St. Nicholas Messenger

March 18, 2012

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Greek Catholic Mission

O U R C LERGY Very Rev. Fr. Mark Shuey, Fully Eastern and Fully Catholic Pastor [email protected] Nicholas Ukrainian Greek Catholic Mission in Raleigh, North Carolina is an Eastern of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy Fr. Deacon G. Dozier, of Saint Josaphat in Parma, OH under His Excellency, the Most Reverend Deacon frdeacondaniel@ John Bura. Our Church is in full communion with the Church and Pope Benedict of . All faithful Catholics of whatever ritual tradition can receive the Holy Eucharist and fulfill their Sunday obligation by Fr. Deacon Stephen Dozier, attending Lord’s Day services with us. Deacon

Fr. Deacon Buenaventura All of our services are in English and all are invited and welcome to Yupanqui, Deacon attend and celebrate the joy of the Resurrection of Our Lord God and [email protected] Savior Jesus Christ! †

Michael Tyndall, Subdeacon Schedule of Services Lee Kibbe, Subdeacon LORD’S DAY SERVICES SATURDAY 5:00pm Great Vespers followed by Confessions

SUNDAY 8:00am Matins 10:00am Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom Sunday liturgy is followed by a fellowship coffee hour.

WEEKDAY SERVICES Typically Divine Liturgy is celebrated on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Please consult the calendar For up-to-date schedule on our website for more information. changes please visit our calendar on our website Our Temporary Location: 4154 Shearon Farms Ave. Suite 100 Wake Forest, NC 27587


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Prayer Requests Albert, Audeh, †Antonius†, Patricia, Marisa, Sandy, Nora, Basilius, Norman and Patricia, Monica, Leala and Zechariah, Alice, Gregory, Emily, Amanda, Denise, Diane, Pat, Mike, Gloria, Father Francavilla, Father Charles Aboody, Fr. Ephrem Handal, Fr. John Forbes, Reader Romanos, Kalil, Renee, Anthony, Fred, Maryse, Judy, Margot, Bella, Rami, Nahia, Berthe, , Allegra, Elias, Don, Eva, Mary, Jenny, Amanda, , Badeea, Grace and her mother, Jamil, Bishop Robert, the Priests: Mark, Martin, Richard, Rick, David, Damien, Jason, Sean, Theodore, Anthony, Richard, the Deacons: Joachim, Daniel, Stephen, David, Matt, Buenaventure, Lee, The seminarians: Rhett, Joseph, Mark, Charles. For Chris and Katy, Lee and Joanne, Robert and Mary Colleen, Peter and Helen, Lance, Crystal, Sarah, Carylon, Lauren, Jason, Louise, Charles, John, Kurtis, Wayne, Aarron, Sandy, Ken, Louis, Stephen, †Minnie†, †Patricia†, †Dennis†, †Lee†, Kathy, Emily, Jessica, Joe, William, Jason, Jeannine, Ruth, Jack, Judy, Cheryl, Lou, Robbie, Tom, Theresa, Grady, †Joe†

Beginning Tuesday, March 20 thru Thursday, March 22, Dr. Susan Muto, Executive Director of the Epiphany Association: Academy of Formative Spirituality, will be offering a parish mission at St. Ukrainian Catholic Church on the Southside of Pittsburgh. The theme of the mission is: "Aging Gracefully: On the Way to Becoming Spiritually Mature." Talks begin at 6 p.m. with Lenten prayer services to follow at 7 p.m. St. John the Baptist Parish is located at 109 South 7th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. For more information, call Deacon Alex Wroblicky at 412-527-8456.


March 11, 2012 - $424.00

“Now when I was carried away captive to Nin'eveh, all my brethren and my relatives ate the food of the Gentiles; but I kept myself from eating it, because I remembered God with all my heart.” Tobit 1:10-12

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Commemorated on March 19

The Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria and with them the Martyrs Claudius the Tribune with his wife Hilaria and their sons Jason and Maurus, and Diodorus the Presbyter and Marianus the Deacon.

St Chrysanthus came from a pagan family who had moved to Rome from . He received a fine education, and among the books he read were those in which pagans discussed Christianity. The young man, however, wanted to read books written by Christians themselves. He finally managed to find a copy of the New Testament, which enlightened his rational soul.

Seeking someone to instruct him in the Holy Scriptures, he found the presbyter Carpophoros hiding from persecution, and received holy Baptism from him. After this, he began to preach the Gospel. Chrysanthus' father tried to turn his son from Christianity, and finally married him to Daria, a priestess of Minerva.

St Chrysanthus managed to convert his wife to Christ, and the young couple mutually agreed to lead celibate lives. After the death of the father, they began to live in separate houses. St Chrysanthus converted several young men to Christ, and many pious women gathered around St Daria.

The people of Rome complained to the eparch Celerinus that Sts Chrysanthus and Daria were preaching celibacy and attracting too many young men and women to monasticism. St Chrysanthus was sent to the tribune Claudius for torture.

The torments, however, did not shake the bravery of the young , since the power of God clearly aided him. Struck by this, the tribune Claudius himself came to believe in Christ and accepted holy Baptism together with his wife Hilaria, their sons Jason and Maurus, and all his household and soldiers. When news of this reached the emperor Numerian (283-284), he commanded them all to be executed. The Martyr Claudius was drowned in the sea, and his sons and soldiers were beheaded. Christians buried the bodies of the holy martyrs in a nearby cave, and St Hilaria constantly went there to pray. Once, they followed her and led her off for torture. The saint asked that they give her a few moments to pray, and as soon as she finished, she gave up her soul to God. A servant buried the saint in the cave beside her sons.

