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PUB DATE NOTE EDRS PRICE ABSTRACT This List of Library And ... DOCUMENT RESUME ED 066 168 LI 003 .800 TITLE List of Library and Documentation Associations.. INSTITUTION United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Orgadization, Paris (France).. PUB DATE 14 Jan 72 NOTE 27p.;(0 References) EDRS PRICE MF-S0.65 HC -$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Directories; *International Organizations; *Library Associations; *National Organizations ABSTRACT This list of library and docummtation associations is in two parts: the first contains international associations arranged alphabetically by title, and the second groups national associations by country or territory. For the United States, the associations are arranged by states. Within each country or territory, listed in French alphabetical order, entries are arranged first by town and then alphabetically, by associationname. It should be noted that some addresses are only temporary since, in many cases, the headquarters cd national associations are at the same address as that of the president or secretary and change each time new officers are appointed. (Author/SZ) 7' Distribution géndrale ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES COM/MD/12 (Rev. 1) POUR L'EDUCATION, LA SCIENCE ET LA CU! TIME Paris, le 14 janvier 1972 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION LISTE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE BIBLIOMECAIRES ET DOCUMENTALISTES LIST Or LIBRARY AND DOCUMZ,NTATION ASSOCIATIONS Cette liste comporte deux parties. La premiere est consa- This list is in two parts; the first contains international crde aux associations internationales qui sont classdes dans associations arranged alphabetically by title, and the l'ordre alphabdtique de leur titre; la seconde répertorie second groups hational associations by country or terri- les associations nationales qui sont groupdes par pays ou tory. (For the United States of America, the associations territoires (les associations des Etats-Unis d'Amdrique are arranged by States.) Within each country or territory, étant classées par Etats). A l'intdrieur des pays ou terri- listed in Ftench alphabetical order, entries are arranged toires, les associations sont groupdes par villes et classdes first by town and then alphabetically. It should be tylted ensuite par ordre alphabdtique de titres. Les plys sont that some addresses are only temporary since, in matt), classes selon l'ordre alphabdtique français. II convient cases, the headquarters of national associations are at de noter que certaines adresses sont provisoires; l'adresse the same address as that of the president or secretary du siege de certaines associations dtant celle du prdsident and change each time new officers are Appointed. ou du secrétaire, celle-ci change lorsqu'un nouveau bureau A circular letter was sent to all associations known tc est nommd. Unesco but only addresses of those which replied are Seules les Associations qui ont rdpondu a la lettre included in this list. This list is not exhaustive and the circulaire envoyde par le Secretariat ont dtd incluses dans Secretariat would welcome any additions, coirections la présente liste. Cette liste ne pretend pas recenser toutes and comments bringing it up to date. Correspondence les associations de bibliothdcaires, et le Secretariat sera should be addressed to : Information and Publications tres heureux de recevoir les commentaires, corrections Section, Department of Documentation, Libraries and et additions qui lui permettront de la completer. La Archives, Unesco, Place de Fontenoy, 75-Paris (7e). correspondance devra dtre adressde a : Section de !Infor- mation et des Publications, Ddpartement de la Documen- tation, des i3ibliotheques et des Archives, Unesco, Place de Fontenoy, 75 - Paris (7e). U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION SI WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG. INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN. IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDI/. TATION.POSITION OR POLICY. 00 ERteuser06+e- Z cactiress -C-or #LeAvv,ec:ccu,NS-c,cie+Li-car Ty% -CorrAck-k-;ov. eAc e_ ohp. Le...1CL,S correciea EIZAcdcL S. t 4:1:p !:11.17 r ,T LISTE ALPHABETIQUE DES PAYS * ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTRIES * it Afghanistan 6 Afghanistan 6 Afrique du Sud 6 Arab Republic of Egypt 25 Allemagne (Republique fdddrale d') 6 Argentina 7 Allemagne (Republique ddmocratique d') 7 Australia Argentine 3 7 Austria Australie 9 8 Barbados Autriche 9 9 Belgium ' Barbade 9 9 Bolivia Belgique 10 9 Brazil Bolivie 10 10 Bulgaria Brdsil 11 10 Canada Bulgarie 11 11 Ceylon Canada 13 11 Chile Ceylan 13 13 Colombia Chili 13 13 Costa Rica Chypre 13 13 Cyprus Colombie 13 13 Czechoslovakia 26 Corde (Republique de) 13 Denmark 13 Corée (du Nord) 13 Ethiopia 19 Costa Rica 13 Finland Danemark 19 13 France Espagne 19 14 Germany (Federal Republic of) Etats-Unis d'Arnérique 6 14 Germany (German Democratic Republic) Ethiopic 7 19 Ghana Finlande 20 19 Greece France 20 19 Guatemala 20 Ghana 20 Guyana 20 Grece 20 Hong Kong 20 Guatemala 20 Hungary 20 Guyane 20 Iceland 22 Hong- kong 20 India 20 Hongrie 20 Indonesia 21 Inde 20 Iran 21 Indonêsie 21 !rebid Iran 21 21 Israel Irlande 22 21 Italy 22 Islande 22 Jamaica 22 Israel 22 Japan 22 Italie 22 Jordan 22 Jamaique 22 Kenya 22 Japon 22 Korea (Republic of) 13 Jordanie 22 Korea (North) 13 Kenya 22 Laos 22 Laos 22 Lebanon 23 Liban 23 Luxembourg 23 Les chiffres renvoient aux numéros de pages. Figures are referring to page numbers. 