

Fundamental limitations for radiation efficiency Morteza Shahpari Member, IEEE and David V. Thiel Life Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Small volume, finite conductivity and high frequen- Unlike the quality factor Q which is extensively studied, cies are major imperatives in the design of communications the fundamental limits on the maximum radiation efficiency infrastructure. The radiation efficiency ηr impacts on the optimal of an antenna has not been extensively studied [2]–[4]. As gain, quality factor, and bandwidth. The current efficiency limit applies to structures confined to a radian sphere ka (where k illustrated in [5], the radiation efficiency directly impacts is the wave number, a is the radius). Here, we present new on various antenna parameters. Therefore, a robust limit on fundamental limits to ηr for arbitrary antenna shapes based ηr also complements the limitations on bandwidth [6], [7], on k2S where S is the conductor surface area. For a dipole gain [8], [9], Q factor [10]–[21], and gain over Q ratio [8], −5 with an of 10 our result is two orders of [18], [22], [23]. Optimization algorithms employed to achieve magnitude closer to the analytical solution when compared with highly efficient antennas [24] can be quantified by comparing previous bounds on the efficiency. The improved bound on ηr is more accurate, more general, and easier to calculate than other results with the fundamental physical bound. Physical bounds limits. The efficiency of an antenna cannot be larger than the also provide simple rules to check the feasibility of a specific case where the surface of the antenna is peeled off and assembled product requirement with the given material conductivity and into a planar sheet with area S, and a uniform current is excited dimension. along the surface of this sheet. Harrington [6] initiated studies on the limitations imposed Index Terms—Antenna efficiency, upper bound, efficiency, by a lossy medium on the antenna efficiency. Arbabi and fundamental limit, conductivity, skin depth. Safavi-Naeini [25] approached the problem from another point of view. They used a spherical wave expansion in a lossy medium to find the dissipated power, and consequently η . I.INTRODUCTION r Fujita and Shirai [26] added a non-radiating term to study the N A WORLD relying more and more on com- effect of the antenna shape. They concluded that the spherical I munications, antenna efficiency is of central importance in shape is an optimum shape which has a potential to maximize predicting communications reliability. Based on IEEE the antenna efficiency. A similar approach to maximize ηr was Standard for Definitions of Terms for Antennas [1], radiation proposed in [27] by seeking an optimum current distribution efficiency ηr is “the ratio of the total power radiated by for spherical shapes. Pfeiffer [28] and Thal [29] incorporated an antenna to the net power accepted by the antenna from the effect of metallic loss in Thal equivalent circuits [15], [30] the connected .” Unless exactly specified, the term to find the maximum antenna efficiency. The results are also efficiency means radiation efficiency throughout the paper. extended for spherical metallic shell antennas. New fabrication techniques, new materials and smaller an- The common points in the previous works [6], [25], [26] tennas are of significant interest to reduce e-waste and to are that they assume the lossy medium still holds the good make fabrication easier. A low efficiency antenna has reduced conductor condition. Also, these works only focus on spherical gain and so the communications range is reduced. In portable antennas. To find the limiting values [6], [25], [26], spherical mobile platforms, most battery power is related to radiation. Bessel and Hankel functions were integrated using the proper- If the efficiency is increased, the battery life increases. This ties of the Bessel functions. However, their final result is still is also of great interest by communications specialists in the cumbersome to find by an engineering calculator. On the other trade-off between fabrication costs, antenna size and antenna hand, the derivations from the equivalent circuit [28] arrives efficiency. As we show in this paper, the current methods used to a simple closed form formula.

arXiv:1609.01761v6 [physics.class-ph] 12 Jun 2018 to predict the maximum possible efficiency based on the radian In this paper, we derive a fundamental limit on the antenna sphere highly overestimate performance when the conductivity efficiency. Unlike most of previous works, our calculations is finite or relatively low for non-spherical objects. We have provide closed form solutions for the limiting radiation ef- developed a new approach to the calculation of maximum an- ficiency values. Our limit can also be used for all shapes tenna efficiency so new technologies can be assessed reliably including non-spherical geometries. Therefore, our new phys- and compared to the maximum possible efficiency determined ical bound can be used to predict the limiting performance from the improved fundamental limits. of spheroidal, cylindrical, and even planar structures of finite thickness. A similar approach is used to find the maximum This work was partly supported by Australian research council discovery efficiency of infinitely thin structures. project (DP130102098). Organization of the paper is as follows: wave equation and M. Shahpari and D. V. Thiel are with school of engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, QLD, Australia, Tel: +61 7 5552 8459, propagation of the wave in a lossy media is briefly discussed [email protected],d.thiel@griffith.edu.au in sectionII. In section III, the maximum possible efficiency 2 IEEE TRANS. ANTENNAS PROPAG. VOL. 66, NO. X, 2018