The torturers sent St Daria to a brothel, where she was protected by a lion sent by God. A certain man who tried to defile the saint was knocked to the ground and pinned down by the lion, but the lion did not kill him. The martyr preached to them about Christ and set them to the path of salvation.

They threw St Chrysanthus into a foul-smelling pit, into which all the filth of the city flowed. But a heavenly light shone on him, and the pit was filled with a sweet fragrance. Then the emperor Numerian ordered Sts Chrysanthus and Daria to be turned over to the executioners. After many cruel tortures, the martyrs were buried alive in the ground.

In a cave near the place of execution, Christians began to gather to honor the anniversary of the ' martyrdom. They celebrated Church services and partook of the Holy Mysteries. Learning of this, the pagan authorities sealed the entrance to the cave, and those within received the crown of martyrdom.

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Two of these martyrs are known by name: the Presbyter Diodorus and the Deacon Marianus.

Dear Friends,

Did you know that;

1. The most serious and lasting mistake of Emperor Justinian’s reign was the persecution of heretical Christians. The Eastern Empire had always been distinguished from the Western Empire by the proliferation of religious and metaphysical speculation as a characteristic of religions. This did not change with the advent of Christianity. Although non-Christians were stamped, the Eastern Christians engaged in high intellectual speculation on theological questions with a fervor unmatched in the West.

One of these doctrines, the Monophysite doctrine, was so serious a challenge to the Western Church

that it was declared heretical.

The Monophysites argued that Christ had one and only nature (mono = one, physis = nature) and that

nature was divine – the Orthodox Christian Church held that Christ had a double nature, that of

divinity and humanity. In the fifth century, the Byzantine Emperor declared himself to be a Monophysite – this estranged the Byzantine from Roman Pope.

2. St. (died 444), who brought about the fall of Bishop of Constantinople Nestorius, at the third general council, held in Ephesus (431). Doctrinal issues emerged since 381, centering now not on the Trinity but on the person of Christ. Cyril and Nestorius agreed that Christ was fully God, one of the trinity, but they diverged in their description of his humanity and in their method of explaining the union of the divine and the human in a single person, Nestorius declining to call the Virgin Mary “Mother of God” (). This title was already accepted in popular devotion, but it seemed to Nestorius to imply a confusion of Christ’s humanity and His Godhead. Mary, Nestorius argued, is only to be called “Mother of Man” or at the most “Mother of Christ”, since she is mother only of Christ’s humanity, not of his divinity. Cyril, supported by the council, answered with the text “The Word was made flesh” (John1:14): Mary is God’s mother, for “she bore the Word of God made flesh”. The name THEOTOKOS safeguards the unity of Christ’s person.

3. Ramses II, son of Pharaoh Seti I, is the Pharaoh of the Exodus (1290-1224 B.C.).

Thank you, God Bless you all. (Abounader) Pray for me.

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March 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 All Souls 6pm - 10am – Divine Liturgy Presanctified 5pm - Great Vespers Liturgy with 6pm - Mystery of Reconciliation fasting meal 4:30pm – Hispanic Youth Catechism 6:30pm – Spanish Typica Service 8pm – Hispanic Agape

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All Souls 8am - Matins 6pm - Presanctified 6pm - 10am – Divine Liturgy 9am - Class Liturgy with Presanctified 5pm - Great Vespers 9:45am - Third Hour fasting meal Liturgy with 6pm - Mystery of Reconciliation 10am - Divine Liturgy 7:15pm – Bible fasting meal 4:30pm – Hispanic Youth Study Catechism 6:30pm – Spanish Typica Service 8pm – Hispanic Agape

11 Veneration of the 12 13 14 15 16 17 All Souls Cross 6pm - Presanctified 6pm - 10am – Divine Liturgy 8am - Matins Liturgy with Presanctified 5pm - Great Vespers 9am - Class fasting meal Liturgy with 6pm - Mystery of Reconciliation 9:45am - Third Hour 7:15pm – Bible fasting meal 4:30pm – Hispanic Youth 10am - Divine Liturgy Study Catechism 6:30pm – Spanish Typica Service 8pm – Hispanic Agape

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8am - Matins 6pm - Presanctified 6pm - 5pm - Great Vespers 9am - Class Liturgy with Presanctified 6pm - Mystery of Reconciliation 9:45am - Third Hour fasting meal Liturgy with 4:30pm – Hispanic Youth 10am - Divine Liturgy 7:15pm – Bible fasting meal Catechism Study 6:30pm – Spanish Typica Service 8pm – Hispanic Agape

25 Annunication 26 27 28 29 30 31 8am - Matins 6pm - Presanctified 6pm - 5pm - Great Vespers 9am - Class Liturgy with Presanctified 6pm - Mystery of Reconciliation 9:45am - Third Hour fasting meal Liturgy with 4:30pm – Hispanic Youth 10am - Divine Liturgy 7:15pm – Bible fasting meal Catechism Study 6:30pm – Spanish Typica Service 8pm – Hispanic Agape