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_. ._::__ ..=:. -:---.::------ .. __:___--ic __ ! VOL. XVII. NO.4. ESTABLISHED, 1863. rrOPEKA, KANSAS,:.JANlTARY 22, 1819. than it is In a mixture of well rooted manure and c1uy, rest of but better muintuiued wl�h abundance lire to run out arms WIl!! never fenced from the my fields, infinitely in compelled long If t hilt there is uu made to the consistence of thick paint, �'OU1' the horses and catUe were allowed free pasturing ; and further, "PI"m!J.'t. THE 'KANSAS FARMER. that in time become great leaning trees. When all ure uneven Ill!IIOrt and each 1111 the (If I'NlIiIKlrity and more n'�ld plauts them, plant these arc ludened with fruit the is so range in the orchard, feeding grouter degree weight' �Irough tuke a few in the former than the iilt- size hy itllelf. If any die out, up on (rom 30 to 4.') horses and wealth HUDSON .t EWING, Editor. and Proprietors, on one side that the branch dmgH the season. I have kept growin:,: great (rom the en�1 of t he row to fill up with. Topekf" Kanaas. the of both tree lind or from 30 to 80 or 1 ()() eattl.... tel'. ground to injur�' fruit, .G. F. H. to I delivered to II. leading dairyman i,fj comes I wish recently " it i� split off at its connection with the trunk Now here the P;;iut impress TER�I�: VARH IN ADVANCE. embriU... that orchard for " cheese factory, - 2.00 mined. eunnot on the mind of the Since Wisl:onsin, plnne for one nud the tree is thus 2nd, you reader, Letter From Florida. One <.:up)', 'Vcckly, yeur, of 1'.1.' fur Mix 1.00 head of nil modern improvements, nnd �OIIrSll, One Copy, \\'eck1y. to the of such 11 tree without climbing WIIS seeded have never lost" Hingle iug fol' mnnthsjmuut If'l, .FoO get body J One CoP)" \Veckly. three . lind he Ih- r;.o() of stulk al E. V., in the cheese curing room, From II letter of" friend in the Laud ' through the top, which ill quiet inconvenient, stock from the effects dry feeding, private .. '. H.OO convinced that ::;ro����.����' amount formed me that he wns he we 11 extracts. Between �f�����:�r��'\���k1�� 1;,.00 the least, the want of a free cir at times there beeen It of Plowers, make few Tun tor one ycnr, to ""y 3rd, though hi!:' great (.mlld CoptcM, \Vcck.l�·. the fences OIi never (TiL.1 no ufford to muiutain and winds und the RAT}�� Ot" ADVlmTISINll. culation of air under the branches will result of smut on the fodder, which I have longer II.m our snow lJllnk" icy green to line (uonpurlcl) 20 ucre nor to his 90 there is '\ One insertion, per cents..• and furm, of .. of rank woods to them gl'�te Floridu, quite .. und gardens .. in the vegetable l{j inseruou. dampness growfh prevent eating. u�low (m�s . One month, per �Oo to .1 .. In hot He said hud 1:!""" over the field to SL'e Ill- contrnst : Three months I ." that 1I0t be conducive to tile welfare Cattle will run-all .sharp u " " 10""" gl'IISS will nlways w(�lIhel·.. I�e �lecld;'Il One ycur, II rudienl III III 1819. J:tb. thermometer down to 300 hum tree. concentrated heut of the and airc sure to find the uugurnte chnnge both, 'Ve huvc lind the The grenteet cure 1ft used to prevent Kwindlillg' of the 4th, the whut iH there, they grllBs columns, IlRs 32 vear», securing KIIIICC In these udvertlstug the district onlv been settled three since onr urrivnl this morn bugli lint! "lin between the 80 ncar the 11.' in the und eat It with dry moruiugs here, Adverttsement» of lntterfes, whl.ky bltters, quuck brunches ground orchard, along advcrtisernents I 'lin convin�ed that. it would prove cqnllily the third. The climate is de doctors IIfC not received. \Ve uccept to be inereused the reflected heat from the fodder. The the organs ing heing truly tnke In trade by gruse keeps digestive for ennnot give space und puy who arc now eln only cash, unrl profitable for dairymen JUHt the uLollt ('001 of kind. ThlH Is buslness, UI1I1 It Iii IL ju�t, 01' will ol{en suuseuld and in condition, and thll8 prevents nn)' injury li.ghtflll, nights being I:sulllly just uu)" 'I'IIE ground snow, produce good rulc IIdhcrcd 10 In the pllbllcntlon or on'new to lence smull to eqllitllhlc am from barking lunds, only pllU to be sleeping, (frum 40 46°) tllll" incluce the borer to begin its ravllgl'H just from the dry feed. I entirely satislicd, enough plcu!!