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I loved reading it.” —Benjamin Worku-Dix, author of Vanni: A Family’s Struggle Through PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS PRESS UNIVERSITY STATE PENN Chapter 6: the Sri Lankan Conflict Beirut 80 Hakim’s Odyssey (January 2013) Book 1: From Syria to Turkey 00i-266 Toulmé 1p.indb 81 2/19/21 12:16 PM Fabien Toulmé “you've seen it, things are safe there.” What does it mean to be a “refugee”? It is easy a living and dreams of one day returning to his for those who live in relative freedom to ignore home . or even to villainize people who have been This graphic novel is necessary reading for forced to flee their homes . After all, it can be our time . Alternately hopeful and heartbreaking, hard to identify with others’ experiences when Hakim’s Odyssey is a story about what it means you haven’t been in their shoes . to be human in a world that sometimes fails to Chapter 8: In Hakim’s Odyssey, we see firsthand how war be humane . can make anyone a refugee . Hakim is a success- 108 Antalya ful young Syrian who had his whole life ahead Fabien Toulmé is the creator of Ce n’est pas toi que of him when war forced him to leave everything j’attendais and Les Deux Vies de Baudouin . He has (March 2013) published two subsequent volumes in the Hakim’s 00i-266 Toulmé 1p.indb 109 2/19/21 12:16 PM behind . After the Syrian uprising in 2011, Hakim was arrested and tortured, his town was bombed, Odyssey series, translations of which are forth- “as soon as things calm down a bit, i'll come back.” his business was seized by the army, and mem- coming from Graphic Mundi . bers of his family were arrested or disappeared . This first leg of his odyssey follows Hakim as he travels from Syria to Lebanon, Lebanon to Jordan, and Jordan to Turkey, where he struggles to earn 120 00i-266 Toulmé 1p.indb 121 2/19/21 12:17 PM 4 5 “don't worry. it's different here.” 196 00i-266 Toulmé 1p.indb 197 2/19/21 12:19 PM JEAN-FRANÇOIS MARMION & MONSIEUR B f | w 2021 So how many Ah. Paul ekman Happiness. are there? How counted six many basic ones. “Fun and forensic, this deep mundi graphic graphicmundi.org what? Emotions? dive into anthropomorphized gray matter leaves no convolution of the brain unexplored. The brain as organ, the brain as self, the brain in all its glory.” PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS PRESS UNIVERSITY STATE PENN Fear. Surprise. Anger. —Bob Fingerman, author of Dotty’s Inferno and Minimum Wage BrainComix Jean-François Marmion and Monsieur B The human brain is the most complex structure A psychologist by training, Jean-François in the universe . It’s as awe-inspiring as it is Marmion is an author and a scientific journalist . intimidating, when you’re not an expert . So how He is associate editor of the journal Sciences can we get to know the brain? By asking him to humaines and a former editor-in-chief of the Sadness. Disgust. introduce himself, of course! magazine Le Cercle Psy . His book Psychologie de la Emotions that are found in all cultures. Identified In BrainComix, the brain is the star of the connerie was a #1 bestseller in France, and it was all over the world. show—hamming it up in a televised interview published in English as The Psychology of Stupidity . conducted by the intrepid journalist Julia Mojito . Monsieur B is a scriptwriter-illustrator who works Without jargon, and with plenty of humor, we in comics and animation . He is the creator of sev- come to understand how this spongy, bloody eral popular series, including La Vérité sur…, Yoman, organ acts as our guardian angel, filters our and Histoires de mecs et de nanas . perceptions, and shapes the stories we tell about the world and about ourselves . 168 pages | 7 × 10 | November isbn 978-1-63779-002-1 paper: $24 95/£19. 95/€23. 95. tr Comics & Graphic Novels/General Interest 64 65 6 7 f | w 2021 graphic mundi graphic graphicmundi.org PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS PRESS UNIVERSITY STATE PENN A Chance Cristina Durán and Miguel Giner Bou A Chance is the engrossing, heartwarming story Selam, the challenge of reinvention awaits them of a family’s struggles and triumphs . yet again . The narrative follows Cristina Durán and Miguel Giner Bou as they rebuild and reinvent Cristina Durán and Miguel Giner Bou are gradu- themselves after their daughter Laia is born with ates of the Facultad de Bellas Artes de Valencia . cerebral palsy . Hospitals, rehabilitation centers, They started out in animation, and in 1993 they and doctors become part of their daily routine . founded their studio, LaGRUAestudio, where they There is one chance in a thousand that Laia will work as professional illustrators and comic cre- pull through—and they hold on to that chance ators . In 2019, they were awarded Spain’s Premio with tremendous strength and indomitable joy . Nacional del Cómic for EL DÍA 3 . Years later, with the same courage and 312 pages | 9 .5 × 6 75. | November determination, Cristina and Miguel embark on isbn 978-1-63779-003-8 the arduous process of adopting their second hardcover: $29 .95/£23 .95/€27 .95 tr daughter, Selam, from Ethiopia . This time, they Comics & Graphic Novels/Biography & Memoir/General Interest face a long period of training, psychological tests, interviews, and formalities before they can even pack their bags . And when they return with 8 9 f | w 2021 144 pages | 8 × 10 | December isbn 978-1-63779-004-5 hardcover: $24 .95/£19 .95/€23 .95 tr graphic mundi graphic graphicmundi.org Comics & Graphic Novels/Biography & Memoir/General Interest Non- stop vigilance, PENN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS PRESS UNIVERSITY STATE PENN the police, t h e b asijis, Iranian Love Stories Jane Deuxard and Deloupy Keeping a low profile and Gila, 26, was at a party when the police showed backgrounds . The result is an honest portrait c o n st a nt l y m o nit o r e d..

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    LATIN AMERICAN SOCIO-RELIGIOUS STUDIES PROGRAM (PROLADES) TOWARD A CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN THE AMERICAS BY MAJOR TRADITIONS AND FAMILY TYPES Clifton L. Holland, Editor First Edition: 30 October 1993 Last Modified on 20 April 2010 PROLADES Apartado 1524-2050, San Pedro, Costa Rica Telephone: (506) 283-8300; Fax (506) 234-7682 E-Mail: prolades@racsa.co.cr Internet: http://www.prolades.com © Clifton L. Holland 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 PROLADES Apartado 1524-2050 San José, Costa Rica All Rights Reserved 2 CONTENTS 1. Document #1: Toward a Classification System of Religious Groups in the Americas by Major Traditions and Family Types 7 2. Document #2: An Annotated Outline of the Classification System of Religious Groups by Major Traditions, Families and Sub-Families with Special Reference to the Americas 15 PART A: THE OLDER LITURGICAL CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS 15 A1.0 EASTERN LITURGICAL TRADITIONS 15 A1.10 EASTERN OTHODOX TRADITION 15 A1.11 Patriarchates 16 A1.12 Autocephalous Orthodox Churches 16 A1.13 Other Orthodox Churches in the Americas 17 A1.14 Schismatic Groups of Eastern Orthodox Origins 18 A1.20 NON-CALCEDONIAN ORTHODOX TRADITION 18 A1.21 Nestorian Family – Church of the East 18 A1.22 Monophysite Family 19 A1.23 Coptic Church Family 19 A1.30 INTRA-FAITH ORTHODOX ORGANIZATIONS 20 A2.0 WESTERN LITURGICAL TRADITION 20 A2.1 Roman Catholic Church 21 A2.2 Religious Orders of the Roman Catholic Church 21 A2.3 Autonomous Orthodox Churches in communion with the Vatican 21 A2.4 Old Catholic Church Movement 23 A2.5 Other
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