411 Jon, 25-2S no. 60- 43 Connecticut Hailg Camnua Serving Storrs Since 1896

VOL. LXXX NO.60 STORRS CONNECTICUT TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1977 Co-op, add-drop , running smoothly as semester starts

By JOHN J. KWOLEK spring mainly because more stu- Of The Campus Staff dents are signing up for alternate Although traditionally cold win- courses, which are being used to ter weather and blustery winds replace courses which cannot be welcomed UConn students upon included in a student's schedule. their return to campus, they were He said about 3,700 students not greeted by the traditional long have been processed at the lines outside the UConn Co-op at Hangar, including 1,800 last Hawley Armory or the add-drop Thursday and 1,100 Friday. He facilities at the ROTC Hangar, the said the figures were almost directors of those operations said identical to those listed for last Monday. spring. Registrar Thomas J. Burke said the add-drop program was "go- On the average, students are ing very nicely." He said the only spending about 30 minutes estimated 1,800 students who purchasing books at the UConn were processed there Monday did Co-op, Co-op General Manager face long lines once inside the Raymond Verrey said Monday. Hangar but that there were only a He said about 4,000 students Wheeling back minimal number of students used the bookstore, now in its One UConn student took to his wheels Monday as others slid and sloshed their way into the new standing in the cold." second year of operation, but semester. [Staff Photo by Buzz Kanterl "There are waits in the respec- there were almost no lines wait- tive lines, but we are virtually ing to get in. free of major catastrophes," he said. Lines at the fee windows at the He said the number of courses Bursar's office in the Budds Building were shorter than usual. House chairman backs for which students preregistered Bursar Edward S. Michniewski said Monday, although some Band's bid students had complained of long waits there. for inaugural "The lines were relatively short education reorganization and were kept moving," he said. hits sour note The average student took about two minutes to process. By JO ANN N1LAND Program Review Committee, respectively. Verrey said the Co-op will be Of The Campus Staff UConn's University Senate, and Glassman said other ideas for By BARBARA ADLER open from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. at The House chairman of the the Committee on the Structure of higher'education reorganization Of The Campus Staff Hawley Armory through Thurs- General Assembly's education State Government, the so-called will be heard at a mid-February On Dec. 20 at 4 p.m., the UConn day. It will be closed all day committee Monday agreed with Filer Committee. Glassman said. public hearing to be held in Marching Band had a place in Friday, then reopen at its normal current legislative moves to re- In its final report submitted to Hartford. Ideas from the public President Carter's inaugural pa- site in the Commons Building organize Connecticut's Public Gov. Ella T. Grasso Dec. 20. the hearing will be incorporated into rade. By noon a day later, they Saturday. higher education system, al- Filer Committee recommended a written restructuring recom- didn't, and according to Allan Students will be able to add and though he said he is unsure which the complete abolition of all mendation to be proposed jointly Gillespie, the band's director, no drop courses at the ROTC Hangar proposal he will back. existing coordinating and govern- by the Educatin and Government one seems to know exactly why. through next week. After that State Rep. Abraham Glassman, ing boards for higher education. and Administrative Policy (GAP) Each state was invited to send a time add-drop processing will be D-South Windsor, said he be- State public higher education Committees he said. representative group to the pa- done in the Budds Building. lieves restructuring is necessary. would be "administered by a "The GAP is a legislative rade, said Gillespie. The UConn "I am for restructuring. Al- commissioner reporting to a committee which will handle all Band received its invitation dur- though there are three or four Board of persons... who would be restructuring, not just that for ing the first week of December, Today proposals before us, 1 do believe appointed by the Governor and education. Any restructuring will but delayed their decision to go to something should be done, al- confirmed by the General As- be coordinated by this committee, Washington because of the se- Yale University apparently is though I haven't decided exactly sembly." the report states. and the education committee is mester break and the fact that the backing our of a verbal agree- what yet." Also under this system, three working for and with it."Glass- band had not played together ment to play UConn in varsity Reorganization proposals have chancellors would report to the man said. since the close of the football football at Storrs next season. been submitted to the legislature commissioners from UConn. the The education committee will season,son, he said. They finally Story, page 12. by the Commission fortor Higher four state colleges and the com- submit its completed proposalproposa to [Continued on Page 3] Education (CHE), the Legislative munity and technical colleges [Continued on page 3[ Carter says he'll halt nuclear weapons tests

■mm 1 f* f ' I Inauguration-*- . • draws1 'ther . T people'» * Moves/I fl . to± _ curb /_ arms __— „ traffickingi..»ii, ., Ui» f~c

By SUSAN OKI LA Over 150,000 persons crowded in and By WESLEY G. PIPPERT ments. Special to The Campus around the U.S. Capitol grounds for the WASHINGTON (UPI)— President Car- He said he will have the final say before WASHINGTON — "It shore is cold." brief swearing-in -ceremony and more ter says he will make an aggressive effort any U.S. arms sale proposal is submitted to Congress: that Vice President Walter "Yep." stood on the sidewalks of Pennsylvania to ban all nuclear weapons tests "instant- "Gran'pa said we shoulda' wore paper Avenue an hour later to view the ly and completely." and already is Mondale. on his global tour, is asking sacks on our feet to keep 'em warm. I Inaugural parade from behind an arm-to- moving to curb global arms trafficking by other countries for multilateral coopera- wouldn't never do it, though. Shore arm police line. While the crowds the United States and other nations. tion in cutting arms traffic, and that would look funny, wearin' brown socks on cheered the new President's speech. In his first interview since taking office Secretary of State Cyrus Vance will make your feet to Jimmy's inauguration." Jimmy Carter drew the most surprise and Thursday. Carter said Soviet officials a similar pitch to the Mideast nations "Yep." the most support with his unexpected have sent him "an encouraging mes- when he visits there within a month. The Northerners were a little more mile and a half walk down the parade sage" on the subject of a flat nuclear test "I don't think a moratorium would be acclimated to Washington's cold and route. ban, and that he will work "quickly and the right expression," Carter said in winds than the Southerners who spoke "Hey he's walking! Jimmy's walk- aggressively" toward that end. response to a question, "because that is those words last Thursday, but none of ing!" The call travelled quickly through As for arms sales. Carter said there was an abrupt and total termination of all the people who came to Washington to the crowds along the route. Besides the unanimity at the first meeting of his ownership. I don't contemplate that." see and celebrate President Jimmy two limousines with tense Secret Service National Security Council on "the neces- As for the nuclear arms race, he said. "I Carter's inauguration seemed to let the men suspiciously scanning the parade sity for reducing arms sales or having would like to proceed quickly and weather deter them. [Continued on page 4] very tight restraints on future commit- [Continued on page 3) /ocus

Cutting tape iw^^rwKKWIIIIS.MAao... Startling as the idea may seem, America is not yet TwSm totally submerged in red tape. Laying a hospital cornerstone may require six hours, dedicating a bridge may necessitate speeches by eight dignitaries, but we can still inaugurate a president with a minimum of ceremonial pomp - which 150,000 shivering people much appreciated. m Who would expect, in this day and age, that one speech would suffice for one of the nation's most ^wwtfgagSS *' *mm>:> important political events? We only swear in our chief executives every four years - every politician from a mayor up would give their eyeteeth for a chance to say MM a few words welcoming the President to his new home. Somehow, Jimmy Carter's inauguration recaptured from the remote origins of the ceremony a certain grandeur, a dignity both solemn and cheerful. Perhaps this could set a trend - eliminate the pomposity in politics, cut that red tape - reduce every public speech by 70 per cent, then toss out two out of every three remaining sentence fragments. Lord,take away the snow