n0 can be considered as the radius of a cylinder and the thickness of the strip for cylindrical and planar structures, 𝒛𝒛 respectively (see Fig.1). The skin depth assumption in (1) is sought to be valid for up to far infrared region [32].


= 𝑡𝑡̂ 𝑦𝑦� A. Dissipated Power 𝑛𝑛� 𝑥𝑥� One can find the power dissipated in the lossy material by 𝒚𝒚 using the law ZZZ 1 2 Ploss = |J| dn dt dl, (2) 𝒙𝒙 2σ (a) (b) V 1 ZZZ n=n0 = |J |2 e2α(n−n0)dn dt dl. (3) Fig. 1. The generalised coordinate system. Our derivation of the new 2σ s efficiency bounds uses surface current. While the antenna shape can be n=0 arbitrary two elemental shapes are shown for nˆ, ˆt, and ˆl definitions. (a) Therefore, we find P cylindrical geometry with (n0 = r), and (b) rectangular geometry with loss (n = t). 0 1 ZZ P = 1 − e−2αn0  |J |2 dt dl. (4) loss 4σα s is derived with few approximations on dissipated and radiated power of a general antenna. A similar approach is followed in sectionIV to find efficiency of thin structure. SectionVI B. Radiated Power illustrates the usefulness of the proposed fundamental limita- The radiated power can be calculated rigorously using tions with examples of or conductivity variations. the method introduced by Vandenbosch [33]. This method 2 Electrical area k S was also introduced in subsection VI-B as is only based on the currents on the antenna (not farfield an alternative for ka to scale antennas of arbitrary shapes. approximations of E and H). Variations of the maximum efficiency with frequency and electrical length ka are also reported in the part VI-D where k Z Z P = k2J(r ) · J ∗(r ) we also compare with previous bounds on the efficiency. r 1 2 8πωµ0 V1 V2 Finally, we provide a direct comparison of the efficiency of sin(kR) − ∇ · J(r )∇ · J ∗(r )] dV dV , (5) the optimized planar structures [31] with the proposed planar 1 1 2 2 kR 1 2 bounds in this paper. 0.5 where k = ω (µ00) is the wave number, and J is the II.PROPAGATION OF THE WAVE IN THE LOSSY MEDIA current flowing within the volume of the radiating device. An arbitrary object with permittivity , permeability µ, The subscripts 1 and 2 indicate the first and the second of and conductivity σ is assumed to occupy the volume V the double integration over the volume, and R is the distance jωt with the surface boundary S. A time convention of e is between points 1 and 2 (R = |r1 − r2|). Characteristic p assumed. Propagation of EM wave inside the object should impedance of the free space is also denoted by η0 = µ0/0. satisfy the wave equation ∇2E − γ2E = 0 where γ = For electrically small antennas kR  1, we use Taylor- 2 0.5 sin(kR) (kR)2 (kR)4 α + jβ = −ω µ + jωµσ . For good conductors with McLaurin expansion kR ≈ 1 − 6 + 120 + ... By σ  ω, we can approximate real and imaginary parts of inserting only the first two terms in (5), we have γ as α ≈ β ≈ (πfµσ)0.5. η Z Z Without losing generality, we consider a coordinate system P = 0 k2J(r ) · J ∗(r ) r 8π 1 2 constructed by the unit normal vector nˆ and tangential vectors V1 V2 of ˆt, and ˆl where nˆ ׈t = ˆl (see Fig.1). We also assume that an (kR)2 + ∇ · J(r )∇ · J ∗(r )dV dV arbitrary current J (which satisfies Maxwell’s equations) flows 6 1 1 2 2 1 2 Z Z through the object and has values J on the surface S of the η0 s − (kR)2J(r ) · J ∗(r ) dV dV conducting object. It should be noted that J has dimensions 1 2 1 2 s 48π V1 V2 of A m−2, as it shows the values of the volume current on the Z Z η0 ∗ boundaries of the medium. Due to the skin-effect phenomena, − ∇1 · J(r1)∇2 · J (r2)dV1 dV2. (6) 8π V V we can show that the current inside the volume V decays 1 2 exponentially towards the centre of the object The second integration is ignored since it is directly pro- 2 −α(n0−n) portional to small term (kR) . The third integration in (6) |J (t, l, n)| = Js (t, l) e , (1) R R can be separated and rewritten as V ∇1 · J(r)1 dV1 V ∇2 · ∗ 1 2 where n is the coordinate orthogonal to the object cross J (r2) dV2 which is always calculated as zero due to charge R section, and n0 is the value of n on the surface S. For instance, conservation law V ∇ · J(r) dV = 0. One can use the SHAHPARI AND THIEL: FUNDAMENTAL LIMITATIONS FOR ANTENNA RADIATION EFFICIENCY 3 following vector identity to simplify the first integration in C. Maximum Efficiency (6) (a proof is provided in the appendix): The radiation efficiency of an antenna is defined as: ηr = Z Z P /(P + P ) [36]. Therefore, we can construct a bound on R2∇ · J(r )∇ · J ∗(r ) dV dV r r loss 1 1 2 2 1 2 the radiation efficiency η using (4) and (13): V1 V2 r Z Z ∗ 2 −αn0 2 = −2 J(r1) · J (r2) dV1 dV2 (7) ση0k S [1 − e ] V1 V2 ηrmax = 2 (14) ση k2S [1 − e−αn0 ] + 3πα[1 − e−2αn0 ] Therefore, we can find the radiated power as: 0 2 Z Z k η0 ∗ For the majority of the antennas in the RF-microwave Pr = J(r1) dV1 · J (r2) dV2 (8) region, the skin depth is much smaller than the thickness of 12π V1 V2 −αn0 2 Z 2 the conductor δ  n0. Therefore, one can ignore e and k η0 −2αn0 = J dV (9) e terms in (14) as αn0  1 12π V 2  −1 A drawback of the approximations used above is that (9) ση0k Sδ 3π δ ηrmax = 2 = 1 + (15) ignores radiation from loop like currents. However, since ση0k Sδ + 3π 2 kS loops are far less efficient radiators than dipoles, this does In this paper, (14) is referred to as the general bound while not affect the upper bounds on the Prmax and efficiency. By substituting (1) in (9), we have: (15) is quoted as the approximate limitation.

