Romania Functional Review HIGHER

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Romania Functional Review HIGHER Romania Functional Review Public Disclosure Authorized HIGHER EDUCATION SECTOR Final Report Public Disclosure Authorized [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. [ [ [ [ [ [ You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text T T T T T T May 12, 2011 Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] y y y y y y p p p p p p e e e e e e a a a a a a q q q q q q u u u u u u Public Disclosure Authorized o o o o o o t t t t t t e e e e e e f f f f f f r r r r r r o o o o o o m m m m m m t t t t t t h h h h h h e e e e e e Public Disclosure Authorized d d d d d d o o o o o o The World Bank Europe and Central Asia Region c c c c c c u u u u u u m m m m m m e e e e e e n n n n n n t t t t t t Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 1 II. Sector Performance ............................................................................................................ 24 III. Performance Management .................................................................................................. 37 IV. The Structure of the Higher Education Sector ................................................................... 50 V. Strategic Management in the Sector ................................................................................... 64 VI. Financial Management in the Sector .................................................................................. 84 VII. Assessing MERYS‘ Capacity for General Management of the Sector ............................ 105 VIII. Annexes ............................................................................................................................ 117 Annex for Tables and Figures ................................................................................................. 117 Annex 1: National Approaches to Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education ..... 136 Annex 2: Government Decision on Student Loan Agency ..................................................... 150 Annex 3: Ministerial Order on Student Loan Agency ............................................................ 154 IX. References ........................................................................................................................ 157 Tables: Table 1: Number of Universities and Teaching Staff per Population Unit by Development Regions ......................... 59 Table 2: The Growth of Private Higher Education in Romania ................................................................................... 61 Table 3: Structure of Program Budget for Higher Education ...................................................................................... 96 Annex tables: Annex table 1: Income of state universities ............................................................................................................... 117 Annex table 2: Educational attainment of 25-29 year olds, by location and by income quintile, 2002 and 2009 ............................................................................................................................................................. 118 Annex Table 3. List of Education Forms and Their Equivalence Coefficients for Year 2010 (as per MER Decision) ..................................................................................................................................................... 123 Annex Table 4: Distribution of Cycle I (Bachelor) Programs in Romanian Universities in the Academic Year 2010-2011 by Field of Study, Number of Programs and Number of Universities Offering them ............................................................................................................................................................. 125 Annex Table 5: The Level of Autonomy in the Romanian State Higher Education System Compared with Other European Countries ........................................................................................................................... 127 Annex Table 6: Indicators monitored in annual report on education ......................................................................... 133 Annex Table 7: Estimates of rates of return in education .......................................................................................... 135 Annex Table 8: National Approaches to Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education -- Assessment Processes / Organizations involved ......................................................................................... 136 Annex Table 9: National Approaches to Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education -- Assessment Format and Design .................................................................................................................. 140 i Annex Table 10: National Approaches to Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education -- Participants .................................................................................................................................................. 142 Annex Table 11: National Approaches to Learning Outcomes Assessment in Higher Education -- Outcomes assessed and results ..................................................................................................................................... 146 Annex Table 12: Personnel Establishment of the Student Loans and Scholarships Agency ..................................... 155 Boxes: Box 1: The Difficulty of Measuring Competencies at the Tertiary Level ................................................................... 39 Box 2: How would performance information about students‘ skills look and what questions could such information help answer? .............................................................................................................................. 44 Box 3: Strategic Projects for Romanian Higher Education ......................................................................................... 68 Box 4: Using External Watchdogs to Shed Light on Integrity Problems .................................................................... 77 Box 5: Internationalization at Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM) ................................. 78 Box 6: Granada university‘s strategy for internationalization ..................................................................................... 81 Box 7: How are state universities receiving their funding from the state? .................................................................. 88 Box 8: Quality indicators used in formula financing of state HE in Romania (in 2010) ............................................. 90 Box 9: Common budgeting and financial management problems across the Ministries of Romania .......................... 98 Box 10: Status of the student loan discussion in Romania ........................................................................................ 104 Box 11: Summary of findings on Human Resource Management from Functional Review of Pre-university sector ........................................................................................................................................................... 116 Figures: Figure 1: Tertiary Enrollment in Romania and the EU ................................................................................................ 26 Figure 2: Private Tertiary Enrollment in Romania and the EU ................................................................................... 26 Figure 3: Tertiary Graduates in Romania and the EU ................................................................................................. 27 Figure 4: Distribution of Tertiary Graduates by Field in EU Countries, 2008 ............................................................ 28 Figure 5: Gap between ―Soft‖ and ―Hard‖ Fields in Romania and the EU ................................................................. 29 Figure 6: Percent of 25-29 year olds who have completed a tertiary degree, by income quintile and by location, 2002 and 2009 ................................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 7: Percent of 25-29 year olds who have completed a tertiary degree, by ethnicity, 2009 ................................ 31 Figure 8: Estimate of the change in supply and demand ............................................................................................. 32 Figure 9: Unemployment rates by highest level of education attained 2002-2009 (%) ............................................... 33 Figure 10: Gross Tertiary Entry Rate in EU Countries, 2007 ...................................................................................... 34 Figure 11: Student-Faculty Ratio in Tertiary Education, Romania and the EU........................................................... 35 Figure 12: Three core performance dimensions of a higher education system ............................................................ 41 Figure 13: Four steps in creating information about what competencies students acquire .......................................... 49 Figure 14: Study-abroad rates are among the lowest in the EU ................................................................................... 80 Figure 15: Share of Students Fluent in Two Foreign Languages, 2005-2008 ............................................................. 80 Figure 16: Spending by state higher education
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