Jimmy Carter will be a popular President - with This morning, if weather predic- everyone but his secret service guardians. They're tions hold up, there will be about destined for some nervewracking years. They 27 feet of snow on the ground, appeared tense and irritable during the parade - Glenn Ferguson will be holed-up Excuse Me understandably, since the President didn't bother to in his hill-top manor overlooking campus, and the renowed gray- inform them that he would be walking all the way, and haired professor who never they had no chance to completely secure the route. misses class will be stuck on a hill Tony Cronin in Willimantic, after his cross- a maintenance crew will be on the January is also an appropriate In the country that saw, only four years ago, secret country skies give up on him as he scene and sand the area im- time to stock up on extra car service men acting as fielders to keep the newly heads toward Storrs.... inaugurated president from getting splattered by mediately after the ambulance insurance. It's quite distressing crew collects the pieces. to see a 16-year-old driver slam This morning, about 126 faculty rotten fruit, Jimmy Carter is well on his way to This torrid weather even affects his father's 4-ton pick-up truck members will call in and claim restoring "fresh faith in an old dream." athletic teams travelling to away with snow plow into your brand- they are snowbound - for the rest games. Snow storms often force new Honda Civic, which wasn't of the semester.... them to spend a night in a cheap insured yet. And this morning the snow- hotel watching television and Despite what the young driver removal team will not be available Speakeasy counting the grimy salesmen who may say, when the car's frame is because both men will be stuck in have entered and exited the room bent into a V, the car is totalled. their driveways.... next door at 10 minute intervals.. And when you've had about Apparently, the once well Remember, it's a cheap hotel. enough of winter, after a cold staffed clean-up crew was dis- Perhaps this dismal weather wind blows your entire ski parka Is the Co-op a ripoff? pensed with during the summer condition would be improved if off, or your extra-skinny room- due to budget restraints and a To the Editor: the Physical Plant clean-up crew mate is blown up and into the side certain high official who mys- The UConn book store Co-op books by which students can was allowed to buy an efficient of Hall Dorm, remember, spring teriously claimed, "we don't need was set up to represent the compare the saving when pur- snow-plow. is near and by your graduation snow removal, because God will student population concerning chasing used books instead of Shovels and axes are great the ice will have melted. give us the snow and take it the pricing of books and other new copies? Prices on soft-cover planting trees but are hell when it away." material needed by students to books are punched out, scratched comes to clearing off Route 195. start this semester off correctly. out, or covered by magic marker, Winter has slammed into Storrs As always, during this snow- Tony Cronin is a Senior Editor With this in mind, why does the wherever the old prices appear. I and left many students sprawled bound time of year "college ski at the Daily Campus. He is also a Co-op indulge in what appears to realize that the Co-op wishes to into snow banks higher than the trips" pop up on bulletin boards. recent victim of a spectacular spill be shady pricing of used books? minimize confusion and make the Hilltop dorms, and fostered "ice They offer two weeks at Vail, a on an ice patch in front of Hawley Why is it that a book which current price conspicious from patches" ranging in length from a week at Aspen and a genuine Armory. Cronin was immediately normally sells for $1.95 new sells possible old prices, yet there minor 6 feet to about 2 miles, Swiss ski instructor thrown in for removed from the scene by snow also for SI .95 when marked used? must be a way for the consumer to stretching from the gymnasium to $19.95 per month, per year, per crews and completely sanded. I had always been under the tell how good a bargain he or she Alumni Hall. decade. impression that used books were is getting. This winter has been unbear- to be sold at a lower price than Lastly, if a used book has ably hard on UConn students. new books. I wonder how wide previously been purchased for (Connecticut Uatlu. Ulampua They are finding it hard to master spread this occurrence is. $9.75. why is it that when re-sold the delicate art of traversing Futhermore. if the Co-op has an this semester, this same book cost Serving Storrs Since 18% sidewalks and this scene is be- open pricing policy, why do they $10.15? coming familiar around Storrs: bend over backwards to eliminate Frank Herrmann or cover up the old prices on used Storrs, Conn. You are hurrying by that Susan A. Okula architectural misfit called "The Editor- in - Ch ief Student Union." late for your Mark A. Dupuis Robert S. Kravchuk Inmate asks for friendship biochem class in Life Sciences. Managing Editor Business Manager Suddenly, your feet covered in Tony Cronin To The Editor: someone writes soon... I will "ice-resistant" boots begin to Steven D. Hull 1 am writing this letter to you as answer all letters. Young or old, pass by your nose. Your books Senior Editors an urgent appeal for correspon- age or the color of one's skin is of start a downward descent and dence and friendship. 1 am an no importance. Please let's be your notebook drops syllabi onto John Hill III News Editor inmate at Southern Ohio Correc- friends...write, won't you... the sidewalk. Then, you hit, and JohnJ. Kwolek News Editor tional Facility, Lucasvillc. Ohio. you stare up at a blue sky. Mark Gould Sports Editor Have you ever done any time Mr. Walter Elliot #127-107 Another victim. before? Well, if you have P.O. Box #787 Maria Romash Sports Editor not...doing time is a very frust- Lucasvillc. Ohio 45648 The only consolation is the fact Kathe Rogers Features Editor rating and humiliating experi- that after this accident, you know James Schembari Features Editor ence, especially if you've lost Buz Sherman Magazine Editor complete contact with those few Editors note: BuzzKanter Photography Editor relatives and friends, that were There is a file of Idlers at the Richard DePreta Associate Sports Editor. once your link with the outside Daily Campus from other inmates Speakeasy- Jo Ann Niland , Assistant News Editor world and happiness. The burden seeking correspondents. Inquire Ellen Gray Assistant News Editor becomes almost unbearable. at the front desk. Geoffrey Golson Assistant Features Editor I live in a cell that is 10 feet long policy Staff and six feet wide. I sit around in Donna Liss Advertising Manager this cell 24 hours a day, wishing The Daily Campus invites all Connie Packard Editorial Assistant and praying to God that someone readers to submit letters for David Thorgalsen Circulation Manager would care enough about me to publication to the Speakeasy co- Barbara Becker Office Manager share a simple thing...like a lumn. Connecticut Daily Campus Chris Swords Assistant Advertising Manager letter. I suppose this is a true test Box U-8. UConn. Pat Sweeney Production Manager of friendship...but it seems as All letters must be typed, double Geoffrey Golson Copy Editor though my friends could care spaced, and no longer than 300 words. Signatures must be Subscription rates: $10 per year Second-class postage paid at Storrs, less. Loneliness has now taken Ct. 06268. Published Monday through Friday during the regular school over where there once dwelled accompanied by addresses and year, except during Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring breaks, and two happiness. telephone numbers. Unsigned weeksbetorethe end of each semester. Accepted for national advertising I am a very lonely inmate in need letters will not be published, but by the National Advertising Service. Subscriber: United Press signatures can be withheld on International. Return notification of unclaimed deliveries to: Connecticut of a friend, who might care Daily Campus, 121 North Eagleville Road, Box U-8, University of enough to write...I do hope, that request. Connecticut, Storre Ct. 062f° Tuesday, January 25, 1977 Connecticut Dally Campus Page 3 Campus vets' feelings mixed over pardon

Communists into this country, too." By JIM SCHEMBARI Of The Campus Staff Col Wayne Marcotte. commander of the New Hampshire waves its protest UConn Air Force ROTC program, said he University of Connecticut Vietnam-era felt the pardon is too complex of an issue veterans have mixed emotions about CONCORD. N.H. (UPI) — Flags flew at to agree or disagree with. He did say, President Carter's pardon last Firday of like that when Japan attacked Pearl half staff at state buildings Monday in Harbor. although, that he thinks the pardon may about 10,000 draft resisters, but despite Republican Gov. Meldrim Thomson's affect men drafted in the future. these feelings UConn veterans Monday A spokesman at Pease Air Force Base in protest of what he called President "I believe the pardon sets an unfortun- agreed with the president's move. Portsmouth said Monday an unidentified ate precedent in the event a draft is Timothy Corlett, UConn Veterans Cen- Carter's "tragic insult" to Vietnamese sergeant, hearing of Thomson's order, war dead by pardoning Vietnam draft needed for future wars," he said. ter Coordinator, reflected the veterans had lowered an American flag there Marcotte felt "it was possible" men may evaders. mood concerning the pardon. Saturday and was immediately relieved of reject a draft because of the pardon. Thomson said Carter's first day in office duty. "I have no objection to it," he said. Michael Sheehan. a UConn veteran, "But I have mixed feelings about it, would be remembered by millions of Col Roderick Busbee. base commander. Americans as another "day of infamy" immediately ordered the flag raised again. who served in Vietnam aa an Army oficer though, since you can't be sure about the agreed with the pardon, although he too actual motives of all the draft resisters." jinccte and which weren't. The pardon, disagreed with the pardon, saying it had reservations. Corlett said he believes some of the they said was the easiest way to deal with wasn't fair to the men who served, and "I hope none of the draft resisters beat resisters had moral objections to the war, the problem, since they felt United States especially to those who were disabled. me out of a job." Sheehan said. "It but others would have avoided military involvement in Vietnam had been a One Vietnam veteran who disagreed would kind of irritate me if they did, service whether there was a war or not. mistake. with the pardon said, "Sure I'm for the because they had the opportunity to Most of the UConn veterans felt it was Three of the twelve veterans polled at pardon," but added sarcasticly. "I also develop their skills while 1 was in impossible to prove which resisters were the UConn Veterans Center Monday think we should allow all card-carrying Vietnam making a fool of myself." Band's bid for inaugural Legislator backs hits sour note [Continued from page 1] reorginization accepted the invitation, however. Gillespie said he was informed [Continued from page 1] could carefully consider and ex- by Gov. Ella T. Grasso's office on the GAP which will make any plain a credit transfer system, Dec. 21 that UConn's space in the changes, rework it with the provide a master plan for const- parade had been cancelled. He education committee and submit ruction as much as six years in said he was not told who was the final bill to the legislature. advance, develop centers of ex- responsible for the decision. Currently. Connecticut higher cellence around the state in Problems arose, Gillespie said, education is governed by five various program areas and estab- because each state organization major boards in addition to the lish experimental programs which was allotted 50 yards in the CHE. Major problems with the could be easily dropped or spread parade. If the full band played, current system cited by the Filer throughout the entire system. he said, there would not have Committee report include lack of However, the Filer Committee been enough room for the Gover- insulation from politics, indepen- report, as well as other proposals, nor's motorcade. The band, dence from administrative agen- present arguments that some without its Color Guard or drum cies, difficulty of student access, major sturctural changes should majors, would cover 42 yards. A wasteful overlapping of economic be made. decision would have had to have programs and lack of any authori- been made to cut 100 persons tative master planning for educa- from the 160-member band. tional excellence within the limit- More snow "The problem is," said Gilles- ations of available resources. pie, "that you make 60 friends The Filer Committee report con- and 100 enemies." He added cludes with several statements on likely today that a 60-member band "would the practicality of any reorganiza- not have been representative of tion recommendations. Stating Another blanket of snow is what the band does." that "the merger of the two-year expected to hit the area today to Gordon Rowland, president of boards enjoys considerable sup- add to the piles of the white stuff the marching band, said the port and probably could be ac- already heaped around the cam- option of leaving part of the band complished and that "it might be pus. behind was rejected because the possible to combine the boards The National Weather Service is band performs as a group. Shovelling out for state colleges and the Univer- predicting three to six inches to "The band was cut out of the Sidewalks were bing cleared Monday aa students returned to an sity of Connecticut" the report fall before the snow tapers off parade for "political reasons - but ice-laden campus for the spring semester. More snow is in the further states that these propo- early tonight. High temperatures political means anything to do forecast for today, with the first flakes appearing Monday night. sals are "more likely under a will be in the low 30's today, with the state," Gillespie said. (Staff Photo bv Buzz Kanter] single. governing board" which dropping to around IS tonight. Professor's evaluation proposal defeated

