Spotlight on Real Estate Pull-Out Section October 27, 2020

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Spotlight on Real Estate Pull-Out Section October 27, 2020 Spotlight on Real Estate Pull-out section October 27, 2020 The north side of St. Antoine St., which is the most southerly part of Westmount, on October 23. Photo: Ralph Thompson for the Westmount Independent. MARIE SICOTTE 5114 953 9808 REC O RD SA L E mariesicotteco Foolllow us WESTMOUNT SQUARE - EXCLUSIVE LISTING mariesicotte_realestate RE-2 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October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±WH6W/XF :HVWPRXQW 7,1$$ %$(5 B <($56 5($($/ (67$7$7$7( ( %52.(5 2) 75867(' (;(;3(57,6(( ZZZZZZZSURURIXVLRQJOREDO WEDHU#SURIXVLRQJOREDO 3UURRIRIXVLRQ ,PPRELOLHU ,QF 5HDO (VWDWDWDWH $J$JHQF\F\\ WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 27, 2020 – RE-3 PAC now reviewing new submission: Cllr. Peart City ‘rejects’ Hillside armoury demo, says developer – which plans new proposal By Laureen Sweeney of urban planning for permits and archi- tecture, said last week, however, that the A proposal to demolish the historic Hill- PAC was already reviewing a new sub- side Armoury and redevelop the site, mission that would also fall under the which is across from the Westmount Ath- city’s complex SCAOPI process for projects letic Grounds (WAG), has been rejected by that do not conform to current zoning. the city’s Planning Advisory Committee He also said that “once the PAC review (PAC), but is also still “under review,” the is complete, the details of the evaluation Independent learned last week. grid will be published.” At this point, the While there is no posting of the PAC’s submission was “a working document.” findings on the city’s website after its re- However, he said, the PAC had benefitted view of the submission presented at a pub- from the public feedback from the period lic meeting in February 11, Maya Girlando, for written comments after the project’s director of development for Groupeimmo presentation as to what might be acceptable Élite, said they had received a nine-point to the neighbourhood (see reaction letters valuation grid by the PAC of the eight- March 10, p. 6). storey condo plan a few months ago. The initial presentation called for a “I do not have very good news. It has stepped back, eight-storey building to con- been rejected,” she said. tain some 37 condos. “So it is back to the drawing board and That submission also stated that the we hope to come back with another prop- current building was found by an engin- osition, hopefully by the end of the year.” eering report to be structurally unsound This is before the 1910 building can de- (see story February 4, p. 1, and February teriorate further, she said. “The PAC felt it 18, p. 1). was very important to keep the building. Peart said that in respect to the current We were pretty disappointed.” building’s soundness, he could not com- ment as a professional architect on the New submission under review findings of a member of another profes- Councillor Conrad Peart, commissioner The Hillside Lane entrance to the armoury on October 22. Photo: Independent sional order (i.e. of engineers). RE-4 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 27, 2020 Over $175,5,000,000 SalesSa Volume 2020* 3 of 5 Highestest Westmmmounmo t Salesalees 2020** Higghest Weststmount Saale 20018,1 2019 and 20220** ACTION, 1225 Av. Greene, Westmount | Agence immobilière WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 27, 2020 – RE-5 LISTED AND SOLD BY JOSEPH LISTED AND SOLD BY JOSEPH Highest Westmount Sale of 2020** Av. Cedar, Westmount Av. du Docteur-Penfield SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Av. Sydenham, Westmount Av. Roslyn, Westmount Summit Crescent, Westmount Stukely, Bolton-Ouest SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Av. Carlyle, Mont Royal Boul. De Maisonneuve O., Westmount Av. Church Hill, Westmount Av. Des Pins, Ville-Marie SOLD ACCEPTED OFFER ACCEPTED OFFER ACCEPTED OFFER $3,495,000*** $2,999,000*** $1,750,000*** Av. Forden, Westmount Outremont Exclusive 40 Av. Prince-Philip, Outremont 650 Av. Grosvenor, Westmount *Including accepted PP’s yet to close. | **As of Centris Statistics per 10/22/2020. | ***Asking price | 514.660.3050 RE-6 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 27, 2020 Finished on Westmount Ave. This new house on Westmount Ave. just east of Forden, top left, is finished, as seen October 17. It was nearly complete on September 20, 2019, top right, when we last visited it, and under heavy construction on May 7 of that year, inset. It is on land that used to be the garden of the house at the southeast corner of those two streets. Top photos: Independent; inset photo: Ralph Thompson Police Report Locking up might have averted theft, says police official By Martin C. Barry or residential premises. A theft at a Sherbrooke St. building be- Broken door, nothing missing tween Wood and Elm around noon on Oc- Sometime between October 11 at noon tober 15, while a staff member member and October 18 at 8:30 pm, a glass door ad- ! was out, illustrates the importance of al- jacent to a patio at a residence on Lans- ! ways locking up no matter how long you downe Ave. near the corner of Sherbrooke +*"% "%&''! ("%& ''!) "%& '!) '"#* '' "#* '!