
lots, mently 'selling-at make funds available at $66,000 per acre, in order low interest rates to to keep up with its debt develop industrial park in- payments.. : frastructures in an effort to "It places us in the posi- promote industry @ B.C. more attrac- communities. ," At the time, the joint ven- . ture appeared to offer is &pnani€!h th9 GppOrmity forScM6erg to ify its.industrial who, dong with Tobus, ba nd rdlce its have been actively economic dependence on aegotiating with the ' the forest industry.

vincial government Squamish soon found ' ef in the In- itself having to contend rk venture with escalating debt servic- recently was- ing and land cost excess plagued by unstable Land costs in its Industrial Park, and development costs, and in fact was actually 10s- high interest rates on ing some $200 per acre of 1.D:S.A. loans, lack of corn- land sold in phase one. mitment :bn the part of Although land piices were senior goverqments in the reevaluated and subse- sharing ot8potentidlosses, quently increased in 198.6 and poor lhd sales due to to offslet same of the finan- the current depressed cial burden, the fear was economy. .. that the land would out- Schilberg.arndTobus have price the market and been involved in a round of become no longer saleable. negotiations with govem There was also the- ment officials over the mat- assumption that most *of ter for several months, and the lots sold in the fist Tobus made a personal ap- thyears of the Park's peal to Premier Bill Vmder existence were to local Zalm himself when he was businesspeople, thus ex- in town recently e0 address hauseing the local. buyer's the annual meeting of the market. Chamber of Commerce. Added'to that was the Squamish's first financial provincial government's break came in .June, when decision in 1985 to com- Schilberg successfully corn mence capitalization of .the pleted the urchase of the 140 acres oP Crown Land in eon't on page 3

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!AUGUST SPECIAL! ,8 -, .. QOMINION SECURITY DEADLOCK I ...... :..: .,.\, <:,

1367 WINNIPEG ROYAL BANK PLAZA An attempt by Squdsh closddwr meeting9 was meetings until she’s’l&- haunt& - Aluimnan Tedl Patterson quashed by the rest of ed to button up her trap,” promoter8. to have fellow Aldem council at the Auga 11 Pattersonsaid,htrduchig While council was C~hd.,~~sdalebd meeting. a motion to have hmsdde meeting with the pro- from future in-camera so bd. mot%rrsh-eza meetings because she had ‘.‘I’m calling for ‘ her “That’s misconduct,”. on July 28, members of the REGIONAL DISTRICT “leaked” information to, (Lansdale) to be barred Pattersbn added, referring Club’s executive, alerted of the public prior to a recent from future4 in-camera to Loniihle’s alleged pass- the propwed takeover of BY=LAWNO. 368,1987 .. ,...... ing of confidential info-- the management of the A bplaw of the Squamish=uiiootlt tion to pridcipals of the Club by UGCC Holdings, fh3glOnal Dlstrict to authorize the Squamish Golf Club prior wh lso manage‘ the bomOWlng of Sixteen Thousand Dollan, to council’s in-camera U ity of BX. golf for the purpoge of provldlng a deep well meeting July 28 wi~three course, hovered outside the and pump 8tatlon to pmwlde water to the - out-of-town promaters who council chambers awaiting c~mmunltyof Tantalus Acres. were proposing to de.‘home wsrd.of the clo~~ed- WHEREAS by By-law N0.235~1985adopted November 25th, over the management of door discussion. 1985, the’Regional Board of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional the golf course. e members at the time ... ., ’ District established a specified area fc!r the purpose of pro- . .- also .. Pattersop objected 6 ssed shock and ,in. viding a water system for the community of Tantalus Acres. Lonsdale’s revealing of dignation that a proposal - AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and .expedient to what. went on at the Julv of such magnitude in the undertake the provision of a deep well and pump station to OPEN HOUSE 28 meeting in an articfe future of the golf course , provide water to the community of Tantalus Acres. which appeared in the Aug. would be rliscurpsed without AND WHEREAS the assent of the electors of the Tantalus 5 edition of The Times. the Club having the oppor- Acres Water System Specificed area has been obtained. PLACE - 38063 Westway Ave. AND WHEREAS to provide water to the Tantalus Water . *‘It’sbad enough that she tunity to make representa- . System Specified Area, it is necessary to provide a deep well (Lonsdale) and Aldem tion to wmd. and pump station, the estimated cost of which, including ex- TIME - 1:38 - 490 p.m. Harvey blabbed (prior to Council turned down the penses incidental thereto, is the sum of Sixteen Thousand the meeting).’’ proposal by UGCC Dollars ($16,000.00), which is’the amount of debt intended to Patterson’s motion failed Holchgs at that meelhg, . be crgated by this by-law. Sunday Aug. 23 ’ to secure a seconder, with Tobus and Pattermn AND WHEREAS the amount of the authorized debenture however. voting against the motion debt of the Regional District incurred under Section 797 of “Are you ceh that toturndowp’theproposal. the Municipal Act is $1,269,350.00, of which $969,350.00 is Don‘t let the looks deceive, come on out and bring the ‘Alderman Lonsdlale is the But at the Aug. 11.. existing outstanding debenture debt and $300,000.00 is to ihis beautiful home. Huge kitchen with family room, sun one who revealed the con- meeting, Tobus defended authorized and .unissued debenture debt and none of the porch etc, etc. etc., its a delight. principal or interest of the debenture debt of the Regional fidence?”, Mayor Egon Bir%decision to address the - District is in arrears. # Tobus asked Patterson. matter inamera, saying AND WHEREAS the amount of the authorized debenture Tobus echoed Pattergods matters concerning pmp HOST or HOSTESS 4P8N ac RONNEE debt of the Regional District incurred under Section 798 of - concerns that members of ty transaction are dealt the Municipal Act is $16,776,734.00, of which Refreshmentswill be setvBd‘ the Golf Club . had prior with behind closed doors. $1 6,776,734.00 is existing outstanding debenture debt and know led^ of tine dwhled “You, as council have $NIL is authorized and unissued debenture debt and none‘of ’ niteS. Dealipg with proper- the principal or interest of the debenture debt of the Regional ’ ty is one of them.” District is in arrears. Tobus expdsd concern AND WHEREAS the approval of the Provincial Health Officer has been obtained. tbt the recent incident in- AND WHEREAS the maximum term for which debentures vohing the Golf Club will may be issued to secure the debt Greatedby this by-law is SEMImANNUAL‘SALE have ramifications to’ ten years. . future discussions. . NOW THEREFORE, The Regional Board of the Squadsh- “It will make people now Lillooef Regional District in open meeting assembled, enacts uneasy that they will be’ as follows: blocked again.’’ 1. The Regional Board is hereby empowered and authorized Fdowhg the scheduled to undertake and carry out or cause to be carried out and agenda at the Aug. 11 provide a deep well and pump station in and for the said meeting, Tobus further specified area generally in accordance with plans approved blasted-The Time8 for h- by the Provincial Health Officer and to do all things p1pig thet c!xmd hd necessary in connectim therewith and without limiting the generarity of the foregoing: cmducted itself improperly a) to borrow upon the credit of the Regional District a sum by meeting with the pm not exceeding Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00) moters in-camera. b) to acquire all such real property, easements, rights-of- ‘Although hnsdale was way, licences, rights or authorities as may be requisite or not present at the Aug. 11 desirable for or in connection with providing a deep well and meeting, Harvey, also ,ac- pump station to provide water to the community of Tantalus cused of supplying the Acres. public with information 2. This by-law may be cited as “Tantalus Acres Water about the in-camera System Loan Authorization By-law No. 368. 1987”.READ A meeting, defended ae FIRST TIME this 27th day of July, 1987. his READ A SECOND TIME this 27th day of July, 1987. tiona, saying he merely READ A THIRD TIME this 27th day,of July, 1987. made a few inquiries about RECEIVED THE APPROVAL OF THE INSPECTOR OF the promoters to establish MUNICIPALITIES this day of 1987. their credibility. ASSENTED TO BY THE ELECTORS within the Tantalus Acres “If you’re on the ball, you Water System Specified Area this day of 1987. check them out,’’ Harvey RECONSIDERED, FINALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED this said. day of 1987. “I didn’t agree with R.D. Gumming everything these pple Chairman told us. I did my homework. ” Ivan R. Knowles Secreta ry-Treasurer Harvey also said he wasn’t aware that the i hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of ... scheduled in-camera “Tantalus Acres Water System Loan Authorization By-law meeting with the pro- No. 368, 1987” as read a third time July 27th 1987. moters was sostricklycon- . fidentid. Ivan R. Knowles “I had a discussion with Secretary-Treasurer the Clerk (prior to the NOTICE meefing),”Hawey said. “I TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed asked ]him, ‘is ‘it secret?, by-law upon which the vote of the ,electors of the Regional District and Tantalus Acres will be taken at the Civic Centre and he said no.” Recreatisil Room on the 5th day of September, 1987 bet- Vpon failing to secure a ween the hours of 8:OO in the forenoon and 8:OO in the after. seconder for his motion to noon and an advance poll will be taken on the 2nd, 3rd and have Lonedde barred from 4th days of September, 1987 between the hours of 9:OO in . future h-camera meetings, the forenoon and 4:OO in the afternoon at the Squamish Patterson told council it Council Chambers and that I.R. Knowles has been appointed should abolish the practice Returning Officer for the purpose of taking and recording the of in-camera meetings vote of electors. altogether. “This council is composed Dated at Pemberton, B.C. this 1lth day of August 1987. of a bunch of wimps,” he Ivan W. Knowles, said. SecretawTreasurer “There’s no reason e0 get people all riled up.” house to house" for more signatures. * Scherer suggested that in- stead of sprtiying the dykes and playing fields for weeds, local unemployed youth and otKeis~couldbe Wdto perform the wdrk' by had. In response to Alderman Ran Bm, who pohhd out that Squamish already has

loan interest, increasing

' ..Sqaamish's *. debt *. paynients. . -As , ~811, Squamish discovered that the initial servicing program being undertaken in phase one would cost more than the loan providd for under the I.D.S.A. program, and the District was forced $0 8ecure an additional $116,798 €or that work. The result is that Squamish to date owes' over $200,000 in deferred intereert accrued, and has not even begun to pay back the loan. principal, 'even though about onequarter of phase one has been sold. !&Ailberg estimated that another three acres would have to be sold before Squamish could begin repayment of the original b€Ul, With the recent purchase of the Crown land and the debt restructuring, Schilberg said he is op- timistic about the future of the Squamish ,Industrial Park. "It's a good concept,'' he said. ''It puts us in a posi- tion to ~CCO~II~~I~any developer. We have the ad- vantage of having


, . A bluipint &present mi said, mi mde iuggestims ’ some arias, inclitc future work ~n Highway tu &I the best -mean&of Morseakoce Bay, bp 99, will be rnitde.avd&le reducing delays. ad in- said. ”Mmels *#not ember= convenience t~ redid&&?. pede ‘traffic because

“Mayors wi~ able istingbe opepntwdanefor .use high ~ Lion‘s Bay and West Van- . hs bring ia whatever expert tunnelling work goes advice hey need for this,’’ But, he all .d&&ls will be spell4 01; ’Jh&ds are. planned ’in the blueprint.

is preparing a blueprint of their plans for the highway. ” .Reynolds met with

‘ Highways, Minister, Cliff Michael, Aug. 10 to discuss the concerns of area

~ residents over lengthy delays-and the possibility Due to the repairs of the Civi of reducing them by doing Arena Compressors; our ice .‘season will some .of the road work at begin ‘September 28th, 1987 th night. But, Reynolds said, March 31st; 1988. “the contractors have some good apguments as to it can’t be done.“ , Ne will not be booking- any Tc Reynolds said contractors September 28th, 1987.

say a lot of the rock is shale .s and is very dangerous even .. -in bright daylight, as.was deinonstrate’d-by’the recent rherefore the regular ice season begins on. death of a construction September 2&h, 1987 instead of October lst, worker in .the Strip Creek area. Further, Reynolds as in the past.

said, “the cost would be I. ,‘-.’ . horrendous and would not .< I. speed up the work at ‘d,” Municipalities will be able For more informationpJease call 898-3604. to study the ,plans for ...... -. future constaPrctioh. he





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the Opinion


. ’@

Brenda Webb “Sbller’s , Jay. I see a lot of them shce I moved to B.C.”


