Preface to the 2016 Revision of the Constitution to the Clergy
Preface to the 2016 Revision of the Constitution To the Clergy, Religious and Laity of the Catholic Apostolic Church in North America Greetings: Nine years have passed since the last revision of the Constitution and Canons of CACINA. In 2007, relying on God’s guidance, we made many changes in our organization and in the way we function. The bishops moved away from the authoritarian power structure that had proven so problematic for other jurisdictions over the centuries, turning away from the traditional role of “governing, judging, and ruling.” Since 2007 the bishops have functioned as spiritual guides and chief pastors to the people, as well as protectors of the faith and doctrines of the Church, and arbiters of clergy conduct and discipline. Since 2007, the House of Delegates, made up of laity, deacons, and priests, now joins the bishops in governance of the church. Meeting annually at the General Assembly, the College of Bishops and the House of Delegates continue to guide and direct the Church and plan for its future. In particular, the members of laity of the Church are directly involved in the selection and preparation of candidates for ordination and are responsible for the management of Church funds. Finally, CACINA views the Canons as a living and dynamic document that guides us in our daily management of the affairs of the Church. Accordingly, the language of the Canons has been softened and, in some instances, its provisions have been made advisory or discretionary rather than mandatory. Revisions made to the Canons at this time were to separate operating procedures from the Canons with exception of Canon 10 which has been added to better define CACINA lay ministries.
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