zyxt zay e"dl dxy iig f"qyz oeygxn f"k November 17•18, '06 Say it clearly... and mean it Avraham sends Eliezer on a vital mission: to find a wife for Yitzchak. When he gets to the spring near Aram Naharayim towards evening, he realizes that he does not have a plan as to how to fulfill he task. He turns to G•d and asks A weekly feature of Torah Tidbits to help clarify practical for kindness to his master Avraham. Eliezer now has a plan. He will ask the and conceptual aspects of the Jewish Calendar, thereby girls who come to the spring to draw water, for a drink. The one that willbetter fulfilling the mitzva of HaChodesh HaZeh Lachem... give him a drink and also offer to water his camels • that's the one This for Shabbat, we bench and Yitzchak. Okay, we all know that. And we also know that Rivka shows upannounce Rosh Chodesh Kislev, even before Eliezer's words are finished. And we know that she becamewhich will be Tuesday and Rivka Imeinu. But... Wednesday. "Usually", there is only one day R"Ch for Kislev, The Gemara says that even though Eliezer did not "ask" properly, he wassince Cheshvan "usually" has answered well. With his plan, he could have gotten an inappropriate shiduch only 29 days. In a "full" year (when there are 355 or 385 days for Yitzchak, but G•d sent him the right girl. Rambam takes this criticism of between one Rosh HaShana and the Eliezer one significant step further. In the Laws of Idolatry, Rambamnext), Cheshvan will have a 30th day and discusses various (forbidden) occult arts, includ• ing omens and "signs". His R"Ch Kislev will be two days. example of "setting signs" is saying that if such• and•such happens, then I mFi§aE i¦Wi¦l§W mFi§A d¤i§d¦i e¥l§q¦M y¤Frg W`rx will do something... like Eliezer, servant of Avraham did. Rambam seems to consider Eliezer's act as forbidden, not just a little off. Commentaries:d¨aFh§l l¥`¨x§U¦i l¨M l©r§e Epi«¥l¨r `¨A©d i¦ri¦a§x disagree with the Rambam and point to several factors in Eliezer's actionThe molad is SUN 8:21:7 (8:00am Isr.) that combine to make it acceptable behavior. First, he calls upon G•d forwhich is announced as follows: kindness and help. Second, his choice of a sign is not arbitrary, but a test of ,i¦Wi¦l§W li¥l d¤i§d¦i c©lFO©d Chesed, kind• ness, a trait that fits with the kind of person that Avraham .r©W¥Yi¥ x£g©` mi¦w¨l©g d¨Srn§WE zFwc © W¥n£g would choose for Yitzchak. Giving a stranger is one thing, but watering ten thirsty camels is quite another. She also offers hospitality to Eliezer and his In Rambam notation: dty:ci'` retinue. And even when he sees Rivka doing exactly what he said in his plea Actual molad: SUN 7:14am Israel time to G•d, the Torah tells us that he was not sure this was the right girl until he found out that she was from Avraham's family. A pretty good test of character, yet he still could have ended up with the wrong girl. There is an old joke (which gave rise to a whole genre of jokes) about a genie granting the wish of a candy store

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This Shabbat is the 57th day (of 355) and the ninth Shabbat (of 51) of 5767 bq:ck ziy`xa ...ax ¤r ®¨ zF´p§t¦l dc¨g¤V©A gE¬© U¨l w²¨g§v¦i `¬¥v¥I©e

Israel Center TT #740 • page 1 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue owner (the old type with a soda fountain) for a vacation, including that the genie would mind the store until the owner's return. A customer came in and said: "Make me a malted". goto p.10 To which the genie answered: "Puff, you are a malted". Not exactly what the customer had in mind, becoming a malted rather than being served one. But that's what happens when a person does not ask or speak clearly and properly. Yiftach got into trouble for making a poorly•worded promise. Yaakov Avinu said something he definitely didn't mean to Lavan, which resulted in the untimely death of Rachel. Reuven, Moshe Rabeinu, and others said things they didn't exactly mean • and they are taken to task for their words. On the other hand, there is a concept in the realm of Nedarim (promises, oaths, vows) that it is important to know what a person had in mind when he said what he said. The binding nature of the promise depends on it; whether hatarat nedarim is possible depends on it; whether the neder is even considered a real neder or not, depends upon what the person said AND what he meant. Bottom line (for here in this issue of Torah Tidbits only • the topic itself needs a lot more extensive treatment): One should think before he speaks, think again before he speaks, say things clearly, say what you mean and mean what you say. Whether or not Eliezer acted properly or not, we have a special lesson to learn from him. MITZVOT None of Taryag are counted from Chayei Sara

Aliya•by•Aliya Sedra Summary [P> X:Y (Z)] and [S> X:Y (Z)] indicate start of a parsha p’tucha or s’tuma respectively. X:Y is Perek:Pasuk of the beginning of the parsha; (Z) is the number of p'sukim in the parsha.

Kohen • First Aliya • 16 p'sukim • 23:1•16

[P> 23:1 (20)] The parsha begins by telling us that Sara died in Kiryat Arba, which is Hevron. But first it tells us that she lived a full, long life of 127 years. With the last theme of Vayeira being the AKEIDA, the juxtaposition of Sara's death supports our Tradition that Sara died as a result of the Akeida. The Midrash says that the Satan informed Sara about what Avraham was intending to do with Yitzchak, when they went towards Har HaMoriah. The shock was too great for an old woman, and she died. Some commentaries give an interest• ing twist to this episode. They say that Sara expired, not from fear that Avraham would offer Yitzchak as a Korban, but rather that he might not! She remembered Avraham's reaction when she told him to banish Yishmael (and Hagar). She was afraid Chayei Sara STATS that Avraham's love and kindness towards Yitzchak would prevent him from carrying out G•d's command, and that 5th of the Torah's 54 sedras; 5th of 12 in Avraham would thus fail this ultimate test. When she saw (or B'reishit heard) that Avraham was returning with Yitzchak still alive, Written on 171 lines in a Sefer Torah, rank 37th she thought her fears were realized and she died. 4 Parshiyot; 3 open, 1 closed Avraham comes (some say from the Akeida, that is from Har HaMoriah; some say from Be'er Sheva; either way, it 105 p'sukim • ranks 32nd (11th in B'reishit) was apparently to Hevron that he came) to eulogize same as D'varim (which is longer) Sara and to cry for her. 1402 words • ranks 37th (11th in B'reishit) V’LIVKOTAH, and to cry for her, is written with a 5314 letters • ranks 36th (11th in B'reishit) small KAF. Some take this as a reminder that the crying was "small" since Sara had lived such a Shorter than average p'sukim long life (Baal HaTurim). There is more crying when a person dies young. Some say that the KAF points to the 20 in the way that the Torah tells us how old she was when she died: 100

