210 Part 319—Foreign Quarantine Notices

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210 Part 319—Foreign Quarantine Notices § 318.82–3 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–03 Edition) The movement of plant pests, means of 319.8–20 Importations by the Department of conveyance, plants, plant products, and Agriculture. other products and articles from Guam 319.8–21 Release of cotton and covers after into or through any other State, Terri- 18 months’ storage. 319.8–22 Ports of entry or export. tory, or District is also regulated by 319.8–23 Treatment. part 330 of this chapter. 319.8–24 Collection and disposal of waste. 319.8–25 Costs and charges. § 318.82–3 Costs. 319.8–26 Material refused entry. All costs incident to the inspection, handling, cleaning, safeguarding, treat- Subpart—Sugarcane ing, or other disposal of products or ar- 319.15 Notice of quarantine. ticles under this subpart, except for the 319.15a Administrative instructions and in- services of an inspector during regu- terpretation relating to entry into Guam larly assigned hours of duty and at the of bagasse and related sugarcane prod- usual places of duty, shall be borne by ucts. the owner. Subpart—Citrus Canker and Other Citrus PART 319—FOREIGN QUARANTINE Diseases NOTICES 319.19 Notice of quarantine. Subpart—Foreign Cotton and Covers Subpart—Corn Diseases QUARANTINE QUARANTINE Sec. 319.24 Notice of quarantine. 319.8 Notice of quarantine. 319.24a Administrative instructions relating 319.8a Administrative instructions relating to entry of corn into Guam. to the entry of cotton and covers into Guam. REGULATIONS GOVERNING ENTRY OF INDIAN CORN OR MAIZE REGULATIONS; GENERAL 319.24–1 Applications for permits for impor- 319.8–1 Definitions. tation of corn. 319.24–2 Issuance of permits. CONDITIONS OF IMPORTATION AND ENTRY OF 319.24–3 Marking as condition of entry. COTTON AND COVERS 319.24–4 Notice of arrival of corn by per- 319.8–2 Permit procedure. mittee. 319.8–3 Refusal and cancellation of permits. 319.24–5 Condition of entry. 319.8–4 Notice of arrival. 319.8–5 Marking of containers. Subpart—Citrus Fruit 319.8–6 Cottonseed cake and cottonseed 319.28 Notice of quarantine. meal. 319.8–7 Processed lint, linters, and waste. Subpart—Nursery Stock, Plants, Roots, 319.8–8 Lint, linters, and waste. 319.8–9 Hull fiber and gin trash. Bulbs, Seeds, and Other Plant Products 319.8–10 Covers. 319.37 Prohibitions and restrictions on im- portation; disposal of articles refused im- SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE ENTRY OF portation. COTTON AND COVERS FROM MEXICO 319.37–1 Definitions. 319.8–11 From approved areas of Mexico. 319.37–2 Prohibited articles. 319.8–12 From the West Coast of Mexico. 319.37–3 Permits. 319.8–13 From Northwest Mexico. 319.37–4 Inspection, treatment, and 319.8–14 Mexican cotton and covers not oth- phytosanitary certificates of inspection. erwise enterable. 319.37–5 Special foreign inspection and cer- tification requirements. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 319.37–6 Specific treatment and other re- 319.8–16 Importation into United States of quirements. cotton and covers exported therefrom. 319.37–7 Postentry quarantine. 319.8–17 Importation for exportation, and 319.37–8 Growing media. importation for transportation and ex- 319.37–9 Approved packing material. portation; storage. 319.37–10 Marking and identity. 319.8–18 Samples. 319.37–11 Arrival notification. 319.8–19 Cottonseed or seed cotton for exper- 319.37–12 Prohibited articles accompanying imental or scientific purposes. restricted articles. 210 VerDate Jan<31>2003 09:57 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 200014 PO 00000 Frm 00210 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200014T.XXX 200014T Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA Pt. 319 319.37–13 Treatment and costs and charges 319.55–4 Issuance of permits. for inspection and treatment. 319.55–5 Notice of arrival by permittee. 319.37–14 Ports of entry. 319.55–6 Inspection and disinfection at port of arrival. Subpart—Logs, Lumber, and Other 319.55–7 Importations by mail. Unmanufactured Wood Articles Subpart—Fruits and Vegetables 319.40–1 Definitions. 319.40–2 General prohibitions and restric- QUARANTINE tions; relation to other regulations. 319.56 Notice of quarantine. 319.40–3 General permits; articles that may 319.56a Administrative instructions and in- be imported without a specific permit; terpretation relating to entry into Guam articles that may be imported without of fruits and vegetables under § 319.56. either a specific permit or an importer document. RULES AND REGULATIONS 319.40–4 Application for a permit to import regulated articles; issuance and with- 319.56–1 Definitions. drawal of permits. 319.56–2 Restrictions on entry of fruits and 319.40–5 Importation and entry require- vegetables. ments for specified articles. 319.56–2a Permits required for entry of 319.40–6 Universal importation options. chestnuts and acorns and certain coco- 319.40–7 Treatments and safeguards. nuts. 319.40–8 Processing at facilities operating 319.56–2b Administrative instructions; under compliance agreements. conditions governing the entry of acorns 319.40–9 Inspection and other requirements and chestnuts. at port of first arrival. 