Sale OEW Spring Clothing
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.. ----r - . CASS J CITY CHRONICLE . TEl-COUNTY CHRONICLE, Established in 1899 ( Consolidated OASS CITY ENTERPRISE, Established in 1881 { April 20, 1906, CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL ~5, ~9m. Vol. 4, No. 51 I I I I • I II Ir Ifl[ SUB-DiSIRiCI SPECIAL MEETING. A B!fi SHOW FOR SITE FOR ODDFELLOW TEMPLE. The Woman's Study Club met Mon- Arrangements Made for Purchase of A Good Man ORAIORICAL(;ONI[SI day at the home of Mrs. P. A. IUI~Si)A¥ Nifilll Ahr Property. Schenck. The entire program was CASS CITY'S REPRESENTATIVES Postponed in order that the ladies EMPRESS OF OGG WITH SPEC- Cass City Lodge, I. O. O. F., has might learn something in regard to arranged for the purchase of the Ahr looks his best in good WON FIRST HONORS. IAL SCENERY. the proposed library project. Mrs. property on Seeger St. and intends clothes--so does any oth- Clark of Card spoke enthusiastically to erect an Oddfellow Temple on the er sort of man. We can Contest Was Close and All the Pro- Edwin A. Wotten, Eminent Actor, to of work of the American Woman's site within a few years. The prop- make any man's appear- ductions Were We[I League and the assistance they would Be Supported by Local erty is situated within a block of ance pleasant and really Rendered. give. A special meeting of the club Talent. Main St., is a full villags lot in size make him feel the way ~as been called for Monday, Apr. 18, and furnishes ample space for the he looks. It's largely in On Friday night last, representa- ~t 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. M. Tuesday evening witnesses the ad- erection of a building to suit the coI~ the consciousness of be- tives of five of the high schools of M. Wickware when the program of vent of the first big show seen in venience of the society. ing well dressed. Huron, Sanilac and Tuscola counties Apr, II will be given. A; full attend- the city for years. On that date the ~he lodge has held options on three There's only one differ- met at t~ad Axe to compete for ance is requested as after the pro- big spectacular comedy, "The Em- properties in town--the Laing & Jane ence between good men honors in the Sub-District Oratorical gram R. S. Brown of Gagetown will press of Ogg" with the eminent act- corner, the building lot next to the and good clothes--the and Declamatory Contest. Cass City atIdress the members of the club fur- or, Edwin A. ~Votten, late of B. C. Stevenson Block and the Frost & Heb garments must be as was represented in oratory by Earl ther in regard to the American Wom- Whitney's, supported by a strong cast b:ewhite property~but finally decid- gvod inside as their :out- McKim and in declamation by Miss an's League. of Cass City's best local talent, will ed to purchase the Ahr property when side looks promise them Jessie Duncanson. A goodly number play here for the benefit of the it was offered for sale. ~o be--and most men of teachers and students accompan- ii..... ::!:!:i~ local high school. P•~.pers were made out yesterday have it all inside, It's ied our contestants. BUDS ~W0 l0 [OUR The fact that the Detroit Scenery and were forwarded to T. H. Ahr, our business to look after The meeting was cMled at 8:30 Co. owns this production is in itself' t'c owner, at Ferrel, Idaho, for his the ....outside indications o'clock and the program was carried ~ffi~S I~ AI}YA~g[ a sufficient guarantee of its merit, as s :gnafure. ::iiii:i:.:l GUNTEED for the rn, ~'ith Shoes, out without a break. The orations they have staged some of the most Clothing and Gents' Fur- and declamations were interspersed RESULT OF MiLD W~NTER AND famous plays ever produced, among ~nishings. with excellent music furnished by NEW WAREHOUS[ WARM ~NEATHER them being the original production of ~ Suits From $iO,O0 to $25 O0 the high school o;'chestra and the Ben Hur, Parcifal, the ~Witch of En- high school glee club. dot and B. C. \Vhitney's Miss Idle CliNG I:~[C~[I} With No ~njury From Frost There O. Cr0sby Both. oar representatives received Wild, A Broken Idol, The Vale of favorable places on the program Shoufd Be an Abundant Crop Bong-Bong, and the Isle of Spice. FOR STRtFLER & McDERMOTT~ N : when lots were cast toy the order of S0n. of Fruit. They carry over ~ 5,000 square feet of iMPLEMENT DEALERS. Cass City's Shoe an~ i appearance. Mr. MeI/:im came fourth special scenery. A large number of Clothing Men. ; in oratory and Miss Duncanson came The condition of wheat on April beautiful