Volume Vii. Washington City, D. G., September 30, 1877
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VOLUME VII. WASHINGTON CITY, D. G., SEPTEMBER 30, 1877. NUMBER 31. tain etchings of the early Great Apprentioes THE CAPITAL, suspicion in his mind was a lowering of the you on the shorter distance with my carri- of the art, and were, I am happy to believe, lÄISSl b"ttérfiy colors or somber black; porte PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY social thermometer of the room so decided age ; it is at the door." on ese v lvst extremely rare. From my unprofessional that poor Carmen looked up innocently, òr t„JÎ ,? ? ? : flacons and chatelaines He accompanied her gravely to the car- SÄÄ1111 Mfel» »od beauty; THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY view they were exceedingly bad—showing chilled, and drawing her shawlcloseraround ornamenteSUSPd boxes• ,. ----filled- With hair-pins, needles , Spi i riage. As it' rolled away she buried her and a thousan. d article—s SdBe —.»>luxe , from the «rand 927 I> street, Washington, ». C. the mere genesis of something since per- her shoulders. d ou, r<, hero little figure in its ample cushions and chuck- JSHSMagasinis OI „1^ ' 'my Mr- Willian himself fected, but dear, of course, to the true collec- " I have something more to ask," said Sll »elecniions. There are quaintly-fashioned DONN PIATT, H . EDITOR. tor's soul. I don't believe that Carmen led to herself, albeit a little hysterically. C0 n ta Dln Carmen, hanging her head—"it is a great, Marie¡BHPP$3 Lna 5 1 1 ' * «« genuine Jean TEEMS : Per year, (Including postage,) $2.50; six really admired them either. But the minx When she had reached her destination she S S cologne, which, with sweet intentions, O, a very great favor." shon '?h mp0rilii iortho Patrons of this famous months, $1.50; three mohths, 75 cents—in advance. knew that the Senator prided himself on found herself crying, and hastily, and some- P ?ktl 8aro more The Senator had retreated behind his bas- snn '„,Jv ?? ? , tMteful than last sea- - Single eopie", 5 cents. having the only "pot-hooks" of the great what angrily, dried her eyes as she drew up son, and looking, I wondered at tho magic by which OLUBS: Ten copies to one address, $30 in advance, tidn of books again, and was visibly prepar- prettj but shapeless "A" or the first artistic efforts of " B"—I at the door of her lodgiiigs. masses ot ribbon and lace forms so graceful • - with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, 835 ing for an assault. I-Ie saw it all now. He leave me to be filled in by the "How have you prospered?" asked Mr. Injewelryareatewsoveltles-pensees—forget-me-not in advance, with one copy free. real names had been, in some vague way, deluded. colliers in the finest filagree, the delicacy and beauty Connoisseur—and the Senator became in- Harlowe, of counsel for Royal Thatcher, as of which is marvelous. Ear-rings of polished silvefbaliF. He had given confidential audience to the on which, with qulvoring, sensitive wings, rest bees ana terested. For the last year two or three of he gallantly assisted her from the carriage. niece of one of the Great Claimants before butterflies. Silver porto bonheur bracelets and these abominations had been hanging in his "I have been waiting here for two hours; bangles each more beautiful than the other; an« Congress. The inevitable axe had come to now, could I come from these restlietie things to such study, utterly ignored by the castial visitor. your interview must have been prolonged— nomely articles as monchoirs and lingerie—I think the grindstone. What might not this wo- But here was appreciation! " She was," she that was a good sign." not, and to appreciate this endless variety one must man dare ask of him ? He was the more .see tor herself. Mr. Willian has specially rcmem? added, " only a poor young artist, unable to " Don't ask me now," said Carmen, a little who little people in his purchaSnVfriS implacable that he felt he had already been purchase such treasures, but equally unable savagely, "I'm wornoitt and tired." who has lie tayotten? his kind thought even ei- prepossessed—and honestly prepossessed— BB1 as In showing at great trouble these beauti- to resist the opportunity afforded her, even Mr. Harlowe bowed. " I trust you will be lul articles and giving me every information to aid in WRITTEN FOR THE CAPITAL in her favor. He was angry with her for making up a fashion letter, for which I return thanks. at the risk of seeming bold, or of obtruding better to-morrow, for we expect our friend lhe 1 thls having pleased him. Under the icy polish iHliS ? , *K Pa-Por they are not in the upon a great man's privacy," ¿fee., &c. Mr. Thatcher." regular order ol fashion notes, for the reason that vou BY BRET HARTE. of his manner there were certain Puritan my dear readers, enjoy advantages not possessed by Carmen's brown cheek flushed slightly. others"", Youcan go Monflayand see, as I did, for This flattery, which, if offered in the usual callosities caused by early straight-lacing. yourself. "He should have been here before. Where GIHOPLE. [Copyright, 1877.] legal tender of the country, would have He was not yet quite free from his ances- been looked upon as counterfeit, delivered tor's cheerful ethics, that Nature, as repre- is he? What was he doing?" here in a foreign accent, with a slightly sented by an Impulse, was as much, to be "Ho was snowed up on the plains. He is AT THE CITY HALL. coming as fast as steam can carry him, but PART III.