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Vol25 1 2.Pdf (10.01Mb) THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF ARCHITECTURE IN CANADA LE JOURNAL DE LA SOCIETE POUR L'ETUDE DE L'ARCHITECTURE AU CANADA The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada is a learned society La Societe pour !'etude de !'architecture au Canada est une societe sa­ d evoted to the examination of the role of the built environment inCa­ vante qui se consacre a l'examen du role de l'environnement bati dans la nadian society. Its membership includes structural and landscape ar­ societe canadienne. Ses membres sont architectes, architectes paysagis­ chitects, architectural historians and planners, sociologists, ethnologists, tes, historiens de !'architecture et d e l'urbanisme, urbanistes, sociologues, and specialists in such fields as heritage conservation and landscape ethnologues ou specialistes du patrimoine et de l'histoire du paysage. history. Founded in 1974, the Society is currently the sole national soci­ Fondee en 1974, la Societe est presentement Ia seule association nationale ety whose focus of interest is Canada's built environment in all of its preoccupee par l'en vironnement bati du Canada sous toutes ses formes. manifestations. Le Journal de Ia Societe pour /'etude de /'architecture au Canada, publie The Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, pub­ qua tre fois par annee, est une revue dont les articles sont evalues par un lished four times a year, is a refereed journal. comite de lecture. Membership fees, including subscription to the Journal, are pay­ La cotisation annuelle, qui comprend l'abonnement au Journal, est able at the following rates : Student, $20; Individual I Family, $40 ; Or­ Ia suivante : etudiant, 20 $; individuel I famille, 40 $; organisation I ganization I Corporation I Institution, $65; Patron, $20 (plus a donation societe I institut, 65 $; bienfaiteur, 20 $(plus un don d 'au moins 100 $). of n ot less than $100). There is a surcharge of $5 for all foreign member­ Un supplement d e 5 $ est demande pour les abonnements etrangers. ships. Contributions over and above membership fees are welcome, and Les contributions depassant l'abonnement annuel sont bienvenues et are tax-deductible. Please m ake your cheque or money order payable deductibles d 'imp6t. Veuillez s.v.p. en voyer un cheque ou un mandat to the: postal a Ia: SSAC, Box 2302, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario KIP SWS SEAC, Case postale 2302, succursale D, Ottawa (Ontario) KlP SWS President I Secretary I 1133 Regent Street, Su ite 300 (403) 262-5511 I f: (403) 262-5519 Presidente Secreta ire Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 322 e : [email protected] (506) 452-9000 I f: (906) 452-7303 Michele Picard Leslie Maitland Daniel Millette 4858, rue Cartier Historian, National Historic Sites Claudine Deom 9E-199 Drake Street Montrea l, Quebec H2H 1X2 Directorate 2078, avenue Claremont Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2T9 e : [email protected] Parks Canada Montreal, Quebec H3Z 2L8 (604) 687-4907 I f: (604) 687-4907 5'" Floor, 25 Eddy Street Past president I (514) 278-5955 I f: (5 14) 270-8355 e: [email protected] Hull, Quebec KIA OMS e : cdeom@supernet. ca Ancien president (819) 994-2567 I f: (819) 953-4909 Anthony Zedda Fern E.M. Graham Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe e : [email protected] Kobayashi + Zedda Design Group P.O Box 299 Department of Fine Arts 26-1114-1 " Avenue Provincial 6700 Rideau Valley Drive University of British Columbia Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1A3 Representatives I Kars, Ontario KOA 2EO 6333 Memorill Road Representants provinciaux (613) 720-4159 I f: (613) 692-2605 Kayhan Nadji Vancouver, British Columbia Ye llowknife, Northwest Territories e: [email protected] V6T 1W5 - George Chalker t I f: (403) 873-3455 Heritage Foundation of Andrew J. Gaudes (604) 822-2757 / f.: (604) 822-9003 Journal Editor I e : iisgp@mercury\ibc.ca Newfoundland and Labrador Manitoba Culture, Heritage P.O. Box 5171 and Citizenship Redacteur du Journal Vice-presidents I St. John's, Newfoundland A1C SVS Main Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue Marc Grignon Vice-presidents (709) 739-1 892 I f : (709) 739-5413 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B OWS Professeur Histoire I Lettres Harold Kalman Daniel Norris (204) 945-7146 I f :(204) 948-2348 Pavilion De Koninck, Universite Laval Sainte-Foy, Quebec GJK 7P4 Commonwealth Historic Halifax Regional Municipality Terrence J. Sinclair Resource P.O. Box 1749 Heritage Planner (418) 656-2131 x-7357 Management Limited Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3A5 Community Support Services­ f: (418) 656-3603 2233 Burrard Street, suite 308 (902) 490-4439 I f : (902) 490-5950 Heritage e : [email protected]. ca Va ncouver V6J 3H9 e : [email protected] 430-1855 Victoria Avenue Editor of News & Views! (604) 734 7505 I f: (604) 734 7991 Bruceyene M. Collins Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3V7 Redactrice de Nouvelles e : [email protected] P.O. Box 883 (306) 787-5777 I f: (306) 787-0069 et Coups d'aeil Pierre du Prey Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island e : [email protected] jennifer McKendry Acting Head C1A 7L9 Frederick Valentine 1 Baiden Street Department of Art (902) 566-9348 I f: (902) 566-9321 Culham Pedersen Valentine Kingston, Ontario K7M 2J7 Ontario Hall Thomas Horrocks 500-404 6'" AvenueS. W. (613) 544-9535 Queen's University AD! Limited Calgary, Alberta T2P OR9 e : [email protected] Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 (613) 533-6166 I f: (613) 533-6891 e: [email protected] Larry Wayne Richards The Journal of the Society for the Study of Architectu re in Canada is produced w ith the assistance of the Social Sciences and Dean, Faculty of Architecture Humanities Research Council of Canada. La ndscape and Design Le Joumnl de Ia Soc iete pour /'etude de /'architecture au Canada est publie avec !'aide du Conseil de recherches en sciences University of Toronto humaines d u Canada. 