CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting of the City Planning Commission, Held in Room 16, City Hall, Wednesday, May 29, 1940, at 2.30 P
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317 May 29, 1940 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting of the City Planning Commission, Held in Room 16, City Hall, Wednesday, May 29, 1940, at 2.30 P. M. The Commission met pursuant to adjournment. PresentR. G. Tugwell, Chairman; John C. Riedel, Chief Engineer, Board of Estimate; Lawrence M. Orton, Cleveland Rodgers, Edwin A. Salmon, Arthur V. Sheridan, Commissioners. (Roll Call at 2.30 P. M.) No. 1 Approval of minutes of the meeting of May 15, 1940, as printed in THE CITY RECORD of May 21, 1940. On motion, these minutes were unanimously approved. REPORTS Master Plan No. 2 (CP-915) In the matter of the probable total future population and age distribution of New York City and the metropolitan area during each of the next six decades. (On April 25, 1939, the Department of City Planning sent a communication to the City Planning Commission proposing a series of special public hearings on this subject; on May 3, 1939, Cal. No. 12, the Commission fixed May 24, 1939, for a hearing; on May 24, 1939, Cal. No. 1, the hearing was continued to June 7, 1939; on June 7, 1939, Cal. No. 1, the hearing was continued to June 21, 1939; on June 21, 1939, Cal. No. 1, the hearing was continued without date.) The following report was received and referred to the members of the Board of Estimate for their information: (Report No. 1387) (CP-915) This report summarizes the proceedings of the population hearings held by the City Planning Commission on May 24, June 7 and June 21, 1939.* It attempts to high-light the opinions expressed at these hearings regarding the City's population and the factors that appear to govern future growth. Purpose of Hearings The purpose of these hearings, as stated by Chairman Tugwell, was ". to find out whether there is general agreement as to what the population is likely to be, and if there is not general agreement, to put the burden of proof on those people who disagree with the consensus of the experts". The first of these hearings on May 24th dealt with changing population trends for the nation as a whole and with the relationship of the city to the nation. On June 7th and June 21st the discussion was concerned more specifically with population trends in New York City and the surrounding Metropolitan Area. Appearances Professor Robert E. Chaddock of Columbia University served as special Chairman of these hearings. The experts invited to discuss the problem and to express their opinions were: Dr. P. K. Whelpton, Central Statistical Board, Bureau of the Budget, *This report was prepared prior to the enumeration of population under the Federal Census of 1940. The techniques and assumptions, and the resulting forecasts presented by the several experts, as well as the Department's estimate of net migration into New York City, will be compared with the 1940 Census returns when data are available. ' The Census may be expected to reveal trends that will have a direct bearing upon such hypotheses and methods as may be hereafter employed to estimate the probable future population. May 29, 1940 318 King, Department of Economics and Statistics, New York University; and Dr. Alfred J. Lotka, President of the Population Association of America and Assistant Statistician of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. In addition, representatives of private and public agencies attended the hearings and participated in the discussions : Mr. Thomas J. Duffield, Registrar of Records, Depart- ment of Health; Mr. Harold M. Lewis, Chief Engineer and Secretary, Regional Plan Association, Inc.; Mr. H. B. Stryker, Commercial Survey Engineer, New York Tele- phone Company; Mr. George G. Weinberger, representing the Deputy Superintendent, Washington, D. C.; Mr. E. P. Goodrich, Consulting Engineer ; Professor Willford I. Board of Education; Dr. Eugene A. Nifenecker, Director of the Bureau of Reference, Research and Statistics, Board of Education; Mr. Avery M. Schermerhorn, Real Estate Agent and Appraiser, Board of Transportation; Mr. Edward M. Law, Assistant Engi- neer, Department of Law and Real Estate, Board of Transportation ; Mr. Walter P. Hedden, Chief, Bureau of Commerce, Port of New York Authority ; Dr. J. M. Mailer, Teachers' College, Columbia University ; Mr. L. P. Wood, Chief Engineer's Staff, Board of Water Supply ; and Mr. Walter E. Nutt. Dr. Leon E. Truesdell, Chief of the Population Division, U. S. Bureau of the Census and Dr. Frank Lorimer, the American University, Washington, D. C., were invited to participate but were unable to attend. THE CITY'S FUTURE POPULATION The evidence presented at these hearings revealed the importance of