By CHARLES A. MOORE the Barth provision, the evaluations information available," Barth said. "If Elias. Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Of The Campus Staff would have been filed in the Wilbur L. this triggers FSSO or another student and Sciences, and the American Civil Although a move which would have Cross University Library and appropriate organization to do this type of evaluation, Liberties Union, in which they recom- made student evaluations of faculty branch libraries. or perhaps even a better one, then mended the evaluations not be made available for public inspection was res- Currently, faculty evaluations are only perhaps what happened is good." public because of their "compulsory" cinded Dec. 13 by the University Senate, distributed to the professors involved, The motion to rescind the amendment nature and the committee's fear that the author of the proposal said Monday their department heads and the adminis- was made by Jack H. Lamb, associate passage of the full recommendation he plans to raise the issue again next tration. professore of speech and chairman of the concerning professor evaluations would year. Barth said he was not surprised at the Faculty Standards Committee. Lamb sad be hindered if the amendment were The move, proposed by Peter Barth, amendment's defeat, but added he was he made the motion as a representative of included. professor of economics, was an amend- "dreadfully disappointed." the Faculty Standards Committee which Lamb said if the committee's recom- ment to a recommendation of the "What I hope is that the students will had decided to oppose the amendment. mendation is passed, a study group will Senate's Faculty Standards Committee ask themselves why they should depend Lamb said the committee's decision was be formed which could give more serious concerning professor evaluations. Under on the University Senate to make such based on a discussion between Julius A. consideration •


January 29 - UConn vs. UMass at Springfield Civic Center Student Union at 6 p.m. for 7:30 game -Tickets $1.50 February 10 - UConn vs. Manhattan at Madison Square Garden Bus leaves Student Union at 4:30 p.m. for 7:30 game - Tickets $5.00 Feb. 26 - UConn vs. Rhode Island at Providence Civic Center Bus leaves Student Union at 7 p.m. for 8:30 game - Tickets $2.00 Tickets on sale now in Commons Rm. 319 |MI 4 Connecticut Dally C—pat T—day, JBBBB. & £5 Carter walks in' people's' inauguration

| Continued from page 1] viewers. Carter had an unofficial youth- ful escort yelling, laughing, waving and running behind the 10-man deep parade lines. The Carter family's walk presented a sharp contrast to past inaugurations. Four years ago, former President Nixon's Secret Service bodyguards fielded rotten vegetables and fruit thrown by Viet Nam opponents away from the Nixons. Protestors were as prominent as Nixon supporters anticipating "four more years." Jimmy Carter wanted a "peoples' inauguration," and he got it. Not only were Washington's parks and museums booked with instrumental and singing groups, free movies and free dramatic presentations for visitors, but the six inaugural balls' guestlists had more small town Democratic campaign workers on them than they had political celebrities or big-name campaign contributors. When Vice President Walter Mondale took the microphone away from the Glen Miller band at the Shoreham-American Hotel inaugural party Thursday night, and asked for hometown names such as Cold Spring and St. Cloud. Minnesota were more numerous than Los Angeles or New York City. Mondale was in a jovial mood at the (Susan Okula Photo) Shoreham; his jokes drew applause and laughter from the guests. Changing the guard "I just want you to know," he said, a grin spreading over his face, "that this country has a great new President." He paused a few seconds and then con- tinued, "But I want you to know that you Carter to halt nuclear tests have an even greater Vice-President." "Mondale in '84!," someone yelled out. | Continued from page 1] fireside chat to the American people jobs, but "will try to compensate...as we "Shhh!" he replied. "You're not aggressively with a comprehensive test "within the next week or two," sending go along" for what he considers a less supposed to know that!" He continued to ban treaty. I am in favor of eliminating Vance to the Middle East "within the than proportionate number of women in assure the audience that he did not want the testing of all nuclear devices, next month," proposing* a comprehensive key positions. to take any glory away from Jimmy Carter instantly and completely." energy policy "within 90 days" and "I am not completely satisfied with on "his day." Carter, wearing a blue-gray tweed suit proposing a comprehensive welfare pro- what we have done, but I am satisified "That's why," he said, "1 decided to and sipping coffee, held the interview posal by May 1. with the effort we have made." ride in the parade. Let the Carters have it with wire sarvice reporters Sunday in "I believe that after the 100 days there -Said "I want to get along with all." front of the glowing fireplace in his Oval will be a very good ability among the At least for a day. the Carters did have Congress," and will do his part by Office, under an agreement that the Americn people to assess the specific including lawmakers in initial planning it all. From the Abraham Lincoln material be held for release Monday. times schedules that we have evolved for look-alike roller skating in the parade to stages of such matters as tax and welfare Speaking quietly and confidently. ourselves," he said. reform, energy policy and farm pro- the 21 gun salute at noon. Washington Carter also: — Said he is "quite at ease" about the grams. welcomed its new president. — Laid out a calendar of making a precentage of blacks he has named to top THE BEST PIZZA! QUESTION 1: PIZZA HOW DO YOU GIVE A PARTY DELIVERY! A PERSON? Sun. 3-11 pm FOR $75 Mon.- Thurs. 6 |Mn-him ANSWER: Fit-Sat 6pm-2am CHEESE 'n THINGS BOG Trip To Wiltington HOLIDAY MALL RT. 195 Pizza. STORRS 487-0884 Florida. Next to Sundown Jet. Rts. 32 & 195 CALL STEVE AND FIND OUT *& Watch For Details

-•V Behind the Post Office StorrsCt 467-1519 VETERANS OTHER BROTHER BOOKSHOP If you have not recertified for the Spring '77 Semester by Jon. 26,1977 your V.A. benefits will be terminated. To recertify bring the following to the Veterans Center Room 415 in Holl Dorm:

1. Paid University fee bill or fee deferment 2. Schedule of classes

3. Letter from advisor (Graduate students only) Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa Tneaday, January 25, 1977 Connecticut Daily Campus Page 5 Bitter winter drains nation's energy supply

