
PLANNING COMMITTEE 10 March 2016 Matthew.rees@.gov.uk

References: P/2016/0160 00609/Q/P14

Address: Railway Station, Station Approach, Feltham, TW13 4BY

Ward: Park Ward

Proposal: Construction of Shared Use (Cycle & Pedestrian) Bridge over the operational railway with associated landscaping and highway mitigation works including the widening of Hounslow Road and the bridge over to facilitate the re - direction of traffic following the closure of the Lane level crossing and part Bedfont Lane itself to through traffic between the High Street and New Road

Drawings: 0023 A04, 0015 A07, 0027 A05, 0028 A04, 0029 A04, 0030 A04, 0031 A05, 0020 A05, 0033 A03, 0023 A04, 0024 A05, 0022 A05, 0021 A04, FA001 P02, Location Plan, Design and Access Statement, Construction Method Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Arboricultural Report and Lighting Calculations received on 12 January 2016, F1004 P01, F1005 P01, F1006, F1020 P01, F1008, F1009 A01, F1010 A01, F1011 A01, F1012 A01, F1013 A02, F1014 A02, F1015 A01, F1016 A01, F1017, F1007, F1001, F1002, Tree Planting Plan and Tree Constraints Plan received on 16 February 2016, Air Quality Assessment received on 23 February and Noise Assessment received on 29 February 2016.


1.1 The applicant seeks planning approval for a new pedestrian footbridge over the railway adjacent to Feltham Train Station following the closure of the level crossing on Bedfont Lane and associated highway works including a new footbridge alongside the road bridge (Hounslow Road), the extension of the road to the north and south of the railway line and over Longford River, works to junctions and the provision of new pedestrian access routes.

1.2 The works proposed are considered to be an acceptable approach to mitigate the impact of the closure of the level crossing. The proposed footbridge has been designed in a manner to have a positive impact on the character of the area, mitigate harm to neighbour amenities and has been future proofed to accommodate increased pedestrian flows. The works to the surrounding highway network are considered to be acceptable on the basis that the facilitate additional vehicular and pedestrian movement without compromising the character of the area, subject to suitable conditioning.

Approval of the planning application is therefore recommended


2.1 The application site is formed of two distinct elements, the pedestrian footbridge over the railway line off Bedfont Lane adjacent to Feltham Station and the section of Hounslow Road from its junction with New Road to its junction with Bedfont Lane. The site includes a small section of land around Bridge House Pond of Hanworth Road.

2.2 A section of the Hounslow Road proposed to be widened is located within the Feltham Town Centre Conservation Area, which also includes Bridge House Pond. St Catherine’s Church is a Grade 2 listed building which sits adjacent to a section of highways works. Feltham Station itself is locally listed.


3.1 00553/2/L1 – Relocation of the existing grade 2 listed wall situated adjacent to Hanworth Road and Hounslow Road, part of St Catherine House – Approved 20 March 2015

3.2 This scheme involved the widening of the existing footway.


4.1 The new footbridge would replace the existing footbridge that provides access from a parking area off Bedfont Lane adjacent to the station over the railway line into the multi storey car park on the southern side of railway line and into Feltham Town Centre. The footbridge has been designed to facilitate additional capacity that will result from the closure of the Bedfont Lane level crossing, which does not form part of the current application. These works are planned by and will either be undertaken within the Permitted Development Rights of the site or within a future planning application. The northern side of the bridge would fill the majority of the existing parking area and provide both stepped access to its ridge and a curved walkway which includes a seating area. The bridge would extend over the railway line where it meets an existing retained section that projects into the multi storey car park, with a second ramp and staircase directly to the south of the railway line providing access back onto Bedfont Lane.

4.2 As part of the scheme the northern side of the bridge within the existing car park would be landscaped which would, in part, provide screening to neighbouring properties. The footbridge would have 1.4 metre high balustrading in the form of grey panels on its northern side rising to 2.4 metres where it crosses the track. Additional fencing is proposed adjacent to the track itself.