Israel Center TT #740 • page 2 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue years and 20 years and 7 years. Others say that the small KAF allows us to reread the word with regular•sized letters only to Levi • Second Aliya • obtain a different understanding, on a REMEZ (hint) level. And Avraham came to eulogize Sara UL•VITAH, and her daughter. 13 p'sukim • 23:17•24:9 This correlates with the opinions that Avraham and Sara had a The field, cave, trees, etc. become the lawful possessions daughter, but she died when Sara did. (Some say that her name of Avraham, after which he buries Sara. was BAKOL.) Not everyone agrees. [S> 24:1 (67)] Avraham is now at an advanced age Avraham next makes the arragements for providing a and has been blessed greatly by G•d. “And G•d blessed suitable place to bury Sara. (There is a Tradition that Avraham BAKOL”, with everything. Avra• ham was aware of the burial place of Adam and The word BAKOL screams out for explanation. And, Chava, and that is the piece of land he was interested sure enough, there are many suggestions as to what in.) He turns to the people of CHEIT, one of whom is this extra blessing of BAKOL is. (Everytime we say known as EFRON. They all exchange niceties and the Birkat HaMazon, we ask G•d to bless us as He blessed people offer Avraham any land he wants. He insists on our forefathers • BAKOL... Mikol and Kol are terms paying and that is what he does for the field and cave of associated with Yitzchak and Yaakov.) Machpela. The numeric value of BAKOL 52, the same as BEN, son. This alludes to the ultimate blessing that Avraham Pirkei Avot made famous that Avraham was received • his son Yitzchak. tested 10 times. But we are not told what the ten tests R. Meir says that Avraham was blessed by not having a are. And there different opinions as to which of daughter. In Avraham's time and in his unique circum• Avraham's experiences are considered tests of his faith. stances, who would she have married? What would Most lists of the 10 end with the Akeida, as implied have happened to her? In this case it was a bracha not from the p'sukim themselves. Rabeinu Yona finds a test to have had a daughter. after the Akeida — Avraham's experience in providing a burial place for Sara. What was so difficult about that, On the other hand... R. Yehuda says that Avraham's that it should qualify as a test of faith • especially after extra blessing was that he DID have a daughter. There the Akeida? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that is even an opinion that his daughter's name was after the Akeida, Avraham still had a couple of difficult BAKOL. things to go through. Wasn't the Akeida and everything Rabbi Eliezer HaModai says that Avraham was blessed that preceded it enough? No, not finished yet. This can with the art/skill /power of astrology and that he was test a person, some• times, more than terrible trials consulted by noblemen from far and wide. (Even when and tribulations. G•d told Avraham that he would have a child, Avraham Surviving the Holocaust did not guarantee a person resisted because he had seen in the stars that he was that he would have an easy life from then on. Some not going to have children. G•d "explained" to Avraham were blessed with trouble•free lives after their terrible that it is possible to rise above one's "mazal", and in ordeals, but most had many more difficulties to face in fact, that is the special quality of the nation that will the years to come. come from him. l`xyil lfn oi`. Ibn Ezra says in the We do not know how G•d works. Why must we suffer name of our Sages z"l, true, but only as long as they trials and tribulations in this world? It has something to keep the Torah.) do with making us better people. With challenging us. R. Shimon bar Yochai says that Avraham had a With testing us. With preparing our souls for the World precious stone with curative powers that would heal all of Truth. And probably a lot more. who gazed upon it. There is another approach to answer the same These last two opinions identify BAKOL as Avraham's question. Eulogizing his wife, acquiring a burial place, prominent position in the world. This fits with his role finding a "shiduch" for Yitzchak • even remar• rying as "father of many nations". Hagar (Ketura) are all "regular", mundane experiences. Can one who spoke repeatedly to G•d, ascended Har Some suggest that Eisav's not sinning (until Avraham HaMori'ah, had a special relationship with G•d • can died) and Yishmael's repentance, both during such a person return to being a "normal" human being? Avraham's lifetime are the extra blessings. This too is a test, and Avraham passed with flying There are still other explanations. colors. These commentaries point to the pasuk, "And Avraham return to the lads..." as an indication that he From the variety of explanations of BAKOL, it is quite was able to "come back down to earth". clear that Avraham's unique status as the one who restored belief in One G•d to the world did not go If a father insists that his son marry or not marry a unrewarded. We can see in this list of blessings, all the particular woman, the son is not duty•bound to different kinds of blessings that can be ours, the listen to his father. Meshech Chochma says that spiritual heirs of Avraham Avinu. we learn this from the fact that Avraham gave instructions and administered an oath to Eliezer about a wife for Yitzchak, but The one major task remaining, which will forge the next did not command Yitzchak himself on the matter. vital link in what promises to be a great people and a great Chain of Tradition, is finding a suitable "shidduch" for Yitzchak. Everything now will depend upon Yitzchak. However great Avraham was, unless there is "solid" continuity, all will be lost. To this end, Avraham calls upon Eliezer to swear that he will faithfully carry out his

Israel Center TT #740 • page 3 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue task, that he will return to Avraham's family and hometown, and find a wife for Yitzchak there. And that Chamishi • Fifth Aliya • Yitzchak is not to leave Eretz Yisrael (having been15 p'sukim • 24:53•67 consecrated on the Mizbei'ach during the Akeida). Eliezer gives more gifts to Rivka and her mother and brother, then they all celebrate with food and drink, and Shlishi • Third Aliya • Eliezer and his party stay overnight. In the morning, Elizer asks his leave. Rivka's family asks that she remain 17 p'sukim • 24:10•26 for a year, or at least ten months (as was the custom in Eliezer (who is exclusively referred to as "The Servant" or olden times) but Eliezer insists on leaving immediately. "The Man", as opposed to by name • his name never Rivka is consulted and she agrees to leave right away. appears in Parshat Chayei Sara, where we would have They send her off with a "maid" (later identified as considered him a major personality) takes ten camels Devora) and bless her. (This blessing has been repeated laden with a splendid assortment of goods and, travels countless times to Jewish brides throughout the to Avraham's hometown. Upon arrival, he ties thegenerations. Ironic, is it not, that we use Lavan's words camels up near the well (and spring), towards evening, for such a special occasion.) Finally the entourage leaves at the time that the local girls come to draw water. He for Canaan. asks G•d to be kind to his master Avraham. Eliezer asks Meanwhile, Yitzchak (having gone to bring Hagar back for a sign • the girl who will offer him drink and also for to Avraham) is in the Negev area and goes "into the field his camels, she will be the one sent by G•d. Almostto commune, before evening". (This, we are taught, was before he finished speaking, Rivka bat Betu'el ofthe model for Mincha.) As the Rivka•Eliezer caravan ap• Avraham's family arrives on the scene with her water proaches from a distance, Rivka sees Yitzchak, jumps container on her shoulder. Eliezer runs to her and asks down from her camel, and asks Eliezer who that man is. for a bit of water. She immediately gives him his fill and She covers her face with a veil when she is told that the then draws water for his camels. Anxious to find out man is her intended husband. whether she was "the one", Eliezer waits until the camels have their drink and then presents Rivka with gifts of Eliezer tells Yitzchak everything that has occurred. jewelry. (On the one hand, he has seen her kind nature Yitzchak takes Rivka as his wife and she becomes a comfort to him for the loss of his mother. For us, she and tireless act of chesed; on the other hand, he has not later becomes Rivka Imeinu. even asked her who she is.) When Rivka tells Eliezer that she is indeed from Avraham's family and invites him to Rabbi Sholom Gold speculates as to how a girl growing stay at her home, he prostrates himself before G•d in up in the house of Betuel and Lavan can so quickly step grateful acknowl• edgment. into Sara Imeinu's shoes. His answer (beautifully developed in a shiur • to which we cannot to justice in so short a space) is that it was D'vorah, Rivka's nursemaid, who was her teacher and influence in the R'vi'i • Fourth Aliya • ways of Sara. D'vorah was left behind when Avraham 26 p'sukim • 24:27•52 and Sara "made Aliya", for just this purpose. Eliezer also says a blessing to G•d for not abandoning Avraham or with• holding Divine Kindness from him. Shishi • Sixth Aliya • Rivka runs home to tell her family what has happened. Lavan (filled with ulterior motives, our commentaries 11 p'sukim • 25:1•11 tell us) runs to greet Eliezer. The gold jewelry adorning [P> 25:1 (11)] Avraham, having successfully provided Rivka catches Lavan's eye, and he "graciously" offers for the continuity of what will become the Jewish Eliezer hospitality. Eliezer is served food but refuses to Nation, now lives out the remainder of his life as a eat until his "business" is completed. "private citizen", so to speak. He takes for himself a wife named KETURA (which we are taught was HAGAR) and Eliezer proceeds to tell the story of his mission. He tells fathers six more children. He gives them gifts, but of Avraham and Yitzchak and of being sent to find a wife for Yitzchak. When he asks for Rivka's hand on Yitzchak remains Avraham's exclusive spiritual heir. (We behalf of his master, Lavan and Betu'el (commentaries can really say that in some ways, other peoples of the point to Lavan's pushing himself beofre his father as an world followed Avraham's lead in living monotheistic lives, but the Torah's definition of Avraham's lineage is indication of a negative personality trait) accept all as Yitzchak.) G•d's will. On the question of the different treatment of Yishmael Eliezer again prostrates himself before G•d in grateful (banishment) and the children from Ketura (gifts), it acknowledgment of the success of his mission. can be explained that there was a crucial difference between Yishmael and Ketura's children. Yishmael challenged Yitzchak's inheritance. He claimed (and in some ways continues to claim) Avraham's legacy. When G•d told Avraham to listen to Sara, He told him to banish them, BECAUSE in Yitzchak will be called your