Jame Binnie:“The Peregrin Falcon, because they’re very scarce in BE.’’ .. .. .*a* e*** ,*,+.-.**e -*: ......

.. Joanne Gaetz: ‘The swan, because they’re’strong and graceful. They .

.. . ’ stand proud, .the.way : we should.” ...... ,. *_......

Dear Editor: themselves on this hpor- sewage into the I’d like to thank all civic- tant matter. Cheakamus and Green minded, environment- You elected civic leaders, rivers, which enhances the conscious people’who sup- Alderman Ron Barr and color by forming a green

ported me and expressed Chuck Harvey, voted slimeonriverrqcks. 3 themselves with their againstthereferendumand Will write is the near signatures for a pesticide since it was a tie, to our future a preelection letter, free zone, and complained great disappointment, our to refresh all concerned about Whistler dumping Mayor Egon Tobus used citizens’ memories about raw sewage in the his deciding vote to vote some of the past goof-ups Chdaunus River, but I against it. done by your elected civic must disappoint you Also, we should give leaders. because the Squamish Minister of Environment Soq, I tried my best. council, .who uses power, B. Strachan a big pat on MOW it’s up to YQU people will not give the people of the back for helping to keep to think again who to vote Squmish a chance for a B.C. green by allowing for at the next election. . referendum to express Whistler to dump raw Helmut Scherer c 4 Phone 892-5131 Pat on the .. SERVING CCSEATCISKY’ COUNTRY US badly needed back Second Class Mail Registration’Nuinber 1 147 DearEditor: Return Postage Guaranteed I I This paper is not always delivered to Canada Post Corporation on the date of issue. Dear Editor: out on some of the in- Thank YOU for YOU ex- Citizen-Times Publishing CO. Ltd., every Tuesday at Squamish, B.C. I read with interest your teresting programs offered cellent coverage of the CPIOUDESLEY HOQDSPPTW hbbher article on yet another pro- because 1 am busy after SWhsh Days 10K Road S.Q. - school and don’t always Run and Street Mile. CAROL ADAMS Editor posd for a bus service in I - our m. like -to rely on fiends, wodd, however, -like to SAILEMBIER Reporter 1 PHIL - It is, beyond a doubt, a though they have always Point Out that Ken MAUREEN GILMOUR Cammunity Mewe service which is badly need- been willing and helpful. Schellenberg and not SEAN TRUDEAU - Advertising Representative ed, eince there is quite a Since there is no phone mYSeu Was Race llbAor. BETTY .CLAY - Advertising Represlentative distance to be covered from number for Alpine Adven- Ken, dong with his wife DOUG RENSHIAW - Advertising Reprceentative all the outlying areas to the, ture Tows or Mr. Doug Tern=, worked very hard 22948183 3td AWflU@, downtown core. Bmer in our directory, I to organize these events P.6. Box 220, Squamish, B.C., VQN 3GO However, a service even woke to you hoping this and the success of both Subscription Rates (Delivered by Mail) $14.80 per year more valuable, in my opi- suggestion would come to races is entirely due to $20.00 per year outside Canada nion, would be an after- the attention of hian and their hard work and en- Copyright sad or property rights eubsbt in all rCtvd@ingand other matedappeariog in thin edition of The SquunIsh Times. school and evening route . Pcrmbskrn to reduewholly or in part .ad in form whaboevcr, partlcuiarl~by ~botorrpoddcor offeet ~nrrmein a publica- ta others who are involved. thusiasm. the Civic Centre, and pro- Sincerely, Youm truly, bably many othixs miss Carol F’innie Peter Hotston . ... r ,.


- .. - __- - years ago, pbnned

,. .. ,. , ., , ., . , ......

munity luulj dong with a few others, bought my . . first share in the club at the rate of ten dohrs a . month. Later, when the dub 'needed money, I * bought my second sham but it hus Been sold back to --' the society. . People like Lloyd Inpham, John, Drenka, Ray. Bryan&and many others, litedly.worke4 ate and

. slept golf course while they were creating it 5

, The late Pat &en& negotiated for the lauuil and it 'was acquir&i Gmnted e fee is

1 nomid bat when one realizes that n;ot a cent of public money went into the course or its cons& . tioh and there is no public money spent in maintain- - < -ing it; thtf&t is OninirprtzL Certainly it is more thun I can be said &bouttk Ciuic Centre, which is an evep increasing cost to the public. For the first few years when the course mas under construction, local business firms dbnqted equip. ment and drivers; club members donated physical labor as well as aiding in a fund-rihsing efforts, youngsters bicked' rocks off the course getting credits for each bwAie*l, and were paid off with a big hot dbg feed And not once but many times as the rocks kept appearing through the soil as thw

e worked-their way to the surface. By 1967, the first nine holes were opened and it was a pr~dhy for the people who hard worked so hard to see their dream become a reality. '1 'ne o%tgznaC charter members had grown and there The new agency will work to build on our natural were many ccprpomte members QS well, Green fees ANNOUNCING A MAJOR NW strengths and develop emerging technologies. were low and embled a member to play as often as FEDERAL ECONOMIC Mk will use them to create new opportunitiw he or she wished for the payment of his annualgreen that will expand and stabilize our economy, fees. But; at the same time, the public was welcome BEVELDPMENT AGENCY FOR. create new jobs and inject new capital and and green fees for,non-members were lower than at WESTERN CANADA investment into our communities. . most golf courses in the Lower Mdnland . The Government 0f Canada hcrs announced the . Three years later the second nine holes were &e4 Western Diversification Initiative. A 1.2 BILLION DOLLAR WESTERN ~ the club embarked an ambitious pmgmm of sub on This Initiative is being undertaken to co- DIVERSIFICATION FUNQ TO HELP imgating the course which has pm.vad valuable in ordinate, support and facilitate growth in -- - l the recent'ht dry supnme~s.When other courses are . Wstern Canada. STRENGTHEN THE WESTERN parched-and brown the one at Squamish is a lush, The foundation of the Initiative the ECONOMY rich, green carpet, establishment of a ntiw economic development The Initiative funded by'a substantial new Thre have been many other improvements8 The agency locattedjn Wtem Canada. The agency capital endowment will put peal teeth into ori@nal sdclubhoke KQS been expanded to the will be headquartered in Edmonton with offices Wemdevelopment. modern fmili@ now stunding;-ths squash club and in Vancouver, Saskatoon and Winnipeg.. Equally important, it means great& a& and cur&g club have joined $he complex and they all *. shm the same tqunge, !barand dining fmilitks. input into govemmnt by Wemem. But dt this has been created without any cost to WHY WE NEED THE WESTERN The WemDevelopment Initiative is, abut a the Squcimishpublic; or the taxpayer. pay ifyou new spirit of partnership and equal participatioh you DIVERSDFICATION OFFICE that will build a better future for all of us. pkygo& but there are no restrictions and the public is walcoqm The rOl8 of the new office will' be to address To find out mom please call the following Another spin-off fbm the crsa'tion of the golf the challenge of broadening and diversifying number. course watsring system is the creation of some the western economy. , salmon spawning channels ahg the Marnquam Clearly, our dependence on the cyclical and River. volatile world commodity markets in non renewable resources, agriculture, formtry and fisheries leave us vulnerable. (604) 6664256 New pollce, chief to take command .. The Squamieh Detach- Detachment as of Sept.'L ment of the RCMP will soon have a pqv captain at Waugh wk be taking over

its helm. 5 for Sgt. Lee J~~bert,acting E.S. Waugh, from the commander, who has been Armstrong Detachment, serving in the inbrim &ce will be taking over the corn the retent retirement of tst. md.of the $quamiah &!to Dan hm~..

j The mchines coet $248

ragin# from textbooks to romance novels, ’ are 9 Scorpio (Octobe available, as well as =November 22) -- Law popular magazines in- media, ideas good befok FPj cluding Reader’s Digest day. Career, work, business ONE COUPON PEA CUSTOMER status absolutely excellen and Quest. AR average Wednesday thru Sunday reader mads 48 books a seek success! Monday on year, Johnson said, but delight, love! 8everal read up to 76. scarff said she,likes to read an ‘‘assorthent of things,” including fiction and romances. The machine bewith a taped history of the Diome Quh- hplets. Johnson said there are now threeTdkingBmhin the Squamish area, which has 11 blind people known to the CNIB. He said the ldbudget for services &a the blind is $19,400, asm8- ed on a per capita ba& The CNIB was able to raise $1,700 locally kt year, and is hoping to raise almost $6,008 this year. It receives about $3,800 an-‘ nually for Squanaish from YWQ(Aup t BSeptember government mums and 22) -- ecret projects, Pieces (February flo.MaPcJJ must cover the rest, se~ research, investments, in- 20) - Seela romance, leasure All tima@ ’succeed Wednesday pre-weekend. We 0nesday vice3 a!!.!! pwidd at no right into Sunday!.Monday thru Sunday triggers major cost tn the blind per~on. energy and luck returns: you worklcareerlstatus luck! Seek it! Monday, good mh- “All funds raised in attract, Start important pre Squamish stay in ject! tionsbip trend starts - say yes! , Squamish,” he said. Johnthamked Maureen SPONSORED BY and George Gilmour for ar- ranging fop hinn &o dea . TAKETHE$IMETO ~ presaatation on the Talk- c* ing Book to the Kiwanis . BA’R Club btyear. ‘WB tmmmdous E ,. jud a All your.General hzszwance needs* service for blind people. It’a a meaner of mmmda- .HOME OWNER .TENANT tied' 892i598p .FARM- - -- - Johnson, himself totally .BUSINESS blind, said it’s calso a great a SEA TO SKY way to start a cQI19tBpBpltio11 and startle eighted pph at parties when a pawn with a white cane walks up uamish Credit Union Centre and says: “Have you mad anv good books lately?” ...... ;. c ..._.a,...... , .. SATURDAYAUGUST 22, isss - UALIK'Y CBUT WS WYZ WDIV , CHCH WJBK BCTV --*KNOW'.KVO$ ClW GLASSES..