2 ZZZ n0 2 k η0 P = J eα(n−n0) dn dt dl r s IV. UPPER BOUNDONTHE EFFICIENCY OF 2D ANTENNA 12π n=0 2 2 2 ZZ   −αn0  k η0 1 − e A similar analysis is followed in this section to find max- = J dt dl (10) 12π s α imum efficiency of infinitely thin antennas. Here, we assume If f and g are integrable complex functions, the Schwarz the surface conductivity σs for the two-dimentional sheets of inequality allows: arbitrary currents. Therefore, the lost power can be rewritten from (2) as: Z 2 Z Z ∗ 2 2 f g dx ≤ |f| dx |g| dx (11) ZZ 1 2 Ploss = |Js| dt dl (16) 2σs By assuming f = Js and g = 1 as a constant, we can write: ZZ 2 ZZ One should note that the integration along the normal direction 2 Js dt dl ≤ S |Js| dt dl (12) is omitted due to the zero thickness of the structure. A similar S S procedure is also repeated to find the maximum radiated power If Js is constant then inequality (12) becomes an equality. This is the case for Hertzian dipole antennas, while most 2 ZZ 2 2 ZZ η0k η0k 2 of the small antennas have triangular distribution in practice. Pr = J s dt dl = S |J s| dt dl (17) |z| πz 12π 12π Assuming triangular (1− l ) and cosine cos( 2l ) distributions 2 16l2 Therefore, the maximum efficiency is readily found as: spanning from −l to l, LHS of (12) is l and π2 , respec- 2 4l 2l2 tively. RHS of (12) is found as 3 and . Therefore, the 2  −1 approximation made in inequality (12) results in almost 33% η0k Sσs δ ηrmax2D = 2 = 1 + 3π (18) and 23% overestimation for triangular and cosine distributions, η0k Sσs + 6π kS respectively. The overestimation is acceptable in the context of this contribution since we are looking for the highest radiated V. SURFACE AREA S power from a structure. If the two sides of (12) are far apart, then the synthesized current is not the optimum distribution. The surface area of the radiator S plays a key role in the

