Development and Structure IAWA List of Microscopic Bark Features Ecology...... Ecological Middle East Ecology...... The Tallgrass Prairie: An Introduction)...... Evolutionary Ecology of Weeds...... Nature’s Fabric: Leaves in Science and Culture...... Economic Forest Management and Planning...... Education What’s in the Garden (Education)...... In a nutshell...... Systematics Flora of Middle Earth: of J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium...... Flora of Florida Volume IV ...... Plants of the World ...... Syllabus of Families: A. Engler’s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, 13th ed. 2/1 Photo. autotrophic Eukaryotic Algae: Glaucocystophyta, Cryptophyta, Dinophyta/Dinozoa, ...... Haptophyta, Heterokontophyta/Ochrophyta, Chlorarachniophyta/, Euglenophyta/ Euglenozoa, , Streptophyta......

DEVELOPMENT AND International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) is an international forum STRUCTURE that has made a tremendous contribution in IAWA List of Micro- the field of wood anatomy since 1931. The scopic Bark Features publications brought by the association are Veronica Angyalossy, Marcelo R. Pace, Ray F. Evert, held high for their quality. For instance, IAWA Carmen R. Marcati, Alexei list of microscopic features for hardwood A. Oskolski, Teresa Terrazas, identification and softwood identification Ekaterina Kotina, et al. was a ready reckoner for wood researchers 2016. (Wheeler et al., 1989; Richter et al., 2004). DOI: 10.1163/22941932- 20160151 The present publication deals with one of the lesser-focused aspects of wood anatomy: the journals/10.1163/22941932-20160151. 99 pages bark. There is no skepticism that the present IAWA Journal, International Association of Wood book forms an authoritative list for bark Anatomists, Leiden microscopic characters. 45 PSB 64 (1) 2018

Different from the conventional books, There is the huge economical potential of this book is a sort of report brought out bark for pharmaceutical and other industries, by the committee established by IAWA, which may justify the need for this special following the Brazilian initiative of IAWA publication. Despite good planning and bark committee. The team members of 16 execution, the short communication by Lev- experts from 10 different countries have come Yadun (2017) points out a feature that was together for this work. Henceforth, in terms missed in this publication. In this regard, of the language as well as content, it is made readers may also need to have a look at it. In universally readable in simple English. There all regards, I would recommend this book as is a brief acknowledgement of previous works a primary framework for anyone interested in as well as the areas that need future research. plant anatomy as well as a good start for the The detailed preface can make the beginner to beginners in wood anatomy. The open access cherish the uniqueness of the book. nature of this publication will delight many readers. Bark features can be a great tool in the identification of wood as that of the anatomical features. However, the committee LITERATURE CITED acknowledges the shortcomings—the editors Kotina, E. L., A. A. Oskolski, P. M. Tilney, and themselves made a list of these limitations— B.-E. Van Wyk. 2017. Bark anatomy of Adanso- in the preface, which makes the reader more nia digitata L.(Malvaceae). Adansonia 39: 31–40. informed about the content of the book. The colorful pictures come in handy in Lev-Yadun, S. 2017. Periderm tubes: an addition identification. Illustrations and explanations to the List of microscopic bark features. IAWA for all 173 anatomical characters have been Journal 38 (4): 571-572. meticulously detailed. The authors do give an Shibui, H., and Y. Sano. 2018. Structure and for- introductory description of each character as mation of phellem of Betula maximowicziana. well as comments based on their experience IAWA Journal 39 (1): 18–36. to help out the researchers. Among with the illustrations, the transverse section on the Wheeler, E.A., P. Baas, and P. E. Gasson. 1989. IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood outgrowths of the bark such as prickles were identification. IAWA Bulletin 10 (3): 219-332. fabulous. One of the major difficulties in the bark –S. Suresh Ramanan, M.Sc. (Forestry), College anatomy is getting a very good histological of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, section, since the bark is composed of hard, Kerala, India lignifed cells, as well as soft, unlignifed cells. The committee has also addressed this issue by incorporating an appendix, which specifies certain methods along with their references for benefits of the readers. Some of the researchers (such as Kotina et al., 2017) are carrying out full-fledged research on the bark anatomy.



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