*All repairs dona locally *1 Bay Service on S.V. Lenses olti%'off~eniqrs on complete eyewear Contact Lenges, all makes from W9.*Acomplete , 'Over 400 frames to choose frdm .Childfens glasses from (49Y & up compiete


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.. I9 selling those '6e~fra~"around Mancinid News NWS 'Eskimos News Sweden He-Mm the house. 932.4333 M2= 3ig0" :: Friends ABCNews NBCNews sundaynm I1 Poetry Transformers -51- I1 Rainbow BaHbW webster :00 Can.Aeflect. 1' . Movie . Ot~rHwse OurHwse @Minutes 3018. 4:30 Hymnsing 11 IYou Ruined I1 Befle Galactica SihSspoons :00 Brothen Netu!? My Ufe" Fahq Ties Throb Clint Utttest Hobo. Wind StarTrak 4 W . 5:30 EdlsonTwins TreceyUllman Eastwood 0uest.Perlod Cordlsland Me

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__~~~~~ ~- __ PledgeBreak Donahue Saleofcent. Cherkrgton Pyramid Canada A.M. cartoon~ n'skNewDay 7% Sesamestreet Concentration CardSharks Cont'd Mywtlepony 4 I1 S.J. Raphad Wheel Fortune Wheel Forturn Price Is Right 11 si88 MisterRogers News Jeopam Hom@jSq. I' 11 WLIl cartoonsscosby~ StreetIooHVntiey Reading R~wI'sHo~O'ClockuVe SpidM-Man NM Fam Brown PotkaDol What'sNewk NewYou Si3 Palnting Loving Scrabble Centurions YovrrgAnd 01 &brg WithIt TheKitCha Appetite :00 Fred Penner We're Cooking An My DaysOfOor LmMe TheResHess ThhkOtNmt callenchoics Movle: w,w 10:30 Mr. Dressup Nalure Profiles Children Lives NewYou BddIB'U Cooking CakulVsI "Willhfhe Momfno :00 Warnstreet Sesamestreet OllgUfeTo AnattherWorld AsTheWorld AsTheWorld G~essWh8t GUhastPols (bqmr" AsfmboyNews I I:~o 11 uve TWnS TUmS DeAnltion cellenchdcs MisterRogers General. S@ItRBWbara bfWd GuldingLfght BrlanGazterd characteoo1 PerryM8son DaysOfOur 1298 &2m Beacbnm Hospital Hospttal Reaction caesar uves Mldd!Y Trallblaren, Qpr@hWinfrey Glmmt,Reak SbRa DivwceCourt Anotherworld Independem Wry OmUfeTo I;!: BmeyUilC Gohts superior~rt " callenchoice liv@! :00 Tr perJohn, Malure News Falconcrest TheJudge Gm ABudnms llavb &nml NT1 I 2:30 M.!! People'scowt Hospitel Sweden AndyGX Hwtd

:00 Coronation MacNdl I News ' NBWS1 NewS Ufethne PolkaM SbRh 3:30 Street Lehrer NBWSl NBC News Rakrbow 0.1. Joe W@% :00 Facts01Life BusinessRpt. ABCNws Jeapardyl Ent.TonighP CBSNews Donahue Flintstones SplltSecond 4:30 Edison Twins BIT& Journal Ent. Tonight Wheel Forturn, Split S8cond Too Close #&nce Diff. Strokes Ent. TonigM :00 VideoHlls RlverJwmsys NFL KarateKlds ALF KateaAirce NOWS Mindam WVUI 0 ~8w3 5:30 3'sCornpany Pr&WIl v8!8& Valeris MySbterSarsl Getsmart Motonaesk FactsOtl% M'A'S'H WdlerS Football YearinThe Uama'sFamfly Newhart News Review M.T.Mm M&. @g; Nevrgl Ddphlnsat Ufe gT05 0. Wm ' - 478-336B.C. Texl "Tho Master :OO Gardener Movie: ~oncos 11 Cagnq4 Cwh Ent.Tod@t Ent6q.M~ WondWorld WBallanhoe" 11 MacOyver EnterprtSe OfWmy 7:so Airwaves "That's Lecey Leoey I1 01 Pomw M. :00 KateIAlile hingl" News NWS News Nem I1 8:38 Hangln'ln Nightline Bat01 TaXl Mov)s: aparrer "stay hogif Nature Monday Carson Eight Is HartToHert "MWq'* FmAshes 91 Nem next to :00 Newhart I I1 OK Tire GOVERNMEN? RD. 9:30 D.Women Sportsniie Barney Mliler Enough To Forest ~n :00 National IRiver,~ounteys Ent. Tonight DaM Elght Is Streets or san I' It'sMe AFrog's * H N'shP 10:30 Jwmal Motorsports Letlman Enough Francisco ' . 'I hzYEz 898.526 2 :00 News Movie: Hydroplanes Love Boat News CTV Nem GsmKm stasenhere 11:30 Maude "That's spts. lW Best of Sat. News :OO RetumTo Damingl" Chargers Confessions "Melvln And ~hteBlocker launle I2:30 Eden NOW8 Nightlife NN!l?t edUQ Howard" Mm Man"

L Mbvie-sequel fever has hit TV this week, with some of the most promising offerings being updates of tried-and‘ true formulas. And when we’re not flashing forward, we’re lookihg back to some vintage films.

Richard Kiley

e TWO cultural icons teamed up in !‘Staying Alive,” the 19% sequel to the disco-driv- en .“Saturday Might Fever” (1977). Sylvester Stallone di- rected a muscleLladen, glis- tening John Travolta in’this unbelievably silly story. Tra- volta reprises his role as dancer .Tony Manero, who’s now made it to The Big Time. There are women witb pre- tentious accents (Cynthia Rhodes and FinoIa Highes) vying for his . affections. There is also a role in a Broadway show whose finale Andy CriPfith (I) and Don Knotts reprise their roles as Andy Taylor and Barney Fife in is called “Satan’s ’Alley,” NBC’s “Return to Mayberry,” an update of “The Andy Criffith Show.’’ The re- which just about sums up the movie. NBC airs the film on broadcast airs Tuesday, Aug. 25. riiu~~Acciierr CONTAINED Sunday, Aug. 23. e With “The Living Day- -femme fatales. Diana Rigg small town for a goshdarn tage of the situation to air the stucco, aluminium, vinyl, cedar suwm lights,” the latest Bond film plays the lucky - but only for exciting sheriff‘s race be- rebroadcast of the “A11Star heavy duty equipment... with new star Timothy Dal- a short time -object of his af- tween Andy and Barney, in Party for Clint Eastwood” on ton, currently in theaters, re- fections, a Spanish countess. this update of the ever-popu- Sunday, Aug. 23. The Car- fresh your memory of the The movie airs Saturday, lar “Andy Griffith Show.” me], Calif. mayor-cum-actor PION EE WE Paintierg DEPSBLO good old days by-checkmg Aug. 29, on ABC. Some things never change. It is honored by Variety Clubs ALL SPIRTACES out a vintage 007 flick - “On And yet another piece of TV aiy Tuesday, Aug. 26. International and a roster of interior, exterior SLIVICE Her Majesty’s Secret Service” cultural history is repeated 0 Richard Kiley stars in the celebrities- including hostess I I rebroadcast of part one of Lucille Ball, Jimmy Stewart RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCiAL i (1969). The movie has two when NBC rebroadcasts “Re- notable features that make turn to Mayberry,” the high- NBC’s “A Year in the LIfe,” and the late Cary Grant. great trivia questions: It was est-rated TV movie of 1986. which will premiere as a se- Eastwood . firnily denies he 1 PEIIRBERTOH 894-6827 SBUAMISH 898.9377 the only Bond movie to fea- Opie (Ron Howard), Sheriff ries an Sept. 16. has higher political aspira- ture George Lazenby as 009, Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) 0 And finally, with politics tions - but catch him here in and the only one where Bond and Barnev Fife (Don Knotts) and acting now accepted.bed- case it’s his last the on TV married one of his bevy of return ti that\ archetypd fellows, em is taking advan- before asking for your vote.

TUESDAY AUGUST 25,1987 GBUT WWS WXYZ WDlV CHCH WJBK BCTV KNOW KVOS ClTV (0 m a Q 8 0 8 m m al Pledge Break Donahue Sale Of Cent. Cherington Pyramid Canada A.M. Cartoons It’s A New Day ” Concentration Card Sharks Cont’d MvUMePonv . ” 7;:: ~ ~ I’ ‘I SmbyDo0 100 Huntley S.J. Raphd Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Price Is Right c . 8::; . MiStMRogMS NWS Jeopardyl Hoiiywood Sq, 1’ E&aii Cartoons street Reading Ryan’s Hope o’clock Live Splder-Man News Family Brown Polka Dot Jefferson3 Mew You 9% Vict. Garden Loving Scrabble Centurlons Young And Of Collecting Cultures Hangin’ in Appetite :00 Fred Penner We’re Cooking Ail My Days Of Our Love Me The Restless Think Of Next Mechanics Movie: Good, Good 10:30 Mr. Dressup Nature Profiles Children , Lives New You Bold 6 Bful Cooking North Of 60 “William The Morning -00 Sesame Street . Sesa?e Street One Life To Another World As The World As The World Guess What Callers Choice Conqueror” News 11I30 11 Live Turns Turns Definition Anna ncho Astrobov