Israel Center TT #740 • page 4 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue offspring, your descentants. This point had to be made, the promise made to Sara that her son would inherit. and a farewell party and lavish provisions for theThe starting points are Avraham Avinu and David journey would not have made the point. No suchHamelech. But no matter how strong their personalities problem with Ketura's children. They made no such were, the chain ends with them unless the next claim. They did not dispute Yitzchak's role. They received gifts. generation is as strong as a Yitzchak Avinu and a Shlomo Hamelech. Avraham dies at the "ripe old age" of 175 (actually, this is 5 years short of the complete 180 that Yitzchak achieved • various reasons are given for the "lost" 5 THE JERUSALEM INSTITUTE OF years). His was a graceful, good, and fulfilling lifeJEWISH LAW • Rabbi Emanuel Quint, Dean (despite the tough times he had). He is buried in the Cave of Machpela, where he had buried Sara. Both Lesson 355 (part five) Yitzchak and Yishmael take care of the burial. The Torah implies that Yishmael had repented his ways and had Jurisdiction of a Beit Din become righteous. What greater "nachas" for a father! Administrative Jurisdiction G•d blesses Yitzchak after Avraham's death. In addition to its judicial and non judicial functions, the Beit From the fact that Avraham took Ketura only after Din also performs administrative functions in the area of Yitzchak was married, the Baal HaTurim says that calendar determinations. The first such case over which the this is the proper thing to do • Marry off your Beit Din had jurisdiction involves the sanctification of the children, before you yourself remarry. new moon. A Mishna states" The intercalation of the month is decided by a court of three judges.” In order to understand this Mishna, it is necessary to explain certain Sh'vi'i • Seventh Aliya • details regarding the Jewish calendar. (Of course the many articles by Phil Chernofsky in Torah Tidbits over the years 7 p'sukim • 25:12•18 are the best explanations.) Although the Jewish calendar is [P> 25:12 (7)] The descendants of Yishmael are now based on the solar year, the months are lunar months. Every enumerated. Yishmael is identified fully as the son of new moon marks the beginning of a new month. Before the Avraham and Hagar the Egyptian maiden of Sara who advent of the permanent calendar in the fourth century of bore Yishmael "to Avraham". (This is quite parallel to the the common era, the commencement of the month was description of Yitzchak's "connection" to Avraham as dated from the time when the earliest visible appearance of stated in the beginning of next week's sedra. This might the new moon was reported to Beit Din by two witnesses. further indicate Yishmael's T'shuva in his later years.) It This court consisted of three judges selected by the Great is noteworthy that Yishmael fathered twelve sons, not Sanhedrin. If this happens on the thirtieth day of the current like Yitzchak, but like Yaakov. Note that both Nachor month, the current month is considered to have ended on the and Yishmael had their 12 descendants before we did preceding twenty•ninth day and is called “deficient”, and (so to speak). This indicates a tougher life for the Jewish the thirtieth day is thus declared to be the first day of the people (something that has been borne out over and new month. If no announcement is made on the thirtieth over again in the course of Jewish History, right up to day, that thirtieth day is then included in the current month current events). which is then called “full” and the ensuing thirty•first day is calculated as the first day of the next month. This procedure Yishmael dies at the age of 100 and 30 and 7 years. The of accepting the testimony of the witnesses on the thirtieth wording in the Torah (seems to) purposely parallels that day of the new moon is known as intercalation. which was used to describe Sara's lifespan, a further Sanctification is the formal proclamation of the new moon, indication (perhaps) of the change for the better in if it occurs on the thirtieth day. Regarding this part of the Yishmael. Rashi says that the age of Yishmael Mishna, is the cites two opinions as to what the included to help us compute the chronology of Yaakov. Mishna actually means. Abaye, one of the of the The last 3 p'sukim are reread for the Maftir. Talmud, says that the Mishna means that the sanctification of the month must be before a Beit Din consisting of three judges. Rava, another of the Rabbis of the Talmud, says that Haftara • 31 p'sukim • sanctification made on the thirtieth day is before a Beit Din, but on the thirty•first day no sanctification is necessary Melachim Alef • 1:1•31 since the day had already been sanctified in heaven. When the thirtieth day is not sanctified the thirty•first day The sedra tells of the aging Avraham and his task of automatically becomes the first day of the new month. providing for the continuity of his beliefs through his Rambam, in discussing the jurisdiction of the Beit Din son Yitzchak (even though there were other potential simply states, “The intercalation of the month is by three heirs). The Haftara parallels this theme by telling us of judges.” He also adds that the computations regarding the aging King David with many potential heirs,whether the moon could possibly have been seen is also providing that it would be his son Shlomo who would be before three judges. Accordingly, on the thirtieth day of the the next link in the Davidic line. This, fulfillment of a month, a Beit Din of three judges selected by the Great promise made to Shlomo's mother, Batsheva • similar to Sanhedrin receives witnesses who saw the new moon and

