PEKING REVIEW, Peking (37), Chino Post Office Registrotion No, 2-922 Printed in the People's Republic of Chino
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PEKI 1 lonuory l, lm (l]I IHE PL TEll trl[J0[ REL[Il0llSHlPS 4 prll 2t, 1956 l-portant Speech by A Chairman Hua Kuo-feng Advonce From Victory to Victory -- 1977 New Yeor's Doy editoriol by "Renmin Riboo," 4L "Jiefongjun "Hongqi" ond Boo" Vol. 20, No. 1 Jonuory lg'f, PEKING .1, REVIEW Published in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and German editions ,A 4. [^.fu CO NTE NTS THE WEEK : Eighty-Third Anniversory of Choirmon Moo Tsetung's Bi*hdoy Morked. ' Choirmon Huo Receives Representotives Attending Notionol Leorn-From-Tochoi Conference ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS On the Ten Mojor Relotionships - Moo Tsetung 10 Eternol Glory to Choirmon Moo Tsetung - Full-length colour documentory on mournrng the deoth of the greot leqder ond teocher Choirmon Moo Tsetung 26 Photo Exhibition "Choirmon Moo Will Live For Ever in Our Heorts" 27 \ Speech ot the Second Notionol Conlerence on Leorning From fochoi in Agri' Centrol Committee of the Com- culture - Huo Kuo-feng, Choirmon of the munist Porty of Chino 31 Advonce From Victory to Vittory New Yeor'5 Doy editoriol by Renmi,n -1977 Ribao, Hongqi ond Jiefangiun Boo 45 . ROUND THE WORLD 48 Egypt ond Syrio: Estoblishing o Unified Politicol Leodership OPEC: Decision to Roise Oil Price Published every Fridqy by PEKING REVIEW, Peking (37), Chino Post Office Registrotion No, 2-922 Printed in the People's Republic of Chino i. tI' r %""%Za% '%%% Eighty-Third lnniuersary ol Ghairman ilao Tsetung's Birthday ilarked ECEMBER 26, 1976 was the 83rd anniver- rejected the suggestion. This fully revealed the sary of the birthday of our great leader deep-seated hatred this bunch of anti-Party and teacher Chairman Mao Tsetung. Renmin elements had for the veteran proletarian rev- .Riboo and all the other Peking papers gave top olutionaries." frontpage prominence to a huge picture of Renmin Ribco also published the poem In Chairman Mao that day. Chairman Mao's Memory of Chairman Moo written by Comrade brilliant work On the Ten Major Kuo Mo-jo on December 24, L976. All the Pe- (Aprit 25, 1956) showing his revolu- king papers also carried articles. in memory of tionary activities . were also printed in .every Chairman Mao. paper. To mark the 83rd anniversary of Chairman Afso published in Rezrnin Ribao the same Mao's birthday, a full-length colour documen- day were two poems written by Comrade Chu tary Eternal Glorg to the Great Leailer and, Teh in February l97B Happg to Read Tuo Teacher Chairman Mao Tsetung was released Poems bg Chairman Moo. An accompanying all over the country beginning December 24 editor's note said: "Comrade Chu Teh's two and there was a photo exhibition "Chairman poems brim over with high qsteem and warm Mao Will Live For Ever in Our Hearts" in love for the great leader Chairman Mao and Peking. (See p. 26 and p. 27.) show revolutionary pride and the On December 24, representatives attending victory of the cause of communism. After they the Seeond National Conference on Learning had been published in issues No. 2 and No. 3 From Tachai in Agricuiture held in Peking took of the journal Poetry in 1976, Comrade Teng part in construction work for the Chairman Mao Ying-chao recommended them to Renrnin Ribao Memorial Hall in Tien An Men Square to pay for publication. But, the reactionary literary honour to Chairman Mao's memory. Started scoundrel Yao Wen-yuan in the 'gang of four' about a month ago, work on this gigantic project who controlled the mass media, truculently is now going ahead swiftly. Ghairman Hua teceiyes Representatiyes lttending ilational Learn-From-Tachai Gonlerenoe IfUA Kuo-feng, Chairman of the Central Chen Yung-kuei, Wu Kuei-hsien, Saifudin, Kuo rr Committee of the Communist Party of Mo-jo, Hsu Hsiang-chien, Chen Yun, Tan China and Premier of the State Couneil; Yeh Chen-Iin, Li Ching-chuan, Ulanfu, Teng Ying- Chien-ying, Vice-Chairman of the C.P.C. Central chao, Chou Chien-jen, Hsu Teh-heng, Hu Chueh- Committee; and other leading comrades of the wen, Li Su-wen, Yao Lien-wei, Wang Chen, Yu Pgrty and state Li Hsien-nien, Chen Hsi-lien, Chiu-li, Ku Mu and Sun Chien received all the Chi Teng-kuei, 'ffang Tung-hsing, Wu Teh, representatives attending the Second National January 11 1977 Chairman IIua and Vice-Chairman Yeh at the Second National Conference on Learnlng: Froin Tachai in Agriculture. Conference on Learning From Tachai in Iearn-from-Tachai units, the Tachai Production Alriculture in the Great HalI of the People on Brigade and the Taching Oilfield and other the evening of December 27, 1976- units concerned, as well as delegates to other conferences being held in Peking. AIso present at the reception were Su