Se représenter autrement ? An alternative self-representation? Les médias des minorités ethniques, Ethnic minority media, entre hégémonie et résistances between hegemony and resistances

18-19 mars 2010 18-19 March 2010

MSHS, Poitiers –


Jeudi 18 mars 2010 / Thursday 18 March 2010


9.15-10.00 ALLOCUTIONS D’OUVERTURE / OPENING SESSION Partenaires / Partners - Prof. Olivier BONNEAU, Vice-président Recherche, Université de Poitiers - Région Poitou-Charentes - Mme Najat AZMY, Chargée de mission, ACSÉ - M. Reynald BLION, Media & Diversity Manager, Speak Out Discrimination Campaign, Council of Europe Institutions d’accueil / Hosts - Dr. William BERTHOMIERE, Directeur de MIGRINTER - Prof. Yves JEAN, Directeur de l’UFR SHA, Université de Poitiers - Prof. Michel AUDIFFREN, Directeur de la MSHS de Poitiers Introduction - Dr. Isabelle RIGONI, Responsable de l’équipe MINORITYMEDIA, MIGRINTER, Université de Poitiers

10.00-11.00 CONFÉRENCE INVITÉE / KEYNOTE LECTURE Prof. Daya THUSSU (University of Westminster, GB) Cultural practices and media production


11.15-12.15 CONFÉRENCE INVITÉE / KEYNOTE LECTURE Prof. Sirma BILGE (CEETUM, University of Montreal, CA) Migrant ethnicities and intersectionality

12.15-14.00 DEJEUNER / LUNCH

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14.00-15.00 TABLE RONDE AVEC DES JOURNALISTES DES MEDIAS DES MINORITES ETHNIQUES ROUND TABLE WITH JOURNALISTS OF ETHNIC MINORITY MEDIA Animée par / Moderated by Reynald BLION (Media & Diversity Manager, Speak Out Discrimination Campaign, Council of Europe) M. Faustin AKAFACK Co-fondateur de la webradio Asterisco à Bologne, Italie / Co-Founder of the webradio Asterisco in Bologna, Italy Ms. Susana ALBARRAN Coordinatrice de l'émission « Nosotras en el mundo », radio Vallekas, Espagne / Coordinator of the broadcast « Nosotras en el mundo », radio Vallekas, Spain Ms. Réjane EREAU Rédactrice en chef (international / culture), Respect Magazine, France / Chief editor (international / culture), Respect Magazine, France M. Demetrio GOMEZ Créateur du Blog Baxtalo, Espagne / Founder of the blog Baxtalo, Spain Dr. William HENRY Sociologue, journaliste sur Galaxy Radio 99.5, Grande-Bretagne / Sociologist, journalist on Galaxy Radio 99.5, Great-Britain M. Simon INOU Directeur de projets, M’Media, Vienne, Autriche / Project manager, M’Media, Vienna, Austria


15.30-18.00 SESSIONS PARALLÈLES / PARALLEL SESSIONS Session 1 – Re-présentation, mise en scène, construction identitaire  séance 1 Re-presentation, production, identity construction  seance 1 Session 2 – Mobilisations et citoyenneté  séance 1 Mobilisation and citizenship  seance 1 Session 3 – Les médias des minorités ethniques dans l’espace journalistique  séance 1 Ethnic minority media in the journalistic field  seance 1 Session 5 - Cadres et dynamiques locales, nationales et supranationales Local, national and supranational frameworks and dynamics

18.00-18.45 SOIREE EVENEMENT : LANCEMENT DE LA CAMPAGNE DOSTA ! EN FRANCE EVENING EVENT: LAUNCH OF THE DOSTA! CAMPAIGN IN FRANCE M. Michael GUET Chef de Division des Roms et des Gens du Voyage ; Service des Migrations et des Roms ; Direction générale de la cohésion sociale ; Conseil de l’Europe / Head of Roma and Travelers Division; Migration and Roma Department; Directorate General of Social Cohesion; Council of Europe Ms. Tjaša PLOHL Bureau gouvernemental pour les minorités nationales, Slovénie / Government Office for National Minorities, Slovenia



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Vendredi 19 mars 2010 / Friday 19 March 2010

9.00-10.00 CONFÉRENCE INVITÉE / KEYNOTE LECTURE Prof. Kevin ROBINS (City University London, GB) Migrating Music, Cosmopolitan Possibilities