Israel Center TT #740 • page 5 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue determines the accuracy of their testimony. If it finds that Mondays and Thursdays, which are also the days the scroll the new moon was seen, then on the same thirtieth day the of the Law is read; therefore Ezra purposely arranged for the new moon is sanctified. Tosafot indicates that these judges scroll of the Law to be available in the courtroom. need not be members of the Great Sanhedrin. Many of the matters included in this lesson, as in some of The second calendar determination of the Beit Din regards the recent lessons is to familiarize the reader with the texts intercalation of the year. The Mishna states of “The the codes, although some of these laws are not practiced intercalating of the year is decided by a court of threeat the present time. judges.” As was stated above, each new moon ushers in a new month. In twelve lunar months there approximately The subject matter of this lesson is more fully discussed in Vol. 1, eleven days less than there are in a solar year. Thus, if every Chapter 1 of Jewish Jurisprudence by Emanuel Quint and year were to consist solely of lunar months, the loss of Neil Hecht. Copies of both volumes can be purchased at local eleven days annually would cause the same month to come Judaica bookstores. Questions to [email protected] out in different seasons ever few years. In one year, for example, Pesach, the fifteenth day of the month of Nissan, TANACH would come out in the spring, and a few years later in the winter. To avoid this, a thirteenth month is added every few SPIRITUAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE years. This adding of the month is known as intercalation of BEREISHIT STORIES by Dr. Meir Tamari the year. One controversial issue in this area concerns the number of judges required to perform this function. The Talmud cites Rabbi Meir who holds that three members of Yosef and his Brothers [5] the court are appointed to study the question, and they"And Yosef was taken down to Egypt" (39:1); "Yehuda went decide whether the year should be intercalated. Rabbidown from his brothers" (38:1). Physically, Yosef descended, Shimon, believes that if the three who were appointed make as Egypt lies lower than Eretz Yisrael and Yehuda went from a final decision, it is binding; but the proper procedure is for Hevron to Adullam which is in the plain below. Spiritually, the three who are first selected to make an initial study, and however, the descent of both houses of Jewish royalty was a if majority believes that there is a basis for intercalation, preparation for future redemption. This was a time of spiritual then two more judges are added, so that five judges may anarchy that marked the final preparation for galut, so there fully discuss the matter. If a majority of the five judgeswas a search for guidance, for clarification and for religious believe that the year should be intercalated, then two more relevance, just as we find at all critical periods of our history. judges are added. Thus the final decision should be made by "When the brothers saw the despair of their father, they a majority of seven judges. There are certain guidelines for pronounced a ban on Yehuda and deposed him. If he would the judges to follow in deciding whether to intercalate. The have told them not to sell Yosef they would have obeyed him, judges who decide whether to intercalate are members of so he could no longer be king" (Midrash Tanchuma). "One the Great Sanhedrin. who starts a mitzva but does not carry on is removed from We have been discussing the Great Sanhedrin, the Lesser greatness. Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmani taught, he even sees Sanhedrins and the Beit Dins. We should take a look at the the death of his wife and his sons, as we read: 'and the wife of inner mechanics of those courts. In order to assist the judges Yehuda died and Er and Onan his two sons" (Sota 13b). We in the performance of their duties, each court is assigned see this idea of the responsibility of leadership repeated when Shmuel renounced Shaul's reign. "Even if you are small in your court officers, whose function it is to enforce the decision of own eyes, you are the head of the tribes of Israel" (Shmuel the court and to mete out any punishments decided upon by Alef, 15:17); and as such he solely was responsible for the the judges. But the judges’ duties do not end with decreeing failure to obey G•d's commandment regarding Amalek. the punishment; they also have the responsibility of overseeing the court officers to make sure that they useYehuda's leadership was replaced temporarily by Yosef's, just restraint in carrying out the punishments. In addition to the as Mashiach ben Yosef precedes Mashiach ben David, who assistance of the court officers, some courts also employ will be permanent salvation. Nevertheless, as his descendants physical objects in the performance of their duties have to done throughout Jewish history, Yehuda continued to play a major role. symbolize the scope of their jurisdictional powers. The Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin 7b) relates that Rabbi Huna, It was his logical suggestion to sell Yosef rather than leaving before entering the court to judge a case used to say: “Bring him in the pit where he would have died, that the brothers forth the tools of my office; the rod, the lash, the horn, and followed. "His death in the pit would have been tantamount to the sandal. Rashi explains that the rod was used for beating covering up their crime. Since, while one who indirectly kills is according to the court’s direction; the lash was used forstill guilty in the eyes of Heaven, what will they profit by thirty•nine lashes; the horn was blownleaving him for there" (Ramban). "Yehuda asked what benefit excommunication; and the sandal was used for the Chalitza there would be in covering up his blood; any secret or cover up is evil, being a form of theft (Menachem Mendel of Kotsk). ceremony. Rashi further emphasizes that the rod and lash Although the Torah explicitly says that Reuven intended to are to be used with caution in order to instill the fear of save him, it is Yehuda that Yaakov in his blessings credits with heaven in the people. In addition to these four instruments, actually saving Yosef. "Your hand will be at your enemies Tur (1270•1340) in the name of Ahai Gaon (939•1038) says nape (Bereishit 49:8) if it would not have been for Yehuda, that a scroll of the Law should also be placed before the Shimon and Levi would have killed Yosef, therefore not only court. The reason for this is that the courts are in session on will your brothers recognize your rule, but all the descendants

Israel Center TT #740 • page 6 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue of Yaakov will bear your name, Yehudim" (Yalkut Shimoni). know that he [Avraham] will teach his children to keep the way of G•d, to do acts of righteousness and justice" (B'reishit "The Tribes were busy with the sale of Yosef; Yosef, Reuven 18:19). and Yaakov were all busy with their mourning and sackcloth; Yehuda was seeking a wife and G•d was busy with creating Mashiach (B'reishit Rabba 85:2). Simcha Bunem of P'shischa MISC section • contents: taught that Yehuda despaired of his own spirituality after the sale of Yosef and therefore sought to have a son who would [1] Vebbe Rebbe redeem that spirituality. The Admor Menachem Mendel of Kotsk said "G•d forbid that one should even think that it is [2] Candle by Day possible for a person to find salvation through the efforts of another; rather, despite all the setbacks, Yehuda, nevertheless [3] From Aloh Naaleh would not despair and was determined to start anew and [4] Wisdom and Wit achieve redemption". This was a redemption to be achieved through Yibum, the levirate marriage. [5] Portion from the Portion The two sons first born to Yehuda, died as punishment for their own actions in refusing to have children from Tamar; their [6] Parsha Points to Ponder rationale was the selfish fear of marring her beauty through [7] Torah from Nature childbirth [Radak]. This left only the son Sheila, but Yehuda feared to let Tamar marry him since he may die as a result of [8] Torah KidBits being too young to marry (Ramban). However, in not agreeing to the marriage even when Sheila was of age, he was not [9] MicroUlpan permitting the future of Israel's royalty and Tamar was prepared to sacrifice herself to achieve bearing such royalty. [10] FYI... Like Ruth many years later, she was determined that the obligation of levirate marriage should be fulfilled to give a son [11] From the desk of the director to those who died without issue. In pre•Torah days such an obligation applied to all of the deceased relatives, including the [1] From the virtual desk of the OU father•in• law and therefore when Sheila was denied to her, Tamar saw the obligation as devolving on Yehuda himself. VEBBE REBBE Such a marriage, while not identical to the Yibum described in The Orthodox Union – via its website – fields questions of all the Torah [Devarim 25:5•10] obligatory there only on a brother types in areas of kashrut, Jewish law and values. Some of them and forbidden to the father, nevertheless maintained many of are answered by Eretz Hemdah, the Institute for Advanced its moral ideas. Known as Geula (Ruth 4:7), it was exactly that, Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, headed by Rav Yosef Carmel and a redemption whereby the relative assumed responsibility for Rav Moshe Ehrenreich, founded by HaRav Shaul Yisraeli zt"l, ensuring a continuation for the deceased through raising and to prepare rabbanim and dayanim to serve the National providing for what in effect was his son and by implication Religious community in Israel and abroad. Ask the Rabbi is a also for his widow. Ramban sees great mystical insights in joint venture of the OU, Yerushalayim Network, Eretz such a marriage; the soul of the brother would be reincarnated Hemdah... and the Israel Center. The following is a Q&A from Eretz Hemdah... in the son (Chavel•Ramban). He shows that Ruth's levirate marriage to Boaz was intended to enable the offspring to be spiritually born to the deceased; "A son is born to Naomi" I remember back that at my chupah the instead of to Ruth (Ruth 4:17) shows that now Naomi now had Q mesader noticed a problem with a son instead of Machlon. Where a person refused to agree to our ketuba after it was signed, and fixed such a marriage, the widow was to remove his shoe and spit in front of as a humiliation of one who would not rebuild his something within its text. Might the ketuba be brother's house. invalid for having been tampered with, and thus is "As Chava was created out of Adam's body, a wife there is a problem being together with my wife in the physically part of her husband. Now that the husband has died absence of a proper ketuba? childless, she is the only memorial of him and his works in the physical world. It is Divine Righteousness that commanded us Certain small changes that do not affect the ketuba’s to establish with his wife a continuation of the deceased's place content can be made freely even after the ketuba was in this world and his service of G•d, through his brother who A signed (see Mishpat Ketuba 12:5.2). Other changes after all is physically part of him." (Sefer Hachinuch, mitzva can be made and noted under the signatures (see Choshen 598). Mishpat 44) but only if the witnesses verify the changes by Yibum is a pinnacle of Jewish chesed, so that it is fitting that signing again. If this is done improperly, the document is valid we read of pious women, Tamar and Ruth who beyond any and the additions are disregarded. This process can be obligation, risked shame and even death to ensure that this complicated and all things being equal (they are not always) it chesed would be done. It is even more significant thatpays to write a new ketuba. A couple should assume, after redemption comes to Israel through these mothers of Kingship selecting a competent mesader kiddushin, that its ketuba is of Israel, the first to Peretz and the second through Boaz to valid. We discourage looking for problems or showing it to Oved to Yishai to David. Chesed is an integral part of this greater authorities to feel more confident. However, after Kingship, as befits the nation of whom Hashem said: "For I reviewing your specific account [whose details we do not desire to share with the public], we agree you have a serious

