[email protected] References: P/2016/0160 00609/Q/P14 Address: Feltham Railway Station, Station Approach, Feltham, TW13 4BY Ward: Hanworth Park Ward Proposal: Construction of Shared Use (Cycle & Pedestrian) Bridge over the operational railway with associated landscaping and highway mitigation works including the widening of Hounslow Road and the bridge over Longford River to facilitate the re - direction of traffic following the closure of the Bedfont Lane level crossing and part Bedfont Lane itself to through traffic between the High Street and New Road Drawings: 0023 A04, 0015 A07, 0027 A05, 0028 A04, 0029 A04, 0030 A04, 0031 A05, 0020 A05, 0033 A03, 0023 A04, 0024 A05, 0022 A05, 0021 A04, FA001 P02, Location Plan, Design and Access Statement, Construction Method Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Arboricultural Report and Lighting Calculations received on 12 January 2016, F1004 P01, F1005 P01, F1006, F1020 P01, F1008, F1009 A01, F1010 A01, F1011 A01, F1012 A01, F1013 A02, F1014 A02, F1015 A01, F1016 A01, F1017, F1007, F1001, F1002, Tree Planting Plan and Tree Constraints Plan received on 16 February 2016, Air Quality Assessment received on 23 February and Noise Assessment received on 29 February 2016. 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 The applicant seeks planning approval for a new pedestrian footbridge over the railway adjacent to Feltham Train Station following the closure of the level crossing on Bedfont Lane and associated highway works including a new footbridge alongside the road bridge (Hounslow Road), the extension of the road to the north and south of the railway line and over Longford River, works to junctions and the provision of new pedestrian access routes.