319.56–2c Administrative instructions au- 319.40–10 Costs and charges. thorizing the importation of frozen fruits 319.40–11 Plant pest risk assessment stand- and vegetables. ards. 319.56–2d Administrative instructions for cold treatments of certain imported Subpart—Indian Corn or Maize, fruits. Broomcorn, and Related Plants 319.56–2e Administrative instructions; conditions governing the entry of QUARANTINE cipollini from Morocco. 319.56–2f Administrative instructions gov- 319.41 Notice of quarantine. erning importation of grapefruit, lemons, 319.41a Administrative instructions relating and oranges from Argentina. to entry into Guam of broomcorn, 319.56–2g Administrative instructions pre- brooms, and similar articles. scribing method of treatment of garlic 319.41b Administrative instructions pre- from specified countries. scribing conditions for entry of 319.56–2h Regulations governing the entry broomstraw without treatment. of grapes from Australia. RULES AND REGULATIONS 319.56–2i Administrative instructions pre- scribing treatments for mangoes from 319.41–1 Plant products permitted entry. Central America, South America, and 319.41–2 Application for permits. the West Indies. 319.41–3 Issuance of permits. 319.56–2j Conditions governing the entry 319.41–4 Notice of arrival by permittee. of apples and pears from Australia (in- 319.41–5 Condition of entry. cluding Tasmania) and New Zealand. 319.41–5a Administrative instructions; 319.56–2k Administrative instructions pre- method used for the disinfection of im- scribing method of fumigation of field- ported broomcorn and broomcorn grown grapes from specified countries. brooms. 319.56–2l Administrative instructions pre- 319.41–6 Importations by mail. scribing method of treatment of im- ported yams. Subpart—Rice 319.56–2m Administrative instructions QUARANTINE prescribing method of fumigation of apri- cots, grapes, nectarines, peaches, 319.55 Notice of quarantine. plumcot, and plums from Chile. 319.55a Administrative instructions relating 319.56–2n Administrative instructions pre- to entry of rice straw and rice hulls into scribing a combination treatment of fu- Guam. migation plus refrigeration for certain fruits. RULES AND REGULATIONS 319.56–2o Administrative instructions pre- 319.55–1 Definitions. scribing method of treatment of avoca- 319.55–2 Application for permit. dos for the Mediterranean fruit fly, the 319.55–3 Ports of entry. melon fly, and the oriental fruit fly. 211 VerDate Jan<31>2003 09:57 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 200014 PO 00000 Frm 00211 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200014T.XXX 200014T Pt. 319 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–03 Edition) 319.56–2p Administrative instructions pre- 319.56–4 Issuance of permits. scribing treatment and relieving restric- 319.56–5 Notice of arrival by permittee. tions regarding importation of okra from 319.56–6 Inspection and other requirements Mexico, the West Indies, and certain at the port of first arrival. countries in South America. 319.56–7 Inspection of baggage and cargo on 319.56–2q Administrative instructions: the dock. Conditions governing the entry of citrus 319.56–8 Territorial applicability. from South Africa. 319.56–2r Administrative instructions gov- Subpart—Wheat Diseases erning the entry of apples and pears from certain countries in Europe. 319.59 Prohibitions on importation; disposal 319.56–2s Administrative instructions gov- of articles refused importation. erning the entry of apricots, nectarines, 319.59–1 Definitions. peaches, plumcot, and plums from Chile. 319.59–2 Prohibited articles. 319.56–2t Administrative instructions: Conditions governing the entry of cer- Subpart—Packing Materials tain fruits and vegetables. 319.56–2u Conditions governing the entry QUARANTINE of lettuce and peppers from Israel. 319.56–2v Conditions governing the entry 319.69 Notice of quarantine. of citrus from Australia. 319.69a Administrative instructions and in- 319.56–2w Administrative instruction; condi- terpretation relating to the entry into tions governing the entry of papayas Guam of plant materials specified in from Central America and Brazil. § 319.69. 319.56–2x Administrative instructions; conditions governing the entry of certain RULES AND REGULATIONS fruits and vegetables for which treat- 319.69–1 Definitions. ment is required. 319.69–2 Freedom from pests. 319.56–2y Administrative instructions; 319.69–3 Entry inspection. conditions governing the entry of canta- 319.69–4 Disposition of materials found in loupe and watermelon from Ecuador. violation. 319.56–2z Administrative instructions gov- 319.69–5 Types of soil authorized for pack- erning the entry of cherimoyas from ing. Chile. 319.56–2aa Administrative instructions gov- erning the entry of cantaloupe, hon- Subpart—Coffee eydew melons, and watermelon from 319.73–1 Definitions. Brazil and Venezuela. 319.73–2 Products prohibited importation. 319.56–2bb Administrative instructions 319.73–3 Conditions for transit movement of governing movement of Hass avocados certain products through Puerto Rico or from Mexico to Alaska.
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