:rlt~~,;':.~u:::b?~ ~n~~'; ~ ~':s::J:.l ~~~r: behalf pnt forth brlta editor:'-Britu" QuaTkriy Revi<w. "Tbe mass of lnformaLion wblch it oontalna, especially as regards • number of anthon m..., or _ 0"""0", Is oImpl)' 88lonlsblng." -I/p<cI4Im'. '- .. Comprlaes In UIO pages, pooled very c:100e1)' in double eol1llllll8, an enormous amount of lnformation."-B'lIGminer• .. Mr. Cooper takes credit III hImself, and IB, we think, justlfled in doing so, for the great care bestowed upon the work to insore accuracy as to facta and dates; and be is right perbape in IIIl)'Ing that bia dictlonery Ia &be moot oompreheoal.e work onlB kind In the h'nglWl language:'-Pall Mall Gaulle• .A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. With a Liet of Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks, By MICHAlIL BRY~. Enlarged. EditUm, 'With numerous addititm8, by GEOBOE STAlILBY. JlnperiaJ. 8vo. £2 2,. A Supplement of Recent and Living Painters. By 1IBNRY OTTLEY. 12" The Cottage Gardener'S Dictionary. With a Supple­ ment, containing .,11 the new plants and varieties to the year 1869. Edited by GEORG. W. JOHNSON. Post 8vo. Cloth. 6,.6d. LO!.'DON: GEORGE BELL " SONS, YORK STI EET, COVENT GARDEN, - I BT.A1i'DABD WOBKB PUBLISHED BY THE AlDlNESERIES OF THE BRITISH POETS. CHEAP EDITIOY. In F'rlq-two VolmnesJ Balmd in moth, at Eighteenpence' each Volume. Alumaide,witll lWaoir Dy-tU BeY. A. In..... aDd addhio_ Le&Iem. 11. tid. Beattie, with Memoir by the 1tev. A.. Dmr. Ja. &I. 1I:ilten, with Memoir by the KeV.l. lIIIuoBn. 3 'lOis. U. 6d. Jluru, with: Memoir by Sir Ha.nia NRlOL&I\,IIIld _ Coryright PleaB. 4&.&1. Parnell. with .emoir- bl the- Rev. a_ I. JItftoaD. Ja. 611.. :Butler.__ with lI_ Memoir 3L by the Eev.l. Pope,. with IIIDoir bl the Rev. A. lli... I wi&.. 4&'u. ~aueer, editei by :&. J!'orris, with Memoir bJ Sir ILU""1I lIhCOL.U.. 41 vola. Prior, with Memoir by the Rev. 1. 9&. i' ~'lI_1L Churehill, '1'ooke'1 Ecfititm, rensed, Sha:kespeare, with Memoir by the wllIl_.bJJAMSlUDAr.lv__ I\ev• .A. DrCB. lL U. 9&. 8peuaer. edited, with. Jlemoir, by Collilla; edited. with Memoir, by W. J. PAUlI Oou.uoo.
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