4.3 The second key element involves highways works to facilitate additional capacity resulting from the closure of Bedfont Lane. This involves extending the section of Hounslow Road on the northern and southern side of the railway line and over Longford River. On the northern side of the railway line the bridge would be widened to increase the width of the footpath on the western side and introduce a new footpath on the eastern side. The carriageway would also be widened to introduce bus stops on both sides of the road. New pedestrian ramps would be created leading onto the station platform. A new footbridge would be provided alongside the existing roadbridge.

4.4 On the southern side of the railway bridge the carriageway would be widened eastward into the area around Bridge House Pond. The carriageway would increase in scale and the additional width would also facilitate room for the provision of a new footpath on its eastern side in the future. This would result in the loss of a small area of parkland and trees, with a new retaining wall adjacent to the park varying in height, but reaching up to nearly 5 metres in sections. A pedestrian access point to the station would remain.

4.5 The bridge over Longford River would be extended to include 3 separate lanes and 2 cycle ways with the footways on both sides being retained. New brick parapet walls would be constructed to the bridge.

4.6 Ancillary works such as pedestrian crossings are also included within the scheme.

4.7 Ammended plans were received during the consideration of the application revising the design of the pedestrian footbridge, setting it further away from neighbouring residential properties and future proofing it.


5.1 1829 neighbouring properties were consulted on 13 January 2016 and press and site notices displayed. 6 letters of objection and 2 letters of support were received. Concerns were received commenting as follows:

Objection Response

Loss of Trees A condition is recommended to ensure suitable replacement planting

The negative impact of a 4 metre Concerns over the scale and high retaining wall (adjacent to impact of the retaining walls are Bridge House Pond) acknowledged, conditions requiring a suitable finish to the walls are recommended.

Air Quality Concerns over air quality primarily result from the closing of the level crossing, which does not form part of this current application.

Disturbance during construction/ This is not a planning ground for duration of works objecting to the scheme and is, in part governed by Transport and Environmental Health legislation.

Impact on the highways network: The plans are considered to propose an improvement to the - Pedestrian safety at the highway pursuant to the closing junction of A312 and of the level crossing, which does Hanworth Road not form part of the current application. - Insufficient footbridge capacity The footbridge had been designed in detail to address - Insufficient justification to potential pedestrian flows in the shut the level crossing future - Location of bus stops The bus stops are located - Traffic problems directly adjacent to an entrance to the station so are sustainable, - Lack of commuter parking the increase in width of pavements addresses potential concerns in terms of safety

Commuter parking does not come within the remit of the current application.

Impact on town centre businesses There does not appear to be a basis for this concern, many of the improvements have been designed to facilitate improvements to the town centre.

5.2 The Environment Agency and Transport for London both responded to state they had no objection to the scheme.

5.3 The application was added to the pending list for week 7 (19 February 2016 – 26 February 2016) where it was stated the application was being forwarded to a planning committee.


Determining applications for full or outline planning permission

6.1 The determination must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Local finance considerations must also be assessed.

The National Planning Policy Framework

6.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) came into force on 27 March 2012, and from April 2014 National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) in the form of an online guidance resource to support the NPPF came into effect. The Local Planning Authority (LPA) considers that, where pertinent, the NPPF and NPPG are material considerations and as such, will be taken into account in decision-making as appropriate.

The Development Plan

6.3 The Development Plan for the Borough comprises the Council's Local Plan (adopted by the Council on 15 September 2015), the West London Waste Plan and the London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2011.

The Local Plan documents can be viewed on the Planning Policy pages of the Hounslow website.

