List of Eabbis and Instructors in Jewish Colleges in The
LIST OP RABBIS AND INSTRUCTORS 367 LIST OF EABBIS AND INSTRUCTORS IN JEWISH COLLEGES IN THE UNITED STATES [* indicates that name appears in reports of Rabbinical Colleges, but no reply has been received, by the Editor of this YEAR BOOK.] AABONSON, JACOB, 729 Lee, Alexandria, La. Cong. B'nai Israel, Front. ABELES, SIGMUND, 196 Vernon Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cong. Beth Sholom (First Austrian-Hungarian), 23 Sumner Av. ABELS, MOSES J. S., 1201 17th Av., Altoona, Pa. Mountain City Hebrew Reform Congregation, 13th Av. & 15th. ABELSON, AT.TEB, P. O. BOX 74, Orange, N. J. Cong. Sharey Tefllo, Cleveland. ABEAHAMSON, ROBERT, 346 13th, Portland, Ore. Cong. Ohavai Sholom. ABRAMOWITZ, BERNARD, 1721 Carr, St. Louis, Mo. Cong. Shirei Tilim; Beth Hamedrash Hagodel, 1123 N. 11th; Sharei Zedek. ABRAMS, SAMUEL JOSHUA, Kalamazoo, Mich. Temple Bene Israel. ACKEKMAN, WILLIAM, 503 N. Barcelona, Pensacola, Fla. Cong. Beth-El, P. O. Box 610. ADLER, CYRUS, President, Dropsie College; Acting President, Jew- ish Theological Seminary of America. AISHISKIN, EZEKIEL, 312 Alfred, Detroit, Mich. Cong. Beth David, Nusach Ari, Beth Moses. ALBUM, LEON, Hotel Hendler, Johnstown, Pa. Cong. Rodef Shalom. ALBUM, S. H., 1253 S. Halsted, Chicago, 111. ALEXANDER, DAVID, 229 Winthrop, Toledo, O. Cong. Shomer Emoonim, Collingwood and Acklin Av. ALGARZF, ISAAC, 196 Chatham, Rochester, N. Y. Cong. Light of Israel Anshe Monastir. ALSTET, MURRAY A., 105 Eighth, McKeesport, Pa. Temple B'nai Israel. AMATEAU, ALBERT J., 40 W. 115th, New York City. Hebrew Con- gregation of the Deaf, 42 W. 115th. ANSPACHER, ABRAHAM SAMUEL, 561 W. 163d, New York City. Cong. Mount Nebo (Washington Heights), 150th, near Broad- way.
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