Israel Center TT #740 • page 7 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue question and advise as follows. [2] Candle by Day According to significant authorities, the ketuba would have been valid b’dieved without the change. Yet, the change that We cannot conceive that something which strikes you understand was made apparently did change us its with so much intensity can be only a effectiveness. Classical poskim discuss a parallel case, where a temporary staggering of the senses, and the document contained a false (early date) or forbidden (a clause paradoxical result that we often take a great deal of usury) matter. According to the Shulchan Aruch (CM 43:7) the document is partially valid if the witnesses acted out of out of ourselves in struggling with difficulties that ignorance, whereas according to the Rama (ad loc.), a penalty have long ceased to exist. prevents the document’s beneficiary from using it at all. This From "A Candle by Day" by Rabbi Shraga Silverstein case is different in certain ways, such as the fact that despite possible procedural impropriety (putting words into theA Candle by Day • The Antidote • The World Of by witnesses’ mouths), all of the information found in the ketuba Rabbi Shraga Silverstein • Now available at 054•209•9200 is true and valid. Although under certain circumstances, by enlisting the[3] CHIZUK and IDUD witnesses even well after the wedding, an invalid ketuba can be for Olim & not•yet•Olim respectively salvaged, sometimes it must be rewritten discretely (as is preferable to avoid embarrassing the mesader kiddushin). MISSION ACCOMPLISHED There is a special text for such a replacement ketuba, which It would seem that the hero of this week's parsha is Avraham's takes the old obligation and reinvigorates its status of being servant, the unnamed "elder of his house, who ruled over all accompanied by a written document. The intricacies of your that he had". Chazal unequivocally identify him as Eliezer, but case do not allow us to give you a quick answer whether this is the Torah prefers to leave him anonymous. The story of his necessary. We can refer the matter to our full committee to mission is given such full coverage that Rav Acha wryly decide, or you can take the matter to a halachic expert of your remarks: "The conversation of the servants of our forefathers is choice. more worthy before Him than the Torah of their descendants, Let us discuss the interim. It is true that a woman may not live since the episode of Eliezer is repeated by the Torah, whereas with her husband without the obligation engendered in a many Torah precepts are given only by hint" (Rashi, from ketuba. The matter is based on the need that she have at least a Midrash Rabba). basic level of security in her relationship’s stability (Ketubot The tale told by the servant is cleverly crafted and modified by 39b). It is not the document per se that is important. Therefore, him with subtle changes, in order to elicit the required response when there are witnesses to the obligation, although a ketuba from Lavan and Betu'el: "From God has this come forth, we document should be written, many authorities allow the couple cannot speak unto you bad or good." Indeed Avraham's to be together in the interim (Rama, EH 66:1). The situation is messenger skillfully fulfilled his task, his story is worthy of the significantly improved in our times where for a variety of coverage that the Torah gives it, and this verse appears to be reasons (including the ban on divorcing a woman without her the climax of the mission. consent) women do not view the ketuba document as the significant impediment to divorce. For this reason, the Tzitz The next morning, however, it turns out that Lavan and family Eliezer (XIX 39) does not require a couple who cannot find do not intend to let Rivka go so quickly. The case is still wide their ketuba to obtain a new one when they are not sure it is open. Could it be that Lavan figured that he could still bargain lost or rush to arrange one immediately when it is lost.a better deal out of the servant? Whatever it may be, Rivka is Likewise, since we are far from sure that your ketuba iscalled in, and the family, expectantly, put the question to her: invalid, any pangs of conscience in the meantime are"Will you go with this man?" Now we are at the "moment of unnecessary and unhealthy. truth," and it all hinges upon Rivka's response! Is this young girl prepared to forgo the security and the comfort of her Furthermore, it is best not to worry your wife with this childhood home, in order to spend the rest of her life in a question before it is resolved. The Minchat Yitzchak (IX 139) far•away land called Canaan, to build her own family and ruled that a couple can live together when the ketuba contained future with an as•yet unmet man called Yitzhak? a mistake that only a scholar would uncover. That is because the wife, feeling assured that her ketuba is valid, has the basic Rivka does not hesitate for a moment. She gives her pure and level of sense of security that Chazal mandated. Thus, raising brave answer in one word: "Eilech!" I shall go! Rivka is the the problem just complicates the matter. one who brings this mission to its successful conclusion, Ask the Rabbi Q&A is part of Hemdat Yamim, the weekly however instrumental the servant may have been. She is the parsha sheet published by Eretz Hemdah. You can read this true heroine of this parasha and a role•model for her section or the entire Hemdat Yamim at www.ou.org ordescendants everafter. www.eretzhemdah.org. And/or you can receive Hemdat Yamim Prof. Joseph S. Bodenheimer, Jerusalem by email weekly, by sending an email to [email protected] with the message: Subscribe/English (for the English version) TORAH THOUGHTS as contributed by Aloh Naaleh members or Subscribe/Hebrew (for the hebrew version). Please leave for publication in the Orthodox Union's 'Torah Insights', a the subject blank. Ask the Vebbe Rebbe is partially funded by weekly Torah publication on Parshat HaShavu'a the Jewish Agency for Israel

Israel Center TT #740 • page 8 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue [4] Wisdom & Wit and his personal tears for Sara were "small" compared to the tears of all those who also lost Sara. In the aftermath of World War I, there was widespread turmoil The first meal served to the mourner after the burial of a throughout Eastern Europe. One of the millions affected was loved one is brought by the community. They make sure R’ Elchanan Wasserman, who fled from Russia to Poland. It that he doesn't wallow in his grief and forget to eat was in Baranowitz, Poland, that he established his famed (prisha) and console him by showing him that others care yeshiva. Unfortunately for R’ Elchanan, he did not have the about him and he has what to live for (Rabe'nu B'chaya). requisite papers to live in Poland, and was in constant danger This meal consists of hard boiled eggs or legumes. of deportation. Finally, with the aid of a Jewish politician, he These foods are both round, symbolizing the cycle of life, was able to obtain the necessary papers which enable him to and both "don't have a mouth" like the mourner who is live in Poland. silent due to his mourning. The egg also hints to the A number of years later, when this politician ran for office, he continuation of life because chicks are hatched from just came to R’ Elchanan and asked for his help in the elections. such eggs (Minhagei Yeshurun). Feeling that the man was totally inappropriate for public office and could cause much more harm than good, R’ Elchanan Egg and Chickpea salad refused to help in any way in the man’s election. His failure to help the man meant that R’ Elchanan might yet be deported, 2 425ml (15oz.) cans of garbanzo beans (chickpeas, but he refused to change his mind. “I am indeed deeply humus beans, arbis, nahit), drained and rinsed indebted to that man,” explained R’ Elchanan, “but that is a 1 kilo tomatoes, cored and chopped personal obligation of mine. That obligation does not extend to helping a blatantly inappropriate person be elected. As to any 6 large hard•boiled eggs, sliced danger which might arise as far as I am concerned, I place my 2 cups sweet onion, chopped trust in Hashem.” Shmuel Himelstein has written a wonderful series Dressing for ArtScroll: Words of Wisdom, Words of Wit; A Touch of 2/3 cup extra•virgin olive oil Wisdom, A Touch of Wit; and "Wisdom and Wit" — available 6 Tbsp wine vinegar at your local Jewish bookstore (or should be). Excerpted with the permission of the copyright holder 1 tsp salt Freshly ground pepper [5] Chopped parsley for garnish

Combine the garbanzo beans, tomatoes, eggs, and onion in a large bowl. Mix the dressing ingredients in a jar or a small bowl and pour over salad. Sprinkle on chopped parsley.