j2:Oo Aii~y~ Mister Rogers General Sanla Barbara Qeneral Guiding Ught Brian Gaaard Back The Sea Perry Mason Days Of Our :30 Children Beachcombers Hosuitai HOSDital Reaction 01 Taste Lives

~~~ ~~ 1 Midd!Y Tralibiazp Oprah Winlrey Gimme Break She-Re Divorce Court Another World Montage Quiny One Ufe To Barney Miller GoBots superior court It Callers Choice Live :00 Movle: RiverJourneys News NWS Falcon Crest The Judge General Callers Choke I Love Lu General 2:30 “Stories From People’s Court Hospital Operation Andy Grigh Hospital 300 AFIYI~ MacNeil I NWS NWS News Lifetime Polka Dot She-Ra Young And r30 Trunk’ Lehrer NYl NBC News Rainbow GJ. Joe . The Restless - ~~ ~~ :00 Fads Of Life . Business R 1. ABC News Jeopardy1 Ent. Tonight CBS News Donahue flinlstones Split Second 4:30OWL I TV Nature Profiles Ent. Tonight Wheel Fortune Split Second Too Close Yia‘K mha Dill. Strokes Ent. Tonight $0 Video Hits Nova,, Who’s Boss? Baseball 21 Jump Simon 6 News Readsion\ ’ DlckVan e News !LO3’sCompany Growing Pains Detroit Tigers Street Simon GetSmart Motorwee FactsOf% M’A’S’H I .OO News Greal Moonlighting at Minnesota Movie: Houston News I, Laonardo M.T. Moore Who’s Boss? , Twins “Jenniler: A Knights Taxi Growing Psks 6i30 11 Perloliilms :OO Facts Of Life ,I !$yser: For ,I Woman’s Night Heal Ent. Tonight Ener y Wond. World Mpvie: ’ Story” Lorne Greene Wedand Of Disney “Badge Of The 7:30 Danger8ay , ” Qlmme Break :oo Politics Of I’ . News NM News News Miami Vice National Movie: Assassin” 8:30 Food The Prisoner Nightline fcnight Show Taxi Geagraphlc “The New I :00 Sherlock I’ Ent. Toni ht Combdtl Hart To Hart Moonlighting Lovelaw Centurioqs” News 9:30 Holmes Animals Crook & 8h. Ba& Miller :00 National Nova RW. Guide David Youn Streets Of San Magnum, P.1. Six Wives Of Honeymooners SCN . Dine & Dance in the Garibaldi Room, I, Henry Viil Laughing ‘10 :30 Journal Hollywood Letterman Eightys Francisco Highlander Hotel’ Aug. 28, Tickets 3 1:OO News Great Music Cit Love Boat Enough News CTvNeWs I) Cannon Equalizer :30 Maude Performances Slskel d {bed BestO1Sat. News , available at the front desk, ‘I Cover Story Confessions “M Discover Movle: \ 12:00:30 Movie:“Sea Wolf“ I’ News Nightlife E!& City Bogyguard” Movie “Hennessey”

.I , I. August 18, ‘1987-TheTime8


(1 , , , ,,I,*,. --

:OO Baseball Hotel St. Elsewhere reakers" Equa!!zer Ent. Tonight There's Life World Of . Far Pavilions 7:30 LosAngeies Disctkr PetPeeves UvingBody Msney


CBUT WS WXYZ WDlV . CHCH WJBK BCTV KNOW KVOS -CW I 0 8 m a CB Q Q m. a CD 17igO" Pledge Break Donahue Sale Of Cent. Cheringlon Pyramid Canada A.M. Cartoons ll's ANew 0: . Sesame Street 'I Concenlralion 'I Card Sharks Cont'd My Little Pony I' ~ ~ ~~ 1, I1 S.J. Raphael Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Price Is Right I1 hbyDo0 100 Huntley Si:; Misler Rogers News Jeopardy1 ~HoiiywoodSq. - Ssr' eSmall Carloons §Ireel Readin Ryan's Hope OClock live Spider-Man News Family Brown Polka Dot Jeffersons Donahue 9::: Heallh katlers Loving Scrabble Cenlurions Young And Of Collecling All About It Hangln' In :OO Fred Penner We're Cooking All My Days Of Our Love Me The Restless Think Of Next Your Business Movie: Good, Good a10 :30 Mr. Dressup Nature Profiles Children Lives New You Bold 81 B'ful Cooking Nursing "Do No! Morning

:OO Sesame Street Sesame Street One Life To Another World As The World As The World Guess What It. Disturb" NWS 11 :30 'I Live Turns Turns Definilion Marrative - I' klroboy Mister Rogers General Santa Barbara Hour Magazine Guiding Light Brian Gazzard Literature Perry Mason Days Of Our 32% &%en Great Chefs Hospital Reaction . Religion . I* Lives 3 1 i;; Midd+$Y Trailblazers Oprah Winfrey Glmme Break She-Ha . Divorce Court Another World . Universe Ouincy One Life To Barney Miller GoBots Superior Court " Universe Live - :00 Movie: National News Falcon Crest The Judge . General Readin New You 2:30 "Two Living, Geographic 11 19 People's Court Hospital Time's !tarvest AndyI love Grilllucr Ih Mr. Belvedei

-00 OneDead MacNeilI News, I News News News Liletirn@ Polka Dot She-Ra Young And 330 Lehrer NBC News Rainbow G.1. Joe The Restless :OO Facts Of Life Business Rpt. ABC News Jeopardy! Enl. Tonighl CBS News Donahue Flintstones Split Seconct 4:30 Kids Michigan Ent. Tonighl Wheel Fortune Split Second TooClose SpecialK mba 01. SIrokes . Enl. Tonighl 5:OO Video Hits Striped Bass SI. Hammer Cosby Show Backstage Scarecrow News Harriet's Hats Dick Van ke News :30 3s Company Charmings Famiiyfles Doncherry And Mrs. King GelSmar! Motorweek FacIsOf LiDT e M'A'S'H :00 News Peter, Paul Our World Cheers Kay O'Brien Movie: News Enli htenment M.T.Moore Our House . 6:30 '1 And Mary: Night burl "local Hero" Adu% Years Tax1 It :OO BeslYears 25th . 20120 LA. Law L.A. law'I 'I Ent. Tonphl phe'sLL; World Of Movie: 7:30 Beachcombers Anniversary . CampW.o Oisney !'Will: G. *OO Worlds Aparl Yes, Minisler News News News News - Cosby Show It's A Frog's Movie: Gordon Lldd 8130 '1 American Nightline Best Of Taxi Family TIes Life "Smile" :00 He Shools, He Caesar Ent. Toni ht Carson Fugitive Harl To Hart Cheers The Christians tt News 9:30 Scores Michigan Water Skinv Barney Miller I1 Night Court I' :OO National Striped Bass I' David Ben Casey Streets Of San L.A. Law Story Of Africa Honeymooners SCTV 10:30 Journal Montreux Letlerman Francisco On The Buses In Session :00 News Peter, Paul Rock Feslival love Boat Mod Squad Mews CTV News Cannon Houston 11:30 Maude And Mary: Best Of Sat. News Knighls :OO "Story01 Louis 251h . It Confessions Night "Electric Discover "Inside E 12:30 Pasleur" Anniversarv News Niahllife Naked Cihr Harsemen" Movie Moves"

...A I ...... -...... I AUGUSTao, 1987 AUGUST 08, la87 1030 8 'THE LOST MloRLD QfSINRW (1965) Toshiro 6W "HEARTBREAKERS" 8M)m "UWMAN" (1971) . 6:m 'WEWR OF Mifune, Makoto Satoh. A pirete (1984) Peter Coyote. Nick Burt Lanccls!er, Robort Ryan. A ' I I ( Rick leads a band of island.relsek in WWW'1984) Mancuso. In Los Rngebs, two lawman arrives in a strange ard Thomas, Michael. Yar&. revdt against a wicked tyrant. lielong friends experience dre ' town determined to apprahend TWQ 18th-century Scottish . matic changes in their careers, an outlaw gang accused of 1l:O #El"WE SUMMEfl broaheis engage in a fmce sib LOW' ( 1976) Beau Bridges, rmances and their own rela murdering an ddman. ling rivalry whib individually Susan Sarandon. -A' disiurM ' tionship. ioao VUNJRBERAT~~E bettling pkates, Indians arid 'WfrnMDw19M WDIGRA$" ( 19781 David yaung mSn fives in constant fmr of his wan potentiol for vi- WAWNSI" IS9581 (Pan d d &oh, Didi Conrr. Two touris!s 7:OQ "THAT$DAOJCINOI" 2) Rss Pdw, Mathbn Crow- ehasa an wlikek romancbc om- a , (1985) &ne Kelly, Lizel Min- ley. While, crossing ths country idst the excitement and intrigug nelli. A star-studded compila- by wagon train in 1844, coura- of New Orleans during Mardi tbn fooatwing more than fivo QSOUS settlers endure peil and GI=. vampire terrorizes the country- ' decades of Hollywood's great- side, searching for blood to hardship en route to their new t1:m '-THE LmD OF WE est danco sequences. sustain him. liin tho West. RINGS" (197%)Animated. a00 @ "STAY HUlrIWV 8.90 "IrS MY TURN" Eosed on "The Fellowship 01 12wggl "AN WE HWI AN ' (1975) Aff Bridges, &lh/ a EVE@@(1981) Chuck Norris, (1980) Jill Clafiwgh, Michael The hng" by J.R.R. Token. In Field. The offbeat scion of an a mythicel land. a brave young Christopher Lee. A Sen Francis- ' Dcwgles. A brillisnt Chicago old Southern family tries to ' math professor realies rtrs habbit named Frodo Baggins co cop quits the farce to problems in her live-in relation- begins a long, dangerous jour- ship when she finds a new love ney to find a magical ring be- while in New York for her fa- * fore a supernatural villain lo- , 1236~'WELWhlETD ther's reniuriage. cates it. ARROW BEACH" (1977) Lau- "MIDWAY" (1976) Charl- 12:06 8 "ESCAPE FROM NEW rence Harvey, Joanna Pettet. A ton Heston, Henry Fonds. Jsp- WIBK" (1981) Kurt Russell, young woman visiting the San- aneae and American strategies D&dd Pleasence. In 1997, a tt Barbara beach house of a hardened criminal is offered a polite, soft-spoken older man . come into play as a crucial country to search for his 8011, discovers that her. host. has a World War II naval and aerial pardon if he .can rescue the who mysteriously disappeared . battle centers around Midway president of the U.S. from darker side to his personality. ldand in the Pacific, Manhattan, nowa prison city. 1:00 m 'THE CHRISTIAN 1290 Q)WELONOEGT 1230ab ''CATCH ME A Spy" WlCEmE" (197 1) YARD" ( 19741 Burt Reynolds, (1971) Kirk Douglas, Trevw Beau Bridges, MaudAdems. A ' 11:OO 6 'WA?'S DANCINGI" Eddie Albert. A former pro * Howard. A. British smuggler young tennis player is heavily . influenced by the Hollywd (1985) Gene Kelly, Liza Min- qwteheck doing time in a gets into hot water when he nelli. A star-studded compile life, public attention and Southern prison is given the job romances the wife of 6 Russian tion featuring more than five commercialism. coaching a woup of convicts mt. . decades of Hollywood's weat- 1.40 "MI#)NA 20%8'THE MAR- for a no-holds-baned football a sils- BLACK , est dance sequences. game against the ysrds. GE(#MGH" ( 1942) Ray Cor& 8LE" (1980) Robs Foxworth, . gan, John King. The Range Paula Prentiss. After working .' Bkters solve a Wells Fargo on an emotionally exhausting * robbery whib saving a town 'child-murder case, a heavy- 4 from desperadoes. drinking police detective is AUGUST 26,1887 teamed with a policewoman to ' find a disturbed dognapper. 6t00 "JENNIFER: A WOMAN'smY" (1979) AUGUST 20,1987 Elizabeth Montgomery, Bra& ford Dillman. A widow trying to sents ''Reno and Yolanda." the stsay of a hue 6m 0 ."LOCAL HERO" AUGUST 22,1987 AUGUST 23,1887 make a lie for her+ end her dance teCim. It Friday,Aug. 28. (1983) Peter Riegert, Burt Lan- band-and!we airs 600 0 "YW RUINED MY . children &comes involved in a caster. A highpowerad oil * 41:W 'THE CHEAP MTEG UW( 1987) Sqleil Moon Frye, bitter struggle for contrd of her company executive encounters TM" (19781Peter Falk, Ann- Paul Reiser. The casino-manag late husband's company. unexwcted problems when he Margret. False idegtities, mur- ing uncle of a young girl who 200 "BADOE OFME AS travels to a small Scottish ders, old. ,flames and ' ( can't tolerate regular schooling . SN'1985) James seacoast town for what he as- unscrupulous villains hamper a ' Woods, Vaphet Kotto. Based detective's daily. routine in this strikes an unusual bargain with sum89 will be a cut-an- REALTY parody of 1930s mystery mov- a financially strapped math on the actual coast-to-coast . lend purchase deal. teacher. A "Pisney Sunday campaign of an.unrelenting as- 7-89 "STWARD Ho THE ies. (R) tJ Mowie" presentation. (R) sistant district atrorney to ap- WAGONS'' (1966) (Part 2 of 700 '*GUS'11 976) Edward prehend the killers of two New Asner, Don Knotts. While a Q WE WN WHO FEUTO 2) Fens Parker, Kathken Crow- I EARTH" (Premiere) Lewis York City pdice officers. by. Wile crossing country last-place football team uses a the Smith, Beverly D'Angelo. Nico- bv wagon train in 1844, coura- pigskin-kicking mule to improve :WQ)"THENEWCEIYTU-RIOW' ( 1972) George C. STEPHEN HOWARD its standings, a pair of bum- las Roeg's 1976 film inspired . ~eousse&m endue peril and this stwy of an alien, stranded Scott. Stacy Keach. The daib hardship en route to their new bling crooks tries to kidnap the on Earth and tracked by mili lives of three Lps Angeles PO- . IiJSs in the West. animal. licemen prove to be hazardous 9W Q "CASE KWI MEM- tary forces, searching for a way. m 'w1L: 6. WRDON UD- in which to return to his - as well as rewarding. DY" (1981) Robert Conrad, FE#SE" ( 1976) Jahn Hamlin, Gloomed planet. 