230 College Street ISSN 1486-0872 Toronto, Ontario MST 1R2 (supersedes I rempla ce ISSN 0228-0744) (416) 978-3089 I f: (416) 971-2094 e : [email protected] Editing, proofreading I Revision linguistique : Karen White, Marc Grignon Treasurer I Page make-up I Mise en pages : www.alize-graphisme.com Tresorier Printing I Impression : Compelec I La Renaissance Alexander Cross Cover I Couverture : photo Marc Grignon 25 Ryeburn Drive Centre pages I Pages centrales : photos Luc Noppen Gloucester, Ontario K1V 1H6 (613) 822-2683 I f: (613) 822-0996 CONTENTS I TABLE DES MATIERES spec al ssue I numero spec al Vancouver Publ c L brary Marc Grignon 2 Presentation I Presentation Rhodri Windsor Liscombe 3 Conditions of Modernity: si[gh]tings from Vancouver Linda Lewin Graif 18 The Paradox of Public Discourse: Designing Vancouver Library Square Volume I Tome 25, number I numero 1 (2000) PRESENTATION PRESENTATION: Safdie, Vancouver et le «Library Square» Safdie, Vacouver, and "Library Square" n mai 1995, la Bibliotheque municipale de Vancouver a inau­ n May 1995, the Vancouver Public Library inaugurated a new Egun~ un nouvel edifice con<;u par Moshe Safdie en partena­ I building designed by Moshe Safdie in partnership with Downs riat avec Downs Archambault de Vancouver. Le debat que ce Archambault from Vancouver. The debate that erupted about this projet a suscite dans les journaux et dans les revues specialisees building in the newspapers and in the specialized journals un­ reste sans aucun doute un moment particulierement intense de doubtedly remains a moment of particular intensity in the his­ l'histoire de !'architecture au Canada dans la derniere decennie tory of Canadian architecture during the last decade of the 20 th du XX' siecle. On s'est questionne sur le caractere approprie de century. Some critics have questioned the appropriateness of this ce nouveau «Colisee romain>> a Vancouver, mais, en meme temps, new "Roman Coliseum" in Vancouver, while at the same time on a consacre ce batiment en l'associant de fac;:on definitive a contributing to the recognition of the building by associating it !'image de la ville. On a aussi reconnu ses qualites fonctionnel­ forever with the image of the city. Some others have insisted on les, tout comme la convivialite tres urbaine de son atrium rappe­ its functional qualities, and on the conviviality and the urbanity lant les grands passages, couverts de verre et bordes de bouti­ of its atrium, which recalls the great European passages, covered ques, de la fin du XIX' siecle en Europe. with glass and bordered with shops, of the late 19 th century. Avec quelques annees de distance, et main tenant que la nou­ With the distance of a few years, and now that the new Pub­ velle bibliotheque fait partie du quotidien de nombreux residants lic Library has become part of the daily experience of many de Vancouver, nous pouvons apprehender ce batiment de fa c;:on Vancouver residents, the time is right to examine that building plus historique, en tenant compte, d'une part, des debats archi­ in a more historical way. taking into account, on one hand, the tecturaux qui ont oriente sa lecture a l'origine, et, d'autre part, architectural debates that originally framed its interpretation, and, du succes indeniable du batiment dans la ville actuelle. on the other hand, the undeniable success of the building in the Ce numero special du journal de Ia Societe pour l' etude de l' ar­ city of today. chitecture au Canada vise a jeter un nouveau regard sur ce bati­ This special issue of the Journal of the Society for the Study of ment eta mettre en perspective le debat qui l'a entoure. L'article Architecture in Canada aims at studying this building- and the de Rhodri Windsor Liscombe compare le batiment de 1995 ace­ debate surrounding it - from a fresh perspective.
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    Appendix A: Seniors in Surrey and White Rock An Overview of the Local Seniors’ Population in Surrey and White Rock Map obtained from City of Surrey: www.surrey.ca Better at Home: Seniors in Surrey and White Rock Introduction The purpose of this Brief is to present an overview of the local seniors’ population in Surrey and White Rock, with a view to helping the United Way of the Lower Mainland (“UWLM”), through it’s Better at Home1 program, understand where seniors live, how many are isolated and/or vulnerable and how many require additional help at home. As a first step in the community development process associated with the Better at Home program in Surrey/White Rock, this Brief provides a snapshot of the seniors’ population based on secondary research. The research presented here is supplemented by additional local research including public surveys and interviews2. This Paper contains: a) An overview of the seniors’ population in Metro Vancouver; b) An overview of the seniors’ population in Surrey and White Rock in general; and, c) A snapshot of Surrey’s and White Rock’s senior populations by neighbourhood/community, including select demographic information as to where they live, income, ethnicity and general vulnerability. 1. The Regional Context: Seniors in Metro Vancouver Metro Vancouver has had substantial population growth since the 2006 Census year. The population increased by 197,000 people for a total population in 2011 of 2,313,328. Surrey is the second largest municipality in Metro Vancouver with a 2011 population of 468,251 (20% of the region’s population).
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