The Ukrainian M Useum Український Музей
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Newsletter Spring 2007 No. 1 • Бюлетень Весна 2007 р. № 1 Crossroads: Modernism in Ukraine, На перехресті. Mодернізм в 1910-1930 through April 29 Україні, 1910-1930 до 29 квітня The first major exhibition of early 20th century Перша велика виставка українського Ukrainian art in the United States is currently мистецтва початку ХХ ст. у Сполучених Штатах on view at The відбувається в Ukrainian Museum. Українському Музею. Crossroads: На перехрестi. Modernism in Ukraine, Mодернізм в Україні, 1910-1930, features 1910-1930 представляє over 70 exceptional, понад 70 виняткових rarely seen works by робіт 25 українських 25 Ukrainian artists. мистців, які рідко вис- The exhibition in- тавлялися публічно. cludes examples Виставка включає of the avant-garde, зразки аванґарду, арт art nouveau, нуво, імпресіонізму, impressionist, ex- експресіонізму, pressionist, futurist, футуризму й конструк- and constructivist тивізму. Всі твори movements. Each of експонуються в the works is being Сполучених Штатах shown for the first вперше. time in the United Vasyl Yermilov, A. 1920s. Wood and oil on plywood. 19-1/4 x 20-3/4 in. В перших деся- States. (48.8 x 52.7 cm.) Private collection, Kyiv. Василь Єрмилов, А. тиріччях ХХ ст. в Ukraine was 1920-i рр. Фанера, дерево, олія. 19-1/4 x 20-3/4 iн. (48.8 x 52.7 cм.) Україні процвітав Приватна збірка, Київ home to a thriving модерністський рух. modernist movement during the first decades of Реаґуючи на широкі культурні й політичні зміни, the 20th century. Responding to widespread cultural мистці з Києва, Харкова й інших міст створили and political changes, artists in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and динамічну аванґардну культуру, в якій по-новому other cities forged a vibrant avant-garde culture переплелися західні й російські досягнення that innovatively fused contemporary Western and з українськими мистецькими традиціями. У Russian developments with native Ukrainian artistic пошуках модерних засобів вираження української traditions. In their search for a modern means національної ідентичности ці мистці витворили of expressing Ukrainian national identity, these особливу візуальну мову, що, як і сама Україна, artists arrived at a distinctive, contemporary visual була на перехресті: злиття непоєднуваних language that, like Ukraine itself, was a crossroads: a впливів, Схід і Захід, минуле й сучасне, народне й confluence of dueling influences, East and West, past міське, рідне й чуже. and present, folk and urban, native and foreign. Багато впливових і новаторських мистців- Many of Ukraine’s influential and innovative модерністів були переслідувані і замордовані під modernist artists were persecuted and executed час сталінських чисток у 1930-х рр., а їхні твори during the Stalinist purges of the 1930s, and their – заборонені й знищені. Місцеві фахівці вважають, works banned or destroyed. According to local що близько 2,000 робіт були конфісковані experts, nearly 2,000 of these works were confiscated радянським урядом наприкінці 1930-х рр. і by the Soviet government during the late 1930s, and лише 300 залишилося сьогодні. На виставці only 300 remain today. This exhibition presents the представлені найкращі з цих робіт, багато з яких best of these works, many of which have only recently лише недавно виставлені за межами України. been viewed outside Ukraine. На перехресті. Mодернізм в Україні, 1910-1930 Crossroads: Modernism in Ukraine includes the включає твори таких відомих мистців, як Давид works of such well-known artists as David Burliuk, Бурлюк, Олександра Екстер і Казимир Малевич, Alexandra Exter, and Kazimir Malevich, as well as а також багатьох ще невідомих американській those of many artists still unknown to American авдиторії. Тут представлені як великі олійні audiences. The works range from huge oil canvases полотна, так і графічні роботи й проєкти для Український Музей Український to graphic arts to designs for the theater and театру й опери. Вони вражають як багатою гамою opera. They are stunning both in their abundant кольорів, так і поєднанням минулого й модерного, The UkrainianThe Museum continued on page 3 продовження на с. 15 Board of Trustees Message from the President Executive Board Olha Hnateyko Welcome to another issue of The Ukrainian Museum’s President Newsletter! Iryna Kurowyckyj Vice-President I’m pleased to announce that Romana Labrosse Maria Tomorug has agreed to serve as editor of our Newsletter. Before Vice-President relocating to the New York City area, Romana had led the Irenaeus Yurchuk Internal Communications group at United Technologies’ Vice-President Pratt & Whitney Canada unit, where her many Yar Mociuk Treasurer responsibilities included publishing a bilingual bi-monthly Orysia Dmytrenko magazine for the company’s 15,000 employees and retirees. Secretary For the past few years, she has assisted the Director of the Zirka Voronka Museum, Maria Shust, in various aspects of exhibition Secretary preparation, and has also edited several major exhibition Nicolas Andreadis catalogues. Member-at-Large Orest Glut As you’ll see in the coming pages, the Museum