4 . 1200 "HENNE-' Katherine Cannon. The Me of Judith Arthy. A lawyer defends :(1975) Rod Stiiger, Lee Rem- a man accused of kidnapping a "STAYINGALWE" (1983) tt#, former attorney and FBI kk. After his wife and chiid are , and murder who insists he is , John Travolta, Cynthia Rhodes. agent who pined President A young aspiring dancer lands killed in Northern Ireland, an Ir- innocent but refuses to halp in Nixon's re-election committee a rob in a production, thus ishman plans to blow up Parlia- and was ultimately tried and his own defense. jeopardizing his relationship ment when the Royal Family is convicted for his role in the 'THE SWEM-UPS'' in attendance. with a yaung woman. (R) 9 I Watergate break-in. Based on (1973) Roy Scheider, Tony Lo 12:OS 'WE SEA WOLF" @ "MOVIE MOVIE" ( 1978) Q Liddy@sautcbiogaphy. Bianco. A New York cop's plan (1941) Edward G. Robinson, to use a friend as an informant George C. Scott, Eli Wallach. 8m a ."sMILp"( 1976) Bruce The film musicals and boxing John Garfield. A brutal, mm- ~VTRAIGHT ON ALBIGMMENT'~ Dem, Barbara Feldon. A smell- backfires in a series of qang stories of the 1930s are salut- ingly heartless sea captain tries town beauty pageent mixes - land kidnappings. . AUTOMOTIVE ed with a "double feature" to destroy everyrhing and ev- 8i sincere hopefuls and ambiPious 9:30 "RED SUN' (1972) - "Dynamite Hands" and eryone around him. (R) promoters. Charles Bronson, Ala,in Debn. 2016 Paco Rd. Past Golfcourse "Baxter's Beauties Of 1933." 0 "MY BORYGUABB" 1200 "INSIDE A train robber is double- . MovEr 8:W 8 "THE GllTIER (1979) Chris Makepeace, * (1980) John Savage, David crossed by his partner, who Adam Baldwin. After moving takes a valuable sword from a DOME" ( 1984) James Garner, Morse. An Oakland bartender's John Lithgow. An investigation to Chicego, a teen-ager is tor- Japanese ambassador. as well dream of becoming a pro bas- by two Los Angeles police de- mented by a gang leader until ketbell player may come true 8s all the gold from the rob- tectives into the murder of a he decises a scheme to give through a new regular at the bery. movie-studio executive ex- the bully a dose of his own * A11 your automotive needs bar. Poses them to the seamier side medicine. Manager: Jeff Forest of Hollywood. 898.4035


I. ' -...... &. FRIDAY AUGUST 21,1987 mMrn$lH- CBUT WTVS WWZ WDlV CHCH WJBK BCTV KNOW KVOS ClTV m9 a -0 CB m 8 8 Q m m ID Pledge Break Donahue Sab 01 Cent. Chedngton Pyramid Canada A.M. Cartoons It's A New Day "ProfessionaI Service for 7;g SesameStreet I' Concentralion Card Sharks Gont'd My Little Pony I* . your Real Estate needs" I1 Scooby Do0 100 Huntley I, S.J. Raphael Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Price Is Right 8% Mister Rogers News Jeopardy! Hollywood Q. 11 3%kai Cartoons Street Reading Ryan'sHope OChkLiw Spider-Man News Family Brown Polka Dot klfersons Donahue KALWANf S. (BILL) BILN 93 Acrylics Loving Scrabble. Centurions Voung And Of Collecting Harriet's Hats Hangin' In 38037BCleveland Ave., The Restless; Think Of Next AC Circuits Movie: Good, Good :00 FredPm We'reCooking AHMy DaysOfOw LoveMe P.O. Box 1571 . . office: 892-2027 1O:~O Mr. Dressup Nature Profiles Children lives New You Bold&Bful Cooking . "NoWayTo Morning Squamish, B.C. ' home: 898-3282 -00 Sesame Street Sesame Slreel One Life To Anolher World As The World As The World Guess What Write Course Treat A Lady" News 11 ,I Astroboy VON 3G0 I 1I30 11 live TWIE Turns Minition Write Course :00 AllMy MisterRogers General SantaI1 Barbara Hour Magazine QuMing Llght Brian Ganard Way Of A Perry Mason Days Of Our 12:30 Children Master Chels Haspilal Reaction River uves Trailblazers Oprah Winfrey Gimme Break She-Ra DivorceCourt Anotherworld Japanese Quiny One 1% To 1;jjl MMdfY I* Live Barney Mills GoBots superiorcowt " Diving :oo Movie: SlripedBBss News Baseball Falcon Crest Tha Judge General Nova I Love Lucy New You 2:30 "Mimi" Delrdt Tigers People'sCowt Hospital Andy Griffith Throb MacNeil I New!i atClevelmd News Naws Lifetime Polka Dot She-Ra Voung And $jg :: Lehrer Indians Rainbow G.I. Joe The Restless I1 Flintstones Ent. Tonhht :00 FactsOIlife Businessfl 1. ABCNews EnLTonight CBSNews Qonahue 4:30 Video Hits Nature Prokes Ent. Tonighl I1 SpliiSmd TooClose Green Forest DiH. Strokes News Wash. Week Webster Baseball Hamilton Hunt Garfield Rough News Wilh It e CFLFootball :oo I' 5:30 3's Company Wall St. Wk. Mr. Belvedere Delrdt Tigws Grand Prjx Bugs Bunny Get Smart McGil6 You Hamillon c I1 Realilk M.T. Moore Tiger-Cats al :oo News GrandOle Max at Cleveland Dallas News Headroom Indians Big FamHy Realities Taxi opry6:40 'I $0 ToBe II ABC News 0 Dempseya Adderty Ent. Tonight Coral Island Wond. World Argonauts 0 I, Thrill sixwhresof OfDiSney 7:30 Announced Speciel Makepeace I' Mews Scarecrow HenryViIl MW. Adderly :OO Rock'IM'Roll News News News 1, "man" :30 GddenGirls Nighlline Best Of r8xi And MnKing - 8 I1 -00 Dallas Swl in'Over Ent.Tonight Carson Cossman $$ Hart To Hart Miami Vice Vision I' Newgl ,I Camera gI30 " Theainbow Hot Tracks Barney Miller Secrels ,I Streets Of San Night Heat The Erah Honeymooners SCTV :00 National Wilh Willia David Movie: On The Buses Variety 10:30 Journal Nelson Record Guide Letterman "Murder At Francisco CTV Ngns Cannon Movie: :oo Hews Tennessee Hitvideo Friday Night The Mardi News "The Lord Of 11:30 Good Rockk' Ernie ford's USA- Vldeos Gras" BestOfSat. News 11 "Escape From WWF The Rings" Tonile America Confessions Night 1 12;;; I1 Nigh IIi f e Movie NewVork" Superslars .._. ' .


', ,


.. . .

h Marriage Commis-

andMr*ArtRogePs*As~i~b~~~Y Joe and Dins V&nd are pleased to cake and ‘Offee will be by have his sister, Maria and brother in everyone.* * *- law, Nick Qud, visitipg$hem for four weeks ‘from Bsvenkaspek, Holland. Hunters women’s &IC~~~‘lUb is They have done their’ of sightsee a car wash this %wday, Aug*- ing and share 22 10 a.m. to 3 p,m. at the when they visit; from Victoria this downtown Chevron Station. The gals * * *

earl drop buttons.

bow. Bonnif!carried a beautiful huauet \of red Mr. and We. David Golaiy . ‘8- s and whi6 carnations ded with baby’s

Misa Brenda Robson as M&d of’Honour wore a metallic dress, .featuring tin, covered with lace from above the knee to mid calf. She Hunter’s Women’s Soccer Club matching bouquet is holding a car wash ses and white car- mitions. Saturday, Aug. 22, ’10-3p.m. at The groom’s brother, Derek Golaiy was the best man. On the occasion of her daughter’s wedding, Mrs.

Gash I chose a wh%e suit with red accessories and a red rose camation corsage. red knee length dress, with a white orchid corsage wkis worn by the groom’s mother, Mrs. Golaiy. At a reception, .following athe ceremony, ‘Wayne Burt, brother in law to the bride m, acted as master monies. The tradi- hst to the bride was given by the bride’s er, Lawson McKiel.

bride’s mother, Mrs. Lana Scott wins culinary award brother, Rulssel McKiei, from Ontario, and the Lana Scott was the proud groom’s grandmother, winner of an “honorablle Mra.‘ha Nore and uncle mention” at the World Ken Nore from Sumy. Culinary Arts Festival heid Qthers in attendance were: in vmcouver, July 9 to 12. Brenda Robson This festival is considered a@oy from Clembrmk, Valleycliffe Christian St; Joseph’s Parish the Olympics of the Lawrence and Ida Vdeau FelloWskip Pastor: . Father Casimi culinm World and was Yemberton, and Kim ’astor: Sam Penner. Phone 892. Prsybylski. Phone 892-5070 the first time it had been 802 Sunday Services: %;!!day Masses: Saturday 7 p;m. Sunda held North America. vorship at 11:OO a.m. 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m h Benediction: Sunday 7 p.m. Chefs from around the WORD FAIT] world competed for gold, CHRISTIAN I silver and bronze m&s. “CENTRE St. Jota Anglican Church Squrmisln United Church was 8 tev. John McDougall & Rev. Minister: Rev. Chris Burnet Scott able to enter the student category, ody )wen Johnston. COnt. 892-5121. Sunday -Worship because she was in’the“a la 380194th Ave., Wardens 892-5 182 or 898-9559. . Hour 10 a.m. (Nurgery Sburmlsh, B.C. Sunday service 10 a.m. Church provided, with infant care). carte” course at B.C.I.T. c SERVICES §UNDAY #choolresumes mid-Sept. 9:45 She is in her third and final 1.m. course on her way to ap- AT HMO A.M. prenticing as a chef. Wednesday Squamish Baptist Church muahsLPentecoshJ Scdtt, the daughter of Home Bible Study 7:30 p.m, stor: Jack H, Pur&. Phone Pastor: Rev. ‘IWin Fuhrmann. 5 ]proudly &sph*g the “Honorable Mention” cer- and Mrs. Ed Scott, is a Bh. 898-9498 OP 898-3710 38-9756 or 898-3737 Sunday Phone 8g2-3680- Morning ervice of Worship 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evening tificate awarded her at the World Culinary Festivd graduate of Howe Sound For more IMormation I Worship 690p.m. in Vancouver, is Lana Scott, Secondary School. ellowship Service 7 p.m:

e Pw,I *..M T %esday5.. r. ~AU~~t,18,..987-Th~i.~e-* - ......

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. . B.C.Hyciioiintroduces Electric Plus, a . unique, money-saving plan todramatically , . B.C.Hy.dro:will finance installations up to Mute your heating costs with clean, efficient $2500 at a special 8.5%hterest rate. This .electricheat: amount is usually more than adequate for If you are not on natural gas grid have an alter- most conversions. ..I bw’muchcapl , ]B save? II - native heating system, you can now purchase Tihe loan is repayable for periods up to four The current firm,rate f6r hydroelectric power I. surpushidmelectric power at substantia . yews and payments. can be conveniently * is 4.47c per kilowatt hour. Our Elect& Plus savings, nearly 50% off our normal rate. included with your Hydro bill. rate is iS$-about half; For businesses, the During thosetimes when surplus hydro is not same rate of 23a k.Wh. applies to the’first avaihble (approximately 30 days per year3 on How do 1qualify for.Electric Plw? averagk), you simply switch over to your’ 8,000 k.Wk a month, Educing to 1.8$ for any additional monthly consumption. You wire for a new electrical meter which is . back-up system. provided by B.C. Hydro. Also, the fuel for , ’ How long will 1keep saving? your back-up system must be stored om your * . Regular CW~QIWKS qudEy9too. These rates will stay the same until March 3I, Property. Regular Hydro customerscan also qualify for 1991. Even then, the cost of surplus hydro will low rates by installing their own fuel-fmd . ,/ continue to be substantially lower thanour How do I fmd out more? . back-up systems. normal rates-though how much lower will Call YOUS nearest B.C. Hydro office for more 7 depend entirely on the actual surplus. information. We’ll be glad to do a fEe cost analysis to show you exactly how much you How much does it cost to convert? can save by switching to Electric Plus from The cost of installing electrical heating B.C. Hydro. systems will vary. We advise you to consult your local electrical or heating contractor for

