lrnogen Wall Understanding Communication THE WOULD BANK Environments in Aceh Media Mapping Understanding Communication Environments in Aceh Joanne Sharpe Imogen Wall April 2007 Indonesian Social Development Paper No. 9 This report was prepared for the Decentralization Support Facility (DSF). At the time of writing the report, the authors were consultants with the World Bank and UNDP, respectively. The views expressed in the report are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank, UNDP or the DSF. The authors can be contacted at :
[email protected] [email protected] Indonesian Social Development Papers Since 1998, Indonesia has been undergoing a momentous political and economic transition. Political change has been radical: old authoritarian structures have been replaced-to differing extents and with mixed success-with democratic institutions; the decentralization process, with large swaths of policy making autonomy ceded to local governments, has changed power dynamics within the state and between local actors. At the same time, the Asian Financial Crisis forced economic changes including the redevelopment of the financial system, an altered macro-economic policy, and the development of a new social safety net. Together, these simultaneous transitions have had fundamental social impacts. Millions were swept into poverty with the Crisis, and many have not yet regained their previous standard of living. Forces of modernization and globalization have changed work patterns and sped population flows. Changes in incentives, and in the role of formal and informal institutions, have altered the ways in which individuals and groups relate to each other, and to the state. With power relations in flux, it is not surprising that recent years have seen both an increase in social conflict as well as “one step forward, another back” progress in terms of improving governance and reducing corruption.