3 ,2 ...*ev,1 Luxembourg 23 Malaysia 23 Malaisie 23 Malta 23 Malte 23 Mauritania 23 Mau ritanie 23 Mexico 23 Mexique 23 Monaco 23 Monaco 23 Netherlands 24 Nicaragua 23 New Zealand 24 Nigeria 23 Nicaragua 23 Norvige 23 Nigeria 23 Nouvelle-Zélande 24 Norway 23 Ouganda 24 Pakistan 24 Pakistan 24 Paraguay 24 Paraguay 24 Peru 25 Pays-Bas 24 Philippines 25 Pérou 25 Poland 25 Philippines 25 Portugal 25 Pologne 25 Romania 25 Portugal 25 El Salvador 26 République arabe d'Egypte 25 Sierra Leone 26 Roumanie 25 Singapore 26 Royaume-Uni 25 South Africa 6 El Salvador 26 Spain 14 Sierra Leone 26 Sudan 26 Singapour 26 Sweden 26 Soudan 26 Switzerland 26 Suede 26 Tanzania 26 Suisse 26 Thailand 27 Tanzanie 26 Togo 27 Tchécoslovaquie 26 Trinidad & Tobago 27 Thailande 27 Tunisia 27 Togo 27 Turkey 27 Trinité & Tobago 27 Uganda 24 Tunisie 27 United Kingdom 25 Turquiz 27 United States of America 14 Union des républiques socialistes soviêtiques 27 Uruguay 27 Uruguay 27 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 27 Venezuela 27 Venezuela 27 Vidt-nam 27 Viet-Nam 27 Yougoslavie 27 Yugoslavia 27 Zambie 28 Zambia 28 I ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES/INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Asociaeión Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y International Association of Libraries of Documentalistas Agricolas (AIRDA), Judaica and Hebraica in Europe, c/o Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Jews' College, lgricolas de la OEA, IICA/CIDIA, 1I , Montagu Place, Montagu Square, TURRIALBA, Costa Rica. LONDON W.I, United Kingdom. Associagao Latinoamericana de Escolas de International Association of Metropolitan Biblioteconomia e Ciencias da informacilo, City Libraries (INTAMEL), (ALEBCI), Guildhall Library, Caixa Postal 1906, LONDON, E.C.2., United Kingdom. BELO HORIZONTE, MG, Bresil. International Association of Music Libraries, Association des Bibliothéques Internationales, Stände Platz 16, (AIL), KASSEL 35, Allemagne (Rep. fed. d'). c/o Ministere de l'Industrie, 23, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, International Association of Orientalist 75-PA R IS (8e), France. Librarians, University of Hawar, Graduate School of Library Studies, Association Internationale pour le Développement 2425 Campus Road, de la Documentation, des Bibliotheques et des HONOLULU, Hawar96822, Etats-Unis. Archives en Afrique, (AIDBM), Internatk nal Association of Technological B.P. 375, University Libraries (IATUL), DAKAR, Sénégal. University oF Sussex, Falmer, BRIGHTON, United Kingdom, Fdddration Internationale de Documentation, (FID), International Federation of Library 7 Hofweg, Associations (IF LA), THE HAGUE, Netherlands. Netherlands Congress Building, Tower, 3rd floor, Fdddration Internationale des Phonotheques, P.O. Box 9128, (FIP), THE HAGUE, Netherlands. 19, rue des Bernardins, 75-PA R IS (5e), France Library Automation, Research and Consulting (LA RC) Association, International Association of Agricultural 365, Ravello Lane, Librarians and Documentalists (IA A LD), COSTE MESA, California 92627, U.S.A. Library, Tropical Products Institute, Grays Inn Road, Ligue des Bibliotheques Europdennes LONDON, W.C. IX 8LU, United Kingdom. 'de Recherche (MER), c/o Bibliotheque Cantonale et Universitaire, International Association of Documentalists CH-1005 LAUSANNE, Suisse. and Information Officers, (Association internationale des Documentalistes et Techniciens de l'Information), Nordisk Videnskabeligt Bibliotekarforbund 74, rue des Saints-Peres, (Scandinavian Association of Research Librarians), 75-PARIS (7e), France. Klaus Munck, Statsbiblioteket, DK-8000 ARHUS C, Danemark. International Association of Law Libraries, c/o Law Library, Library of Congress, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20540, U.S.A. IIASSOCIATIONS NATIONALES/NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS A FGHANISTAN Deu tscheliblioth ekskonferenz, Unive rsitatsbibliothek, Afghan Library Associaticn, Postfach 2148, University Library, D4630 BOCHUM KABUL. Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, AFRIQUE DU SUD/SOUTH AFRICA Universitatsbibliothek, Postfach 2148, The Cape Library Association, D4630 BOCHUM-QUERENBURG c/o Editor of C.L.A. Bulletin, The University Library, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kirchlichen University of Western Cape, Private Bag, Btichereiverbande
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