United Press International disaster area. A 10-day embargo necessary. The Atlanta Gas Light measures. declared over the weekend in Energy crises mounted in Ohio, on Florida citrus shipments took Co. pleaded with commercial While other states wearied of Ohio. Pennsylvania and other states effect. consumers to cut hours of opera- snow, Colorado Gov. Richard New snows in the Southland Monday in one of the bitterest Gov. Otis R. Bowen declared an tion and even hospitals were Lamm-fearful that the state may piled up a half-foot deep in and most unrelenting winters on "energy emergency exists in the asked to dial down thermostats. be facing its worst drought since northwest Georgia. The snow record. The federal government state of Indiana." In Washington, the Federal dust bowl days - told legislative was only an inch deep at Knox- took action to keep homes warm. Georgia officials said a worsen- Energy Administration said it will leaders he needs at least $150,000 ville, Tenn., but that was the Fresh snow, sleet and rain ing natural gas shortage has order five refiners to produce for cloud-seeding. The state heaviest fall of the winter and belted the Southland. forced an estimated 75,000 per- more kerosene for home heating. desperately needs snow in the enough to close schools. The Florida Emergency Board of sons from payrolls totaling $30 The act may cut fuel available for mountains, he said. Near Jackson, Tenn., a school the U.S. Agriculture Department million a week. Gov. George airlines, but acting FEA Ad- Cold-induced energy shortages bus with 32 children aboard slid scheduled a meeting to determine Busbee said the state is seeking ministrator Gorman Smith said have put Pennsylvania in a state on a ice-covered downhill curve, whether damage to citrus and Canadian natural gas and will "protection of the public health, of emergency since last week and grazed a bridge railing, and vegetable crops made the state a consider emergency legislation if safety and welfare requires these a natural gas emergency was overturned in a water-filled ditch. Senate confirms Califano

WASHINGTON (UPI)— The Senate confirmed Joseph Califano Jr. as secretary of health, education and welfare Monday, making him the ninth member of President Carter's Cabinet to win The Nation approval. Califano's confirmation, bj a 95-1 vote, left Attorney General-designate Griffin Bell and Labor Secretay-designate F. Ray Marshall as the only Cabinet members who still must be approved by the Senate. Senate fails to block Although Califano, Marshall and Bell were not sworn-in at the White House Sunday, they attended Monday's first Cabinet meeting. debate opposing pardon Smoking rate increase seen WASHINGTON (UPI) — Al- "It is a proper thing to do. It is Friday. though a majority tried to cut off one thing that I feel very much at In his interview. Carter said he WASHINGTON (UPI) Cigarette smoking will continue to rise debate Monday, the Senate could ease with. It is something that probably will decide on Vietnam .at a 3 to 4 per cent annual rate due to population growth and not muster enough support to should have been done. I was deserters guilty of serious crimes because tobacco is the first luxury item poor people buy, move to vote on. a resolution very grateful to be the one to do individually. Speaking of the agriculture officials said Monday. opposing President Carter's par- it." 437,000 recipients of bad dis- In addition, low-priced tobacco from Brazil, Mexico, South don of Vietnam draft evaders. Byrd said he opposed the par- charges and deserters, he said Korea and India, more bland in flavor but lower in nicotine, is Carter expected the opposition, don, but Carter "had the author- they might be broken into cate- cutting into the U.S. market. but said the pardon was "some- ity and there was nothing we gories, such as alcoholics, mental Foreign Agriculture Service analyst B.G. Andrews said thing that should have been could do about it." incompetents, those who did not cigarette consumption is likely to keep rising at a 3 to 4 per cent done." He did say he urged the Presi- support their families and others. annual rate in the near future even with the warnings about Before the 53-43 vote - seven dent to pardon the 23,849 Viet- "They might very well be con- health dangers. short of the 60 required to end nam draft evaders quickly, partly sidered as a bloc, if that is their debate - Senate Democratic lead- because the resolution, intro- only violation of the military rules er Robert C. Byrd was asked if the duced Jan. 10 by Sen. James B. or laws." the President said. Amy late to school on first day vote would be an expression of Allen, D-Ala., had drawn support David F. Addlestone, a military Senate sentiment. He replied, "it on procedural votes last week. law expert, has called bad con- WASHINGTON (UPI)— On her first day at Stevens public might be interpreted that way." At one time, opponents had a duct discharges, issued often school Monday. Amy Carter bounded into the classroom 12 In his interview with United majority of one. during the Vietnam years to spare minutes late and was welcomed with a flowered sign and a Press International and the Asso- "1 saw no point in prolonging the government the cost of a "marvelous mobile doodlebird with purple feathers." ciated Press Sunday, Carter said this thing here," Byrd said. court-martial, "a life sentence of President Carter's 9-year-old daughter, wearing blue denim he had been thinking about the Carter said he would issue the unemployment." pants and a white sweater emblazoned with a "Snoopy emblem," pardon for two years. pardon during his first week in The President said the military arrived at the school with her mother in a black limousine and "I don't really think there was office but it was generally be- already has a system for re- said nothing to a crowd of reporters waiting for her on the any surprise about the reaction, lieved he would choose this week, assessing less than honorable sidewalk. one way or another," the Presi- his first full one in the White discharges. dent said. House. Instead, Carter issued it Super Hair WELCOME BACK! TRIAD UNISEX SALON 'Precision Cutting at Molly Malone's Pub * Blow Drying PEBSOHUIZE Till PRESCRIPTION PURCHASES * Hair Coloring MANSFIELD TONIGHT! * Permanent Waving win. 1 - ~t APOTHECARY OK 1 ADRIAN Mon Sat. 9:30 AM to 6 PM and every Tuesday through April wiiiiom i and Closed Sundays & Holidays AN DION AIM'I I Emint K. Cichowski, R. Ph.. Mgr. of Manchester Conveniently located next to CVS $.40 Draft Deer 9-5 Daily '*^,.^ ^.^.4 MANSFIELD SHOPPING PLAZA, 9-° Thursday Hj£ |«^ RT. 44A, ST0RRS 4870400 HOLIDAY MALI. No Cover Storrs - 429-5560 G.H. WARING CONTINENTAL GIFT SHOP Where the unusual is usual fyiiiAfc. WoexsHop \AopPl ^%s, (ON BUiu>iN6 6uir*fts !) TWitSD^y JAsNUAsifcV 27, M SU m^o\ and Gifts for Family, Friends and QONCfcfcT AT 8fcR SOB <50$ Sweethearts* BX&XHT TO you By B.O.&. Complete line of wedding and social invitations - engraved or printed located in PO Block Rte. 195 429-2143 Page 6 Connecticut Dally Campus TnoadayrJannary 25, 1977 Upocming Events Violinist schedules recital Arts December 1974. Ceccato was On Feb. 2. at 7:30 p.m. in Von comes to Hollywood in 1939, gets appointed General Music Director Der Mehden Recital Hall, the a big break, and becomes Repub- of the Hamburg Philharmonic. UConn Music Department will lic Studio's new star: the The Detroit Symphony Orches- present a free recital with violinist mysterious, deadly, whip-wield- tra was founded in 1914. and at Robert Dan. Dan will be assisted ing Durango Flash. But instant present includes 97 musicians. by pianist Lucy Blachman and success does strange things to The Orchestra has given repeated violinist Curtis Macomber. people. Leon leaves his wife for performances in such places a The scheduled program will be: another woman, buys a big house Carnegie Hall, the United Na- Praeludium and Allegro by Fritz in Beverly Hills, and surrenders Kreisler; "Arpeggione" Sonata his identity to publicity agents tions, and the Kennedy Center for by Franz Schubert, Sonata in F and movie-star stereotyping. the Performing Arts in Washing- Minor. Opul 120. No. 1 by Detroit ton, D.C. Jahannes Brahms, Sonata No. 2 Storrs art exhibit by Darius Milhaud, and Three Symphony Orchestra Madrigals for Violin and Viola by The Mansfield Arts Center is Bohuslav Martinu Aldo Ceccato. Music Director of holding an exhibit and sale of, its Dan is a graduate of the Juilliard the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, members work until Feb. 4 at the School where he received his will conduct the Orchestra in Art Now Gallery next to the Storrs Bachelor and Master of Music Mussorgsky's "Night of a Bald Post Office. Gallery hours are 10 degrees. Dan has appeared in Mountain." Bartok's "Violin a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and 2 major American cities as viola Concerto No. 2." and Tchaikow- to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. soloist with the New York Cham- sky's "Symphony No. 6" at Three evening performances ber Soloist and the Musica Aeter- Bushnell Memorial Hall in Hart- are scheduled during the exhibit. na Orchestra. He has given ford Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. This Wednesday there will be a recitals at Steinway Hall and for Ceccato was appointed Music jazz session; a wind ensemble will the Public Broadcasting System. Director of the Detroit Symphony perform Friday and a poetry In 1974. he was appointed to the Orchestra in May 1974, after a reading by Virginia Brady Young faculty of the Summer Chamber year as Principal Conductor in will be presented on Feb. 2. AH Music School at the University of 1973-74. In addition to his DSO performances are free and will be Maine. concerts at Ford Auditorium and held at 8:15 p.m. The audience In 1975 Dan was invited to give on tour, he also keeps up a should bring cushions or folding a concert in Budapest. Hungary schedule of guest conducting. In chairs. as a result of his participation in the International Viola Competi- Rudolph Serkln, German romantic pianist, will perform at tion. Dan was on the faculty of Jorgensen Auditorium Feb. 1 at 8:15 p.m. the University of Connecticut and a member of the New England String Quartet from 1973-1976. KEG BEER He is currently a member of the Always in slock Service Available on Madison String Trio. Hearing Aids Blachman is a graduate of the Free Delivery Every Day Contact Lenses Juilliard School. Blachman has appeared as soloist and ensemble Free (.heck (ashing player and teaches in the New York area. Macomber is a doctoral candi- Complete Optical service date at Juilliard. He is a recipient J.R. LIQUOR STORE of the Naumberg Scholarship and the Locb prize for highest Latest styles in fashion achievement in graduate study. Rte. 32 429-3036 He has given numerous recitals in Wire and Plastic Frames New York, and recently with the Juilliard Orchestra as soloist, Fashion tints performing the Berg Violin Con- Plastic and Glass Lenses certo. Macomber is also a member of the Madison String Services Offered- Trio. Live Entertainment Nightly Wire Frames Soldered Yale theatre presentation TUES. featuring: MIKE PACE "an repair most types of Plastic Frame* a mellow place where you can go and The Yale Repertory Theatre will never an admission charge with a SAME DAY SERVICE present the world premiere of college i.D. Jct. Rt. ,Q5 & 32 429-7385 William Hauptman's "The I.ASTBROOK MALL DAVID SIMMONS Durango Flash'* Friday, at 8 p.m. LICENSED OPTICIAN at the Yale Repertory Theatre. CLIP AND SAVE 456-1141 The production, directed by Ken- MON: 10-9 THURS: 10-9 763 MA,N ST- "?"!!?! neth Franked will play in reper- TUES: 10-9 FRI: 10-9 191 MAIN ST. 643-1900 tory with the premiere of Chris- MANCHESTER. CONN topher Durang's "The Victnam- WED: 10-6 SAT: 10-(v i/ation of New Jersey (AnAmeri- can Tragedy) through April 1. Hauptman. who is currently a CBS Fellow in Creative Writing at D.O.G. presents Yale, graduated from the Yale School of Drama where he was a John Golden Fellow in playwrit- ing. Several of his works were given workshop productions at the drama school and readings by the rcpetory theatre's Play Ser- ies. His first professional pro- Brand new Program New Advanced Diet New duction "Heat" was presented by Foods. Easier for You1 New members welcomed the New York Public Theatre in at all times No Contracts $7.00 first meeting, 1974. This fall the American then $3.00 weekly Lower Rates for Senior Cit- Place Theatre presented two of izens his new plays. "Domino Courts" (also published in "The Best ® YOU'RE THIS CLOSE TO LOSING WEIGHT! Short Plays of 1976-77". and "Comanche Cafe." as part of STORRS — Thursdays 12:30 PM (Students Only) their subscription series. & 7 PM, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Univ. of Conn. ROCKVILLE — Tuesdays 9:30 AM & 7 PM, "The Durango Flash" is a poetic Wednesdays 4:30 PM, Thursdays 7 PM and humorous dramatization of Weight Watchers. 41 West Road (Rt. 83) the rise and fall of a B-Western VERNON — Wednesdays 7 PM cowboy hero from Abilene: a Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, Route 30 muscular, jealous, aggressive, For Information Call: self-doubting, belligerent drifter 928-5188 (Putnam) or 442-5170 (New London) or who was "always an actor, but write Route 169, Pomfret Center, Conn. 06259 just found out." ~ Lower Left Level, Univ. Plaza Rte. 195 H&R BLOCK- Storrs. Ct. 06268

THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Telephone: 429-7726 Mon. - Fri. 9-8 Sot. 9-5 Tuesday, January 25, 1977 Connecticut Daily Campm P«g» 7 Coffee price increase seen LONDON (UPI)— International coffee negotiators said Monday they are powerless to bring coffee's price down or keep it from skyrocketing still higher. Two major coffee producers said The World the real shortage has not yet begun. One producer predicted "hysteria" among coffee-buying housewives by summer. The 16-nation executive board of the International Coffee Organization, governing body of trade in the world's most Mondale promises NATO valuable commodity apart from oil, brushed aside routine business Monday to ponder what action it could take to lower coffee's price. There seemed little it could do. administration support Gunmen kidnap Spanish general By CHERYL ARV1DSON Washington. that affect us all." In Brussels, MADRID, Spain (UPI)— Gunmen kidnapped one of the army's BONN, West Germany (UPI)— "The President asked me when Mondale said any increase in U.S. most senior generals Monday in another attempt to force Spain to Vice President Walter Mondale I left to call him at the end of the aid to NATO besides the "modest free political prisoners. Police fought with thousands of student Monday promised the Carter first day and tell him what is increase" already planned will protesters and killed one young woman with a smoke flare. administration will back the going on," Mondale told repor- depend on corresponding in- Four gunmen seized Gen. Emilio Villaescusa Quiles, 64, the ters. He said they discussed his creases from the alliance's chief of military justice, as he walked out of his downtown United States' military commit- talks in Brussels and topics that European partners. apartment building. ment to keep NATO strong "with- will come up in West Germany. "We believe we can make Government sources said they assumed the kidnappers were out cutting muscle." In Bonn, the second stop on his savings through eficiency, the same left-wing group that seized the country's fourth-ranking Mondale also predicted an trip to six nations, Mondale was through more effective procure- official six weeks ago. international economic summit scheduled to confer with Chancel- ment policies and other ways to will be held within six months, lor Helmut Schmidt, Foreign make those savings without cut- Smith rejects black majority plan with the timing and agenda for Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher ting muscle," Mondale said. the meeting depending on the and President Walter Scheel. "The NATO alliance is impor- SALISBURY, Rhodesia (UPI)— Prime Minister Ian Smith meetings he has scheduled with "It is clear that the United tant to our nation as it is Monday rejected Britain's plan for a peaceful transfer to black world leaders in his nine-day trip. States, Germany, and our other important to the nations of West- majority rule. Negotiator Ivor Richard said the "tragic and fateful The vice president spent the day Western allies confront the same ern Europe and to the stability of decison" means the end of the Geneva talks and continued war in Brussels in talks at headquar- problems: the pace of economic the world. Wc are committed to and suffering. ters of the Atlantic alliance and recovery, energy, defense, nu- NATO, we want it to be an "Fighting will go on, sanctions will not be lifted and the people the European Common Market, clea nonproliferation, to name but effective fighting force and deter- of this country, both white and black, will suffer further," then flew to West Germany. On a few," Mondale said on arrival rent and in order to do that we Richard said. "The outcome is extremely difficult to foresee." his way to the airport he stopped in Bonn. must see that the United States Smith scheduled a broadcast speech to give his side of the at the U.S. embassy to telephone "Together we must find com- does its share to achieve that controversy. There was speculation he would announce the a report to President Carter in mon solutions to the problems objective. repeal of many segregation laws. THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Welcome Back! Continuing Education for Women! LWJ MACRAME *T«HP*d PUB Try our new CREATIVE KNOTTING Storrs Campus line for 19771 LOCATION: Classes will meet at the J UConn Women's Center, 27 Whitney Rom COURSE: DATES: WE NOW SERVE ON TAP: Macrame Planter 2/7 & 2/14 Macrame MILLER Draft, Dark, Sampler 2/10 & 2/17 Call 486-3440 or write CEW. The| FOR FREE University of Connecticut, Storrs. LITE & HEINEKE BROCHURE CT 06268.j F.NDS TONITE: "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" 2,6:30,9:1)0

STORHS BEER-H, *.* COLLEGE 1 2"J 606 1 'BOTTLED ™ Dark,, STARTS WEDNESDAY FOR A Black Horse Ale & Champale Daily 2:00. 6:30, 9:00 Sat.-Sun. 2:00 4:15. 6:30.9:00 HUNGRY? TRY OUR PIZZA 9" CHEESE PIZZA - 99c THURS. - DISCO with "Dancing Machine" Fri. &SAT. "Onyx" Paramount Ptcturei pr*«ntl a ROBERT EVANS-SIDNEV BECKERMAN production a JOHN SCHLESINCER dim DUSTIN HOFFMAN LAURENCE OLIVIER ROY SCHEIDER HAPPY HOUR - THURS. & FRI. - 4 - 8 pm WILLIAM DEVANE MARTHE KELLER ."MARATHON MAN 60 oz. MUler Pitcher 81.75 «r**nplay Dy WILLIAM GOLDMAN from mt nov»l DTOOUCMD. ROBERT EVANS and SIDNEY BECKERMAN

cmctM DY JOHN SCHLESINCER mu»K mM oy MOM*, SMALL 60 oz. Heineken Pitcher 83.25 NMM oy MMMMM wroouCTiows in Color R RESTRICTED :: a paramount pacTurv Page 8 Connecticut Dally Campos Tuesday, January 25, 1977 ACTIVITIES