[6] by Rakel Berenbaum Parsha Points to Ponder FEEDback to [email protected] CHAYEI SARA To Eulogize and to Weep 1) Avraham's commanded Eliezer to GO AND TAKE A WIFE Avraham returns from Akeidat Yitzchak, "the binding of FOR MY SON, YITZCHAK (24:4). Why did Eliezer omit Issac", to find that Sara has died. The verse says he Yitzchak's name when relating this command to Lavan and "came to eulogize Sara and weep for her" (23:2). The Betuel (see 24:38) Rabbis have taught us that the usual order is that first the mourners cry and then they eulogize • "three days for 2) Why does the Torah say (25:7) AND THESE ARE THE crying, and seven for eulogizing." Usually tears come YEARS OF THE LIFE OF AVRAHAM and then add the easily to a mourner straight away after the loss, only later seemingly superfluous words ASHER CHAI (that he lived)? are they able to contemplate and think about what they, 3) The Torah relates AND SHE (Rivka) FINISHED GIVING their family and the community have truly lost. But in this HIM (Eliezer) TO DRINK before she moved onto feeding the specific verse about Avraham, the order is reversed. It camels. Wouldn't it have been more accurate to state AND HE says first that Avraham eulogized Sara and then he cried FINISHED TO DRINK since Eliezer was the one doing the for her. Why is there this change in the order? Also if we drinking and she presumably waited for him to finish drinking look at the word "to weep for", LIVKOTAH, the KAF is before moving on? very little. BAAL HATURIM says this is because Avraham only cried a little bit. Why is that? According to OZNAYIM LATORAH, this was because the THESE ARE THE ANSWERS death of Sara was a terrible loss to the whole world. She Ponder the questions first, then read here had been on a higher prophetic level than Avraham, she had fed all the passers by who entered their tent, and she 1) The Beit HaLevi answers that Eliezer assessed the situation taught them the ways of Hashem. Avraham, as theand realized that Lavan and Betuel would be proud to have "father of many nations", thought of the general loss first Rivka marry the son of Avraham who was a man of great prestige. However, any focus on the fact that Yitzchak.

Israel Center TT #740 • page 9 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue himself, was special and a man of G•D would detract from bury him in the Me'arah. Why was is it so important for their excitement for the match. They wanted the prestige of this the Torah to tell us this over and over again? marriage without any spiritual expectations from Rivka. Thus, First of all, Avraham wanted everyone to know that he Eliezer focused on the fact that Avraham wanted a suitable bought the cave legally, in open daylight, in front of wife for his son without any focus on who that son actually everyone in the city. Then no one could come later on was. and say that the field was not really his. 2) The Vilna Gaon explains that these extra words teach that Secondly, he knew sometimes the people who give gifts Avraham lived shorter than he was supposed to live (see Rashi will expect something in return. A "free" gift can be to 25:30). This was not the number of years initiallyvery expensive! determined for him but they ended up being the number of But most important, Avraham did not need or want to years THAT HE LIVED. The same words are used regarding receive land in Eretz Yisrael as a gift from anyone. The Adam HaRishon (5:5) and the same concept of living a shorter world and everything in it belongs to Hashem and He life than originally applied to him as well (see Bamidbar gave the Land of Israel to Avraham and his children. Rabbah 14:12). Two other very important places in Eretz Yisrael were 3) The Or HaChayim suggests that this language captures that also bought for full price (no bargains or sales in the Rivka brought the water all the way to Eliezer's mouth to Torah!) in full view of witnesses. One was Kever Yosef • insure that he would have to put forth minimal effort after his the burial place of Yosef in Shechem. The second was long travels. Thus, even when he was drinking, it was really Har HaBayit • the site where the Beit HaMikdash would Rivka giving him to drink. be built. David bought the field from Aravna HaYevusi even though Aravna offered it to him free of charge. Parsha Points to Ponder is prepared by Rabbi Dov Lipman, And so even though Hashem Himself gave the Land to who teaches at Reishit Yerushalayim, Tiferet, and Machon Am Yisrael, these three places • three of the holiest Maayan in Beit Shemesh and RBS and is the author of places in Eretz Yisrael • the Me'arat Hamachpela in "DISCOVER: Answers for Teenagers (and adults) to Questions Chevron, Kever Yosef in Shechem, and Har HaMoriya about the Jewish Faith", just re•published by Feldheimwhere the Beit HaMidash stood (and will stand again) • [email protected] were also bought and paid for in full by the fathers of the Jewish People so that everyone would know that [7] they indeed belong only to us. Something to Think About: And yet we see that these three places are the most disputed places in Eretz Yisrael between the children of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov and the children of Yishmael (the Arabs). Why do you think this is this so? By the way, in case you were wondering what the name A new Torah Tidbits column with a Parshat HaShavua insight geared "Me'arat Hamachpela" means, Machpela comes from towards the young reader... or their parents and grandparents to read to the Hebrew word KAFUL • double. One of reasons it them. was called the "Double Cave" was perhaps because four couples ("doubles") were buried there • Adam and Do you enjoy receiving gifts? I think that most people Chava, Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivka, do. Gifts from friends and family are signs of love. But Yaakov and Leah. sometimes, free gifts are not a good idea. In fact, some people, prefer to pay for anything they receive. Like This parsha begins with the death of Sara and ends Avraham Avinu! with the death of Avraham. Every year, thousands of Jews come to the Me'arat Hamachpela on Parshat Parshat Chayei Sara begins with the death of Sara Chayei Sara .They come to daven, hear the parsha, and Imeinu • Avraham's faithful and loving wife, his ask Hashem to watch over and bless the children of help•mate, partner and friend. When Sara died in the Avraham and Sara, Yitzchak and Rivka, Yaakov and city of Chevron, Avraham looked for a fitting and holy Leah • all of whom are buried, together with Adam and place to bury her. Chava • in the Double Cave • the Me'arat Hamachpela. The place he found was a very special cave in the field of Efron the Chiti. The Midrash tells us that this was the cave where Adam and Chava, the first two people in [8] Micro•Ulpan the world, were buried! In English, it's called a seam ripper. In Hebrew? When Avraham asked to buy the cave, Efron said he MAF•REIM wouldn't think of taking money. After all, Avraham was a prince! "I am honored to give it to you as a gift! Take the field and take the cave!" [9] FYI But Avraham did not want any gifts from Efron. He wanted to buy the field, to pay full price, and to make Although his name does not occur in Chayei Sara, Eliezer is this a proper, lawful purchase which would belong to definitely a major part of the sedra. Aside from this Eliezer, his children for all time. there is one other in the Torah • second son of Moshe Rabeinu. There are 8 more Eliezers mentioned in the books The Torah repeats six different times that the Me'arat Hamachpela was fully paid for. It is mentioned five of Ezra• Nechemiya and Divrei HaYamim • including times in Chayei Sarah, and a sixth time many years Kohanim, a Levi, a grandson of Binyamin, and tribal leaders later, when Yaakov Avinu commands his son Yosef to from Yehuda and Reuven.

