Water-Cure Journal V16 N1 Jul 1853
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HEFORMS, DEVOTED TO |pi0l0gSt igtopt|gt anlr t|e f atos of fife* . XVI. NO. 1.] NEW YORK, JULY, 1$53. * [$1.00 A YEAR. PUBLISHED B V are not so numerous as npou the palm of the hand, W&Ux~€n:t <£**aq*. but Dr. Wilson estimates, after giving much attention to the subject, that 2SO0 may be taken as a fair ave Fotoieirs ^K|5 MleUs, rage of the number of pores in a square inch over the Here each Contributor presents freely his or her own Opinion*, and is surface generally, and 700, consequently, is the num No. 131 Nassau Street. New York. » alone responsible for them. We do not necessarily endorse all that w« print, batdastin our readers to " P*ovx All Tiiixaa " and to "Hold ber of inches in length. The number of square inches Fast " only ** the Good." in a man of ordinary size is 2500 ; the number of Contents. pores, therefore, mast be 7,000,000 ; the number of Watmh-Ccbk Eutts, . Tin Mom re, .... Iuaensiblo Perspiration, July Sentiments, inches of perspiratory tube 1,750,000, a sum equal to Dyl»« M.scili.any, . about twenty-eight miles! Considering, then, tho Ft HiSLGfiV, A Disappointed Subscriber, vastness of the perspiratory system, are we not most Notes ou Fruils, . Hygiune of Nursing, . 16 forcibly reminded of the necessity of attention to the Fac a JJTB 1 >!':-.■ S), Ho:ne Practice in California, 16 condition of the skin ? Do we not see, also, how ad Hints to n, A Rap on the Knock Kb, 17 Diary of a Physician, . Oar Causa in Oregon, . IT mirably the water treatment must be adapted to the Infancy, . , cure of disease, since a large proportion of its mea Thoughts ou Water-Cure, Oar Works In Germany, 16 I • lily of Brain, , Water-Care in California, . IS sures are applied directly to this important part of 18 the organism ? DlBTKTICe, Swimming, . , 18 Infidelity r*. Refer Talk xsd Tones, . The difference between tttuibU and insensible per 18 spiration consists only in the activity with which it fashion, To CoKmsaroNDucia, If BcatHEaa Matteoh, SO passes off. Insensible perspiration, which is intended Literary Noncia, to to be represented by the cat at the head of this arti VolCF.S FILOll liOHS, Oon Kxckangie, . SI cle, is always emanating from the body when in a POETUY, . Vakiitik-i, n healthy state, from the first breath of infant life to Still Advancing, . UREvrriEi, SI the last of old ago. Bat sensible perspiration is only Ttia Suranudc, Adyeutiseusmts, . St occasional, as, for example, when muscular exercise is greater than common, heat excessive, or the system in Axotber No. I. — Again we begin anew. We have tried to make a good beginning. The readers of our well-filled certain states of fever. pages ihall judge of our success. We shall try to improve Among the uses of perspiration, one of the most no- as we go on. We believe that in thought, in style and in j table is tho removal of certain effete, worn-out and arrangement, wc need not now fear comparison with the { noxious matters from the system. It has been esti- best of our contemporaries ; but while there is room for im j mated that not less than thirty-three ovuMs of QMS) provement, we shall strive to obey, in ail things, the great | spirable matter is thrown off naturally ^■Rventy four Law or Progress. honrs, a large proportion of which, ho^ler*K water.' Checking perspiration, or in other words, allowing Bill of Fare. — It is with considerable satisfaction that we the skin to become inactive, ie altfays attended with call the reader's attention to the intellectual " Bill of Fare" presented in the "Contents" above. Each will find, we INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION. more or less harm to the constitution. True, in some trust, a dish to his taste— something nutritious, wholesome, cases the bowels, kidneys, lungs, &c, may prove suffi and pleasant to the palate. If you like it, pass a portion to BY JOEL SHEW, M.D. cient for the emergency, in throwing oft" the perspira your neighbor. You would not, surely, be so selfish as to ble matter that should have passed out at the pores » enjoy such a feast alone I There is enough for all. Fuss it Thkke are two kinds of5 perspiration, sensible and but in other case?, serious disease is the result. A i! insensible, so called, that emanate from the living sudden check of tho normal action cf the skin is al body ; and the apparatus by which the perspiratory ways attended with danger. Postmasters arc respectfully solicited to act as Agents ( function is effected is one of the most curious and won It most often, however, happens that the skin be for thi3 Journal. A liberal commission will be given. J derful which the hnman mind, can