FIRST AID-ARC Standard Course), UCONN Chess Club Championship Anyone interested in sharing their Free program: including fishing films. GAY-STRAIGHT RAP: Discussion 8 Monday evenings 7-IOpm, Haw ley will be held 4 consecutive Tuesday skills and knowledge by offering a Wed Jan 26, 7:0pm Mansfield Middle group on gay lifestyle and Issues— Armory classroom, starting Jan.31. nights beginning Feb. 1st aat 7:30PM course or workshop with experimental School. For directions call Tony .Wads. 7pm. Infirmary basement Call ext. 2837 to register. Commons room 315. college in spring semeste. Call 486-4808 or 455-0251 before Feb.4

CPR-ARC Certlflcatlon-4Wednesdays UCONN Karate Club is accepting new Nature's Place Restaurant starting Feb 2 or 4 Thursday evenings members. MWF 7:00pm starts Jan Students with wqorkstudy money can starting Feb. 3, 7-10 pm Hawley Jan 31. Hawley Armory. Wear work wqlth yong children at the child 65 Church St. Willimantic, Ct. Armory classroom. Call ext. 2837 loose clothing. Info. 429-1342 labs (minimum 10 hrs/week) training 423-2338 provided. Call 486-2865. to register. KARATE DEMONSTRATION Friday, We Utter You Bowlers Club Mixed League Meeting SKI INSTRUCTORS- to teach at 28 Jan. 7:30pm Fleldhouse FREE Wed (26th) 7:30, S.U. 102 3 people AN ALTERNATIVE RESTAURANT UCONN slope. One hour group Everyone welcome! All senior per team, handicap. Start Tues. lessons, 3:00 or 8:00pm weekdays; members must arrive at 7:00pm. Feb | 0:30. MmtfeasMeaJa Fresh Batted Bread* 11am, 3pm or 8pm Saturdays. Call 486-2837. Fr. Daniel Berrigan appearing Sunday A UnJqaw Atmosphere *\ Dswifi at St. Thomas Aquinas Center. Tri-State bowling team meeting . Handcrafted Pattern Activities include 11:30am liturgy, Wed (26th) 8:00 S.U. 102 Both men OPEN DAILY 11-9 FRI. and SAT. 11-10 Campus Crusade for Christ meets 1pm reception, 8 pm talk on nuclear and women's teams please attend. OPEN SUNDAY 10-8 every Thurs. night 8:00pm at disarmament. Commons 310. All welcome for first get together this Thurs. WHY HOLIDAY SPIRITS IS NO. 1 CLASSIFIEDS 1. LARGEST SPIRIT SHOP 4 FREE DELIVERY INSTORRS THUR., FRI., SAT. IN FACT ONE OF THE 5- FREE. CHECK CASHING Anyone interested in helping with LARGEST IN THE STATE If HOLIDAY SPIRITS fj\ 6. 10% C SCOUNT ON CASE newspaper recycling on a volunteer DEPOSITS ON KEGS basis call David Thorgalson at HOLIDAY MALL J PURCHASES OF WINE AND 429-9384 for more Information. 1 • A POUND WITH KEG PURCHASE LIQUOR BABYSITER WANTED: Must have LIMIT: 30 LBS/KEG own car. Tues., Wed., Thurs., 4:30-6:OOPM. Call 487-0495 after 6:00PM.

Waitresses Wanted or all male dorn In South Campus. Call Immediately or come In person. 429-6536 Ask for Lee or Kevin. Save $10.00 to $59.90 if you act now. Be prepared for Valentine's Day this year, get an I HATE DISCO shirt for your loved one and they'll love you even more. Call 429-9859. If youVe been thinking about CONTACT LENS WEARERS Save on your supplies. Send 13 cent stamp for price list. Contact Lens Supply Center, 341 E. Camelback, Pheonlx, getting a programmable, AZ 85012 SKIERS I Lodge in a modern chalet Tfexas Instruments has a apartment, completely furnished. Mt. Snow, Haystack Area $7-8,50 PERSON (Nightly) 429-7575.

ROOM FOR RENT p r i v a t e home in special offer for you Tolland, Kitchen privileges, parking $25 per week, Call 875-0655 after 2 pm.

For Sale - 1968 extra long Dodge* Sportsman-recent engine overhaul NOW but needs rings. Extra large tires, engine , battery, with snow tires and extra radials 1750 firm. 875-8200 evenings and weekends.

STEREO - Panasonic Quad with AM, FM, 8-track player and speakers. $$200 or BO. Call Joe 429-2593.

10 cents BEER (draft) for some of the lucky people at Three Guys Cafe. Starts at 8:00 PM 429-3606.

HELP WANTED: Teachers at all levels, Foreign and Domestic teachers, Box 1063 Vancouver, Wash. 98660 SR-56 $109.95* SR-52 $299.95" HELP WANTED: $75.00/ week part time. 1 or 2 early risers with reliable If you want an incredible slide rule calculator that's If you want the computer-like power of a card pro- car Call evenings 429-3164. also programmable, then this is the one for you. grammable then choose this one. Save all those old newspapers and There're 74 preprogrammed functions and opera- Techniques like optimization, iteration, data reduc- bottles for the Daily Campus Recycl- tions. And it has AOS, Tl's unique algebraic operating tion, what-if matrices, mathematical modeling, need ing drive in January. Watch for more details. system, the underlying reason an SR-56 is so power- not tie up your mind -or your time. ful. It'll let you handle problems with as many as But learning to use it is a hassle, you say. Not true. GERMAN TRANSLATOR needed to translate English correspondence into 9 sets of parentheses. Talk about memory. An SR-56 Prerecorded programs are gathered into software German. Phone collect 561-3049. has 10 (11 if you count the T-registered.). And you can libraries: Electrical Engineering. Math. Statistics. DON'T MISS JURY'S annual do arithmetic with all of them. Finance. All you need do is load a mag card, press a St. Valentine's Day Semi-Formal Chances are you'll soon discover how really easy few keys and you'll get answers that previously Buffet diner, dancing, champagne, only $20 per couple. More Info- it is to program. An SR-56 has 100 steps. Six logical required a computer. 429-6497. decision functions. Four levels of subroutines. Dec- You can make your own programs just as easily. My lowest price is $30.00 for a rement and skip on zero. Compare a test register In just a couple of hours you'll begin to B and O SP 12 cartridge with a new with the display to make a conditional branch. And prove what a powerful asset you have— stylus. Call at 429-9859. this is just the beginning. right at your fingertips. MEXICAN VILLAGE RESTAURANT. Think about it. Can you really afford to put off get- And there's not a better time to get an Tacos, tamales, burritos, combination plates other exciting Mexican Dishes. ting your SR-56, now? SR-52 than right now. Drive-in, take-out. Rt. 6 Willimantic. 423-0919. Texas Instruments will rebate $10.00 ot your original SR-56 purchase price when Electrical Engineering. Statistics. Math Finance. Choose any two and (1) return Furnished room for rent to female, you: M) return this completed coupon Including serial number (2) along with your this completed coupon including serial number along with (2) your completed close to campus in private house, completed SR-56 customer Information card (packed in box) and (3) a dated copy SR-52 serialized customer information card (packed in box) ana (3) a dated copy own facilities and entrance, utilities ot proof ol your purchase, verifying purchase between Jan. 1 and March 31,197/ of proof of your purchase, verifying purchase between Jan. 20 and March 31,1977. included, no car needed $100/month SR-52 free software library offer and security. 429-2226 after 5. SR-56 Rebate Offer P.O. Box 1210 P. 0. Mi 1210 Richardson, Texas 75080 Richardson Tern 75080 OVERSEAS JOBS- summer/year- Name round. Europe, S. America, Aus- Name— Address ! tralia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500- $1200 monthly. Expenses paid, Address City .State. -2P- sightseeing. Free Info.- WOrite City . State. .Zip. SR-52 Serial No . (from beck of calculator) International Job Center, Dept. CT., Math Statistics Finance EE SR-56 Serial No (from back of calculator) Box 4490, Berkeley. CA 94704. • Texas Instruments reserves the right to substitute software libraries of equal value, Please allow 30 days for rebate I based upon availability. Please allow 30 days for delivery SUMMER JOBS: Over 2000,000 in all I I 50 States. Your money back if you Otter void where prohibited ay law Good in Continental U S only. don't obtain yours through our com- "Suggested read price prehensive catalogue. Send $2 to: SUMCHOICE Box 645 State College. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Pa. 16801. Act now for best < 1977 Teus instruments incorponttd INCORPORATED BSSB1 selection. Tn—day, January 25, 1977 Connecticut Dally Campn* Paae 9 UConn


Textbooks ore ovoiloble ot Howley Armory

Hawley hours: Bookstore hours

Weekdays Monday thru Friday

Mon.f Jan. 24 - Thurs., Jan 27 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri., Jan. 28 - Closed to move books back to main store. plus Saturday, Jan., 22 Saturday, Jan., 29 No textbooks available this day. and all Saturdays in Feb. 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Book-Buying suggestions

We've ordered enough books to the best of our ability so...

