THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA MEETING OF THE SCHOOL REFORM COMMISSION MAY 29, 2014 A meeting was held by the School Reform Commission on May 29, 2014 in the Auditorium of the School District of Philadelphia Education Center, 440 North Broad Street. The meeting was convened at 5:37 p.m. by Chairman Green. Members present: Ms. Houstoun, Ms. Jimenez, Dr. Pritchett, Ms. Simms, Chairman Green – 5 Members Absent: 0 Michael A. Davis, General Counsel, announced that prior to today’s public meeting, the School Reform Commission met in Executive Sessions to discuss litigation, labor relations, investigations, quasi judicial matters and personnel matters. Mr. Davis also announced that the public hearing on the recommended nonrenewal of the charter for Arise Academy Charter High School has been completed. Formal action on the recommended nonrenewal shall be taken by the SRC at a future public meeting. Meanwhile, the public has at least thirty days to provide comments to the SRC beginning Friday, May 30, 2014 until Monday, July 7, 2014. Comments may be submitted in writing, addressed to the SRC, Suite 101, 440 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130, or by email, addressed to
[email protected] . All comments received will be made part of the record of the nonrenewal hearing. Evelyn Sample-Oates, Chief, Family and Parental Engagement, provided the order of business for today’s meeting of the School Reform Commission. She also stated that the proceedings of today’s School Reform Commission meeting are being broadcast live on television and streamed live on the internet. Ms. Sample-Oates stated that the School District’s recordings are protected by the copyright laws of the United States.