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Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) System: Implementation Problem and Role of Audit Effectiveness in Malaysian Firms

***Waseem-Ul -Hameed1, Faiza Hashmi2, Mohsin Ali3 and Muhammad Arif4 1School of Economics, Finance & Banking (SEFB), College of Business (COB) Universiti Utara (UUM) Changlun, 06010 , Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Trade wind Block D, Room#335 Ph # +923346169730, +60168570523Email: [email protected] 2The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan House#423/19 Qureshi colony inside Ahmed Puri gate chowk Fawara Bahawalpur, Pakistan Ph # +923006844353 Email: [email protected] 3National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBA&E), Bahawalpur, Pakistan CA-385 model town Rehman street Bahawalpur, Pakistan Ph # +923324740976 Email: [email protected] 4National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBA&E), Bahawalpur, Pakistan House # 7b, street # 01, Dilawar colony airport road Bahawalpur, Pakistan Ph # +923136626216 Email: [email protected]

importance of enterprise risk management (ERM), ABSTRACT: Level of risk management implementation most of the prior studies (e g., Cohen, is a core element in the success of enterprise risk Krishnamoorthy & Wright, 2017; Dabari & Saidin, management (ERM) system. However, most of the Malaysian firms are less likely to implement risk 2014; Manab & Kassim, 2012; Nocco & Stulz, management practices. Therefore, their enterprise risk 2006) focused on this area, however, literature is management (ERM) system is not performing well to missing to highlight the problem related to level of mitigate potential risks. To resolve this problem, the risk management implementation in Malaysian current study focused on internal and external audit firms. effectiveness. Thus, the prime objective of this study is to highlight the importance of risk management Implementation of risk management practices is implementation with the help of internal and external most important in any firm. Because effectiveness to enhance enterprise risk management implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). To achieve this objective three hypothesis are (ERM) enables management to identify different developed concerning the relationship of the audit with risks, manage as well as respond to risks effectively the level of risk management implementation, and the and efficiently (Beasley, Branson, & Hancock, relationship between the level of risk management 2008a). However, most of the firms in Malaysia implementation and enterprise risk management (ERM) system. It is found that internal and external audit has a facing the implementation problem. Enterprise risk significant positive relationship with the level of risk management (ERM) system exists in Malaysian management implementation. Moreover, it is found that firms, but these firms are unable to implement risk level of risk management implementation has a management practices adequately. Because of significant positive relationship with enterprise risk implementation problems, most of the Malaysian management (ERM) system. Finally, this study can help firms are not performing in a right way. As Malaysian firms to develop a better enterprise risk Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) creates value management (ERM) system by mitigating the problem of through its significant impact on firms at both risk management implementation. macro or company-wide level and micro or Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), business-unit level (Nocco & Stulz, 2006). Risk Management Implementation, Internal Audit, The Malaysian economy is third fastest growing External Audit the economy by gross domestic product (GDP) 1. INTRODUCTION among the countries of South East Asian, and worldwide it is ranked as 28th with 5.6% GDP Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) now becomes growth rate (Soltanizadeh et al., 2014). The author a central concern in all industries (Soltanizadeh et further explained that in the financial crisis of al., 2014). It is an organization-wide process which 1997, Malaysian firms affected severely due to the detects various potential adverse events which can poor risk management practices. In 1999, Bank harm the firm and provides different strategies to Negara Malaysia revealed that these financial crises manage these adverse events (see, for example, had caused approximately more than RM45 billion Beasley et al., 2009). Therefore, enterprise risk reductions in their total assets. This situation shows management (ERM) is one of the vital process to that implementation of risk management practices mitigate the potential risk. Because of the high is improper in Malaysian firms. No doubt the