Relevant Local Plan Policies

TC1 Town and Neighbourhood Centre Network

TC2 Ensuring the Future Vitality of Town Centres

CC1 Context and Character

CC2 Urban Design and Architecture

CC4 Heritage

EC1 Strategic Transport Connections

EC2 Developing a Sustainable Local Transport Network


EQ1 Energy and Carbon Reduction

EQ3 Flood Risk and Surface Water Management

EQ4 Air Quality

EQ5 Noise

EQ6 Lighting


7.1 The planning issues to consider are:

Principle of development Design and the impact on the character of the wider area Impact on nearby occupiers Traffic and Parking Environmental Considerations Trees

The Principle of Development

7.2 It should be noted that the closing of the Bedfont Lane level crossing and associated works to Feltham Train station, including a new entrance do not form part of the current proposal. However as part of the submission Network Rail have provided justification for the need to close the level crossing, which is on the basis of the following:

- There is a significant safety risk associated with the existing level crossing. Information has been provided relating to these risks, which will increase with the general growth in population.

- The lengthening of the station platform is required to facilitate the provision of a 10 car train service on the Reading to London Waterloo route. Extension of the platform eastwards is restricted due to the implications of the location of the Hounslow Road bridge.

7.3 The principle of these works have been supported by the Councils Highways Team, who have entered into an agreement with Network Rail to improve the surrounding Highways Network, subject to planning approval being granted.

7.4 Given the principle for the current application is to provide improvements to the pedestrian and highways network around Feltham Town Centre the scheme would clearly comply with policies EC1, EC2, TC1 and TC2 of the Local Plan.

Design and the impact on the character of the wider area

7.5 Policy 7.1 of the London Plan requires the design of new buildings and the spaces around them to reinforce or enhance the character of the neighbourhood. Policy 7.4 requires the design of the building to respond appropriately to the local character. Policy 7.6 requires high quality architecture and materials.

7.6 Local Plan policies CC1 and CC2 require all new development to preserve and enhance the special qualities and heritage of an area and state that the Council will promote and support high quality urban design and architecture to create attractive, distinctive, and liveable places. Policy CC4 seeks to conserve and enhance the significance of the boroughs heritage assets.

7.7 The new footbridge over the railway line would replace an existing bridge which is clearly of limited architectural value and as such no design concerns arise from the principle of a replacement scheme.

7.8 The new footbridge has been designed to offer visual interest to the area, with the provision of landscaping in place of the existing hardstanding (the car park). The overall scale of the bridge is guided by access requirements but additional features, including benches are proposed and an analysis of materials in the area has been undertaken to ensure suitable materials are proposed. The result is considered to be a design improvement to the area, complying with policies CC1 and CC2 of the Local Plan.

7.9 The design approach to the Hounslow Road alterations is functional, lead by the necessity of improved access and highway safety. Notwithstanding this the alterations are considered not to detract from the character of the area, including the Feltham Town Centre Conservation Area and listed St Catherine’s House.

7.10 An area raised as a concern by local residents, which appears to be the most significant impact resulting from these works is the scale of the retaining wall to the east side of the road bridge over the railway line. Due to the widening of the of the bridge eastward it would encroach into open space on this side, of most significant concerns being Bridge House Pond. The result of this encroachment is the loss of a small area of green space, including trees, and the formation of a retaining wall directly adjacent to the side of the park at some points reaching approximately 5 metres in height.

7.11 Having provided justification for the need for such works this alone is considered not to provide sustainable grounds for refusing the application, but this is subject to conditions being attached to the scheme requiring works to be undertaken to this wall to improve its appearance and replacement planting. Given the nature of this development it is recommended that the details relating to these conditions should be subject to consultation with the Local Area Forum and the Friends of Bridge House Pond Group.

7.12 As such the proposal is considered to be acceptable in design terms and to maintain the character and appearance of the area, complying with policies CC1 and CC2 of the Local Plan.

Impact on nearby occupiers

7.13 Policy CC2 of the Local Plan states that new development should protect the amenities of existing occupiers.

7.14 In general the proposed works are considered not to give rise to significant concerns in terms of impact on neighbour amenities. The increased scale of the highways network does not give rise to any concerns in terms of loss of privacy, light or outlook to neighbouring properties and the footbridge, being set away from neighbouring dwellings and relatively lightweight in bulk would not appear overbearing. There is the potential issue of overlooking from the bridge into dwellings fronting Sydney Road. However with the provision of amended plans, moving the footbridge away from these properties and screening (both through vegetation and panels) these potential concerns are considered to be overcome.

