[email protected] References: P/2020/1190 00631/M/P3 Address: Eldridge House, 104-106 Hounslow Road, Feltham TW14 0BD Proposal: Erection of 51 self contained residential units within two blocks of 3 and part 4 storeys in height with associated car parking and amenity space (Amended description) This application has been referred to Planning Committee as major planning application that would require a legal deed if approved. Application received: 2 April 2020 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 The application proposes redevelopment of 104-108 Hounslow Road, vacant land that formerly accommodated a care home (Eldridge House), with 51 new homes in two blocks, with associated car parking and amenity space. The proposed buildings would be three-storey, with the larger of the two blocks also having an additional recessed storey to part of the main three-storey block. 1.2 The proposal includes 12 affordable homes (24% of the total) comprised of 8 London Affordable Rent and 4 shared ownership homes. Independent review of the financial viability of the proposal demonstrates that the level of affordable housing offered is the maximum that is viable. 1.3 Car parking and cycle storage is provided in accordance with the new London Plan standards with 25 car spaces and 92 cycle spaces proposed. 1.4 The proposal would optimise the use of previously developed land, creating new housing and providing good quality buildings and landscaping. The siting and design of the new buildings would ensure good daylight, sunlight and privacy are maintained for neighbours. 1.5 It is recommended planning permission be granted subject to conditions and a legal agreement to secure planning obligations, including affordable housing.