Israel Center TT #740 • page 10 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue [10] Divrei Menachem The topic relates to the one davening and to the one coming into a shul when the silent Amida has already begun. Parshat Chayei Sara relates the moving story of Eliezer's quest for a wife for his master's son Yitzchak. Eliezer is a One is not allowed to pass in front of some• one saying the member of Avraham's clan of which it was said, "HeAmida (i.e. within 4 amot of the davener). Some authorities commands his children and his household after him that hold that if the person's eyes are closed, then walking in front they keep the way of Hashem, to do charity and justiceof him will not hurt his concentration and it may be done. (Tzdaka Umishpat)" (B'reishit 18:19). Others hold that walking in front of a davener is disrespectful to the Divine Presence and is forbidden regardless of eyes open So Eliezer lives in the spirit of the Judaic ethical tradition in or closed, of the person gesturing you past him or not. which justice is conducted with righteousness and charity If you are late and cannot enter the room without walking in awarded justly. However, in the account of Eliezer's mission front of someone who is saying his Amida, then remain outside are featured two other attributes, Chesed and Emet, that clue and find a good spot there to to stand "18". us into other moral imperatives that inform our Jewish way of life. Each of us should find a place to stand that will not "invite" someone to violate the above rule, nor block his access to the In thanking Hashem for facilitating his task, Eliezershul. If a person is standing behind a table, chair, bench, proclaims: "Blessed is Hashem • Who has not withheld His shtender, pillar, etc., one may walk in front of him. kindness and truth" (ibid 24:27) and in assessing his situation with Lavan and Betu'el, Eliezer seeks to know if they also, "intend to act with kindness and truth (Chesed SHEYIBANEH BEIT HAMIKDASH... Ve'emet)" (ibid 24:49). A series of articles on Beit HaMikdash•related topics by For Ibn Ezra, Chesed is the unobligated act associated with Catriel Sugarman intended to increase the knowledge, interest, Emet that reflects permanent faith in Hashem. For Ravand anticipation of the reader, thereby hastening the realization of our hopes and prayers for the rebuilding of Hirsch, truth is necessary to temper mercy. And for the Jerusalem and the Beit HaMikdash. prophet Hoshea, all the above ethical qualities are ways of serving G•d, as is written: "I will betroth you to me in righteousness, in justice, in kindness, and in mercy. And I Hugros ben Levi on the Meshor'rim will betroth you to me in faithfulness and you shall know Hugros ben Levi leaned back in his armchair and in his Hashem" (Hoshea 2:21•22). melodious voice continued relating the history of the Levitical Shabbat Shalom, Menachem Persoff Choir. As he spoke, I closed my eyes. How many times had I been privileged to ascend to Yerushalyim, enter the Azara during the Shelosh Regalim, and thrill to the ethereal sound of Towards Better Davening the Meshor'rim, the Mikdash choir! Last Pesach came to mind. As we slaughtered the Korbanot Pesach, thousands of Leviyim and Torah Reading sang Hallel. They were accompanied by hundreds of other The word T'HI means, she will be. In 24:51, we find U’T'HI, Leviyim playing harps, lyres, flutes, trumpets, and other which means, and she will be. The instruments. The high•pitched soprano voices of thousands of young boys contrasted marvelously with the baritone psalmody VAV is conjunctive; the tense remains future and the VAV is a of their fathers. This intense spiritual experience, hallowed and SHURUK rather than VAV/SH'VA because the first letter of unsullied, would stay with me the rest of my life. The the word is already voweled with a SH'VA. Furthermore, the orchestrator of this divine euphony, the most beautiful music DAGESH KAL in the TAV drops out (not that you can hear this side of Heaven, was none other than choirmaster and the difference in the S'fardit pronunciation) and the SH'VA conductor par excellence, the majestic (though somewhat switches from NA to NACH. That is UT•HI (sounding like the corpulent) Hugros ben Levi. English "boot he" without the "b" or in Ashkenazis, sounding with "moose he" without the "m"). Later in the same perek, in My reverie was interrupted by a deep voice. "Hey! Are you 24:67, we find Va’T'HI which means, "and she was". The with me?" It was Hugros. I gave a sheepish smile and nodded. VAV is a VAV HA•HIPUCH, a VAV that switches the tense Gazing at me with eyes very blue and penetrating, he from future to past. It is voweled with a PATACH, the TAV continued. "In the period of Bayit Sheini, the Leviyim were keeps its DAGESH, which is now a DAGESH CHAZAK, and best known as Meshor'rim and Sho'arim • singers and the SH'VA remains NA. UTT'HI (emphasize the TAV, accent gatekeepers. The Meshor'rim stood on the Duchan, the on the HI). step•like platform located between the Ezrat Yisrael and the Ezrat Kohanim. Unfortunately, the Mishna only gives a barebones description. 'R. Eliezer ben Ya'akov said, "Between Old Topic Revisited the Ezrat Yisrael and the Ezrat Kohanim there was a step one We've done it before, but it needs repeating. And we're doing it Ama high and the [Levitical] platform was set thereon, and on this week in honor of Yitzchak Avinu, to whom we attribute it were three steps each a half an Ama high; thus the Ezrat the establishment of Mincha. The following happens at all Kohanim was 2 Amot higher than the Ezrat Yisrael"' (Midot davenings, but is very common at Mincha, especially during 2:6). Since this picture is nebulous at best, the commentaries the workday, when some people come on time and others vary widely in their interpretations. As they sang, the Leviyim trickle in during the first few minutes of the davening. faced west towards the Mizbei'ach and the Bayit; their backs were turned towards the people assembled in the Ezrat Yisrael We are talking about where to stand and not to stand for the Amida. further to the east (or possibly groups of Leviyim faced each