Therefore, we can find the maximum radiated power Prmax calculation of the maximum efficiency in this work which is RR 2 from the structure: clarified here. In section III, S |Js| dt dl runs over the sides 2 ˆ ˆ η k2 [1 − e−αn0 ] ZZ of the objects t and l, while the normal direction is taken care P = 0 S |J |2 dt dl. (13) rmax 12π α2 S of through the skin depth effect. For a single piece convex S object like a prism, the area S is the sum of the all of the found from (13) exactly agrees with the exterior faces. radiation resistance of an infinitely small antenna with uniform If the antenna consists consists of N convex pieces (like distribution [34], [35]. It should be noted that P from (13) rmax Yagi-Uda antenna), then the area S is the sum of the areas of never goes to zero. Even if RR J ·dS = 0 (e.g. a small loop), S different objects S , as long as the area S does not exceed the we always have |J|2 > 0. Since the radiation resistance of the j area of the enclosing Chu sphere. Therefore, S is defined as: small loops changes with (ka)4, they are much less efficient 2 than the electric dipoles Rr ∝ (ka) . Therefore, (13) is the  N  true maximum power radiated by any arrangement of TM and 2 X S = min 4πa , Sj (19) TE modes. j=0 4 IEEE TRANS. ANTENNAS PROPAG. VOL. 66, NO. X, 2018


(14) 0.8 (15)

0.4 1 0.8 0.6 0.3 ηr 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.2 0 0 0.001 0.005 0.01 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 ka ka

0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 ka

Fig. 2. Variation of αn0 with conductivity and normalized radius for a Fig. 3. Efficiency trend over different frequency ranges. The left inset cylindrical wire with radius n0 =0.6 mm. Dashed line shows αn0 =10 dB shows the efficiency at the ka ≤ 0.01. The right inset illustrates efficiency boundary. For copper wires with radius of 0.6 mm, αn0  1 is satisfied over middle range 0.01 ≤ ka ≤ 0.15, where the frequency fi with the when f 3.6 MHz. maximum slope is observed. The limit is derived for a cylindrical dipole with total length and radius of 151 mm and 0.6745 mm, respectively.

VI.RESULTS In this section, we elaborate on the implications of (14), (15) and (18). We assumed αn0  1 (thickness much larger than the skin depth) which leads to exp(−αn0)  1 in finding (15) from (14). Colour in Fig 2 illustrates the values of 10 log (αn0) where the conductivity and frequency are varied for a material with thickness of 600 µm. It is seen that the αn0  1 assumption is valid over a wide range of frequencies and conductivity for a relatively thin structure. As will be seen in the next subsections and graphs, (14) and (15) have close (a) (b) (c) predictions while αn0  1. However, the approximate form diverges from the general formula when αn lies in the range Fig. 4. Three different cylindrical wire antenna structures used for 0 efficiency calculations; (a) straight dipole, (b) Yagi-Uda and (c) meander line. ≈ 1 − 5 either by reducing frequency or the conductivity of The wire radius was 0.6745 mm and the resonant frequency was 1 GHz. the material. rapid changes in efficiency with frequency and (b) the region A. Point of the maximum slope √ with the slower changes at higher efficiency levels. bf√ f One can rearrange (15) in the form ηrmax = where bf f+1 2 4S q σπ B. Variation of ηr with electrical area k S b = 2 with c is the speed of light. The trend of radiation 3c 0 Many studies [11], [12], [14], [37] reported the significance efficiency with increasing frequency is illustrated in Fig.3 of the electrical length ka, or even actual volume V [26], over various intervals. The main graph shows η in a broad r [38] on the parameters like Q factor, gain, etc where a is the frequency range, however, the small right inset shows η in the r radius of the smallest sphere that encloses the whole antenna. vicinity of the point of maximum slope. The inset on the left Dipole, Yagi-Uda, and meander line antennas (see Fig.4) were shows the efficiency in the low frequency regime. It should be √ modeled using σ = 5.8 × 107 S m−1 and n = 0.6745 mm. noted that efficiency has a form of f f at low frequencies 0 The surface area of the dipole, Yagi-Uda, and meanderline are (left inset), however, after passing the point of maximum slope 5.9 cm2, 23 cm2, and 7.2 mm2, respectively. the rate of increase in efficiency becomes gradual. We can find The antennas are self-resonant almost at 1 GHz while at the roll-over frequency from the second derivative of η . The r other frequencies an ideal inductor is used to tune the antennas roll-over point f = (5b)−2/3 which by substituting b, we i into . It should be noted that a realistic inductor can have: have significantly high Ohmic losses which further reduces the r 4 3 9 c total efficiency but not radiation efficiency [39]. Smith [39] f = 0 (20) i 400πσS2 provides a detailed analysis of the effect of the matching 1 It is interesting to note that the efficiency has the fixed value network loss on the total efficiency of the antenna. 1 of 6 at fi. This point can be used as a reference frequency 1Similar problem is partially addressed in [40], but the authors mix the for the transition between different regions: (a) the region with total efficiency and radiation efficiency. SHAHPARI AND THIEL: FUNDAMENTAL LIMITATIONS FOR ANTENNA RADIATION EFFICIENCY 5