Yu, leading member of the Military Commission of After 18 days of intense work, the secorid the C.P.C. Central Committee; Shen Yen-ping, national learri-from-Tachai eonference, con- Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of vened by the Party Central Committee on the the Chinese People's Political Consultative Con- proposal of Chairman Hua, successfully accom- ference; and Chiang Hua, President of the plished its tasks and achieved tremendous Supreme People's Court success. ' The more than 6,000 people who had the The representatives who were to leave honour o.f,being received included leading com- Peking soon for their respective work posts were rades of the Party committees of various prov- tremendously inspired when they were received inces, munieipalities and autonomous regions, by the wise leader Chairman Hua and other secretaries of prefecturbl and county Party com- central leading comrades. When Chairman mittees, and representatives from advanced Hua and other central leading comrades 8 Peking Retsieu, No. 1 walked into the hall, there was a thunderous an importani speech at a plenary session of and prolonged applause. Everyone repeatedly the conference on the evening of December 25. shouted: "Salute to Chairman Hua!" "Salute In his speech, Chairman Hua leviewed the to the Party Central Committee!" "Carry out militant course traversed by the Party in 1976 Chairman Mao's behests and obey Chairman '"Rally and put forward the fighting tasks for 1977. He Hua's orders!" most closely round the said: 1976 is a most extraordinary year in the Party Central Committee headed by Chairman history of our Party and of the d.ictatolship of Hua!" "Get the whole Party mobilized. go all the proletariat in China. It is a year in which out to develop agriculture and strive to build the whole Party, the whole army and the people Tachai-type counties throughout the country!" of all nationalities throughout the country have and "Thoroughly repudiate the 'gang of four' stood rigorous tests, a year in which we have and bring about a new upsurge in building won a great historic victory. Nineteen seventy- Taehai-type counties throughout the country!" seven will be a year in rvhieh we shall smash the Beaming with smiles, Chairman Hua and "gang of four" completely and go towards great other central leading comrades happily applaud- order, a year of united struggle and triumphant photograph ed the representatives and had a advance. He pointed out that the people of the taken with them. whole country will surely carry out Chairman The same evening, Chairman Hua and Vice- Mao's behests and carry the cause of the pro- Chairman Yeh and other leading comrades letarian revolution bequeathed to them by of the Party and state also received the repre- Chairman Mao through to the end. (For fuil sentatives of educated young people who have text of the speech see p. 31.) settled in the countryside and who were attend- The plenary session was held in the Great ing the confeience, and had a photo taken with Hall of the People and presided over by Vice- them. Chairman Yeh Chien-ying of the C.P.C. Central " These young people expressed the cleter- Committee. Other Party and state leaders at- mination that they would, under the leadership tended the meeting. of the Party Central Committee headed by Chairman Hua's important speech drerv Chairman pbnetratingly Hua, expose and relent- round after round of hearty applause. An Iessly criticize the "gang of four" and make atmosphere of unity and victory prevailed new to the movement contributions of building throughout the meeting hall. Jubilant and in Tachai-type counties all over They the countr5r. high spirits, all present were fully confident pledged earnestly study Marx, to works by of winning still greater victories. Engels, Lenin and Stalin and by .Chairman Mao, firmly take the road of integrating with Chairman Hua and Vice-Chairman Yeh and the workers and peasants and settle in the coun- other Party and state leaders attended another tryside so as to temper themselves into worthy plenary session on the evening of.December 20. Yung-kuei, successors to the proletarian revolutionary cause At the meeting that day, Chen and carry the cause of the proletarian revolution Member of the Political Bureau of the C.P.C. in Chind pioneered by Chairman Mao through Central Committee and Vice-Premier of the to the end. State Council, delivered the report "Thoroughly Criticize the 'Gang of Four' and Bring About The conference was declared. closed after a New Upsurge in the Movement to Build the receptions. Tachai-Type Counties All Over the Country." Chairman Hua and the Party Central Com- (The report will appear in full in a later issue. great was mittee attached importance to this learn- - Ed.) Comrade Chen Yung-kuei's report from-Tachai conference.