Attend at least the first meeting of each course before purchasing texts to avoid buying unrequired books.

Complete your book trading and sharing before purchasing texts from the Co-op. Page 10 Connecticut Dally Campus Tuesday, January 25, 1977 UNIVERSITY MUSIC Route 195 - 429-7709 - University Plaza Welcome Back Sale! on these Columbia LP's JAMS IAN MUDDY WATERS HARD AGAIN M.RACIE ROW C^THEBESTOF features including FESTIVAL including. Johnny Winter and James Cotton on all tracks Le! Me B« Lonely FRIENDS including: I Want To Make You Love Me/Candleligh! The River/Let The Music Set You Free including: Jugando/ Let The Children Play 'Maria Caracoles The Blues Had A Baby And They Named ft Take To The Sky'The Sunset Of Your Life Angry Eyes/Vahevala/My Music Rock And Roll! 2) Thinking Of You/Your Mama Don't Dance : Deep Down In Florida/Mannish Boy Bus Driver/Crosseyed Cat

"■"••'■••■:•:•■•:■•;•■: £m &:■■;. "-* M w*

PC 34440 Janis Ian. noted for her PC 34423 A celebration of music PC 34388 The accumulation of PZ 34449 Johnny Winter and sensitive and introspective lyrics, which fuses traditional I atin rhythms five years of superstardom that James Cotton join Muddy Waters on has an established reputation as one with a unique blend of rock 'n' roll cbmes together in "The Best of his great new . Look for Mud- of America's premier performers and and R&B. "Festival" is a joyous oc- Friends." dy, Johnny and James together on songwriters. Her new album, "Mir- casion on record. tour. acle Row," leaves no doubts as to why this reputation is so richly deserved. $3.99 $3.99 $3.99

$3.99 2-Record Set Specially Priced KANSAS STARCASTLE Leftovcrture Barbra Streisand including CERTIFIED UVE FOUNTAINS OF LIGHT Carry On Wayward Son including: Kris Kristofferson including Miracles Out Of Nowhere/Cheyenne Anthem Feelin Akight/AM Along The Watchtower Founlains'Oawning 01 The Day Silver Winds A Star Is Born Magnum Opus Questions Of My Childhood including; True To The Light/Portraits Diarrfond Song (Deep Is The Light) Gimme SomeVovin Love Theme From "A Star Is Born (Evergreen)

PG 34174 Thfs is the album that PZ 34224 "Leftoverture" is a com- Dave Mason's legion of fans have bination of rock & roll and classical long been awaiting. The title of this JS 34403 The sound track from influences sung with the harmonies album, "Certified Live," is due to the motion picture event of the year, that only Kansas can deliver. A long- the fact that what you hear is ex- featuring classic performances by awaited new album from one of actly what was recorded with no Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristoffer- America's newest premier bands. overdubbing. son. $3.99 $3.99 $4.99 $5.99 All Columbia Classical LP's JOHN M MS FIRS I JAZZ RECOflOMG WILLIAMS JEAN PIERRE RAMPAL, Flutist LIST$. $6.98 NOW $4#29 S< \KI.\I II: SUITE FOR FLUTE SIX SONATAS AND JAZZ PIANO VII.I.V-I.OKOH: CLAUDE ROLLING, ITU I'RH.l IMS Pianist/Composer E. POWER BIGGS/J. S. BACH GEORGE GERSHWIN PLAYS MARCEL SABIAM. DRUMS The 1925 Piano Roll of MAX HED4GUER. STRMG BASS THE SIX ORGAN-CONCERTO **£#£ SINFONIAS RHAPSODY IN BLUE FROM THE CANTATAS " illi I lie ( .ill mi I H.I l.i// Ham I The(ii-Kiiiiilliuii' ()rihv\tra AN AMERICAN IN PARIS Hum-Join him RotiMh,( omlin lot MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS, Conductor


First Antencan Re< ordmy LAZARBERMAN PLAYS Yankee Doodle Dandies! BEETHOVEN Robert Merrill V '. ■'m-■;■ Sonata Op 57'Appassionata


... CONCERT,lh.CE\ [I RY BERLIOZ-REQUIEm KMOKIHIH il in \MMI.II II M I M \\ l». Wi. LEOnHRD BERHSTEin HIKVNIH\/IINIIMV\I 5TUPRT BURROWS, TEI10R IIOKOUIIAMf-M |||\ mamm wn— M R—I KOMKOI'OXK ll/SIKKN MKKSTK MUMMimmuf MW XOKkl'llll ll\R\IO\|( K ROM MM (MOMS K MM FMIKf mma ■ is nun. MM or, .58 iwyS3 TiaETRON 429-7709 BLANK TAPES STRINGS NEEDLES Tuesday, January 25, 1977 Connecticut Dally Campus Page 11 More Sports' Cosmos draft Paul Hunter The Baltimore Colts announced Monday that DICK SYZMAN- SKI along with ERNIE ACCORSI have been named to replace ex-general manager JOE THOMAS who was dumped last "It's a good opportunity to get land, All-New England Inter- Thursday by Colts owner ROBERT IRSAY. Thomas' frequent By MARLA ROMASH drafted. If I make the team it'll collegiate Soccer League, and disagreements over player control with Baltimore head coach TED Of The Campus Staff be great. The competition will be All-Yankee Conference honors for MARCHIBRODA. who resigned for a week during the 1976 Paul Hunter has had a very pretty tough". Hunter said. the past two seasons in addition football season after a conflict with Thomas, was the major reason eventful vacation as soccer goes. Thrusday. Hunter will travel to to being named the Huskies' for his dismissal. Thomas, in his career, has been responsible for In the past month, the Westport the Cosmos' main offices in New Most Valuable Player, and re- rebuilding the Minnesota Vikings and the Miami Dolphins as well senior has been named Ail- York City for a meeting with the ceiving The John Y. Squires as the Colts.... American (for the second consec- team's other draft choices. A Award in 1975. Hunter, was also Winnepeg Jet winger BOBBY HULL is once again on the utive time) in addition to being date for the team's tryouts is invited to the Senior Bowl Classic, sidelines because of injury. Hull underwent surgery this week to drafted by the New York Cosmos expected to be announced at that sponsored by the Intercollegiate repair tendon damage in his right foot. Hull, who will be lost to of the North American Soccer time. Soccer Association. the Jets for three weeks, was cut bv the skate blade of teammate League (Nasl). "I wasn't surprised that Paul ULFNILSSON Hunter, a co-captain of the was drafted". UConn Head Soc- UConn, Yale They said it might never be done but the NEW YORK NETS Huskies 1976 nationally ranked cer Coach Joe Morrone said. "I proved the critics wrong and won a basketball game Sunday as it squad, was the eleventh player am disappointed that the Con- topped the CHICAGO BULLS 95-86. The Nets successfully chosen and the only UConn player necticut team (the Bicentennials) clash over site utilized a three-guard offense in compiling their thirteenth victory chosen in the 72-man NASL draft. didn't select any of the other (Continued from page 12] of the season which leaves them a mere fifteen and one half games "1 was hoping I'd get drafted. I seniors on the team", Morrone Cozza, who also resigned as behind first place PHILADELPHIA 76ers was down in Florida for the Senior said. athletic director following the It has not been a good week for New York hockey teams as the Bowl and saw the best seniors in Hunter has been an integral part 1976 season to devote more time RANGERS lost 6-0 to LOS ANGELES KINGS and 6-2 to the the country and I didn't feel I was of UConn soccer for the past four to coaching, told the Daily Cam- VAN CANUCKS and the ISLANDERS went down at the hands out of place", Hunter said. years, while earning New Eng- pus Monday night his own execu- of the PITTSBURGH PENGUINS 3-2 tive committee, formed after Ki- It took BJORN BORG eight attempts but he finally succeeded in phuth resigned, is opposed un- defeating JIMMY CONNORS as he thrashed his way past Connors animously to playing the game in 6-4, 5-7. 6-3 to acquire the $100,000 top prize in the Pepsi Grand Storrs. Slam tennis tournament "The administrators from the Meanwhile in scenic Baltimore. Marvland. BRIAN GOTTFRIED two schools got together around rolled over GUILLERMO VILAS 6-3". 7-6 to win the $100,000 the turn of the year." Cozza said, Baltimore International Indoor tennis championships. It was the "and we (Yale) asked Mr. Toner second consecutive victory over Vilas for Gottfried who defeated if a moral committment was made the Argentine in balmy Houston. Texas last month by Mr. Kiphuth and he replied The Australian Davis Cup tennis squad moved into the semifinal that there wasn't one made." round by burying the India Davis Cup team 5-0. This victory "The game will definitely be enables Australia to meet New Zealand next month MARTINA played in New Haven in 1977," NAVRATILOVA. a resident of Dallas. Texas by way of Cozza added, saying, "but it's up Czechoslovakia, eased past SUE BARKER to capture the top prize in the air after that." of $100,000 Houston Tennis Classic. It was the second consecutive Cozza said that UConn's new win for Navratilova who is cleaning up on the Virginia Slims Tour coach, Walt Nadzak. and a new while CHRIS EVERT is on hiatus crop of local players necessitated And now for all you auto fans who have felt extremely neglected playing the game in New Haven by MORE SPORTS in the past. CARLOS REUTEMANN of this year, but he did not elaborate Argentina traveled 113 miles per hour to lead the field across the on those reasons. finish line in the Grand Prix of Brazil. Reutemann. by virtue of the Toner was unavailable Monday win. takes the early lead in the world Formula One driving night to comment on Cozza's championship. JAMES HUNT and NIKILAUDA. last year's point statement, but the UConn athletic king and runnerup. finished second and third in the competition director said Monday afternoon with EMERSON FITTAPALDI fourth Hunter in action that the possibility of a site TOM WATSON shot a one under par 71 to edge the long Paul Hunter, a stellar performer for UConn's soccer team for the change was "not a dead issue," forgotten TONY JACKLIN by a single shot to win the Bing Crosby past four seasons, has been drafter by the New York Cosmos of the adding, "if Yale made a commit Clambake at oceanside Pebble Beach Country Club North American Soccer League [Staff Photo by Steve McGuff]. tment, it should stick to it." Fireside Spirits has changed its look to help you really -warm up!!—r~T~ « « 8 t t Fireside Spirits Rte. 44A Next to A & P 429-5880