7.15 As such the proposal is considered to comply with policy CC2 of the Local Plan.

Traffic and Parking

7.16 On the basis that the scheme would serve to facilitate improved public transport facilities, including bus stops and an extended railway station platform the proposal would clearly comply with the aims and objectives of the Councils sustainable transport policies. 7.17 The scheme would result in the closure of the Sydney Road car park to facilitate the provision of the new footbridge and landscaped area. However this is a Council owned car park which has been underused. Work undertaken by the Councils Highways Team suggest that parking may be sufficiently re - provisioned within the underused New Road car park, within which 5 additional spaces will be proposed. 7.18 The highways works proposed are the result of extensive modelling undertaken by the Councils Highways Team and as such no objections are forthcoming by either the Councils own Transport Planners or Transport for London. 7.19 It has been acknowledged that the closure of Hounslow Road during the duration of construction works (approximately 5 months) would result in significant impact on journeys. However, given the benefits of the works proposed, with the provision of both a Construction Management Plan and a mitigation exercise undertaken by the Council and given the limited controls the Planning Department may exercise over the situation these do not form planning grounds for objecting to the scheme. 7.20 A Construction Management Plan has been submitted for the alterations to the footbridge which is considered acceptable. Given the associated highways works would be undertaken by the Council a condition relating to a Construction Management Plan for this element of the scheme is considered not to be required.

Environmental Considerations

7.21 At the time of writing this report a review of the London Plan was under consultation with proposed revisions to sustainability requirements.

7.22 The applicant has provided information to suggest the scheme would be environmentally friendly; with sustainability integral to the design. On this basis, and given the sustainable transport benefits associated with the scheme the proposal is considered to meet the aims and objectives of the Council’s Sustainable agenda.

7.23 The applicants have submitted a noise report for the scheme, which demonstrated that the variations in noise resulting from the proposed scheme would be ‘negligible’, aside from the significant reduction in noise resulting from the closure of Bedfont Lane.

7.24 An Air Quality Assessment has already been undertaken for the scheme. The assessment indicated there would be an overall improvement in air quality as a result of the works, but a decrease in quality localised around junctions, particularly at peak hours.

7.25 An overall increase in emissions is of concern, but in the context of overall benefits, acknowledging improvements to public transport, cycling and pedestrian movements these are unlikely to provide grounds for refusing the application. In addition to this, more pertinently, the alterations proposed as part of the current scheme are designed to mitigate the impact of the closure of the Bedfont Lane level crossing which is itself the alteration that is resulting in air quality concerns, so refusing the application on these grounds would clearly not address this issue.

7.26 No objections have been raised by the Environment Agency to the scheme on flooding grounds. Given the scheme would create additional landscaping to reduce surface water run-off, and with the provision of amelioration measures the scheme is considered not to give rise to significant drainage concerns.


7.27 An arboricultural report has been submitted relating to the new footbridge. The report concludes a single tree of poor quality would need to be removed, with the provision of additional landscaping associated with the scheme this is considered accetpable.

7.28 The proposal would result in a clear impact on trees located immediately to the east of Hounslow Road. To mitigate harm caused tree replacements are proposed, which is considered to be acceptable on this occasion given the overall benefits of the scheme and may be secured by condition.


8.1 In response to its Equalities Duties and the Equality Act 2010, following a relevance test, available at:

http://www.hounslow.gov.uk/index/council_and_democracy/equality/eias /environment_eias.htm

it is considered that there are no relevant implications that the Council needs to assess further in this case and that, in determining this application, the Council have complied with its duties.


Some new developments granted planning permission will be liable to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to the Mayor of London and Hounslow.