has Member-at-Large had a very busy fall and winter season. Our exhibition Andrew Lencyk Crossroads: Modernism in Ukraine, 1910-1930, which focuses Member-at-Large on an extraordinarily interesting and dynamic period in Ukrainian art history, has received excellent reviews in such General Board important publications as The New York Times, The Villager, Katria Czerwoniak Mykola Haliv and The New Yorker. Ukrainian Sculpture and Icons: A History Sophia Hewryk of Their Rescue includes a number of exquisite artifacts Ulana Kobzar from the personal collection of Ukrainian President Viktor Lidia Krushelnytsky UkrainianThe Museum Krstevski Alexander by © Photo Yushchenko, who visited our Museum in September 2005. Motria Kuzycz Yaroslawa Luchechko Both exhibitions are complemented by full-color, bilingual Zenon Masnyj catalogues available in our gift shop (they make excellent gifts!). Chrystyna Melnyk In addition to our exhibitions, we’ve planned a wide range of public programming, which Rostislav Milanytch Anna Rak you’ll see listed on the Museum Calendar page of this newsletter. I hope that each of you will Roma Shuhan find an event or activity that you’d like to take part in, and that you’ll make the Museum a Olga Stawnychy regular stop in Manhattan. Oksana Trytjak Yuri Yanchyshyn (through If you are not already a member of the Museum, this is the perfect time to join. Members March 2007) enjoy numerous benefits, including invitations to exhibition openings, unlimited free admission to the galleries, reduced fees for most events, and a discount on gift shop purchases (which can Audit Committee Wasyl Sosiak now be made online). We would love to include you in our Museum family! Chair Hoping to see you soon at the Museum, Nadia Cwiach Donna A. Czechowycz Olha Hnateyko Ihor Hayda Wolodymyr Magun The Ukrainian Museum Hours Admission Newsletter 222 East 6th Street Wednesday–Sunday Free to members and children under 12 Editor: Romana Labrosse (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) 11:30 a.m.–5 p.m. $6 students and seniors [email protected] $8 adults New York, NY 10003 Closed Monday, Tuesday, Translation: Mykola Soroka and all major American and T: 212.228.0110 Design & Layout: Mimi Polanskyj Ukrainian holidays Вступ F: 212.228.1947 Вільний для членів і дітей до 12 років © The Ukrainian Museum 2007 Години відвідин Музею $6 студенти й пенсіонери E: [email protected] $8 дорослі Середа до неділi 11:30 ранку – 5:00 по полудні The Ukrainian Museum was founded in Directions / Транспорт Бюлетень Редактор: Романа Ляброс 1976 by the Ukrainian National Women’s Закрито в понеділок, вівторок Subway / Метро: #6 to Astor Place і на всі головні свята американські та th League of America. R, W to 8 St./Broadway Переклад: Микола Сорока українські Український Музей заснований у 1976 р. Bus / Автобус: M15, M101, M102, M103, Дизайн і макет: Мімі Полянська The Museum’s operations and folk M1, M2, M3, M8 Союзом Українок Америки. art courses are funded in part by the © Український Музей 2007 New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency. 2 The Ukrainian Museum Spring 2007 Crossroads: Modernism in Ukraine, 1910-1930 continued from page 1 use of color and in how they mesh the past and the present, Crossroads: Modernism in Ukraine, 1910-1930, opened its U.S. bowing to the influences of cultural traditions, but expressing tour at the Chicago Cultural Center in the summer of 2006. The them through modernism. The abstract works are rooted in exhibition will be on view at The Ukrainian Museum through the principles of Ukrainian folk art; they also resonate with April 29, 2007, after which it will be displayed at the National Art Byzantine aesthetics, with medieval ecclesiastical art, and with the Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv. tensions inherent in classic 17th century Ukrainian Baroque. According to one of its organizers, Nikita Lobanov-Rostovsky, 1. David Burliuk, Time. 1910. Oil on canvas. 31-1/2 x 29-5/8 in. (80 x 75 cm.) the exhibition “is designed to show an American audience the Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum, Ukraine talent and unique nature of Ukrainian avant-garde art and to help 2. Vsevolod Maksymovych, Kiss. 1913. Oil on canvas. 39-3/8 x 39-3/8 in. (100 x 100 cm.) National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv it understand that the artists are, indeed, Ukrainian, not Russian, 3. Alexandra Exter, Three Female Figures. 1910. Oil on canvas. 24-7/8 x 23- a difference not always appreciated in the West. Moreover, the 5/8 in. (63 x 60 cm.) National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv exhibition is equally important because it will also help Ukrainians 4. Anatol’ Petryts’kyi, Portrait of the Composer P. Kozits’kyi. 1931. Watercolor acquaint themselves with their own cultural heritage.” and gouache on paper. 27-1/4 x 21-1/4 in. (67 x 54 cm.) National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv The works on exhibition are from the National Art Museum of Ukraine; the State Museum of Theatre, Music, and Cinema Arts of Ukraine; and the Museum of Folk Art of Ukraine, all in Kyiv; the Art Museum of Dnipropetrovsk; and private collections.