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Rodenticides Rodenticides • Types and Oregon Registrations • Risks to People, Pets, and Wildlife • Safe Use Practices • Recent Changes to Regulations Grant Jackson, Oregon Department of Agriculture Pesticides Program 503-986-4553 Rat Joke: Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus) California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi) House Mouse (Mus musculus) Types of Rodenticides 1st Generation Anticoagulants 2nd Generation Anticoagulants Non-Anticoagulants 1st Generation • Warfarin Anticoagulants 3 products registered in Oregon • Developed in 1940’s and 50’s • Chlorophacinone • Require multiple feedings, 14 products registered in Oregon less toxic to non-target species • Prevent normal blood- • Diphacinone clotting in mammals 41 products labeled in Oregon • Resistance problems (d-CON bait stations) DIRECTIONSFORUSE PRECAUTIONARYSTATEMENTS It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. READ Hazard to Humans and Domestic Animals THISLABEL and followall use directionsand use precautions. USE RESTRICTIONS:Use only to control pocket gophers (Thomomys spp. and Geomys spp.) on lawns, golf courses, alfalfa fields, rangeland, orchardsandgroves, andnon-cropareas. Bait must be CAUTION:Maybeharmful if swallowedor absorbedthroughtheskinbecausethis product applied directly into pocket gophers' burrow systems. Only apply bait underground. Apply only for reduces the clotting ability of blood and causes bleeding. Keep away from children, domestic animals and pets. the sites, pests and applicationmethodsspecifiedon this label. Donot get ineyes, onskin, or onclothing. Anypersonwhoretrievescarcassesor unusedbait followingapplication of thisproduct must wear gloves. All handlers(includingapplicators), must wear longsleevedshirt andlongpants, Application Directions: Burrowingpocket gophers throwout low, fan-shapedmounds oneither side shoesplussocks,andgloves. of their undergroundtunnel. Theselateral tunnels comingtothesurfaceareontheflat sideof the fan USER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such andthese holes pluggedwith loosesoil. instructionsfor washables, usedetergent andhot water. KeepandwashPPEseparately fromother laundry. Remove Treatment:Can be made inone or both of thefollowingways. PPEimmediately after handlingthisproduct. Washtheoutsideof glovesbeforeremoving. Assoonaspossible, wash 1.With a long-handled tablespoon, carefully remove the plug on the flat side of the fan. Carefully hands thoroughly after applying bait and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet and insert 1/2 cup of bait as far down into the hole as possible.Re-close the opening, using care not to changeintocleanclothing. cover the bait withsoil. FIRSTAID:Havethislabel withyouwhenobtainingtreatmentadvice. 2.Usingametal rod, probe 6–12 inches deeptolocatethemaintunnel. Consult diagrambelowfor Call apoisoncontrol center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Havepersonsipaglass location to probe. Drop 1/2 cup of bait into the tunnel and cover the hole so light will not enter the If swallowed: tunnel system. of water if able toswallow. Do not inducevomiting unlesstold todo so by the poisoncontrol center or doctor. If Consult Federal and State rodent control bulletins for a full discussion of pocket gopher burrowing in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for habits. Make 2–3 treatments per burrow system. Wearing gloves, immediately bury dead animals treatment advice. andspilledbait foundonsoil surface. Maintainaconstant supply of bait in theburrowsystemfor as POCKETGOPHERBAIT long as there isgopher activity. Do not apply bait on surface of soil. If on skin or clothing: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with plenty of cool water for 15-20 minutes. Call a poisoncontrol center or doctor for treatment advice. If inhaled: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or ambulance, then give artificial FORTHE CONTROL OF respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth,if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatmentadvice. RIGHTRIGHTWAYWAY WRONGWAYSWAYS NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Contains, chlorophacinone, an anticoagulant. For humans that have ingested this POCKET GOPHERSONLY product, or have obvious poisoning symptoms (bleeding) or prolonged prothrombin times, give Vitamin K1 by This product may onlybe usedtocontrol pocket intramuscularor oral administration.Check prothrombintimeevery3days until valuesreturntonormal. gophersinmanual,below-ground applications. TREATMENT FOR PET POISONING: If animal eats bait, call veterinarian atonce. NOTE TO VETERINARIAN: Anticoagulant Chlorophacinone: For animals ingesting bait and/or showing poisoningsigns (bleedingor elevated prothrombintimes), giveVitamin K1. Active Ingredient: chlorophacinone . 