SUSAN SCHNEIDER Department of Philosophy The University of Connecticut, Storrs Email:
[email protected] Homepage: Academic Appointments Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. (2012 – present.) Faculty member, Cognitive Science Program, The University of Connecticut. Faculty member, Connecticut Institute for Brain and Cognitive Science, The University of Connecticut. Technology and Ethics Group, Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. (Spring 2015-present). Research Fellow, Center for Theological Inquiry, (NASA project on the origin of life), Princeton, NJ. (2015-present). Research Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies, 2013-1014. Research Fellow, Research School of the Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. 2013. Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (2006- 2012). (Teaching load: 2/2.) Faculty member, Center for Neuroscience and Society Faculty member, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science Faculty member, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Moravian College (2003–2006). Research Specializations Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Science Areas of Teaching Competence Epistemology, Modern Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mathematics Education Ph.D., Philosophy, (Dec., 2003), Rutgers University, Dept. of Philosophy. 1 B.A., Economics, (with honors), University of California at Berkeley, 1993. Books 1. The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction, (2011). Cambridge: MIT Press. (Monograph, 259 pp.) Paperback edition – Spring, 2015. 2. Science Fiction and Philosophy, (2009). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. (Anthology, 350 pages). Second Edition, Fall 2015. Portuguese translation – Madras Editora Ltda., Brazil, 2010. Arabic translation – Ntl. Center for Translation, Egypt, 2011. Croatian translation (in progress). 3. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, (2007).