Christ Church Cathedral presents Associate Professor Elizabeth Farrelly to lead the next ‘Conversations at the Cathedral’. Dr Farrelly will discuss ‘Newcastle Now: What does ‘Cathedral ’ mean in a post-post-modern world’. This discussion will take place on the 28th of September at 6.45pm, following 6pm Choral Evensong.

‘Conversations at the Cathedral’ is part of Christ Church Cathedral’s mission to help create a space for open dialogue towards building a more just and equitable civil society.

Dr Farrelly is an Associate Professor (Practice) from the UNSW Graduate School of . An award-winning -based columnist, she trained in and philosophy, practiced in , London and Bristol and holds a PhD in urbanism from the . Dr Farrelly is a former Sydney City Councillor and an author, publishing her first crime-fiction (for children) this month.

As a longtime advocate of conscious urbanism, she has delivered keynotes in London, Kassel, Johannesburg, Canberra, Perth and Sydney on links between feminism, urbanism and eco- consciousness and is a regular commentator in the media.

Dean of Newcastle, The Very Reverend Stephen Williams has said he is looking forward to the next ‘Conversation at the Cathedral’, where “Associate Professor Elizabeth Farrelly will present a highly sophisticated outlook and opinion regarding conscious urbanism.”

The Newcastle community is welcome to attend this highly anticipated conversation about the Cathedral’s place in their own urban environment.

Where: Christ Church Cathedral When: Sunday, 28th September Time: 6.45pm (Following Choral Evensong at 6pm)

Dean Stephen Williams and Dr Elizabeth Farrelly are available for comment by contacting Eclipse Media, Events and PR on 4929 5139. Released: 16/9/14