<lIlt }i'AIOIEU. nbonL ba.l'llS Itlld lind to "UCCL'IiIi [ huve dock. the "tH.bII'H, dcpel1d 'IInd the nliddle of the from tlO to 65°. TO SUlISCIUUERS. at tllll buse of the brunches where their the experience and pel'lect day injuries long "" week nd\'tt.llcc on lit Lefore 1111\'0, our 6 A 1l0tlflClitiOIl will be �Cl1t WUI OIlC ill thut there is not the in "oiling htnillly once, they Vegetubles lI1'e growing in gurden, peas flwt, will likely dn the greatcst dalllage. 5th, cnlti had, slightest danger of the time your !o!Ubl'lcftp1imi expin.'H, Htntlng �ho othl'l'H have ovcrwhelmed them�elv� HtLllH! lorwunl with It little many done, ·inehes potal.oeii, onions, lettnce, nulishcs, ,uld you tu the by \'ation in such an orchard is out of the stulk" thus in connection high, requosting if; simply feeding No JIluhscrlptiotl a rnillollsfencc tux. Il1l your renown} !>il1bHcrtptinn.cUlltinuo. by Iwedle,,", tomatol'l!, erc, 1111 in II thr;ft)·, gl'Owing condition, thsn It bl for. Thts nih.! Is g(.'l1- IIml, lum not favoraLleto mnch green gruss. contillut!d longer "Hid qnestinn; though in N. .the�e our �ub�crlbcrH. 'l'ho (!II�h In On thousands of farm" the "\'., bcen since our IIrrh'lIl here on efnl und Ilppllcd to nIl tuan who own!'! ancl l'ai�ct-' corll planted h",.11i culture in orelllll'ds in .there lire Every � fa.rill, having ndvllncc I� the (llll\' bl1:ducss upon genet'al, yet principle arc mil"" of needle!'S limces uml no "tabll'!!. Hclw of .No\·embcr. ilioI";lf. OUt rendcn! will cnn and the 29ti, dill' which IL pupcr CUll sl1Htuln times the vigor !Jnd ImKlncth'en"Sl< of ncur lind cuttle, clIsily have thil; chenp pay when their puper 1M dIF;cOlltit111crl \!hen wonld it h,we been to hn\'e plcu8C to tllldcrstnud "f diseuse. Now iM the time to milch more jmlicioll" At· prcscnt therll nrc vcry few birds to be seell tlmt It is In ohcdlClwe to Il. gClIoml buslnmili rulc, Iy every orchilI'd wi 1I1JC [ll'tlllloted hy' a thorongh, ing pre\'entive invcstAllI in or a of whleh is ndherotl to l\IId In no wise pcnmllul. "e�'Il in the mClne�' ltmclJII, pnrt here that. III'e not visitors from the north. Any strictly shallow Bnl to think of make your arrangements to sow gr� put A to be l1tul UMeful te, Its rcaderH. though plowing. journnl QutsJmkcn in well lind wuh!r Ollt und Ow Ilbo\'o rules SeOlI is and I .0w�'Il it; w,mll, ventilatl,c), liJlhj(.� dllY dlU:ing a w"lk into the "Hummock," must he lM..'Clllliuril,v independent, plowing un orchard with the lower brllllchcs t.he .pring. cheap plenty. I it would do ed "tnblC8. we will sec !lockH of IXlbin 1"Cd-breasts, feed l���:lb�llr�l�l�r\'��r��Yllll:�t;��J�,llll�c::i��lJ���sJIcrs either the or withill mine with spring whellt. SUpPO"C IlIrl_(c Iying'on gl'tlnnd swinging betwe('n the is ut home on loerrie� "I' the "Cab or betttel' wit.hout bllt in !tlllt case Here, Illm'cnry quite the bilge Palm;" large two 01' t.hree feet of it is absurd. Anyone who a.� well g"tin, ing 40° below but iK should be free from or 30° ,md 7.ero, good protection numbers of blnck-bird. lire to be found in the How to Prune. will gO into an orchard that IIlIH been be,'ring the grollllli pretty weeds, in latitude" where �now i. un " wOllld choke the ['he should quite 'l' CHScntial "Suvunnuh•. I huve �een II few snipe. "Flick tweh'e or fift�'Cn and notice t.he condition thoy grallll. ground to il re yeal's cOllsidered the tiltlll prune nS1l1l1 <:old ntins ure L'Olllmon. in while Hllving he in fine lind th'e drilled or har bllt ers" lire plenty the pine woods, wrens, of the t.reL>;;, will find the lowllr branches on II condition, grllin ns the holY 10 nUlins for to notice qllL-stions prllnc, which �hould I foun,l that ,mhoused !'attic ancl horses und thrushes lind "whistlers" lIluke up the bolunce 1011' rowcd in hefore the �ecd is HOwn, not lH,\jority of the trec8 with the bellring emls lind what t" I hnwel'el' lIt in S. 'V. 1111(1 e'L,tel'll thc There is bllt one bird prune. lIhall t.lle1It hc or brll8he<l in. I "h�'Cp 8nffcred more VII., IIUlong sUlall birds.. el' thlln t.he Lase at the of their conncction lightly Il:Irrow��1 two in what point to these point� �eparate R"me than ,10 in "'iaconain and 10wu. hem now thllt in that seems to tempt keep don't kllow bntg)'ccn rye IInHwer the Tenn., they "ery notil'Cllqle will with the body of the tree.