—IN CONGRESS. tropical warmth, was accepted by the Seua- restrained as Order represented by a tor as a genuine, These childreif of the Sun Quaker. he may be too late." —On Friday last the court met and adjourned with- Carmen did not reply. wiu SSV K iPIS next the court, Judge Olin, CHAPTER XIV. are so impulsive! We, of course, feel a lit- will meet for business. Without apparently noticing his manner, The lawyer lingered. "How did you —Bailiff Joshua Parker, the well-known colored There was at this time in the Senate of tie pity for the person who thus transcends man in connection with the safe burglary was dis- 1 Carmen went on, with a certain potential find the great New England Senator?" he the United States an eminent and respected our standard of good taste and violates our charged yesterday by Marshal Douglass on the charge freedom of style, gesture and manner asked, with a slight professional levity. that he had appropriated more wives than his own gentleman, scholarly, orderly, honorable conventional canons—but they are always scarcely to be indicated in her mere words. —the following suits were entered to-day : Devlin and radical—the fit representative of a sincere. The cold New Englander saw " You know, then, I am of Spanish blood, Carmen was tired, Carmen was worried, » , ii E,ic?Ifllor Bank Note Co., «1,000 for rent Carmen was a little self-reproachful, and Annie Maria Orme vs. B. F. Morsell et al, note $600 scholarly, orderly, honorable and radical nothing wrong in one or two direct and ex- and that, in what was my adopted country, U r ttppeal cases were travagant compliments, that would have in- she kindled easily. Consequently she said refeiTed Hed and properly commonwealth. For many years he had our motto was,'God and Liberty.' It was —In the case of F. A. Sawyer, Wm. F. Haines et held his trust with conscious rectitude, and sured his visitor's early dismissal if ten- of yon, sir—the great Emancipator—the icily: al, accused of conspiracy to defraud the Government "I found him a gentleman."' through a cotton claim of over $50,000, there were' a slight depreciation of other forms of dered in the clipped metallic phrases of the apostle of that Liberty—the friend of the a number who testified pro and con, and the areu- merit, and for as many years had been as commonwealth he represented. (To be continued.] mentsot oounsel tended further to mystify the iurv down-trodden and oppressed—that I, as a Suffice It to say, the case was given to the iury after regularly returned to his seat by his con- So that in a few moments the black, curly child, first knew. In the histories of this the argument of District Attorney W ells, at 3 p. m. stituency with equally conscious rectitude head of the little artist and the white, flow great country I have read of you, I have FASHION NOTES. It is quite evident to my mind that in the days in themselves, and an equal skepticism re- ing locks of the Senator were close together learned your orations. I have longed to n lomon the A11 Appeal for Organization. m? ' sage," wrote with sficti positfve- To the Mechanics of the District of Columbia- garding others. Removed by his nature bending over the rack that contained the en hear you in your own pulpit deliver the ness: 'There is nothing new under the sun," there •beyond the reach of certain temptations, were in existence no Premieres of the modiste world A be undersigned, a committee appointed by Co- gravings.j,It was then that Carmen, listen- creed of my ancestors. To hear you, of no .ouyeleres to send forth each month from their deli lumbia Typographical Union No. 101, respectfully and by circumstances beyond even the ing to a graphic description of the early rise hngere bewildering masses of lace and flowers, trail-1 call your attention to the following preamble and res- yourself, speak, ah! Uadre de dios ! what in olutions and invite your active co-operation in the knowledge of others, his social and politi- ? skirts of sheeny silk, draped by scarfs of heavy of Art in the Netherlands, forgot herself shall I say—speak the oration eloquent—to velvet, finished by cuirass basque or polonnalse or objects therein set torth : cal integrity was spotless.