population trends and population predictions in guiding policies and decisions of the various city agencies and departments. The different agencies emphasized those aspects of the popu- lation which bear directly on the types of problems they must handle. The Board of Education, for example, is primarily interested in the age composition and distribution of the population, whereas the Board of Water Supply is more concerned with the total of persons living in the city. Their common need and interest is to secure more accurate estimates of future changes in the population. Factors of Growth The speakers at these hearings generally agreed that the optimistic expectations of the 20'sthat the city would continue to grow at a fairly rapid rateare not likely to be realized. The decline in birth rates for the country as a whole as well as for this city during the last decade, the almost complete cessation of foreign immigration, and for New York City, a considerable diminution in migration from the rest of the nation into the city, have caused a marked downward revision in population estimates for the future. Population Predictions The several population predictions indicate that New York will continue to grow but at a decreasing rate, that a point in time will be reached when the city will cease to grow, and that this maximum will be followed by an actual shrinkage in the city's popu- lation. While this represents the general position taken by all of the participating consultants, their population estimates are not identical. The points of agreement and disagreement and the reasons for these differences are summarized below, together with other evidence presented at the hearings. Table I shows some of the population estimates submitted to the City Planning Commission. Chart I is a graphic representation of the same data. (See page 319.) Table I: Estimates of the Population of New York City (in thousands) Whelpton's Whelpton's Mailer's King's Average Board of Year Minimum Maximum Maximum of 8 Estimates Chaddock Water Sup. 1940 7574 7613 7200 7600 7400 7652 1950 7963 8165 7100 8200 1960 8045 8479 6800 8900 1970 7950 8680 9500 1980 7694 8786 10000 All of the estimates for 1940 show a gain over 1930 with the exception of Dr. Mailer's minimum estimate of 6.6 millions, which is approximately 300,000 lower than the population in 1930. Dr. Whelpton's minimum estimate shows an increase though at a decreasing rate until 1960 followed by a decline. Professor King's figures, the highest of the group, show an uninterrupted upward movement in population until 1980. The same is true of Dr. Whelpton's maximum estimate although his figures are con- siderably lower than those submitted by Professor King. Dr. Maller's estimates are 319 May 29, 1940 the lowest of the group. According to his data, the peak in the city's population will be reached in 1940, which is 20 years earlier than Dr. Whelpton's minimum estimate and 40 years earlier than his maximum estimate and Professor King's average of eight estimates. calatm x POPULATION ESTIMATES red/ 821 YORK can As Presented at Public ilearingo Held by the City Planning Commiseion in 1939 . , A - Dr. Whelpton's Minimum 9., - 8 - Dr. Shelpton's Ilasimum 0 - Dr. Mallet's Ilaximtuo D - Dr. Tingle Average of 8 Setimatea 9.° II - Dr. Maddock, e Intimate -- ...--- .. ... 3 8.5 ..... 8.0 T.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 City of Wee 'fork -- Department of City Planning Division of Iirseearoh. Reference sal Statistic:re Jermary 1910 _ 1.0 /92o 193D 1943. 19513 1963 two wo Dr. Whelpton's estimates of the population for the entire Metropolitan Area, as well as for New York City proper, are of interest. These figures are presented in Table II. For purposes of comparison, the table includes the census counts for 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930. Table II: Population of New York City and the Metropolitan Area. 1900-1980 (in thousands) To City of Year New York City *Metropolitan Metropolitan Area Area 1900 3,437 4,608 74.5 1910 4,767 6,475 73.6 1920 5,620 7,910 71.0 1930 6,930 10,910 63.5 1940 (1)7,574 (1)12,191 62.1 1950 (1)7,963 (1)12,920 61.6 1960 (1)8,045 (1)13,122 61.3 1970 (1)7,950 (1)13,026 61.0 1980 (1)7,694 (1)12,606 61.0 * "Metropolitan Area" as defined by the Census Bureau. (1) Whelpton's minimum estimate. The ratio of New York City to the Metro- politan Area is the same in Dr. Whelpton's minimum and maximum estimates. It will be observed that while New York City has accounted for the major part of the population in the Metropolitan Area, its prominent position has undergone con- siderable alteration since 1900. In 1900 the city's population was approximately three- fourths of the population of the Metropolitan Area, but by 1930 this proportion was reduced to less than two-thirds, a decline of 11 per cent.