Used for Business a Car Is
1,tat' JULY. 1937 VoUBT liL NQ 5 . ... , . - _ ., . I ', ; . . ' • . -, • . _ - ,- , , , , . _ __ , • .- , - . , 1 . ... „ i l.ie4 .. '"IP '4,,,r - I . , .ii . . . ., . .• . ), , . ,is . *tit, ii., ' ,ft . ■ 1" . ,, 174Y . t , ' , 1 . ... , ; . I!: I , , , ? .4 / \004, ..! I. • - - - -.-1--....A01,•••. - s ' kV"' ‘4' ' ■ ••• •4 'N* -- . , elik... 17' ,,, • a .4 4 ...---,... -.J____:__- -, '41 ki,'). # i '04 r J . S , ,,,.; - - - • - - ' , „ • ' k 40,. -- - - .., "...• I . ..... 7k. i ,. -- %, • A. 44. A.,...41 , ,-' ' "'• . ! .• 1 4 .• l' .f. I // :. . • . liv4: • • 4 • , r Iii.........---....--__.......... ," , . .., oilk. fl, • ...41., 11441114144.- OR'? ect l rts .4 ' e44.• 704/ The MORRIS Owner 440 JULY, 1937 WARNING TRANSMISSION OILS The lubrication of modern gear-boxes and back axles demands the same careful attention as does that of an engine. With these transmission oils, quality, regular replenish- 4:9Rii• ment with the correct grade, and avoidance of indiscriminate mixing of grades are of the utmost importance. When replenishing gear-box and back axle of your Morris Car insist that Duckham's Morrisol "Sirrom" (Regd.) Brand Synchro-gear and XS-Press Oils are used. Of these the Morris Manual says—". Ask for them by name and insist on getting them." Announcement of ALEXANDER DUCKHAM & CO. LTD. 16 & 18 CANNON STREET, E.C.4 - THE MORRIS OWNER IS AN EXCELLENT MEDIUM FOR ALL ADVERTISEMENTS. 7.41, ORA crs' c7k Pt I \ ( ,\- f N 1 0_ I I' OWNER.. Conindlecl by .-arcl ACIReici , . editor : e 5ucato A • ...:11- ■7 7.- - -f: ,,,,Ii, .6. .,4„.•.-0--- .-q..;„_, , ^-. V .. 4 \s9 0;■1" k.9 -4 ,, ,'. w--, A- . --,-f--' %.,•4' 41:1,3.. 0.4,0!`4.,"}:27./1 ,, Ir4 ,.,------...- ..f...,.„; t:,‘:.
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