100 (a) 1

10−1 0.8 0.6 −2 Bound (14) ηr 10 ηr Bound (15) Bound (14) 0.4 Dipole Bound (15) 10−3 Simulations Yagi-Uda 0.2 Meander −4 10 0 103 105 107 109 10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 σ(S m−1) k2S (b) 1 2 Fig. 5. The new antenna efficiency ηr on k S scale: The three antennas are shown in Fig.4. Equations (14) and (15) are the general and approximate 0.8 bounds for structures with electrical area k2S. 0.6 η The bound from (14) is dependent on σ, δ n , and k2S. r Bound (14) 0 0.4 Since the surface area of these antennas are different, their Bound (15) Simulations prospective upper bounds are not identical. Mapping the 0.2 antennas on the k2S scale is the only way to compare the performance of these antennas with fundamental limits in one 0 graph (see Fig.5). This illustrates that different antennas have 103 105 107 109 2 similar trends in efficiency when scaled on the k S axis. σ(S m−1) Therefore, we deduce that electrical area k2S can be a valuable scale to compare the performance of different antennas. To the (c) 1 best of our knowledge, it is the first time that an investigation reveals the significance of the electrical area k2S on the 0.8 performance of the antenna. 0.6 ηr Bound (14) C. Variation of ηr with conductivity 0.4 Bound (15) Simulations The consumer market highly demands conductive polymers, 0.2 graphene and conductive inks for green and flexible electronics applications. However, these novel materials often have low 0 conductivities in comparison to copper. We reported an anal- 103 105 107 109 ysis of the influence of conductivity on efficiency, gain, cross σ(S m−1) sections, etc. in [5]. It is important to see how a reduction in conductivity can impact on antenna efficiency and its physical bounds. Fig. 6. Variation of the efficiency ηr with conductivity: The three antennas A comparison of the limitations proposed in this paper with were tuned to resonate at 1 GHz. Limitations from the general bound (14) and approximate formulas (15) compared to simulations for (a) dipole (b) different antennas are illustrated in Fig.6 for different values Yagi-Uda and (c) meander line antennas. of conductivity σ. The efficiency of a dipole, Yagi-Uda, and meander line antennas are compared with our general and approximate bounds. The antennas operate at f = 1 GHz. It is D. Comparison with previous works seen from Fig.6 that both bounds are higher than the simulated value. It should be noted that each antenna has a different size, We provide a comparison of the findings of the current Chu radius a, and occupies a different area S. Therefore, the paper with previously published bounds [25], [26], [28] and physical limitations of each individual antenna is different. the analytic expected values for small dipoles. Efficiency For all three antennas, the approximate limit starts diverging of a small dipole (with triangular current distribution) was from the general limit around σ ≈ 3000 S m−1 (which is computed from the work of Best and Yaghjian [41]. Similarly, almost 0.005% of conductivity of copper). It should be noted efficiency of a Hertzian dipole (with uniform distribution) was that at this point we have: αn0 ≈ 3 (see Fig.2). Therefore, calculated which is almost four times higher than small dipole the necessary conditions for the approximations made in the at ka → 0. The radiation efficiency of a straight wire dipole derivation of (15) are not satisfied. This explains why the with length a = 75 mm and radius r = 0.675 mm was studied approximate formula cannot follow the general bound for the across the frequency range 100kHz to 1 GHz. The antenna low conductive edge of the curve. conductivity was set to that of copper (σ = 5.6 × 107 S m−1). 6 IEEE TRANS. ANTENNAS PROPAG. VOL. 66, NO. X, 2018