an accurate estimate. I. r ...... , I ,.., ...... \ ...... , ...... I,. <::-.. ..__ .. I,, ...... i.. ,.., .. .. ., <,...... i,.....'..,..' ...... I...... ,..._ ...... ,... .


. @u&sB Harrier Gadon Laxton, mdpting hug. 1

ad2 in the WaeeFn Cas- ~ &laa"hck land Field Mwt herd in Keloma, ran the se cond leg of the 4x400m relay, coming from behind to gain the lead andprohn- ing the team a gold medal. With the relay win, the third and team, tied with Albrta prior to the event,. won the. pmvincial point scored. , Squamis Laxton will compete in the Canadian Juvenile Championship to be held in Calgary Aug. 7 to 9, and then, slpon~~* by the fie students became the'teachers and Richmond and included the ages 'Royal Canadian Legion, on Sunday as a pair of young, ld 12 to 50.'' will go on to the track and products had 28 other opponents, Parm was also quick to point out field mp. most of them older and perhaps that with both halists being young Laxton, the only j more experienced, sitting on the and taught the game hcally then ob' athlete in'the Harriers, b the second Harrier to ab sidelines while they competed for vioudy there is some talent out tend the Calgary met. the title to the third annual there, 'talent necesgary to help form William Antme competed SqdshOpen tennis humament. the new proposed tennis club. there last year. In a weU played match Da~yn- "'Tepl8is isn't expensive but it is a Yonin outbattled Travis Moyle 6-4, self-discipline sport in which one can 6-4 to lay claim to the championship. help himself or herself. It's a mind Thank You, ,. Yet, while Yonin ear~~edfull marks game because you're playing for f for the victory the mere presence of yourseIf,notwith tdn other guys like . For helping to make the "Sqaramish - both players in the Pinal shows just in soccer. It ndsconcentration so what the local temiis pmgram, of if it (forming a new club instead of Days Rug" a success. We gratefully '- . which both are actively bvolved in, being just mother program PW, 'Harriers acknowledge the tremendous assistance is capable of doipg. through the Civic Center) can save .. of oursponsors: This is especially true when one ten kids from running astray thea it -Burger: Baron -Highland Groceries considers the level of competition is worth it. The @tentid is there as ;L champion. -Marg Brozer Janitorial -Dairyland that was evident over the come of Daryn and have proved." Travis -1.G.A. , . -Canada Cooler the four day event. get to the dohal is also not quite finished with S;MsE meet I To . -Alpine Meadows -0verwaitea finals Yonin upset (1) Bali Athwd Yonin and Moyle both of whom com- -Squ$mish Times and Citizen B-P,6-3. Athwd was on& rded as peted in the recent Stanley., Park ten- one of the top players of her class in nis tournament. Thirteen members of the And to the many individuals who the province and was one of the "I'll work with them for the next donated SO much time and effort, many favourites capable of winning the couple of weeks, work them hard Squdsh Open. getting them ready for some tour- Championship "rack and Moyle, meanwhile, also had to get naments in Vmcouver ... It doesn't Fidd meet in Nanaho, past some stiff competition, qual@- reallyhatter right now if they do Aug. 1 and 2, bringing ing for the semis by knocking off his weld or not but it is just to give them home a total of 13 medal& tennis instructor Pam Johal 6-4, the experience, you how, to having irrcluding five gold, four 4-6, 7-5 before eliminating another to adapt to different styles of other silver, four bronze, plus 17 ribbons ranging from top Dave (Fish) " seed ih Nton by players. fourth to eighth place. the same score. Previously, Fish Mmwhile, in the attempt to Harriers' youngest com- hocked defending Qpen champion, launch a club, papers are being cir- peeitor, Jde Cudmore, Dan Tamend, out of the running culated for anybody interested or suffering from an ear infec- 6-4, 4-6, 8-6. wishing its formation to sign. What tion, performed well, plac- In the consolation round Mike .the members are asking for is the ing second in the 100m., Ainscough won a 7-5, 4-6, 6-4 barn upgrading and resurfacing of cur- first in the 200 m., thipd in burner ag~stGordon Doyle. rent facilities. the 400 m., fist in the long "Everybody had a great the," jump, third in the shotput, said Pam Johal, who along with The participants and organizers of and seventh in the 800 m.. Simi Johal, was one of the this . most recent Open, however, DmyForman performed *organizers behd the happening, would like to thank Roadrunner his usual "hat trick", br- Sporting Goods for supporting the inging home three gold "and everyone played at least two dsin the 100 m., 200 matches. We had some from Sechelt tennis program and tournament. m.,and long jump. Alex Laxtorn came home with two medals, a bronze in the 400 m. and silver in the 200 m., a commendable GARDEN feat since he was com- K&ps itself warm in the peting against Peter §OLAR PRISM. winter, cool in the summer. Ogilvie of the Vancouver Automatically regulates its Olympic Club, one of the GREENHOUSt own humidity. Built and fastest runners. proven in Oregon and Other mdal winner8 were Washington for over 15 years. Erin Ray, with a silver in 97%' long, 8' wide, 8' high, the 1600 m., and Jason molded in one piece from our Davis, with a bronze in the soecial formula fibergloss. No 100 p1 hurdles. maintenance, first cost, only Personal ;begta were cost. Has its own foundation, achieved by Stacey Smith nothing to assemble or build. in ?he 1608 m., placing Heat for $25 per year, fifth, and Lindsay Weeks Available on a special in the 400 mp placing sixth, in!rductcy offer fer 1ess than tha high jump, placing you can build or buy a conventional greenhouse. fourth, and. the shotput, placing eighth weeks ah SUMUSE FIBERGLASS came home with a ribbon ENGINEERING, INC. for fourth place in the k$j, 800m. --P The meet concludes the N 1987 track and field mson for the*HarrisrS, ages 9 to L ...... I. .. , . . ,_. I ...... , .. I' t


I ' bgals ' , Lands under '. the gored' The planting administration resow& development agree- wedding dress, size .7, Vd will be for the 1987 Fall Plan- ment (FRDA). ,. lac0 neckline collar, aeven ting h.ogr- sealed tenders for the follow- Lane; Box 1910, Saud tiered lace skirt,,very full & Pembwton.area. flowing. Must be .seen. New The fbllowhg qualifications $800, will sell for $300; Eves. willberequired: 898-3380. (T.F.N.) 1. A proven reputation in '8 forestry field and a good howledi O€ B.C.F.S. plan. 38016' 3RD AVEm ting inspection prqcedures as New stoqk of good quality. Af- 892-3912. (08.25) . ]per the B.C.F.S. Silviculture fordable home furnishin@ ar- Manual and the F.S. 764 Plan- .. ting Inspection Guide. Must

have supervised planting and I "Professionid Service for . ' provide references ,tosame. -your.Rea/Estate needs" '14 ft. Hoby Cat complete with I .2. The ability to field a crew of trailer. For details phohe - up to three (3) persons with a 898-2060 (eves.), or 932-6973 pnjnimum of Technical School (weekends). (06.06.M.) graduation in-Forestry or one (1).year of related experience Kids Leaving for College? - in the silviculture field. It's Family Portrait Time,' 3.' Must be available from ap- ' Garage Sale :38124 Chestnut While you're still all together williams proximately September 8 to under the same roof. .... AVti Aug 22 & 23rd. 10 am. 4 Rock October 31, 1987. pm. Early, birds pay- $86. US& SaVW t&lh@ co;ltractwill .Package'Special for $49.96 This be Images by hdre. ldouble.(08.18) showerdoor with InhTor $20,2 to the of Inspired aM-season W.W. tires, us& 6 892-2012 .*.> seed9ings hdsrpt,factory ma (08.26) moisture and wkther ad- SOFA' & CHAIR. excl. cond. . tionsfor $360. receipt of pie TRIPLE DRESSER $100 ' 690 HOURS, 4DRAWER CHEST $60 September 3,'1987. n chairs $20 Proposals must be submitted ,on the form and ih' the Awesome! theonly way to bribethe Val I Is Antique kitchen table, has mvelopgq sinpplied , which, with particliW&%ay be ob :with this home. just listed it features 4 bedrooms master 'twist-ccarvedlee. $300 o.b.0. bedroom with 3'pc. tnwite & walkin closets. 3 bathrooms in Phone Res, W&L or Thurs. at 'hed from .the Squdh - 892-2204. (08.18) - Forest District 'Office at the total, family room on main floor with dual cential fireplace. . above address. The lowest or : Separate formal dining room, huge .kitchen. Downstairs 4 H.P. Evinrude Outboard Carrier 11,000 BTU, air cond. recroam is almost 400 sq. It and ineltides 3rd fireplace & pine $600. G.T. Light frame racing any proppslal will not Motor rune excellent, $360 necessarily by accepted. The panellink thermo windows thru-out, multCPevel .sundeck, o.b.0. Strollee seat, $20. bike, .$360, air compressor double garage with workshop all on 1/3 acre. At $103,9OQ this car work will be administered by Cd898-9326. (08.18) * $160, dl 892-9267 after 6 p.d - home,should &e viewed if you' are seriously lovking to, move irm 191 the British Columbia \vo.Lo1 .. Ministry up. Trades welcome! mnwlpI' of Forests ahd Lands. (08.18j - Multi-family &age sale. Sat. Firewood for de- Alder Ri . Aug. 22nd, 9-12 2667 the qC Maple $80.00 full cord, -conay Repairers Lien Act. - Boulevard. (08.18) delivered 898-5869. If no w. Notice to A. Eakins, answer P.0. 'Box 2608, MinistryofFor~ta"dEands repistsped om@. Be Hidea-bed $200 o.b.o.2 single beds, both $68. 898-9404. 08.18) . -

Service and the Britiish-hl&. recover.* *- nqonies owing as pro- I gdmby I the act: 1981 Camaro bia Ministry of Porests and -4th bdrh & 3rd bath r/l 4 bdrms 3 baths Lands under the forest 228. Ser. NO. lGlAP87L7BLi81736. . -European kitchen -Oak kitchen resource development agrv -Private low inaintanence lot -Double garage ment (FRDA) -. U69HnM'' b -September possession -Paved drive available -Electriclwood furnace, -Financing & appliance thermo windows package available -Landscaped