10.15-12.45 SESSIONS PARALLÈLES / PARALLEL SESSIONS Session 1 – Re-présentation, mise en scène, construction identitaire  séance 2 Re-presentation, production, identity construction  seance 2 Session 2 – Mobilisations et citoyenneté  séance 2 Mobilisation and citizenship  seance 2 Session 3 - Les médias des minorités ethniques dans l’espace journalistique  séance 2 Ethnic minority media in the journalistic field  seance 2 Session 4 - Rapports genrés et imbrication des systèmes de domination Gender and interlocking systems of domination

12.45-14.00 DEJEUNER / LUNCH

14.00-16.30 SESSIONS PARALLÈLES / PARALLEL SESSIONS Session 1 – Re-présentation, mise en scène, construction identitaire  séance 3 Re-presentation, production, identity construction  seance 3 Session 3 - Les médias des minorités ethniques dans l’espace journalistique  séance 3 Ethnic minority media in the journalistic field  seance 3 Session 6 - Les médias des minorités ethniques dans l’histoire The ethnic minority media in history


17.00-17.30 CONCLUSION


Exposition de photos « Intérêts tsiganes » par Emilie Fernandez-Montaya Photographies réalisées en 2008 en Roumanie, Slovaquie et France. Une vision des différentes actions menées au quotidien auprès de la population tsigane, notamment par le programme européen « Roms et voyageurs » conduit par la FNASAT-Gens du voyage pour favoriser l’inclusion des Roms et Gens du voyage.

Photo exhibition « Gypsies Interests » by Emilie Fernandez-Montaya Photographs taken in 2008 in Romania, Slovakia and France. A vision of various actions. A vision of various actions conducted on a daily basis with the Gypsy population, including the European program « Roma and Travelers » led by FNASAT-Gens du voyage to promote inclusion of Roma and Travelers.

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Programme détaillé des sessions / Comprehensive program of sessions

SESSION 1 - Re-présentation, mise en scène, construction identitaire / Re-presentation, production, identity construction

Séance 1.1 (Jeudi 18 mars, 15.30-18.00) / Seance 1.1 (Thursday 18 March, 15.30-18.00) Salle de conférences / Conference room

Président / Chair: Dr. Souley HASSANE (MINORITYMEDIA - MIGRINTER – Univ. de Poitiers, FR) Discutante / Discussant: Dr. Lucine ENDELSTEIN (Université Grenoble 1 - MIGRINTER, FR)

GUEDES-BAILEY Olga (Dr. - Programme Leader of MA Media and Globalisation, Nottingham Trent University, GB) Reconfiguring diaspora-ethnic identities: the web as a technology of representation and resistance?

MARCHEVA Marta (IFP-CARISM - Université Panthéon Assas 2, FR) Internet as the ultimate ethnic minority media: Bulgarian diaspora identity strategies on Facebook

MOYLAN Katie (Dr. - Centre for Media Studies, National University of Ireland, IE) ‘That’s the way I live it’: Facilitating migrant-produced programming in Dublin community radio

PRADO Helena (PhD Student - EHESS - LAS, Paris, FR / Nucleo de Estudos de Gênero, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, BR) The Japanese-Brazilian press: renewal and strategies for representing nikkei

LEMEE Carole (Dr. - Université 2 / ADES / ATOTEM - Université Bordeaux 3, FR / Social anthropological Research Center University of Kaunas – Lithuania, LT) The Yiddish media and “Yiddishkayt” as territory and affiliation processes or sociocultural re-registration procedures

SOURISCE Nicolas (Dr. - IUT de , Département Information-Communication / CITERES - Équipe CoST-Construction politique & sociale des territoires, FR) French Jewish press as a maker of “mental aliyah”

Séance 1.2 (Vendredi 19 mars, 10.15-12.45) / Seance 1.2 (Friday 19 March, 10.15-12.45) Salle de conférences / Conference room

Président / Chair: Dr. Laurent CHAMBON (MINORITYMEDIA - Université de Poitiers, FR) Discutant / Discussant: Dr. Vincent GEISSER (IREMAM, FR)

SCHIFF Claire (Dr. - LAPSAC - Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, FR) Acting-out intra-ethnic relations online: Confrontation and exchange among new migrants and second generation minorities from North Africa

