lOW TO USE TV TEST PATTERNS JUNE 1961 35 CENTS f' MAC fi Ruiiding Plans for: , 5 Transistorized e Heart Monitor 1 ;r Moisture Meter . - for Gardeners 1ao0 ,. ° _.o Underwater Fish Caller Magnetic Coin Tosser _aplNpal Musical Telephone Holder CB to Ham Band Transceiver Loudspeaker Metronome AmericanRadioHistory.Com This is developed by CADRE INDUSTRIES CORP. for the 27 =Mc CITIZENS BAND OPERATION - P These CADRE units are built to the highest standards of-the electronics industry, by a company that has oeen long estab- fished -as a prime manufacturer of precision electrónic research equipment and computer assemb ies. CADRE trans- ceivers are 1000/0 transistorized - compact= lightweight .. erngineérea for unparallelec performance and reliabilitya The CADRE 5 -Watt Transceiver, at 5199.95,_for example, for offices, hcrñes, cars, trucks, boats, aircraf:,`etc., measures a mere 11 x 5 x 3", weighs less than 6 pcundsgNev^ertheless, it cffers 5 crustal -controlled transmit/reoeive cñannels (may be used on all 22), and a range of 10 miles on lard, 20tover water! The CADRE 100 -MW Transceiver, $124.95,_fits.intoa shirt pockett Weighs 20 ounces, yet receives and -transmits onany of"the 22 -channels'... effidiently, cleárly without- annoy - noise. A perfect "pocket telephone"l - For the tikne being it is unlikely thatt there' will; be 'enóugh CADRE transceivers to meet all the demand Obviously,;our dealers cannot restrict their sále to the f-ellds cf medicine, agriculture,, transpdrtation,',municipa`lg serv:ces,z etc' How- ever, si'nce'these CADRE units were :engiraeereclfor _prófes- sianal and serious commercial.'applicátions;-and cost r lore than ordinary CB tlansceivpis- we t elieve that as "water finds its own level," CADRE transceivers will, for the most part, find then' wáy into the hands of=thosefyvhoreally need them.
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