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global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008 highlights the However, Malaysian firms can better mitigate by significance of enterprise risk management implementing risk management practices practices (Arena et al., 2010; McGinn, 2009; adequately. As it is not possible to eliminate the O’Donnell, 2009; Price, 2008; Quon, Zeghal, & risk entirely, firms may implement enterprise risk Maingot, 2012) which caused to pay intention management (ERM) as a strategic planning towards enterprise risk management (ERM) by instrument to respond the risk by proper identifying most of the firms, however, it is limited among and managing the risk (Beasley et al., 2008a; most of the Malaysian firms (Yusuwan, Adnan, Francis & Paladino, 2008), to better comprehend Omar, & Jusoff, 2009). Moreover, failure in risk their crucial business risks (Moeller, 2007) while management practices is one of the crucial element developing a sound risk management culture across which caused a global financial crisis in 2008 the whole organization (Hanssen, 2005). (Economist Intelligence Unit Limited and SAS, Nonetheless, internal and external audit 2008). It means that Malaysian firms are less likely effectiveness is equally important in the level of to adopt and implement enterprise risk management risk management implementation. Because of practices. internal and external audit effectiveness influence, The literature pertaining to enterprise risk the level of risk management implementation and management (ERM), calls for further research on both have a significant relationship with the level the level of enterprise risk management (ERM) of risk management implementation (Dabari & implementation among firms (Daud, Yazid, & Saidin, 2014). Hence, internal and external audit Hussin, 2010; Razali et al., 2011). Specifically, effectiveness leads risk management research on this issue is required in developing implementation and risk management countries which is very scarce (Beasley, Branson, implementation leads enterprise risk management & Hancock, 2008a), particularly in Malaysia. (ERM). Therefore, further research is needed on the aspect of enterprise risk management (ERM) in Malaysian firms.

The prime objective of the current research study is risk management implementation and provide the to highlight the importance of risk management solution to solve this crucial problem. Hence, this implementations in Malaysian firms. To achieve study introduced a mediating variable between the main objective, the current study has two sub- audit effectiveness and enterprise risk management objectives: (ERM) system. Additionally, this study is more significant for Malaysian firms to mitigate the issue 1. To investigate the role of internal and of risk management implementation through external audit effectiveness on the level of effective audit practices which will enhance risk management implementation. enterprise risk management (ERM) system. 2. To investigate the mediating role of risk management implementation level 2. LITERATURE REVIEW between audit effectiveness and enterprise Traditional risk management practices comprise risk management (ERM) system. disaggregated approaches to face several risks in Therefore, the current study contributing to the firms (Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003). In contrast with body of knowledge by developing a framework to these practices, enterprise risk management (ERM) enhance enterprise risk management (ERM) is relatively a new paradigm that enhances the system. This study filled literature gap by capability of forecasting the portfolio of various highlighting the critical problem regarding level of

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related risk that a firm encounter (Beasley et al., Internal audit has significant contribution in the 2005). Now the enterprise risk management (ERM) implementation of risk management practices. is not a new phenomenon for firms. According to Fraser and Henry (2007) conducted a research the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations study in United Kigdom (UK) and found that (COSO), enterprise risk management (ERM) is internal audit can be involved heavily in risk defined as “a process affected by an entity’s board management. Furthermore, De Zwaan, Stewart & of directors, management and other personnel, Subramaniam (2011) argues that internal audit applied in strategy setting and across the enterprise, effectiveness has critical importance for risk designed to identify potential events that may affect management in firms. Thus, internal auditor’s the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk effectiveness strengthens the risk management appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding implementation activities. the achievement of entity objectives” (COSO, Additionally, Dabari & Saidin (2014) conducted a 2004). Different studies revealed that enterprise research study on Malaysian listed companies. risk management (ERM) adoption increased in According to this study, internal audit effectiveness different industries (Liebenberg & Hoyt, 2003; has a significant positive relationship with Pagach & Warr, 2011; Subramaniam, Collier, enterprise risk management (ERM) Phang, & Burke, 2011). implementation. However, Malaysian firms are Enterprise risk management (ERM) is also lacking in the implementation of risk management concerned with various another element such as practices (Razali et al., 2011). Due to improper internal and external audit effectiveness (see, for implementation of risk management practices, example, Dabari & Saidin, 2014). These elements Malaysian firms are not performing adequately in have significant effect on enterprise risk their operations. management (ERM) system through effective Hence, prior studies revealed that internal audit is implementation of risk management. Because the one of the excellent facilitators to improve the level proper implementation of risk management of risk management implementation. Internal practices is vital for enterprise risk management auditor’s contribution in enterprise risk (ERM) system (Kleffner, Lee & McGannon, 2003). management (ERM) enhances the proper 2.1 Internal Audit Effectiveness and Level of implementation of risk management practices. Risk Management Implementation Thus, internal audit effectiveness has a positive relationship with the level of internal audit According to De Zwaan, Stewart & Subramaniam implementation. Therefore, it is hypothesized that; (2011), internal auditors have a relationship with enterprise risk management (ERM), and internal H1: Internal audit effectiveness has significant auditors are involved in most of the enterprise risk positive relationship with level of risk management management (ERM) assurance activities. Internal implementation auditor’s involvement in enterprise risk 2.2 External Audit Effectiveness and Level of management (ERM) assurance activities indicates Risk Management Implementation that they have a role in the implementation of enterprise risk management (ERM). Audit Paape and Spekle (2011) advocate that a good committee generally examines the risk quality audit companies are more likely to management practices and ensure the encourage their clients to enhance the level of implementation of these practices. enterprise risk management (ERM). The action implies that those firms that employ auditors with Internal auditors performing a vital role in high quality are more concerned and committed to providing consulting facilities with regards to the risk management implementation and thereby risk management in their firms (Sarens & De improve good governance (Dabari & Saidin, 2014). Beelde, 2006) which enhances the level of risk Therefore, there is a relationship between external management implementation. Moreover, according audit effectiveness and level of risk management to Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), internal implementation. auditors should support audit committee as well as management in their risk management obligations In order to mitigate the possibility of fraudulent and play a role by recommending improvements reporting as well as opportunistic behaviour, after examining, evaluating, and reporting to generally, companies demand higher risk improve the overall risk management process (IIA, management practices or demand higher external 2004b). This statement shows that internal auditors audit quality services (Desender, 2007). It denotes have a significant positive relationship with the that external audit effectiveness has an influence on level of risk management implementation. the level of risk management implementation. Additionally, the non-executive board always concerned about risk management implementation