0.005% ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Thisproduct istoxictofishandwildlife. Dogsandotherpredatoryandscavenging Inert Ingredients . 99.995% mammals and birds might be poisoned if they feed upon animals that have eaten the bait. Do not apply directly to Total . 100.000% water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Runoff also may be hazardous to aquatic MAIN RUN organisms inwater adjacent totreated areas. KEEPOUT OF REACH Theright and thewrong ways touse a probefor poisoning gophers are shown above. Besure that OF CHILDREN bait is in the main runway - not in the laterals or imbedded in the bottomof the runway. (13909) ENDANGERED SPECIES CONSIDERATIONS: Do not use this product within prairie dog towns in the range of the black-footed ferret without first contacting endangered species specialists, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver Regional Office. This pesticide should not be used within one mile of active dens of the San Joaquin Kit CAUTION:Seesidepanel for additional Fox in the following California counties: Kern, Kings, Fresno, San Luis Obispo, Merced, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Tulare, and San Benito. Prior to use, contact endangered species specialists at the California Department precautionary statements. STORAGEANDDISPOSAL of Fish and Game or the U.S.Fish andWildlifeService, PortlandRegional Office,for recommendations. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storageor disposal. Pesticide Storage: Store in original container in a cool, dry place inaccessible to children This product not registered for sale or use in and pets. Alaska, Hawaii, Pesticide Disposal:Wastes resulting fromthe use of this product may be disposed of on site North Carolina orPennsylvania. or at an approved waste disposal facility. EPAReg.No.7173-184 Product No.84121 Container Handling: Thisisanonrefillablecontainer. Donot reuseor refill thiscontainer. Offer EPAEst.No.7173-WI-1 Label 150-4960-0414 for recycling if available or dispose of empty container in a sanitary landfill, or by incineration, or Liphatech, Inc. 3600 if allowed by state and local authorities,by burning.If burned, stay out of smoke. W. ElmStreet Milwaukee, WI53209 UPC is (800) 351-1476 WARRANTY:To the extent consistent with applicable law, seller makes no warranty, expressed or implied, concerning use of this product other than indicated on the label. Buyer assumes all risk of 0 13549 84121 8 Net Weight: 25 lbs. (11.36 kg) Pail use and/or handlingof product when such use and/or handlingis contrarytolabel instructions. 2nd Generation Anticoagulants • Bromadiolone • Developed as a result of resistance in 1st generation (34 registered products) anticoagulants • Less feedings (single dose) • Difethialone required for effectiveness, however more acutely toxic than (12 registered products) 1st generation • More toxic to non-target species • Brodifacoum such as dogs, cats, and birds (17 registered products) • Affect enzyme responsible for Vitamin K availability Non-Anticoagulants Bromethalin: development mid 1980s as alternative to warfarin-resistant rodents. Single feed, affects ATP • Bromethalin production in nervous system. Toxic to non-target mammals and birds. 51 registered products Cholecalciferol: Raises calcium levels in blood to the point of calcification; leads to death in smaller bodies of target • Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), pests. Relatively safe in terms of secondary poisoning 8 registered products Zinc Phoshide: Highly toxic Restriced Use Pesticide. Single dose, creates • Zinc phosphide phosphine gas when exposed to H20. Used to control voles and ground 39 registered products squirrels in Oregon Highly toxic to birds • Strychnine Strychnine: Single feed, alkaloid, highly toxic to humans and non-target animals. 9 registered products (only 1 general use) Affects nerve cells in spine . Secondary risks not well investigated Risks to People, Pets, Wildlife Restrictions on Rodenticide • Pelleted baits no longer permitted for use in rodenticides targeted for routine residential Products customers • Baits now sold in ready to use (RTU) bait stations As a result of human and non- target animal toxicity, EPA put restrictions on rodenticide products available to general public Retail (Homeowner) Uses Example • No Pelleted Baits “Consumer Size” Products (Products containing ≤ 1 pound of • No Second Generation Actives bait) • Bait Stations Mandatory • Package Sizes Restricted to 1lb or Less 2nd generation anticoagulants must be sold in containers holding
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