BILL 5lLN 3k370 CLEVELAND Ai€., 0-892-2827 SQUAMISW, B.C. H-898-3282 .

BUDGET? For the first 8 QARlBALOl ESTATES - T"' Newly-renovated kitchen, homebuyer or.someone ., I vd THE L mnuea ARIC rulLI UR BBRM family looking for an Investment. lovely two bdrm up, two SUNNY BRACKENDALE WANT To then try home, large living... room,. -.-.IWU! Four bedroom bdrm down family home. Vallaycllffe split-level on Four bdrm tudor. this price on for size. family room end mora To farge lot. Priced to sell at .anQarltahome with Naw full nnrnntnmaster R tile Close to school, shopping Exceptionally large family Under $50,000for a view call AMMI TEPPER at at home, extras-you name it, condomlnlum featuring 892=5901nc.854 or 892-2224. .... a)eabitirui nome Cali diM. w,m.Gail MAHU or this home has It. Laundry gnsuite double patio doors JOYCE today. chute, built In vacuum, and more. See DOROTHY BUYER'S REQUEST FOR DOWNTOWN 1,700 sq. ft. hardwood floors. View! SWANSON today. MADER today any and RANCHERS OR CHEAPER THAN RENT - What more can one ask for tor Choose to live In the rancher close to all all of your real estate SPL+IT-LEVEL HOMES IN amenities. Large family ana only $93,000. Cali FOR THESE PROPERTIES Cottonwoods or Eagleview AND MORE CALL AMMI * .' THE HIGHLANDS, room, vQry good price, MARG or JOYCE. ' Condominiums. A corner ESTATES OR Vendor motivated. Call TEPPER PAGER 882-5W1 for light and privacy Or BRACKENDALE. CALL JIM. JOYCE or MARG NO. 654 HSUESfF6%4 FOR ALL $our Whlrtlsr . an Interior unit for reduced______PRICEQ TO SELL - One of QREENWOOD WAY t~s%m needs call Robed today at the most beautiful mobile TAKE ADVANTAQElll 1 heating costs. Both units TWO LOTS WERY LEVEL, QREEMWOOD WAY S116,OOO 832-4998. provide three bdrms, one onHighlands Way homes in Squamlsh, LarQe WILFORD S85,OOO Inwest In potential our area cedar deck In front Island in BIRCH $64,800 has to offer. Many lots ensuite and fireplaces. North - $26,!iOO, other in CHESTNUT s70,800 Priced from $46,000 - Eagle Run Brackendale kitehen a must to 889. Call BUILFORD ss9,m ESTATE UP~DATE EVER^ and Investment properties - DOROTHY SWANSON 41h AVENUE FRIDAY AT 4:16 ON avallable. $53,000. Call GEORGE $22,500 Both great buy9 call today, 4th AVENUE MOUNVAIN FM today tb view, JOYCE or MARG.

e...... a*- SU I ., personals

P87VO3-03 Pember- Adopt ,a ,pound. dog - take, Located: ' Horn soum WOMEN$ homc~ a friend for life. ton Area, Forest District: clwmE' * Squamish. For planting trees DROP IN AND REFERRAL 8984411. (06.28.M.) on wpprox. 83 hectares. View- FQR INF'ORMATION AWD . LAMlB'SSPECIALW , ing dah August 21; 1987 ,I SUPPORT

' 'IPETrnDS: ,' leaving Pemberton Field Of- + 88061 2nd Ave., - fice 7410 Prospect Strmt at MondapFriday, PO lurn.3 pm Budgies, Canary, Finch, ' Mondsa~,August 17 - Friday, A& 21 - Vacation Bible khr 8:80 a.m. Viewing d the sit@ Phone 8926748 Cockatiel and Parrot seed. at Valleycliffe Christian Fellowship Church €ram 10 a.m. ta 12 prior. to submitthi& a bid is Bird and fish accessories. Will noon each day for 3 to 13 year olds. br more info call Sack or., The kids were' away for the deliver. 898-9975 (08.26) mandatory. ' 'Deadline. for 4- -- Norma §lee at 898-3328, receipt of tendere is 16:%Qp.m Deaths Tuesday9August 118 - Ds. Morates, Equine Vet. will give a talk September 3, 1987 at which and video presentation on colic abd worming of horses in the light brown in color) was time all tenders will be opened, MacDonalek on Aug. 14th - senior lounge, Civic Centre at 790 p.m. men to dP hprse This contract will be subject *. lonley, md hit the dusty trails The folloyhg position is copen owners. 1981 Scott Frawr-MacDonald '(from Mope in Bracken- to both male adfemale ap to the availability of suitcable of Squadah, B.C. aged $1. Rd,, Satmrday, Ang. 22.- Hunters Women's Soccer Club is holding a . seedling8 and witisfactory soil dale) in search of Borne friends plicrtnte to .commence carwash at the downtown.Chevron station from 18 a.m. to 3 Sdvd by hi8 loving wife to play with. He is missed ter- 'Septehber 8, 1987. Applim- moisture and weather condi- Mildrd. 4 @xes, and one p.m. tions for planting. Only ribly by the,whole family. If tions should be Sunday, August 23 Squmish Valley Equekrkn Association . nephew, many relatives in you have seen him, please calk School District No. 48 (Howe - qualified contractors fl be Nova Scotia. Also many dear Horse Show at Squamish Valley Feeds at 9 a.m. English, eligible to attend the viewing. $98-5129 and help put a s@le Sound), Box 250, Squamish; friends. Scott was ca member back on the kid's faces. (08.26) B.C. VON 360 or at the Western and games. Judge - Barb Siebeck. Transportation to the sites of The Royal Canadian Legion filed Monday, dug. 24 - Squamish Rod and Gun Club monthly may not be provided by the Sunday* Aug* 99 'ed School Board Offics, 37866 Se Branch 277, I Squamish and cond Avenue, Squamish, B.C. meeting at '7:30 p.m. in the 'club house. New members B.C. Forest Serv2ce. Contrac- also served his puntry in the Purse aPPrOX* 5 X 8 inches, welcome. tors wishing to view should br- and should be rmived no later 1st World War. 'Funeral ser- passport size'I.D., etc. inside. than August is, 1987. Wednesday, August 26 - Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic at the ing their'own 4 wheel drive vice*Wednes&y Aug. 19th at b 'Any papers '.with Janice Indian Home-School CO- Civic Centre from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. vehicle. Estimated total trees 1 p.m. in the Squtimish Johnson's name Cd898-6347. orhator, Squ&& N~, Saturday, Aug. 29. - Summer music festival at Squmish to be planted - 73,000. Please Funeral Chapel. Rev. Chis (08.25) . Competition No. 0389. Hours Junction Pavilion from 12:45 to 8 p.m. Free admission. Bring advise Morrison of the ' Mike Burnett officiating. Inter- of work 7 hours a day for dl the whole family. Sponsored by the Songvkiters and Squamish Forest District at ment Mt. Garibaldi Ceme 18 Information Wanted Performers Association and the Word Faith Christian Centre.' - days school is in session. 898-9671 if you plan to attend taw. (98.18) $13.10 per hour. Duties: To Each Thu'rsday - during July and August - Bingo at the Legion the above viewing. District of- Reward for information act as 6 won 1 starting at 7 p.m. . 'fice: address. as indicated 17 Lost . ltyding to conviction of per- schosls in the Qudsh above. Regional Office:. 4596 Alanon meetings - every Monday and Thursday. For more .4 Sods) Who broke windows the home of Native ~nh info, Betty at 898-3225 or Marieat 898-3934. . Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C; "Snowy", a white female per- the house on Mamquam Rd. - puph,~e~kd @cslifications: V7G. - 4L9: Monday Night Bingo - sponsored by SI.'Joseph's Church in sian cat, been with us for'dght acTOSS from wagon Wheel Tr. The abi&@ to comu~ca~ Civic Centre. Doors opcn 5 p.m. Bonanza 6:42 p.m., Rcgtllar 10 Personals years, .lost in Valleycliffe area, cob. Anyone with info - Cd well with teach&, pup& and Games 7: p.m. I5 - ._ and this is the first time she $92-5426 (08.18) ' parents. Ministry of Edu& Alano Club Bingo every Sunday night. Doors open 5 pm., ALCOHOLICS ' has away from home. been 19 Pets . tion guidelines spekify that Bingo at 6:30 p.m. , ANONYMOUS . She huld have met with an ac- this mrson is to be a Native Thursday - at the Howe Sound Women's Centre -- 8929031 24 hours .cident; got lost, or maybe so. brown bag lunches at noon. Bring your lunch and watch vihs fO8.06.M.I ' meone,:has taken her 'in. various topics of interest to women. on ALCOHOLICS ' . Anyone, who has ,been Snowy - ~Y~l~XTdG~S ur iias my idomation. i?iase . 898-3961; 898-3706; 892-6528; phone 892-5068. (08.18) 892-6676: 892-5824. (08.06,M.)


INDUSTRIAL BUILDIWO FOR SALE - 350sq ft high ceiling - EXCELLENT RANCYER - in STUNNINO: 3 or 4 bedroom Counting all the extras in SINGLES OR STARVERB DON'? JUS? DRIVE BII - fully insulated hea duty the Estates! Just like new - 2600 sq ft home built on'a 5 ft this beautiful large home. -For a5 little as$2,300 as a there is much more to this eement floor - heate office freshly painted, new therm0 grid system. With a circular 1870 sq ft of beautiful living down payment -this home home than can be seen from space at front of buildingT windows, new eargets, oak concept, is privately set and is space on the to floor and could be yoys. It Is located a drive largfe family - 2. property is approx. % of an kitchen cabinets, sunken surrounded by multi4evel 1870 square ft oP recreation within walking distance of room ad ition o .dining ' acre. Good access to living room, fantastic buy decks to maximize gorgeous downstairs complete privacy downtown. 'For those with room, . updated . kitche . downtown Squamish alt this and includes all appliances. view and lots of sunshine the on an acre of land in outdoor hobbies the large cupboards. 3 bedroom Garibaldi Highlands quiet u for the low price $138,000 call Give Pam Dewar a call for perfect home for the lot can be entered from the large rec room down with WB cul-de-sac what a place to Gray Mitchell 898-5451. more info 898-3944. professional family. , Give laneat rear. .. I bar Ius sauna and 3 pce bath Marianne a call to view. live, lots of room for We PI established fenced bad everyone for an A STEP ABOVE - Many prd. Please call to view fhi appointment call today. other mobile homes of this ?omeDot Qolden 896-3249. THE RENTERS ARE MOWNO size in this price range. OUT - (or have moved) and Pride of ownership is this house will be getting a evident inevery nook and real goin over and' should comer asking rice of be sparking clean by.the $18,308 inch;P es % appliances plus woodstove. ------time this ad hits the paper - LIVE AT TWE TOP Near new residence, Spacious nicely, Don't 'wait. EXCELLENT IMVESOMENT - its a fantastic family home PROPERTY - located right on home in exclusive subdivision maintained, shows well oli c with 3 big bedrooms up and the main street of Squarnish! backing onto park. Oak beautiful fenced lot give Phll kts of room for $ad to putter HAVEBUYERS QUALlFl€D FOR THI kitchen is country style with awll. This is the investment you downstairs and in the .SERIOUS.WE spacious dining area. Master double garage. FOLLOWIN6 PROPERTIES: have been wpiting for and you bedroom has 3 pse ensuite, $2Q,oQw). $20,000 THAT{ couldn't ask for a better 3 bedroom rancher in lower ' For this hideawal walk in closet apd sliding. RlOH?lI location. Give Grey Mitchell estates or Brackendale u'p to home on leased land at thc doors to rear decks. Large $90,rn a call for .more information double garage/concrete drive gateway to Garibaldi Park. I! 898-5451. large split level with gin. drivo from 601f Course. and landscaped. Call. bw proximi! to school in *a* Croft for information and an SPOTLESS well maintained -- Nestled in the trees above - Highlan s up to $1 20,800 Ring Creek. Great area for appoitment to view 898.5313. easy care 3 bedroom rancer in the naturp lover and cross super location. ' Nicely landscaped. Fenced yard CLEANLIIWES, $OMFORT a country skier. Please give CONVENIENCE is what you me a cell Dot Golden 898- backs onto a park give Phil a - dl898-5337. Mill discover when you enter Starter home in downtown 3249. Ihese 3 bedroom area can be small but must townhouse. They offer _the be in good condition up to $79,9oI) - QUALITY OLDER iinest design on all 3 w,m SOYLP HOME - in immaculate distinctive levels. You will condition large rooms, hot 8m#m Please don't 39 delighted with the water heater, new wood stove amenities such as rock For information on any oi in super large rec room. A overlook this home, Situated lireplace, large ' ensuite, these listings give Ronnlsl pleasure to show!