MARCHANDISE Sabrina (PhD Student - Laboratoire ART-Dev - Université Paul Valéry, III, FR) The web practices of Moroccan students in diaspora: geographical interpretations

KOUKOUTSAKI-MONNIER Angeliki (Dr. - Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, FR) Greek-American migrant organizations online: Communication strategies and identity constructions

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DE WITTE Marleen (Dr. - VU University Amsterdam, NL) Ethnic minority and diversity media in the Netherlands. Making boundaries, breaking boundaries

BERUBE Farrah (Dr. - Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, CA) Latin Americans in Québec City and their uses of majority and ethnic minority media

MOUA Mayhoua (PhD Student - CEMTI - Université Paris 8, FR) A reformulation of the identity problematic: reproduction of cultural differences through Internet

Séance 1.3 (Vendredi 19 mars, 14.00-16.30) / Seance 1.3 (Friday 19 March, 14.00-16.30) Salle de conférences / Conference room

Présidente / Chair: Dr. Laura NAVARRO GARCIA (MINORITYMEDIA – Univ. de Poitiers, FR) Discutant / Discussant: Dr. Antoine PÉCOUD (UNESCO, Paris, FR)

ANTUNES DA CUNHA Manuel (Dr. - LCP – CNRS, Paris / CARISM - Institut Français de Presse – Université Paris 2, FR) From RTP Internacional’s strategies of representation to the feelings of belonging in Portuguese diaspora

NAYRAC Magali (PhD Student - URMIS - Université de Sophia Antipolis, FR) Which ears to reach? Stakes and variations of identity constructions in Portuguese-speaking radio programs in France

VILAR ROSALES Marta, FERREIRA Sonia, SILVANO Filomena (FCSH & CRIA – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT) Gente da Nossa: The contexts of production of a Portuguese-Canadian TV show

WILLEM Cilia*, TORTAJADA Iolanda** ( * Comunicació Audiovisual, Universitat de Barcelona, ES) (** Prof. Dr. - Estudios de Comunicación, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ES) Roots and Routes. Young people from diverse ethno-cultural background constructing cultural identities using digital video

CARDUS I FONT Laura (PhD Student - Antropologia Social i Cultural, Universitat de Barcelona, ES) Indigenous video in Chiapas (Mexico) as a space for identity negotiation

BALTZ Laetitia (PhD Student - IEP Bordeaux / CEAN) Does the way the contemporary black cinema represent African Americans on screen is representative of this American minority’s reality and identity?

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SESSION 2 - Mobilisations et citoyenneté / Mobilisation and citizenship

Séance 2.1 (Jeudi 18 mars, 15.30-18.00) / Seance 2.1 (Thursday 18 March, 15.30-18.00) Salle / Room Guillaume Le Troubadour

Président / Chair: Dr. Laurent CHAMBON (MINORITYMEDIA - Université de Poitiers, FR) Discutante / Discussant: Dr. Myria GEORGIOU (London School of Economics, GB)

RATAJCZAK Magdalena (Dr. - Institute of International Studies, Section of International Communication, University of Wroclaw, PL) “Imagined Community” in the media? The case of Roma minorities in Poland and Slovenia. Representation and visibility

MANGA EDIMO Mireille Ruth (PhD Student - IRIC - Université de Yaoundé II, CM / CEVIPOF, Paris, FR) Cameroon diasporas as the “actors” and the “factors” of the transformation of the national public space

NGANGA MASSENGO Arnaud (PhD Student - Université de Bordeaux 3 / CEMIC–MICA MSHA, Bordeaux-Pessac, FR) Blacks on French television: the "Guilty conscience" behind the “new question noire”

FERRANDO Olivier (PhD Student - Sciences Po, Paris, FR) Ethnic or civic media? The minority language press in post-soviet Central Asia

MARIN Léonie (PhD Student - CEMTI - Université Paris 8, FR) Media and identity claims: The symbolic construction of the Kanak Nation through the diffusion of Kaneka music

Séance 2.2 (Vendredi 19 mars, 10.15-12.45) / Seance 2.2 (Friday 19 March, 10.15-12.45) Salle / Room Guillaume Le Troubadour

