Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys
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Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys Approved for addition to the ASM Handbook by the ASM International Handbook Committee Kenneth A. Walsh Deceased Edited by Edgar E. Vidal Brush Wellman, Inc. Alfred Goldberg Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Edward N.C. Dalder Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory David L. Olson Colorado School of Mines Brajendra Mishra Colorado School of Mines Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002 Preface to Beryllium Chemistry and Processing With the downturn in beryllium production due to changes in the international political, environmental, health and safety issues, there has been a curtailment in beryllium research and development and a significant loss in beryllium intellectual capacity. Dr. Walsh, knowing that beryllium exhibits unique and advantageous properties as a primary material and as an alloying addition, foresaw that beryllium offers significant advantages that can not be ignored if technology is to advance. Dr. Walsh envisioned a book, which would serve the function as an instructional tool to educate a scientist and engineer as to the chemistry and chemical and metallurgical processing of beryllium. This book should serve as a textbook for a short course or be complete enough to be used by an individual in self-education. This book is, also, to serve as an archive of the tremendous amount of generated knowledge, which does not need to be rediscovered. And finally, this book should offer the user a one stop resource for the necessary chemical and physical data that is often required by practitioners of the chemistry and/or chemical processing of beryllium. Dr. Walsh was concerned about the education of young engineers and wanted them to be fully prepared with both beryllium science and technology, but, also, to have cognizance about the health issues and the proper practices to handle and process beryllium ore, metals, chemicals and waste. The book is presented in the manner of an introduction of what beryllium is, its history, and its chemical and physical properties. The mineralogy of beryllium, the preferred sources, and the global source of ore bodies are presented. The identification and specifics of the industrial metallurgical processes used to form oxide from the ore and then metal from the oxide are thoroughly described. The special features of beryllium chemistry are introduced, including analytical chemical practices. Beryllium compounds of industrial interest are identified and discussed. Manufacturing processes of alloying, casting, powder metallurgy processing, forming, metal removal, joining, and others are introduced. The industrially interesting alloys are also identified and specified for their content and applications. The physical metallurgy chapter is offered to bring some conformity between chemical and physical metallurgical processing of beryllium, metal, alloys, and compounds. The environmental degradation of beryllium and its alloys both in aqueous and high temperature condition are presented. The health issues are thoroughly presented in one chapter written by experienced professionals. Another chapter is offered to describe the various requirements to handle beryllium in the workplace and the established practices that are available to meet these continuing requirements. A thorough list of references will assist the user of this book in further investigation. Contributors to this book come from industry, the academic world, and national laboratories. Each group provides their insight on beryllium technology. We would like to extend a special note of appreciation for the port of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in this project. David L. Olson Colorado School of Mines Edgar E. Vidal Brush Wellman, Inc. January 2009 Preface to ASM Handbooks Online The ASM Handbook Editorial Board and ASM Handbook Committee are pleased to update the online product with content from Beryllium Chemistry and Processing, ASM International, 2009. Suggestions for additional or revised content should be directed to The Handbook Editorial Board at: [email protected] ASM Handbook Committee Copyright © 2010 ASM International®. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS Editors of Beryllium Chemistry and Processing Contributing Editors Preface to Beryllium Chemistry and Processing Preface to ASM Handbooks Online SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction to Beryllium 1 2. History of Beryllium 4 SECTION 2. PRODUCTION AND RECYCLING 3. Sources of Beryllium 11 4. Thermodynamics of Extraction 16 5. Mineral Processing for Beryllium 23 6. Extractive Metallurgy 26 7. Beryllium Waste Recycling 39 SECTION 3. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICAL METALLURGY 8. Chemistry of Beryllium 43 9. Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium 51 10. Physical Metallurgy of Beryllium 56 11. Alloying of Beryllium 64 12. Beryllium Compounds 74 13. Beryllium Intermetallic Compounds 82 14. Amorphous Alloys That Contain Beryllium 91 SECTION 4. PROPERTIES OF BERYLLIUM AND ITS ALLOYS 15. Physical and Nuclear Properties of Beryllium 94 16. Mechanical Properties of Beryllium and its Alloys 115 17. Aqueous Corrosion of Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys 141 18. High-Temperature Corrosion of Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys 156 SECTION 5. FABRICATION 19.Casting of Beryllium 161 20. Powder Metallurgy of Beryllium and its Alloys 169 21. Metalworking of Beryllium and its Alloys 185 22. Metal Removal Processes for Beryllium and its Alloys 210 23. Beryllium Coating Processes 223 24. Welding and Joining of Beryllium and its Alloys 246 25. Adhesive Bonding and Mechanical Fasteners 268 SECTION 6. HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 26. Medical Aspects of the Toxicity of Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys 279 27. Hygienic Practices for Handling Beryllium and its Components 287 Introduction to Beryllium* Kenneth A. Walsh, Brush Wellman Inc., Retired BERYLLIUM, with a symbol of Be, was power devices to 1600 kg in the Advanced Test Conversion of beryl ore into beryllia precedes originally identified as glucinium (Gl) and is Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory. Until the the fused salt electrolysis, and several purifica- located in the upper left corner of the periodic cessation of nuclear weapon construction, large tion techniques are followed to produce high- table of the elements, as seen in Fig. 1. Beryl- amounts of beryllium metal were used in the purity beryllium metal. lium sits atop the group IIA elements (alkaline triggering device in nuclear warheads. A new modified beryllium chloride-beryllium earths). It is uniquely located near the begin- Beryllium possesses certain unique mechani- fluoride fused salt electrolysis process is sug- ning of the first short period of the periodic cal and physical properties that make it a spe- gested for the production of beryllium on similar table. Beryllium has an atomic number of 4 cial engineering material and an important principles but with an added advantage of a semi- and an atomic weight of 9.012182, and it is alloy addition, particularly in copper, nickel, continuous high-efficiency process. A beryllium unique among the elements of even atomic and aluminum alloys. With the highest modulus fluoride-lithium fluoride fused salt electrolysis at number in that it has a single, stable, naturally of elasticity and strength-to-weight ratio cou- 700 C is proposed, using theoretical considera- 7 occurring isotope (4Be ). Table 1 shows the pled with a high melting point, tensile strength, tions where beryllium may be deposited on a radioisotopes for beryllium. Its electronic struc- and specific heat and low coefficient of thermal molten aluminum metal cathode. A possible ture in its ground state is given as ls22s2, which expansion in comparison with most of the basic cell design has also been proposed. The has an outer shell of two s-electrons, character- structural materials (Table 2), beryllium has product, aluminum-beryllium alloy, can be used istic of members of the group IIA family. It potentially large applications in aircraft, aero- as a master alloy for aluminum alloy production chemically operates in the electronic hybrid space, nuclear power, and optical component or as a lightweight, high-strength material. The state of 1s22s12p1, which gives it a valence of industries (Ref 2). However, almost all of the physical metallurgy of beryllium, including the two. The position of beryllium between lithium beryllium in use is from a powder metallurgy powder processing, has been discussed. The and boron in the periodic table explains its low product since castings of beryllium generally metal processing, including joining of beryllium, density of 1.85 g/cm3. The density is the second contain porosity and other casting defects due has also been qualitatively described. lowest of all the metals. Its melting point of to its high melting point, high melt viscosity, The high cost of production and the asso- 1551 K (1287 C) is consistent with its periodic and narrow solid-liquid range (Ref 3). Beryl- ciated health hazards have restricted the appli- table position. lium also is an excellent addition for developing cation of beryllium in many branches of Beryllium has found commercial outlets specific alloy properties, particularly copper- engineering, in spite of its excellent combina- for the metal, its oxide, and in alloys, especially beryllium alloys. The high specific heat, high tion of physical, mechanical, and nuclear prop- copper, aluminum, and nickel-beryllium al- thermal conductivity, low density, high melting erties. The health issues are described, and the loys. Metal usage is prevalent in nuclear and