100 1 10−1

−2 10 r η 0.8 Optimisation [31] 2D Bound (18) 10−3 ηr Work [25] 10−4 Work [28] Efficiency 0.6 Bound (14) 10−5 Bound (15) Uniform −6 10 Triangular 0.4

10−7 10−1 100 101 102 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Conductivity σ (S/) ka

Fig. 8. Comparison of the efficiency of the optimized antennas [31] versus Fig. 7. The efficiency variations for a straight wire dipole in terms of ka. the limitations proposed for 2D structures. Our new precise bound using (14), the approximation (15) and the analytical solution for a small dipole, demonstrate that the previous efficiency bounds are greatly inflated compared to our new bounds. (without discretisation). Figure8 illustrates a comparison between the lossy planar antennas optimized [31] using convex algorithm [43] with A gap between bounds in [25], [26] and the analytic solution our 2D limit. Efficiency of the optimized antennas are below for η is evident in Fig.7 which widens as ka → 0. Maximum r but close to the maximum predicted efficiency. This can be efficiency predicted from [28] and also this work provided a considered as another validation of the presented approach. tighter bound on maximum efficiency in comparison to [25]. The dissipation factor of [28] for a short dipole TM10 is 5δ VII.CONCLUSION given as 8ka2 and it is still an order of magnitude higher than the theoretical values of a short dipole. The dissipation In this article, we introduced new fundamental limits (14) 3πδ factor based on this work is 2kS which takes into account the and (18) for the efficiency of the small antennas. The limit ap- actual area S of cylindrical dipole rather Chu sphere. That plies to antennas made from bulk homogenous materials, and is, our new bound provides more accurate estimations of ηr also thin conductive sheets. Only three descriptors are needed particularly at low ka values. Otherwise, by setting S = 4πa2, in our efficiency calculations: conductivity, frequency, and the efficiency from this work would be close but slightly larger antenna dimensions. This bound can predict the efficiency of than Pfeiffer [28]. We also see that a uniform current is the the antennas more accurately than the previous contributions. optimum distribution (in terms of radiation efficiency) for a Also, it can provide estimations for non-spherical antennas dipole shaped radiator since it closely follows the physical (e.g. planar structures). The total electrical area k2S has bound on the efficiency. potential for future studies on antenna physical bounds. The We acknowledge that some researchers utilise optimisation impact of low σ on the ηr limitations was explored and algorithms to find the maximum possible efficiency of spe- compared with simulated efficiency of the dipole, meander, cific antenna shapes and fundamental limit [42]. Numerically and Yagi-Uda antennas. Based on the results of this paper, the based optimization methods [42] have been shown to provide maximum efficiency is achieved if the designer could distribute efficiency values which are very close to those calculated a uniform current over the antenna structure. from our method for a specific antenna configuration and so For many cases, the limit can be expressed as an approxima- very close to the fundamental limit. The difference between tion in a simple closed form (15). The approximation is based the optimization technique and the method presented here to on assuming the fields decrease exponentially from the surface obtain a fundamental limit lies in the formulation and solution and the Schwarz inequality. Simple approximations enable the of the efficiency calculation: In a numerical optimisation calculation of new upper bounds on the radiation efficiency approach the antenna is discretised and a discrete set of basis ηr for frequencies much less than the plasma frequency function are used to determine the current in each segment. of the conductor. In the case of a lossy metallic structure From these values, radiated and lost powers are determined where the conductor thickness is much larger than the skin and so the efficiency is calculated. In the approach presented depth, this approximate formula gives accurate results. At low here the antenna is not discretised and the current is described frequencies, the efficiency increases with f 1.5 factor. At high bf 1.5 by a continuous function. The efficiency is determined by the frequencies the efficiency curve is in the form bf 1.5+1 (where finite conductivity of the materials in the antenna. The result b is a constant). The roll-over point in the curve depends on is a formulation dependent on frequency and conductivity the conductivity and the total surface area. SHAHPARI AND THIEL: FUNDAMENTAL LIMITATIONS FOR ANTENNA RADIATION EFFICIENCY 7

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