%"(%( plan to be absent, says a spokesperson for St. was shattered, although it would appear the Montreal police’s Station 12 in West- that nothing was stolen from inside the !)# ''' ($) ! !"%( '( ()"(%( ''"% ( #!%# '')($ ( #$#( mount. home. A complaint regarding the incident was According to the police report, the resi- filed on October 16 with police at the sta- dence’s owners had been away for a week tion by the victim. The woman said that and immediately noticed the broken door her laptop computer was stolen in the inci- upon their return, although the interior of dent. She recalled last seeing it around the premises seemed undisturbed. noon the day before, just before she went Pimentel said the police investigators out. questioned neighbours to determine if “When she got back a little later in the they’d heard or seen anything, but there afternoon, she noticed that the computer were no witnesses. was missing,” said Station 12 community However, the owners recalled that on relations officer Adalbert Pimentel, reading October 12, the second day of their ab- from the police report. sence, they received a remote notification According to the report, the front door from their home’s alarm system that a of the office had been left unlocked during movement was detected at the front door. the woman’s absence. Unfortunately, there “They sent a member of their family to ! ! were no security cameras to record the verify, because obviously they were out of ($''( #$#( )! () ($''( #$#( )! () ($''( #$#( )! () ($''( #$#( )! () ' &"$) ##!%! ()"( ##!%! " #$%# coming and going of the intruder. town, but nothing was noticed that was ab- “Generally speaking, if there was no- normal,” Pimentel added. ' &)! (''' ##!% (%#)(!( # '"% body else left at the office, the office should In the end, the investigators were un- have been locked since there are valuables able to find any fingerprints or other ident- )($''( #$#( $&(% "!""()&"$)()"(! there,” he added, while noting that the ifying marks the perpetrators might have principle of always locking your car after left behind, nor any tools that might have +*)(('''''''&(%()$#"!% ! #)""%&$ !(% %)( ! #)$% $#"!% parking also applies to securing business been used to facilitate the forced entry. WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 27, 2020 – RE-7 Top 1% in Canada B.514.934.1818 C.514.912.1482 béatrice baudinet [email protected] Diamond Award Winner Top 10 team for Royal Lepage Quebec. REAL ESTATE AGENCY 2009–2017 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED UNIQUE SINGLE FAMILY HOME LUXURIOUS HOME IN CORNER UNIT ACCEPTED OFFER** NEW LISTING Golden Square Mile | 1643 Av. Du Docteur-Penfield Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | 3871 Av. Wilson | $1,525,000 FURNISHED STUDIO APARTMENT CORNER UNIT WITH 2 GARAGES STEPS FROM MONKLAND VILLAGE SPECTACULAR VIEWS SOLD* NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Golden Square Mile Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | 3750 Av. Melrose Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | 4067 Boul. Décarie Île-des-Soeurs 3480 Rue Simpson, Apt.805 $1,450,000 $550,000 175 Rue William-Paul, Apt. 601 |$469,000 SPLIT LEVEL WITH 2 GARAGES LUXURY HOME IN GREAT LOCATION JUST RENOVATED UPPER GORGEOUS FAMILY HOME NEW LISTING NEW PRICE Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Hampstead | 112 Rue Finchley Notre-Dame-de-Grâce | 4387 Av. Wilson Westmount | 592 Av. Lansdowne 4445 Av. King-Edward | $1,295,000 $2,495,000 $2,800/M $2,280,000 *Call our team to find out the selling price. **Accepted offer with conditions RE-8 – WESTMOUNT INDEPENDENT – October 27, 2020 It’s October, but construction goes on – incl. on Clarke/Dorchester, Victoria Clarke Ave. between St. Catherine St. and de Maisonneuve and the westbound lanes of Dorchester between Greene and St. Catherine remain closed to traffic due to work by the city of Montreal on water main rehabilitation. The eastbound arm of Dorchester in the same area is doing double (i.e. two-direction) duty in the interim, as seen October 23, at left. St. Catherine at Clarke is open but narrowed. Meanwhile, the city of Westmount closed Victoria Ave. the same day for some similar work, right. It was finished by the end of the day. Photos: Independent. Mystery surrounds future of former St. Stephen’s church By Martin C. Barry The future of the former St. Stephen’s Church at the corner of Atwater Ave.
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