Présidente / Chair: Dr. Eugénie SAITTA (MINORITYMEDIA – Univ. de Poitiers / CRAPE, FR) Discutante / Discussant: Prof. Catherine WIHTOL DE WENDEN (CERI-IEP de Paris, FR)

NEDELCU Mihaela (Dr. - Institute of Sociology, University of Neuchâtel / Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, CH) “Netizenship”and online mobilisation: new forms of transnational participation and collective action in the digital era

FERRANDEZ FERRER Alicia (Departamento Antropología Social y Pensamiento Filosófico Español - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ES) Latin American diasporic media in the UK and the ‘three Rs’ promotion

DUMONT Antoine (Dr. - MIGRINTER / Université de Poitiers, FR) Mastering the distance. Ethnic media and migrants organizations

OOSTERBAAN Martijn (Dr. - Utrecht University, NL) Rede brasileira na Europa: Brazilian political networks and new media in Europe

HAIFEN Nan (MA. & M.Sc. - University of Heidelberg, DE) Nationalism and resistance in a transnational context. An ethnographic study of Chinese ethnic internet in Germany during the Chinese nationalist movements in 2008

CHARLES Carter (PhD Student - CLIMAS - Université Bordeaux 3, FR)

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Francophone Mormons and the internet or the discovery of a new space for religious expression, dialogue and democracy

SESSION 3 - Les médias des minorités ethniques dans l’espace journalistique / Ethnic minority media in the journalistic field

Séance 3.1 (Jeudi 18 mars, 15.30-18.00) / Seance 4.1 (Thursday 18 March, 15.30-18.00) Salle / Room Melusine

Présidente / Chair: Dr. Eugénie SAITTA (MINORITYMEDIA – Univ. de Poitiers / CRAPE, FR) Discutant / Discussant: Prof. Tristan MATTELART (Université Paris 8, FR)

ZAUNER Karin (PhD Student - Institute of Journalism & Communication Sciences - University of Vienna, AT) Ethnic minority media and journalism in Austria

BRANTNER Cornelia, HERCZEG Petra (Dr. - Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication, University of Vienna, AT) “We don’t do multikulti – we are”. Transcultural ethnic media in majority language: journalists, content, cross-media strategies and the attention of mainstream media for these products – an analysis of a media project based in Austria

SUAREZ NAVAZ Liliana, FERRANDEZ FERRER Alicia (Departamento Antropología Social y Pensamiento Filosófico Español - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ES) Immigrant minority media: Towards a democratisation of the Western mediascape? Preliminary results of the case of Spain

OGUNYEMI Ola (Dr. - Lincoln School of Journalism - University of Lincoln, GB) Sourcing and representation routines at the black African press in the UK

GRÄTZ Tilo (Dr. - Institut für Volkskunde / Kulturanthropologie, Dept. Kulturgeschichte und Kulturkunde, Universität Hamburg, DE) Community radio stations in Benin: Cultural enterprises or ‘Indigenous Media’?

Séance 3.2 (Vendredi 19 mars, 10.15-12.45) / Seance 4.2 (Friday 19 March, 10.15-12.45) Salle / Room Melusine

Présidente / Chair: Dr. Laura NAVARRO GARCIA (MINORITYMEDIA – Univ. de Poitiers, FR) Discutante / Discussant: Dr. Leila BEN AMOR MATHIEU (IUT d’Angoulême – MIGRINTER, FR)

GELPI Andrea (PhD Student - Università Cattolica, Milan, IT) “Ethnic” television production in the convergence era

MARTINEZ CORCUERA Raul*, AIERBE Peio** ( * Universitat de Vic - Comunicació Audiovisual / XenoMedia - Diversity Mediawacht – Mugak, ES) (** Mugak - Diversity Mediawacht, ES) Ethnic minorities media in Spain. A tool to create identity or a tool to maintain the dominant ideology?

