Order in Council 627/1963
627. Approved and ordered this 19th day of March , A.D. 19 63. At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Lieutenant-Governor. PRESENT: The Honourable in the Chair. Mr. Bennett Mr. Black Mr. Bonner Mr. Richter Mr. Peterson Mr. CI- int Mr. Westwood Mr. ,Mr. Mr. Mr. To His 4ono/tr.U... The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to room/tend THAT the Queen's Printer be directed to transmit weekly Part I of the British Columbia Gazette to those institutions as listed in the Schedule appended hereto, commencing with the issue of April 4, 1963, and terminating with the issue of March 26, 1964; AND ALSO, to transmit bimonthly Part II of the British Columbia Gazette to those institutions as listed in the Schedule appended hereto, commencing with the issue of Jpril 4, 1963, and terminating with the issue of March 19, 1964; AND TO FURTHER RECOMMEND that the cost of Parts I and II of the British Columbia Gazette, so transmitted, be charged against Vote 270, Incidentals and Contingencies, Fiscal Year 1963-64. DATED this /f--day of A.D. 1963. Provinc al Secretary. APPROVED this day of ‘r13,7-1963. Presiding Member of the Executive Council. - 1 - BRITISH COLUMBIA GAZETTE 1. Legislative Library, 10. Librarian, Government of the Province National Library, of Alberta, Government of Canada, Legislative Buildings, Public Archives Building, Edmonton, Alberta, 330 Sussex Drive, Canada. Ottawa 2, Canada. 2. Legislative Library, 11. Library, Government of the Province Dominion Bureau of Statistics, of Saskatchewan, Government of Canada, 234 Legislative Building, Ottawa, Canada. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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