- Don't wait on a private 'corner in eBfbckendale (Ross and Depot) therms windows, and more or §pan a call at 898-5941 or - on this one. SUPER DESIGNED BOOME.. 2 call now. 898-5636 or pager 892-5901. a?$ all landscaped yyrd with levels with large sundeck. plenty of room inside too. Extra large kitchen with BARIBALDI ESTATES - MABNIFICCNT ?amher (extra large) prieed WATERFRONT. PROPEWTI - Give Q to Stephen solarium. Everything in great INVESTOBS - TAKE NOTE - IMMACULATE MOBIL Uight in the 70's with room for on bevette Lake - purchase condition large easy care iota DUI~X in DentviIIe area well- HOME - ideal for th 1 large family room. This 3/65 undivided interest of 3.U ABWB AVERAOE VIEW LO? Give a call898-5337* maintained new roof 2 new growing family include lome is close to school, acres in this scenic - Garibaldi Highlands approx. furnaces, new hot water appliances and wood stove. hopping and Est office. recreational arm small 2 1/3 of an acre an one of the LOTS ARE SlLblNO - I have a heaters, fresh paint let your x IS covered porch. Nga lon't over look this call bedroom eabin on property, best streets in the Highlands. great lot listed on Thunderbird tenants pay the mortgage. school and shopping supe H@,phenHoward today 898- Give Marlanne Wllrsn Call now lots are selling fast. Ridge for $23,500 try Your Asking$72,mcall k~crdt investment must be seen- $ai 1361 - call. Ask for Gray Mitchell. offer call Bov 8984313. for more details 848-5313. Phll. NOW,


...... -J r ...... - 4. - ...... ,- C...... * I. .

. 40 Jobdppo$mi%e$ wmtl3d,. >Christianday care ..for6 year old in Valleyme area;’ Phone Keith Home 892-5862Work 892-5211 Pd 23. (08.18) 3

. . the area of child development plus some practical exp. Rep. 1yin WritiQg to sq. Conrpluni- ty Services Society, Box 077, ,C. VON 3GO.

Placement Supervisor, Squmish: For program in= dependent of but working

criminology or 88ci31 sciences; case *load management exp., strong interperaonal skills, . familiarity with volunteer agency operations & com-

I mdty resources able to meet confidentiality & bonding re quirements, current B.C. ’drivers licence ic business in- *, &red vehicle; Resumes by. *’-. *e ..

. conducting interviews €or those persons who are I interested in aprofessional career in real estate. .I Call Jude Bannister 892-3571 2 PLFASEREDUCE, LJ3” ME CO .. GREAT rnWrnP0~h sdyValleycliffe, has 3 . bdws. approved f/p, semi- NO. 70 SPIRAL CRT. Are finished basement edra large you looking for a nice cle lot, has just been.reduced to home for a very low price? $57,000. if you are paying This (12 x 62), 2 bdrm, mobile: IMMACULATE $500.00. rent now then you - home, located in Spiral Crt. is DOUBLEWQE You don’t should look into this. your answer, For only . have to cat off tRe floor in this $14,900. you can have a roof squeaky clean 1350 sq. ft. In Y.L.A. AREA of fine over your head and you will be doublewide mobile home, but homes, this lot is an excellent Castle on Skyline Dr building site for a family homi stone & iron fortress proud of this excellent you could! The owners have investment. Call GABE treated it with care and its PERRON 898-3 187. yours to enjoy. 3 large bdrms., WHERE ELSE CWLD 2 full baths. Large kicifthen YOU GET ALE TklESE . - with Jenn-Aire kange, glass- FEATURES. doored woodstove. Asking *magnificentviews - . high ceilings. Located $35,WO. BRIAN GILES 898- *countertop stove / eye level very large lot. Price re Oven .._ 1 ‘.. I 5240. ’ - *Built-in breakfast nook / built-in china cabinet .*arctic insulation +wetbar - *sunken tub in ensuite *family room * stone covered sundeck PIGTURE YOURSELF IN THIS * fendyard For only $39,900. Call .. . 3 BEDROOM HOME COMPLETE 1630 sq, ft. home in Przcken SABINA FRANKLAND Park. One of the largest units 898-3248. . WITH ... RURALLIVING, SUPERB TASTE At a fine PRIYATES ACRES with numerous features. ie. price. Sumptuous bdrms. with spacious family rm. with 3 bathrooms. Extra large . Cleared of big timber, woodburning stove and kage -solid oak cabinets of small trees. Log cabin lias dining room for entertsning. - main bdrm. of 23 x 14, Call Clean bright and modern I -all brass fixtures. brdm. and bathroom GABE PERRON 898-3 187. Big 12 x 15 shed with kitchen. Family room leads -central vaeu um i ng washer/dryer hook-u out to completely private yard., -built-in dishwasher 10 green house with fenced (no back neighbors) dauble arden area and 8 x 16 garage, covered entrance, large -500 plus sq. ft of decking , foyer. CallJUDE

BANNISTER to show 898- I -extra large hot tub .. , rraa 3x0. LARGE (OVER Vi ACRE) -plus many more features , 59Q1No. 628. LANDSCAPEDLQT ?Iht solid older character honie on \ very large view lot, located in Irvterested? If so, call 8984108 for an the North Yards area. Asking $63,980. Cali JOE ELKlN apgt. to view. Previously listed at 898-5068. CLEAN & CONVENIENT $114,500. Now privately listed at An excellent value in the sunny part of Valleycliffe3 bdrm. - family home for sale by $1 04,500 original owner, sbsolutely BETTER THANRENTING ~~~~~~~~~f.immaculate and sparkling 3 bdrm. mobile home, largs clean, large light kitchen with ;torey lofted cabin includes a kitchen with real oakn with off it won’t last iropane stove, fridge, and sliding BlGs doors to de& and cupboards. Septirwtce Inandrv.__.._., $10,000 Franklin woodstove in living fenced back yard. Beautifully room, Living room has a GARDENER’S DELIGHT long so... Woom. Approx. 2 minut& past . renovated bathroom, R34 woodburning stove which Attractive family home on a nicely Midnight Way subdivision near- , mallinsulation. and SChOO~S, Close onlyto shopping keeps heating costs very low. lhdscaped curner lot. !lkin’s Lane. Call JUDE Sunny location with a nice Greenhouse, deck, 4 bdrms. 3ANNISTER for maps and $64,900. Calr BRIAN GILES view. Yard is fenced. CJI family room. In the ~O’S,see Call today letails. 898-5528. 898-5240. BETTY 898-3250. this one with BETTY 898-325( r..P SENTRY ACCOUNTING Computerized accouning I at data processing

piziziqBOOKKEEPING 1- BRAKESPECIALIZING &TUNE IN I e 1lh yards plus down .L SERVICE All forms of Brakes, Computerized occouniing Propane conversions and bookktcpine i -~x’Call EARL 9 892-5814 38164 Cleveland Ave. I -3.1585 Pemberton, Squamish I HRKEN ENTERPRISES ETD ’ MINI EXCAVATING , b,* CASH BACK ON ’ EQUIPMENT TAXREFUNDS’ ’Master pinn 1; I .. . 8 Year Round Tax Service , , - . 38036 Cleveland Ave. ..--o Emagcncy mlv w. Above Highland Glass Squamish Locksmith TKL: 892-3624 Service a NATIVE 6 CANADIA . --’-‘ i AQENT , WeddlnQs 8 Banquels $Annlvers.nes, Partles. ec;... Drainage -Limited Access Life, RRSP’s, REASONABLERAJES 1T Hours 9 a.m. to 430 p.m. Excavating -Landscaping investment fund8 1 Mon rhru FII 698-2475 or Accountant Donna Billy Mor. 892.5188 BRAD WATSON Flnanelal Planning 2581 Podee Wav I BIRKEN SQUMSM j ,,*I I Garibaldi Highlanbs I 892-3162 Cail Today 690-504Q’

“Commercial “Exterior




Electronic , ’ Instruments I1Commercial I BookEeepin8& Accouting RALPH’S . Income Tax Office smica *Design &Drafting&.ifvices 38140 Cleveland Avenue ‘Call 898.9369 Upholstery dk Draperies! RENTALS Squamish, B.C. 38033 Cleveland Ave. Equipment &Tools P.0. 892-5919 DOUG HAMILTON 8 bx MI Td: ~ Squamish, B.C. Commercial & Residential 8 ‘bALYEquipment PL. SQUAMISH Repairs . I . UNICORN E +All Types of Furniture ‘ ...... HOME&YARD *Car,.Van, Truck and Boat . ’ 892m1571 * MAINTENVANCE .. A.D. COLWELL I Seats *Building Repairs 8( +Auto and Boat Interior CERTWILD OENLRAL *Renovations & Paintins *Drape Making and Repairs .Custom engiqeered security ACWUNTANT i landscaping &; Fencini. *Custom and Contract systems with state-of-the-art I work technology * JIM O’MEILL 892.3332 .” YOURSA TIFACTION IS * Computerized I OUR ONLY CONCERN” TELSCO’SECURPTY Accounting . YOUR PARTY SHOP Tax Service SYSTEMS * 892-590;6 JOKES, PARTY ITEMS * Driveways * Financial Planning MIXERS & PARTY ICE (604) 662-920 fearking bots

’ CONSTRUCTION 1.. I “HELIUM BALLOONS” , 3979 Clevelend Avenue *Roads. 2nd Roar. Kindres MaBq RESIDENTIAL* COMMERCIAL I 2 Doors from Liquor Store I . RENOVATiONS*ADDlTlONS I . Phone 892-5347 GOLDEN EAGLE Serving We Sell Fun Sea to Sky Country PHONE: 8$2-b28I wwu V. TAXIDERMY for over 25 years vu Daly Place, Squamish I Call 892-5679 ’ b !I I FIISH,’BIRDS.WILD GAME. I* or sm-me *:Televisions - Stereos HEADS S.O.S. CUSTOM 5” -Microwave Ovens. 4.C.R. Setvices . Call Andre at 892-3131 I 41 CHARTERED WEIGMV CONTR00 ACCOUNTANTS DOUG THOMPSON SQWAMBSH SHOE ROADRUNNER okkeeping -Tax SPORTING GQODS @FinancialPlanning . Call: 898-4165 CENTRE ‘ National * bike sales & repairs ’ , “The Qnly ‘The Complete Fgrni/y *baseball equipment. CQ --*Firm with a LOCAL Shoe Store’ s * for all your fishing s’ & outdoor needs Off ice” Hiking Elbots &Athletic * Electrical Contractor I Footwear *AlsoTrophies& , Oary M. Zukowski C.A. Residential & Renovations engraving Bus:892=9424Res: 892-9549 Children’s Shoes Ladies & Mens Dress Shoes Brian J. Ken. C.A. I Chlcfhh $92-3031 Plw 988-9527 38029 Cleviand Ave. 892-3026 P&e 22’- Tuday Aigust 18, i987-The Times ..

housing activity in central Canada suggests continued good demand. for both plywood and waferboard. The waferbod market in the west is gxtremeiy com- petitive as additional pm duction from new facilities s&ks to find a market." ': Prices in the U.S. lumbe~ market -weregood for most of the quarter a8 low inven- tories and seasonal factors.

increased ~ demand. -. However, since quarter end, both demsnd cuid prices' have shown some

European deliveries, 8ccor- ding to the company.' Substantial order files and lower-than-normal inven- tory levels in the mtkket

"The medium 'term outlook in our marketcon- tinues generally favorable, with good demalid ex- pted far moet of our pro- ducts," hell said. Come Trek With Us! September 19,20,21 3rd ANNUAL BICYCLE TREK FORLIFE& BREATH

, a jund-raising event for the

906 West Broadway Vancouver, B.C. V52 1K7 phone (604)731-4961 24 Tuesday August '18,1987-The Times .