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and demand higher external audit services which identification of various problems, generation of monitor the risk management implementation. As solutions and in designing new procedures in a it is reported in different studies (see, for example, given area (Dawes et al., 2007; Sharma, 1997). Carcello et al., 2002; Hay & Knechel, 2004; These external consultants also include external O’Sullivan, 2000), there is a positive relationship auditors which hire by the company to the proper between independence (non-executive) board and implementation of risk management practices. the demand for external audit quality to mitigate Nonetheless, according to the Dabari & Saidin the risk and proper implementation of risk (2014), level of risk management implementation management practices. has a significant positive relationship with Furthermore, according to Dabari & Saidin (2014), enterprise risk management (ERM) system. Higher external audit effectiveness has a significant the level of risk management implementation, positive relationship with the level of risk higher will be the enterprise risk management management implementation. Beasley et al., (2005) (ERM) practices. Hence, from the prior studies, it also argue that external audit effectiveness is is hypothesized that; playing an essential role in risk management. Thus, H3: Level of risk management implementation has there is a relationship with external audit and level significant positive relationship with enterprise risk of risk management implementation which management (ERM) system automatically effect on overall enterprise risk management (ERM) system. 3. CONCLUSION By summing up the discussion, an external audit It is evident from prior studies that the internal has a crucial role in the level of risk management audit effectiveness is crucial to implement risk implementation. It is evident from literature; management. Internal audit effectiveness increases external audit quality has a significant effect on the the level of risk management implementation. level of risk management implementation and risk Therefore, both have a significant positive management implementation has significant impact relationship with each other. Similarly, external on enterprise risk management (ERM) system. audit effectiveness has a positive effect on risk Hence, it is hypothesized that; management implementation. Hight quality external audit increase the level of risk H3: External audit effectiveness has significant management implementation. However, low positive relationship with level of risk management quality internal and external audit decreases the implementation level of risk management implementation. Thus, 2.3 Level of Risk Management Implementation both internal and external audit effectiveness has a and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) significant positive relationship with the level of risk management implementation. Furthermore, As above discussion denotes that level of risk level of risk management implementation has also management implementation has significant impact a strong relationship with enterprise risk on every firm’s enterprise risk management (ERM) management (ERM) system. A quality risk system. It means that level of risk management management implementation has a positive implementation leads enterprise risk management influence on enterprise risk management (ERM) (ERM) system. system. However, low level of risk management Additionally, a survey conducted by Beasley et al., implementation weakens the enterprise risk (2010) at North Carolina State University revealed management (ERM) system. that the enterprise risk management (ERM) Malaysian firms should enhance their audit quality implementation in most of the organizations is not for better implementation of risk management developed and still relatively immature. That is the practices which will lead to a high-quality reason enterprise risk management (ERM) system enterprise risk management (ERM) system is not meeting a reasonable level among most of development. Further research is needed to validate the companies, particularly in Malaysia. the results of this study. The framework of this External consultants are usually acknowledged for study can be improved by using other essential their unique specialist knowledge as well as variables such as top management support and expertise (Gummesson, 1991). They are seen to board characteristics to mitigate the risk have a range of working experience in management implementation problem.

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