Israel Center TT #740 • page 11 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue other on the Duchan). When the Kohein poured the Nisuch At the foundations of the Altar, he poured out HaYayin, the wine libation that accompanied the morning and evening Tamid into a silver cup embedded in the southwestern A sweet•smelling savor to the Most High, the King of all. corner of the Mizbei'ach, the Leviyim sang Shir Shel Yom. Then the sons of Aaron gave a shout; Other Leviyim playing lutes, harps, lyres, and a cymbal, accompanied them. Flutes were played only on specialThey sounded forth on trumpets of beaten work: occasions, 'at the slaughtering of the first Korban Pesach, They made a great sound to be heard during the slaughter of the Pesach Sheini offering, on the first festival day of Pesach, on Shavu'ot, and on the eight days of As a memorial before the Most High. Sukkot' (Arakhin 2:3)." Then all of the people hastened together "The Mishna describes the Levitical choir and we follow that And fell to their faces, to the ground same basic format today!" Opening a Mishna and turning to To bow in homage to their Lord Tamid 7:3, Hugros read, "'They gave [the Kohein Gadol] the wine for the Nisuch Hayayin and the Segan stood beside him at To the Almighty, G•d Most High. the corner 'horn' of the Mizbei'ach with scarves in his hand The singers than praised with their voices [together with] two Kohanim with two silver trumpets in their hands. They blew a prolonged blast, a quivering blast and Sweet was the melody made with the greatest sound. again a prolonged blast. Then they (the two Kohanim) came And the people besought the Lord Most High and stood by Ben Arza (the choirmaster in those days) • one at his right hand, one at his left. When the Kohein bent down to In prayer before the Merciful One, pour the Nisuch HaYayin, the Segan waved the scarf as a Until the order of the Lord was completed signal, Ben Arza struck the cymbal and the Leviyim burst into And they had perfectly completed His service...” song. When the Leviyim reached a break in the singing, they blew a prolonged blast on the trumpet and the people in the Hugros ben Levy concluded, "We like to think that we stand Azara prostrated themselves. At every break they blew afirmly in the ancient Mikdash tradition of devotion to the prolonged blast and the people would prostrate themselves.' Avoda and to 'Him who made His name dwell in this House. The Gemara asks how do we know that the Leviyim did not Kein Yehi Ratzon. " Pausing, he added, "It is a great sing except 'over wine'? In the Biblical parable of Yotam, the responsibility!" son of Gid'on, it is written, "And the vine said to them, 'Shall I Catriel's book in progress: The Temple of Jerusalem, A Pilgrim’s leave my wine which rejoices G•d and man and go sway over Perspective; A Guided Tour through the Temple and the Divine Service the trees?'" (Shoftim 9:13) How may wine cause G•d to rejoice? "By means of the T'hilim sung by the Leviyim during Nisuch HaYayin" (Arakhin 11a). The Mishna reads, "The (young boys) did not accompany the song with lyre and harp but only with their voices to add sweetness to the melody. ...They were called Tzo'arei HaLeviyim, young Levites' (Arakhin 2:6). However, Tzo'arei can also be translated as 'tormenters'. The Tzo'arim 'torment' the older Leviyim because, s 400 silver pieces that Avraham handed over to EFRON unlike their fathers, they can still hit the high notes." (pencil = IPARON, heteronym of EFRON). Assuming his best professorial air, Hugros continued. "The s V’LIVKOTAH is written with a small KAF • under the Mishna (Tamid 7:4), listing the Shirim Shel Yom sung by the pencil • a small kaf, a.k.a. a demitasse spoon. Leviyim is part of the Siddur and is recited during the Mussaf s G•d blessed Avraham BAKOL. There is an opinion that service on Shabbat. Every day during the week, we sing the this blessing included a precious gem that had miraculous same Shir Shel Yom twice; once during the Nisuch HaYayin, curative powers. That’s it under the B”H. that accompanies the morning Tamid and once again, during the Nisuch HaYayin that accompanies the afternoon Tamid. s There's a speech•bubble with a chain in it, standing for During the Korban Musaf offered on Shabbat, we sing P'sukim VAYOMAR, and he (Eliezer) said, which is read with a from Parshat Ha'azinu (Devarim 32:1•43) in a six•week cycle. SHALSHELET (chain). On Shabbat afternoons, we sing excerpts from Shirat HaYam s BARUCH HASHEM was said by Eliezer. (B'ruch HaShem, (Sh'mot 15: 1•18) and from Shirat HaB'eir (Bamidbar by Lavan.) 21:17•20) in a three•week cycle (Rosh HaShana 31a). The Musafin offered on Rosh Chodesh and during the Shalosh For the Statistically Curious Regalim are accompanied by T'hilim relating to these occasions (Sukka 55a, Rosh HaShana 30b). Cheshvan regularly has 29 days. How often Hugros ben Levi's voice suddenly grew tremendous with does it have a 30th day (as it does this enthusiasm. "We have a description of the Mikdash composed year)? Almost 45% of the time. by Ben Sira 250 years before the destruction of Bayit Sheini. He wrote it hundreds of years before the compilation of the Chayei Sara is Shabbat M'vorchim Cheshvan Mishna! Listen to this glorious picture of Nisuch HaYayin and 68% of the time. Specifically, when Rosh the accompanying Meshor'rim!" HaShana is Monday, Tuesday, or Shabbat. "He (the Kohein) stretched out his hand to the libation cup 32% of the time, RH is Thursday and Tol'dot And poured out the blood of the grape: is M'vorchim (Machar Chodesh)

Israel Center TT #740 • page 12 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue HALAILA, in the dream of the night, occurs only three times s Dakva’s scene of Rivka at the well (spring). (once without a VAV in BACHALOM and twice with). The s One of the gold rings Eliezer gave to Rivka. two royal night dreamers are AVIMELECH from Parshat s The Xed out turkey platter is Eliezer’s refusal to eat before Vayeira, when he received a warning from G•d not to touch he had completed “business”. Good thing, too, because Sara and to return her to Avraham, and [L] Shlomo HaMelech Lavan had poisoned the food (poison symbol). in Giv'on, was spoken to by G•d in a night• dream and asked what he wanted. Young Shlomo acknowledged G•d's kindness s CHUPA is for Yitzchak’s marriage to Rivka (alsoto his father David, and asked for, what we can called, the Avraham’s to Ketura). sensitivity and intelligence to be able distinguish between good s Gift for Rivka and her family, as well as the gifts Avraham and evil, right and wrong, and to judge the people well. G•d gave to the children of the “PILAGSHIM”. was pleased (so to speak) with what Shlomo asked for, and that that he did not ask for long life or wealth or dominance over s The word TEREM appears eight times in the Torah, twice his enemies. He granted him, not only unparalleled wisdom, in Chayei Sara. but also the things he had not asked for • wealth, honor, etc. s NEVIOT water is for the sound•alike of the first born of Yishma’el. [3] testifies to its high fat content s There are two dots forming a SH'VA • this is a sound•alike One of the foods that Avraham served his guests was for a grandson of Avraham's via Ketura. CHEM'A. In modern Hebrew, the word is used for butter. As s The animals are mentioned in the haftara. we saw in last week's Portion of the Portion, there are different opinions as to the meaning of the Biblical word CHEM'A, s So is the question as to who will sit on David's throne after which included curds (cottage cheese?) and the cream his death. skimmed from the top of milk (butter fat). Whatever CHEM'A s The arrow is from CHAVILA to SHOR. was, what testifies to its high fat content is the Aramaic word for CHEM'A, as found in Targum Onkeles • SH'MAN, from s The badge is Agent 99's of Control. She wasthe root a word that means FAT. SOCHENET, a term describing Avishag in the haftara.

TTRIDDLES... This week's TTriddles: are Torah Tidbits•style riddles on Parshat HaShavua[1] Congratulations to Pippin III and Bertrada of (sometimes on the calendar). They are found in the hard•copy Laon on their marriage of TT scattered throughout, usually at the bottom of different [2] High School reunion for alumni of the Mesivta columns. In the electronic versions of TT, they are found all together at the end of the ParshaPix•TTriddles section. The of Zanesville • This Motza'ei Shabbat • Not to best solution set submitted each week (there isn't always a take place at the Israel Center, Jerusalem Ir best) wins a double prize a CD from Noam Productions and/or Kodsheinu a gift (game, puzzle, book, etc.) from Big Deal. [3] Namesakes, 10 gen. apart, they each had 4. Last issue’s (Vayeira) TTriddles: What? [4] In the B’reishit Man race, he beat him 9•8. [1] Old sailor, Philistine, TT’s uncle Who? Whom? One of the nicknames for an old sailor is SALT. As in[5] Biblical counterparts of Marion Jones and NETZIV MELACH, a pillar of salt, into which Lot's wife turned. BTW, although in the Torah she is known only as Lot's Lauryn Williams, one aspect wife, there are Midrashim that name her. In different texts, she [6] The singer’s nephew is a sharp, questioning is called IDIT (Edith) and IRIS (Iris). Who wrote, "Don't look Oriental back, Mrs. Lot?" (Ans. Ephraim Kishon.) Anyway, besides NETZIV MELACH, the word NETZIV occurs elsewhere in [7] What do Tzivia’s son and Shlomo’s mother Tanach with the meaning of officer or garrison, as in NETZIV have in common? P'LISHTIM (Philistines). TT in this TTriddle does not stand for Torah Tidbits (nor Rex Stout's Tingley's Tidbits • the best [8] Sounds like heavy Liver Pate No. 3, from a Nero Wolff short story, The Bitter End • thank you Shmuel M.), but TT stands for Torah Temima, the excellent work on Chumash that correlates the Oral Torah with the Written, by R' Baruch HaLevi Epstein. The Torah Temima's father is the Aruch HaShulchan, R' Yechiel Michel HaLevi Epstein, and his uncle is R' Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin, known by the acronym NETZIV. The answer of this TTriddle: NETZIV. [2] Royal dreamers of the night The word CHALOM, dream, occurs many times in Tanach (in various grammatical forms), but the term BACHALOM

Israel Center TT #740 • page 13 • Chayei Sara (m'vorchim) 5767 issue