CIL is payable on m2 of new floor space or where a new dwelling is created or the net floor area increase exceeds 100 m2

Mayors £35 per m2

Hounslow Housing Supermarkets, Health care, education All other uses £20

East £200 m2 superstores and retail and emergency m2 2 services facilities £0 Central £110 m2 warehousing £155 m West £70 m2

Should the application be approved this proposal would not be liable to pay Community Infrastructure Levy.

10.0 Conclusion

10.1 The scheme proposes highways improvements including a new pedestrian footbridge, wider roads, bus stops, pedestrian routes and access points to the station pursuant to and to mitigate the impact of the closure of the Bedfont Lane level crossing. With conditioning to offset the harm to the Bridge House Pond Area the scheme is considered to preserve the character of the area and not result in an adverse impact on neighbour amenities or environmental considerations.


That planning permission is approved with the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason. To accord with the provisions of Section 92(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Within 6 months of the date of this decision samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details

Reason. In order that the Council may be satisfied as to the details of the development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to satisfy the requirements of policies CC1 and CC2 of the adopted Local Plan.

3. The proposed development shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the proposals contained in the application and the plans submitted (0023 A04, 0015 A07, 0027 A05, 0028 A04, 0029 A04, 0030 A04, 0031 A05, 0020 A05, 0033 A03, 0023 A04, 0024 A05, 0022 A05, 0021 A04, FA001 P02, Location Plan, Design and Access Statement, Construction Method Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Arboricultural Report and Lighting Calculations received on 12 January 2016, F1004 P01, F1005 P01, F1006, F1020 P01, F1008, F1009 A01, F1010 A01, F1011 A01, F1012 A01, F1013 A02, F1014 A02, F1015 A01, F1016 A01, F1017, F1007, F1001, F1002, Tree Planting Plan and Tree Constraints Plan received on 16 February 2016, Air Quality Assessment received on 23 February and Noise Assessment received on 29 February 2016.) therewith and approved by the Local Planning Authority, or as shall have been otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the building is used.

Reason. To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the planning permission.

4. Within 6 months of the date of this decision full details of both hard and soft landscape works shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and these works shall be carried out as approved. These details shall include proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; car parking layouts; other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas; hard surfacing material; minor artefacts and structures (eg. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting etc); proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (eg drainage power, communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc); retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant.

Soft landscape works shall include planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate; implementation programme.

Reason. In the interest of biodiversity, sustainability, and to ensure that a satisfactory standard of visual amenity is provided and maintained in accordance with policy CC1, CC2 (New Development) of the adopted Local Plan.

5. Within 6 months of the date of this decision full details of a scheme for the treatment of the retaining walls shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall then be implemented in accordance with these details.

Reason. In order that the Council may be satisfied as to the details of the development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to satisfy the requirements of policies CC1 and CC2 of the adopted Local Plan.

6. Notwithstanding the approved plans within 6 months of the date of this decision there shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected. The boundary treatment shall be completed before (the use hereby permitted is commenced) or (before the building(s) is/are occupied) or (in accordance with a timetable agreed in writing with the local planning authority). Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason. To safeguard the visual amenities of the locality and privacy of adjoining properties in accordance with policy CC1, CC2 (New Development) of the adopted Local Plan.

7. The scheme hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the Construction Method Statement (revision 2) submitted on 12 January 2016.

Reason: To ensure the free flow of traffic is not unduly compromised in accordance with policy SC2 of the adopted Local Plan

8. The scheme hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the Outline Lighting Proposal submitted on 12 January 2016.

Reason: To ensure neighbour amenities are not unduly compromised in accordance with policy EQ6 of the adopted Local Plan


1, To assist applicants, the London Borough of Hounslow has produced planning policies and written guidance, which are available on the Council's website. The Council also offers a pre-application advice service. In this case, the Council's suggested improvements were adopted by the applicant.

2. In order to discharge conditions 2, 4, 5 and 6 the Bedfont, Feltham and Hanworth Area Forum and Friends of Bridge House Pond Group will need to have been consulted.