costumes and special light- Will ~nstatl Freight Elevator to fifth in declamatien. A.s all the dec- • ~ iti C]I~ ~ouLh~n cot~t~ties was ~2, lug out~i~, in fact the ~mpress of Ogg i'Jtove ~Vtachinery From One @~~@@@@@@ @I~~,~@~ @~b _ _ in the central counties and upper embraces all the features of the met- F~oor to Another. peninsula 93, in the northern counties ropolitan shm~s and the students of ¢ 97 and in the sta£e 88, the high school are to be congratu- Striffler & McDermott are erecting The condition one year ago, was JUNT RECEIVED ( lated in securing it. And our citi- a large warehouse, 40 by 66 feet in in the state and southern counties zens are also to be congratulated that size, at the rear of their implement A Fresh ~upply of ~e Celebrated 7~, in the central counties 69 and they will have the chance to see and s:ore on Main Street east which wil'l iri the northern counties and upper enjoy a real play without going to be used to house their farming im- peninsula 83. Detroit to see it. The following is plcments and buggies. The building The average depth of snow on the east of characters: is under the supervision of 1. W. Hall , BLACK LEAF SHEEP DIP i M~rch ]Sth in the southern coun- Wm. Lloyd ...... Mr. E. A. Wotte~l attd is being constructed of barn tim- ties was 0.04 and in the central eoun- Irma Crosby .......... Hester MeKim her, making it of sufficient weight t!es 0.10 of an inch, in the northern Mr. Frost ............. Jas. Hurley and strength to hold the heavy arti~ :" Wood's Drug Store .: couuties 5•15, in the upper peninsula Mrs. Loupley .......... Dora Hoadley rigs which will be stored therein. @ ¢ 7.57 and in the state ].47 inches. @ ¢ Doe Heaber ........ Clifford Gracey ,The warehouse will have th"2e On March 31st correspondents from Mrs. V~rringer ........ Mabel Seeger Loots and a freight elevator wilt lat~ all sections of the state report no Mrs. Crosby .... Flossie Sommerville er be placed in the building which in open level fields. Seth Itaskins .......... 1~ D K..eating will prove a great convenience in ]Nl~------~o~ fltcmor-~l~ ~o, The number of days protection to Richard De Koven ..... Stanley Bien transporting from one floor to an- wheat by snow in the southern coun- Empress of Ogg .... Jessie MeCallum ohtre. ties was 2, in the central counties 4, Servant ............ Geo. Livingston For many years the firm has stored in .the northern counties 13, in the have something in store for Goddess of Nile ...... Hazel Mead their surplus stock in the fair ground upper peninsula 16 and in the state ,JESSIE DUNCANT SON.T Fisherman ............ \Vm. Deming buildings. Every fall it was neces- you and your friends that is worth Fisherman's Sweetheart ......... sary to remove ±he machinery from lamations were given first neither .................... Eva Cooper the halls during the fair and this representative had to speak to a tired Demon ................ E. A. MiIier work together with the time Pond while. It will shorten up that ~_-' audience. Messrs. Keating, Kile, Usher and sumed in going to and from the fair The contest was very close and all Striffler, plantation darkies. grounds p~a~e it a great incon- ,,, 1 the productions were admirably ren- long face. You will wear that LJI A fairy drill by 20 children will be venience, especially during their busy OI .[tiered• The meeting was 'reuse with a special feature of the evening's pro- season. i excitement, and there was • a great smile that won't come off. ¸ AH gram. The erection of this building will deal of commotion when the jUdaes The proceeds of the play at Cass prove a source of congratulation to uI finally retired to pool their results• you have to do is City on Tuesday evening, Apr. 19, Striffler & McDermott for many @ When all the points had been count- will be devoted to the high school art years. ! ed it was found that Mr. McKim and fund. On the following evening--Apr Miss Duncanson, our representatives, @ 20 the company will give the same AUCTION SALE. both had first honors, and they will play in the Gagetown opera house an Visit My Store on Apr. 23 therefore represent ~]r sub-district the receipts of the evening will be fo The auction sale season is nea~- in the district contest to be held the the benefit of the Boys' Athletic Club ly over. One of the late sales is that latter part of this month• of the Cass City High School. of Luke E. Wright, one mile east and We hope that this success will be two miles north of Cass City, on an inspiration to the other students For Sale.