REGOUT Sybille*, GILADI Morgane*, REA Andrea** (* Dr. - ** Prof. - GERME-METICES - Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE) Ethnic diversity in the Belgian broadcast media

LARRAZET Christine (Dr. - Université Bordeaux 2, FR) Blacks in Time. The influence of black journalists on Blacks’ visibility in a “white” newsmagazine

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MAMADOUH Virginie (Dr. - AMIDSt - Department of Geography - Planning and International Development Studies - University of Amsterdam, NL) Tariq Ramadan in Rotterdam (2007-2009): The framing of a controversial ideologist of European Islam in Dutch conventional media and minority media

Séance 3.3 (Vendredi 19 mars, 14.00-16.30) / Seance 4.3 (Friday 19 March, 14.00-16.30) Salle / Room Melusine Présidente / Chair: Dr. Sirin DILLI (MINORITYMEDIA – Université de Poitiers, FR / CIM – Université Paris 3, FR / Istanbul Bilgi University, TR) Discutant / Discussant: Prof. Jacques GUYOT (Université Paris 8, CEMTI, FR)

HRISTOVA DIMITROVA Svetlana (PhD Student - Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG) The public image of Roma, constructed by the Roma ethnic broadcasts in Bulgaria

MANDELL Hinda (PhD Student - S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications - Syracuse University, New York, US) Imagine what the Gentiles must think: Editors of the Jewish press on their coverage of Madoff the gonif

JUFEREVA Maria (PhD Student - The Institute of Journalism and Communication, Tartu University, EE) Representing minority: Role perceptions of Russian-speaking journalists in Estonia

SESSION 4 - Rapports genrés et imbrication des systèmes de domination / Gender and interlocking systems of domination (Vendredi 19 mars, 10.15-12.45) / (Friday 19 March, 10.15-12.45) Salle / Room Gargantua

Présidente / Chair: Dr. Isabelle RIGONI (MINORITYMEDIA - MIGRINTER - Université de Poitiers, FR) Discutante / Discussant: Prof. Danielle JUTEAU (Université de Montréal, CA)

ZABALETA Inaki*, XAMARDO Nicolas, GUTIERREZ Arantza, URRUTIA Santi, FERNANDEZ Itxaso ( * Prof. - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, ES) (** Dr. - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, ES) Beyond hiring and salary gaps: strength and profile of female journalists in European minority language media

DIOP Carmen (PhD Student - Psychodynamique du travail – CNAM, FR) Black graduated women in the French-speaking media space

MENDIETA Ana (Dr. - Departamento de Periodismo - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, ES) Discourse, representation and images of immigrant women in ethnic minority newspapers geared to immigrants and published in the Basque Country

SASSOON Virginie (PhD Student - Institut Français de Presse, Université Paris II, FR) Brune magazine

TUNÇ Asli*, FERENTINOU Ariana** ( * Dr. - Istanbul Bilgi University - Media & Communication Systems Department, TR) (** MA. - Istanbul Bilgi University - Media & Communication Systems Department, TR) Identities in-between: the impact of satellite broadcasting on Greek orthodox minority (Rum Polites) women’s perception of their identities in Turkey

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SESSION 5 - Cadres et dynamiques locales, nationales et supranationales / Local, national and supranational frameworks and dynamics (Jeudi 18 mars, 15.30-18.00) / (Thursday 18 March, 15.30-18.00) Salle / Room Alienor

Présidente / Chair: Dr. Sirin DILLI (MINORITYMEDIA – Université de Poitiers, FR / CIM – Université Paris 3, FR / Istanbul Bilgi University, TR) Discutant / Discussant: Prof. Kevin ROBINS (City University London, GB)

KELES Janroj (Dr. - Working Lives Research Institute - London Metropolitan University, GB) Mediating multiculturalism or mediating conflict?

MARIC Jasmina (PhD Student - IN3, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute - Barcelona, ES) Bonding vs. bridging social capital - the way immigrants use the Web

BOZDAG Cigdem*, HEPP Andreas**, SUNA Laura* ( * IMKI - University of Bremen, DE) (** Prof. Dr. - IMKI - University of Bremen, DE) Diasporic websites: a bottom­up re­appropriation of ICTs?

FERRON Benjamin (PhD Student - CRAPE - CNRS, Rennes, FR) Giving voice to the voiceless... or giving peace to the social order's keepers? Mexican Indians and Israeli Arabs's alternative media networks and their partners/rivals relationship with the state

AMEZAGA Josu, ARANA Edorta, AZPILLAGA Patxi, NARBAIZA Bea (Departamento de Comunicació Audiovisual - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, ES) Ethnic minority television in Europe: commonalities and differences between regional minority languages and immigrant minority languages

XAVIER GOMES Evaldo (Dr. Post. Doc. - Gulbenkian Fellow at Department of Law, European University Institute, Florence, IT) Indigenous peoples of South America’s rainforest and media – Regional and nationals frameworks