comprehend. Dr. comes chronically inactive ; the perspiratory func should any Postmaster decline the agency, the Publishers I Wilson tells ns that to arrive at something like an es tion is not completely checked, but only rendered in would feel obliged if he would refer them to a proper per- ■on to act in that capacity. timate of the value of the perspiratory system, In rela active. Now, any farmer knows full well how harm Teachers, Editors, Clergymen and others arc also invited ' tion to the rest of the organism, he counted the per ful it is for animals to become " hide-bound ;" and to obtain subscribers in the neighborhood where they re- i spiratory pores on the palm of the hand and found that if such a condition of things is allowed to go on side. Travelling Agents and Canvassers may obtain Certiii- i 3528 in a square inch. " Now each of these pores," .for any considerable time, the animal is very, liable to cates from the Publishers, on presenting suitable recom- j observes this author, " being the aperture of a little droop and die. Now, the truth is, a very large pro mendations. tube about a quarter of an inch long, it follows that portion of mankind ofe " hide-bound," and have a Oca Friends, who are already interested in the subject, S in a square inch of the skin of the palm W the hand skin so inactive, that without a removal of this evil, will form clubs wherever they can, and thus advance the j there exists a length of tube equal ip 882 inches or they cannot, by any means whatsoever, enjoy good 1 good 73 1-2 feet." Upon some parts of the bodytho pores ! and enduring health. Whenever a person, male or THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL. female, cannot readily, by suitable exercise, excite a rnjfmtVr" is to the drug treatment in development as ter, who w^s dying with consumption. Like a leech, visible perspiration , they may be assured that their " Hyperion to a Satyr." it sat at the fountain head of the stream of Life, suck systems are in a state far removed from real health, And yet with all its virtue, some persons who try it, ing daily draughts, till nothing was left but hectic and. and that if they neglect their symptoms, they are lia Jic. However still and quiet the conductors of Insti chill. I told him she could not live. He asked me if ble constantly to become mote and more ill. tutions may be, Death walks into them, as into other 1 could not do anything for ber. I replied I could make There is an idea growing out of this subject, of great human abodes, and smites and takes his victims. It ; her die easily, as a child goeB to sleep in its mother's practical importance, and which 1 will briefly notice is of no use to deny it. It injures the practice in pub ; arms. " 0 !" said she, " let me stay here and die. I in this place. It is now known to those conversant lic esteem to try to conceal it. It spreads over the i suffer now horribly from night sweats, from fever, from with hydropathic practice, that patients generally are whole throng of disease and cure an air of quackery, neuralgic spasms. If die 1 must, let me die here, Dr. greatly pleased with getting an external crisis as soon and detracts from the real dignity to which it is justly j Jackson." as possible. Now, in some parts of this country, as well entitled, to deny by the faintest inference, that Death, "Certainly, Madam, the last earthly comfort shall as the old, there are practitioners who recommend in some instances, is too mighty for the tallest and : be yours." placing oiled silk and the like articles over the wet skilfullest of us, and drives us from the strongest of ; I called my guests together, explained what I -»ras bandages, because, as they have found by experience, our entrenchments*. : about to do, told them to attend to their daily- duties eruptions on the surface are thus sooner brought cut. There is a silly timorousncss on the part of many of ! pleasantly and cheerfully, and to give no more heed to But this is what Priessnitz denominated " false the friends of the Water Cure about tho influence of this case than though it was not in the house. They crisis," and which does always more harm than good. the death of Water Cure patients on the prosperity of ' did so. We put the poor sufferer under treatment, First, to draw out morbilic and poisonous matters the general enterprise. They seem to think that an '< checked her diarrhoea, stopped her night sweats, kept from the system by means of wet linen, and then by establishment is killed in public esteem if a patient ] down the fever, and she rallied and was quite comfort- air-tight applications to throw these back upon the dies in it, and that all the friends in a neighborhood ! able.