Satanism and Occult-Relatedviolence:What You

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Satanism and Occult-Relatedviolence:What You Satanism and Occult-Related Violence: What You Should Know Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. Linda 0. Blood 666 International Cultic Studies Association Satanism and Occult-Related Violence: What You Should Know. Copyright 1990, 2006 by the International Cultic Studies Association. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, write: International Cultic Studies Association, PO Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 34133; Cover illustration by Linda O. Blood Reproduced with permission Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Langone, Michael D., Satanism and occult-related violence: what you should know. Satanism. Parent and child. I. Blood, Linda O. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: About the Authors Michael D. Langone, Ph.D., Director of Research and Education for the International Cultic Studies Association, is a licensed psychologist who has worked with more than 125 former cult members and their families. Editor of the scholarly Cultic Studies Journal, Dr. Langone has studied cults for the past decade while publishing and lecturing extensively on the subject. He is co-author, with Joan Carol Ross, of Cults: What Parents Should Know, published by Carol Publishing Group. Linda O. Blood has worked with the International Cultic Studies Association since 1981 as a writer, editorial assistant, and lecturer. A former member of the Temple of Set, Ms. Blood has spent nearly ten years in research on satanism and the occult. She holds a B.F.A. in fashion design and is currently working towards a Master of Liberal Arts degree in Classical Civilizations. The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) (formerly known as the American Family Foundation) is a non profit, tax-exempt, research and educational organization founded in 1979. Staffed by professionals and guided by a distinguished advisory board, ICSA collects information on cults and manipulative techniques of persuasion and control, analyzes the information in order to advance understanding of the problem and possible solutions to it, and shares this understanding with professionals, the general public, and those needing help with cult involvements. Acknowledgments We thank the many loyal supporters of the International Cultic Studies Association, without whose financial assistance this report could not have been written. We are also grateful to colleagues who have provided us with information and offered advice on earlier drafts of this manuscript, in particular Herbert Rosedale, President of the American Foundation; Sandi Gallant of the San Francisco Police Department; Dr. Margaret Singer, ICSA Director and faculty member at the University of California at Berkeley; Rob Tucker of the Council on Mind Abuse; Bette Naysmith of the Cult Awareness Network; and Dr. Carl Raschke, Director of the University of Denver's Institute for the Humanities. We hope our efforts have been worthy of their expert assistance. Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................. 6 Definitional Issues ...................................................................................... 10 Chapter One Events Stimulating Public Concern .............................................. 12 Law Enforcement Findings ....................................................................... 12 Growing Public Awareness ....................................................................... 15 Reports From Helping Professionals .......................................................... 16 Separating Fact From Fiction ................................................................... 17 Chapter Two Historical Background ............................................................... 21 Ancient Roots ........................................................................................ 21 Medieval Developments .......................................................................... 22 Renaissance and Enlightenment Periods .................................................... 25 Chapter Three Modern Satanism ................................................................... 27 Chapter Four Folk Religions .......................................................................... 34 Chapter Five Prevalence .............................................................................. 37 Chapter Six Why Do People Get Involved in Satanism? .................................... 39 Youth ................................................................................................... 39 Adults ................................................................................................... 41 Recruitment Tactics ................................................................................ 42 "Heavy Metal" Music" .............................................................................. 44 Fantasy Role-Playing Games .................................................................... 46 Chapter Seven Effects and Signs of Satanic Involvement ................................. 49 Teenagers Forming Cults ......................................................................... 49 Satanic Activities .................................................................................... 51 How Does Satanic Involvement Affect People? ........................................... 51 Signs of Involvement .............................................................................. 53 Chapter Eight What Can Families Do? ............................................................ 56 Don't Panic! ........................................................................................... 56 Assess the Situation Thoroughly .............................................................. 56 Educate Yourself .................................................................................... 58 Communicate Effectively ......................................................................... 58 Be Patient and Set a Hierarchy of Goals .................................................... 59 Exercise Authority When Appropriate ........................................................ 59 Know When to Seek Professional Help ...................................................... 60 Chapter Nine Suggestions for Mental Health Professionals ............................... 62 Working with Deeply Involved Satanists .................................................... 62 Dabblers ............................................................................................... 64 Ritualistic Abuse .................................................................................... 68 Adult Survivors ...................................................................................... 71 Chapter Ten Legal Issues ............................................................................. 73 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 75 Conclusions: Linda O. Blood .................................................................... 75 Conclusions: Michael D. Langone ............................................................. 81 References ................................................................................................. 86 Books Often Read by Satanism-involved Adolescents .................................. 92 Additional Reading ................................................................................. 92 Introduction Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), (formerly known as the American Family Foundation) chartered in 1979, is a nonprofit, tax-exempt research and educational organization - consisting of a small professional staff and committees of volunteer professionals - that collects information on cultic groups and manipulative techniques of persuasion and control, analyzes the information in order to advance understanding of this subject and possible' solutions to problems that it poses, and shares this understanding with other professionals, the general public, and those needing help with cultic involvements. Although the popular mind views cultism's essence as "weirdness," ICSA maintains that its essence is exploitation, the extensive use of manipulation to advance the goals of group leaders to the actual or possible detriment of members. "Weirdness" merely makes a group more conspicuous and attractive to the media. The majority of ex-cultists did not belong to groups that were "weird-looking" to the uninformed outsider. They were victims of deception and exploitation, and although some had psychological problems before joining the group, most were more or less normal. They were seduced into their cults because they were susceptible in some way to their group's particular sales pitch. Until a few years ago, ICSA and most other organizations concerned about cultism received only occasional inquiries about Satanism. The leading grassroots organization, the Cult Awareness Network, now reports that approximately 10%- 15% of their 700-plus monthly telephone inquiries concern Satanism (Kisser, personal communication, October 19, 1989). What caused this change? First, a spate of crimes committed by individuals practicing Satanism in some form brought the issue to the public's attention. (See Blood,
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