SESSION 6 - Les médias des minorités ethniques dans l’histoire / The ethnic minority media in history (Vendredi 19 mars, 14.00-16.30) / (Friday 19 March, 14.00-16.30) Salle / Room Gargantua

Président / Chair: Dr. Souley HASSANE (MINORITYMEDIA - MIGRINTER - Université de Poitiers, FR) Discutant / Discussant: à confirmer / to be confirmed

BARALDI Luca (Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena, IT / INALCO, Paris, FR) The history of communication and the construction of minority identities: the roots of Jewish self- representation during the Italian renaissance

ASAL Houda (PhD student - Centre de recherches historiques – EHESS, Paris, FR) Ethnic minority media as a historical source and object of study. The case of the Canadian Arab press from the late 19th century to the 1970s

GAERTNER Julien (PhD Student - CMMC - Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, FR /Université Mohamed V- Agdal, Rabat, MA) French cinema made by “Arabs”. From a social report to a citizenship claim and from a minority media to a mainstream cinema (1970-2009)

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MÜLLER DANIEL (Dr. - Dipl.-Journ., MA. - Institut für Journalistik – Dortmund, DE) Towards a political history of ethnic minority media in Germany

RIBEIRO Isabelle (Dr. - CES – Coimbra, PT) The media by and for the Portuguese in France: The case of the weekly Lusojornal

COMITE SCIENTIFIQUE / SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr. William BERTHOMIÈRE (MIGRINTER, CNRS – FR) Dr. Dana DIMINESCU (Telecom ParisTech, MSH Paris – FR) Dr. Yvan GASTAUT (URMIS-SOLIIS, Université de Nice – FR) Prof. Rainer GEIßLER (Université de Siegen – DE) Dr. Myria GEORGIOU (London School of Economics – GB) Prof. Marie GILLESPIE (The Open University – UK) Prof. Danielle JUTEAU (CEETUM, Université de Montréal – CA) Dr. Ayhan KAYA (Université Bilgi – TR) Prof. Emmanuel MA MUNG (MIGRINTER, CNRS – FR) Prof. Marco MARTINIELLO (CEDEM, Université de Liège – BE) Prof. Gema MARTÍN MUÑOZ (Universidad autónoma de Madrid, Casa Arabe – ES) Prof. Tristan MATTELART (Université Paris 8 – FR) Prof. Érik NEVEU (IEP Rennes – FR) Dr. Antoine PECOUD (UNESCO, Paris – FR) Prof. Kevin ROBINS (City University London – GB) Prof. Catherine WIHTOL DE WENDEN (CERI-IEP, Paris – FR)

COMITE D’ORGANISATION / ORGANISATION COMMITTEE MA. Françoise BRAUD (MINORITYMEDIA, Université de Poitiers - MIGRINTER – FR) Mme Alexandra BRUNAUD (MINORITYMEDIA, Université de Poitiers - MIGRINTER – FR) Dr. Laurent CHAMBON (MINORITYMEDIA, Université de Poitiers – FR) Dr. Claire COSSEE (MINORITYMEDIA, Université de Poitiers / GTM-CNRS, Paris – FR) Dr. Sirin DILLI (MINORITYMEDIA, Univ. Poitiers / Univ. Paris 3 – FR / Univ. Bilgi – TR) M. Maurad HAMAÏDI (MIGRINTER, CNRS – FR) Dr. Souley HASSANE (MINORITYMEDIA, Université de Poitiers / MIGRINTER – FR) Dr. Laura NAVARRO GARCIA (MINORITYMEDIA, Univ. Poitiers – FR / Univ. Valencia – ES) Dr. Isabelle RIGONI (MINORITYMEDIA, Université de Poitiers / MIGRINTER – FR) Dr. Eugénie Saitta (Minoritymedia, Université de Poitiers – FR)


Françoise BRAUD – [email protected] Isabelle RIGONI – [email protected]

Pour télécharger le programme (nouvelles versions à venir) ainsi que le formulaire d'inscription (à renvoyer avant le 28 février), consultez le site / To download the program (new version coming) and the registration form (to be returned before February 28) visit:

Ce colloque est organisé avec le soutien de / This conference is supported by: En partenariat avec / In partnership with:

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