jr+r.s Page 12 Connecticut Dally Campus Tuesday, January 25, 1977 Sports UConn edges BU 67-65 as Whelton scores 28

By MARLA ROMASH play. peak at the right time." Special to The Campus Two free throws by LaVigne The win, the fourth in a row for BOSTON — "They were iced the win with :26 remaining. UConn, brings the Huskies' re- collapsing on the big men and on BU hit 75 per cent of their free cord to 11 -6 while the Terriers fall Tony (Hanson) which left a lot of throws adding 21 points to their to 3-10. free shots open outside," said total and placing UConn's Jeff The Huskies face Boston Col- Joe Whelton, UConn's play- Carr, Abromaitis, Al Lewis and lege Thursday in Boston. making guard after the Huskies Dennis Wolff in,foul trouble. "It's too early to say whether edged Boston University (BU) Carr headed for the bench with we'll be at the Hartford Civic 67-65 at the Terriers' Case gym 9:22 remaining in the game. Center in early March (for the Monday night before 650 fans. Abromaitis followed two minutes Eastern Collegiate Athletic Con- Whelton took advantage of the later. ference Tournament(. What hap- outside openings to pour in a The Huskies opened up quickly, pens the rest of this week will be game and his personal career grapping a six point lead in the important. I hope what happened high 28 points. first six minutes of play. The tonight will stimulate us against The Huskies overcame an 11 Terriers closed the gap and Boston College," said UConn point Terrier lead 1:40 left to traded baskets with the Huskies lead coach Dee Rowe play. Ken Blume grabbed the until freshman guard Glen Consor CONNECTICUT FG FT TP ball from BU and sent a full court gave BU a two point edge they Whelton 14 0 28 pass to Hanson for two points and expanded to six by the break. Hanson 7 0 14 LaVigne a 57-57 tie. UConn's strong defensive play 2 3 7 1,675/// Carr 4 1 9 Seconds later, Blume grabbed paced by Wolff, LaVigne and Abromaitis ? 1 5 University of Connecticut basketball captain Tony Hanson broke the the ball again and shovelled it full Hanson prevented a BU basket in Wolff 2 0 4 all time career scoring record with a 33 point performance Friday court to a fast-breaking Randy the final minutes of play after the Totals 31 5 67 night at the Hartford Civic Center in a 67-65 win over Rhode Island LaVigne whose basket gave the Huskies' sluggish play earlier in BOSTON U. [Staff Photo by Buzz Kanter|. Huskies their first lead in almost the game cost them the lead. Andrews 4 8 16 20 minutes of play. "It was a little bit of a let down Jones 3 0 6 For two minutes the two teams after the University of Rhode VanLandineham 3 0 6 traded baskets, ending at a 63-63 Island game. We weren't ready Bean 3 5 11 Hanson breaks mark Wright emotionally," Whelton said. 1 6 8 tie with 2:02 remaining before Hayes 2 0 4 Hanson drove in to give the "We had a tough time a couple of Engel 0 6 1 3 with tough effort Huskies the lead they never weeks ago, but now we're start Whitt 1 2 4 relinquished in the final 1:39 of ing to play together. Maybe we'll Consor ? 0 4 By MARK GOULD Totals 22 21 65 Of The Campus Staff For a basketball player who has an acute sense of the dramatic, it really wasn't much of a shot. All it did was bounce around the rim a few times and finally drop in. A slam dunk would have been much New Husky football coach more satisfying. No matter what kind of shot it was, though, the basket was University of Connecticut basketball captain *lony Hanson's 1,674th and 1,675th points of his sparkling four-year career at Storrs, vaulting him past Wes Bialosuknia and into the top spot as UConn's ail-time promises changes in 77 leading career scorer. Needing 28 points to break the record, Hanson responded with a By MARK GOULD themselves." backer coach Don Thompson form tremendous 33-point effort against a strong, physical Rhode Island Of The Campus Staff "It will be a different season the 1976 coaching staff of former team, accounting for just short of half the Huskies' points in a Walt Nadzak, the University of next year with motivation and a Head Coach Larry Naviaux, along thrilling 67-65 victory. On top of his scoring heroics, Hanson sealed Connecticut's newest varsity little luck," he said. "We'll find with Andy Baylock and Joe the win with a clutch steal in the closing seconds as the Rhode Island coach leaned forward in his chair ways to win games rather than Gianielli, both of whom have Rams were attempting their final comeback of the contest. and pointed to a picture next to lose them." tenure in the physical education "I didn't know how close 1 was to the record; I wasn't even thinking his desk. Nadzak said he is "excited" department. In addition, he will about it in the early part of the game." Hanson said Monday "I want my team to play with about UConn's rather demanding bring Richard Riley, a defensive afternoon shortly before boarding the team bus to Boston. that much concentration," he schedule for the coming years, coordinator, with him from Juni- With about six minutes left, when Hanson needed only two points to said, pointing to the shot of two which reportedly will include ata. break the mark, he was faced with a pair of foul shots. If he made teams playing football while a fire Army and Navy in 1979. All he Talking about Tecruiting, Nad- both of them, the record was his. Alas, showman that he is. Hanson raged in the background. asks is patience from the UConn zak said "it would be foolish" to tied the mark on his first shot but missed the second, drawing a loud Nadzak. who was hired last fans, adding he will "change the take the job at UConn without groan from the crowd, but setting up the final shot. week following weeks of inter- complete organization of the pro- expanding the recruiting base, to The next time down the court, he shot himself into the UConn views and negotiations with gram, placing an emphasis on include New Jersey, Pennsyl- record book with a running one-hander from the right side of the UConn Athletic Director John L. fundamentals." vania, Maryland, and Washing- baseline. The shot bounced around the rim and finally dropped in. Toner and a search committee Nadzak said he will retain line- ton, D.C. Bedlam reigned in the Civic Center. Hanson, then fully realizing which interviewed 13 perspective what had happened, raised his arms in triumphant salute at candidates from across the coun- midcourt. as Bialosuknia came down from his seat behind the UConn try, said Monday in an interview bench and presented UConn's new scoring champion with the game with the Daily Campus, "Next ball. year. I'd like to see people leaving "It was a : eallv good feeling to get the record." Hanson said. "I the stadium saying 'that was one finally put it ill in perspective and said wow.'" heck of a game. I think I'll come Tony Hans